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Part XXXVIII Thirty Eight


Mark Glatt


Dwight Scott was not looking to be a hero ….

… He was looking to be a man

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Where Is That Screaming

Coming From??

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They’re Coming From Down Here ...

Oh Man!!

I Don’t Believe It!!

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There Must Be 200 Students Locked In There!! And I Recognize Some Of Them! And The Bracelets! They Have Carpet Quicksand Locked In There!

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How Did That …

…My Suit Was

Destroyed In That Explosion You Mo Freaking *beep*


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Intramural Gym

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I Knew It!!

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He Threw Me Down The Stairs

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You Destroyed My Costume! Now I

Will Destroy Yours!

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And He Did

Dwight Scott Dwight Scott … So you are the Impactor… But… why?

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My suit had served its purpose for the last time. My suit was ruined. Because I only slept two hours (it was about 4:30 in the Mourning at this time) I was a little tired and the crime fighting I had done earlier on had taken a lot of energy out of me as well. Now I was face to face with a maniac who had kidnapped the school. The maniac flipped a switch and all of the lights went on in the room.

So why did you do it? Become a super hero I mean. You

had so many good things going for you.

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He Walked Over To The Other Side Of The Gym. He Took Out A Key. He used the key to unlock a door that had not been noticed until then.

You have not been bullied in eight years. I started leaving you alone in middle school. Now I just go after weak minded fools. You

have passed on from being a victim. You have passed on from being the target of my attacks.

You should be feeling honored.

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The Room Was Full Of Shelves With Weapons

Stop right there. Originally, you did inspire me to be a super hero. You inspired me to get stronger.

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I was hurting but I knew that if I wanted to see another day I would have to get out of there. Never before had I faced death so closely before and I did not know how close to death I really was.

Had you come to me last term, I would have told you that I was fighting crime to get back at you. To get back at everyone who you sent to hurt me. To get back

at everyone you have inspired to hurt me. Every bully who ever hurt anyone who did not deserve it has made me mad. I knew that I could not personally go after

every bully there ever was. But I knew I could sure as hell get close.

So you go after bad guys in the neighborhood of trouble under the disguise of a super hero

because you always got caught when you tried anything just as creepy, boring Dwight Scott???

You are right. I did always get caught. I, unlike you, was never smart enough to get away with doing any harm. To not get caught, yes, you and all who served you were good at it. And I am a freak. I was born a

freak. Guys like you made me into more of a freak. And being a super hero seemed like a way I could overcome that. What being a super hero would do for me was make me a break through. It was that break

through that I needed to get over my strange past of all of that mental trouble.

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So you became a super hero to get over what I had caused you?? We both benefit from this. We both benefit as I am flattered and you have a lot to thank me for. You remember what was explained to you on how what we do is that we make guys like you stronger? Guys who need to be put in your place by us bullies? Do you think that you

would have grown up any different if we had not harassed you?? If we had not made your life a living hell??

We will never know now, will we, (bleep bleep)? That being a super hero changed my life. Being a super hero changed me.

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He obviously isn’t taking this

seriously.Awww. That is so sweet. A drama story from the

tough guy. Should we get some

tissues for the little baby?

Shut up! I haven’t finished yet. So then I found out that the suffering I have from

here on now is caused by my new life. My new life does not involve you after tonight. Considering that this is our final encounter

Don’t worry, the fighting comes up in a few para-graphs. Just need to explain a few more things, please do not get bored.

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After being a super hero, I stopped blaming you for the new things. Actually, I haven’t blamed you for anything in the past weeks. After tonight, I hope never to blame you for anything ever again. I became a super hero so I could stop letting bad guys from making other people to go through what I have gone through. Now, I just do it because the world needs super heroes. I still do it for the reasons I have always done it. I wanted to make up for being the biggest jerk I could be. So funny, it is, how you took so much away from away and still I want to give back. So, what are your plans now? The school and everything? The students, what is the meaning of this?

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Ransom money. We rob them of everything that they have and then we

charge their guardians to pay us everything they can give us!! Ha Ha!! And

no one will know that we did this!!

So why are you telling me?

Because you are not going to live to tell

anyone! You will not leave to tell the tale!

Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!

Unless You Want

To Join My Team

Read this talk bubble first

Read this talk bubble second

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Why Would I Be Joining Who I Want To Bring Down?? The Reason Why I Want To Stop You Isn’t The Former

Reason - Because I Hate You – Because I Care About The City

That Isn’t The Man I Knew. The Man Who Just Wants Sympathy, Revenge … To

Get Back At People. To Get His Aggression Out. To Get

To My Drugs.

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That Is Not Going To Happen Anymore. The Fact That I Took The Freaking Drugs From You Shows How Desperate I Was

To Get Drugs Into My System.

By The Way,

Where Did I Put Those Drugs??

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They’re Right Here.

Very Nice!! Now, Over There Is A Septic Tank. Go And Inject The

Cark Drug Into The Tank.

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Yeah!! You Push It!! Yeah!!


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YOU FOOL!!!!!!

I’d Rather DIE Than Give You


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The Gun Eventually Ran Out Of Bullets

I Will Get Another Gun And

Finish You

You Don’t Even Know

How To Use A Gun Fick Duck

You Do And I Shoot You

The Bullets Will Hit Some Where

Don’t Waste Your

Last Beeping

Hour Being Stupid


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We both have a secret! You told me your plans to take over the city.

You know of my secret identity. We each have a secret we cannot

have the other walking out here knowing about. Also, we have not found out what we really want to

know. Do you know what we really want to know????

What is that? This has gotta be good. If it is not something I need to hear, I will shoot you

dead right now.”

When we were in grade school, you always beat

me down because I was a lot weaker then. And I was too afraid to be caught for


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And there is no one here to put us in trouble for fighting. So how about we find out who would win

in a fight if it was fair? No schools, except for this one, no weapons, just rules. We keep the fight clean. When we are both ready. No hitting in the

family jewels. Al right?

None taken

Now I am better at fighting and I am

stronger. You are still bigger than me. You

have not been pushed to work out so much

any more, no offense.

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Al Right.



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So I shall defeat you just as I have beaten you down in school

Jack@$$, I am not the same boy who you bullied in kindergarten!!

Now I’m a man! !!

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Next Issue: Marque And Dwight Have Their Final Battle In

The Impactor’s Last Stand