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The Internet’s influence on My Daily

LifeBy Brendan Pfaller

COMM 2220 Term Project

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(A.k.a. this study)• I consider myself a very moderate Internet and

technology user, but I can’t help thinking that much of what I do is based, or dependent, on the Internet or technology.

Purpose for this look into my life

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Low self-esteem and confidence b/c of Cosmo and Men’s Health. ◦ I’ve been taught to compare myself with others

who are superior to in one aspect of life. My faults to someone’s highlight reel

Whether it’s my…

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“Knowledge” about: ◦ animals (Koala’s having 2 vaginas?)◦ lifting vs. cardio◦ movie facts◦ how to get women (be cool, mysterious, friendly,

dangerous, etc.)◦ how to fight◦ how to fix or do something (Google = mentor)

Or my…

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Very dependent on the Internet as a source of information, as well as entertainment.◦ So, very important parts of my life are centered

around the Internet.

I am…

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I wake from the alarm that goes off on either my phone, or my first generation iTouch (I’m proud it has lasted 5+ years)

How my day begins…

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I wake up 1 hour to 1.5 hours before my first class, usually around 7:30 or 8. No later than 9:30 on weekends.

I read somewhere to not wake up more than an hour or so later than you usually do, so your internal clock isn’t messed up. Or I read it wrong. I don’t know; it was at least 3 years ago when I read that

in an article Stumbleupon brought me to. Maybe not the most reliable. I was a naive Internet-er

Waking up

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I also read that there are certain times to wake up so you’re not groggy. Like at the end of a sleep cycle. And that it takes the average adult 14 minutes to fall asleep.

Essentially I could sleep for 3-ish hours and be okay. There was even a calculator of when I should go to bed if I wanted to wake up at a certain time.


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I drink the water I keep right next to my head on the dresser. My mouth and throat are usually dry in the morning

As soon as I am awake…

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I read that it is good to drink a glass of water in the morning to wake up. Also to drink a cup before every meal to help with digestion. 2 cups before exercising, for muscle building I imagine. And NOT to drink a lot during a meal, messes with digestion. ◦ I think I saw the image for much water I should drink on Imgur.


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After taking a large swig of water, I fling my sheet and down comforter off, and get out of bed, wearing only boxer briefs.

Once bodily functions return…

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I don’t want my body getting too warm and breaking out b/c too greasy or something. ◦ I read it somewhere, I think Men’s Health a few

years ago. only exception is in the winter when it is too cold to not

wear a shirt

Only briefs?

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I adjust my pillow to be parallel with my under pillow.

My top pillow, the one my face touches, is usually covered with a clean shirt.


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It was a Life Hack I read on Imgur to help with acne breakouts.◦ pillow cases get dirty, and sleeping on it without

washing it every week or so is bad for your skin

Clean shirt = Pillow case?

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I sleep on white sheets, but they have lots of colored stripes I don’t use plain white because I read, and have

witnessed, that white fabrics stain easily, even just from skin.

My suite-mate’s sheets are white, and are kind of gross-looking


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I stand up, put my palms on my very lower back, right above my butt, push and lean back to crack my back◦ I read this was a good way to crack your back in

the morning. I may or may not have read that article / tip correctly…

Morning stretches…

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I check my phone for the following notifications:

Text messages Missed calls Snapchats Updates on apps (normally just delete these notes) Facebook notifications

Phone activity while sleeping…

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After replying or ignoring these notifications, I turn off any other alarms I may have set (on phone and iTouch)

I don’t want one going off in class or Bruff; that’d be embarrassing

Avoiding future embarrassment

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I walk over to my closet door, which is a sliding full-length mirror and check out my morning-physical-attractiveness.

Narcissist or self-conscious?

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• This low self-esteem stems from many years of being known as an athlete, and trying to meet people’s standards of what I should look like since I play sports.

Answer: Self-conscious

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• Low self-esteem also comes from: Looking at Men’s Health magazine Seeing actors in movies and TV as the physical

specimens they are (Wolverine and Spartacus) Seeing attractive girls with attractive men

(as much as I deny that I don’t care about looks, I would prefer to be with someone attractive. I’m human!)

Reason: Doggon’ Media

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• I also like to see if there is any noticeable progress from the 8+ hours I spend a week in the gym I feel most confident on an empty stomach because

my abs are most visible then. You look you’re most lean in the morning, because you

haven’t eaten anything in approx. 8 hours read that in a Men’s Health article

A time for analyzing

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After sucking in and flexing my abs (feeling the ridges a little bit), I walk to the toilet, close the door to my suite-mates’ room, and pee.

Bodily functions to attend to…

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• This is usually a long pee, so I look over to my closet door-mirror. It gives me a side view, and I can easily see my arms. I flex my triceps a little, just to check how they look. There was a scene in some show where the main character, a very

handsome and physically fit man, choked someone and had very ripped and large triceps. That is what I want.

Time to kill

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I flush the toilet Open door to suite-mates’ room Wash my hands in their sink quickly Peek to see if they’re awake Then walk back over to my sink and turn

on my iHome.

Routine continues…

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I hit the play button and listen to the next song on my workout playlist.◦ Read this Life Hack to help wake up and

motivate in the morning. I’d say it works; especially with my workout playlist

Música en la mañana

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I give my face a quick little water wash and pat it dry This wakes me up, and washes off some face

grease/oil Greasy/oily skin = more acne breakouts and clogged pores. I read

it in a Cosmo…

Splish, splash

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I begin brushing my teeth.◦ I frequently research, hoping to have a different

outcome, which toothpaste and toothbrush are the best. I always get frustrated b/c everything says something


Dental Hygiene

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• I brush for like 2-3 minutes, b/c I am self-conscious my teeth are not white enough, so I brush longer than what was suggested to me in 3rd grade I don’t think it is a bad thing

Being thorough

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I brush my tongue as well◦ I read/watched/learned this helps with bad

breathe. The video seemed scientific-y and made sense.

Scientific-looking = Reliability

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After I finish with my teeth, I lather on acne-care lotions and topical solution.◦ I had really bad acne when I was younger, and

have been doing as much as possible to get rid of it. I took accutane my senior and freshman year

Which sucked, by the way, my skin was as dry as the Sahara

Skin care

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But hey! My skin is much clearer than it was.◦ The pain I suffered for 12 months, 2 separate 6

month periods, was worth it for the sake of beauty. Oh the world we live in; we hurt ourselves to become

aesthetically pleasing.

No pain, no gain.

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I use Proactive and some solution I was prescribed a while back.◦ Hayden Panettiere has beautiful skin


“It puts the lotion on the skin…”

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I take another big swig of water, go to my dresser and pick out clean socks and shorts.

Next, I need to pick out a shirt; this is a whole ordeal…

Next step…

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• The selection process is logical, but very mindful. • The factors that come into play are (in matter of

importance from first-last):

The ordeal

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If it’s hot, will it show my sweat? Cold, will my (possibly erect) nipples show

through the shirt?

Temperature outside (and classes I’ll be attending)

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Too tight = I look like a silly douche-bag trying to show off my muscles ◦ which I am, but I don’t want people to know

that Too loose = it doesn’t accentuate my

muscles enough ◦ all that hard work in the gym mustn’t go to


How does it fit?

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Fashion is important to attracting possible mates◦ Source: every magazine, article, book, movie,

show, and advertisement in the world

Does it go with my shorts?

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I don’t like to waste an article of clothing’s use. ◦ I believe in getting a (close to) 12 hours use of

an outfit. ◦ Or if I work out in it, then it is officially dirty.

When will I work out?

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After a few final glances in the mirror, I go and pack my backpack.◦ I usually bring more than is necessary, because

I believe it is better to be over-prepared than under-prepared. Heard it from a baseball coach, and read it in multiple

life advice columns in Men’s Health.

Preparation for class

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Packed and ready to go, I gather my suite-mates and embark for Bruff Commons for some very mediocre breakfast.


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For breakfast, I used to get eggs every morning, because eggs are a good source of protein and I am always trying to gain muscle. ◦ But this semester I had had enough of their

shitty, laxative-filled eggs they actually do put laxatives in them in case

something goes wrong and don’t want to poison the whole student body.

Breakfast = a struggle

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I was tired of having to leave my classes to take trips to the bathroom. I have always hated going number 2 during class, because I

find it embarrassing when people recognize I’ve been away for a while at the bathroom; obviously they know what I did.

Laxatives are inconvenient

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• I blame the media for portraying to the public the stigma of going poop and talking about it.

• People do not like to talk about it, but it is a natural, and necessary, bodily function. • So, GO FLY A KITE, MEDIA.

Damn Media

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Nowadays, I get a banana and make peanut butter toast◦ Maybe a bowl of cereal and coffee, if there’s


Back to breakfast…

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The 12-grain bread and coffee don’t fix the bathroom problem, but they taste better than the eggs. ◦ And coffee wakes me up.

Peanut butter has protein, and is great for getting bigger because it is also fatty.◦ Thanks for the tip, Internet and football coaches

New and improved meal…?

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I learned, from the Internet and coaches, that in order to get larger, one must eat much more calories than they burn, and peanut butter makes that easy.◦ It’s always been hard for me to bulk because I don’t like

overeating; I feel gross and fat, and usually give up after a few days. I’m afraid I’ll lose my abs and just get fat.

Peanut butter and my diet

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If I end up sitting alone, either from sleeping friends, or from not finding anyone I know, then my phone keeps me entertained.◦ Checking Facebook, (pretend) texting, checking

Imgur for funny posts

A lone wolf finds distractions

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I feel less like a loser if I finding something else to occupy my time, and distract me from looking sad and lonely to a spectator.

My phone = my friend

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• Walking to class I try to look cool, but nonchalant. I keep my eyes up, not looking at my feet (read that this

displays low confidence, and like looking around and being aware of my surroundings), I sometimes pull my phone out if I want to avoid a possible

awkward interaction with someone I kind of befriended last year, and am not sure if I should say “Hi.”

After breaking fast, I go to class

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I try to say “Hi” to as many people as possible.◦ I read it’ll make me a happier and more liked

person, and I’m alright with those outcomes

When not going to be TOO awkward

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• When I am walking towards the academic quad, with people traffic, I tend to compare myself to and judge many of the individuals I pass.

McAlister highway and its traffic

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I think about:◦ am I better looking?◦ am I stronger?◦ am I smarter?◦ could I take them in a fight?◦ What kind of person are they?

Nerd (which is not a negative thing to me, I wish I was a nerd)

douche bag (very negative) cool (someone I could be friends with)


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Thoughts (radio edit):◦ Would I sleep with them?◦ Check out various body parts and approve or

disapprove◦ How’s their fashion?◦ Are they a…

Bitch? Prude/Weird? Cool (possible date)?


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• I pay attention, as much as humanly possible, and take very good notes.

• I don’t talk when anyone else is talking That’s just rude and disrespectful And I don’t want to miss any important information

In class

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I answer questions when I am positive I know the answer.◦ I am very hesitant if I am not positive, for I don’t

want to look like a jackass/be judged/looked down upon. I have always acted this way, ever since I became

socially aware in 4th grade-ish (a.k.a. when I started caring about what others thought of me).

Answering Qs

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• Sometimes, when the class permits commuter use, and there is a break in the lecture, I usually check Facebook, email, or Imgur.

“Just tryin’ be honest…” (rap lyric)

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• I try to get as much protein, vegetables, and as little sweets / carbs, as possible. I’m always trying to look better

• I go to Loyola’s dining hall b/c they have a Vegetarian line, and regularly have Veggie burgers ready to eat. I am trying to go vegetarian, but for the wrong reasons. I kind

want to brag about it. And to stand up to condescending vegetarians


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I think part of the reason I try to eat healthy is b/c I would be embarrassed eating a bunch of pizza and desserts. ◦ To be perfectly honest, I sort of look down on

people who eat unhealthily. This outlook didn’t start until college.

Maybe my “friends” have made me a more cynical asshole.

Healthy Diet

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“Friends” is in quotes b/c I feel like my friendships are very one-sided; that is, I am a friend to them 24/7, while they’re only a friend to me at their convenience. ◦ I do not know if that makes them friends

according to various self-improvement articles Stumbleupon has brought me to, they aren’t.

I live with 3 of them, so I don’t have a choice but to deal with them.


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The time varies every day because of our schedules and workload:◦ 10am, 3pm, 5pm, 8pm, or 10pm

I usually reserve an hour or 1.5 hours of my day for the gym

After lunch, Gym time with buddy

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We lift, do an ab workout, or play racquetball. ◦ Sometimes a combination of the three.

I try to play basketball as often as possible b/c I think of it as a cardio, but it’s much better than running or riding a bike for an hour.

Exercise routine

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I am always in a dilemma of whether I should cut or bulk◦ Cutting means getting leaner/skinnier, doing

more cardio, and eating healthier/less.◦ Bulking means gaining weight, muscle and fat,

by lifting heavier and eating more. I never really enjoy either b/c I’m either

starving or perpetually full; scrawny or fat.

Dilemma: Physical path to follow

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I have no idea. Thanks, Obama (Internet joke)◦ Everything I read gives advice for both, never saying

which is better for being attractive I ask other people what they think I should do

(guys and girls), but you know people, they say you look great and don’t need to change. ◦ They’re no help.

Which is more attractive?

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Eat protein, or clean myself first?◦ One always follows the other

After the gym: Food or Shower?

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I like to take quick showers, mainly because I like to be efficient with my time.◦ I also read that quick showers can help with

productivity, so there’s that.


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I settle down for some Internet time◦ Facebook first, to check any notifications and cool

posts on my Newsfeed may follow some links to articles or videos

This is gasoline to the fire that is the thin knowledge I have of unimportant topics. Like a pancake, large area but very thin.

◦ Email◦ Imgur,

depending on how much time I have already spent on it determines how much time I dedicate at this point.

◦ Stumbleupon this is if I am desperate and the other SNSs have not

satisfied my wasting time

After food and shower…

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Once I foster some inspiration, I do academic work (study, read, write, etc.) until I feel justified binge-watching Dexter or The Office on Netflix.

Once it is 11:40-ish, I start to think I should wind down for the night.

Rest of night

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Stop Netflix around 1am, then:◦ brush teeth◦ different clean shirt for pillow case◦ face lotions / solution◦ de-robe and check self out in mirror◦ fill up water bottle and place next to bed

Bedtime routine

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Laying in my bed, I browse Imgur for anywhere between 5 minutes and an hour.

Fall asleep. Repeat.

Final waking moments…

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Fighting off a mugger, ninja, or assassin◦ How would do so in whatever scenario I’m in?

Helping someone in need

Some frequent thoughts I have (but not routinely)

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What to say to people who are trying to guilt me into taking a flyer, or signing/buying something.◦ What’s my excuse?

“I already have one.” “I’m not Jewish.” “I hate Greek life.” “Do you accept Wavebucks?”

General thoughts (cont.)

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What I would say to an attractive girl◦ Should I smile?

Prepare to catch someone if they fall◦ Prepare to help someone if they are hurt.

Like @ bar fights and horseplay

General thoughts (cont.)

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Anxiety when in line to order something ◦ I rehearse what I am going to say so I don’t look

stupid to the cashier or people behind me Conscious of the volume level of

headphones◦ and of farts/burps

Final general thoughts

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I think I am a very average and moderate Internet/SNS/technology user. ◦ I am skeptical of robots; I think Terminator is very

possible. ◦ But I also embrace new technology.

I think I may already be part cyborg/A.I. since I am pretty dependent on the Internet and technology for information. ◦ I am also dependent on them for entertainment, and use

them as tools (research, taking pictures/videos…).

Final thoughts…

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The Internet and technology are a very important aspect of my life; much more than I would have hoped.

But, I think that technology and the Internet will become even more entrenched into our daily lives and functions, so I might as well not dwell on the possibility of the Terminator, or nostalgia of simpler times, and just embrace my dependency.


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It was very eye-opening to see how much I really use, am shaped, and depend on the Internet (and technology).◦ I am definitely more aware of why I act

and think the way I do. Thanks for assigning this project, and

having such a great/applicable/relevant class!

After thoughts of project