



A. Background of the Problems

In the International Education of Indonesia, English serves as a foreign

language. Theoretically, students are required to learn English from

elementary school until higher education. By learning English, the students

are excepted to be able to communicate in English both in written and oral


Learning is one the primary activities of students in the classroom.

Succesful learning is only one the right way to lead the process. To

accomplish such condition, Larsen-freeman state: “teacher must uses only the

target language in the classrom. Action, picture, or realia are used to give

meaning otherwise”.1

In language teaching method throughout history have reflected

recognition of changes in the kind of profeciency learners need, such as a

move toward oral profeciency rather than reading comprehension as the goal

of language and of language learning.

Approach, method and technique are three terms are often overlapped

in language teaching. A Method is a plan of language teaching which is

1 Larsen-freeman. Techniques and principles in language teaching. Cambridge University Press, 1986. p.40.


consistent with the theories and technique carry out are implementation.2

Method is very important in language teaching, because method is a way to

apply in teaching learning process of convey to the material.

According Larsen-Freeman, method in language teaching devided

many methods, the writter assumes that to motivate the students in learninng

english, the writer interested for using Grammar Translation Method for

helping students to increase result of Reading Ability.

Grammar Translation Method is a traditional technique of foreign

language teaching based on explicit instruction in the grammatical analysis of

the target language and translation of sentence from the native language into

the target language and vice versa.3 Larsen-Freeman said that “GTM was

used for purpose of helping students read and appreciate foreign language


There are four skills in English, they are listening, speaking, reading,

and writing. Reading is one of important skills which are though in the school.

Reading is the process of constructing meaning through the dinamic

interaction among the reader’s existing knowledge, the information suggested

by the written language and the concept of the reading situation.5 It takes on a

very significant role in teaching English as a foreign as second language.

2 Bambang Setiadi, Teaching English as Foreign language. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta,2006. p 33 Http:// (5 may 2011, at 14.30).4 Larsen-freeman. Techniques and principles in language teaching. Cambridge University Press,

1986. p.45 Thomas S.C.Farrell, Planing Lesson for a Reading Class, Seameo Regional Language

Center, 2002, p.1


Moreover, H douglas brown explains that reading ability will be developed

best in developed best in association with writing, listening and speaking


Bambang state that “reading will be given as soon as language learners have had sufficient practice in listening and speaking. After the language learner have good ability of listening and speaking, reading can be introduced. Reading lesson may be given in single class or it may be added as supplementary work, the material of reading must be graded depending on the levels of language learners”.7

Reading is a complex act requiring the integration and interaction of a

number of basic cognitive processes.8 Understanding this complexity is an

interesting and challenging pursuit in itself. An additional motivation for

analyzing reading is to identify those component processes that determine

reading proficiency.

Reading is the skill that the students have mastered. The students who

have good skill in reading will be easy to get information, knowledge, and

idea from sources they read. But, also far, the learners still find difficulties to

improve their reading skill because they seldom do the reading activity at

school and material for reading is not interesting for them. Most of the

students think that knowing every word in the passage would improve in

comprehend the passage. So, it is causes the students still get difficulties in

comprehend the passage.

6 H.Douglas Brown, Teaching by Principles, , San Fransisco State University, 2001, p.2987 Bambang Setiadi, Teaching English as Foreign language. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta,2006. p 678 www.jacksonmcClelland81Exploring the Nature of a Basic.pdf (May 4th 2011)


Based on the explanation above, it seems to be necessary to teach the

students by Grammar Translation Method that can help them understand the

English material. In teaching and learning process is English teacher,

especially for high school is influential person in the classroom, so the teacher

must use Grammar Translation Method to motivate the students to learn

material and will widen communication between the teacher and students, so

that teaching will be more communicative and effective.

Based on pre-survey on November, 10th, 2010, from the middle

examination at the first semester who was following by 47 students, only

49,5% the students who passed in the middle of semester, and 50,5% the

students failed with the highest grade 70 and the lowest grade 30 with the

minimum mastery criteria (KKM) is 60 for English.

Based on pre-survey at state MA Al-Hidayah, the writer found many

problems of English skill, especially material in English lesson. It causes the

teacher not using Grammar Translation Method, in teaching process. Teacher

used less method or technique in reading lesson, than the student have

difficulties to identify the topic, main idea, scanning, and skimming of text, so

the process of learning teaching passive. The writer assume, it cause the

teacher did not give the variation in teaching and only the direction.

Table 1The pre-survey data of the middle test English for first semester of the tenth grade students in MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara in academic year 2010/2011


No Grade Explanation Amount Percentage

1. < 60 Not Complete 25 Person 50,5%

2. ≥ 60 Complete 22 person 49,5%

Total 47 person 100%

Source: The teacher’s graded book of English at the first semester of the tenth Grade at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara in academic years 2010/2011

Form the table above, we can know most of student do not reach

minimum standard (KKM) yet, so must do remedial.

The measurement of learning result: 60 ≥ Complete

60 < Not Complete

Based on the students result, the writer want to investigate whether

using Grammar Translation Method gives the influence effect on the students’

achievement toward reading ability.

Now days, teaching English through Grammar Translation Method is

rarely done, because it can help the students’ difficulties and the students will

enjoy in studying, if the method that is used by the teacher can make them be

interested in learning. Thus, they can get the material clearly, fun, and natural.

Even through the Grammar Translation Method an important method to

support the result of learning and teaching process.

B. Identification of the Problems


Based on the background above, the writer would like assume that

there are some problems as follows:

1. The teacher doesn’t uses method or technique in reading lesson.

2. The students have difficulties to identify the topic and the main idea.

3. The students have difficulties to scan and skim in the texts.

4. The students’ don’t reach the completeness’ standard (KKM) for


C. Limitation of the Problems

Base on the identification problem the writer focuses on the teacher

doesn’t uses method or technique in reading lesson and the students reading

ability is low. Therefore, the writer limits the problem only to the influence on

using Grammar Translation Method toward Reading Ability.

D. Formulations of the Problems

Based on the background problem above, the writer formulated the

research problem as follows:

1. What is the level of student’s English learning result of the tenth grade

at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara in table 1?

2. How far using Grammar Translation Method can influence the

Students’ Reading Ability of the tenth grade at MA Al-Hidayah

Raman Utara?

E. Objective and Benefits of Study


1. Objectives of Study are:

a. To know the method is more effective in teaching reading at the

tenth grade students of MA AL-Hidayah Raman Utara in

Academic Year 2010/2011.

b. To know whether any influence of using Grammar Translation

Method toward Students’ Reading Ability.

2. Benefits of the Study are:

a. For the students, the writer hopes them to be able to learn easily as

much as possible to master English language especially in Reading


b. For the English teachers, the writer hopes them to be able to use

some way in helping the students to be more creative in applying

learning process by using Grammar Translation Method.

c. For school, it can be used as an information to improve learning

English in future.




A. Theoretical Review

1. Concept of Grammar Translation Method

a. Grammar Translation Method

The Grammar Translation Method was widely used in the USA in

1890’s. It was also called the classical method since it was first used in the


teaching of classical languages Latin and Greek9. Earlier in this century, this

method was used for the purpose of helping student read and appreciate

foreign language literature. It was also hoped that, through the study of the

grammar of the target language, students would become more familiar with

the grammar of their native language and that this familiarity would help

them speak and write their native language better. Finally, it was thought

that foreign language learning would help students grow intellectually, it

was recognized that students would probably never use the target language,

but the mental exercise of learning it would be beneficial any way.

The Grammar Translation Method embraces a wide range of

approaches but, broadly speaking, teaching the target language is seen as a

mental discipline even though it is often claimed that the goal of the

language teaching is so able to read literature in its original form. With the

regard to the nature of language and language learning, Grammar

Translation Method has different points of view from modern methods. The

following are assumptions about language and language learning that the

Grammar Translation Method embraces:

1. Through the Grammar Translation Method is believed to consist of written word and of words which exist in isolation, reading in the target language are translated directly and then discussed in the native language.

2. In language teaching what should be taught is not the language itself but the faculty of logical thought and provided valuable mental discipline.

9 Bambang Setiadi, Teaching English as Foreign language. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta,2006.p.32


3. The medium of instruction is the mother tongue, which is used to explain conceptual problems and discuss the use of particular grammatical structure.

4. Learning a foreign language need feeling secure and this condition may take place whenever language learners know how to say in the target language.10

b. Principles of Grammar Translation Method

Jack C Richard says “The principal characteristics of Grammar-Translation Method were these:

1. The goal of foreign language study is to learn a language in order to read its literature or in order to benefit from mental discipline and intellectual development that result from foreign language study.

2. Reading and writing are the major focus; little or no systematic attention is paid to speaking or listening.

3. Vocabulary selection is based solely on the reading texts used, and word are taught through bilingual word list, dictionary study, and memorization.

4. The sentence is the basic unit of teaching and language practice..5. Accuracy is emphasized.6. Grammar is taught deductively-that is, by presentation and study

of grammar rules, which are then practiced through translation exercises.

7. The student’s native language is the medium of instruction.11

Furthermore, Learsen-Feerman states that the principles of Grammar Translation Method are: 1) A fundamental purpose of learning a foreign language is to be able to read its literature. 2) The ability to communication in the target language is not goal of foreign language instruction. 3) The primary skills to be developed are reading and writing.12

10 Bambang Setiadi, Ibid,p. 32-3311 Jack C Richards-Theodore S Rodgers, Approach and Methods in Language Teaching, Cambridge

University Press, 2001, p.5-612 Learsen-Freeman, Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching,Oxford University Press, 1986,



Bambang Setiadi said “Principally, GTM focus on translating

grammatical form, memorizing vocabulary, learning rules, and studying

conjugations. Even though the method may considered more as a technique

rather a method.13

c. The Techniques of Grammar Translation Method

Technique is the tool to help teacher and students more easy in

teaching learning process.

Learsen-Freeman states: “that there are 9th techniques of Grammar Translation Method as follow by step:

1. Translation of a Literary PassageStudents translate a reading passage from the target language into their native language.

2. Reading Comprehension QuestionsStudents answer questions in the target language based on their understanding of the reading passage.

3. Antonyms/SynonymsStudents are given set of words and are asked to find antonyms in reading passage.

4. Cognates.Students are taught to recognize cognates by learning the spelling or sound patterns that correspond between the languages.

5. Deductive Application of RuleGrammar rules are presented with examples.

6. Fill in the blanksStudents are given a series of sentences with word missing.

7. Memorization.Students are given lists of target language vocabulary words and their native language equivalents and are asked to memorize them.

8. Use Word in Sentences.

13 Bambang Setiadi, Teaching English As A Foreign Language, Graha Ilmu,2006, p.34


In order to show that students understand the meaning and use of a new vocabulary item, they make up sentences in which they use the new words.

9. Composition.The teacher gives the students a topic to write about in the target language.14

Based on the quotations above, the writer uses antonyms/synonyms,

reading ability questions and memorization. It can make a connection

between teacher and students, to understanding and teaching situation.

Grammar Translation Method can make effective in teaching learning

process, where in this method based by using approach of language

teaching. The students needed approach because many student’s have

difficulty to learning English material especially in Reading Ability.

2. Concept of Reading Ability

a. Concept of Reading Ability

Etymologically, the word “reading” in Oxford Advanced Learner’s

Dictionary is derived from the word “read” that can be defined as follows:

14 Larsen-Freeman, Op.Cit, 13-14


1) To look at understand the meaning of written or printed words or


2) To go through written or printed words, silently or a loudly to others.

3) To discover or find out about somebody or something by reading.15

It has been clarified in the previous chapter that reading in an

important language skill that must be mastered students learning English as

a second or foreign language

Frank Smith define reading is widely perceived to be simply a matter

of decoding to sound, of translating the basic elements of written language,

the latter, into their equivalent sound in spoken language”16. Moreover,

Bambang state “reading will given as soon as language learners have had

sufficient practice in listening and speaking”.17

Based on the quotations above, it can be inferred that reading is a

complex activity process which is very important involving the language

and thought in order to get meaningful message, science or information sent

by writer though printed language such as graphic symbols written verbal

symbols and to be instantly available in these sound of speech that the

reader imagines hearing by the writer though, printed language such as

practice listening and speaking.

15 Oxford University, Oxford advanced Learner’s Dictionary,(New York: Oxford UniversityExpress,1995),p.967.

16 Frank Smith, Reading, Cambridge University Press,1987,p.51.17 Bambang Setiadi, Teaching English as Foreign language. Graha Ilmu, Yogyakarta, 2006,p.67


Reading skill are specific abilities which enable a reader to read

written from as meaningful language, to read anything written with

independence, comprehension and fluency, to mentally interact with the


Reading ability is very important in our daily life and studies. As most

people know, reading ability refers to the reading skills that a reader brings

to the text.19 Reading ability generates learning power that helps students

know themselves and others better as well. It is necessary to improve their

reading abilities.

Reading ability has economic, political and personal values, and it

increase in importance as a society becomes more complex and

industrialized. Jean Wallace state Reading Skill or Reading Ability is a

measure of one’s general knowledge. A general rule about learning is that

you relate unknown to known, that is, you have know a little something

about a topic in order to understand something new that you are reading

about it.20

Based on the quotations above, it can be inferred that Reading Ability

is a language ability that include, sounds, words, sentences and

communicative intentions is much the same as that of language in general or

18 Http:// Skill.htm(4 January 2011).

19 Http:// (May 4th 2011). 20 Jean Wallace Gillet and Charles Temple, Understanding Reading Problem, United States of

America: Harper Collins College Publishers,1994,p.4


enable reader to turn writing into meaning and achieve the goals of

independence, comprehension and fluency.

b. Reading Strategies

Fluent readers use the following strategies for comprehending a

Reading passage:

1. Achieving Prior Knowledge

In these case teachers can play a vital role in seeing that the

reader’s knowledge about the new topic is built up so that they can

successfully comprehend a new text.21

2. Predicting

Predicting creates anticipation and gets students thinking about

previous experiences they may have had about the topic before they

read about it.22

3. Skimming

21 Thomas S.C. Farrell, Planning Lesson for a ReadingClass,Singapore : Seameo Regional Language Center, 2002, p.24

22 Ibid, p.27


Skimming gives readers the advantage of being able to predict

the purpose of the passage, the main topic, or massage and possibly

some of the developing or supporting idea.23

4. Scanning

The purpose of scanning is the extract specific information

without reading through the whole text.24

5. Guessing meaning of unknown word using contextual clues

Sometimes students may need the meaning of a word they do

not know while reading a text because they have no dictionary or

they are in an examination type situation.25

6. Identifying topic and main ideas

Mikukecky suggest that “students” practice these skill in a

developmental sequence from simple to more complex cognitive tasks.

23 H. Douglas Brown, An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy, San Fransisco State University, 2001, p.308

24 Ibid,p.30825 Thomas S.C. Farrell, Op. Cit, p.30-31


For example, the sequence of exercises includes the following:

- Finding the topic from a list of words

- Recognizing the topic of a paragraph

- Identifying the main idea of a passage.26

7. Use of questions

Another important strategy good readers use in questioning.

Asking questions before reading and posing questions while reading

are reading strategies that have been identified as being effective by

fluent reading of English.27

8. Analyze vocabulary

26 Ibid, p.3527 Ibid, p.38


One way for learners to make guessing pay off when they

don’t immediately recognize a word is to analyze it in terms of what

they know about it.

9. Distinguish between literal and implied meanings

This requires the application of sophisticated top-down

processing skills.

10. Capitalize on discourse markers to process relationships

Many discourse makers in English signal relationships among

ideas as expressed through phrases, clauses, and sentences.28

28 H. Douglas Brown, An Interactive Approach to Langguage Pedagogy, San Fransisco State University,2001,p306-310


c. The Implementation of using Grammar Translation Method toward

Reading Ability

The writer stars teaching learning activity by introducing the material

would be learnt. The material is passages; the researcher gives common in

the target language.

There are procedures from Bambang Setiyadi:a. The students’ reads a text written in target language.b. Students translate the passage from the target language to their

mother tongue.c. The teacher asks students in their native language if they have any

questions, students ask questions and the teacher answers the questions in their native language.

d. Students write out the answer to reading comprehension questions.e. Students translate new words from the target language to their

mother tongue.f. Students memorize vocabulary.g. The teacher asks students to state the grammar rule.h. Students memorize the rule.i. Errors are corrected by providing the right answers.

B. Theoretical Framework and Paradigm

1. Theoretical Framework

Sugiyono state that: “sketch idea is a model conceptual about how the

theory relationship with anything factors it can identify the important


In this research there are two variables; they are independent

variable (X), that is the Grammar Translation Method and dependent

29 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Alfabeta, Bandung, 2006, p91


variable (Y), is Students’ Reading Ability. Theoretical framework in this

research is “if Grammar Translation Method using identify the topic, main

idea, scanning, skimming, reading ability questions, and

antonyms/synonyms is effective, the grade of reading ability is high.

However, if Grammar Translation Method not using identify the topic, main

idea, scanning, skimming, reading ability questions, and

antonyms/synonyms is less effective, the grade of reading ability is low.

2. Paradigm

Research paradigm is “role idea with relationship between the

variable with was research”.30

Based on the theoretical framework above the research describes the

paradigm as following:

HGrammar Translation Method High YThe technique: Students P - reading ability questions Reading Average O- antonym/synonyms Ability T

Low H E


Figure 1

30 Sugiyono, Ibid, p.66


The Scheme of Paradigm

Based on that schema of paradigm, the writer assumes that certainly

the students taught through Grammar Translation Method will influence

their students Reading Ability test.

C. Hypothesis Formulation

Hypothesis is “to be temporary answer property toward the problem

research, until find and collecting the real data.”31 By concerning the

theoretical assumption, the writer would purpose the hypothesis as follows:

There is significant different on using Grammar Translation Method

toward Students’ Reading Ability.



A. Research Design

The writer will be conducting a quantitative research. Quantitative

research is “explaining phenomena by collecting numerical data that are

analyzed using mathematically base methods (in particular statistics)”32, in

experiment research form, one or more variables may be deliberately

31 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedure Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Rineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2006.32 Daniel Muijs, Doing quantitative Research in Education, SAGE Publications Ltd, London, 2004,



manipulated and result analyzed and rationalized33. The characteristic of this

research is compared and has group pretest posttest design. In this design,

the pretest and posttest were intended to investigate whether using Grammar

Translation Method can be significantly students about Reading Ability.

Then, the means (average score) of both pretest and posttest were conduct to

find out the progress before and after treatment. This research uses Tenth

grade class as experimental group by using total sampling. This class had

both pretest and posttest.

Based on explanation above, the writer can assume that quantitative

research is a research can be measured by statistical method. The writer uses

the quantitative research, because data which is collected by writer include

into the numerical data.

B. Population And Sample Technique

1. Population

33 James E.Mauch, et. al,Guide to the Succesful Thesis and Dissertation: A Handbook for students and Faculty, Marcel Dekker, inc, New York, 2003,p.129


Ziana O’leary defines population is “the total membership of a

defined class of people, object, or events”34. Meanwhile, Sugiyono define

population as “general district consist with object/subject to get quality and

characteristic it depend on the research to get learning and conclusion.”35

The population of this research is all of tenth grade of MA Al-

hidayah Raman Utara in the academic year of 2010/2011. The total of

population in this research is 47 students of the tenth grade.

2. Sample Technique

Sample is “best represents a large population”.36 The samples of this

research are the students at the tenth grade consist of one class, there are

consist of 47 students. Moreover, Suharsimi Arikunto explains that “if the

subject less than 100 person, so it be better than all subject use but if subject

more than 100 person, subject will use only 10 – 15 % or 20 -25 % or


Therefore, the students in the tenth grade just consist of 47 students,

its mean those less than 100 students so the writer takes all of the students

for the sample and it is taken by using total sampling.

C. The Operational Definition of variables

34 Zina O’leary, The Essential Guide to Doing Research, Sage Publications, London, 2004, p.102 35 Sugiyono, Metode Penelitian Pendidikan, Alfabeta, Bandung, 2006, p.11736 Zina O’leary, Op.cit.p.10337 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedure Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Rineka Cipta,



Operational definition is the definition which based on characteristic

of the thing that will be defined, and it can be observed or measured.

Meanwhile, a variable can be defined as an attribute of a person or of an

object which ‘varies’ from person to person or from object to object38.

The research uses the quantitative research, which pretest and

posttest design. In this design, the pretest and posttest intended to

investigate whether using Grammar Translation Method can be uses to

influence Reading Ability significantly.

In pretest, there are 47 students as the research sample; there were 8

students who were include in the high category. Furthermore, in the middle

category, there were 23 students into this category. And for the last

category, low category, there were 16 students who were included in the low


After the writer conducted the pretest, the writer continued by giving

the treatment by using Grammar Translation Method in English teaching

which conducted four times in the classroom. The writer taught the students

about the times and daily activities. Then, the writer conducted the Post-test.

Where there influence the number of students that they got the high

category, from 8 students became 10 students. Moreover, in low category

happened the decreasing in the number of students who got the low category

38 Hatch and Farhady, Research Design and Statistic for Applied Linguistics, Newbury House Publishers, Massachusetts, 1982, p.12


from 16 students became 15 students. The next stage, the means (average

score) of both pre-test and post-test counted to find out the progress before

and after treatment. This research uses experimental by using total sampling.

D. Research Procedures

This research was based on following procedures:

1. Determining the Subject

The subject of this research is the tenth grade students of MA Al-Hidayah

Raman Utara in the academic year 2010/2011.

2. Administering Pretest

The pretest administered before they taught by using Grammar Translation

Method, so Reading Ability before the treatment could be known. The

pretest administered in 2 x 45 minutes.

3. Giving the Treatments

The writer taught the students by Grammar Translation Method in the

English teaching. The material based on the curriculum of education unit

(KTSP), that is handbook for the tenth grade; Modul B Bahasa Inggris


Modul PSUN PUT. PERTAMA and Functional English from senior high

school from Tiga Serangkai. The time allocation for each meeting is 2 x

45 minutes.


4. Conducting the Posttest

The posttest conducted after the treatments and it is administered in 2 x 45

minutes. It had done to know the reading ability after they were taught

English material by Grammar Translation Method.

5. Analyzing the Data that had been Collected

The writer calculated the result of the pretest and posttest to see gain of

students score between the two test.

E. Data Collection Method

In collecting data, the writer has the following steps:

1. Test

Anderson with Arsenault said that “instrument includes test and

questionnaire, observation schedules and any other tool used to collect


a. Pre-test

The writer gave pretest in order to know their basic knowledge. In

this case the students’ Reading Ability that they have achieved.

b. Post-test

The posttest was held in order to know the students’ Reading

Ability after being through Grammar Translation Method. The

39 Gary Anderson with Nancy Arsenault, Fundamentals of Educational Research, USA, Falmer Press, 2005, p.94


posttest has been done after the treatments, in order to know

whether this method is effective or not to influence the students’

Reading Ability.

2. Documentation

Documentation as the method which is used to get information from

written language or documents (for example: Books, Magazine, Note,

Rule, and others).40 The writer used this method to support and to get

detail information the data form observation such as the data of English

teacher at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara about method in English


3. Observation

Observation is “A systematic method of data collection that relies on a

researcher’s ability to gather data through his or her senses”.41

Observation also defines as “technique collecting data it done with

doing observation with detail note and systematic”42. In this research the

writer used the non participant observation because the writer only

observed it and noted it. The writer observed the location of the research,

the condition of the students directly to get the data. The writer used the

observation sheet to note information in that observation.

40 Zina O’leary, The Essential Guide to Doing Research, Sage Publications, London, 2004. p.17741 Zina O’leary, Ibid, p.17042 Suharsimi Arikunto, Prosedur Penelitian Suatu Pendekatan Praktik, Reineka Cipta, Jakarta, 2006,



F. Research Instrument

Arikunto defines instrument as “research tools was using to every

research”.43 Thus, research instrument is helping tool of method in collecting

data. The research instrument that used in this research is bellow:

Instrument Blueprint

a. The instrument which will be used in observation method is

observation guidance, as follow; 1) Observation the location

sketch of MA Al-hidayah Raman Utara; 2) Observation the

establishment of MA Al-hidayah Raman Utara; 3) Observation

about building of MA Al-hidayah Raman Utara.

b. The instrument which will be used in documentation method is

documentation guidance, as follow; 1) Documentation about

teachers and official at MA Al-hidayah Raman Utara; 2)

Documentation about students of MA Al-hidayah Raman Utara; 3)

Documentation about the organization structure of MA Al-hidayah

Raman Utara.

c. The instrument which will be used in test in research, it include the

pre-test and post-test about English learning result. The writer will

use the objective test that is multiple choice tests. It consist of 30

items, each item consist of five options: A, B, C, D, E.

43 Suharsimi Arikunto, Ibid, p.149


G. Data analysis Technique

The writer will use simple statistical formula to comparing the result

of the pre-test and post-test. The data will be analyzed by using T-test formula

to know the significant and treatment effect. Before analyzing the data by

using T-test, the writer will account the variants of populations.


= Total of difference between pre test and post test

= Total of the difference between pre test and post test (quadratic( 2 ))

N = Total of the participants44



A. Research Setting

1. Brief History about the Established of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara

44 Anas Sudijono, Pengantar Statistik Pendidikan, Raja Grafindo Persada, Jakarta, 2001, p.289


At MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara was established since 1982 by the

Headmaster of Mr. Edi Sudadin, BA, under cover by Yayaysan Pendidikan

Islam Al-Hidayah. Than in 1983 MA Al-Hidayah was stop operation because

have a few students, and replace to be SMA. On 25 March 1984, staff officer

of MTS and staff of Madrasah Aliyah has been meeting to established

Madrasah Aliyah with name Madrasah Aliyah Persiapan. By the Headmaster

Mr. Slamet Effendi, BA.

In 25 August 1991, Madrasah Aliyah Persiapan replace name to be

Madrasah Aliyah Al-Hidayah by the Headmaster Mr. Drs. Jumari who was

under cover by who was under cover by Yayasan Pendidikan Islam Al-

Hidayah. With the organized structure is:

No Nama Jabatan Keterangan





KH. Imam Sibaweh

Rodiman, BA

Slamet Effendi, BA

M. Somadi



Wakil Ketua


In 15 July 1998 Yayasan Al-Hidayah get meeting to choose the new

Headmaster and choose Mr. Slamet Effendi BA. To be the new Headmaster of

MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara until 2 period. At 16 July 2006 the Headmaster

repalce with Mr. Sartono.


In 20 July 2010 Staff Oficer and conselor teacher get metting to choose

the new Headmaster, and the Headmaster was choose is Mr. Lamidi S.Pdi.

2. The buildings of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara

MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara has following buidings:

Table 2The buildings of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara in Academic Year

2010/2011No Nama Ruang Jumlah Ruang LuasRuang (m2)

1. Ruang kelas 3 168

2. Ruang Kepala Sekolah 1 12

3. Ruang Guru 1 56

4. Ruang Tata Usaha 1 36

5. Ruang Lab Komputer 1 56

6. Ruang Perpustakaan 1 18

7. Ruang Ibadah 1 6

8. Ruang BP 1 4

9. Ruang UKS 1 4

10. Ruang OSIS 1 4

11. Kantin Sekolah 2 18

12. Gudang 1 12

13. WC Guru 1 4

14 WC Siswa 1 4

15. Ruang Satpam 1 4


3. The condition of teachers and official Employees at MA Al-Hidayah

Raman Utara

The number of teachers and official employees academic year of

2010/2011 are that identifed as follows:

Table 3The Teacher and Staff Officer of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara in

Academic Year 2010/2011


1 Lamidi, S.Pd.i Male Headmaster

2 Jumiran Male Waka Kurikulum

3 Drs. Sartono Male Waka Kesiswaan

4 Drs. Ismail MZ Male Bk

5 Slamet Effendi, S.Pd.i Male Islam Religion

6 Mukani, A.Ma Male Aqidah

7 Parwanto Male Arabic Language

8 Dra. Dewi Susiyanti Female Mathematic

9 Wibowo Male Mathematic

10 Nana Suryana Male English Language

11 Budi Wuryanti, S.Pd Female History

12 Drs. Sri Raharjo Male Indonesian Language

13 Zunita F, S.Pd Female Kimia

14 Puji Lestari, SE Female Economic

15 Suwandi Male Sport

16 Subhan, S.Ag Male Qur’an hadist

17 Dwi Nurroma F, S.Ag Female Geography

18 Syaifudin, S.Pd.i Male Religion Skill

19 Muhzin Nawawi S.Pd Male English Language


20 Sazli Ostian SE Male Economic

21 Kateman Male TU

22 Nuri Sosilowati Female TU

Source: Observation Result in at Ma Al-Hidayah Raman Utara on May 19th,2011

4. The Quqntity of the Students at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara in the

academid years of 2010/2011

The condition of students at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara who are

registered on academic year of 2010/2011

Table 4The Quantity of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara Students in the

Academic Year of 2010/2011



Kelas X Kelas XI Kelas XII Jumlah


1. Jumlah Siswa 22 26 7 30 11 24 40 80 120

2. Rom Bel 1 1 1 3

5. Organization Structure of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara in Academic

Year of 2010/2011


Kepala MadrasahLamidi,S.Pd.I

Ka TUKateman,A.Ma.Pd

Komite MadrasahParwanto


Figure 2 Organization Structure of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara In the Academic Year 2010/2011


Musolla Lab IPAGudang

BP UKS Pos Satpam



Waka KesiswaanDrs. Sartono

Waka KurikulumJumiran,S.Pd

BKDrs. Ismail MZ

Wali Kelas XBudi Wuryanti,S.Pd

Wali Kelas XIPuji Lestari,SE

Wali Kealas XIIDwi N F,S.Ag




Kelas XI

WKelas X N Lab

S Komputer E

Ruang Guru

Kelas XII

ParkirRuang T.U Kepala


WC Kantin Kantin

Figure 3Sketch of MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara in the Academic

Year 2010/2011B. Research Data

a. Pre-Test Result

To known the ability of the students before giving the treatment without

Grammar Translation Method toward Students’ Reading Ability, the students

were giving a pre test that must be done individually.

Teacher asked them to do 30 items multiple choice that consist of the material

are times and daily activities, the time given 45 minutes.


To measure the Students’ Reading Ability in English materials, the writer

tested the students by giving them multiple choice English materials about times

and daily activities.

The result of pre test the student’s Reading Ability can be identified as


Table 5The Pre-Test Result of the Tenth Grade Students at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara

No Students' Initial Score Pre-Test

1 AR 53

2 AF 46

3 AS 53

4 AT 50

5 BS 40

6 BA 43

7 DY 46

8 DF 50

9 DR 43

10 EM 53

11 EK 60

12 EA 53

13 AD 53

14 AB 40

15 FM 60

16 FA 40

17 FH 60

18 FL 56

19 FN 56

20 IS 60

21 KS 40

22 KP 50

23 LT 60


24 LA 50

25 LS 53

26 LI 50

27 MK 40

28 MS 50

29 OT 50

30 RD 53

31 RS 40

32 RE 50

33 RB 53

34 SM 50

35 ST 40

36 SW 43

37 SR 53

38 SG 53

39 SS 53

40 TM 43

41 TA 53

42 TV 60

43 TW 43

44 UN 40

45 UK 50

46 WW 50

47 YF 43

Total 2328

Mean 49,53

Source: Pre-Test of the Tenth Grade students at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara

Base on the above table, the writer then measured the class interval using the

formula according to Arikunto, as follows:



IR = Class Interval

t = the highest score = 60

r = the lowest score = 40

N = Total of categories = 3

The total of class interval (IR) for this research is 6,6 or 7. After knowing the

class interval, the data that was taken from interval class above. Then it was put

on the table of frequency distribution, as follows:

Table 6The Frequency of Distribution of the Students’ Score in Pre-Test

No Class Interval Frequency Category Percentage

1. 54 – 60 8 Person High 17,03%

2. 47 – 53 23 Person Middle 48,93%

3. 40 – 46 16 Person Low 34,04%

Total 47 Person - 100%

Based on the table of frequency distribution above, it can be inferred that from

47 students as the research samples, there were 8 students who were included in

the high category for the score of 54 - 60 or 17,03%. Furthermore, in the middle

category, there were 23 students who got the score of 47 - 53 or 48,93%. And for

the last category, low category, there were 16 students who were include in the

low category for the score of 40 - 46 or 34,04%.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the pre-test is categorized into low category

from the result of pre-test; the writer found the students problem was in lack of


understanding materials and not interest to study. These problems could be seen

by their activities in the classroom, many students got low or bad score in the test.

b. Post – test Result

After knowing the pre test result or ability in mastering English materials, the

students got low score and then the writer gave treatments by using Grammar

Translation Method. The writer gave explanation about teaching-learning process

by using Grammar Translation Method, where reading text showed the materials.

The students felt interesting and not boring in teaching learning process

happened. In the end the writer gave the post-test to know ability in mastering the

materials after giving treatments by using Grammar Translation Method.

To measure the student’s ability in mastering material after giving treatments

by using Grammar Translation Method, the writer tested the students by giving

them multiple choice tests.

The result of post-test the materials can be identified as follows:

Table 7The Post-Test Result of the Tenth Grade Students at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara

No Students' Initial Score Post-Test

1 AR 60

2 AF 56

3 AS 73

4 AT 60

5 BS 56

6 BA 56

7 DY 60


8 DF 66

9 DR 70

10 EM 53

11 EK 60

12 EA 56

13 AD 56

14 AB 50

15 FM 60

16 FA 53

17 FH 70

18 FL 60

19 FN 70

20 IS 70

21 KS 53

22 KP 63

23 LT 73

24 LA 60

25 LS 60

26 LI 63

27 MK 60

28 MS 63

29 OT 70

30 RD 60

31 RS 50

32 RE 70

33 RB 60

34 SM 60

35 ST 56

36 SW 53

37 SR 60

38 SG 70

39 SS 63

40 TM 56


41 TA 60

42 TV 63

43 TW 60

44 UN 56

45 UK 60

46 WW 63

47 YF 56

Total 2856

Mean 60,76

Source: Post-Test of the Tenth Grade students at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara

Based on the above table, the writer then measured the class interval using the

formula according to Arikunto, as Follows:


IR = Class Interval

t = the highest score = 73

r = the lowest score = 50

N = Total of the category = 3


The total of Class Interval (IR) for independent variable of this research is

7,66 or8. After knowing the class interval, the data taken from interval above was

put on the table of frequency distribution, as follows:

Table 8The Frequency of Distribution of the Students’ Scores in Post-Test

No Class Interval Frequency Category Percentage

1. 66 – 73 10 Person High 21,29%

2. 58 – 65 22 Person Middle 46,80%

3. 50 – 57 15 Person Low 31,91%

Total 47 Person - 100%

Based on the table of frequency distribution above, it can be inferred that from

47 students as the research sample, there were 10 students who were included in

the high category for the score of 66 - 73 or 21,29%. Furthermore, in the middle

category, there were 22 students who got the score of 58 -65 or 46,80%. And for

the last category, there were 15 students who were included in the low category

for the score 50 - 57 or 31,91%.

Therefore, it can be inferred that the post-test is categorized into high

category. Even though, part of them still lack in mastering English materials in

answering the questions but it was good because they had well effort, in learning

English process.

C. Hypothesis Testing


After applying the documentation and test method the writer analyzed the data

by using analysis of t-test in order to prove whether there is a significant influence

on using Grammar Translation Method toward Student’s Reading Ability of tenth

grade students at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara in academic year 2010/2011, as


1. Preparing the table in order to prove whether there is a significant

influence on using Grammar Translation Method toward Students’

Reading Ability at tenth grade students at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara

Table 9The Pre-Test and Post-Test Result of the Tenth Grade Students At MA Al-

Hidayah Raman Utara

Participant Pre-Test( ) Post-Test( ) D ( - ) D2( - )2

1 53 60 -7 492 46 56 -10 1003 53 73 -20 4004 50 60 -10 1005 40 56 -16 2566 43 56 -13 1697 46 60 -14 1968 50 66 -16 2569 43 70 -27 72910 53 53 0 011 60 60 0 012 53 56 -3 913 53 56 -3 914 40 50 -10 10015 60 60 0 016 40 53 -13 16917 60 70 -10 10018 56 60 -4 1619 56 70 -14 19620 60 70 -10 10021 40 53 -13 16922 50 63 -13 16923 60 73 -13 169


24 50 60 -10 10025 53 60 -7 4926 50 63 -13 16927 40 60 -20 40028 50 63 -13 16929 50 70 -20 40030 53 60 -7 4931 40 50 -10 10032 50 70 -20 40033 53 60 -7 4934 50 60 -10 10035 40 56 -16 25636 43 53 -10 10037 53 60 -7 4938 53 70 -17 28939 53 63 -10 10040 43 56 -13 16941 53 60 -7 4942 60 63 -3 943 43 60 -17 28944 40 56 -16 25645 50 60 -10 10046 50 63 -13 16947 43 56 -13 169

2. Putting the data above into the formula of T-Test in order to get


Therefore, is 13,40516 as the result of the counting by using t-test

formula above.

To know critical value of T-test ( ), the writer firstly counted df

(degree of freedom). The formulation of DF=N - 2 = 47 – 2 = 45. But, 45 are not

found out in t-table, so, the writer must do interpolation. As follows:

Interpolation 5% 1%

1,775 2,406

To df 47 with df 5% is 1,775 and 1% is 2,406. then, the data confirmed that to

13, 40516 > 1,775. because t-observation is bigger than df

5% = 1,775 and 1% = 2,406.

D. Interpretations

The writer has formulated the alternative hypothesis (Hi) and Null hypothesis

(Ho) as follows:

1. Alternative hypothesis (Hi)


There is a significant on using Grammar Translation Method toward

Student’s Reading Ability of tenth grade students at MA Al-Hidayah

Raman Utara in academic year 2010/2011.

2. Null hypothesis (Ho)

There is not significant on using Grammar Translation Method toward

Student’s Reading Ability of tenth grade students at MA Al-Hidayah

Raman Utara in academic year 2010/2011.

After Hi and Ho above were formulated the writer consulted T-observation to

T-table as follows:

1. If t-observation is higher than T-table, Hi is accepted and Ho is rejected.

2. If t-observation is lower than T-table, Hi is rejected and Ho is accepted.

Finally the data confirmed that t-observation is bigger than t-table 13,40516 >

1,775. Therefore it can be inferred that Hi is accepted and Ho is rejected. It means

that there significant influence on using Grammar Translation Method toward

Students Reading Ability of tenth grade students at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara

in academic year 2010/2011.

During the research, the writer observed that the children were interested in

learning English material through using Grammar Translation Method. They were

enthusiastic during the learning process. All students always attended the class

from the first treatment until the last treatment. They were also active in the class

during the presentation of the material by using grammar translation method.


They were able understand the English material through using Grammar

Translation Method more easily. The writer assumed that teaching and learning

by using Grammar Translation method can influence students reading ability well.

Through using Grammar Translation Method, the students learn English easier

way because the students could understand about identify topic, main idea,

scanning, skimming and antonyms/synonyms. It’s more easily and effectively,

they learned by reading texts. So it has proved that using Grammar Translation

Method could influence the Student’s Reading Ability than the other method

especially for the students of the tenth grade at MA Al-Hidayah Raman Utara.

Through using Grammar Translation Method, the students learn new

experience in study English. In brief, there is a significant influence on using

Grammar Translation Method toward Students Reading Ability because after

treatments. In fact, it shows that there changes at amount of students that get the

low category and the high category. There are 16 students or 34,04% (Pre-test)

into the low category become 15 students or 31,91%(Post-test). Then, there are 8

students or 17,03% (Pre-test) into the high category become 10 students or


E. Limitations

However, after conducting the research and gaining the data from test, the

writer found some problems faced by the students, as follows:

1. Problems in interpreting using Grammar Translation Method


a. In the first treatment “times” the writer faced difficulty in managing the

class for example when the attention, most students seemed very busy

with themselves, the class was so noisy

b. The passive students under pressure to follow it

c. The writer found that many students faced difficulties in understanding on

using Grammar Translation Method. For example: reading text, scan and


2. The limitation of research Result

Although the result of this research is has proved that using Grammar

Translation Method is effective method for teaching English and has a significant

influence especially for students of the tenth grade students at MA Al-Hidayah

Raman Utara, but it is limited for the other students and schools generally, may be

for the other school the using Grammar Translation Method is not the effective in

learning process.


Conclusion and suggestion

1. Conclusion

Based on data collected and analysis, the writer conclusion that

Grammar Translation Method was alternative method can influence the

Student’s Reading Ability. It can be seen from the result of pre-test and post-

test. In the pre-test, average score of the students was 49,53, while in the post-


test was 60,76. the mean of the post-test is higher than the pre-test. The result

of the post-test can fulfill the minimum mastery criteria (KKM) at MA Al-

Hidayah Raman Utara, where there is 68,08% of students (32 students) who

get at least 60. The average score of post-test is 60,76, it means that the

students Reading Ability after treatments by using Grammar Translation

Method is increase. The students were interested and activated during the

treatments, although they faced difficulties in understanding some reading


Through using Grammar Translation Method, the students learn new

experience in study English. In brief, there is a significant influence on using

Grammar Translation Method toward Student’s Reading Ability because after

treatments. The fact shows that there are change at mount of students that get

the low category and the high category. There are 16 students or 34,04% (pre-

test) into low category become 15 students or 31,91% (post-test). Then, there

are 8 students or 17,03% (pre-test) into high category become 10 students or


Based on the students’ response, generally they like English subject,

they have good interest to study English more deeply. The students have good

response toward teacher and Grammar Translation Method. They felt easily

and funny to learn English material by using Grammar Translation Method

and to do the test in the form of reading texts.


2. Suggestions

After writer conducted the research of tenth grade Student’s at MA Al-

Hidayah Raman Utara. The writer would like to give some suggestions as


a. for the students

1) It is suggestion to increase their ability in mastering many

vocabularies in order that can success in learning process

especially in understanding reading texts.

2) This method can motivate the students in studying English.

3) To be more active in learning English by using Grammar

Translation Method because the Grammar Translation

Method can help the students to conversation with teacher in

following the material that teacher given. So it can increase

their knowledge and conversation at the school.

b. for the teacher

1) It is better for the teacher to use Grammar Translation

Method in teaching English material because it can improve

the Student’s Reading Ability.

2) It is suggested to the teacher gives motivation to the students

to be active in every English teaching learning process.

3) It is suggested to the English teacher more creative in

applying the technique by choosing interesting method


(Grammar Translation Method).

c. For school

1) It is suggested in supporting the English learning process by

preparing the facilitation and instruments completely.

2) It is suggested for the school and headmaster in order to

persuade the teachers to use this method because it is easy to

be understand by the students and efficient in teaching the

material for the teacher.


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