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The Gimp Project.

A change of Heart.The Gimp Project.

The Original.

The Modified.I Opened my Original PictureI changed the color balanceI changed the hue SaturationI colorized itI used the paint brush to fill in the yellowI used the paint brush to fill in the redI used the eraser to smooth out the edgesI clicked Fill, selected a layer texture, and placed it behind the pictureI clicked Filters, Generic, DilateI clicked Filters, Distorts, MosaicI put a Super Nova flare on the top right corner of the picture.

StepsThe Original Photo has a Message, of love, of Course.

The Edited one Has basically the same Message, But, the Mosaic filter makes it look as if its about to fall apart, The super nova effect displays that love can also glow, It can go either way. The Message
