Page 1: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12

Page 2: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12

Jdg 6:11 And the Angel of Jehovah came and sat under an oak which was in Ophrah, which belonged to Joash the Abiezrite. And his son Gideon threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites.

Jdg 6:12 And the Angel of Jehovah appeared to him, and said to him, Jehovah is with you, mighty warrior. SDSDFFA


Page 3: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12

He called him a …WARRIOR!!!

Gideon didn’t look like it, but the Lord said,

“You are a mighty warrior.”

Page 4: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12

But God doesn’t look at you and see what you do; but instead, He often sees what you can do. He doesn’t see you just as you are, but as you could become.

Page 5: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12

“Your name is no longer going to be Simon Peter. From this moment forward, I am going to call you the rock.” Now, was Peter a rock?

Page 6: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12

You have the heart of a warrior.

Exodus says this, “The Lord is a warrior. The Lord is his name.” You are created in the image of God, and part of the characteristics that God would give you, gentlemen, is the heart of a warrior

Page 7: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12Every warrior fears failure. Look at Gideon. God says, “Hey, I want you to go deliver My people.” Verse 15, and he reveals his insecurity. He says, “But Lord,” Gideon asked, “How could I save Israel? My clan, we’re the,” what? Say it aloud, “We’re the, we’re the weakest in Manasseh, and I’m the,” what? “I’m the least in my family.” Why is it that so many men are so afraid of failure? To us, failure is so personal. We tend to internalize it.

Page 8: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12You have what it takes. Look at what scripture says. Don’t believe me. Look at what scripture … II Peter 1:3,. He’s given us “everything we need for life and godliness through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.” God’s power has given you everything you need to do to accomplish what God puts before you.

Page 9: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12Gideon, he had 32,000 men. That’s not enough. “God, that’s not enough.” What did God do? God took a bunch of them away. Then he only had 10,000 men. “Oh, that’s surely not enough.” Then, what did God do? He took it down to 300 men. “Totally impossible, God. That’ll never, ever, ever, ever, ever work. That’s not enough.” God said, “No, that’s exactly enough,” and that’s maybe where some of you are right now. You may feel like you are going backwards, and God’s going to say, “You know what? I’m going to take you down so low that all you’ve got left is Me, and I’m enough. I’m all you need.”

Page 10: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12Some of you, you are going to wake up one day, and your greatest fear is going to lead to something much worse, and that’s your greatest pain. And you are going to look back and go, “How did I miss it? How did I blow it? It’s so big. It was right there in front of me, and I was too big of a wus to even try. My fear of failure exceeded my faith in God, and I became hesitant,” and you are going to hurt for years because you didn’t give it a shot, whatever it is.

Page 11: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12

There is a ride you have to take. It’s time to face your fear. God has created you with the heart of a warrior. There is a cause for you to fight for. When you, hesitate, you become vulnerable. Understand this. God has given you everything you need to accomplish what He put before you. You have what it takes. Go in the strength you have, and act like the spiritual warrior that God created you to be.

Page 12: The fear of failure and the pain of regret

Judges 6:11-12

Most, most warrior’s greatest fear is what? Failure. But the problem is, this fear, it leaves us something far worse, and that’s the warrior’s greatest pain. The warrior’s greatest pain is

