
curiosity passion creativity

700-02232093© Holly WilmetH

665-02036809© masterfile royalty-free

Curiosity, Creativity and Passion — Spiritual impulses that designers need. The desire to explore and the will to discover. The ability to conjure new ideas from any raw material at hand. A love of work and the drive to see things thru to the end... plus the nerve to toss it all away at a moments notice and start again.

We at Masterfile hope these images will inspire and renew your connection with these powerful forces.

700-02698413© Gary rHijnsburGer

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“Curiosity is a willing, a proud, an eager confession of ignorance.” S. Leonard Rubinstein

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623-02750188© masterfile royalty-free

700-00000000© masterfile royalty-free

649-02055517© masterfile royalty-free

700-02348266© blue imaGes online

700-00476589© mark Wiens

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856-02976629© aurora PHotos

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811-00678891© Zoomstock

677-02599922© masterfile royalty-free

661-02024192© masterfile royalty-free

700-02756756© photo division

“Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.” Scott Adams

700-03015143© mike randolPH

700-03054186© tomasZ rossa

700-00768721© marco calore

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700-00154377© rommel

700-02833496© brian kuHlmann

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700-00280989© jon feinGersH

700-02159132 © bryan reinHart

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619-00544951© masterfile royalty-free

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700-01587498© bruce fleminG

“The worst sin - perhaps the only sin - passion can commit, is to be joyless.” Dorothy L. Sayers

856-02976063© aurora PHotos

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600-02200266 © masterfile royalty-free

688-03092602© masterfile royalty-free

700-00796170© masterfile

673-02216515 © masterfile royalty-free

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trust your instincts

700-02056538© Holly WilmetH
