  • 1. The Grove London Vs W New York
    • Deborah Bomstein & Edouard Richemond
  • 2. Easy to Find The Grove London W New York
  • 3. Easy to find: comparison
    • First rank first page.
    • Just with the hotel name we have been able to find it right away without the location or URL, so very easy to find.
    • First rank first page.
    • Just with the hotel name we have been able to find it right away without the location or URL.
    • There is also the group directly present on the web page in addition to the hotel.
    The Grove London W New York
  • 4. Easy to Use The Grove London W New York
  • 5. Easy to Use : comparison - This website is also easy to use, everything is on the first page. - The main difference is coming from the additional details and texts which depending on the customer can makes it less clear.
    • - Easy to use, clear menu detailed helping the customers to go where ever they wish.
    • Pictures and details are also present in order to help the customer find everything he wishes.
    • Simple menu with more pictures than text that make it easier to read.
    W New York The Grove London
  • 6. Engagement W New York The Grove London
  • 7. Engagement: comparison
    • Compared with the first one, the only possibility for customers is to comment the quality of the hotel s website.
    • - Customers don t have the possibility to rate the rooms, receive newsletters or read customers comments .
    • The only prove of engagement on this website is the feedback page enabling customers to give some comments.
    • However we did not find anything to subscribe to newsletters, click and call or reviews of other customers.
    • - They can definitively improve that.
    The Grove London W New York
  • 8. Easy to Book W New York The Grove London
  • 9. Easy to Book
    • - Very easy to book, there are two booking menus on the first page.
    • - Good room description and price presentation for each offer of booking through the site.
    • Good quality of the menu and easy to use. However a lot of details and description can make it a bit confusing.
    • - Very Easy to book, well presented and clear.
    • Offer many room s possibilities at different rates. Each proposition of room is linked to a description of it and to the different availability and rates.
    • Easier than W New York.
    • Using synxis as booking engine
    W New York The Grove London
  • 10. Easy to Share W New York The Grove London
  • 11. Easy to Share : comparison
    • For this hotel, Like for Facebook is available on the main page at the bottom . So customers can Like W New York and share with their friends and maybe share the content . It can definitely improve the hotels visibility.
    • However, only Like for Facebook is available. We can not find Twitter or any other social networks where customers can be able to share their comments
    • For this hotel, the sharing page is not easy to find: at the bottom of the main page and written in small font
    • However the page is well designed and suggest 5 different social networks to share the website and spread the content. You can even leave a comment when you share the page. It can make it quiet convenient
    W New York The Grove London
  • 12. Express Positioning The Grove London W New York
    • Text and pictures reflect the tradition, make the customers cosy in a luxury, traditional and confort environment .
    • For each photo you have a sentence so the customer just need to follow the flow
    The main page is more design than the Grove London but the white wallpaper can make it cold for the customer and more tradtional.
  • 13. Market segmentation
    • Customers upper class
    • Between 35 to 50 years old
    • Customers who are looking for cosy and luxury breaks
    • Traditional style
    • Customers upper class
    • Between 30 to 45 years old
    • More trendy style
    • Customer who are looking for short stay and with a location downtown .
    The Grove London W New York
  • 14. Express level of the quality The Grove London W New York Both are luxury hotels. But only The Grove London writes it down at the top of the main page that it is a Luxury 5 stars hotel.
  • 15. What to do to improve
    • To improve their visibility, they should create a Facebook page in order to let the customers see the new updates.
    • They should also develop their engagement means they should create a real page where customers can leave some comments or ask questions or will be able to share their experience with other customers.
    • Like the Grove, they should develop their engagement and make the possibility to the customers to comment about the hotel and the experience rather than make the comments about the website.
    • They should also improve their design and make it more clear with less texts and add more photos on the main page.
    The Grove London W New York
  • 16. Conclusion
    • The Grove London and W New York hotel are 2 different hotels in their positioning despite that they are both luxury hotels.
    • Even if their websites are well presented and well designed, they should improve both on their visibility through the social networks and should make the engagement their priority.
    • The Grove London really makes the difference by adding a lot of photos on its main page and by adding some comments for each picture. When W New York is more tradtional in its design.
