  • 4412 N. Western Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60625


    The GuideMay 5, 2019 Third Sunday of Easter

    Queen of Angels Parish


    Sunday, May 5 Final CCD Classes of 2018-2019

    10:45 a.m. to 11:45 a.m., School — see page 5 for registration info —

    Tuesday, May 7

    Chicago Soundings Concert — see page 7 for more info —

    Wednesday, May 8

    School Faculty Meeting 2:15 p.m. Early Dismissal, School

    Thursday, May 9

    Senior Social Club, 1 p.m. — see pages 5 and 6 for more info —

    Theology on Tap Planning, 7 p.m. — see page 7 for more info —

    Weekend of May 11-12

    Mother’s Day Blessing of Mothers * 2nd Collection for Catholic Charities * Flower Sale

    — see pages 3 and 6 for more info —

    Tuesday, May 14 May Crowning, 8:30 a.m. Mass

    — see page 2 for more info —

    Saturday, May 18 Choir Festival, 5 p.m. Mass

    Weekend of May 18-19

    “Bundle Sunday” Item Drive — see pages 4 and 6 for more info —

    Sunday, May 19

    SPRED Liturgy, 9:30 a.m. Mass

    Tuesday, May 21 Senior Outing to Chinatown

    — see pages 5 and 6 for more info —

    Diana Baez Adolfo Benitez Sebastian Blum Eleanor Bolger

    Alexandra Brown Eli Bucio

    Jonathan Bucio Declan Byrne

    Aribella Castillo Cerenia Chavez

    Ava Conklin Gabriel Cortes Sophie Driskill Emma Estrada David Fiesta

    Esmeralda Flores Leon Santiago Flores Leon

    Joseph Foeller Andrew Fuenzalida

    Ella Gainer Diego Garcia

    Elizabeth Garcia Gervasio Garcia

    Heidi Garcia Cruz Gael Garcia-Ruiz Leslie Garcia-Ruiz Teddy Gavazzoni

    Mae Hartman

    Alondra Ruiz Emely Sandoval Ashley Sanisaca

    Xander Schoonhoven Joanna Sempsey

    Darline Sierra Evolet Sierra

    Amy Siguencia Keilly Siguencia

    Christian Simbrowsky Sebastian Skizas

    Daniel Smith Emma Smith

    Frankie Soloma Stella Stronsky

    Sophia Summers Liam Taylor

    Isabella Vaca Collin Van Tiem

    Ixalys Vargas Julian Vargas

    Margo Vernon-Aldeen Marcella Villagomez

    Janelly Villamil Lily Walsh

    Mariella Herman Ruben Hinojosa, Jr.

    Michael Hirst Lila Klocke Philip Kyle

    Madeline Landau Diego Luna Sophia Lunt

    Isabella Mancusi Valenzuela Francisco Marin Diego Martinez

    James Mayo Jasper McGloin Jack McKinney

    Melani Mendoza Jack Mocarski

    Michelle Mondragón Andrea Montalvo

    Abby Mortier Sterling Mulroney Lucca Niles-Steger

    Ella Pierce Vera Recinto

    Jason Reyes Sotelo Luna Ricks

    Ayslin Romero Bautista Isaias Romero Bautista

    Brigid Ronan

    FIRST HOLY COMMUNION 2019 Congratulations to the following children and youth of the parish who celebrated their First Holy Communion at special Masses on Saturday, May 4. Please keep them and their families in your prayers as, strengthened by the Eucharist, they continue their journey of faith.

    Mrs. Susana Briones, Mrs. Colette Bullock, Ms. Shannon Callinan, Ms. Erika Cardona, Mrs. Monica Hohner, Ms. Rachel Hohner,

    Mrs. Roine Michaels, and Ms. Nancy Scherer, Catechists & Teachers Rev. Msgr. James T. Kaczorowski, Pastor and Director of Religious Education

    Ms. Rachel Hohner, Coordinator of Religious Education Mrs. Julia Byrns Kelly, Principal Mrs. Monica Hohner, Program Assistant

  • We Pray for the Deceased... James Macaluso, Devlin Arrington and

    Members of the Parish Remembrance Society

    We Pray For… Purita Tavas, Mike Holzner, Stella Peters, Bill Allen, Liam Magnanenzi,

    Dolores Nieder, Frances O’Neill, Suzanne Peterson, Roine Dryer-Michaels, Elia Piccony, Sr. Maryann Zrust, Shirley Madison, Mary Fowler,

    Ed Jankowski, Kelly McCaffery and Jim Baker

    In honor of those who need our prayers, please let us know of those who no longer need to be on the list at this time. Names will remain on Prayer

    List for one month from request unless resubmitted. Thank you.



    Weekends – Saturday 9 a.m. & 5 p.m. in English

    6:30 p.m. at St. Benedict (2215 W. Irving Park Road) in English Monday through Friday Weekday Masses 8:30 a.m.

    Holy Day Masses 8:30 a.m. in English and 7 p.m. bilingual / bilingüe


    English Wedding and Baptism Arrangements Please phone the Voss Parish Center: 773-539-7510

    Baptisms in English-Second Saturdays at 11:30 a.m. & Third Sundays at 2 p.m. Baptism Preparation Classes in English: First Tuesday of Every Month

    (excluding national holidays)

    Para Arreglar una Boda o un Bautismo Favor de llamar a la Oficina de Ministerio Hispano: 773-539-7510

    Bautismos en Español - El primer sábado a las 11:30 a.m. y el cuarto domingo a las 2 p.m.

    Clases de preparación para bautismo en español son el segundo o tercer sábado de cada mes (excepto en días de fiesta nacional)

    Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament: Friday 9 a.m.-10 a.m. Homebound: Call the Parish Center to arrange communion in home

    for those unable to attend Mass.

    Parish Staff & Ministries Church: 2330 W. Sunnyside Ave.

    Voss Parish Center: 4412 N. Western Ave. Phone: 773-539-7510 Fax: 773-539-3408

    e-mail: [email protected] Parish Website: School Website:

    Office Hours: 8:30 a.m.- 8 p.m. Monday-Thursday 8:30 a.m.- 4 p.m. Friday

    9:30 a.m.–1 p.m. Saturday Closed Sundays

    Rev. Msgr. James T. Kaczorowski, Pastor Rev. Jeremy B. Thomas, Resident

    Rev. Mr. Bienvenido Nieves, Deacon and wife, Maria Ms. Rachel Hohner, Parish Secretary

    Mr. Kent Jager, Music Director Ms. Maria Valdes Vargas,

    Director of Spanish Language Music

    QUEEN OF ANGELS PARISH SCHOOL Pre-school, Before- and After- School Programs

    Kindergarten through 8th Grade 4520 N. Western, 773-769-4211, Fax 773-769-4289

    Mrs. Julia Byrns Kelly, School Principal Mr. Mark Dozier and Mrs. Kelli Siko, Assistant Principals


    4520 N. Western 773-769-4986, ext. 215 Ms. Rachel Hohner, Coordinator


    4412 N. Western 773-539-7510 (12 mediodía a 8 p.m. lunes a jueves; 8:30 a.m. a 4 p.m.

    viernes; 9:30 a.m. a 1 p.m. sábado)


    4412 N. Western 773-539-3634 Mrs. Julie Hess, Coordinator

    SPRED website:

    GUILD HALL AND GYMNASIUM 4416 N. Western 773-539-7510

    Bulletin Deadline: 10 a.m. Tuesday If you have an upcoming event or activity it is suggested you

    advertise it in our bulletin at least two weeks prior to the event. Send in a hard copy or send an e-mail to:

    [email protected] Shorter articles may be faxed to 773-539-3408.

    Page Two Third Sunday of Easter: May 5, 2019

    To sign up for Online Giving:

    TIME FOR SCHOOL SUPPLIES DRIVE Education can break the cycle of poverty that traps many of our neighbors. You can help by supporting children in our area who receive a boost of confidence and the necessary items for the school year through the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. We ask for your support now so we can place our wholesale order to get the best prices. A donation of $20 supports one child. A donation of $600 supports an entire classroom of children! Donations may be placed in the Poor Box or through GiveCentral, or by check to SVDP through the parish office. If your employer offers to match charitable contributions, please submit the necessary form with your donation; we'll do the rest. God bless you!

    Please join us for

    May Crowning Tuesday, May 14

    8:30 a.m. All-School Mass

  • May 5, 2019 Third Sunday of Easter Page Three RENEW MY CHURCH: IT STARTS WITH US! Consider these questions thoughtfully: Are you a disciple of Jesus Christ? What does it mean to be His disciple? Is there anything holding you back from following Him more closely? Or from introducing others to Him? What is your relationship with the parish community? How do you strengthen the larger Catholic community? As Pope Francis said when he visited the United States: “One of the great challenges facing the Church in this generation is to foster in the faithful a sense of personal responsibility for the Church’s mission, and to enable them to fulfill that responsibility as missionary disciples, as a leaven of the Gospel in our world. This will require creativity in adapting to changed situations, carrying forward the legacy of the past not primarily by maintaining our structures and institutions, which have served us well, but above all by being open to the possibilities which the Spirit opens up to us and communicating the joy of the Gospel, daily and in every season of our life.” With this in mind, it is important to prayerfully discern our own efforts to renew our faith lives and our active participation in the life of the Church. There are three mission imperatives that guide our efforts of Renew My Church:

    Make Disciples: We must reflect on how each of us invites others into a personal encounter and lifelong relationship with Jesus Christ as disciples in His Church. Build Community: Our parish and school communities today face a number of obstacles to vitality—the parishioner bases of many parishes are very small; the number of school-aged children in areas has decreased; we have fewer priests; many of our parishes are not sustainable to carry on the mission of the Church; and many parishes and schools have deferred maintenance for many years, resulting in unaffordable capital needs. We must ensure our communities have enough resources to carry out our mission. But we also recognize resourcing alone does not address all of our challenges. Parish and school communities that today are well-resourced and vibrant still face significant challenges because of the changes in society. That is why we need a spiritual renewal at the foundation of all we do. Inspire Witness: In keeping with the urging of the Second Vatican Council, Pope Francis is calling the Church to go out into the world as a field hospital to bring healing to a world torn by division, violence, racism, poverty and to promote respect for human dignity and life.

    What does this have to do with your personal role in Renew My Church? Take that question to prayer and, just as He looked at Peter and asked him, “Do you love me?” … “Feed my sheep,” so, too, will He give you a clear role in the renewal of His Church. I encourage you to read a great article called “What is a missionary disciple in Renew My Church?” in the March 10 issue of the Chicago Catholic at

    Monsignor Jim Kaczorowski, Pastor

    RENUEVA MI IGLESIA COMIENZA CON NOSOTROS Considere estas preguntas cuidadosamente: ¿Eres un discípulo de Jesucristo? ¿Qué significa ser su discípulo? ¿Hay algo que te impide seguirlo más de cerca? ¿O por atraer a él a otros? ¿Cuál es su relación con la comunidad parroquial? ¿Cómo ayudas y apoyas a la comunidad católica en general? Como dijo el Papa Francisco cuando visitó Estados Unidos: "Uno de los desafíos más grandes que enfrenta la Iglesia en esta generación es la de fomentar en los fieles un sentido de responsabilidad personal por la misión de la Iglesia, y permitirles cumplir esa responsabilidad como discípulos misioneros, como si fueran la levadura en nuestro mundo como en el evangelio. Esto requerirá creatividad para adaptarse a las situaciones cambiantes, llevar adelante el legado del pasado no principalmente manteniendo nuestras estructuras e instituciones, que nos han servido bien, pero, sobre todo, estar abiertos a las posibilidades que el Espíritu nos manda y llevar la alegría del Evangelio, a diario y en cada etapa de nuestra vida.” Con esto en mente, es importante discernir y reconocer, en oración, nuestros propios esfuerzos para renovar nuestras vidas de fe y nuestra participación en la vida de la Iglesia. Hay tres misiones importantes que guían nuestros esfuerzos de Renueva Mi Iglesia:

    Crear Discípulos: Debemos reflexionar sobre cómo cada uno de nosotros invita a otros a un encuentro personal y fomentar una relación de por vida con Jesucristo como discípulos en Su Iglesia Construir Comunidades: Actualmente nuestras comunidades parroquiales y escolares enfrentan una serie de obstáculos para su vitalidad: la base en cantidad de feligreses de muchas parroquias son muy bajas; el número de niños en edad escolar dentro de la zona ha disminuido; tenemos menos sacerdotes; muchas de nuestras parroquias no son sostenibles para llevar a cabo la misión de la Iglesia; y muchas parroquias y escuelas han excedido el costo el mantenimiento durante muchos años, lo que ha generado necesidades de capital inasequibles. Debemos asegurar que nuestras comunidades tengan recursos suficientes para llevar a cabo nuestra misión. Pero también tenemos que reconocer que los recursos por sí solos no son suficientes para afrontar todos nuestros desafíos. Las comunidades parroquiales y escolares que hoy cuentan con buenos recursos y dinámicas funcionales también enfrentan desafíos importantes debido a los cambios en la sociedad. Es por eso por lo que necesitamos una renovación espiritual en la base de todo lo que hacemos. Ser Testigos de Inspiración: Siguiendo el impulso del II Concilio Vaticano, el Papa Francisco está llamando a la Iglesia a salir al mundo como un hospital portable para llevar la sanación a un mundo desgarrado por la división, la violencia, el racismo, la pobreza y promover el respeto por la dignidad humana y vida. ¿Qué tiene esto que ver con su participación personal en Renueva Mi Iglesia? Tome esta pregunta en sus oraciones, y considere el momento justo cuando Jesús miró a Pedro y le preguntó: “¿Me amas?” ... “Alimenta a mis ovejas,” así también él le dará una respuesta clara sobre la renovación de Su Iglesia.

    Le invito a leer un artículo excelente llamado “¿Qué es un discípulo misionero de Renueva Mi Iglesia?” de la edición del 10 de marzo del Chicago Catholic en — Monseñor Jim Kaczorowski, Párroco

  • Page Four Third Sunday of Easter; May 5, 2019

    SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT dePAUL REFLECTS In this Sunday’s Gospel, the disciples in their struggle finally recognize Jesus and proclaim “It is the Lord!” Have you considered answering the call to “help the poor recognize the Lord in their life” by joining the Society of St. Vincent dePaul? Come and see at 7 p.m. on the third Thursday of the month in the Voss Center. All are welcome! The next meeting will be May 16.


    BUNDLE SUNDAY IS MAY 18-19 Are you Spring cleaning? Please set aside things that St. Vincent dePaul can use. We welcome clothing, blankets, tools, books, shoes, draperies, lamps, toys, purses, linens, office supplies, jewelry, rugs, household goods, old electronics (computers, laptops, keyboards, flat screen monitors, mice) and baby items. Pack items to be stacked in a trailer and shipped to a St. Vincent dePaul thrift shop. The trailer will be open in the parking lot May 18-19 before the 5 p.m. Mass Saturday and after Sunday Masses until it is full.

    TIME FOR RCYA SUMMER SOFTBALL Registration is open for the Ravenswood Catholic Young Adults (RCYA) Softball League, a co-ed, social, recreational, 16” Chicago-style league. Opening day is Monday, May 20 and the season concludes with playoffs at the end of August. Game times are Monday evenings at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. at Winnemac Park, corner of Argyle and Damen. Players must be at least 21 years old, but participants do not have to be Catholic to play. All ability levels are needed. Women may use mitts. Fee is $79.50 plus $6.47 for online processing and includes payments for equipment, fields, umpires, t-shirts and free pizza after games at K’s Dugout, 1938 W. Foster Avenue. Visit or info or to register.

    LETTER FROM THE CARDINAL Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In the Gospels, Jesus teaches us to be a living expression of God’s kindness, showing the light of God’s goodness and mercy to all of our brothers and sisters, but especially to the poor, the vulnerable, and those facing challenging circumstances. Each year on Mother’s Day, Catholic Charities invites us to be a living expression of God’s goodness through our gift to the Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection. With our support, Catholic Charities carries out the important work of the Church to help the poor and vulnerable in the Archdiocese of Chicago. People often come to Catholic Charities at the most difficult times of their lives—hungry, afraid, hurting, alone, homeless, helpless, hopeless. Catholic Charities cares for people at these desperate times, helping them rebuild their lives and restoring hope for the future. Catholic Charities provides a broad range of services to people of all ages and at every stage of life, regardless of religion or background. Whether it is helping young mothers with pregnancy and parenting services, offering educational and support programs for at-risk children and teens, counseling those facing addiction, mental illness or grief, delivering emergency assistance to families coping with homelessness and hunger or providing affordable housing and a variety of in-home services for seniors, Catholic Charities brings Christ’s love and mercy to those who need it most. We each have an important role to play in the Church’s sacred mission to care for those in need. Please accept my sincere gratitude for your past support of the Catholic Charities Mother’s Day Collection, and please be as generous as you can again this year. Contributions can be made during the second collection on Mother’s Day, anytime at, or mail your gift to Catholic Charities, 721 N. LaSalle St. 60654. May God bless you and those you love this Mother’s Day and always. With every good wish, I remain Sincerely your is Christ, Cardinal Blase J. Cupich Archbishop of Chicago


    Weekend of: Divine Mercy April 27 & 28 Easter Sunday April 20 & 21

    Envelopes Number of envelopes: Collected amount: Percent of total:


    $3,690.50 46%


    $13,546.00 67%

    Loose Collection Collected amount: Percent of total:





    ParishPay Projected amount: Percent of total:





    Total Collection: $8,025.97 $20,210.42

    Many thanks to all who sacrifice and share to support the ministries of Queen of Angels!

    Give Central Projected amount: Percent of total:





    MOTHER’S DAY FLOWER SALE The Respect Life Committee will sponsor the Mother’s Day Flower Sale on the weekend of May 11-12 in the church gathering space following all Masses. Proceeds go to the Women’s Center to help women in crisis pregnancies. Fresh cut bouquets of flowers will be available for $10 to $30. This is a great way to remember a mother or anyone who has been like a mother to you.

  • May 5, 2019 Third Sunday of Easter Page Five


    Saturday, May 11 3 pm Wedding Sawyer Michalak and Stephanie Czech 5 pm Mass Moya Galvin and Avabeth Galvin

    Sunday, May 12—Mother’s Day 8 am Mass Dylan Bradley and Joe Flynn 9:30 am Mass Libby Brandon and Ethan Lunt 11 am Mass Dominic Pricco and Evelyn Pricco 12:30 pm Misa TBD

    MUSICAL NOTES For nearly 20 years, Queen of Angels has had a remarkable choral program for children in the parish. Each year we average around 50 children that participate in the Cherub Choir and Choristers. These choirs are open to any child interested in singing. An audition is required for entry into the Choristers. The Queen of Angels choral program provides a comprehensive music education to the children with an emphasis on choral singing. Through our association with the RCSM training program, Voices for Life, our singers develop the needed skills to allow them to excel musically. With the support of our outstanding adult choir they gain exposure to many of the great choral composers of all musical periods. If you have a child in the first through eighth grades that would be interested in singing with the Cherub Choir or Choristers please email Kent Jager at [email protected]. He will be happy to speak with you about the Queen of Angels choral program and answer any questions you may have.

    Music for English Masses, 4th Sunday of Easter, May 11-12: • Processional: At the Lamb’s High Feast We Sing, # 596 • Gospel Acclamation: Easter Alleluia (Chant Mode II) • Preparation: Shepherd of Souls, in Love, Come, Feed Us, #

    679 • Communion: Eye Has Not Seen, # 879 • Recessional: This Little Light of Mine, # 960 • Mass Setting: Mass of Redemption

    Kyrie, # 230 Memorial Acclamation, # 244 Gloria, # 233 Amen, # 248 Sanctus, # 240 Agnus Dei, # 252

    Choir Anthems (at 9:30 and 11 a.m. Masses only): • Introit: Do You Know Your Shepherd’s Voice? (Suzanne Lord) • Preparation: Surrexit pastor bonus (Orlando di Lasso) • Communion: Ave Maria (Jacobus Gallus)

    BAPTISMS/BAUTISMOS Chelo Milla Di Biasio, child of Alana and Lee Reid Maximo Gourguechon, child of Marita and Nicolas Harley Himawari Rojas, child of Samantha and Ariel Ayden Patricia Ward, child of Margarete and Peter Thalia Rose Welton, child of Jessica and Craig Estrella Lala, child of Ana and Luis Mya Lyanna Gutierrez, child of Alma and Luis

    Please attend the next general meeting of our parish’s Senior Social Club, from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. on Thursday, May 9 at the Parish Center, 4412 N. Western. Take the stairs or elevator to the 2nd floor.

    • Hear a presentation from Dave Williams, volunteer lecturer at the Art Institute of Chicago, about their world-famous collection of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist works from 1870 to 1910

    • Celebrate a brief May Crowning in honor of Mary, our mother in heaven and patroness of our parish

    • Discuss plans for activities and outings, including our walking club and the May 21 trip to Chinatown

    • All senior citizens are welcome Feel free to bring a friend! Have questions? Please call 773-372-9535 and leave a message, or e-mail [email protected].

    M S — 2 ! All films in the Parish Center, 4412 N. Western, 2nd Floor

    “Harvey” (1950) Comedy-fantasy about an eccentric man whose

    best friend is a six-foot-tall invisible rabbit named Harvey; starring James Stewart; based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning play by Mary Chase; at 10:30 a.m. Wednesday May 29.

    O C Save the date! Tuesday, May 21st

    • Gather at CTA Brown Line Western station to travel down-town together (or meet the group at the water taxi dock)

    • Take a water taxi from downtown along the south branch of the Chicago River to the Chinatown dock

    • Explore Tom Ping Memorial Park and other Chinatown landmarks

    • Enjoy lunch at a Chinatown restaurant • Return via water taxi and CTA train

    Show your interest by calling 773-372-9535 or sending an email to [email protected]. Further details

    RELIGIOUS EDUCATION OF CHILDREN Registration is now open for Religious Education (CCD) during the 2019-20 school year. The program is designed for children not attending a Catholic elementary school. Families are encouraged to register their children who will be entering K through 8th Grade in order to: • grow in friendship with Jesus and in moral values, • learn about Mass, teachings and traditions, and • prepare for sacraments of First Reconciliation, First

    Holy Communion (Eucharist) and Confirmation. Most classes are on Sunday mornings. Early registration before July 1 comes with a discount. Email [email protected] or call 773-539-7510 for more info.

  • Página Seis Tercer Domingo de Pascua 5 de mayo, 2019

    LA SOCIEDAD DE SAN VICENTE dePAÚL… En el Evangelio de este Domingo, los discípulos en su lucha, finalmente reconocen a Jesús y proclaman “¡Es el Señor!” ¿Ha considerado usted el responder al llamado para “ayudar a los pobres a reconocer al Señor en su vida” uniéndose a la Sociedad de San Vicente dePaúl? Venga y vea: en el Centro Voss, el tercer jueves del mes a las 7 p.m. La próxima reunión será el 16 de mayo.

    DOMINGO DEL PAQUETE, 18-19 MAYO ¿Está haciendo un poco de limpieza de primavera? Por favor, deje a un lado las cosas que San Vicente de Paúl puede usar para cambiar vidas. Damos la bienvenida a las donaciones de ropa, mantas, herramientas, libros, zapatos, cortinas, lámparas, juguetes, monederos, ropa de cama, muebles pequeños, suministros de oficina, joyería, alfombras, artículos de uso doméstico, electrónicos viejos (computadoras, computadoras portátiles, teclados, monitores de pantalla plana, ratones), y artículos para bebé (excluyendo cunas). El remolque de San Vicente de Paúl se ubicará en el estacionamiento el fin de semana del 18 al 19 de mayo antes o después de las misas hasta que alcance su capacidad. Por favor empaque los artículos para que puedan apilarse en un remolque y enviarlos de manera segura a una tienda de artículos de segunda mano de San Vicente de Paúl.

    CLUB SOCIAL DE LOS ANCIANOS Están invitados a la próxima reunión general del Club Social de los Ancianos desde la 1 p.m. hasta las 2:30 p.m. el jueves, 9 de mayo, en el Centro Parroquial, 4412 N. Western. Tome el ascensor o la escalera al 2do piso.

    • Escuche una presentación de Dave Williams, voluntario en el Instituto de Arte de Chicago, sobre la colección mundialmente famosa de obras impresionistas y post-impresionistas de 1870 a 1910

    • Celebre una breve Coronación de Mayo en honor de María, nuestra madre en el cielo y patrona de nuestra parroquia

    • Discuta los planes de actividades y excursiones, incluyendo nuestro Club de Caminando y la excursión de mayo 21 a Chinatown

    • Todas las personas de tercera edad son bienvenidas ¡Puede traer un amigo/a! ¿Tiene preguntas? Contacte a [email protected] o al 773-372-9535. P A —¡2 ! en el Centro Parroquial, 4412 N. Western, Segundo Piso

    “Harvey” (1948) o bien “El Invisible Harvey” (titulo en español) Comedia-fantasía sobre un hombre excéntrico

    cuyo mejor amigo es un conejo invisible llamado Harvey; con James Stewart; basado enla obra

    ganadora del Premio Pulitzer de Mary Chase; a las 10:30 a.m. miércoles, 29 de mayo.

    Por favor anote le fecha para una Película del Primer Viernes, a las 10:30 a.m. el 7 de junio. La película especifica será anunciada.

    E C ¡Anote la fecha! martes, 21 de mayo • Reúnanse en la estación del CTA

    Brown Line a Western para viajar juntos al centro (o reunirse con el grupo en el muelle de taxis acuáticos)

    • Tome un taxi acuático desde el centro a la rama sur del Río Chicago hasta el muelle de Chinatown

    • Explore el Parque Memorial de Tom Ping y otros lugares de interés de Chinatown

    • Disfrute del almuerzo en un restaurante • Regrese a través de taxi acuático y tren CTA

    Por favor llame al 773-372-9535 o contacte por correo electrónico al [email protected] para expresar que Ud. está interesada. Detalles se anunciarán.

    CARTA DEL CARDENAL Estimados hermanos y hermanas en Cristo: En el Evangelio, Jesús nos enseña a ser una expresión viva de la bondad de Dios, mostrando la luz de la generosidad y Misericordia de Dios a todos nuestros hermanos y hermanas, pero especialmente a los pobres, los vulnerables y aquellos que enfrentan circunstancias difíciles. Cada año en el Día de las Madres, Caridades Católicas nos invita a ser expresión viva de la generosidad de Dios a través de nuestra donación a la Colecta del Día de las Madres de Caridades Católicas. Con nuestro apoyo, Caridades Católicas lleva a cabo la importante obra de la Iglesia de ayudar a los pobres y vulnerables en la Arquidiócesis de Chicago. Caridades Católicas provee una amplia gama de servicios a personas de todas las edades y en cada etapa de la vida, independientemente de la religión o historial. Bien sea ayudar a madres jóvenes con el embarazo y servicios de crianza de hijos; ofrecer programas de apoyo y educativos a niños y adolescentes en riesgo; consejería para aquellos que enfrentan adicciones, enfermedades mentales o luto; entregar asistencia de emergencia a fami-lias que lidian con la falta de vivienda y el hambre; o pro-porcionar vivienda asequible y una variedad de servicios en casa para personas mayores, Caridades Católicas trae el amor y la Misericordia de Cristo a otros en necesidad. Todos tenemos un rol importante que jugar en la misión sagrada de la Iglesia de cuidar a los necesitados. Por favor acepten mi sincera gratitud por su apoyo en el pasado a la Colecta del Día de las Madres, en cualquier momento en, o envíen por correo su donación a Caridades Católicas, 721 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago, IL 60654. Que Dios los bendiga a ustedes y sus seres queridos en este Día de las Madres y siempre. Con todos los buenos deseos permanezco,

    Sinceramente suyo en Cristo, Arzobispo de Chicago

  • May 5, 2019 Third Sunday of Easter—Our Week’s Work and Prayers Page Seven

    MONDAY, MAY 6— Acts 6:8-15 | Ps 119:23-24, 26-27, 29-30 | Mt 4:4b | Jn 6:22-29 8:30 MORNING MASS † Mathilde Ecimovich Sr. Maryann Zrust 10:30 FUNERAL MASS † James Macaluso TUESDAY, MAY 7— Acts 7:51-8:1a | Ps 31:3cd-4, 6 and 7b and 8a, 17 and 21ab | Jn 6:35ab | Jn 6:30-35 8:30 MORNING MASS † Edilberto Cuares Kelley Halper Elia Piccony WEDNESDAY, MAY 8— Acts 8:1b-8 | Ps 66:1-3a, 4-5, 6-7a | Jn 6:40 | Jn 6:35-40 8:30 MORNING MASS † Marge Agnello and † Mary Murray Purita Tavas THURSDAY, MAY 9— Acts 8:26-40 | Ps 66:8-9, 16-17, 20 | Jn 6:51 | Jn 6:44-51 8:30 MORNING MASS Msgr. Jim Kaczorowski—46th Ordination Anniv. FRIDAY, MAY 10—ST. DAMIEN DE VEUSTER Acts 9:1-20 | Ps 117:1bc, 2 | Jn 6:56 | Jn 6:52-59 8:30 MORNING MASS † Ixtaccihuatl Piedra † Devlin Arrington Ed Jankowski 7:30 MEMORIAL MASS † Virgilio Escarcega SATURDAY, MAY 11— Acts 9:31-42 | Ps 116:12-13, 14-15, 16-17| Jn 6:63c, 68c | Jn 6:60-69 9:00 MORNING MASS Roine Dryer-Michaels Mike Holzner and Liam Magnanenzi 3:00 WEDDING MASS Lawrence Beogher and Ann Butkiewicz 5:00 MASS OF ANTICIPATION † Walter Walkowiak † Bill Driscoll SUNDAY, MAY 12—FOURTH SUNDAY OF EASTER Acts 13:14, 43-52 | Ps 100:1-2, 3, 5 | Rev 7:9, 14b-17 | Jn 10:14 | Jn 10:27-30 8:00 SUNDAY MORNING MASS † Ann Armutat † Eufrosina Dimaano 9:30 SUNDAY MORNING MASS † Donald and † Shirley Elkin † Ann and † Barbara Malone 11:00 SUNDAY MORNING MASS † Anastacia Rojas † Colleen Faller 12:30 MISA DOMINICAL EN ESPAÑOL

    Monday, May 6— • Organ Tuning, all day, Church • Funeral, 10:30 am, Church • Cherub Choir Rehearsal, 3:15 pm, Lower Church • Bear Den #1 and Tiger Den, 6:30 pm, Lower Church & Kitchen • Boy Scouts, 6:30 pm, Upper Voss • Society of St. Vincent DePaul PFC Meeting, 7 pm, Upper Voss Tuesday, May 7— • Chorister Choir Rehearsal, 3:15 pm, Lower Church • Commons Meeting, 6:30 pm, Teachers Lounge • Ensayo del Coro Carismático y Reúnion Tranquila del Equipo

    RCCH, 7 pm, Cocina de la Iglesia • SPRED Session & Observation, 6:30 pm, Upper Voss • Baptism Preparation Class, 7 pm, Upper Voss • Chicago Soundings Concert, 7 pm, Church • Alcoholics Anonymous, 7:30 pm, Upper Voss Wednesday, May 8— • Faculty Meeting, 2:15 pm Early Dismissal, School • Drama Club Rehearsal, 2:15 pm, Lower Church • Chorister Choir Rehearsal, 2:30 pm, Church • Bitty Basketball Games & Banquet, 3:30 pm • Chorister Choir Rehearsal, 6 pm, Upper Voss Music Room • 4th-6th Grade Sports Banquet, 6 pm, Guild Hall Gym • Girl Scout Jrs, 6 pm, Lower Voss; Lion Scouts, 6:30 pm, Upper Voss • SPRED Session & Observation, 7 pm, Upper Voss • Adult Choir & Schola Angelorum Rehearsal, 7:30 pm, Lower Church • Troop 3894 Scout Parents, 7:30 pm, Upper Voss • Senior Club Set-Up, 8:45 pm, Upper Voss Thursday, May 9— • Senior Social Club, 1 pm, Upper Voss • Girl Scout Brownies, 6 pm, Lower Voss • Preparación Carismática, 6 pm, Cocina del la Iglesia • Servicio Tranquilo de Circulo de Oración, 7 pm, Cocina de la Iglesia • SPRED Session & Observation, 7 pm, Upper Voss • Theology on Tap Planning Meeting, 7 pm, St. Benedict Rectory • Men’s Club Meeting, 7:30 pm, Lower Voss Friday, May 10— • Eucharistic Adoration, 9 am to 10 am, Church • Third Grade Mother’s Day Tea, 1 pm, Lower Voss • Wedding Rehearsal, 6:30 pm, Church • Memorial Mass, 7:30 pm, Church Saturday, May 11— • Girl Scouts, 9:30 am, Lower Voss • Baptisms, 11:30 am, Church; Wedding Mass, 3 pm, Church • Mother’s Day Blessing, 5 pm Mass, Church • Mother’s Day Flower Sale, after 5 pm Mass, Gathering Space Sunday, May 12—Mother’s Day • World Day of Prayer for Vocations (Good Shepherd Sunday) • Mother’s Day Flower Sale, after all Masses, Gathering Space • Choristers and Schola, 9:30 am, Lower Church • Adult Choir and Schola, 11 am, Lower Church • Práctica del Coro, 11 am, Sótano de la Iglesia • Estudio de la Biblia, 2 pm, Cocina de la Iglesia

    “CHICAGO SOUNDINGS” IN CONCERT Chicago Soundings will present a concert of recent music by local composers at 7:30 p.m. this Tuesday, May 7 in the church. A freewill offering will be collected and is shared with our Music Ministry. Featured pieces include a new organ work to be played on our 1939 Möller instrument.

    Attention Young Adults! Want to help plan this summer’s Theology on Tap, a speaker series for young adults at a local pub? Join us at 7 p.m. this Thursday, May 9 at St. Benedict Rectory, 2215 W. Irving.


    Bulletin #512083 Special Instructions: Contact - Deb Madden 773-396-1599 (Deb cell) or 773-539-7510 (parish office) Software - MSPUB, ADOBE ACROBAT 7.0 STD Printer - HP LJ5P Sunday Date of Bulletin– 05-05-2019

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