
Video available at


Rebecca Juarez Huebner Elementary

[email protected]://

Leigh Anne RoeberLas Lomas Elementary

[email protected]://

Giving leaders a voice through enrichment and integration

Leadership Roles• School song spirit leaders

• Kindergarten Co-teachers

• Honor Choir Leadership Roles

Leadership Roles

Video available at

Honor Choir

Leader Interest


Write an Essay (at least 5 sentences) below on why you want this/these Leadership Positions in the Honor Choir, and why you

would be a good candidate for the job. Use the back of this paper if you run out of room!


Make your choices 1-3 (1=what you want the most) next to

the Leadership Positions you are interested in.

___ Soloist ___ Speaker, create your own script

___ Speaker, given a script ___ Student Conductor

___ Spirit Leader (leads school song at assemblies and Friday announcements)

___ School Holiday Singalong Leader (specify in your essay if you are interested

in sound, powerpoint or leading the school)

___ Choir Attendance Leader (Smartboard)

___ Choreography Leader (helps to create movements to use with the music)

Schoolwide Traditions

• Assemblies

• Last Song

• Sing-along

Talent Show

• Stage-hands

• Sound and Lights

• Emcees write script

Leader In Me Piggyback SongsLyrics by Leigh Anne Roeber | Las Lomas Elementary School

Videos available at

Habit #1:Be Proactive

(Tune: If You’re Happy and You Know It)

I am Proactive- Habit 1.I’m in charge of my life and having fun!

I’m in the driver’s seat, responsible for me.Before I react, I’ll stop and think.

Habit 2:Begin With the End In Mind

(Tune: Twinkle, Twinkle)

Begin with the End in Mind,Habit 2, my mission I’ll find.

I set goals and track progress.So I can be my very best.

Begin with the End in Mind,Habit 2, my mission I’ll find.

Habit #3:Put First Things First

(Tune: Old McDonald Had a Farm)

First Things First is Habit 3- set priorities.Get work done first before I play.What’s most important today?

Say no to things I should not do.Make a plan and follow through.

First Things First is Habit 3- set priorities.

Habit #4:Think Win- Win

(Tune: The Wheels on the Bus)

Think Win-Win is habit 4.A third alternative, let’s explore.Collaborate instead of compete.

Everybody wins and victory is sweet.

Habit #5:Seek First to Understand, Then to Be

Understood(Tune: Brother John)

Habit 5 says listen first.Ideas and feelings have great worth.

I’ll listen with my eyes, my ears and my heart.Take time to listen- I’ll let you start.

Habit #6:Synergize

(Tune: Happy Birthday)

Habit 6, let’s synergize.We’ll work together to reach new highs!

Our differences make us strongerHand in hand we’ll reach the prize!

Habit #7:Sharpen the Saw

(Tune: Row, Row, Row Your Boat)

Habit 7- balance is best:Brain, heart, body and soul.

Take time to recharge, sharpen the saw,and you can have it all!

7 Habit Speech Piece

Huebner Elementary School

Video available at

7 Habit Percussion Ostinatos

Habit 6: SynergizeWritten and performed by Mrs. Davis/Ms. Burkett’s 5th Grade Class

Videos for each of the 7 Habit pieces are available at





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Habit 1Mrs. Roeber

© 2014

Ha - bit 1 Ha - bit 1 Ha - bit 1 Ha - bit 1

Ha - bit 1 Ha - bit 1 Ha - bit 1 Ha- bit 1

Be Pro- ac-tive. Be Pro-

Think first. Think first. Think first. Think first.

Think first. Think first.

I choose my act-ions. I choose my act-ions. I choose my act-ions. I choose my act-ions.





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Hand Drum 4

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Habit 2Mrs. Roeber

© 2014

Ha - bit 2 Ha - bit 2 Ha - bit 2 Ha - bit 2

Ha - bit 2 Ha - bit 2 Ha - bit 2 Ha- bit 2

- gin with the end in mind. Be - gin with the end in mind

Be - gin with the end in mind. Be

I have a plan. I have a plan. I have a plan. I have a plan.

My mission. My mission.





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Habit 3Mrs. Roeber

© 2014

Ha - bit 3 Ha - bit 3 Ha - bit 3 Ha - bit 3

Ha - bit 3 Ha - bit 3 Ha - bit 3 Ha- bit 3

Get my work done first. Get my work done first. Get my work done first. Get my work done first.

Get my work done first. Get my work done first.

then play. then play. then play then play

First things first. First things first.





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Habit 4Mrs. Roeber

© 2014

Ha - bit 4 Ha - bit 4 Ha - bit 4 Ha - bit 4

Ha - bit 4 Ha - bit 4 Ha - bit 4 Ha - bit 4

Win, win. We can both win! Win, win. We can both win!

Win, win. We can both win!

third al-ter-na-tive! A third al-ter-na-tive! A third al-ter-na-tive! A third al-ter-na-tive! A

To-geth-er! To-geth-er!






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Habit 5Mrs. Roeber

© 2014

Ha - bit 5 Ha - bit 5 Ha - bit 5 Ha - bit 5

Ha - bit 5 Ha - bit 5 Ha - bit 5 Ha - bit 5

first to understand,then to be under- stood. Seek first to understand,then to be under- stood. Seek

Seek first to understand,then to be understood. Seek

Li - sten! Lis - ten! Lis - ten! Lis - ten!

It's your turn. It's your turn. It's your





Hand Drum 1

Hand Drum 2

Hand Drum 3

Hand Drum 4

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Habit 6Mrs. Davis' and Ms. Burkett's

5th Grade Students!

© 2014

Ha - bit 6 Ha - bit 6 Ha - bit 6 Ha - bit 6

Ha - bit 6 Ha - bit 6 Ha - bit 6 Ha - bit 6

Syn-er- gize! Syn-er

gize! Syn-er- gize! Syn-er- gize! Syn-er- gize! Syn-er..

Wor- king to-get-her! Wor- king to-get-her! Wor- king to-get-her! Wor- king to-get-her!

Team up! Team up!





Hand Drum 1

Hand Drum 2

Hand Drum 3

Hand Drum 4

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Habit 7Mrs. Roeber

© 2014

Ha - bit 7 Ha - bit 7 Ha - bit 7 Ha - bit 7

Ha - bit 7 Ha - bit 7 Ha - bit 7 Ha - bit 7

Sharpen the saw! Sharpen the saw!

Sharpen the saw! Sharpen the saw! Sharpen the saw! Sharpen the saw!

Brain, heart, Brain, heart, Brain, heart, Brain, heart,

And soul! And soul! And soul! And soul!

Wanna be a rock star at your campus?Write your own LIM Song!

•Find a popular song your kids are


•Download track from iTunes- can edit in

GarageBand or Audacity

•Rewrite lyrics

•Let kids create the choreography!

Video available at

Video available at


Lyrics written by Leigh Anne Roeber, Las Lomas Elementary

I’m in charge, I am proactive. I know my goals and make a plan.

I begin with the end in mind, and put first things first.

Gettin’ my work done before I play. A step closer to my goals everyday.

Great things happen here! My future is so clear!

I’m thinkin’ win-win, seekin’ first to understand.

I know there’s a third alternative. Together is better- let’s synergize. Hand in hand we’ll reach the prize.

Balance feels best, so I do what’s right. Sharpen my saw- recharge and revive. Usin’ my voice and makin’ a change!

We are the Lions of Las Lomas.

Mighty and proud. Cause we are leaders

And you’re gonna hear us ROAR! Louder, louder than a lion.

Cause we are leaders and you’re gonna hear us ROAR!

Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You’re gonna hear us roar! Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh Oh oh oh oh oh oh

You’re gonna hear us roar!

“Leaders”, lyrics by Matthew Trevino and Rebecca Juarez Huebner Honor Choir

Video available at

Leaders (Royals Cover) Lyrics written by Matthew Trevino and Rebecca Juarez, Huebner Elementary

I'm gonna be a leader in my school. I'm gonna show the others how to shine,

And it feels good. And I'm proud of who I am.

And when I lead, others will follow. And everyday is like

And every day's like Be Proactive, I can take initiative, Plan ahead and set goals, begin with the end in mind.

First things first, we work and then we play. And everybody's like think win-win means I encourage others,

Seek first to understand, then to be understood. Synergize, and we'll sharpen the saw.

And we'll always be leaders (leaders).

It is what we learn to do, That kind of life is what we crave. We show the others to behave.

Let me be a leader (leader), You can always count on me.

And you know I lead, I lead, I lead Let me lead by being me.

“7 Habits of Highly Musical Kids”

Based on The 7 Habits of Happy

Kids by Sean Covey

The Leader in Me 7 Habits of Highly Musical Kids

Song- It Starts With Me

Habit 1: Be Pro-active- You’re in Charge (Sammy Squirrel, Jumper Rabbit, Allie Mouse,

Granny Mouse) Sammy: I’m sooooo bored! There is nothing to do around here. (to Jumper who is

pretending basketball) What are you doing, Jumper? Jumper: Shooting some hoops! Wanna play? Sammy: No. Do you know of something really fun for me to do? (Jumper continues to

pretend to play hoops) Jumper: Slam Dunk! And the crowd goes wild!! (cheers) Sammy: (Granny walks to mic) Hi, Granny, where is Annie? Granny: She is sick in bed, Sammy. Sammy: That stinks. Well, would you play with me? I’m so bored. No one will help me

have any fun. Granny: I’m busy painting, Sammy. Besides, YOU are in charge. It’s up to you to make your

own fun. Think about it and you’ll find something to do. Sammy: (Sammy looks around) I’ve got it! Can I have that old broken radio? (Granny

smiles and hands it to him) (Sammy gets to work, grinning) I did it, Granny! I fixed the radio and made a get well present for Allie!!

Granny: Good for you, Sammy! I knew you could do it! It’s your life and you’re in charge!! CHOIR: Habit number one: Be Proactive!

Song: Do I Dare

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind- Have a Plan! (Jumper Rabbit, Goob Bear)

Jumper: What are you doing, Goob? Goob: (pretending to writing furiously) I’m coming up with a plan to earn the four dollars I need to buy a bug-collecting kit from Tootle’s Toy Store. I’ve always wanted one. Jumper: Can I help? Goob: Sure! Let’s sell Lemonade to make money! There’s nothing like an ice cold

lemonade on a hot day. Narrator: A short time later… Jumper: I know just what I’m going to do with my share of the money we made! I’m going to Tootle’s Toy Store to buy some yummy candy and toys! Goob: (takes list out of his pocket and reads it) According to my plan, I’ll put one dollar

into savings, and get my bug collecting kit for four dollars, spend two dollars on birthday present for Allie, get a slice of pizza for a dollar, AND I still have two dollars to go to the movies!

Jumper: Where are ya going, Goob? Goob: To the movies. Jumper: (sighs) I wish I could go, but I spent all my money (pulls out his pockets to show

that they are empty). Goob: On what? Jumper: Lots of stuff… I don’t exactly remember. Goob: You should’ve planned ahead. I was able to get everything on my list. (Jumper

looks down sadly) Don’t let it “BUG” you. You’ll do better next time. Let’s go to the dollar movies with my two dollars and that way we get to both go!!

CHOIR: Habit number two: Begin with the End in Mind!

Habit 3: Put First Things First- Work then Play (Pokey Porcupine, Sammy Squirrel, Lily Skunk, Ms. Hoot)

Pokey: (looking bored) Oh, I know I should study for my spelling test on Friday, but… Sammy: (interrupts) Hi, Pokey! Wanna help me pick out cool stuff at the dump? Pokey: (eyes light up) Sure!!!! Wow- check out this drum!! (starts banging on it Sammy

exits) Lily: Hi, Pokey! I just made some cookies, wanna have some? Pokey: Well, I’m supposed to be studying, but…. Okay!! Oh no, my test is tomorrow and I

didn’t do any studying! I’ve got to cram, but it’s just too confusing. I give up, I’m going to bed! (stomps off angrily)

Narrator: The next day… Ms. Hoot: Pokey, come here, please. You failed your spelling test. What happened? I know

you can do better than this. Pokey: I kept putting it off and finding other things to do (hangs his head) Ms. Hoot: That’s called procrastinating, Pokey. You should have put first things first. Pokey: Huh? Ms. Hoot: You should have done your homework first, then had fun with your friends. Pokey: I’m sorry. I’m going to go home and study hard, Ms. Hoot, and next Friday I’m

gonna ace that test! CHOIR: Habit number three: Put first things first!

Song: Get Up, Get Up, Get Up

Habit 4: Think Win-Win- Everyone Can Win! (Lily Skunk, Mom Skunk)

Lily: Oh, I love Ms. Hoot’s vegetable garden, Mom! I really wish I could have one of my own.

Mom: I know, Lily, but gardening is an awful lot of work, dear. Lily: I know, Mom, but I can do it! Mom: Sorry, Lily, but it’s just more work than you realize. You see, first you have to

prepare the dirt, then plant seeds, then water it and clear out weeds every day! That’s a lot of responsibility and I’m afraid I would end up doing all of the work.

Lily: But, Mom! I want a garden sooooo bad!!!!!!! Mom: Maybe someday we can do it, dear, but not now. I know, what if we grew a

strawberry patch instead? It doesn’t take much work, not like a vegetable garden! Lily: Oh, Mom! (Mom pretends to be not listening, Lily is frustrated) I’m going to write

my mom a letter so she knows how much I want a garden and that I can do it! (takes out pen and paper and reads it as she writes) Dear Mom, I will grow vegetables AND strawberries, water and weed them, and get Stink to help me if you will let me have a garden. For all of this, you won’t have to do much work and you’ll have delicious strawberries and the best veggies! Love, Lily (proudly hands the letter to her mom)

Mom: (pretends to read the letter) Oh my, Lily, you are determined, aren’t you! I think

your plan is a Win-Win if you promise to do most of the work and I get to eat the yummy strawberries! Are you ready to get started?

Lily: Yes!!! (hugs her mom) CHOIR: Habit number four: Think Win-Win!

Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, then to be Understood- Listen before you Talk (Jumper

Rabbit, Goob Bear, Allie Mouse, Lily Skunk)

Jumper: Hey, Goob! Wanna play? Goob: No, Jumper, I couldn’t possibly play right now. (Hangs his head, very sadly) Jumper: What’s wrong? Goob: I lost my favorite butterfly net. Jumper: But it’s a beautiful day, Goob, we could go to the lake! Goob: (sighs) No thanks. Jumper: (Goob steps back and Allie comes to mic crying) What’s wrong, Allie? Allie: (bawling) Me thweter back woods (speaks with a lisp)!!!! Jumper: huh? I can’t understand you, let’s see if Lily can figure it out. Lily: Hi, Allie and Jumper! Oh, Allie, what’s wrong? Why are you crying? Allie: Me thweter back woods!!!! Lily: Oh no, let me fix your sweater- it is on backwards!! (she helps Allie turn it around) Jumper: How in the world did you figure that out? Lily: Jumper, you have to listen with more than just your ears. Use your heart and your

eyes, too. Jumper: Hmmm…. I think I need to see Goob. Allie: Me too!!!!!! (Goob walks to mic still sad) Jumper: Goob, what is wrong, you look so sad? Goob: I told you already. I lost my favorite toy, my butterfly net. Jumper: We’ll help you look for it!

Goob: I already did, I can’t find it anywhere. Allie: (tugging on Jumper’s shirt) Wiwee’s twee. Jumper: What? (he looks closely at her into her eyes) Allie: butterfwy net by Wiwee’s twee Jumper: Oh…. I get it! Lily’s tree!! Goob, your net must be by the Great Oak Tree by Lily’s

house! Right, Allie? Allie: Yeth!! Jumper: Alright! Let’s go get it!! (They all run off) Goob: (as he’s exiting) My butterfly net!! CHOIR: Habit number five: Seek first to understand, then to be understood!

Song- Listen to Me

Habit 6: Synergize-Together is Better

Sophie: Boy, was that some soccer game yesterday! The gang really learned how to work

together as a team, but it wasn’t easy! Sammy: Those Badgers had scored 3 goals before we even knew what hit us! Sophie: We weren’t working together at all. Sammy and I kept bumping into each other

and tripping over our tails. Lily: I guess I was more interested in the pretty flowers than the game. Pokey: I picked a bad time to take a nap. Goob: I was looking at some really cool ants. Allie: I made a goal- for twe ower team. Jumper: It was time for some action! I huddled up the team. And Sophie came up with a

plan! Synergize, baby! Sophie: That’s right! We worked with our strengths. Pokey, with his scary quills played

goalie and kept those Badgers out. Lily: We all concentrated and worked as a team! And before we knew it, we had

caught up and WON THE GAME!! CHOIR: Habit number six: Synergize!

Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw-Balance Feels Best (Sophie Squirrel, Mom Squirrel, Lily Skunk, Jumper Rabbit, Pokey Porcupine)

Sophie: (yawns loudly) I’m soooo tired. Mom: Sophie, you’ve been sleeping all afternoon. Are you okay? Sophie: I’m just exhausted. Mom: Maybe you’re spending too much time reading, Sophie. Reading is a great hobby,

but it’s also important to have balance in your life. Sophie: Balance? Mom: Yes, you need to nourish not only your mind, but also your heart, body and soul. Sophie: I don’t understand. Mom: You nourish your heart when you play with your friends, your body by exercising,

and your soul by finding something quiet to do that makes you feel good inside. You need ALL of those things to have balance. Sophie: Hmm….. (thinking, Lily walks to mic) Sophie: Hey, Lily! Do you want to color? Lily: Sure! We can have milk and cookies, too! (Lily and Sophie pretend to color

together) Sophie: You’re a great friend, Lily! I really enjoy coloring with you. You made my heart feel

great! Jumper walks in. Sophie: Hey, Jumper, I need to exercise. Do you want to go bike-riding? Jumper: Let’s go!!! Pokey walks in.

Sophie: Boy, that bike ride sure made my body feel great! Let’s go to the lake, Pokey, and you can play your harmonica for me! It’ll be music to my soul!!! Balance is best, I feel refreshed already!!

CHOIR: Habit number seven: Sharpen the Saw!

Song- Feelin’ Good

Choir AND School Song- My Personal Code
