
The Effectiveness of Antecedents Control and Differential Reinforcement of

Alternative Behaviors in Reducing Screen Time on an Adolescent with

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Single-case Design

Elisabeth Santoso a and Mayke Sugianto Tedjasaputra b*

aFaculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia; Department of

Developmental Psychology, Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Depok, Indonesia

*Corresponding author:

Mayke Sugianto Tedjasaputra

Department of Developmental Psychology

Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia

Jl. Lkr. Kampus Raya, Depok,

Jawa Barat Indonesia, 16424

Tel.: +62 217270004

Email address: [email protected]

2nd International Conference on Intervention and Applied Psychology (ICIAP 2018)

Copyright © 2019, the Authors. Published by Atlantis Press. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC license (

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 229


The Effectiveness of Antecedents Control and Differential Reinforcement

of Alternative Behaviors in Reducing Screen Time on an Adolescent with

Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Single-case Design

Abstract – Studies on normal children’s and adolescents’ use of intervention techniques

to reduce screen media usage have recently gained much attention. However, studies on

screen time reduction intervention in children with developmental disorders, including

autism spectrum disorder (ASD), have been scarce. Compared to the typical population,

children with ASD spend more time on screen media and are thus at greater risk of its

physical and psychological consequences. This paper aimed to investigate the

effectiveness of behavior modification techniques, specifically antecedent control and

differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors (DRA), in reducing screen time for an

adolescent male aged 12 years and 9 months with mild ASD. Previous research on

normally developed children showed inconsistent results on the application of these

techniques. In this study, technique effectiveness was evaluated by collecting and

comparing pretreatment and post-treatment data. The results showed that both techniques

could reduce participants’ screen time duration by 55%.

Keywords: antecedents’ control, differential reinforcement of alternative behaviors

(DRA), autism spectrum disorder


Interest on the influence of screen media usage on children’s and adolescents’ lifestyle has

increased during the last decade with the discovery of its potential health consequences (Peiro-

Velert et al., 2014). Several studies involving normally developed children found a correlation

between screen time duration and social skills, including socioemotional competence in early

childhood (Intusoma et al., 2013); eye contact (Heffler & Oestreicher, 2016); and social interest

(American Academy of Pediatrics, 2016). Excessive screen time on children is associated with

withdrawal from real-life social contact (Bickham & Rich, 2006), multiple risk behaviors

(Carson et al., 2011), and speech delay (Chonchaiya & Pruksananonda, 2008). Other studies

found health risks regarding screen media usage, including higher risk of obesity (Martinez-

Gomez et al., 2010), depression, and anxiety (Cao et al., 2011).

Because of the potential health, psychological, and social risks of excessive screen time, the

American Academy of Pediatrics (2016) proposed no more than two hours of screen time per

day for children. However, increased access to technology and gadgets have made it difficult to

control children’s screen time. The first exposure occurs at a much younger age (Hermawati et

al., 2018). Hermawati also stated that parents actively encourage children to use electronic

media for entertainment to keep them occupied so that parents can freely work on their own.

While some studies have investigated the effectiveness of screen time reduction intervention in

children and adolescents with typical development (Wahi et al., 2011; Friedrich et al., 2014),

similar studies are less common on children with ASD. ASD is a neurodevelopmental disorder

characterized by difficulties with reciprocal social interaction and frequent presentation of

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 229


restricted and repetitive behavior (APA, 2013). Children with ASD face challenges regarding

basic social interaction skills such as language acquisition (Spears, 2010) and joint attention

(Dawson et al., 2004). Compared to normal children, children with ASD spend more time on

sedentary activities, including screen time. They are also at greater risk of obesity and social

disengagement (McCoy et al., 2016; Jones et al., 2017; Flom & Johnson, 2010). Given the

potential consequences of excessive screen media usage on social skills and the nature of ASD,

which inhibits children in acquiring such skills, interventions that can help reduce or limit their

screen time are urgently needed.

Some previous studies found a relation among antecedent control, reinforcement, and screen

time limitation (Carlson et al., 2010; Maitland et al., 2013), but longitudinal research is limited

with regard to their causal relation (Carlson et al., 2010). Prior research on screen time reduction

intervention mostly used monitoring, counseling, and providing health curricula (Wahi et

al.,2011; Ghassemi & Granger, 2012; Schmidt et al., 2012; Wu et al., 2016). In addition, studies

that applied antecedent control by providing alternative activities to replace screen time have

shown inconsistent results (Salmon et al., 2010; Wu et al., 2016).

The study discussed in this paper aimed to investigate the effectiveness of behavior modification

techniques, specifically antecedent control and DRA, in reducing screen time. We hypothesized

that both techniques can reduce screen time duration in this study’s participant. This participant

is an adolescent male aged 12 years and 9 months, diagnosed with mild ASD, and with language

impairment. Before receiving treatment, his average screen time in a typical day is seven hours

and seven minutes (excluding screen time on holidays). This study aims to reduce his screen

time duration to two hours per day based on the screen time limit recommendation by the

American Academy of Pediatrics.


This is a single-subject design, a study involving only one participant, to test causal relations

between variables (Gravetter & Forzano, 2012). The participant of this study is an adolescent

male aged 12 years and 9 months. Two months before the study, he was diagnosed with mild

ASD based on a comprehensive psychological assessment by this study’s researchers. The

subject’s mother was involved in this study. She was asked to record the subject’s screen time

every day on a Screen Time Observation Form, which was constructed by the first researcher

to help monitor screen time activities. This was the only instrument used in the study.

The program was preceded by a comprehensive assessment of problem behavior, which adopted

the functional behavioral analysis (FBA) model. This assessment was conducted to evaluate the

antecedent and consequence of problem behavior before the subject received any treatment.

Table I below shows the FBA results.

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Table I. Functional Behavioral Analysis Results

Antecedent Behavior Consequence

Unlimited screen time facilities:

Nonstop Wi-Fi connection

Gadgets and TV

Streams and plays

gadgets during

unlimited leisure time,

only stopping to take a

bath and sleep.

Parents permit the behavior and

leave the child to enjoy his screen

time activities. Free time from waking up (05.30)

and after school until bedtime


The antecedents of the problem behavior were the unlimited screen time facilities and the lack

of house rules. His parents’ consent and ignorance regarding his screen time activities reinforced

the target behavior, which was a consequence. This antecedent behavior–consequence pattern

had persisted for 12 years (since he was six months old). We assume that the antecedent and

consequence need to be modified to elicit the desired behavior.

Antecedent control and DRA were applied in this study. In the former procedure, antecedents

were manipulated technically by presenting SD (stimulus discriminant) to produce desired

behaviors (Miltenberger, 2012). In this study, the technique involved presenting SD in the form

of strictly scheduled off-screen activities as an alternative to screen time activities. We

integrated social play, art, and domestic activities in his daily schedule to replace screen time.

If the subject engaged in alternative activities as scheduled instead of screen time activities, he

was given positive reinforcement, including social and consumable reinforcement. These

comprise the DRA technique (Miltenberger, 2012).

This study was divided into three phases: baseline, treatment, and post-treatment. Before the

baseline phase, informed consent was provided by the subject’s mother, as the subject was

unable to do so because of his minimal understanding of verbal cues. The baseline phase lasted

six days. The mother recorded the subject’s screen time duration every day, supervised by a

researcher, before any treatment was given. The treatment phase lasted 20 days with gradually

increasing off-screen activities and gradually decreasing screen time activities.

The intervention design described above is presented in Table II.

Table II. Intervention Design

Schedule Activities

July 9, 2018 Initial assessment and informed consent.

July 16–20, 2018 Baseline: recording subject’s screen time

before any intervention.

July 30–August 3,


First week of intervention: reducing screen

time to five hours per day.

Alternative activities: play and domestic


Reinforcement: social and consumable


August 6–10, 2018 Second week of intervention: reducing screen

time to four hours per day.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 229


Alternative activities: play and domestic


Reinforcement: social, consumable, and

activity reinforcement.

August 13–17, 2018

Third week of intervention: reducing screen

time to three hours per day.

Alternative activities: play, art, and domestic


Reinforcement: social, consumable, and

activity reinforcement.

August 20–24, 2018

Fourth week of intervention: reducing screen

time to two hours per day.

Alternative activities: play, art, and domestic


Reinforcement: social and activity


August 27–31, 2018 Post-test: recording subject’s screen time

after intervention.

We conducted no statistical analysis in this study and instead used descriptive analysis to

evaluate the effectiveness of intervention. Screen time data before (pre-) and after (post-)

treatment were collected, compared, and analyzed.


The baseline phase was conducted for six days. We asked the participant’s mother to record

his screen time duration from waking up (0600) and after school until bedtime (0000). His

screen time duration was only recorded during school days and not holidays (Saturday or

Sunday) to prevent any fluctuation caused by different amounts of available leisure time to use

gadgets. The intervention was conducted for 20 days. During this phase, we created a schedule

that contained off-screen activities. The participant was encouraged to follow the schedule with

direct supervision from a researcher from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. and from his mother afterward.

Off-screen activities were gradually increased by one hour per week to allow the participant to

adapt to the new schedule.

The subject received positive reinforcement, such as social reinforcement (expressions of

appreciation, hugs, pats on the head, and thumbs up from researcher/parents), consumable

reinforcement (his favorite food/snack), and activities that were pleasurable for him (taking

public transportation, going swimming, etc.). These rewards were discussed with the mother

during the initial assessment. Consumable reinforcement was retracted on the fourth week to

generalize the desired behavior without the presentation of his favorite foods. The post-test was

conducted two days after the intervention phase. During five days of the post-test phase, the

mother was asked to record the participant’s screen time duration when he was no longer

getting any treatment. Figure 1 below shows the subject’s screen time duration (in minutes)

during the baseline, intervention, and postintervention phases.

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 229


Fig. 1. Screen Time Duration (in Minutes) During Baseline, Intervention, and Postintervention

Despite fluctuations in the participant’s screen time duration in all three phases, a trend emerged

that showed both treatments had successfully reduced his screen time. During the baseline

phase, the subject used screen media devices for 7 hours and 7 minutes per day on average.

During the intervention stage, this was reduced to 4 hours and 38 minutes per day. During the

post-test phase, the average screen time duration was further reduced to 3 hours and 59 minutes.

These data showed an average screen time reduction of 3 hours and 59 minutes, a 55%


However, since our initial target was to reduce the subject’s screen time duration to two hours

per day following the recommendation by the American Academy of Pediatrics (2016), this

study’s results fell short.


The nature of antecedent control, which technically manipulates the environment to decrease

adaptive behaviors and prevent problem behaviors, is effective for this subject. We believe this

was because the stimulus discriminant (SD) was never presented or established to the child

before treatment. This finding is supported by previous studies that found an association

between consistent limitation and rules from parents and screen time limits in children (Carlson

et al., 2010; Minges et al., 2015). The antecedent control procedure is necessary when the

absence of SD allows a problem behavior to manifest (Miltenberger, 2012). In this case, setting

a consistent limitation and direct supervision for 20 days worked particularly when such rules

were not applied previously.

Meta-analysis studies from Wahi et al. (2011) and Friedrich et al. (2014) found reductions in

screen time following the enhancement of physical activities. In other words, screen time can

be minimized when children have alternative leisure activities. Research by Eipstein et al.

(1997) found that positive reinforcement following sedentary behavior reduction increases the

odds of doing alternative activities. This finding supported the hypothesis that DRA can increase

the likelihood of engaging in these alternative behaviors.





e 1



e 3



e 5



si 1



si 3



si 5



si 7



si 9



si 1




si 1




si 1




si 1




si 1




t 1



t 3



t 5

Screen Time Duration (in minutes)

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 229


However, this study failed to meet its initial target. The fluctuating nature of his screen time

graph means the result of this program is still inconsistent, and this may be attributed to several

factors. Some studies tried to analyze environmental factors that encourage excessive screen

media usage in children. Crawford et al. (2010) and Wilson et al. (2015) found that families’

sedentary and physical activities influence children’s preferred activities. Children with parents

who spend much of their time doing sedentary activities have been found to enjoy the same

activities. Similarly, Hume et al. (2010) found a positive correlation between the electronic

media usage of parents and that of children.

In our case, this participant’s parents also have excessive sedentary activities. His family

members’ leisure time is spent gathered in front of the television or playing gadgets together.

His parents admitted that they do not enjoy physical and interactive activities. On the 3rd, 10th,

and 18th day of intervention, the subject successfully reduced his screen time to less than three

hours per day. This was because parents took him to outdoor activities such as swimming,

shopping at the supermarket, or short trips. On the 13th, 17th, and 20th day of intervention and

the 3rd day of post-test, the subject’s screen time increased to more than six hours per day,

which was because his mother was not at home in the evening and was therefore unable to

supervise his activities.

Another inhibiting factor is parental perception of screen time activities. Minges et al. (2015)

conducted structured interviews with parents and teens to find out their perceptions of screen

time. The study found that in this millennial era, parents and teens consider screen time as an

integral part of their daily life. Apparently, the researchers also found that such a point of view

distracted parents from knowing more about screen time consequences. A similar study by

Thompson et al. (2017) found that parents see gadget use as something that fosters closeness in

the family; hence, they encourage their children to use gadgets. This becomes problematic,

however, when parents encounter conflict when limiting screen time.

Similarly, the subject’s parents also admitted that they allow their son to play gadgets so that he

can learn language. Despite the lack of significant change in his language acquisition during his

excessive screen time, the parents’ perception was unchanged. We assume that such perception

distracted his parents from consistently implementing the program.

Another factor that needs consideration is the subject’s home physical environment. Media

equipment in the home—and, to a lesser extent, the bedroom—is positively associated with

children’s sedentary behavior (Maitland et al., 2013). Unfortunately, gadgets are accessible in

this participant’s house. There are televisions in the living room and in each bedroom. Every

family member in the house has their own gadgets, such as tablets and smartphones. We found

it quite difficult to control the participant’s screen media usage when all facilities are accessible

and especially when other family members are also using them excessively.

These inhibiting factors also serve as insights for future research. We suggest that future studies

comprehensively assess parents’ preferred activities and perception of screen time activities

before implementing any program. Future research also needs to investigate the effectiveness

Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 229


of antecedent control by steering family members’ activities and home physical environment

toward reducing screen time. Parents should also receive psychoeducation and training to

enhance their knowledge of the consequences of excessive screen time. We also suggest that

future research involve more participants for better generalization.


In this study, antecedent control procedure and DRA successfully reduced the subject’s screen

time duration by 55%. However, it failed to meet the two-hour daily screen time limit as

recommended by the American Academy Pediatrics (2016). Thus, when conducted for 20 days,

both techniques are not necessarily effective in reducing screen time to the recommended


This study has several limitations. We did not test the instrument used in this study for validity

and reliability; we suggest that future researchers do so before replicating the study. Interrater

agreement during screen time recording should be considered as well. Another limitation is the

short study period; we believe that lengthening the study period by adding more intervention

days can provide more conclusive results.


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