
Continued on page 3.


Mark Your Calendar


APRIL 2011


“Love Mandaluyong” 1 Medical Mission

Just a Thought 2 Easter: What is it exactly? 2

The Resurrection Story 3 Iron Sharpens Iron 4 Kid’s Pages 5-6

Announcements and Events 7 Christ Arose Song and Passport to Heaven 8




Last February, Fil-Am Community Church, in coordina-tion with Yosemite Church of California and the Philippine In-ternational Baptist Church of Michigan, worked with the Inter-national Bible Church of Manda-luyong, Metro Manila to serve the locals of the city. A total of 16 people came from the U.S. in hopes of sharing God's love to this place of great need. Though the main event, Love Mandaluyong 2011 - A Medical, Dental, Relief, and Evangelistic Mission, took place on Saturday, February 19th, the week leading up to that day was busy with events to reach out to the members of the commu-nity. The team met with the mayor of Mandaluyong, Benja-min C. Abalos, Jr., who was more than excited to support the team's efforts and offered the help of the local nurses and doc-tors. On Wednesday, February 16, the team went to ―Smokey Mountain‖ – a garbage dumpsite

where a squatter community resides – to minister and feed more than 100 children. The following day, similar efforts were done in two areas of Cainta, Rizal. The children were so grateful for the ―lugaw‖, chicken, and rice served to them. They also could not wait to bring home the donated clothes, toys, and candies that they received. Every morning of the mission week, the team had to wake up early to organize the boxes of medicines donated from organizations and individu-als from the U.S. Additional cough, cold medicines and vita-mins were purchased locally. Orientations were held to pre-pare the volunteers for what to expect on the big day. Saturday finally came, the team had to be at the Mandaluyong sports complex gymnasium by 6:00am – the venue for the event.

No housework Day—April 7 Intl. Teens against Zits Day—April 12

Income Taxes Due—April 15 Husband appreciation Day—April 17

Easter Sunday—April 24 Hug an Australian Day—April 26

Nat. Oatmeal Cookie Day—April 30

Just a Thought — Pastor Rolly


Now that April is here, we are reminded again of foolish things. As we all know, at the beginning of the month some folks try to pull a fast one on an unsus-pecting person. Of course, this is done jokingly, with-out the intent of causing any harm. I hope you were not a victim and didn't fall into any foolish trap. How-ever, there is one trap that can cause great spiritual damage when we're not careful. It is the trap of not believing in God. The Bible calls those who don't be-lieve in God as fools. “The fool says in his heart, 'There is no God'” (Psalm 14:1). This is a hard saying but it's true. Despite over-whelming evidences for an Intelligent Designer and Creator of the universe such as the orderly move-ments of the planets, the complexity of the cell, the conscience of man, etc., many people still cling to foolish notions like the big bang theory, the evolution theory, the missing link theory and other nonsense. Note that these and others of their kind are just theo-ries, not facts. The fact is, there is a God who came to earth about 2,000 years ago in the person of Jesus Christ. Jesus claimed to be God. His disciples believed that he was God. One of his disciples, Luke, an expert historian according to expert historians, recorded in the Bible that over 500 people saw Jesus after his resurrection. Josephus, a non-Christian Jewish writer who lived during the first century, and other writers at the time, wrote about the existence of Christ. In mod-ern times, people who were once atheists like Alex-ander Solzhenitsyn, C.S. Lewis, and Lee Strobel came to believe in Christ after careful scrutiny of the


evidences. What’s significant is that millions of people are now living with hope because of a belief in a living and personal God. Don't let the world and its materialism fool you. Atheists can't offer you hope. Only the God of the Bible can offer you hope now and in the hereafter. Jesus says, “Very truly I tell you, whoever hears my word and believes him who sent me has eternal life and will not be judged but has crossed over from death to life.” (John 5:24) And that is not a foolish notion.

Every year, Christians celebrate a

holiday called Easter. To children, it is merely a day associated with egg hunts,

the Easter Bunny, sweets, and spring. Easter isn’t a holiday that celebrates

mythical creatures or the season transi-tion: it’s the time we, as servants of God,

remember and celebrate the day Jesus was resurrected after being crucified. Good Fri-

day, the Friday before Easter Sunday, is the day that represents when Jesus Christ

was crucified. Though it may seem impos-sible, He rose from the dead three days

later. Even the women that came to place spices and perfume on Jesus’ body could

not believe he’d risen from the dead. His disciples were also in awe once He revealed

himself and the holes in His hands and feet. Their faith was strengthened; they ran

out and shared the news of His return from death. They told others that Jesus was the

true Son of God sent to save us from sin. Although miracles such as the resurrec-

tion from the dead do not occur anymore, we Christians do not need extraordinary

happenings to validate our faith. We have the Word of God by our sides. We have the

complete assurance through His death, burial, and resurrection, that Jesus paid

the penalty for our sins, thus rewarding those who believe in Him with eternal life

in Christ Jesus. So remember the next time you come

across someone [maybe yourself] who thinks of Easter as some other holiday that

card makers and marketers thought up- the true meaning of Easter is to represent

Jesus taking the punishment for all the wrongdoing we’ve committed or will com-

mit, and giving us eternal life.


What is it exactly ?

By : Danielle Mirambel


He’s the Vine – We’re the Branches

Medical Mission continued from page 1

People were in line very early that morning wait-ing for the gates to open at 7:30am. Groups of 100 people at a time went through six stations: 1) registration; 2) evangelism and counseling, where each person was indi-vidually told about the love of Christ; 3) nursing, where vitals and blood sugars were taken.

A total of 2,078 were given medical and dental care (or both), 1,387 accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior, and

681 expressed interest in knowing more about the Lord. Additionally, 2,850 bags of rice were distributed, not only to the patients, but also to all of the volunteers and their fami-lies. We praise the Lord for the successful event, and we thank you, Fil-Am family, for all of your contributions, whether you helped prepare food for the fundraisers, asked your friends and families for donations, or prayed for the team and the event.


“Jesus said unto her, “I am the resurrection and the life. He who

believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live.” (John 11:25)

What a powerful name: “The Resurrection and The Life!” Is there anything or anyone more powerful than the One who has THE POWER to Raise us up from Death’s grip? When I ponder that word, Resurrection, I can see why God wanted to raise up His Son, The Perfect Lamb of God, but I am truly astounded that such a Holy God would want to raise us up and out of our miserable, slimy, death pits, up into His Marvelous Life! Isn’t that what God’s love does—It raises up, builds up, energizes, and restores.

We know as bible believing Christians that Jesus is “The Resurrection and The Life,” but how does that really apply to our lives? From personal experience, I can tell you that when Jesus shows up, so does His dynamic power to resurrect or revive those areas that require God’s rejuvenation. A few examples where we may need Life’s touch include a dying relationship, a fading belief that God cares passionately for us, a limp compassion for the lost, or a sickly prayer life in need of resuscitation. During the Easter season I challenge you to ask God to reveal areas in your own life that may need His resur-rection power. He is able and willing to reveal and revive all that may have lost His spark in our lives. I believe with all my heart that we are ―fighting the good fight‖ by inviting “The Resurrection and The Life” into those cavernous areas the enemy has managed to infect with death. When Christ raises our dead areas to life again, let us not for-get to proclaim the good news that ―Tombstones‖ are still being rolled away and people are still being restored!


He’s the Vine – We’re the Branches

Fil-Am Men Join ISI Confab

15 men representing Fil-Am Church attended the ―Iron Sharpens Iron‖ Conference held at Grace Church of Fredericksburg in Fredericksburg, Virginia last March 19


The one-day conference, hosted by Noble Warriors, Inc., is a gathering of men held throughout the year in different regions of the country. It seeks to equip men with tools necessary to become better leaders in the family, church, and community. The attenders learned from the two speakers who provided the main messages for the conference. The first one, Bryan Lo-ritts, Lead Pastor of Fellowship Memphis, gave the keynote message in the morning. His message was about finishing well with regards to one's spiritual journey based on 2 Timothy 4:7. The second message, which concluded the meeting, was delivered by Bob Reccord, founder of

Total Life Impact Ministries. Reccord touched on the subject of keeping strong in the midst of storms in life. The men were also equipped by attending two one-hour seminars of their choice. Some of the seminar titles were:

―Fun and Effective Family Times‖, ―Debt-Free Living‖, and

―Operation Freedom: Commitment to Purity‖.

Easter Candy Trivia

Americans consumed 7 billion pounds of Easter candy in 2001. According to 76% of Americans, Chocolate bunnies should be eaten ears first, 5% said bunnies should be eaten feet first, while 4% favored eating the tail first.

Each Easter season, Americans buy more than 700 million Marshmallow Peeps. Americans consume 16 billion jellybeans at Easter. If all the Easter jelly beans were lined end to end, they would circle the globe nearly three times. Pretzels were originally associated with Easter, The twists of a pretzel were thought to resemble arms crossed in prayer.


Kid’s Page Why Easter Eggs?

Of all the symbols associated with Easter the egg, the symbol of fertility and new life, is the most identifiable. The customs and traditions of using eggs have been associated with Easter for centuries. Originally Easter eggs were painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring and were used in Easter-egg roll-ing contests or given as gifts. After they were colored and etched with various designs the eggs were exchanged by lovers and romantic admirers, much the same as valentines. In medieval time eggs were traditionally given at Easter

to the servants. In Germany eggs were given to children along with other Easter gifts.

Different cultures have developed their own ways of decorating Easter eggs. Crimson eggs, to honor the blood of Christ, are exchanged in Greece. In parts of Germany and Austria green eggs are used on Maundy Thursday (Holy Thursday). Slavic peoples decorate their eggs in special patterns of gold and silver.

Austrian artists design patterns by fastening ferns and tiny plants around the eggs, which are then boiled. The plants are then removed re-vealing a striking white pattern. The Poles and Ukrainians decorate eggs with simple designs and colors. A number of eggs are made in the distinctive manner called pysanki (to design, to write). Pysanki eggs are a masterpiece of skill and workmanship. Melted beeswax is applied to the fresh white egg. It is then dipped in successive baths of dye. After each dip wax is painted over the area where the preceding color is to remain. Eventually a complex pattern of lines and colors emerges into a work of art. In Germany and other countries eggs used for cooking where not broken, but the contents were removed by piercing the end of each egg with a needle and blowing the contents into a bowl. The hollow eggs were dyed and hung from shrubs and trees during the Easter Week. The Armenians would decorate hollow eggs with pictures of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and other religious designs. (from

How to draw an Easter Bunny


Don’t understand the comic? Its ok—ask a youth, they’ll explain the Bible quiz contest.

Speaking of quizzes Do you know the correct answer? If so, write your name and the answer on a piece of paper, drop it in the

specially marked Easter Basket at the food table. Each person with the correct answer will get a special prize on Easter Sunday.

(There is no age restriction to play, you only have to be a child at heart) Everyone is welcome to guess the answer!

Kid’s Page

Comic by Jobelle Pombuena


SE Team Gives Out Flowers, Coins

For the past two months, members of the Servant Evangelism Team went out with a mission to distribute items for free to people in the neighborhood. On February 13, right after the Worship Service and Valentine's Day celebration in church, the team broke up into two, positioning themselves in front of Shoppers on Beulah St. and Target store at Springfield Mall in order to pass out rosebuds made out of Kisses chocolates. Then, on March 26

th, the team, going out in two groups

again, went to three laundromats to hand out quarters in ziploc bags to people who were do-ing their laundry. The team is composed of the following families: Abell, Canlas, Enad, Ramos,

Estabillo, Ireland, and Pombuena. Future projects include, among others, the distribution of bottled water, light bulbs, and batteries, car wash, and grocery bagging.

Announcements and Events

Celebration Come join us in a celebration of a lifetime of

promise come true in a lifetime of love celebration!

April 16th 2:00pm

CAPT Donald R. Thurston, Ph.D.


Linda Joyce Gray

Invite you to their wedding at their Virginia Farm

Come for food, drink, music, laughter and a celebration of God’s Blessings in their Union!

Bon Voyage

Fil-Am Community Church must say good-bye to a

faithful couple who have accepted a job that will

take their family to Brussels, Belgium. Ferdie,

Jennifer and baby Gabrielle Guevarra will be

departing this month for a tour lasting 9 months

to a year. We will miss you and looking forward to

your return in 2012. GOD BLESS !!

Woodbridge: Every other Thursday, 7:30 p.m.

Call (571) 274-9695

Loudoun/Fairfax: Every other Friday, 7:30 p.m.

Call (917) 375-2382

Burke: Call (703) 981-1152 for time and location.

Alexandria: Call (703) 244-8469 for time and location.

Maryland: Call (301) 490-7691 or

(240) 899-3557 for time and location.


Church Location:

6200 Charles Goff Drive Springfield VA 22150

Phone: (202) 492-4641

Email: [email protected] Website:

Mailing Address:

P.O. Box 6316 Springfield VA 22150


CHRIST AROSE Lyrics ~ Robert Lowry, 1826 - 1899 Music ~ Robert Lowry, 1826 - 1899

Stanza 1:

Low in the grave He lay, Jesus my Savior, Waiting the coming day, Jesus my Lord! Chorus:

Up from the grave He arose, With a mighty triumph o’er His foes, He arose a Victor from the dark domain, And He lives forever, with His saints to reign. He arose! He arose! Hallelujah! Christ arose! Stanza 2:

Vainly they watch His bed, Jesus my Savior; Vainly they seal the dead, Jesus my Lord! Stanza 3:

Death cannot keep its prey, Jesus my Savior; He tore the bars away, Jesus my Lord!

The ABC’s of Salvation

Admit - that you’re a sinner and can’t get to Heaven on your own

(Romans 3:23)

Believe - that God sacrificed Himself and paid

the price for your sin ( Romans 6:23)

COMMIT - your life to Jesus

(Romans 19:9)

Doxology Lyrics ~ Thomas Ken, 1637 - 1711 Music ~ Louis Bourgeois, c.1510 - c.1561 in the Grenevan Psalter, 1551

Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him, all creatures here below; Praise Him above, ye heavenly host; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost. Amen.
