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  • 8/10/2019 THE FACTORIES ACT.doc



    This Act was passed in the year1948 and it came in t e!istence"#rce$ #rm 1st Apri% 1949&T

    Act was amended in 19'( ) 198'& The primary *+ectie # this Act is t prtect the interests # the wr-ers wr-in. in the

    #actries&,t ens/re *etter wr-in. cnditins #r them ) preent the emp%yers #rm

    e!p%itin. the wr-ers& The Act prides #r the 0icensin.,Re.istratin ) Inspectin # #actries&It re./%ates the

    cnditins # wr- in the #actries&

    It a%s prides #r sa#e ) hea%thy wr-in. cnditins inside the #actries&

    The Act re/ires the emp%yers t ta-e certain minim/m steps #r the we%#are # the wr-ers& The Act e!tends t the wh%e # India inc%/din. 2amm/ ) 3ashmir, app%ica*%e t Centra% )

    State ernment&

    5e#initins 6a$Adult:-Section 2(a),means a person who has completed his 18th year of age.

    (b)Adolescent:-Sec 2(b),means a person who has completed his 15th year of age bt has not completed his 18th

    !ear.(c)Child:-Sec 2( c ),"hild means a person who has not completed his 15th year of age.

    (d)Young person:-Sec2( d ),means a person who is either a "hild or #dolescent.

    (e)Calendar yearmeans the period of 12 months beginning with the first day of $anary in the year.

    (f)Daymeans a period of 2% hors beginning at mid-night.

    (g)Weekmeans a period of & days beginning at midnight on Satrday night or sch other night as may be appro'edn writing by the "hief nspector of actories.

    (h)Powermeans electric energy or any other form of energy which is mechanically transmitted.(i)Prime Movermeans an engine,motor or other appliance which generates or otherwise pro'ides power.

    (*)Machineryincldes prime mo'ers,transmission machinery+other appliances where by power is

    generated,transmitted or applied&-$anfactring rocessSec 7"-$6means any prcess #r "1$ma-in.,a%terin.,repairin.,rnamentin.,#inishin.

    pac-in., washin.,*rea-in. /p,dem%ishin. etc,"7$/mpin. i%,water r sewa.e:

    ;$.eneratin.,trans#rmin.,transmittin. pwer:"4$cmpsin.,%ith.raphy etc,

  • 8/10/2019 THE FACTORIES ACT.doc


    (&OerCrwdin. Sec "1($The prisins are,"a$There sha%% nt *e ercrwdin. in any wr-rm Sec1("1$&

    *$There sha%% *e at %east 9&9 c/*ic meters # space";ater Sec 186The prisins are,"a$There m/st *e s/##icient s/pp%y # drin-in. water which sh/%d *e

    -ept in cnenient p%aces Sec 18"1$&"*$A%% pints #r s/pp%y # drin-in. water m/st *e %e.i*%y mar-ed as 5rin-in.

    waterB Sec18"7$& " c$I# #actry cnsists 7ODE OR CHI05RE sh/%d *e a%%wed at the #eed end&

    8&Hists ) 0i#ts6The hists ) %i#ts sh/%d *e prper%y cnstr/cted ) strn.&rper%y maintained,prtected )!amined at %east nce in three mnths&9&Crains ) ther %i#tin. machines Sec796They m/st *e we%% cnstr/cted ) #ree #rm de#ects&They m/st *e we%%

    !amined nce in eery ( mnths *y a cmpetent persn&

    @&Re%in. machinery Sec ;@6Any wr-in. rm where the prcess # .rindin. is carried n ,it is cmp/%sry #rery rm that a *ard with a%% detai%s shwin. sh/%d *e p%aced&

    1&ress/re p%ant Sec ;16T ens/re that sa#e wr-in. press/re sh/%d *e maintained&

    7&F%rs,Stairs ) means # access Sec ;76A%% stairs,#%rs sha%% *e cnstr/cted prper%y& *str/ctinsh/%d *e ca/sed&Sa#e means,#encin. ) s/##icient prtectin sh/%d *e prided&

    ;&its,S/mps,Openin. in #%rs etc Sec;;6These p%aces sh/%d *e sec/re%y cered r #enced&

    4&E!cessie wei.hts Sec;46 persn sh/%d *e emp%yed t %i#t,carry r me e!cess r heay %ad,which wi%%

    a/se any in+/ry&

  • 8/10/2019 THE FACTORIES ACT.doc


    7@&wer t re/ire speci#icatins # de#ectie parts r tests # sta*i%ity Sec ;96I# it appears t the Inspectr #

    #actries that any part r */i%din. is t h/man %i#e he may sere a ntice t cc/pier t .ie detai%s,sta*i%i

    erti#icate etc71&Sa#ety # */i%din.s ) machinery Sec 4@ 6 I# the inspectr # #actries #ee% *th */i%din. ) machinery are t the %i#e # wr-ers ,can sere a ntice t stp a%% actiities /nti% it is repaired&

    roisions relatin' to HA(A!D")S !"CESSES *

    A E> CHATER IGA was added in 198' Amendment Act,the prisins are6

    &Appintment # Site Appraisa% Cmmittee "Sec 41A$+7&Cmp/%sry 5isc%s/re # In#rmatin *y the Occ/pier "Sec 41=$&

    &Speci#ic Respnsi*i%ity # the Occ/pier in re%atin t Haard/s rcess"41C$&4&Appintment # an In/iry Cmmittee "Sec 415$&
