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Page 1: The Eastern Hemisphere

The Eastern Hemisphere

WHI 10 SOL Quiz


Page 2: The Eastern Hemisphere

#1 This Christian kingdom was established along East Africa. It traced its Dynasty back to King Solomon of Israel

a) Egyptb) Beninc) Axumd) Nubia

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#2 Where was Great Zimbabwe located?

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#3 Which empire was not located in West Africa

a) Malib) Zimbabwec) Songhaid) Ghana

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#4 Timbuktu was located in this area

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#5What were the two most important trade goods that flowed through Timbuktu?

a) Porcelain and silk

b) Spices and textiles

c) Gold and salt

d) Emeralds and jewels

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#6 Which empires gained wealth by controlling the trade of gold, ivory, and salt across the Sahara Desert?

a) Maya and Aztecb) Greek and Romanc) Mali and Songhaid) Mauryan and Mughal

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#7 What trade made the West African kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai rich and powerful?

a) spice tradeb) slave tradec) gold-salt traded) Columbian Exchange

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#8 Which city was a center of trade and learning in West Africa?

a) Axumb) Timbuktuc) Alexandriad) Great Zimbabwe

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In the middle 1200s, these conquerors reached Kiev. They quickly overran the Russian state, killing many people. They held control of the area for more than 200 years.

a) Mongolsb) Saxonsc) Anglosd) Rus

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The arrows on the map show invasion routes of the a) Crusaders.

b) Vikings.c) Mongols.d) Huns.

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a) Japanb) Chinac) Russiad) Baghdad

#9. Kublai Khan the grandson of Genghis Khan, conquered this land

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#10 One reason the Chinese resented the Mongol rulers was

a) the Mongols dismantled the Chinese system of government

b) the Great Khanate outlawed Chinese traditions

c) Chinese were kept from high government offices

d) they allowed European traders to visit China

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a) Tangb) Yuanc) Songd) Han

#11. The Mongol Dynasty (1271-1368 AD) in China was known as this Dynasty

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#12. He was a trader from Venice, Italy. He traveled to the Mongol Court in China and ended up working for them.

a) Vasco de Gamab) Christopher

Columbusc) Amerigo Vespuccid) Marco Polo

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a) Japanb) Koreac) Viet Namd) China

#13. When the Mongols tried to invade this island country they were hit by a terrible typhoon

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#14. A trained Japanese Soldier

a) Samuraib) Bushidoc) Shogund) Shinto

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#15. This picture shows a torii, a gateway that represents the entrance to a Shinto shrine. It is most likely located in which country?

a) Koreab) Japanc) Chinad) Vietnam

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#16 Which of the following religions is characterized by a focus on the importance of natural features and worship of the emperor and is unique to Japan?a) Buddhismb) Shintoc) Confucianismd) Islam

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#17 Which nearby civilization strongly influenced Japan’s cultural development?

a) Indianb) Mongolc) Chinesed) Russian

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#18 A chain of islands clustered together

a) Archipelagob) Atollc) Peninsulad) strait

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a) Samuraib) Bushidoc) Shogund) Shinto

#19 In Japan, the title "superior general of the emperors army” belonged to the -
