  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture


  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture


    Postmodernism is part of the authoritarian a)enda. Similarly the Frankfurt S(hool (hampioned the notion that?authoritarianism? is (aused by reli)ion! male leadership! marria)e and family! when these thin)s a(tually uphold so(iety.

    ni'ersities are enemy territory and professors usually are obsta(les to )enuine learnin).

    TH= M9SS M=D%9

    The same applies to the mass media! whi(h the (entral bankers own and (ontrol. /e ima)ine that books! mo'ies andmusi( are (ommer(ially or artisti(ally moti'ated. This is not true. =lite brainwashers dis(o'ered they (an sell almostanythin) as lon) as it is hyped and adheres to a familiar format. Thus the hidden a)enda of entertainment is so(ialen)ineerin)! satanism! se>ual depra'ity and 'iolen(e.

    Musi(ian /es Penre says stars are sele(ted not for talent but be(ause they ad'an(e the elite a)enda. He writes@

    Their task is to demorali:e our youth! to (reate a so(iety where no one is able to think for themsel'es 5(ontrary to what the pop (ulture is tryin) to tea(h us about the ?rebellious? ro(k musi(6. The 9rt %ndustry (reates ?%(ons? with de)radin) andSatani( messa)es! who are supposed to take the pla(e of ;od. The musi(ians are also often a(tin) de)raded and hi)h orlow on dru)s! so their fans start a(tin) the same. The purpose is to (reate apathy and de(ay. uite a few artists also putsubliminal ba(kward messa)es in their musi(! like are intended to distra(t us from e'erythin)else.

    %n(reasin)ly! there is a lesbian messa)e in popular musi(. For e>ample! the Di>ie hi(ks s(orn men and (elebrate femaleindependen(e. %n one son)! women self ri)hteously murder a man who )a'e his wife a bla(k eye. oun) women sin) theseson)s and identify.

    9 friend noti(ed his Di>ie hi(k1sin)in) )irlfriend has been psy(holo)i(ally neutered. She thinks be(omin) a wife andmother will (ramp her style. He is dumpin) her.

    % went to the mo'ies last ni)ht. Three1out1of1four pre'iews mentioned homose>uality. ?&orth ountry? with harleseTheron is pure anti1male propa)anda. Sin)le mother )ets a 4ob in a mine but is not a((epted as an e0ual by her male (o1workers. 9fter one rapes her! she has to take the (ompany to (ourt to )et 4usti(e. How many times ha'e we seen this kindof thin)G

    % on(e met a woman who works as a railroad diesel me(hani(. She said her male (o1workers treat her like )old. %t wouldn-tdo to tell her story! would itG

    ='er wonder why there hasn-t been a mo'ie about real 9meri(an heroes like Henry Ford! harles

  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture


    omments for ?The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture?


    3obert said 5September "! 2""#6@

    Hey Henry! what-s upG =>(ellent website you ha'e here. % am (urrently attendin) ni'ersity of Massa(husetts. ourwebsite has been like a se(ret weapon that % ha'e used on a)enda dri'en tea(hers that % ha'e. % wish you tau)ht at mys(hool. % would en4oy seein) you on some of these phony news shows. i.e. $reilly fa(tor Hannity I % ha'e0uestion that % would like to ask you. Do you belie'e in this Peak oil story! or do you belie'e that it is abioti(! and Mother=arth produ(es it naturallyG % am startin) to belie'e the latter! but still am not sure. 9ny response would be )reatlyappre(iated. Keep up the )reat workJ



    % ha'e no e>pertise on oil but % e>pe(t the whole shorta)e is fabri(ated. /hat are you studyin)G Did you read ?Howni'ersity Betrays StudentsG? http@'ethemales.(a """#8+.html


    Cohn said 5September 2,! 2""#6@

    % don-t understand why (ertain e1mailers are a((usin) you of makin) ?no (onne(tion e'er? between (ommunism and Cews.

    our pie(e ?3oths(hilds ondu(t 3ed Symphony? shows 'ery (learly that a Cewish elite! in(ludin) the /arbur) interests!finan(ed both the ommunists and the &a:is.

    This has been known for de(ades! and had already been shown in the se'enties by the s(holarship of 9ntony Sutton.

    9s for the bankin) elites! some (all them ?Kha:ars!? some (all them ?pseudo1Cews? like 3obert /ilton! or ?apostate Cews?like the radio priest Fr. ou)hlin. /hate'er we (all it! this sinister )roup has on its hands the blood of the 'i(tims of both

    &a:ism and (ommunism.

  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture


    /e ha'e been warned by an)ry 9ryans@ ?ne'er trust a Cew.? et nobody is bein) asked to trust youL the issue is whetheryou ha'e pro'en your assertions. % belie'e you ha'e! at least re)ardin) the identities of the international bankers who ha'edone the most harm.


    Bob said 5September 27! 2""#6@

    Dear Henry 1

    % think you will a)ree that the speed with whi(h we are bein) killied! both morally and physi(ally! has been a((elerated@11world1wide release of laboratory (reated deadly 'iruses11world1wide poisonin) of the food supply with (hemi(als su(h as aspartame11world1wide mass killin) e'ents@ 9sian tsunami 5+""!"""N6 1 &ote@ the in'esti)ator! Coe *ialls! who re'ealed this as a ?mad1made? e'ent! died re(ently ina mysterious manner /orld Trade enter@ !"""N &$@ +"!"""N 1 a(tual deaths (on(ealed 1 &$T=@ the paperwork for Haliburton to (lean up &$ was ready before thedestru(ti'e e'ent11e>pansion of mind1alterin) dru) distribution

    11e'er deeper de)radation by the entertainment industry11intentional destru(tion of the =uropean! anadian and S so(ieties by unrestrained immi)ration of hostile outsiders11steady establishment of a fas(ist1oli)ar(hy in the S11preparation for permanent martial law under F=M9 throu)hout the S followin) a prepared e'ent! su(h as the predi(tedde'astatin) earth0uake in alifornia or )i)anti( 'ol(ani( eruption in ellowstone Park 5either tri))ered by s(alarte(hnolo)y 1 see Tom Bearden611an ob'ious S )o'ernment a)enda to steadily )rind down the 0uality of life in )eneral and destroy the middle (lass in

    parti(ular! all to be a((elerated by a planned meldin) of the anadian! Me>i(an and South 9meri(an e(onomies.

    % a)ree with you that the P3$T$ $

  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture


    minds. 9s ;oethe said! ?There are none so ensla'ed as those who belie'e they are free.?

    But the simple 0uestion is ?HowG?

    /here do we find truth and beauty for our mind and soulG

    %n (omplete humility! may % present my simple attempt at pro'idin)

    mental food and e>er(ise desi)ned to free ensla'ed minds. There-s no(har)e! and your readers may benefit 1 thousands ha'e already@www. ltFreedom.(om

    9ll the best!Mi(hael Haupt

    www.Three/orld/ars.(om 59n %ntrodu(tion to onspiratorial History6www. ltFreedom.(om 5How to (ellent treatise on (ommunist kulture poison! posted at www.rense.(om. This arti(le(learly e>poses the firmly entren(hed planks of the manifesto! nailed se(urely to the basement bulwarks of modernism andthe uni'ersity fraud matri>. our arti(le e>poses the roots of the (ause! as the (ursed sons of darkness! the sons of Belial!do the biddin) of their father the de'il. Bob /hitaker wrote an e>(ellent book! ?/hy Cohnny an-t Think?! e>posin) the(omplete fraud of the ?Professor Priesthood? (abal as it e>ists in the state uni'ersity system of hi)her edu(ation.www.whitakeronline.or)Howe'er! you ha'e )one beyond his work to (learly show the 'ery roots of the problem in all state edu(ation! one of thekey (ornerstone in)redients5ten planks6 to the satani( poison kulture institution. ou ha'e in this writin) pie(e a ?4ob welldone?J


    3i(hard! said 5September 28! 2""#6@

    Henry! ?funds (ame from the 9meri(an Cewish ommittee? /hyG /ho are the ma4ority of (ommunists throu)houthistoryG ou make no (onne(tion e'er between (ommunism and CewsG ou mo(k =d)ar Steele for an indire(t (ommentabout your son.ou ha'e a )ift to write and a )ood intelle(t on a host of sub4e(ts and % reali:e you ha'e to be (areful when writin) aboutCews in parti(ular. But at some point if you-re honest and a serious person on what-s )oin) on our (ountry you ha'e to ha'e

    balls to say the unsayable.....% know you mi)ht be ki(ked out of =ther:one like the Birdman or that )irl 5 % for)et her name6 who started rubbin) the

    4ewish an)le on =ther:one. They )ot (anned pretty 0ui(k. Don-t be afraid to be (anned for si)htin) truthful thin)s. 3i(hard


    %f % thou)ht it was stri(tly a Cewish phenomenon % would say so! but the run1of1the1mill Cews like me are bein) used as as(ape)oat for an allian(e of Cewish finan(e and non1Cewish dynasti( families! the Bla(k nobility! 9meri(an aristo(ra(y et(.

    Do you a(tually (are to pinpoint the perpetrators or do you 4ust want a (on'enient tar)etG


  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture


    Ste'e said 5September 28! 2""#6@

    %O'e been en4oyin) your arti(les for about 8 months now. % think that you ha'e (orre(tly hit the tar)et of the worldOs problems by namin) (entral bankin) as the sour(e of all misery. But is hristianity really the answerG % am hi)hlyskepti(al of any reli)ion bein) realO. %f hristianity was so )reat! why didnOt the Cews )o for itG They had the best 'anta)e

    point from whi(h to 4ud)e it. The story of hrist is really only another myth that is based on astrolo)y! whi(h you would

    know if you had spent any time resear(hin) reli)ion. +2 dis(iples! +2 months in the year! +2 si)ns of the :odia(! +2 tribesof %srael! Cesus in the Temple at +2 years old. The mira(les are nothin) more than re)ur)itated stories of Her(ules(ompletin) his tasks and other! earlier nomadi( )odmen! doin) their workO. Behold! my fatherOs mansion has manyhouses. ThatOs ri)htJ Twel'e of them@ *ir)o! Taurus! months.

    She destroyed our family! and her life! almost impo'erished me with her ?le)al ad'i(e ?from her )irlfrineds and predatorlawyers. &ow the (hildren are )rown ! and ha'e turned out better than % (ould ha'e hoped for! but somehow! % know! % amnot nearly as influential in their li'e as % should be. % don-t want to bemoan my personal sitution! but be(ause! % was raisedas a (riti(al thinker! 5small one room prairie s(hool house6 % (an see what has! and (ontinues to happen in all aspe(ts ofour daily li'es. The smut that enters our homes e'eryday on (able t'! would not ha'e been allowed in ?adult? mo'ies when% was youn). $ur ele(ted representiti'es demonstrate! that it is not how you play the )ame! but whether you win or losethat is important. %ndustrial and business leaders! ha'e no shame! and only look as far as the ne>t 0uarter. oun) peoplenow only use first names 5rarely are they hrsitian or Bibli(al6! the family name is (onsidered irrela'ent. % ha'e )i'en upon restartin) my life with the anadian 1 9meri(an women in the a'ailable pool. % now ha'e a wonderful bride fromolombia! who is traditional! has utmost respe(t for family! fears ;od! and desires that % head our family. % feel % ha'e

    been )i'en a new lease on life. Thank ;od for honest and arti(ulate people su(h as yourself Dr. Makow! % will forwardyour arti(le to my adult (hildren. % am #8 years of a)e! and own and oporate my )rain and (attle ran(h in Saskat(hewan.


    Khalid said 5September 28! 2""#6@

    our method of di'ertin) the blame to someone other than ? 4ews? is 'ery ob'ious. 9ny serious reader (an de(ern that fa(t.% will 0oute you from your re(ent arti(le Sep 2 th.

  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture


  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture


    3i(h said 5September 28! 2""#6@

    Hi Henry 1 our site is the best edu(ational resour(e out there. /hile % 4umped throu)h all the hoops needed to )et throu)hmy do(torate! my real edu(ation has been throu)h the likes of yourself. Thanks for bein) there. PS My +R year old nie(e inher freshman year of (olle)e reads your site reli)ously 1 perhaps there is hope.


    Cosh said 5September 2#! 2""#6@

    % think there is some truth to what you say. % don-t think you ha'e it+"" ri)ht! for how (ould youG ou are tryin) to fi)ure out the nature of our )o'ernment! in an en'ironment where no one will )i'e a strai)ht answer.

    %f there is one idea % wish you (ould )et a(ross to e'eryone! it is thatforei)n money power (ontrols both 9meri(an politi(al parties! and most

    western )o'ernment poli(ies.

    %n most of these (ountries! whites are bein) repla(ed with third1world peoples! not be(ause the immi)rants are mali(iously tryin) to take o'er our (ountries! but simply be(ause people who are used to a shitty standard of li'in) are easier to (ontrol.


    Mi(hael said 5September 2#! 2""#6@

    % belie'e that the band Metalli(9 were bu(kin) the ?bankersa)enda? with their +,RR lyri(s to ?=ye of the Beholder? I ?...9nd Custi(efor 9ll? they were some of the most intelli)ent lyri(s you-d e'er find in Metal Musi( Aread as ?stron) white role model?s musi(? JJ But 4ust short1years later!...4ust in time and 4ust ripe for the nineties?politi(al (orre(tness? (ulture they released the radio friendly ?bla(k album? Awhi(h % say is bla(k be(ause it marks the death of their ?)oodstuff?J 9pparently this album!whi(h none of my friends really rated as ?truemetal? were sho(ked!to this 'ery day that it was their hi)hest sellin)album....J How did that happenJG % re(kon the fi)ures are falseJThey went from son)s 0uestionin) ?e>isten(e? son)s about?feelin)s? and!basi(ally (rap of no importan(e....Thats ri)ht e'erybodydon-t 0uestion a damn thin) of real importan(e JJJ Their ?anti1 hrist son)ssu(h as ?pe(t from the

  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture


    money powerG


    Tony said 5September 2#! 2""#6@

    Henry! it-s already too late. /estern (i'ili:ation will ha'e to(ompletely (ollapse before de(ent (ulture (an be resurre(ted. The )oodnews is that the (ollapse is already in pro(ess. %t appears that the

    bottom (ould fall out at any time now. 9lmost e'eryone is (orrupt tosome de)ree. Those who pretend to leadership are openly (orrupt! their rationalism bein) way beyond materially pra)matism with no (on(ern for anythin) else. %t is now ?ri)ht? to be ultra selfish in all thin)s!e'en de(isions whi(h affe(t e'ery (iti:en. 9yn 3and-s hateful poison inlar)e.


    *i(tor said 5September 2#! 2""#6@

    $ne trend %-'e been noti(in) myself! re(ently@ omedy had been testin) the limits! more and more. 9 new show! (alled-S(are Ta(ti(s- 5same premise as - andid amera-6 a(tually faked a Satani( ritual. 5and it seemed to me that it in(ludedaspe(ts of 9rthurian /ikkan mysti(ism. %t was supposed to be funny to fool some )uy into thinkin) that he-d a((identallyinfiltrated a Satani( (ult.9lso! in order to (onfuse Cudaism and Eionism! many Cewish (omi(s are openly blamin) Cews for all of the world-s

    problems! instead of the real (ulprits. -The Daily Show- and Howard Stern (ome to mind.


    &eil said 5September 2#! 2""#6@

    % read your last arti(le! The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture! and % really wanted to reply on the site. % am (urrently afreshman )oin) to St.

  • 8/13/2019 The Fraudulent Basis of Modern Kulture

