

January 1

THE HEALING POWER OF FORGIVENESSBe kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another,

even as God in Christ forgave you. —Ephesians 4:32

ONE OF the most diffi cult things in life is to forgive a person who has purposely hurt us. But forgiveness allows us to move on and be free. Second Corinthians 2:7 says, “you ought rather to forgive and comfort [one who causes you grief], lest perhaps such a one be swallowed up with too much sorrow.”

God has forgiven us so much, and we are called to do the same for those who have hurt us. God sets the example: in 1 John 1:9 we’re told very clearly that if we confess our sins we’ll be cleansed of all unrighteousness. God is more than happy to meet us where we are.

But in the Bible, we read about what unforgiveness can do. Th ere once was a servant owed a large amount of money to his master (see Matthew 18:21–35). He pleaded with his master to cancel the debt. Graciously, his master did and the servant went out rejoicing. A little later, a man who owed the servant a small amount of money came to him begging for mercy, but the servant refused. When the master heard of this, he raged: “You wicked servant! I forgave you all that debt because you begged me. Should you not also have had compassion on your fellow servant, just as I had pity on you?” Th e servant was condemned to repay the whole debt (vv. 32–33). With consequences like these, it’s no wonder that forgiveness oft en benefi ts us more than the one forgiven.


Prayer: Father, You offer unconditional forgiveness to all who humble themselves before You. Please help me to offer this same forgiveness to

others, so that I, too, may be forgiven. Amen.

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January 2

SALT OF THE EARTHYou are the salt of the earth; but if the salt loses its flavor, how shall it be seasoned? It is then good for nothing but to be thrown

out and tr ampled underfoot by men. —Matthew 5:13

SALT IS essential for life; our bodies cannot exist without it. Jesus tells us that we need to become more like salt—more Christlike. “Salty” people have a sense of loyalty, durability, fi delity, usefulness and, most of all, value. One of the most remarkable features of salt is that when it has been used, it “loses itself,” or dissolves. It’s no longer visible, although the taste remains and adds fl avor. Can you see the similarities and implications? Just as salt makes its contribution and then is gone, so we are expected to do what God has called us to do, then become invisible—drawing people not to ourselves, but to God.

When one thinks of salt, one thinks of purity. As Christians, we are called to be examples to our neighbors, our colleagues, our employers, and especially our children. As we add “fl avor” to their lives by loving them with Christ’s love, they will come to know that they can depend on us, and on Him. Only when we look to the Source, which is the Lord Jesus Christ, will we be able to be godly, steadfast men and women who have something positive to off er our nation.


Prayer: Dear Jesus, I want to be salt and light to my family and all I come into contact with. Please help me to be a righteous witness for You, living my life

according to Your commands. In Your precious name, I pray. Amen.

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January 3

WALKING BY FAITHWe walk by faith, not by sight. —2 Corinthians 5:7

SOME YEARS ago, my eldest son, Andy, and I were growing seed maize during a drought. We had planted the maize by faith, and just enough rain had fallen for it to germinate. But now the land was becoming drier by the day, and the maize started to shrink.

Early one morning, aft er his quiet time with the Lord, Andy went out to the fi eld, dropped to his knees, prayed that God would send rain to save the crop. By midday, big, heavy black clouds full of rain had started to come up over the horizon, but they didn’t come far enough. Andy could see the white sheets of rain coming down everywhere but where we needed them. Excitement became despondency, even anger.

Andy went back to the offi ce and opened up his Bible to the place he had been reading earlier that morning—Ecclesiastes 11:4: “He who observes the wind will not sow, and he who regards the clouds will not reap.” God’s message could not have been clearer! Andy repented from a heart of unbelief and asked God to forgive him. Th en he carried on working. Th at night, sure enough, a gentle rain started to fall. Th e crop was saved.

When we doubt God, we tie His hands. But when we do our very best and leave the rest in His hands, every drought will end with rain.


Prayer: Dear Lord Jesus, You bless me every day and yet I still fi nd it diffi cult to fully trust You. Please help me to start walking by faith, no matter the circumstances, always trusting that You will come through for me. Amen.

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January 4

LIVING A BALANCED LIFEHe who has entered His rest has himself also ceased from his

works as God did from His. —Hebrews 4:10

IN THE hustle and bustle of this life, it is critical to take the time to step back and evaluate our lives. I see too many young people who are burnt out, and they haven’t even lived half their lives!

Aft er long work hours and nonexistent boundaries between work and home life, it’s easy to see why so many people become depleted. But in Mark 6:31–32 Jesus said, “ ‘Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.’ For there were many coming and going, and they did not even have time to eat. So they departed to a deserted place in the boat by themselves.” If Jesus and His disciples needed time out, how much more do you and I?

If we lose our balance and become overworked, our judgment becomes dulled and we start to make irrational decisions. We might say we can’t aff ord to rest, but actually, we can’t aff ord not to. For me, aft er an intense period of work, I like to saddle my horse and go for a ride into the hills, where I spend time enjoying the quiet and the beauty of God’s creation. Whether it’s jogging, creating something, working with your hands, or spending time with friends and loved ones, taking time for rest is critical.

It’s no good being a “mover and a shaker” for a few years and then ending up totally burnt out. Make sure you keep fresh for yourself, your family, and for the Lord.


Prayer: Lord, I know that I often am tired and stressed out. Help me to appreciate the importance of rest and relaxation and to take time out to spend

in Your beautiful world. Amen.

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January 5

LESSONS FOR LIFELet your light so shine before men, that they may see your good

works and glorify your Father in heaven. —Matthew 5:16

A FATHER once wrote a letter about the education of his son, saying, “He will have to learn . . . that all men are not just; but teach him . . . that for every scoundrel there is a hero; that for every selfi sh politician, there is a dedicated leader. If you can, teach him the secret of quiet laughter. Teach him the wonder of books, but also give him quiet time to ponder the eternal, the mystery of birds in the sky, bees in the sun, and the fl owers on a green hillside.”

Th e letter continues: “In the school, teach him it is far more honorable to fail than to cheat. Teach him to have faith in his own ideas, even if everyone tells him they are wrong. Teach him to be gentle with gentle people and to be tough with the tough. Try to give my son the strength not to follow the crowd when everyone is getting on the bandwagon. Teach him, if you can, how to laugh when he is sad. Teach him there is no shame in tears. . . . Treat him gently, but do not coddle him, because only the test of fi re makes fi ne steel.”

We need men and women such as this man describes, and those who will teach and nurture them. We bear great responsibility to speak the truth in love, and to not be afraid to stand up for righteousness.


Prayer: Father God, it is tough for young people making their way through this world today. Help me to be a positive infl uence on my young friends, sharing

Your love and peace with them. Amen.

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January 6

TURN THE OTHER CHEEKI tell you not to resist an evil person. But whoever slaps you on

your right cheek, turn the other to him also. —Matthew 5:39

HAS SOMEONE off ended you lately? Or caused you to feel hurt or resentful? It may have been something said by a family member, or a comment made about you at work. Oft en, the guilty party is unaware they’ve given off ence. But when we feel off ended and bear a grudge, we’re the ones who suff er, not those who have hurt us.

Let us take a leaf out of the Master’s book. On the night He was betrayed, the Lord Jesus was sitting quietly, having a meal with the disciples, when they began to argue about who would be the greatest in the kingdom of God.

Can you imagine the Lord’s response? He must have been so disappointed. For three years, He had taught them how to love, how to serve, and that the greatest should try to be the least. He also knew that that very evening Judas would betray Him for thirty pieces of silver, and that Peter would deny Him three times. He had every reason to be off ended by the behavior of His closest friends. Yet he lovingly served them.

We can so easily become angry and off ended by the actions of others. But Jesus said we should turn the other cheek and lead by example, being gracious and empathetic, praying for the those who have off ended us, and trusting that in time their attitudes will change.


Prayer: Dear Lord, I pray that I might think twice before I take offense at someone’s words or actions. Let everything I do be fl avored with love. Help me

to turn the other cheek, and not to hold grudges against anyone. Amen.

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January 7

DECLARE WAR ON WORRYWhich of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?

If you then are not able to do the least, why are you anxious for the rest? —Luke 12:25–26

WE LIVE in diffi cult times. Th ings seem to be falling apart all around the world. It’s not surprising we’re left feeling insecure and worried. Interestingly, worry comes from an old English word meaning “to strangle.” How oft en do we feel like we can’t breathe or think straight when we worry? Yet our heavenly Father knows our needs even before we ask Him, so we need not be afraid. God is a giver. He wants to bless us, and it gives Him great pleasure to do so. If we work hard and leave the rest to the Lord, we’ll see that he is much more capable of looking aft er our loved ones and our future than anybody else.

A doctor friend told me that many of the patients who come to him suff er from psychosomatic symptoms, or sickness brought on by one’s mental attitude. Some of us are so negative the devil hasn’t got any work to do. When the sun rises in the morning, they say, “Here comes the drought!” At midday, when the clouds roll in, they say, “Here comes the fl ood!” A person with a negative outlook can never be happy; worrying about things that are out of our control takes all the joy from our hearts. When you worry, put your trust in the Lord, and you’ll fi nd your days will go so much better.


Prayer: Dear Jesus, instead of worrying endlessly about things I can do nothing about, help me to hand over all my concerns to You, knowing that You have the

best plan for my life. In Jesus’ name, amen.

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January 8

FULLY RELY ON GODGive me neither poverty nor riches—feed me with the food

allotted to me; lest I be full and deny You, and say, “Who is the Lord?” Or lest I be poor and steal, and profane the name of my God.

—Proverbs 30:8-9

WHAT A blueprint for balancing wealth and humility! It’s second nature for people to strive to be self-suffi cient. Aft er all, we don’t want to be dependent on anyone. We don’t want to be a burden, a passenger, or a taker. But know this: God is diff erent. God wants us to depend on Him and not on our own ability. When we have everything we need, we tend to forget where our strength comes from. If we have needs that have not yet been met, that’s cause for joy, because it will keep us close to the Lord.

Th e danger starts when we put too much trust in ourselves, in our own ability, in our education, in our fi nances—and not in God. Remember the story of the foolish rich farmer in Luke 12:14–21. He had a bumper crop and thought himself that he would build bigger barns and then sit back and take it easy. But God said to him: “Fool! Th is night your soul will be required of you; then whose will those things be which you have provided?”

Let us continue to do the very best we can. But at the end of the day, let us also understand that our future lies fi rmly in the hands of the Creator of heaven and earth.


Prayer: Heavenly Father, it is in my nature to want to be self-suffi cient. Please remind me that every blessing comes from You. Help me in trust in You to walk

with me and provide for my needs every day. Amen.

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January 9

SHARE YOUR STORYI will mention the lovingkindnesses of the Lord and the pr aises of the Lord, according to all that the Lord has bestowed on us.

—Isaiah 63:7

IT’S IMPORTANT for us to share our history with others. As I ride around my farm, every square foot brings back memories, both fond and tragic. I look out at a row of pine trees my late father planted and I remember it as if it was yesterday. Th e farm doesn’t have a single corner that isn’t full of love and the presence of God. My retired foreman Simeon is still with me on the farm. Oft en I’ll just stroll over to Simeon’s house on a Sunday aft ernoon, and we’ll sit and reminisce about the early days when we started.

Th e greatest story of all, though, is the story of the life of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. What a story! In the mere thirty-three years He lived on earth, Jesus gave us all we need to know about life and death. His story is summed up in John 3:16: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” Spend time reading the greatest story of all, especially when the going gets tough. And tell your own story to your loved ones. It will bond you together and remind you of God’s goodness to you.


Prayer: Father, I thank You for always being by my side, no matter what I have gone through. Prompt me to share Your greatness and all You’ve done in my life

with others. Amen.

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January 10

A FATHER’S ROLEDo not provoke your children to wr ath, but bring them up in the

training and admonition of the Lord. —Ephesians 6:4

GOD IS very clear about the need for order in the home. Husbands must love their wives as much as Christ loved the church. If necessary, we must be ready to lay down our lives for our families. When men start to honor and to love their wives as Christ loved the church, we’ll see a diff erent spirit in the home.

Th e love we speak of consists of putting food on the table, disciplining the children, and rolling up our sleeves to help our wives. Make sure everybody knows that your wife is the most important person to you in this world. I don’t know of any woman who would have a problem submitting to her husband if he were prepared to give his life for her and her children, put food on the table, educate his children, and protect her. Problems arise when the man abdicates his responsibility.

Children need to obey their parents, but parents are commanded to stop antagonizing their children and start supporting them. When a parent starts to encourage his children, all of a sudden those youngsters start to blossom. All parents should watch the words they speak. Th ose words can mean life or death for a child; words can stay with children for the rest of their lives. Let’s make an eff ort to ensure our homes are disciplined and ordered, yet fi lled with love.


Prayer: Dear Jesus, I know that discipline is not pleasant, but is vital in the long run for so many reasons. Please help me to do my part in ensuring order in

the home, living according to Your Word. Amen.

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January 11

STAYING THE COURSELet us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall

reap if we do not lose heart. —Galatians 6:9

GOD WILL use any person prepared to stay the course, to run the race, to never let go of their vision. History shows us that God doesn’t always use the best; He uses those who are available.

When He told Moses to take the Israelites out of Egypt, for example, Moses complained that he couldn’t speak properly because he had a stammer. God helped him with this issue (see Exodus 4). And we remember that Jesus used Peter, an uneducated fi sherman, to head up the church when Christ returned to heaven aft er the resurrection (see John 21:15–19).

Some of the most successful people I’ve ever met don’t have university degrees. Th ey’re disciplined individuals who get up in the morning and work hard, who don’t back down or let discouragement get them down. We will be rewarded if we do not lose heart, says the Lord. If we keep our standards up, treat everyone with dignity and fairness, and lead from the front, we all have tremendous possibilities, and wonderful opportunities to make a diff erence. Go out and do your part, no matter how insignifi cant it may seem.

When you get discouraged, rely on faith. Hebrews 11:1 says, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” When we do our part, God does His. You may not know just how close you are to victory. Stay the course and put your trust in Jesus Christ.


Prayer: Dear Lord, help me to stay the course and to make a difference to the world around me. Even though it may appear to be insignifi cant, I know that I’m

doing it for You. Amen.

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