Page 1: The draft NSW Mathematics K-10 syllabus Version 2 February 2012

The draft NSW MathematicsK-10 syllabus

Version 2

February 2012

Page 2: The draft NSW Mathematics K-10 syllabus Version 2 February 2012

The draft NSW K-10 syllabuses

• The Board of Studies NSW has developed draft K-10 syllabuses for English, mathematics, science and history. The first round of consultation for these syllabuses has now closed.

• A second round of consultation based on version 2 of the draft syllabuses is now open.

• NSW school teachers will only need to teach in accordance with the new K-10 syllabus documents developed for NSW.

• The Board advises all schools to continue to use the existing NSW K-12 syllabuses for 2012.

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Key issues from consultation on version 1

What's changed from version 1 to version 2?

What is the syllabus structure in version 2?

Key issues for consultation on version 2

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Designing the NSW Syllabuses

Australian Curriculum(ACARA)

New NSW syllabuses(Board of Studies NSW)

Stage-based Outcomes and content

Year-based Content

General capabilities, Cross-curriculum priorities

Learning across the curriculum areas embedded in content as appropriate to individual Learning Areas

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Implementation Timeframe

2011Term 4

2012 2013 2014

Education Ministers approve Australian Curriculum achievement standards.

Board of Studies NSW considers consultation feedback and revises syllabuses.

Syllabuses available to schools.

Second round of consultation with Board of Studies NSW.

Professional learning for school executive.

School planning and preparation for implementation.

Substantial implementation of new syllabuses.

Teacher professional learning for new syllabuses.

School programming and development of teaching, learning and assessment materials.

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Senior secondary curriculum

• ACARA has indicated that further work to develop senior secondary courses in English, mathematics, science and history is being undertaken, with draft documents to be available for consultation in 2012.

• In the meantime NSW teachers are to continue teaching current NSW syllabuses for senior secondary courses.

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Key issuesfrom consultationon Version 1

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Key issues from consultation on version 1

• Breadth of draft syllabus outcomes:• lack of clarity for common understanding• lack of specificity for assessment and reporting

• Need for K-10 continuum of ‘key ideas’• Amount of content in some Stages to be reduced• Assessment advice to be more specific• Life Skills outcomes and content to be clearer

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What's changed from version 1 to version 2?

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What changed from version 1 to version 2 for K-10?

Syllabus element Changes

Rationale The relationship of K–10 Mathematics to other subject areas made more explicit.

The place of the Mathematics K-10 syllabus in the K-12 curriculum

Diagram revised clarifying the pathways of learning in Mathematics.

Aim The second of the three Australian curriculum: Mathematics aims has been added.The aim now includes ‘lifelong learning’.

Objectives Labelled with strand titles.

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What changed from version 1 to version 2 for K-10?

Syllabus element Changes

Outcomes Additional outcomes included to align one outcome to each substrand in each Stage.Outcomes now coded.

Organisation of content

One additional component of Working Mathematically – Communicating – has been included.

Strand overviews developed and included.

Descriptions for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander histories and cultures, Asia and Australia’s engagement with Asia and Sustainability included.

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What changed from version 1 to version 2 for K-10?

Syllabus element Changes

Stage outcomes Continuum of learning amended

Stage statements Australian curriculum achievement standards included

Assessment Revised for consistency

Glossary Will be included in syllabus materials

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What changed from version 1 to version 2 for K-6?

Syllabus element Changes

Content for Early Stage1 to Stage 3

Communicating tagged as a Working Mathematically component to align with the appropriate outcome

Sequence of content for ES1 to S3 reviewed to improve the continuum of learning

The language of the content has been revised.

The Background Information and Language sections have been updated.

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What's changed from version 1 to version 2 for K-6?

Syllabus element Changes

Content for Early Stage1 to Stage 3

Content related to money strengthened.

‘Two-Dimensional Space’ substrand re-sequenced.

Statistics and Probability strand revised.

Content on place-value strengthened.

Content for ‘Whole Numbers’ in Stage 2 limited to five-digit numbers.

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What's changed from version 1 to version 2 for K-6?

Syllabus element Changes

Content for Stage 3 Content on other number systems moved to the ‘Additional Content’ section

Sector graphs and divided bar graphs moved to Stage 4

Cartesian plane reviewed to make it more accessible

Order of operations revised

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What's changed from version 1 to version 2 for 7-10?

Syllabus element Changes

Content for Stage 4 to Stage 5

Communicating has been tagged as a Working Mathematically component

Background Information and Language sections updated

Content on other number systems has been moved from Stage 3 to the ‘Additional Content’ section

Sector graphs and divided bar graphs have been moved from Stage 3 to Stage 4.

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What's changed from version 1 to version 2 for 7-10?

Syllabus element Changes

Years 7-10 Life Skills outcomes

Life Skills outcomes related to the Stage 4 and 5 outcomes have been added to each substrand.

Outcomes have been reviewed

Outcomes restructured

Years 7-10 Life Skills content

More access points for students with significant disabilities, particularly in relation to the substrands ‘Money', 'Time’, and ‘Measurement’

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What is the syllabus structure in version 2?

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Syllabus structure in version 2

• Rationale• Aim• Objectives• Outcomes• Content – essential and additional• Years 7-10 Life Skills outcomes and content• Continuum of learning in Mathematics K-10

• Stage outcomes• Stage statements

• Assessment

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Syllabus structure in version 2

Mathematics K–10 Draft Syllabus Version 2 , NSW BOS, 2012, page 23

Essential content

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Key issues for consultation on version 2

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Key issues for consultation on version 2K-10?

• Are the additional outcomes for each substrand clear?

• Are the outcomes useful for programming and


• Does the Continuum of learning in Mathematics K-10

(pages 393-397) show a clear progression of learning

across the Stages in each content strand?

• Is Learning across the curriculum content embedded


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Key issues for consultation on version 2 K-6?

• Is the amount of content appropriate for the allocated

teaching time for K-6?

• Is the assessment advice specific enough to facilitate a

more consistent approach to A-E reporting of student


• What specific areas of the syllabus will require targeted

professional learning and/or resourcing?

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Key issues for consultation on version 2 7-10?

• Is the amount of content appropriate for the allocated teaching time for 7-10, particularly for the Stage 5.3 pathway?

• Is the assessment advice specific enough to facilitate a more consistent approach to A-E reporting of student achievement?

• Are the Life Skills outcomes and content clear and appropriate?

• What specific areas of the syllabus will require targeted professional learning and/or resourcing?

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Key issues for consultation on Version 2 - The interactive online format

• Is the navigation clear and logical?

• Will this format be helpful for planning, programming, assessing and reporting?

Click to preview the draft syllabuses in interactive online format

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How can I start to preparefor implementationof the new syllabus?

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Make your opinion count

The Board of studies NSW is asking for your feedback on the Version 2 draft syllabuses:•Complete an online survey about the draft syllabus Version 2 content.•Register for a Board of Studies consultation meeting.The Department will produce a response representing the views of public schools and wants to hear your opinion to inform that response.•Please complete the Department’s survey.

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• Keep up to date:o Watch the NSW Curriculum & Learning Innovation

Centre’s website ( Watch the Board of Studies website (• Areas to consider:o Official notices from the Board of Studies.
