Page 1: The designer of the indian national flag


Today , the people of this nation do not even know the name of the man who created the national

flag . a hero whose name has been forgotten by most , Sri Pinagali Venkayya had a dream to see

the indian flag fluttering atop the red fort , but due to his extreme poverty his last wish couldn’t be

fulfilled . Born on second August 1876 , sri Pingali Venkayya was the man behind the design of

the Indian flag , that being an Indian , we flutter so proudly today .He belonged to a Telugu

Brahmin family. After doing his primary studies at Challapalli and school at the Hindu High

School, Masulipatnam he went to Cambridge in Colombo to complete his Senior studies .In

Andhra Pradesh Sir Pinagali spend most of his fortune experimenting with developing new crop

cultivars and becoming an authority on diamond mining, leading to his popular nickname of

"Diamond Venkayya".He came in contact with Mahatma Gandhi in South Africa and was

influenced by his ideology. he joined the congress , and spent five years researching flags of 30

different countries. during the National conference held in kakinada on march 31st ,1921 Venkayya

suggested that india should have a flag of its own and he came up with the idea of the tri coloured

flag . Impressed by this , Mahatma Gandhi opted the flag making slight changes ..On his return to

India he worked as a railway guard at Bangalore and Madras and subsequently joined the

government service. His patriotic zeal, however, did not permit him to stagnate in a permanent job,

and his quest for education took him to Lahore where he joined the Anglo-Vedic College, and

learnt Japanese and Urdu.

He joined the congress, and spent five years researching flags of 30 different countries. During the

National conference held in kakinada on march 31st, 1921 Venkayya suggested that India should

have a flag of its own and he came up with the idea of the tri colored flag. Impressed by this ,

Mahatma Gandhi opted the flag making slight changes .He prismatic colors of his personality

reflected an unusual ray in the years 1916-21. After researching into 30 kinds of flags from all over

the world, Pingali conceived the design of a flag which became the forbearer of the Indian national

flag. The national flag marks the integrity and respect of a nation . Our 67th independence day is

not far , soon we will be flying kites of the tricolor , but do we know what those beautiful colours

stand for ? The top saffron colour, indicates the strength and courage of the country. The white

middle band indicates peace and truth with Dharma Chakra. The green shows the fertility, growth

and auspiciousness of the land.

We expect our life to be easy, we demand liberty freedom and justice as our birth right .We should

get all the luxurious things and facilities which comes to our mind . Moving under sun seems a

lot of hard work to us. But do we really know the pain our forefathers must have faced in

struggling for the freedom , which all of us call it our birth right ? The life of Sri Pingali

Venkayya shows us that life is not fair always .His story tells us how even the great sacrifices and

contributions made for one's motherland can be forgotten today. Sri Pingali Venkayya was an

example of a person who sought to develop his knowledge at every opportunity.

Page 2: The designer of the indian national flag

He was very laborious student. The respect he achieved by the people as well as by the

government because of his intelligence and contribution , is well reserved . All students should be

taught about Sir Pingali Venkayya’s life. They should be told that some way or the other we have

to sacrifice for our nation and our society . Our students must be taught patriotism we need to

know the luxury of the respect from the people as well as in our own eyes , fop the sacrifice we

make for our nation . A person so disciplined , selfless , hardworking , is an inspiration for all of

us . In the school and in their homes too , children should be taught that they have to work for the

welfare of the society as well as for the nation . they should know that all the facilities that they

are having today are the result of the people who became martyr for the nation and for the better

future of their coming generations . So all of us should know the worth of our freedom . Our

country needs a person as dynamic and foresighted as a person like sri Venkayya . i look up to him

as a hero who not only designed our national flag but was also instrumental in bringing about a

magnanimous change in the Indian political scenario .