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    November 1991

    Topics: Judgments

    Volume 5 Five Major Judgm ents

    by Ernest An gley

    Subject: The wicked dead

    Time: Close of the 1,000 year reign of Christ on earth during the

    renovation of the earth by fire.

    Place: Before the Great White Throne, possibly just outside the

    gates of Heaven, for Revelation tells us that the wicked will be

    outside the gates

    Basis or reason: Works

    In the judgment of rewards we learned of the good works that will

    be judged and rewarded; now we learn about the judgment of the

    works of the wicked dead.

    *Contrast the judgment of the nations (the fourth major judgment) with this fifth judgment of the

    wicked dead:

    No resurrection in the judgment of nations, but the White Throne judgment will involve a

    resurrection of the wicked dead.


    Living nations will be judged in the judgment of the nations; the resurrected dead will bejudged in the White Throne judgment.


    The judgment of the nations will take place on earth; the White Throne judgment will take

    place in Heaven.


    For the judgment of nations, no books will be involved. The White Throne judgment will see

    the opening of books.


    Three groups of people will be involved in the judgment of the nations: sheep nations, goat

    nations and their treatment of the brethren Jews. Only one group will be judged in the Great

    White Throne judgment, the wicked dead.


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    The judgment of nations will take place just before the 1,000 year reign of Christ. The Great

    White Throne judgment just after the close of the 1,000 year reign.


    Christ will judge the nations. God the Father will judge the wicked dead, for by this time,

    Christ will have completed His mission. Then cometh the en d, when he shall have

    delivered up the kingdom to God, even the Father; whe n he shall have pu t down

    all rule and all authority and powe r. For he mu st reign, till he hath put all

    ene mies unde r his feet. The last ene my that shall be destroyed is death. For he

    hath put all things un der his feet. Bu t when he saith all things are pu t und er

    him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things un der him. And

    whe n all things shall be sub du ed u nto him, then shall the Son also himself be

    subject u nto him that pu t all things unde r him, that God may be all in all (I

    Corinthians 15:24-28).


    What a judgment this Great White Throne judgment will be! To put things into perspective, let'sbacktrack from that time of judgment to when Lucifer will be thrown into the bottomless pit. And

    I saw an an gel come dow n from heave n, having the key of the bottomless pit and a

    great chain in his hand. And he laid hold on the dragon, that old serpen t, which is the

    Devil, and Satan, an d bou nd him a thou sand years, And cast him into the bottomless

    pit, and shut him up, an d set a seal upon him, that he should dece ive the nations no

    more, till the thousan d years should be fulfilled: and after that he mu st be loosed a

    little seaso n (Revelation 20:1-3). While Satan is bound a thousand years in the bottomless pit,

    the earth will flourish in the Perfect Age. The sheep nations will enter the Perfect Age because they

    were kind to the Jewish brethren. However, even in the Perfect Age some people of those sheepnations will be disobedient to God. They were never saved; and now serving God only because

    they're forced to, they will not be converted. The only reason they were allowed into the Perfect

    Age was that they were good to the Jews. Being good to the Jews is not a qualification for Heaven.

    The Bible makes no reference to salvation offered during that period of time.

    And w hen the thou sand years are expired, Satan shall be loosed ou t of his prison, And

    shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four qu arters of the earth, Gog and

    Magog, to gather them together to b attle: the nu mbe r of whom is as the sand of the

    se a (Revelation 20:7,8). After a thousand years when the devil comes out of the pit, he will have

    no trouble gathering the rebellious together. Come with me, he persuades. Here I am! I'm free!

    Obviously I have all power. Don't be a loser; come over to my side. We'll destroy this Jesus who

    has been punishing you for a thousand years by making you worship Him while I wa s shut up.

    The unsaved of the sheep nations will gather around that great holy city of Jerusalem. But Jesus

    will be there to call fire down from Heaven to destroy them. And they went u p on the breadth

    of the earth, and compassed the cam p of the saints abou t, and the beloved city; and

    fire came dow n from God out of heaven, and devou red them (Revelation 20:9).

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    Two resurrections are spoken of by Daniel:And m any of them that sleep in the du st of the

    earth shall awake, som e to eve rlasting life and some to shame and everlasting

    contempt (Daniel 12:2). In the resurrection of the righteous, the righteous will awake to

    everlasting life with the Lord. And I saw thrones, and they sat up on them, and ju dgmen t

    was given un to them: and I saw the souls of them that were b eheade d for the witnessof Jesus, and for the word of God, and w hich had not worshipped the b east, neither

    his image, ne ither had received his mark u pon the ir foreheads, or in their hand s; and

    they lived and re igned w ith Christ a thousand yearsthis is the first resurrection

    (Revelation 20:4,5).

    Then at the end of the thousand-year Perfect Age, the wicked dead will awake to shame and

    everlasting contempt, and there is nothing they can do about itthe resurrection of the wicked.

    Bu t the rest of the dead lived n ot again u ntil the thousand years were finishedDeath

    and hell delivered up the dead w hich were in them: and they we re judged every man

    according to their works (Revelation 20:5,13).

    John the Revelator tells us,And I saw a great white throne , and him that sat on it, from

    whose face the earth and the heaven fled aw ay; and there w as foun d no place for them

    (Revelation 20:11). The wrath of the one on the throne is so terrible that Heaven and earth flee

    from before it. This is the God with no mercy. This is the God who said,I also will laugh at you r

    calamity; I will mock w hen you r fear cometh; Then shall they call upon me, b ut I w illnot an swer; they shall seek me early, but they shall not find me: For that they hated

    know ledge, and did to choose the fear of the Lord. They wou ld none of my coun sel:

    they despised all my reproof(Proverbs 1:26,28-30).

    And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were open ed:

    and another b ook was open ed, which is the book of life: and the dead w ere judged ou t

    of those things which we re w ritten in the b ooks, according to their works (Revelation

    20:12). Will there be degrees of torment in hell? According to this verse, yes. People will be

    judged according to their works. There will be degrees of torment in hell just as there will be

    degrees of reward in Heaven.

    And the sea gave u p the dead w hich were in it; and death and he ll delivered up the

    dead w hich we re in them: and they we re judged every man according to their works.

    And w hosoever w as not foun d w ritten in the book of life w as cast into the lake of fire

    (Revelation 20:13,15). Those who deny a fiery hell are denying what God has said.

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    Daniel saw this fearful White Throne judgment; never has there been a judgment like it. He writes

    in Daniel 7, I beheld till the throne s were cast down an d the Ancient of days [God the

    Father Himself] did sit, whose garme nt w as white as snow , and the h air of his head like

    the pu re w ool: his throne w as like the fiery flame, and his wheels as burning fire. A

    fiery stream issue d and cam e forth from before him: thousand thou sands ministered

    un to him, and ten thousan d times ten thousan d stood before him: the jud gment w as

    set, and the books were opened (Daniel 7:9,10). A fiery streamit may be miles wide. Fo r

    our God is a consuming fire (Hebrews 12:29). Picture our God with a fiery stream flowing

    forth before Him, a consuming fire. Thousands and thousands of angels minister. One hundred

    million people stand before Him to be judged.

    We don't know how long this judgment will last, or how many groups of one hundred million will

    be gathered for judgment. In this vision Daniel saw part of the judgment, probably the opening

    judgment. Will God judge one hundred million at one time? A billion? God can do anything.

    When I was a boy I thought God would take time to judge every person individually, but I've come

    to realize not so. Whatever the number of the crowd, one hundred million or more, they will allhear the voice of the Lord in a separate way as they are told their crimes to their faces at one time.

    Look what computers today can do, but all the computers in the world cannot compare to one tiny

    particle of the mind of God.

    God will operate His judgment in such a way it will be the most unbelievable thing that has ever

    happened to man. People filled with intricate knowledge of man will never have seen anything like

    this judgment. Think of a court in session: no jury, no attorneys to plead a casejust one Judge.

    Not one being on trial can give an alibi or excuse; no one can liethey will lack that power. All

    deceit will be uncovered.

    What the wicked are headed for will be terrible indeed! The cry goes out to them today:Turn back

    before it's too late! Turn back! But they scoff. The devil tells them they needn't listen to the voice

    of God dealing with their hearts, there is nothing to it. But we know that the Bible is true. We

    know that everything God has said will be fulfilled.

    God's dispensation for the Jews was interrupted seven years short of completion when Jesus came

    to launch the dispensation of grace. Almost two thousand years the grace period has lasted; and

    very soon it, too, will come to an end. Of the millions of people who have been offered Jesus Christ,

    few, Jesus said, will enter that strait gate and walk the narrow road to Heaven. Many, however, willwalk the broad road to destruction. Enter ye in at the strait gate: for w ide is the gate, and

    broad is the w ay, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be w hich go in there at:

    Becau se strait is the gate, and n arrow is the way, which leadeth un to life, and few

    there be that find it (Matthew 7:13,14).

    For we kn ow him that hath said, Vengean ce belongeth u nto me, I will recompe nse,

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    Adam said to God, I heard thy voice in the garden, an d I w as afraid (Genesis 3:10). Adam

    was afraid, and he hid; but there will be no hiding place for the wicked dead. So he [God] drove

    out the man ; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cheru bims, and a

    flaming sword w hich turned every way, to keep the w ay of the tree of life (Genesis

    3:24). A flaming sword protected the tree of life in Adam's day; man was shut outside the gate of

    Eden. It would take a different gatethe gate of the Old Rugged Crossto let man become

    reconciled with his God. But at the Great White Throne judgment, the cross door will be no more;

    it will have vanished. Calvary is out of reach of the wicked dead. For about two thousand years it

    had been within their reach, but after death no longer will the wicked have a way to get back into

    the second Eden to the tree of life. It's death, death, death.

    Listen to the arrogance of Cain as he talked to God:And the Lord said un to Cain W here is

    Abel thy brother? And he said, I know not: Am I my brother's keeper? And he said,

    What hast thou don e? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth un to me from theground (Genesis 4:9,10).

    The blood of every murder victim will cry out to God. Some murderers have not been caught, but

    they will not escape the Great White Throne judgment. No one will get by with sin. Because they

    wouldn't accept the plan of redemption, the plan of forgiveness that Jesus died to give man, sinners

    will face God's judgment. God has no alternative plan to redeem; there never will be such a plan.

    God said to Cain:And now art thou cursed from the earth, w hich hath opene d her

    mou th to receive thy brother's blood from thy hand; When thou tillest the ground , it

    shall not hence forth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive an d a vagabon d shalt thoube in the earth (Genesis 4:11,12). What was Cain's response to such a judgment? And Cain said

    un to the Lord, My pun ishmen t is greater than I can bear (Genesis 4:13). This is a light

    punishment compared to that set for the wicked dead at the Great White Throne judgment.

    And the Lord God formed m an of the du st of the groun d, and bre athed into his

    nostrils the breath of life; and m an be came a living soul (Genesis 2:7). Man became a

    living soul. He will live eternally after the physical life is over, either in Heaven or in hell. Man's

    soul came from the very breath of God. Without God, there is no life, only a living death in hell.

    Jesus said, I am com e that they might have life and that they might have it mor e

    abundantly(John 10:10). You who are dead in trespasses, I have come to give you life while

    there is yet time. But there is no life at the Great White Throne judgment for the billions of people

    who will appear there. The universal sentence handed down is death. The sou l that sinne th, it

    shall die (Ezekiel 18:20).

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    And God saw that the w ickedness of man w as great in the earth, and that every

    imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continu ally. And it repen ted the

    LORD that he had made m an on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart. And the

    LORD said, I will destroy man w hom I have created from the face of the earth; both

    man, and beast, and the cree ping thing, and the fow ls of the air; for it repen teth methat I have made them . Bu t Noah found grace in the eyes of the Lord (Genesis 6:5-8).

    God spared eight souls because Noah found grace in His eyes, but at the Great White Throne

    judgment, no one will find grace. Every thought, every imaginationlike those in the days of

    Noahwill have been given over to the devil.

    We read of a miniature judgmentcompared to the judgments to comein Genesis 19:24,28,

    Then the Lord rained u pon Sodom and u pon Gomorrah brimstone and fire from the

    Lord out of heaven; And he [Abraham] looked toward S odom and Gomorrah, and

    toward all the land of the plain, and beheld, and lo, the smoke of the cou ntry wen t up

    as the smoke of a furnace. Not only is there fire in the judgment of hell, there was fire in this

    judgment here on earth. God recorded judgments in the Bible to convince all that He means what

    He says.

    He fashioneth their hearts alike; he considereth all their w orks (Psalm 33:15). All your

    works will be considered, good or bad. The wicked are warned thatGod shall likewise destro y

    thee for ever (Psalm 52:5).

    After God had been so good to Israel, read how He felt about their disobedience: Therefore was

    the w rath of the Lord kindled against his people, insomuch that he abhorred his owninheritance (Psalm 106:40).

    Israel was defiled with her own works. Every person of the billions at the Great White Throne

    judgment will be those defiled by his or her own devilish, hideous works. God despised the

    disobedient Israelites, and on that Judgment Day He will despise the wicked dead. Not one spark

    of love for them will He feel, no pity. He will be the laughing, mocking God described in Proverbs

    1:25,26, Bu t ye have set at nought all my coun sel, and w ould no ne of my reproof: I alsowill laugh at you r calamity; I will mock w hen your fear com eth. God will laugh; God will

    mock. The devil has deceived people, made them arrogant toward God until they want nothing to

    do with Him. At the Great White Throne judgment, God won't want anything to do with them.

    Then they will crave His help, His love, just one drop of mercy. But they've used it all up. They

    spilled His mercy out on the ground without a thought, dumped as though it were something

    unholy. The last drop of mercy.

    Becau se I have called, and ye refused; I have stretched ou t my hand, and no man

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    regarded (Proverbs 1:24). God stretches out His hand. My Son died on Calvary, He is saying;but

    you spit in His faceyou crucified Him and trampled His blood underfoot. How did you do it? In

    every act of rejection, in your arrogance, your hate. The devils took you over, caused you to spit

    into the eye of God.

    Wo e un to them that seek de ep to hide their coun sel from the Lord, and their works

    are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth us? And who know eth us (Isaiah 29:15)? People

    are the same today. In the night they do their deeds, thinking God isn't paying attention, that

    they're covering up. They aren't. The sou l that sinn eth, it shall die. When God's voice roars

    out judgment through a stream of fire going forth from the throne, the earth will shake.

    The sou l that sinn eth, it shall die! That was the message in the Garden, the cry of God's voice.

    It was a voice of love, a voice of warning, of tenderness and great care. All the love of Heaven was

    in that voice, and Adam and Eve didn't take heed. So it is today. Much of the love of God is

    evident. God doesn't strike down people the moment they sin. But one day suddenly life is snuffed

    out. Suddenly God has had enough, and the person is in eternity with no more mercy, waiting. For

    deliverance? No, for the Great White Throne judgment.

    In the fifth chapter of Daniel, the writing on the wall sealed King Belshazzar's fate: death. In the

    same hou r came forth fingers of a man's hand, and w rote Then the king's

    coun tenance was changed , and his thoughts troub led him, so that the joints of his

    loins we re loosed, and his knees smote one against another (Daniel 5:5,6). The king was

    terrified. His knees knocked together. If fingers writing on the wall brought such fear that a king's

    knees knocked together, what will the judgment of the wicked dead be like?

    Through Daniel the voice of God was lifted: God hath num bered thy kingdom, and finished

    it. Thou art weighed in the balances, and art foun d wanting. Thy kingdom is divided,

    and given to the Medes and P ersians (Daniel 5:26-28). That night Belshazzar died without

    hope and without God.

    So shall it be at the e nd of the w orld: the angels shall come forth, and seve r the w icked

    from the ju st, And shall cast them into the furn ace of fire: there shall wailing and

    gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:49,50). The devil has covered up hell and the horrors of its

    punishment. Many preachers claim hell is unreal, that there is no eternal fiery torment. Just a

    little love story is all they tell. Not often does one hear about the judgments of God to come.

    Whe refore if thy hand or thy foot offend thee, cu t them off, and cast them from the e:

    it is better for thee to enter into life halt or maimed, rather than having tw o hands or

    two fee t to be cast into everlasting fire (Matthew 18:8). Jesus here is saying that losing your

    hands or feet is preferable to losing your soul in hell. Knowing the value placed on hands and feet,

    Jesus used this example to show how much greater the loss of a soul would be. In no way was He

    saying that people could avoid hell by amputating parts of their bodies.

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    Then shall he say also u nto them on the left hand, Depart from me, ye cu rsed, into

    everlasting fire, prepare d for the d evil and his angels (Matthew 25:41). How terrible to

    hear the voice of God saying that He wants no part of you, that He despises you, hates you! The

    voice of God in judgment.

    And these shall go away into eve rlasting pun ishmen t: bu t the righteous into life

    eternal (Matthew 25:46). The righteous shall go into life eternalwhat a beautiful statement that


    Jesus, talking about hell, called it a placewhe re their worm [soul] dieth not and the fire is

    not quenched (Mark 9:44). Who would dare doubt God, dispute the words of Jesus Christ about

    the reality of hell? Jesus emphasized this in verse 46:Wh ere their worm d ieth not, and the

    fire is not qu enche d. Again in verse 48:Whe re their worm dieth not, and the fire is not

    quenched. Three times in this ninth chapter of Mark Jesus stated that the soul could not die in a

    hell where the fire is not quenched. The Lord wasn't in the habit of repeating a fact over and over,

    but it seems this was something He couldn't say enough. Jesus knew where man was headed, and

    He did everything He could to send out warnings.

    For there is nothing cove red, that shall not be re vealed; neither hid, that shall not b e

    known (Luke 12:2). These are the words of Jesus. Everything you have done wrong will be

    uncovered if you don't let Jesus wash away your sins with His precious blood. You may have to

    deal with the problems your sins put into motion, but the sins will be pardoned when you ask Jesus

    to forgive you and come into your heart. In the eyes of God it will be as though you had never

    committed those sins.

    Were the lights to dim, a screen appear and a projector turn on to review your life, what would it

    show? Nothing will be hidden from the audience. Would you plead with God to not show it all?

    Therefore whatsoeve r ye have spoken in darkne ss shall be heard in the light; and that

    which ye have spoken in the ear in closets shall be proclaimed u pon the hou setops

    (Luke 12:3). As the Great White Throne judgment opens, the light of God will shine down on the

    secrets of lives.

    And it came to pass, that the be ggar died, and w as carried by the angels into

    Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and w as bu ried; And in hell he lift up his

    eyes, being in tormen ts, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And

    he cried and said, Father Abraham, have mercy on me , and send Lazarus, that he maydip the tip of his finger in w ater, and cool my tongu e; for I am torme nted in this flame

    (Luke 16:22-24). Jesus relayed exactly what the rich man said; he was tormented in the flame of

    hell. He didn't even dare ask for a drink of water, just for a drop on his tongue. It wasn't to be.

    Either there is a flame in hell, or else Jesus didn't tell the truth when He was here on earth.

    They profess that they know God; but in w orks they deny him, being abominable, and

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    disobedient, and unto every good work reprobate (Titus 1:16). For if we sin w ilfu lly

    after that we have received the know ledge of the truth, there rem aineth no more

    sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearfu l looking for o f judgmen t and fiery indignation,

    which shall devour the adve rsaries. He that despised Moses' law died w ithout mercy

    un der two or three witnesses: Of how m uch sorer pu nishment, supp ose ye, shall he

    be thou ght worthy, who hath trodden u nder foot the Son of God, and hath counted

    the blood of the covenan t, wherew ith he was sanctified, an un holy thing, and hath

    done despite un to the Spirit of grace (Hebrews 10:26-29)? No more Jesus sacrifice for you if

    you sin willfully and fail to repent; you will be one standing at the Great White Throne judgment.

    Those who claim you cannot sin once you have found salvation are wrong; it's a lie of the devil, the

    deceit of Lucifer. If you willfully sin there is no more sacrifice for sin. Jesus is the only sacrifice

    that God accepts. A person can backslide.

    Those who despised Moses' Law died without mercy under two or three witnesses. At the Great

    White Throne judgment, God will be the witness, the judge and jury as Jesus turns everything back

    to Him. A fiery indignation will devour the backsliders who have trodden underfoot the blood of

    the Son of God. The sou l that sinn eth, it shall die, doomed to eternal punishment.

    Why the Great White Throne judgment? Because the works of the wicked must be judged. It's a

    teaching in the Word of God. There is no such thing as a good sinner. All sin is bad. If you without

    repentance are trampling the blood of Jesus underfoot, counting the covenant of His blood an

    unholy thing, despising the Spirit of grace, you are so tainted with sin that you will lift up your eyes

    in eternal hell if you don't change. According to your works you will be judged. The Son of man

    shall sen d forth his angels, and t hey shall gather o ut of his kingdom all things that

    offend, and them which do iniqu ity; And shall cast them into a furn ace of fire: there

    shall be w ailing and gnashing of teeth (Matthew 13:41,42).

    Not every one that saith un to me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven ;

    bu t he that doe th the w ill of my Father which is in heaven (Matthew 7:21). Not everyone

    who claims to be of the Lord is one of His. The devil has deceived many about the conditions of

    their souls. We live in the most deceiving, the most treacherous of times. The devil is doing all he

    can to get every preacher to proclaim either that man cannot live free of sin or else that he cannot

    backslide. He knows even one little sin won't enter Heaven; anyone committing sin is a sinner.

    Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we n ot prophesied in thy name ? and

    in thy name have cast out devils? And in thy name don e many wonderfu l works? And

    then w ill I profess unto them, I neve r knew you: depart from me, ye that work

    iniquity(Matthew 7:22,23). Some deceive, making people think they are casting out devils in the

    name of Jesusbut no devils at all are being cast out. One devil cannot cast out another devil.

    Some with whom God has nothing at all to do claim to receive prophecies from Him. Only the holy

    can use the name of Jesus the way He wants. If you think you are doing things in the name of the

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    Lord when you are not, obviously you are deceived by the devil. Ministers living unholy are on the

    road to hell. And n o marv el; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

    Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the m inisters of

    righteou sness, whose en d shall be according to their works (II Corinthians 11:14,15). If

    Satan himself is turned into an angel of light, it's no wonder that his preachers seem to be ministers

    of righteousness. According to their works, their evil works, they will be rewarded.

    Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand u p, and

    save thee from these things that shall come u pon thee . Behold, they shall be as

    stubb le; the fire shall burn them; they shall not deliver themselves from the pow er of

    the flame (Isaiah 47:13,14). These words hold true for our day as well as Old Testament days.

    Astrology is totally of the devil; it is not to be among God's people. You can't be of God and use the

    devil's wares. Heaven will have no astrologers, for hell is their destiny. Astrology's vomit is being

    spewed out in newspapers, magazines, on television and radio in this hour of the Antichrist, ofLucifer and of great deceit. Be not de ceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man

    soweth, that shall he also reap (Galatians 6:7). God records every work, good or bad. One way

    or another, we're all going to be judged. Astrology is of the devil.

    The Great White Throne judgment will be terrible, a living nightmare for the unsaved, one they will

    not be able to run from. They try to scream, but no sound comes. They try to run, but can't move.

    They want to hide, but there will be no hiding place.

    I shall never forget Sister Florence Kinsley; as a young girl she went to Africa to be a missionary. In

    those days, missionaries never knew whether or not they would be coming back. She told of a

    horrible experience in the wilds when she was forced to attend a human sacrifice. She preached

    Jesus to the chief of the tribe in hopes of preventing the sacrifice, but he wouldn't listen. "Don't kill

    that beautiful girl," she begged.

    "She's happy that she's been chosen," the king replied. "It's an honor. Her family is proud she is to

    be offered to her god." A living, burning sacrifice.

    "But King," the missionary pleaded, "if I can persuade her to change her mind, can she be freed?"

    "Yes," the king answered.

    Sister Kinsley said, "I went to her. She was beautiful, young. I talked to her, told her about Jesus. I

    told her how futile it was to give her life for nothing. She just laughed at me, and told me it was an

    honoran honor."

    The missionary went back to the chief and begged to be allowed to leave before the sacrifice began.

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    The chief said it was against their law; no one could leave the village until after the sacrifice.

    The sight was hideous. Sister Kinsley said she never told the story unless the Lord moved on her to

    do so, for afterward we would be unable to sleep for three days and nights, the memory was so


    The tribe gathered, danced. The missionary watched and prayed. The fire rose higher and higher.

    At last the girl was brought in, wired to a pole like a hog. Dancing, shouting with glee, they held herover the flames, roasting her alive. The missionary said she had never heard such screams before

    in her life, screams that haunted her as long as she lived. In an instant the hair was burned off.

    The girl screamed until she could scream no more, and then the natives took her off the fire and

    tore into her flesh like vicious animals, tearing off parts and eating them before the horrified

    missionary. She buried her face in her hands, but she couldn't shut out the screams or the scene

    she had witnessed.

    Hell will be worse than the sight Sister Kinsley was forced to endure. The Great White Throne

    judgment will be worse. That sacrifice was soon over, but God's judgment will last eternally. The

    fire in hell will never burn out. The souls in hell exist in living death. You who die in your sins will

    hear the Lord say:You've committed whoredomyou've committed adulteryyou've liedyou've

    stolenyou've committed fornicationyou've rejected Jesus and His shed bloodand on and on.

    Take a close look at God upon His Great White Throne. He has no more tears; He is an angry God.

    When the last person accepted His Son Jesus, God wiped the tears all away. The rest turned their

    backs on the Son of God, and on God as well. God will never cry again over the lost.

    I will never forget my experience with God some years ago. I was in a vision with the Lord, going

    through the nations. Crowds and crowds of people were everywhere as I shouted in great joy:

    Come to Jesus! Come to Jesus! People to my left, and to my right as far as I could see, before and

    behind. I had God's message, preaching it with all my strength. It sounded as though my voice

    were going over a loud speaker. Multitudes could hear as I cried,Come to Jesus! Come to Jesus!

    Then one more time I started to cry, ComeThe words died in my throat. I had no more message.

    My Bible went down to my side, and then God started talking. God took up where I left off. He

    said to the people, I don't want you. I'll never want you again. I despise you. My Son died for

    you. My only begotten Son died for you, but you wouldn't accept Him. You mistreated Him, and

    now I don't want you. I will never want you.

    "Oh God!" I cried. It was all over. Through a vision God had let me experience what it would be

    like to have no more message. I had started preaching in my teens, and always God had given me a

    message. But now in the vision, the message was gone. The Book was closed to never be opened

    for sinners again. I held a closed Bible in my hands.

    But today, God is still crying for you. He will cry as long as one day of grace remains. When that

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    day of grace ends, no more tears from God. If you see that day, you never will have been so afraid;

    you didn't know anyone could have so much fear. You try to pray, but no longer will God hear your


    He that is u nju st, let him be u nju st still: and he w hich is filthy, let him be filthy still(Revelation 22:11). After death, there will be no chance for the wicked to repent. If you are filthy,

    you will be filthy for all eternity. Your opportunity to change will be over. Jesus said:And,

    behold, I come qu ickly; and my rew ard is with me, to give every man according as his

    wo rk shall be (Revelation 22:12).

    Why will the Great White Throne judgment probably be outside the gates of Heaven? Fo r

    without are dogs, and sorcerers, and whor emon gers, and mu rderers, and idolaters,

    and w hosoever loveth and maketh a lie (Revelation 22:15). Standing outside, the wicked will

    be denied Heaven. I wouldn't be surprised if those to be judged who can't look upon God are able

    to see the holy and righteous in that beautiful place called Heaven. I believe God will allow it. The

    righteous won't see the wicked, but the wicked may see the righteous. The rich man in hell lifted

    up his eyes and saw Lazarus in Heaven. The wicked won't forget the righteous, but the righteous

    will forget the wicked. God will wipe all unpleasantness out of the minds of His Children, and

    they'll just remember their loved ones who made it through to Heaven.

    If any man shall take away from the w ords of the b ook of this prophecy, God shall take

    away his part ou t of the book of life, and ou t of the holy city, and from the things

    which are written in this book(Revelation 22:19). The same things holds true for the whole

    Word of God. If you take out anything from the Book of Life, you won't get into Heaven. Th ewicked shall be tu rned into hell, and all the n ations that forget God (Psalm 9:17).

    I remember some years ago a terrible hotel fire in one of the big cities. We watched the news. I

    had never heard of anything like it. The people were at windows pleading for someone to rescue

    them, but no one could. Crowds had gathered; screams were going up. People waited and waited

    to be rescued, some until they caught on fire. They would jump, burning like torches. A few

    landed on electric wires, and hung there burning until they fell to the ground. Others screamed all

    the way down until they smashed into the sidewalk. They knew they were jumping to their deaths.

    It was hell on earth.

    You wouldn't stay at a hotel you knew was about to catch fire, a hotel that had no way of escape;

    and yet some of you know the way of God and still insist on holding to your sins. The devil is

    deceiving you; you won't give your heart to God. Wait a little longer, the devil whispers. You have

    plenty of time. Billions will be at the Great White Throne judgment whom the devil deceived into

    thinking they had plenty of time. Suddenly their time ran out, and it was too late to come to Jesus.

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    Time one day will be no more; an angel of God will stop time. It will be all over. No one will plead

    with you any longer to come to Jesus. No one will cry and pray over you. You will not grieve loved

    ones' hearts again; the tears won't roll down their cheeks day after day, night after night as they

    pray for your soul. God will wipe away all their tears; they won't remember the tears. They won't

    remember you. Today is the day of salvation.

    How horrible to be doomed! Think what it would be like to be led to the electric chair, the gas

    chamber. In a few minutes you will be killed. Guards all around are pushing you on. Death is

    waiting. Closer and closer it comes. Your mind screams:Oh God, I want to live! Please God! But

    you're not fit to live. You're covered with sin; and there is no more sacrifice for you, no more

    Calvary. God has no love for you. He used all His love to make Calvary. When God gave Jesus, He

    gave His whole heart. It was the only time He gave it allon Calvary. That's the reason there is no

    love left now for those who rejected His Son, no more tears.

    What a Judge! A Judge without mercy, without love. Even though you don't look, you know His

    eyes are burning right into you; you know nothing about you is hidden from Him. Your

    confessions, your prayers won't do any good. Then you hear the voice of doomlouder than Adam

    heard it in the Garden, more piercing than the Israelites heard it at Sinai:

    Oh God, no! Please God, one more chance!

    Depart, ye cursed, into everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels!

    Flee the wrath of God, this awful judgment. Turn, turn to Jesus. If there is one sin in your life

    when you die, you will face the Great White Throne judgment. But today He's not a mocking God;

    He's an all-caring, all-loving God, and he is calling to you. Come, come to Jesus! This is your hour.

    Don't be one in that Great White Throne judgment who was almost persuaded but not quite. No

    words could adequately describe the fear of that hour. Words are never so terrible as the real

    thing, never so terrifying as hearing God laugh at you and mock your calamity. Millions have

    already been deceived, millions scheduled for the Great White Throne judgment. My God! Will

    you join that number?

    You who are lost and undone without Christ are headed straight for this Great White Throne

    judgment: Don't you see the nail-riven hands reaching to you; don't you hear the voice of the Lord

    warning you to stop? It isn't the voice from the Great White Throne judgment today, but the voice

    of Jesus, the voice of mercy pleading, I died for you. I went to Calva ry for you. I died in your

    place, and I will forgive you for all your sins if you only turn to me. Oh come! Whosoever will,

    come! Today there is still forg iveness for you.

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    Why not take this opportunity now to come to God? Cry aloud unto your Lord, and let Him help

    you; He is listening. Pray the sinners' prayer with me:Oh God, I have sinned against you. I am so

    sorry! I believe you. I believe your judgments. I believe your love. I believe your Calvary, and I

    confess that I am lost. I am undone! Forgive me, forgive me! Take aw ay all my sins. I know that

    Jesus died for me, and I will live for Him. I believe the blood of Jesus washes aw ay all my sins, all

    my sins. Come into my heart, Jesus; come on in!

    If you meant that prayer, He has come. Jesus is yours. Hallelujah, Jesus is yours! Start praying;

    read the Bible. Fast some. Don't be at the Great White Throne judgment: you can be in Heaven!

    The final judgment is the Great White Throne judgment, the fifth major judgment.

    Subject: Wicked dead

    Time: Close of the 1,000 year Perfect Age

    Place: Great White Throne somewhere outside the gates of Heaven

    Basis for judgment: Works

    Result: All who come before the Great White Throne judgment will be cast into the lake of fire


    Death and hell delivered up the dead w hich we re in them: and they we re judged every

    man according to their works. And death and hell we re cast into the lake of fire. This

    is the second death. And whosoe ver was not found w ritten in the book of life was cast

    into the lake o f fire (Revelation 20:13-15).

    THE GREAT WHITE THRONE JUDGMENT, All rights reserved. Copyright 1991 Ernest Angley.

    All literature available on this page is owned exclusively by Ernest Angley Ministries and is available for your personal, noncommercial use

    only. You may freely download, print or distribute this literature without prior permission, as long as it is NOT altered and is distributed in

    its entirety.

    1999-2010. Ernest Angley Ministries. All Rights Reserved.

    Great White Throne Judgment - Ernest Angley Ministries