
The Journey ContinuesThe Journey ContinuesSteps to Team PerformanceSteps to Team Performance

COS 4880

Bruce K. Barnard

Types of TeamsTypes of Teams

Project or ad-hoc teamsIntact work teams

Level of AutonomyLevel of Autonomy

Leadership, Composition, Structure, Skills, Information, & Support

The Central QuestionThe Central Question

Who is responsible for the performance and results of the team?

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Focus the Team– Get acquainted– Write a charter– Begin documentation

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Assign Roles– Review team functions– Assign roles– Clarify responsibilities

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Establish guidelines– Review healthy team behaviors– Decide team guidelines– Add to team charter

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Plan the work– Lay out major goals– Break into tasks– Schedule asks– Assign responsibility

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Do the work– Meet regularly– Update action items– Communicate– Address problems

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Review team performance– Complete evaluation– Discuss– Decide actions

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Complete the work– Aim for completion– Overcome problems– Document results

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Publish the results– Set communication goals– Plan the communication– Present/publish

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Reward the team– Celebrate milestones as a team– Recognize the team in the organization

10 Steps to Team Success 10 Steps to Team Success (Rees, 1997)(Rees, 1997)

Move on– Disband– Restructure– Renew


Traditional Individual work is

clearly defined Competition among

individuals “This is my job”

Team-Based Team performance is

clearly defined Collaboration among

individuals Competition among

teams “This is our job”


Minority DecisionsMajority DecisionsUnanimous DecisionsConsensus Decisions


What are we doing well?What do we need to stop doing?What do we need to start doing?What do we need to do more of?What do we need to do less of?


Individual accountability

Individual goals Focus on individual Unfocused interaction

among peers

Mutual & Team accountability

Shared goals Focus on team

performance Frequent and focused

interaction among peers


Coordinating the teamKeeping the team focused on tasksKeeping the team focused on working

together as a teamFacilitating meetingsDocumentingSupporting the team within the organization


Collaborating and reaching consensusCommunications with team membersCommunicating with people outside the

teamContributing to the team effortSeeking resources and support

Formal RolesFormal Roles

Team leaderTeam facilitatorTeam memberTeam sponsor (mentor, advisor, coach)Team recorder

Informal RolesInformal Roles

Clarifier Compromiser Consensus Taker Encourager Opinion Seeker Follower Gatekeeper Intitiator

Orienter Reality tester Standard Setter Summarizer Harmonizer Information Seeker Informer