
The Mani Wheel Project The Mani Wheel Project

Introduced to Tibet by Guru Rinpoche 10th Century AD

Created by Nagarjuna in India 1st Century BC

the 1st full-fledge Vajrayana Temple in Singapore to introduce the Mani Wheel circumambulation Project

Photo of STL

The Mani Prayer Wheel The Mani Prayer Wheel

Prayer Wheel Benefits Prayer Wheel Benefits

Turning a prayer wheel creates extensive benefits for all beings.

1. The Compassion Rays that radiate from the pure action of turning of the wheel calm our distracted mind and naturally relinquish all obstacles and negativities arising from a confused conceptual mental state. A very good mind calming practice that improve our mental stability and health, and reducing obstacles.

2. As a holy object with a tremendous merit field , the mani prayer wheel has the condition for the intended doer to overcome or attenuate bad karmic result and to eliminate the negative self-cherishing thought through virtuous accumulation.

If we constantly turn the Mani Wheel in a pure manner, year in and year out , we will accumulate great merit and form virtuous mental propensities that are filled with compassion and selfless thought of helping others. Our self-centred character MUST surely change. Then all our self-centred activities will be transformed to activities that benefit others.

Once this change becomes dominant and evidence, we now can aware that we are on the path of the Buddha to save all sentient beings.

The Mani Wheel Fund Raising The Mani Wheel Fund Raising

We need your kind contribution to fulfill the Holy Mani Wheel Project to benefit all sentient beings. Here is a few ways which you are able help: 1 - To sponsor a Mani Wheel at $3000.00/- with up to 3 sponsor names

2 - To sponsor Mani-Wheel Shelter & Support ($500.00/- & Above) Noted: name (written on registered form) will inscribe on the plate fixed to the Shelter Support

3 - To do a General amount (any amount) that is below $500.00 Note: names under $500.00/- will not be inscribed but a general acknowledgement of ‘Thank

you’ will be mentioned.
