Page 1: The InLife Electronic Cigarette

The InLife Electronic Cigarette

Website: Email: [email protected]

The Electronic Cigarette is the most important breakthrough technology to come along in recent memory. It represents the greatest option ever for the logical delivery of a smoker´s desire for nicotine. inLife is one of the founding companies that helped introduce this marvelous technology to the United States. Back in 2007. When inLife was formed, there were only a handful of units being sold. Today, there are over 2.5 million Americans using the "e-cig". That number is expected to quadruple in the next two years. This not only brings validation to "e-cig" it also helps create an opportunity for our customers to partner with us and benefit financially simply by referring others to our product (see the "Make Money" link above for further details).

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The inLife electronic cigarette works by delivering a desired level of nicotine to the user in the form of a vapor mist. It looks tastes and feels very similar to a traditional cigarette. They contain five basic elements: Propylene Glycol and Glycerol (both food additives), water, flavoring and nicotine. There is no lingering smell to worry about, no ashes and they deliver rich, tobacco flavor. The inLife Electronic Cigarette will provide to you a very pleasurable and consistent "Vaping" experience. Do not trust your desired nicotine satisfaction to just any company!

What are Electronic Cigarettes?

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The InLife Electronic Cigarette

Website: Email: [email protected]

They are electronic, alternative smoking devices that simulate the sensation of smoking. Typically, one would find over 4,000 chemicals associated with traditional tobacco products, sixty of which are known carcinogens. The Electronic Cigarette contains four basic ingredients which are Propylene Glycol, Glycerol, Water and Nicotine in varying levels. The devices produce a realistic simulated smoke which is actually a vapor mist. When exhaled, the vapor quickly evaporates in the surrounding air within a few seconds. The basic components of our products consist of a battery, an atomizer, and a flavored cartridge that is filled with propylene glycol, glycerol, water, flavoring, varying amounts of nicotine, and a computer chip that controls it all. Both the atomizer and cartridges are considered to be consumables. Cartridges are available in varying amounts of nicotine that include high, medium, low and no nicotine at all. The Elite and Royale feature a longer, more elegant design while the Prestige and Regal features a sleeker, smaller design.

How do they work? When the user inhales at the mouthpiece, a small switch is activated and power is delivered to the atomizer. The atomizer creates a vapor derived from the moisture that is found in the cartridge. As the vapor passes through the cartridge, it picks up the nicotine and flavoring and delivers it to the user.

What is Nicotine?

Nicotine is an addictive alkaloid that is naturally present in certain plants. A high presence is found in tobacco and a low presence is found in common vegetables such as potatoes, tomatoes and green peppers. Nicotine, when delivered in small dosages such as in a cigarette or cigar can deliver a feeling of calmness or relaxation. Current available information states that nicotine in and of itself has not been shown to cause cancer in healthy tissue. Additionally, it has not been shown to have any mutagenic properties. This being said, it should also be noted

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The InLife Electronic Cigarette

Website: Email: [email protected]

that the International Agency for Research on Cancer has not evaluated nicotine as of this time. Nicotine is considered habit forming and addictive.

What is Propylene Glycol? Propylene glycol is a food additive found in many foods we eat today. It is used in food coloring, flavoring and also used to keep food, medicines and cosmetics moist. It is considered to be generally safe and it is the element in our product that helps to create the vapor that simulates smoke. It is also used in medical inhalants. Although the FDA considers it as "generally recognized as safe" for use in food, cosmetics and medicines, use of propylene glycol in simulated smoking devices is not currently included in the list of uses generally recognized as safe by the FDA.

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