Page 1: The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State · pellses tickets are being sold in ad ... . :1T1d rt:pair dt'IMrtrllellts

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GAME CA L L E D AT 10:30 A. M.

One of the vcry best grimes of the SC:lson will he that un Thurs­day morning, whell ""abash plays ::\1. A. C. in the 1m;! g-<lII1C for both teams this yC~lr . On account of the pressure b rollght to b<'-<lr hy Ollf L:l1lsing fri ends ami others, the time was changed fr01l1 2 :30 p. Ill. to 10 :30 in the morning. The after-1I00n will thns be left open for Hil to do as the), wish. It w itl also en:lblc Grand R:lpids boys to rC:lch hOOle .:1fter the g:I!lIC for an evening dinner. Ag:lill , those coming from Grand Rapids or Detroit to sec the g-amc will have ample lime 10 reach ]0.'1. A. C. before LO :30.

\Vahash h as !Ill exceptiollally strong' tCiull,having: been i)(:aten only by l\larquctlc, :lnd by NOlr~' D;lIne on ~ol". ::0, by the close "con' of 6 to 3. A l:lr)::'c num he r of Lansi,,:.: people will sec the con test. :l1ld Ihe lie:ll sale at thc armory, w hich opened yesterday noon, - promises that there will be a g-oodly number of students on the siJc lilies. I t is cxpeclt'd that c,lch one will gi\'e to Prof. :\J.,cklin and his men the best of support in this, the last contest of the yellr,

Ticket s for this game arc good for gClu:~ral admission only - all "Cat;;: f('Sl' n 'ed , <.ir:LI1d s tand sc ats arc ~5c,east ,Hld west bleachcrs 50C, and hox scats $ 1 ,00 addit ioml!.

T he g':IIlH: will he called at 10 :30 sharp. so be 011 to dlCer :\1. A, C, Oil to aile marc I' iclon this s ('aSOIl,



Lyster I I. Dewey, of Ihe el,lSS of '88, will ddin'r an addn'ss in the Armory on the en.:uin)::, of Dec, 6, Hilder the Hllspiees of the Botanical D ep;lrtlllCllL .\If. De\\'I'), wns in, Structor in botnn\' at "' .. \, C. frorn '88 to '90. Sint''; that linlC' hc has been with the Ul'pa rtm ent of Ag'ri­eultll re, at \V ashington, in ehurg-e of fiber p1,,"t investigations.

The ~ubjec t of i\lr. D..:wcy'~ ad· dress on Dec. 6 will he, I, Fihcr Plants ,mt! the Preparation of Fihers," and will deal Jlot onk with fiber piant!> of ou r OW11 country, but those of all parts of the world, The subject will be fully illustrated bv !:lIIte rn slides.

- i\1 r, Dewey has just returned from a trip arouml the world, ill the course of which he was the lJ. S. g'oyernrncnt represcut;ttive at the Fiber Congress held at Java.

The Bota~lical Dcpartmelll, which has sccureli l-o'ir . Dewey for this address, has receiyt'd the co·opera· tion of the R esearch Club and of the Alpha Zetas in attempting to make this one of the successful fea­tures of the season. T he address is aee, aud will probabl), be held in the A rmory_

EAST LA ... \'SD"G, :\IICHIG,L", TUESIl.\Y :,\O\'-DIBEH ZS. Hm .

[('=' ==,=?l.b,,~(5==. =='''''\]

~ ~ ~ SIGN3 OF THE TIMES ~ ~ = ~

Air a-gittin' cool all ' coolah, F rost a-comin' in de night, H icka' nuts an' wa'nuts f.1.llin', ' P ossum keepin' out 0' sight; T u'key strunin' in de ba'n\'a'd ­Nary ~tep so proud ez hi~. Keep on struttin', lVl istah T u'kev, Yo' do' know whut time it is ! .

Cid'ah press commence a-squeakin', Eatin' apples sto'ed awa y, Chi!!un swa'min' 'roun' Jak ho'nets, H untin' aigs ermung de hay, M istah Tu'key, keep on gobblin' At de geese a-flyin' souf; Oomp! dat b ird do' know whut's comin'; Ef he did he' shet his mour.

P un'kin gittin' good an' yallah, Mek me open up rna eyes; Seems lak it's a-Iookin' at me J es' a-la' in' dah sayin' "pies," Tu'key gobbler gwine 'roun' blowin'; Gwine 'roun' gibbin' sass an' slack. Keep on talkin', Mistah Tu'key, You aint seed no almanac.

Fa'mer walkin' thoo de ba'twa'd, Seein' how things is comin' ~n; Sees ef all de fowls is fatt'nin'-Good tim e's comin', sho's you bo'n ­H reas d:H tu'key gobbler braggin', Den his flce break in a smile, Nebbah min', you sass\' rascal) H e's gwine nah you atter while,

Choppin' suet in de kitchen, Stonin' raisins in de hall, Beef a-cookin' fu' de mince meat, Spices groun' - I smell 'em all. L ook heah , w'key, stop dat gobblin' ! You Olint JuTted de sense ob feah. You 0]' fool, yo' naik's in dangah; !Jo' you know Thanksgibbill 's hye:lh?

- ra ll l I_a-:~:rcllre /Jlllt bar.

~,=, ===============,~


For Benefit of Those Who Remain at M . A. C, Thanksgiving Day.

As a great mall}' have decided to stay for thc \Vabash g ame, a dance has bccil gotten up for Thursday evening in the armory. It is to b-e \'ery informal, and to defray the ex­pellses t ickets are being sold in ad­\'llJlce. The num ber sold w ill be limited to 75, and, as the re will be no decorations and simple p rog rams,

~, {forts will be confined to a good floor and music , There will be a four·piece o rchestra, and, if the ticket sale warrants it, it \\ ill be cn­larged accordiugly. En:ryLod.\· is illvitecl-students , b culty and resi· l\ents of East Lansing. Come llllci

hrinf{ your f r iends. Tickets can be procured of K, D, Van \Vagcnen, L J, Fairchild, or any of the stu· dents who have them for sale. Ad­mi!sion will be 50 cents for men, Ia<lies f ree. Tickets wi!! also be on sale at thE' door, and the music w ill begin at 7 :30 p. m.

;:\0, 10

ALUMNI] '93·

The R~:col([) i,,; ill reccipt of scy· eml public,ltion'" upon th ... subject of "Dry Funning' ill ItC'L,tio:110 Raill­fall and Ev:qJOralioll," ;"sue.1 by the D cpt, of ..,\ ;:rindturc a t \\' ash· ;11;:1011. The nl nnu sc rip t h:ls hl'CIl prepart:d parlicu!lIr!y for the gll;U' :IIlCc of prospet·t;vc seltlers in reg-ioll s of lim itc,l mil1bll, .llId con· tnins n discussion of the rebtion of thc qll<1ntity nllt! cil<l f,l etc r of the ruinfall ami of the l'\ :Iporation to c ro p procludion lIIaler dry f!trllling methods in va rious "cdioll,,; of the wcst l'rn st:ltes. T w..:tlt\'·four illlls­tr'l1 iolls, cOlisis t;ll u- lIla;"III" of !otate raitlfall IH<II'S. h:II'Z, h(!cll ·cspl.'l'i ally pn'pared b.r tIl\' writer,;, in o rde r that the distribution of tht, r"inf:lll in each stut..: lIla,l' hc more rc,ulily urHlcr!otnod. T Ill' hull..:tim; :ue Ihe result s of the \Iork of Lyman J. Brig):s , (If the ,llJOve d""s, Ph)'si· ..:lst, all,l hi" as,i~t'lJl1s.

D. S. Cole hns established an of · lil'e at 6~.3 .\shtoll Bid" Grand Rapids, as con ~lI!ti!lg en~i nc~' r :1Ilt! mt'L'h<1llical t:xpert. The move h:)s bccn mad,-' to ,r.;-in' :\!r. Cole I1lnrc tillle ;lIlhe Ilen::1opllll'llt o f h i ~ stea m turhinc, L', ~. pall'llt IIpon whil·h ha" hec n all{lw..:d, alld will he ;s"ue(\ ;n th..: m'ar future.

' yl;.

./O!;.cph B. Cutlon, for some tillle all ilhTructor iu Ollr, m,l!hl'nlati ..:s lk'p;lftmellt, i~ UOII' ""oriley for the i{ od.cfcllt: r in1l'rcsts on th l' in.H) ranges llt:ar l) uluth . }Ofr. COttOIl

\1<lS fnrm'-'rly :lIto rney for the L', S. Stet·l Corporatioll,

·U~ ,

\:orn, In l-olr. ami :\lrs,Orla L . \ .r r ~ , on ~I>\'. 15, a lktllghl<, r, EIll­ma ,\ !lell, .\1 r . . \ \ r" i~ IOI';ltl'" ;11 Birmingh:IIIl , Ala.'

'oK I::.J, Sh;tssher,gcr, of 1h..: :tho\'c

c1a,,~, i" now teachin:: m:nhern'lli<::. a l1(1 phy~iog:r:lph) III thl' publk school~ in Lan"in;..:-,


(;er;lld .\ Ill'n has heen :,ssigncd th£' tn~k of o rg,IIlLting- the Ilwnu, fa..:1urin:.:: . :1T1d rt:pair d t'IMrt rllellts for the Furd Motor Co., at their EllglluHI bel0r~. This f:lctory is located at Trafford Park, ':\1,l!lC'hes' ter, EIlg'lalHl. :\!r~. Allen ( ll arriet \\' estoll) is with her husband in Engl:llul.


A. L. C:tmphell, {oremnn of olle o f the la f[~'C s t rnnches in \V yoming, is enjoying the west amI 1l1"king good. At the recent "talc fair he h<1d ehil rge of his ranch exhibit which took highest aw;trds Oil gnlins and grasses. Mr. Carnpot!lI re· cent!y returned fr om :t hunting trip 011 the Gross Ventre Ri\'e r, in the R ockies of \V estern \\' yoming. Il l' and his partner secured three el k lind some smaller game as tro­phies of the chase. D. L, McMil­lan, with the class of '10, is superin­tendent of the above ranch.

Page 2: The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State · pellses tickets are being sold in ad ... . :1T1d rt:pair dt'IMrtrllellts



.. u • • , . .. ~" EVCU ""~.Dn D'" '' '''' TH E "GUO ... YEll. " y T .. E "'C " '''~ '' IITn.

• " ''''' '' ' Tu ' .... ~ COL .... £

B . • . r " U NCE . "" ...... " . .. t o 'TO.


ItnLer~d IU !<!L"OIld·e\ns5 "mil lOatter 81 Larudn ... !>l1c h.

AddrtollS .. 1] 8uhlerlptl<;>nS 1:1,)(1 ftdn' rthlll lil milner to th~ ~r. A O. NI':C/)'''', f!lI.!!t LIIn­Iilll!. lll<:h. .'\,ht,'e u "II cOlltdllutlons 10 l he Mann,gIHIl E (Utor.

Remn by I'. O. MOney Or(II" •. OrBit or Rel(\~l.,ro(!d l.en .. r. ]10 nOI .... nd ~1"mpS. Hu~hl""8 Orll"" " 'ltl' I.., ... r .. """ •• Villi

B or"'" Prln\lUIf (lo., ~l, .. tl~ (l mnd ."\C', So .. [,s,08InlJ. Mleh.

TUESDAY, t'l0VEMBER 28, 1911.

T lIOSE who n~lIl;lin:1\ ~\L J\. C. liurin" the Th;.IIlks., jvin'l

"" ,.. e reces:; "hQuld be th:H1kflil fur the many dfort s put forth 10 make the lime cnjo\';lhh:. The ;..:rcakst ball g:Hne of lhe ,.C;ISOll will be played at 10 :30 a, lIl, On Thursda) e\'en­ing there will he opell house at the \Vo ml!ll's hllildillg", nud a ll will be m:HIc ",dtO lTIl·. The church p:lr­lors will he Opt'11 to Ihe puhlic dur­ing" the :1ftcrnoon for so.:ial inter­course. mu,.ic, etc., :Hld ' -espe r ser­\·ice will he hdd :11 40·dock . On Frid:IY c\'c lling" all info rm :.1 dnnring party wil! be bdd ill the armory. G ood tIllls ic :lIld a good time is ns­sured,

F o r :dl these opportunities let liS be thankful.

I T is Ofll' ll ti ll' e:l:>c Ih:1( the hum­blest homc is w here we lind

the he:u'lie:>t Th:l1lk,,~i\·in~. ,tIlll the f:Hnih' is intlced to he pitied which C:IIl!I~t find sonll' thing. fo r w hich to he Ih:lllkfui. [n th i ~ COlJllcction tlw "er~eS In' Arthur L. Tubbs an: h roug:ht to mimi:

·"Thl·re is no he,lrth :>0 hlc:tk and hare

BU I Il e:n-en h:llh sent somc bll!s"ing: Ihl're :

Ko tahl l' here so s J>:lrsc!y spread, BU l Ihat :I Gra,·c should there bc


N o lift· hut owns some moment blest

Of s w eet conl~l1trnell t amI o f rest; :\'0 heart,;;o rold hUI II ~a\'l'n abon' ~f;w touch ii wnh Ihe wealth (J f

• lo\-e .

So count \'ou r hk ~~ il1:.! ~ one J,\, one At c:lrh' ;llo rn and :>eol Qf ~ u/) :' AllI.l likc:tn illce ll~ ~' 10 the "kil's Your. pray e r uf thllnl.fulllc~E ~hall

rl S~.

Look for thl! JOI-e Ihal 11<.-,iI <;:11 ~Ul'! "

The good Ihal C\l'r_\ - oullll'eJH!~ : T hus \'uu wi lea rn ' '1 .. '.Jr_,1 W;;'\ T o keep ... ""\O.~ Tnlo!lk~.!H:I' _ 'IJ ;;~ ,"


T he ~H-frbhmcfJ le:om iu\t to the t.;ni\'cr~il\ fre .. hmen :... .. Iu rdll\· . 16 to o. In :"idili'-,Il \" Co .. ,_il .\!l llley . .1\1 r . Bo wdit<:h ;tccornpanied lhe tCllm :uHillCtNi :1<; referce. aUlI l'a t ­tison was fie ld jUtI;.!e.

\Vhi le ou r leal l, :>howed as ;.; oorl knowled;;e o f football a~ ,l id the Ann Arbor Lo\'s, a Wl·t h<.-Id "\~Hle go<xi playill;'; i'nlruS" i h~l', IIf.ld lu,n­bles were f req uent. I llIl\l!IX WIIS r eso rted to often In' hoth leams. M. A. C. hns reason to fed proud o f her freshmen teal11. for they ha\'e proven thei r ability to pia)' ;mel the leaders have bl'cn rewardcd hy a position un the reg ular squad .

-The M. A. C. RECORD.


One of the besl ma ss meetings of the te rm was held in the :Irmory " 'eullcsday c\'cllinx, The stantl­iug room \\,: 11> pretty milch :tJl taken, and there w as a re \' i~' :ll of old lime enthul>iaSm which was g:ood to sec _<.I cUllditio!l hrought :I11Oul hlrg:(·I)' hv Iwo ler} forl'eful speeches. '\'erne Br:llwh, '12, :l cted as

master of cl' remollies, and 1":lt Scriher led off in Ihe yells and song"S.

J. A. Croll_I-, of L:IIISillg, was the first s peakt·r, and spoke in :\ pleas­ant !ll:lllner of lhc frien d I\' rd,ltiullS C">iSlill,,, hetwecJI l'olleg;e' alai cit\·, and o f th c inl e re,,' Ihal L,IIl",iJ;", took in all o f ~J.:\ . C:" :trli\·ities. Lan sing;'s ril i/,ens alway s Olpprcei­:lte :\ trip tu .1\1. A . C .. alld wi~h they might find it poss ih!e to min<!le morc fred), \\ itn 0 111' college fol k. The spc:l k c r pail! :. one t r ibute I() l' rof. ~Iac klin and lhcwork he hatl :tccornpli"hed-Ihat h~' had alread\, 1I1:tdc staunch friend s in i.:lllsini, and ~[, r\, C. \Va;; 10 b<' C(1IIg'1·;1II1· 1:l1l'11 ill securing his sen'ices, COIl­cerni!!;! the "' ~bash g;tlllc- if he could not come he w(llIld send ;I suh. stitlltl., :uul if possibk hath hirn:;elf :lllil his subsl ill!ll' would sec it.

Jack 130wditch "a\"{~ tlH~ "tudcnts sO;lle g"(.od :Hllil'c "'s traighl frOllllhc shoulder. li e e:t lle'! 10 mind the II'cl ctHne ;lnd promises g-in:1l '\Ir. ~1:lc klin whcn h e arri\-l'd lit ~I. A. C., and s talecllhat we had evidenlly forgollen sOllie of our pf(lll1ise~. Our dire~'tor 's w ork h:IS heen w :tldwd \\'ith ;:0 Illllch sat isfactiun Ih"t we ha\'c het'Jl ,'OI)\l'nl to ILoI hilllself anti his tcnm "!In it al l.' · If w e \1 ill :-)atur(]:I\' il will nce(\ the hdp of en·r~· loyal ~l. ~\, C . S1\I· delli , amI each OIlC "lIould pl:in to anent.! Ihe ganll' . T he bleache rs lI)\lst tlo their SI1:lre ill the cornin:.:; con test.

I twas sornewh:n of all in~ , and cau~~·d se rious all llll' par t of :Ill preSent.


:!1\:lkcn­tholl ~h t

~Ir. 0, K. \\-hitc, tidd :lg-enl of the Il u rt, IJl'p:lrtmenl , ,.tldn·:>se(! thc Il o r l . Club all T II~'Mluy ,,\'ellin~, tdling about Ihc e\!elhion w ork hcill.:( dOlle b~- th~ colle;.:'l" T hi" P:I"t .I'e:tr he ha!;. !'~'Cll hll~y {'''Jldll~·t­in~ t() ' opl'r:lli\'e cOle r cr"p and ~prayillJ,:" demon"tn,tiolH; ul! on ' r t il" ~t:tll·. For th., eOl t'r c rop \Iu rk Ihc tolle;!c furllish~·~ tlw sel·'1. while the farme r furuishe:> the laml ,lIId Iht: I;l bur 10 PUt il Ill. I.;tkr, ~I r, W hite ~:. JJs in the wh,)!.: lleiJ.;'h. ],orhoo<.! fur a de1l1(JIlstralion, whell he points ou t the re~ults. :-'o)l)e o f the"e e'"'pe:r irnel11s h :; \'e been "Oi ll " (m f',r Ihree \'(:~t r ", :11111 the r~slllt: lI :-e "u ren"t rk.tbly cOI1\'ill"il1;':- th at e\c,", 1.0<1\' in the \'it'illit\' have :ltl'Jjited 't he recon1lllclldalir,n<., of thl; l(J!i e;.:'e . T hc l>prayirt:{ e:>.pe ri. meltl;, \\ lO re COIlUUCle(1 I!II the ,,:ltIle pl:lrl . and ill m:llI~' c:,,,e,, fully 91:; per cetl \. r,f the Sweet ch..:rry c rop W;t S slIlcd :I" a result, whi le the un· ;,Jl ra~ed t ree>; rOllc.1 so \' :ldly Iha t JIll c rop :Jt a ll WilS llitn·e~I<;, 1. Such dentl1IlStrati(>lI S as the"e arlO surdy cOllvill ..:i llJ,:" the f;lrJller ~ IIf the Stale 10 put con!iden ce ill Ihe teaching-sof ,\1. A. C.


Glcnn A , Ba rc roft is doing en­ginec ring wo rk fo r lhe govcrnmcnt a t Cu!ebr;t, P anam a,


\ Vhen D. S. Bullock, '02, finished his course in agriculture a t _\'1. A . C., :111(\ sl ated his inlentio n of he­COlllmg a mi ssiona ry 1I111ong lhe Indians of Chile, mallY people ques­l ioll~d his decision, The question was • •. \Vhy I:lke: :111 agri l' llltural course if the intcnt is 10 becomc a missionary;" ,\1 r. Uullock h:IS 101le:­since pro\'~d Ihe :t'/IY, hy introlluc­illg illtO Ih:11 country .\Ill~rican

Illelhod~ oi I10ing things in ' all agri­cullurar· \\,,1)' . T hrollg-h his scien­tific t raining: he \\"IS ahle 10 tl'll th e ll:ilil'e); o f Chile many thing:" abo llt their own cvuIl\rl'. Il c thus w on thci l' n·~pe..:1 , :llIli \\':IS able to do Ih'-:III g'ITat ;,:-ood in 1Il:I1lY w:ly ~ .

' \l1o(lIer, Itc·v. John X, :>li lle r, a na tive of :\'o rt ll DakotOl , is .lu in;,.:: much the sa Ine \\ ork i,l I mlia Ihat o ur o wn Ihillock is doin ); il\ his chosen l'OUnlr\, . ~ll', ,\l i11el' has a furlough, :tnd 'w,,~ a mOSt ilil e res t. ing allli intcrc"lcd visi lo r :11 ~l. i\. C, thc pa,,1 w el·k . I [e \1:1 :> kl'l'!ily ali\'e \0 cnn·th in:.:; wilh 1\ llil'h he came ill con tact. ,mil g-at11l'red "ug:. ge~liolls and id r::I~ frulll I hc depart­ment:> hl' I' i~iled, I,'bieh \Ii fl, he S!:lIl'S, be o f grl';11 nl1 11e to hill,.

The l' i_i \Or i~ in cha rge uf :1 !I o r­lIlall railli Ilg: schoollocal..:d al PaStl rll ­

:lhi. :>Iadll)"" lJ i~t. . So l1 l h Im li" ,'lIId is attcmprill~ loy l'I·~ r.\ II1l'a liS 10 inter..:"t these lr(JI"" 660 in IlIJIIllicr, in agricult llr..: . il eh :I~,",e'l' ral acr~~ o f land in ':Olll ll'l'li()1I ,\ith hi" lIli,,­sioll ~ehoo1. nlld hen: c"'p"' r illll'rt\S :Ire going 0 11 ailihe \\ hi le . Il l' has iul,-o,I"cetl "<:v~r :11 nonherll g"n' \1 n .\l1Ier ic:I II seed". :111.1 lilltb Ih:tt IhcI do hl'1\er thnu ~ eL',j~ prodlKl·d fr Ul'1l planl:;; g: r (l1l'1I in thei r 0 11'11 d iI11:11..:.

.-\ hollt ::i5' f o f hi~ people arc ;li!­.- i!.:ullu ra li,.B, hilI arc 10,I\h 10 mlupt e methods lIlIl.,ss the.1 c:m be SIIO\\'1I that ~hl' rc is grl':ltly ilt­creascd profit l'OJllleCll'\] thl· rc with. Th cir priltcip:1I crops :Ire rice. COI­tOIl :Ind CO rll. ~ et all 'Itk'1I1pl i~ 1I"'(\e to ,'ai"c 111:111_1' o f Ihe l!trrtlwl'Il \"l'ge­tahks. \\, hl· rc irri;.::atiult is c~ rri~·d nn In :U1\' <: :>.t..:nt.l:Jlld~ :Ire worth a" hij!h a~ $)00. :!ltd e\'l'1! :1\ tll1~ price I);I~ Ihl' OI\'lI~' r f,-om 6 (0:" (;: 0 11 his illl e"t,lll'nt. Th" ~'''\1le arc:. in Ihe main. the !>:l r rcd zebu, or hUlIllK',1 speril's . \1 hieh an' h!lIl1d ill Ihe park s of Ollr c it il'S, ahhough illlpl,r­lations ha\l' h<:ell madc froll! Eng-­J:-. nd ill recent I'e:lrs .

_\I r . ~Iill cr's w ork ill India com· pares, ill a l>mall \\:'1\' , 10 Ihat ill cha rg'e of our 0 \\' \1 I'ro f. F"l"l1'h, a!H1 froll) him he was :Ihle 10 rcn'i\c m:t1I)' "aluahle pointe'rs. Il c ill­spCl'led thoroll;,::hly o llr \':l rl IS, poul­lfl' hllildill;';~, de .. ,md Sel'I1!C,1 ;::! ;eat! y ple:l<;ed wilh e">i,,ling­lion:o. :\Ir . .\I ill ... r i ~ a k Clllrn o f :,omc note, ;In<l has ~p"kl'n fr01l11he p ulpit s o f many of uu,' Amcri(':lIi citic):) 011 lhe \\ork of Indi:\ anti hcr Ilcetl;:,

T he mter;'l'Cl ioll freshmcn de­h~l leS arc P"') \ in)! ,"cry inte rcsl ill g­~Uld ill~ t r\Jc li'· e. The Ilext dehnle will hc held in room 109, A)!ri cultur Oi I 11:1 11, a ll D cc, 1\ . alld promi ~<:s to be o lle uf Ih e beSI.ve1. T he ques­lion is , "Nr.<oh·cd, Th:1t thc Kin): James \'c rsion of th e 13i ble should ile laug-ht as a prl·scribcd ~'ollrse in public hig-h sc hools ." BC\1s amI R ceder will (It-bale Ih <: attirlll:lIi\'c, :l lld 1-I olzer and Cl u te the n<:gative. T he fi rst named :I re in section :l lld lhc laSI in sect ioll 2. Seclioll 4- w ill fur nish thc judges ,


T hrough Ihe k ind ness of Dr, Ue.11, we han:: J ile follo wing' list of M. A . C . people who :lltended onc or more sessions at the big mecting­in Col\lmbus :

Dr. \\'. J. BcaL D . .) . Crash)" 'n. ~1. A . C rosb\', '0::. \ \ ' . D. ll unl; '99. Prof. J. A . .Jeffery. L D. ~:Htde r tioll, '97' L , A. Clinton, ' 89. L·. P. lI ed rick, ', :=;, \Ve ndd\ !'addul-k, '93 . J\-! o rton Barrows, '03 .

p, G. I ioidell, '$9 , 1::. Da\ l,npO rt. ·is. :>Ir,; , D:'\·<! llporl . K enynn BU \tcrficld, '9 1. 1<;\\' 1\ . Tu rner , ' 10 .

Prof. \\'. II . Frenrh . LI'lIl :l n C:trri": I·. '0': .

P;·o f. \\ ' . L. La ll n. ·ii. Fred .:>ll1mfonl. ',)0 ,

E. A. BUfll elt. '8i' Pres . SIl\'d e r and wife . Pr"f. R ,;ht. S , Sh:m . Prof. I.. H . T ;lfl. Prof . .-.:. :\1. 'I'r:IC\' , '6$. F . \\' , Il o wl', 'u9: Pres . I l ll wan! l ~dll':I rds,

J oseph . \. H o:>en . . ~.

_\ t a reCCllt ~Ii .~souri s tale f:lil' two :\1, A, C , ~irls cIJ lllj1ekd for prin·s Oil n:hihil iuns of " or k done III th~'ir r~'~]>e('til e sdlUols. Eaclt dre\\' onc blue ri1lhOIl. :Iud l':lch :d~" ,,-on vther pri "'l'~, \\ hidl rdkC\\·d e rcd it IIpon Ihe in:>l itutio!l" whieh the), repn';:el1ll'd , T he e:'l.llii>ilors were :>Ii"" I'au li 'la H"\cll. '0, . "f the :-;tate Sonn:d '-': rhool :11 \\ ':Ir­ren"hur;.:', aud ~li :>s :>! _I r Ill' Crai~, '07 . Ic,t.:he r uf t10i lll'stie :lI iel :Irt at jdfcr"OIl Cil,·, a ,;chool fo r l-olored

-\ Olll 11. .

On ~O l. ~ 1 there \\,a" IS~ lI l·d hy the Bureau of P la nt Indu ;<l r\' o f the l · . :-;, D ..:par tJlwnt of _ \ ~ r il',;l t ure a 11l11lctin l'l1lill ... d . "[{ uul K nol :\l1l1 it,; Control." I,,· I' rof. Ern,." I\. Bess..:\· . of :>1. .\. C. This ),ulk­lill iti ihc result of _e\'l'r,il n':lT~ o f im'6IiJ,!ation ,·l lrri..:.! lIn hl~ the :11I­thor while in Ihe sen in ' of Ill\' Ue­)l;t rtill ellt o f , \ g'ri~' t iltun' . Ih~· \\ o rk hal-ing- bl'l'l! .Iullc m'linh in \\ a~h ­

ill~I QII , '-':o\: th Caroli11a ";Id Fiorill;.. Thc llisl';l~l' i~ :1 dl'~trl1{'ti\- e 011(', (''']1l'('i,1I1.1 it, Ihe ~outh. alii I i .. <,a used· Iw a microsl'opk nt:molode (eel 1\:o rll1). T he ~llllle pest is \..:r~ .Ie. s lrll cli 'l' I" g:in"eng: ill Ihis ~I;I1e .

T he life hislor_,' o f the pl'~I. ib method "f atta ck, lind lIIeth ..... d .. o f pre \·elliioll. so far ,, ~ ka~ihle. arc ,k~nib('d in this b ll!lelin,

' 10.

\\'. J. T ho nw. '10, I: i\' il, i ~ with Ihe Dl·t roit Cniit'd 1<"i lw:I\' Co" in eh:l r;.:e o f Ihe F lint jli\·isio~l. ,.- h ich (li\'i"ioll COlll lel"\S Delroit and Flinl. In ,'O lllle>'1io ll with this work, he has h:ld pr'll'ticaJiyall o f Ihe sll r­" ey ing, :Illd a few probklll s in ti m _ h"r nnll Steel design. AI preSc'nt he is ill Ihe hOllle uni ce, !lwkill ); :\ l'on totl r Illap of t r:lt t upo n which he has been at work during' the su m_ mer. The company is preparing (0 nuke c"> tensi\'C Inlck ch,m;,:-cs. H aydel1, ~Iorlcy, .i\ lc PhcrsOIl and " '<ll ker ;tre wilh this compal1v, lind G . p . llurk h art was in their einploy du ring Ihe sum me r. F . Lossino­was a lso associa ted wi th ~ I r, Thom~ u ll l il within the p ast few weeks.

Page 3: The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State · pellses tickets are being sold in ad ... . :1T1d rt:pair dt'IMrtrllellts

The M . A. C. RECORD.




\\'c (::l. rry <:u: rythillg III lhe line of

Announcements, Programs, Invitations, \\' c spcri;lli7.C 011 imliddllal orders fo r Fine Statione ry - embossed or printed



.-~ MIFFLIN ' S l-h

H AT S you bu\' at Mifflin' s help you to

«look vour best" because they're alwa \'s authoritatively stded and so

carefull\" made that the v retain that" new

looking" appear:lnce that has made tnem the

favo rite of parti cular men. Caps, Sweaters, [bin Coats, Shirts - in fact all

the late furnishings.



Uhe mills IDr~ ~oobs <to. 108-110 WASH 1NCTON AVE. S O UTH

WE a l e ill larger store qllor/('rs alld "(H'C added scrcra/ /lew lines-Sllits, Cuals ,

n'ais!s, A rt l\ rccdle /I 'orl', clc., alUl ~cill be p 'eased 10 lIleel all ollr col/egcji-icm/s allast year. alld as lIla"y llc<t' friends ((:,. fossible,

./ I litl! ! ille 'It P ,/lo,{'s. ill/ills,S lied S (( lid en .. es. Come in oJU/Xe1llcqllrriJllcd wi/II liS .

.Ifake ollr slore pmI' 1ICad'll(arlcrs.

DE:;~::" Want I t;llI~tt.,. ,\ Ul(> ":;trop. E'· .... ·f(l·'''ly'''''1 ~:"'Ier~ tu _""'N [,"'''

1I0l1es illlt! Strops Saw;;; I !.Immcrs I latchets Chisels I Screw Dri\'c rs

In b et. ;wythillg" yOIi m:l'd in lwrdwurc vou will liud _ :md ;1 t price:; tu suit _ at

Norton'S Hardware

n 'E"- Y KIND Of


Cots Folding Beds


Book Cases Desks



ABOUT THE CAMPUS Thl· Idlers p1:w 10 ).!'i,·c a p;,rty

in t~l e \\' OLlll'Il ' S Buildill;.,!:oll Friday cI'ening.

On Frida\' ;\!tCrtll)on of last week the Y. \\ ' . C. i\. . ).!'irls hel,1 a ,·e ry slK'cesBful ~ale of .!:'P:IIWSe pit-tun:!'.

B. U . .Johnsoll, St;:k" Y.:\\. C. A. secn·tan' , i,. mOI·illg" illto his ncw 1101Ill' I,; Oakwood, IR'ar .I Udg-l' Col · ling"wood's, this week.

i\. r;w 1t:1I)0. '1 I, of o ur experiment statiOIl, ,lepartmellt of chemistry, spoke before the \\~o mell's 1I,,.to r i· cal Cluh, Fri ti:o\" "fteTlloon . ..,11 the subject, ' .J :lpan~5e \\"om(·,;."

During: thl· P;I St wCl·k D ean Bi s· selllcClu rcd hefore the jUll io r WOllll'll 011 stC;II11 heating ill the hOllle; I~r{)f. :::;:I\\"I·c r spoke 011 elel't rio..: light. ing-, :u1l1 th is I\'('ek Prllf. \ . eddc r will tel! them :I hou t plumbing.

The \\' omen's Societ\" of the E ast Lal\sitl~ P eople's ehi'rch holt! their ;llIIlual sale of hak ed ):{oods and {an cI' articles 011 the :lftcrnOOIl of O ce. 6. 1l1 creased fal'ilitie" ,md olltlook for quantity o f ma1<:ri"l promise mu ch for this sale. The s,l le will be held in the church building.

Chas. S . Emery, '77, for the P:Ist ten yellrs secretary of the LallBiug­ln sl;rancc Agency in L,llls ing-, has sold his interest in that compilny to P rof. W. II. Fr~'l1ch. G. t. l. Goodcll , father of Zclin Gooddl, '11, is OIlC o f the h eav}' stockholde rs in this compan)', and Zelin is asso· ciated with hi m in the work, ami is proving- a valuable Illall for the com pany.

A Thallksgi\"ing- ~cn'icc will be hell I ill Ihe dlUr.:h Oil Thurs\[o.lY at .1 p . lIl.

l ion . T. F . \\ :trston, of I h~· CiIV, a funller rlIt;mher of onr SUIte ·hoar~l. W;IS ;, (·011~·;.!~' d'iitor the past w l·e k.

I'rof. Ihhcock i;; a~;"iin at hOIllt'" , afler a "hurt ~t;l}' at Ihe Lnin;rsi ty hospi t:d. lie will rdurn this week for further treatmelJt.

' I'he fann mel'h;;nics departillent tried Ollt the bi;! ~o·hor;;e tractor 1:I;::t I\'cek . when a sLack of COrti

was shredded and placed ill the silo at 'hc hed b"rl1 .

It is pl:lIlll~d to kl'ep OpCIl house at thc \\'omen's Buildirll-! TIHIrsday e\'e ning of this week for the hene· fit of those who rem:lin al:\\. :\. C . during: Th:lllks).!'ivi ng rel:l'BS.

:\Irs. :\.Iarjorie K edzie Perkins, 'I [. o f Ibrbor Spri ngs, II ill spend Tnllnksgi~·illg with her family at .:\1. A. C .. and remain over for Ihe holid:l\"s. :\/r. Perkins (c. II.) was :liso a tlH:mhe r of the cbss of '9 I J.

'[\,'c!vco f Ollr hort icultu re seniors will j..!"o to LlIdin~ton fo r the Sta te Il orticultural meetillg- on Dec. 5, 6 and 7. They wi1\ take part ill the jlld).!'ing- :111(1 identifying o f frtlits , fo r which th ree prizes-$[5, $10 :md $5 - arc offered . T he s lime nm(HIllI';; :I re also o ffered for the 1st, ~'1l1 alld 3d best five·minute talks on horticultural suhjects of th e stu· lle nl 's own selection . T his is the first t ime for 5el·c ral yea rs that Ih is important mecting has becn held :IS far no rlh as Ludin gton .

H. E. Dickinson . '(1). is :II pres­ellt making paten ts :md f r iends at East Lansill:: a \-i"it.

).Iuch inkresl is heillg" I;lkt;!) ill oratory thi,. fall , :11 \)1 we hope "oun 10 have sOIllt:thin;..:- dennite 10 ~:ly

cO lh.:crninl' O,mtests and <;IJlltc-stallts.

T he Se~;]me J.iICT;lT\ Soriet,· ~a\"e 11 len o'dot;k in tlil'ir sOl' il"l~' rooms Fridav el·cl1ing-. ,\ soei,;l time \\',15 enjoyed and rcfre"hrnents were sc r l"l:u.

U livet has had a streak of hard Juck, and has c:ul\.:cled thl' I" rO",,· cOllntry Tl1I1 with :\1 . A . C. In spite of hard luck , ho\\"c\"l"r, she haB wall the :\1. I. A. A. championsh ip in fnothall, :lIld is to be eong ratu. latcd .

L. R . QIIC:ll, ) I I, \\":15 a col!..:ge visito r last week. :\Ir. Queal has becn forest a~sist;Hlt in the forests of north ' ·akitlla, " ·ash .. during­th e past SlIlllme r, ,lilt! was, the greater part of the lime, some l·i){hty miles from a railroad,

L. A. Clinton. '$<;. o f Slorrs, Conn., \' isitct! his olJ home in G rand Rapids Ihe past wcek, :"1(\ sWpp~ at ~I. A . c. ~r a br ief time last Tuesda\· on his re.· turn 10 the c~st . :\Ir. Clinton IV;lS assistant 10 t he director of the :\1 ich­ig-,III Expe r im ent St:l\ioll ill 1390-[893. and is now di rector o f the st:lIion at C on necticut, amI also pro­fessor of agronomy in the state col ­lege. While here he ~' isi tcd Prof. J effery' s l:tboratory, whi ch he pro­nou nced one o f the fillest he had seen.

Carl Ga.I·, with "3, i,.; 11011" acting as dll'llli~t fur the Lall,.ing- pl:tnt of the ()\\"o~"'o Su;;:tr Co.

:\ hhol "on from \0" '1110'; ill a foot. ball ;!"ilIllC S,l1urdav morning, i 10 ,.

Tlll'l 'Irc t') he fe a·sted bl' both Ch;h U ltIlt! \"~. Colk-g-e 11111 •.

:\n enjl'Y;lhle military W'15 ~il'en in tlw 'lfll1ory Satur,],ty l'\'Cllill~, with Lieut. and :\/rs. C rOll ,uul Prof. ;Ind :\Irs. Hilker:\s p.llrol1s.

T he Ionian t~'nn p:lrt.\· was held in the asselllhly room nf the ;.~ rieul_ tural buildillg" Sawnl:,)' evellin~. Prof. :1l1d -'I r". IIaJlig-:m acted as patrOIll;.

The :\1. A. C. :I IU111 1;i C:l tulo;..: hali been promi!<cd carly ;11 DC~'Clllbt'r_ rather Ihan :-;o\ell)IWr,;lS st~ll ed in ,he last RECl,UD .. \n ul1("a\led.for slip of the pen.

:\Ir. /.;lYl·ock, o f our physil·s de. pa rtmCIlI. with his class of .>upho­more )::"irl:>, rn,ulc an illspec tiolJ trip to thl' J.;msing bet"! sug-li r hctory 0 11 S;llli rday morning-.

T he Ero.AlphilUi party \Ias held in tl~c ag ricultural hu ilding- Friday e,·emng- of last week. Dr. <lnd :\1 rs. Blaisdell and Prof. :u111 .:\1 rs. " 'ilson were tlw patrons.

Experimellt St:l\ion Chemist I'at. tO~l re~urned Friday morl1iul-! from \\0 ashmg-tol1, \\ here. Oil tile zOlh, he ga\·e a paper Oil " :\Iethods for ;\ Iak . ill~ Neutral Ammonium Cit rate" before a meeting of the . \s5ocillt ion of otllci:d Ag-ricu1turttl Chemists . At the business meeting" of this association ;\I r. Putton was elected member of the execut ive committee.

Page 4: The M.A.C. RECORD. - Michigan State · pellses tickets are being sold in ad ... . :1T1d rt:pair dt'IMrtrllellts

The M. A. C. RECORD.


It completely covers !.he field of local news, poli tics, and the 'world o f sports.

Because its telegraph alld cor respondence service enable it 10 give its rcadcrs the latest generaillews of the day in ad. vance of :my other newspaper com ing into Lansing.

Have TH E STATE JOURNAL delivered to your ho me by carrier

The band prolll~naJt:: will be given sometime betweell the Thanksgiving recess ami Ch ristmas ":lcalioll.

The men 's social room of the P eople's Church will he open after-110011 5 and cvcning:s du ri ng the T hanksgiving rcco.:ss.

COIpt. Geib and Begeman will represent ~1. A. C ., :n the Detroit Y. 11. C. A. cross-country rUIl on nex t Soturday. This contest is ;1II

in vitation !lffa;r.

M iss Cathe rine Ben ham , '10, in thc bacteriological depa rt ment of P arke, Davis & Co., Detroit. \,jsiu.'d college friends last week, !Ind at­tended the party held Fri{hlyevclI­iog.

1\ l r. [tlUlO spoke before the meet· ing of the Y. W. C. A. Thursday evening 0 11 the subject, " J apanese Art." Then:- was a J:lrgc attclld· Jmce. and the talk was vcr)' inle r­eSling.

De l~ralo, R obb, and Servis, of the all-f resll1an team, have been re­(I uested to report for pracl ice on I ht regtllar fOOlb,,1I sq u:I'!. Each has distinguished bim~elf in the games this season.

R . E. Thomp..on,' 10, wa!>a co\lege \-i"itor the past week. :\1 r. Thomp. son was formerly all the Slale forest lands in Ilo rlhcrn ,:\1 ichig-all, hUI is josl now rccU\'crillg from an illlack of :lppemlicitis.

T heo..!"re :\1. ~!:lI1ll'\'. '86, is cer· tainh- m;,kill'< uoO<.I os'a farmer, if the jJiclUre I){ his t'orn crop, so.'nt hy Dr, Be-a\. C;\11 hl' laken as a sample of Ihe aop..; \\ hkh he rai!>es. :\1 r. Slalllt.·y 's brill j, Iwar Berlin , Conn.

It. I. \\'C!>I, ;\ fur mer r-J. .\. C. slulkilt ,\lui in~ lru,!ur . llits recclltly IX'CI1 prOlllotl'd to the superilltenc!· ell(:~- of the painl ~nd ,.(wish dc, partmcnt III hi~ l'ompallY - The Can.lI .... Gla,.., ~\. ,'"inl )lfg . Co .. of St. Louis. :\1 0.

The laSI injullction 10 ml: \,\ 111\

falllt' r betorc hi~ ,kalh \\:lS c"lich,,~1 ill thi,. hin;!ua.ue: "The ::-tale h:,,, b",en \'en kind HI \ou. It ha~ fur. ni,;hcd \',,11 ~ illl thl.' OC~( opportu· lIiti ... '!> '0 l'P il' ~ourself for a C'.lrccr. Do ,wt ft,r"~ I tht !-'tale in \our plans for ~.dulllc::,~. :mu ,ic\er count il :1 sauiti ... c to do all \'ou Cl1ll

with \ 011 r aloili1\' for the :;talc."_ \\'. (.Jarfi~ld, '70'

A prize uf ~ I')() ill ~ol tl i~ offe red to the collc~e SlUllclll who \\ ill fur­nish the he,,1 c~'ll~' on Ihe g-elleral subject., •. The Kclittioll of Individ· ual T otal Ab~lirH'nce 10 Ihe PrO!> · perit~· of the )..':'It;OIl." This COil'

test IS under Ihe I'IU IJCrI·isioll of lhe \V. C. T. U., alld nny one intcrested in the contest should write :\I rs. Carolioe R. H umph rey, at Adri:Ul, M ich ., Stale SUpl ., for further in· formalio n. " 'hi le the abovc is the general subject, s pecial themes may be selected. The nHlximum numher of w ords sl1ll1l be 3000, :lIld th e minimu m 2000. I f interesled, wrilC M rs. H umph rey for detailed infor· mation.

Hart. Shaffner &

Marx Clothes

Spalding Sweaters Impe rial aad Kllox Ha t s

Heid C a ps ."

Mell's W ear that proves itself t he world over.

Studtnt Salt~mtn Sc:/urdays

The Mapes Co. 20 7·Z09 So,, '1'1 W .. hlnglos A v~.

Fer }~Qrs LallsiIlE'~ Ltadillg CI(}l/hitr~.




eOliST\ tSS·rJ Tl·TES.

Roscommon Co, Roscom mon , Dec. 5, 6; :-'Iommorency Co., Atlant a, D ec. 5 and 6; C r.\\donl Co .. Grnyling-, Dec. 6 mill i; 0,· SC')!O Co., Gaylord. Dec. 7 al](I oS; Cht'ooq::-an Co., \\'oln·rinc. Dec. S lUltl 9 ;' Emtnt:l Co .. Petoskey, Dt'c. II and ! ~; \rexford Co .. :\1 anton. Dec. IZ and 13; Usc~'ola Co., Recd City. Dcl;. Ii and 15 ; .\Iissaukcc Co., .\lcl3:lins, Dec. :! I :md :~.

The followiJl;.! onc·d:IY institules will albo be helt! : .

1Jel1::;,· C"._ F'ranJ.,fort. Dec. :; BCllzonia. Oct. -I.

Clare Ce.. - .\rthur Twp. Dec. 5; I h-rri..-k , Dec. 6; Lake, IJl:c. i; Greenwood I)l'C. b' Sheridan D,·c. 9.

E IIllllf'l Ca.- ! slund \. ie\\, Dec. .1: :--tutsm:Hnillc, Dec. 6: Epsilozl. Dec. i; Brutu", Dec. S; Ely, Dec. 9'

J~'lbe.lla Co._I{OSdlUSh. Dec. I; Shepherd. Dec. 5: \\·illl). l)"c. b; Blallchllrd, D ec. 7 ami S; \\· ci{l· man, Dec. 9.

'-(Ike Co. - Chase, Dee. !S j l"il1or:<l, Dec. 19; Bristol, D ec. ::0.

.1lissauJ.·cc Co. - Shipp.\·, Dec . 16; :\lorel, Dec. 18; Star City, Dl.'c. 19; Lucas, Dec. :w.

O.fC('olu Co. - L('roy, Dec. ,,; Tusk in, D ec. 5; .:\larioll, Dec. 6; A\'ondale, Dec. 7; E\'art, Dec. 8; I I e rse)', Dec. 9.

W rx.fortt Co.- Bu cklc)" Dec. 5 antI 6; Antioch, Dec. /; C:ul ill ac, Dec. 8 and 9.

One-day institutes will also be held d uring December in Cheboy_ gan, Kalkas ka, Mecosta, j\'I asoll and O scod a cou nties.

Ahout 75% of o ur s tudents arc thankful fo r an opportunity 10 cat tu rkey at hOOle Thursday.


~ U It hall(bomc IIew line of llath Robe Blankets arc he re. ~ T hey come in :Ill attr.1cti\,e \':lricIY of styles and colors,

with Cords and Frogs 10 match. Prices, $1.00 to $3.00.

\"' hell desired we make l3:tlh R obes to m e:lsurc. These COlllfOrL,

able Loun;.:-illg Robes 1ll.lke all ideal Ch ristmas Gif!. If vou want one m:ldc, le.l\·e your order carly.

CI,NTI{,U, i"I !O I .Il.t:l.I AULE. STOHl


En.eJ'av" ... Printer. Station" ...

l.A .VISIXU • . \1 I{·JII(j.1J. N

19tJE are ~pecilny well equipped ~ 10 lupply ),ou with anything

you may need in Ihe line of CALLING CARDS, DANCE AND SOC I ETY PROGRAM S

lAwrence & Van Buren I Printing Company

Jacob Reed's Sons of Philadelphia

Are Ihe la rgest tn:Ulufa('lur~ rs

of COLLEGe UNIFOR,,",S in the t: nited St;lt~s, ami havc won and maintain the hllsi· ness In' shl'('r forcc of meri!.

Thc L' nifor1l1S worn :It

michigan }lgrlcullural fon~g~ ;lrc finishcll I:xampl..-s

of nur prothu:t.

Jacob Reed's Sons .I/,/lur. '!,!

" Gold Med a l Uniforms"

1424-26 CbtllDDt St. Pbiladelpbil

DIR ECTORY LA~' :-il)..'(; HU:-;I:--:ESS Al\D

PROFESSI(J:'-:AL :\IE:\'. T he """"., In Ih! . Illro>",ory ... s "' .. u "!

Ulo_e of Illi our oth ...... h·erU,...,,,. ",'" o f rel18bl ~ Pdrllr,. \\ ,. h,,1)(' 110"1 th ,· , .... ully and ~tuddlh ... ", IlIk .. pal"~ to palro"l~e tbo"," ,,-h.-. 1>111 ... ",. ... "".

BAKED GOODS. - [ -ItY ' I'II ~; St;W tI ,\"~:H Y-\\'I"'r<' '''II

,'''11 "el II .. "". )! ".'" Un',,'!' 1'1",. I -Hk,,~. I'unk!l'~. ",,01 "''''lIh''''ls-Ju,t !Ike' moU",. ", .. k<·s. AI-v """'/"". FIr'! duo,' "11"' nf I ..-·!\" 1·lull. ~:"'l I~""",,I' U"ktry. ~---

COLI. ~;G H oul><'. th" I.ot:.t

BARBERS"C.=--,:-:~ I" BAlb You lIe t



NT H. ~J()()H~;. n. n. s. omc~ 01-.113 1101· • 11~Il'r Illll1dlull . l ... n~lnll . :'>11"". ('III­

",,,.,. phon~. AUIO",,,II,·IIII1' .•

D 1': . PAIOI~;I.~: .;. lien Wi! .. 1I:~" Wlllb· • IOilion A,·l'. S .• f"'n~lofJ. ~I h::hl /(Iln.

AutOllla lle IIlIone. omce~, r e6Idl'""e. ~.

J 1.-:. STOl' t' t:n. D. I). S. o n!",,:!IWCI17 • !'"Uonlll Un"k I:Ildli. A"lu",,"!" phone

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LeTY. " Wh·' ... It·. ill \\, ... ,101""'011 A'· ... S . S ... ' lid.

MANUFACTUR ING AND HAIR. 7""O~-,.~DRESSING. i [ H". n. T. " A,. ~:. .\I"",,/,..-I<1rll'lI . j \ :--I'/I'''I .. ~.L'' .. ,It 1I .. !rdTt·""." .. I'nrlnr.

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D H.·OSO"1t II . IJlt l ' t :';":I .. HOII~ •. l'to ~::" ... , .... ~ 10 { .. "d j 10/1 P. , ... Sun.

d .. :r ~. I~ 10 I .. nd ~ 100\)1. '''. t:",l l.n".l" .. ,)U~b. Olt!~~". pli6n , · !:~H.

D H. 11. W. L.\:-;: no:..·. ~:C"C.,C.C"C"C"7,.C,.C.C,7,,C,:-, •. om,·,· hour,: l' \v "~IJ ". '" .. It:'" 1(1 t

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LAWIt~::-;:j'~: ,\ VA:" HI'Ht:~ I·IU~ T. ':"'; " ').-tl'''!ltl;nt'''' A ... ·nlle Sorlh. t In(' ]'.Inlln ... H01h I'hones.

AL Lt ::-;: 1' 1{I:-;:TIS(l on. ((I ('rA nd A" e_ nu~ !!OUI h. I'rlnl! "II' ", ,,I otll,· .. IHlPII!1/". 13('11 p hone IOIH. AUlunllll!C pllonll-tllP'6.

RO ln:FtT ~)I ITH PTG. CO.-Cor. W(l.~h. -"- Inll'lOIl ." '·e.llnd lonl" 51.


-] 'RY hESf)AI . r.~ SHOP for Shoo Re, _ palrl,, !! . A!1 .... ork 1I,,"rllnlfl'tl. Mil.

chine 0. Hllnd Se .. ·~ Soles. R"b".. Heel. " 'hlle YOU wall. Flue !Inc 01 Oonlecllonl'ry W .. lter~ old lI"nd. MI~hlll' .. n A \·e ..

~=:-;;-=U:NlFORMS. JAOOB Rt:t-;O 'S so:o-o~· s;.=-.2.0,.c~;;Co""C~::::,C."",

SIR Phlladelpbl". I'a. ~Ial<l'r' of "OOld Med,,' U".fo.m,.~
