Page 1: The Daily Barometer May 7, 2013

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Lulu strikes OSUn A popular female-only mobile app

that allows women to rate men gains popularity among OSU students

By Warner StrausbaughThe Daily BaromeTer

A male Oregon State University student walks into a bar.

He strikes up a conversation with a female student.

The two talk for five minutes. The usual questions about hometowns and majors are answered. They exchange names.

The woman checks her smartphone. She opens up Lulu — a mobile application that lets women rate men on a variety of categories, which gives them a rating from 4.0 to 10. Only women can use it.

She has his rating now. And it’s not pretty.Check, please.‘Start-up fever’Alexandra Chong had an epiphany at a

brunch with a group of close friends. It was the morning after Valentine’s Day in

2009. They were discussing their dates from the night before.

“The guy wasn’t for me but, while talking to these girls, I realized we all needed a place to sing the praises of guys who might be perfect for other girls,” Chong said in an interview via email.

Lulu was born.Chong’s first job after graduating with a law

degree from the London School of Economics was with a music listening start-up company.

“That’s where I got ‘start-up fever,’” Chong said. “I loved the energy of start-up culture and the sense of possibility. I was always on the lookout for an idea of my own.”

While working as the global head of market-ing and public relations for Upstream, a mobile marketing company, Chong began formulating that idea.

Sparked from the post-Valentine’s Day brunch, she began working on a female-only app to privately recommend and review men. The idea consumed her, and she quit her job to work full-time on achieving her goal.

Luluvise Ltd. — the company’s original name — was officially registered on Jan. 19, 2010 with Chong as its founder and CEO.

She raised $1 million and hired 12 staff mem-bers, and launched in December 2011.

The website connected through Facebook,

only allowing access to those who listed their gender as female. Users created their “inner circle” on Luluvise, which kept conversations private.

The most popular feature of was Wikidate, a pre-set quiz in which users could review men who have Facebook accounts.

The ratings were made public, and men could not see or edit them because they were not allowed on the site.

Luluvise did not gain much notoriety, but it set the foundation for something that would soon be the topic of many conversations.

‘The first ever app for private reviews of guys’Chong found her niche: colleges.Lulu, the company’s new mobile application,

had an invitation-only launch at the University of Florida and Florida State University in January 2013. In the month-long private beta, Lulu reported more than 60,000 female students downloaded the app, and 140,000 reviews of men had been created.

The app went public on Feb. 7, becoming available to download on iPhones and Android devices in the United States.

After downloading the app, users can anony-mously join Lulu by connecting through their Facebook accounts.

The home screen shows an assortment of male Facebook profiles — either Facebook friends with the user or someone with whom the user shares mutual friends.

Reviewers are first prompted to disclose their relationship with the subject. The choices are: ex-boyfriend, crush, together, hooked up, friend or relative.

From there, users give a rating between one and five stars for as many as seven categories: appearance, humor, first kiss, manners, ambi-tion, sex and commitment.

Then there are dozens of hashtags, ranging from hilarious to vulgar, to attach to the sub-ject. There are positive hashtags to dole out, such as: #RespectsWomen, #SweetToMom, #SexualPanther, #SmellsAmazeballs, #NerdyButILikeit.

And there are negative ones: #QuestionableSearchHistory, #IntegrityChallenged, #CheaperThanABigMac, #TrustFundBaby, #LoserFriends.

“The goal has always been to create a private, trusted, girls-only space dedicated to collective wisdom,” Chong said. “We want to tap into and release the value of girl talk.”

‘Agvocating’ for changen Annual Ag Day to be held in Memorial Union

quad with newly introduced Ag Olympics

By Lara von Linsowe-WilsonThe Daily BaromeTer

The Oregon State University College of Agricultural Sciences will be hosting their annual Ag Day Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Memorial Union quad.

The theme of this year’s Ag Day is “Preserving Tradition. Agvocating Today. Growing Tomorrow.” During the event, various student clubs within the College of Agricultural Sciences will join with agriculture business vendors to “agvocate” for a more sustainable future in agricultural practices.

A new supplement to Ag Day this year will be the Ag Olympics, which will feature activities such as milk chug-ging, tractor driving, dummy roping and sack races for students and faculty. In addition, a barbecue lunch will be provided by the Young Cattlemen’s Association.

This year, Ag Day activities will stretch over two days. A canned food drive dubbed “Ag in the Community” will take place tomorrow as a community service project benefitting the OSU Emergency Food Pantry.

With more than 30 student and academic groups par-ticipating last year, Ag Day has come to be an anticipated event across campus.

For more information on this and other events hosted by the College of Agricultural Sciences, visit their website at

Lara von Linsowe-Wilson, news [email protected]

Conference takes on promise, peril of American powern Military and Diplomatic History

Conference to take place at the LaSells Stewart Center, Memorial Union

By Spencer IngramThe Daily BaromeTer

The American Military and Diplomatic History Conference, hosted today in the LaSells Stewart Center, will “challenge the public’s way they think about American power historically [and what that means for] the United States,” said professor and keynote panelist Christopher McKnight Nichols.

There will be supplementary day sessions held in the Memorial Union Journey Room from 2-5 p.m.

Supplementary sessions will cover par-ticular subjects such as international revolu-tions and political discourse in antebellum America, the art and science of American diplomacy and the forgotten history of American foreign policy success.

The conference and day sessions offer a critical analysis of American history over time and how its history has defined its power.

Nichols, the keynote panelist, professor and session moderator, has organized the conference to present “the newest scholarly take on the history of American military and diplomacy.”

“People are coming from England, Australia and [other countries]” to the conference, Nichols said. Also, CSPAN will be taping the event and the Oregonian will be there.

Nichols further continued that the confer-ence is a “great time to have a dynamic dis-cussion, showcase the great work at Oregon State University” and also an opportunity to launch his new book.

“I have chosen to focus on the theme of weakness of American power because it upsets the apple-cart,” Nichols said.

The ultimate aim of the confer-ence is to “challenge conceptions of power, how we define it and the ways American power has been negotiated,” Nichols said.

Nichols — along with professors David Milne and Timothy Lynch — recently co-authored “The Oxford Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History.”

The book will be used to provide discus-sion and framing for the conference.

“[The] book covers the sweep of American colonial history through 2012,” Nichols said.

More than 450 authors are in the ency-clopedia, including contemporary scholars such as George Herring and Jeremi Suri.

The encyclopedia is written for laymen and offers biographical, thematic and his-torical analyses of American history.

Essentially, the book and the conference attempt to get at the question of the “uses of history,” Nichols said.

As a moderator of the supplementary sessions, Nichols said the difficulties of presenting in a conference format include “catering to different audience levels of historical knowledge.”

“Helping [the] speaker and audience in framing questions” is essential to “facilitating efficient debate,” Nichols said.

“It’s a unique opportunity [for people to see scholars] at the top of their game that have put together the most comprehen-sive encyclopedia” on American Military and Diplomacy, Nichols said.

All conference attendees will have an opportunity to obtain discount vouchers for the volumes of “The Oxford

Encyclopedia of American Military and Diplomatic History.”

Nichols emphasized there is “no bet-ter topic than the promise and peril of American power to understand the U.S.’s role in the world’s past and contemporary times.”

Spencer Ingram, news [email protected]

Christopher McKnight Nichols

See LULU | page 2Photo ILLUStratIon By jackIe SeUS | THE DAILY BAROMETER deSIgn By evan Parcher | THE DAILY BAROMETER

Page 2: The Daily Barometer May 7, 2013

2• Tuesday, May 7, 2013 [email protected] • 737-2231

CalendarTuesday, May 7MeetingsASOSU Senate, 7pm, MU 211. Weekly meeting.

Educational Activities Committee, 5:30-7pm, Student Media Confer-ence Room, 120 MU East/Snell Hall. Discuss funding requests and policy changes.

Wednesday, May 8MeetingsASOSU House of Representatives, 7-8:30pm, MU 211. Weekly meeting.

EventsPride Center, 3-5pm, MU 206. Make your own sex toy. Come learn to make your own sex toy in a fun and safe environment. Materials provided.

Thursday, May 9MeetingsBaha’i Campus Association, 12:30pm, MU Talisman Room. Universal Language. Devotions and discussion.

Educational Activities Committee, 5-6pm, Student Media Conference Room, 120 MU East/Snell Hall. Discuss funding requests and policy changes.

OSU College Republicans, 7-8pm, StAg 132. Come join us for fun events and friendly discussion.

EventsPride Center, 10pm, MU Quad. Queer Camp Out! Join us for games, music, performance and friends. Bring your tents and sleep in the Quad with us!

Pride Center, 6-10pm, Pride Center. Game Night. A fun and social event to meet new friends, play games and enjoy some snacks.

SOL: LGBT Multicultural Support Network, 7pm, Native American Longhouse. Crossroads Within: Perfor-mances at the intersections of identity. A multimedia event featuring people’s impressions of their multiple identities.

Friday, May 10MeetingsOSU Chess Club, 5-7pm, MU Com-mons. Players of all levels welcome.

Saturday, May 11EventsEttihad Cultural Community, 5-8pm, MU Quad. Celebrate the grand opening of Ettihad. Free food, cultural booths and performances.

Tuesday, May 14MeetingsASOSU Senate, 7pm, MU 211. Weekly meeting.

Educational Activities Committee, 5:30-7pm, Student Media Confer-ence Room, 120 MU East/Snell Hall. Discuss funding requests and policy changes.

Wednesday, May 15MeetingsASOSU House of Representatives, 7-8:30pm, MU 211. Weekly meeting.

EventsNative American Longhouse Eena Haws, Noon-3pm, MU Quad. 15th Annual Salmon Bake. A cultural celebration with traditionally cooked salmon, other free food, drumming, singing and dancing.

Thursday, May 16MeetingsBaha’i Campus Association, 12:30pm, MU Talisman Room. Learning through consultation. Devotions and discussion.

SIFC, 6:30pm, MU 207. Weekly meet-ing.

Educational Activities Committee, 5-6pm, Student Media Conference Room, 120 MU East/Snell Hall. Discuss funding requests and policy changes.

OSU College Republicans, 7-8pm, StAg 132. Come join us for fun events and friendly discussion.

Friday, May 17MeetingsOSU Chess Club, 5-7pm, MU Com-mons. Players of all levels welcome.

EventsNative American Longhouse Eena Haws, 4-6pm, Native American Longhouse Eena Haws. The Grand Opening of the new Native American Longhouse Eena Haws.

Saturday, May 18EventsPride Center, 10am-1pm, Finley Wild-life Refuge. Wildlife excursion. RSVP at Pride Center.

International Health Club, 8am-5pm, Milam Auditorium 026. 3rd Interna-tional Health Conference. Theme: Upstream Global Health. Breakfast and lunch provided.

Sunday, May 19EventsInternational Health Club, 8am-Noon, Milam Auditorium 026. 3rd International Health Conference. Theme: Upstream Global Health. Breakfast provided.

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Catching fire at OSULulu has traveled 3,000 miles.Four months after its debut in Florida, the

craze has hit Corvallis.Becca Dryden, Ryan Kutter and Mackenzie

Flanagan were all independently introduced to Lulu three weeks ago.

Dryden, a junior in speech com-munications, was told about Lulu by a coworker.

“It just kind of blew my mind,” Dryden said. “My face was red when I was reading it because I shouldn’t know these things about people.”

Chong said Greek life at universities was one of the main target groups for the initial launch in January.

Oregon State has been no exception.Kutter, a senior in finance and the presi-

dent of Phi Kappa Psi fraternity, first heard about Lulu from a group of friends from a sorority.

“When I first saw it, I thought it was kind of a novel thing,” he said. “Immediately you’re like, ‘Oh, what’s my score?’ But then you realize really quickly that it’s either an ego-booster or it creates drama.”

Many members of the Alpha Gamma Delta sorority have become aware of the app and have been using it in recent weeks.

“At first we all [used it],” Flanagan, a sophomore in exercise and sport science and an Alpha Gamma Delta member, said. “But I feel like it’s kind of shallow and mean.”

Greek life or not, OSU students are increasingly cognizant of the new app and its rising popularity on campus.

“I think it’s spreading a lot,” Dryden said. “I think a lot of people know about it, and a lot of people are afraid to say that they know about it. It’s a touchy subject with a lot of people.”

Spreading is exactly what Lulu is doing. Like wildfire.

According to Chong, more than 90 million profiles have been viewed, and the aver-age user spends upwards of 45 minutes per week on the app. Fifty per-cent of new users return to the app on a weekly basis.

Lulu has marketed the app at vari-ous college campuses, ranging from the University of Southern California to the University of Kentucky. But word of mouth has made it popular among female college students across the country.

“We believe that by the end of 2013, one in every four college girls will be on Lulu,” Chong said.

Lulu is lewd lewdChong knows her app can be inflamma-

tory. It’s what she expected.“Of course there is an element of Lulu

that is quite controversial and provocative, but we believe we have created some-thing ground-breaking,” Chong said. “We

are pushing boundaries.”

Friends have told Kutter what his rating is, but he hasn’t seen for him-self. He has been rated four times for a score of

9.4. The positive feedback doesn’t warrant acceptance, though.

“I don’t want people to form opinions of me based upon supposed truths, half-truths and complete, utter lies,” Kutter said.

Flanagan, who admits she’ll browse Lulu when she’s bored, called it “unreliable,” because the lack of accountability that comes with anonymity in the reviews takes away from its credibility.

Erik Hokkanen, a senior in finance, was nervous to see his score when he first heard about it. He’s con-tent with Lulu if people use it for fun.

“If people take it seriously, it could be pretty dangerous,” Hokkanen said. “One bad experience, if people take it seriously, it could definitely impact someone’s social life.”

The app may be teetering on a moral level, but it isn’t breaking Facebook’s privacy pol-icy. All of the information from a Facebook profile is publicly available, including to other apps.

Stephanie Rood, a junior in new media communications, deleted the app from her

phone after one day.

“People are pretty harsh on it,” Rood said. “I didn’t feel like there was any good to it.”

Thank you, Lulu

There are those who see the positives in Lulu.

“The more I looked at it, the more I was like, ‘OK, this actually makes sense,’” Dryden said. “I would never ask all those questions

about one person to a friend who knew him. It’s a place that has all the answers that I would wonder about someone.”

Lulu does not have a write-in compo-nent. The multiple-choice answers to the questions avoid providing users with an opportunity to anonymously use Lulu as a forum to publicly shame an ex-boyfriend or a person they dislike.

Flanagan said if she does rate someone, it is to give a positive rating to a good guy friend.

Like Flanagan, the women Kutter knows who use it are only reviewing their guy friends, but he is also aware of people abus-ing the app.

“I haven’t seen a whole lot of anger being put toward it, but I’ve heard about ratings that were not very positive and not truthful either,” Kutter said.

There are plenty of superficial categories attached to the app — looks, kissing ability, talent in the bedroom — but the other char-acteristics make it a valuable commodity for those who use Lulu.

“It’s an affirming app because you see that these are things other people actually look into,” Dryden said. “They want to know about ambition or manners. Those are things actually being graded on, and peo-

ple think they’re important.”

Like it or not, Lulu isn’t going away

Chong is Dr. Frankenstein to some and the next Mark Zuckerberg to others.

Numbers don’t lie, though. The monster Chong cre-ated is in its infant stage, and it is only going to continue growing.

Lulu received an additional $2.5 million investment in February. Facebook’s initial investment was $500,000.

Men who don’t want their name on Lulu can have that wish granted by using LuluDude to delete themselves or by emailing [email protected] to have Lulu remove their name.

For the men who raise concerns about the app being nonconsensual, or suggest an app with the gender roles reversed, Chong begs to differ.

“I think we can all agree that men have been rating and objectifying women for thousands of years but without nearly as much humor as girls on Lulu,” Chong said.

Most men hate Lulu. Many women are unsure.

But many are talking about it now.“We get hate mail, and we get love letters,

and that’s how we know we are doing some-thing right,” Chong said.

Photos by Vinay Bikkina Warner Strausbaugh, managing editor

on Twitter @[email protected]



at first we all [used it]. But I feel like it’s kind of shallow and mean.

Mackenzie FlanaganSophomore, exercise and sport science

LULUn Continued from page 1



People are pretty harsh on it. I didn’t feel like

there was any good to it.

Stephanie roodJunior, new media communications


If people take it seriously, it could be pretty dangerous.

erik hokkanenSenior, finance

Page 3: The Daily Barometer May 7, 2013

3•Tuesday, May 7, 2013 [email protected]

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Telling jokes depends on content, context, audience Evan Gottlieb, associate profes-

sor of English at Oregon State University, believes humor

can play a role in the classroom.“If I can engage students, and part

of that engagement involves humor, then that’s all good,” Gottlieb said.

Since the revival of the phrase, “That’s what she said,” first popu-larized by Mike Myers in the 1992 hit “Wayne’s World,” I find myself frequently applying those four words to virtually any conversation. Innuendos are everywhere.

“The allure of the taboo is that what is socially unacceptable often exerts a kind of fascination, precisely because we know we’re not supposed to go there,” Gottlieb said.

The groundbreaking psychoana-lyst Sigmund Freud believed that an element of aggression is present in joking, by forcing someone to invol-untarily think about sex through the description of a situation.

With jokes, there are certain for-mulas that make them work. They often have a familiar set up, such as, “A man walks into a bar.” There is frequently repetition, as well as play on words. Patterns, making up the different genres of jokes, are usually followed by a surprising deviation from the predictable, and the punch-line of a joke has to be unexpected, but it also must make sense. There is a shared “aha!” moment that unites the audience when the joke is fully understood. Without certain ele-ments, jokes wouldn’t make sense or be funny.

Humor is a powerful thing. Laughing is not easy when you’re having a bad day, but it’s often the best solution.

But what makes certain jokes more acceptable than others?

“The cutoff for jokes that involve race, religion or sexual orientation comes a lot sooner than for sex, because the potential for students to feel singled out or embarrassed is too great,” Gottlieb said when discuss-ing his humor in the classroom.

Humans are sex-ual beings. Sex cre-ates us, and almost everyone will have sex, in his or her lifetime. Sex is an all-inclusive topic, whereas subjects like race, religion and orientation, to name a few, are sig-nifiers of diversity. They should be cel-ebrated rather than mocked or torn down.

Certain subjects, like violence, the death of children and any sort of sexual assault, should be avoided as jokes altogether. They stop being funny if you have a personal, or even removed, experience with the subject.

It’s important to be aware of the context of a joking situation, as well as any unintended audience.

“Within the home, it’s fine,” said freshman Kaitlyn Kohlenberg. “In public, and when you’re in audible distance of others, you’re telling a joke to make people laugh. It requires

empathy, and an ability to ‘catch the vibe.’ So knowing your audience is a big part.”

On the other hand, certain jokes can give you a level of social standing in certain groups.

“I’ve earned a lot of ‘bro’ points with my fraternity friends for telling horrible jokes,” Kohlenberg said.

The types of jokes taking place in and out of the classroom vary widely.

“I think it’s really a matter of what kind of rapport has been established,” Gottlieb said. “There needs to be a shared understanding that the joke is taking place in a perfor-mative — and not literal — context, so everyone is comfort-able. I’ve probably offended students sometimes, but often in the humani-ties [department], if you’re not making a

few students uncomfortable, you’re not doing your job right.”

Professional humorists also strug-gle with context and appropriate-ness. Comedian Daniel Tosh issued an apology last summer for a rape joke aimed at an audience member. Some fellow comedians came to his defense, saying that comedy is a dif-ficult profession and he shouldn’t be judged for one act.

Racial jokes can cause a lot of conflict in communities as diverse as OSU. Oftentimes, people forget the word “white” didn’t always mean skin color. Before the 1900s, people

of Irish and Italian descent were in a group of their own, not categorized under the umbrella term “white.” Jews were also considered lesser, and, until the 1900s, were only allowed in certain small communities.

Some stereotypes may exist for a reason, but they don’t always apply across the board.

“If it seems like they’re judging an entire race based on the stereotypes that they are joking about, that’s one thing,” Kohlenberg said. “If they seem like they’re actually crossing the line and having racist ideas in their head, then that’s another.”

Jokes based on gender can cause a lot of harm as well. Men’s bathrooms are littered with misogynistic and homophobic graffiti, according to Gottlieb.

“People use their anonymity to express themselves in ways they wouldn’t feel comfortable with if they had to be held accountable,” Gottlieb said. He refers to bathroom graffiti as the “old-fashioned form of the Internet troll. It’s an outlet, and a place where one doesn’t have a lot of responsibility.

“You can be really disturbed by it, or you can think, ‘better to get it out that way than act on it in a way that could be really harmful,’” Gottlieb siad.

For those that laugh at the jokes some people find offensive, Kohlenberg says, “Just because a per-son finds an awful joke funny doesn’t mean they’re an awful person.”


aimee Wright is majoring in english. The opinions expressed in her columns do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Barometer staff. Wright can be reached at [email protected].

Lulu degrades men, womenThe cell phone application,

Lulu, is a disgrace. Let’s preface this editorial:

The editorial staff is made up of men and women.

As a gender, women have been fighting successfully for equal politi-cal, economic and social rights since the 19th century. Now that we’re in the 21st century, women in America have come a long way. Women can vote, earn a degree, work side-by-side with men, join the U.S. military, own their own property and divorce a man. The list goes on.

Feminists worked tirelessly to earn these rights.

Lulu takes what feminists and women’s advocates worked so dili-gently toward — equality — and flushes it down the toilet.

If there was a man’s version of Lulu, women would absolutely not stand for it. We can only imagine the male version would be proclaimed as belittling, degrading or insulting. We agree, it would be.

But what, then, is Lulu? Anonymously “rating” men on aspects of their livelihood — like appearance, sex, manners — is not OK. Nor is it representative of equality.

The argument that men can han-dle it, or that women “need” this app — in order to see if a guy is really as nice as he seems to be — is bogus.

Though statistically men may not display feelings of insecurity or hurt as outwardly as women do, men are still subject to belittling, degrading or insulting ratings. Men might want to be tough, but they are still human.

If women “need” this app to see if the man she is interested in is as charming as he seems, or isn’t a jerk like the last guy she hooked up with, then we suggest dating a different type of man.

What happened to a woman being able to fend for herself? What hap-pened to women arguing for a better world where people are not talked down to, where people are not sub-ject to demeaning review or scrutiny? We know feminists were fighting for the repressed women of America, but shouldn’t equality extend to everyone?

It seems the women who created this app, and those who use it, have forgotten how they arrived at this state in women’s history. It almost seems as if a women’s studies course might greatly benefit these women.

It could be argued that Lulu does empower women by giving them the ability to rate men. To this we counter: The app might give women the upper hand, but it also berates men. The crude criteria women have to choose from to describe men is not fair.

Even if Lulu wasn’t a degrading app, it would still be inaccurate.

The anonymity might seem appealing for those who rate their Facebook male acquaintances, but it does not account for how that anonymity might be used to skew the ratings.

If an angry hookup rates her one-

The Daily BarometerAimee Wright

ryan MaSon IS a SoPhoMore In graPhIc deSIgn.

Develop good reasons for moralityGay penguin sex is immoral.

See, arbitrary declara-tions of what is moral and

what is immoral look ridiculously stupid. Stephen Lucas’ guest column in Monday’s issue of the Barometer was filled with half-baked moral argu-ments or ideas, which led me to scratch my head in a mixture of out-rage, confusion and pity. Lucas regards homosexuality as immoral, but has no issues with homosexuality, or gay marriage, being legal. While I applaud Lucas on not forcing his morality on others, I really take issue with his arguments.

Morality is a nebulous concept. It is a driving force in how we act and how we determine what is right and wrong. However, we can make judgments on moral codes. Lucas asked in a guest column, “Is any specific moral code more or less correct than others? Well, no. Not really.”

Yes actually, there is. We can all see that a moral code that allows slavery or the moral code of a murderer is wrong. They are immoral for very spe-cific, good reasons. Slavery is wrong because one person should not be able to own another, and force them to do things against their will. Murderers are wrong because no person has the right to take the life of another. Despite the nebulous nature of morality, we can use very definitive and concrete reasons to explain things.

This is the issue with Lucas’ argu-ments. He never states any evidence, logic or reason for why he considers

See PrIde | page 7

The Daily BarometerHarrison Pride

See edItorIaL | page 7

‘‘ ‘‘just because a person finds an awful joke funny doesn’t

mean they’re an awful person.kaitlyn kohlenberg

Freshman at Oregon State University

Page 4: The Daily Barometer May 7, 2013

4• Tuesday, May 7, 2013 [email protected] • On Twitter @barosports Tuesday, May 7, 2013 • 5



































































The Barometer sports staff had a question: Who is the face of OSU athletics?

There are the obvious choices from the three major sports — football, men’s basketball and baseball — but the answer to that question didn’t come right away.

We decided to make this into a tournament to determine who truly is the face of the Beavers right now.

The field of candidates is at 36 — 18 men, 18 women. We seeded the athletes ourselves, but we wanted a wide array of people to determine who the winner is. And since everyone loves filling out brackets, we thought it would be the best way to find our answer.

Here’s what you need to know:


The Field• At least one athlete from every sport is included

• Any athlete who played at OSU this school year was considered, though some (like Emery Welshman) were left out of the field because they’re no longer in Corvallis

• Athletes who missed most or all of their season due to an injury were not considered

CriteriaThe primary thing we based the seeds on was each athlete’s individual athletic achievements, but that was not the only thing taken into consideration. We want this to be an “all-around” honor, so we considered various other factors, such as popularity, how recognizable and likeable they are around campus, versatility with other sports (two-sport athletes) and success in the classroom.

When it’s time to vote on a matchup, we will feature it in the Daily Barometer and provide an explanation as to why each athlete got that seed.

VotingThe voting is broken down into thirds:• 1/3 fan vote — on the Barometer website and the

Facebook page

• 1/3 athlete vote — two representatives from each sport who aren’t in the field

• 1/3 media vote — media members of different news outlets who cover OSU athletics

(See Page 6 for a list of all media and athlete voters)

Matchups will be featured, complete with break-downs, in the Barometer sports section every Wednesday and Thursday, starting this week and lasting until the end of dead week. Results of the previous week’s voting will appear on the updatedbracket on Tuesdays, and the winner will be announced during dead week.

Online voting opens the day the matchups are featured, and closes at midnight that night (except for the play-in round).

To vote, go to and vote on our polls, or our Facebook page: Voting for the play-in round closes at 5 p.m. Tuesday night.

Page 5: The Daily Barometer May 7, 2013

[email protected] • On Twitter @barosports Tuesday, May 7, 2013 • 5



































































The Barometer sports staff had a question: Who is the face of OSU athletics?

There are the obvious choices from the three major sports — football, men’s basketball and baseball — but the answer to that question didn’t come right away.

We decided to make this into a tournament to determine who truly is the face of the Beavers right now.

The field of candidates is at 36 — 18 men, 18 women. We seeded the athletes ourselves, but we wanted a wide array of people to determine who the winner is. And since everyone loves filling out brackets, we thought it would be the best way to find our answer.

Here’s what you need to know:


The Field• At least one athlete from every sport is included

• Any athlete who played at OSU this school year was considered, though some (like Emery Welshman) were left out of the field because they’re no longer in Corvallis

• Athletes who missed most or all of their season due to an injury were not considered

CriteriaThe primary thing we based the seeds on was each athlete’s individual athletic achievements, but that was not the only thing taken into consideration. We want this to be an “all-around” honor, so we considered various other factors, such as popularity, how recognizable and likeable they are around campus, versatility with other sports (two-sport athletes) and success in the classroom.

When it’s time to vote on a matchup, we will feature it in the Daily Barometer and provide an explanation as to why each athlete got that seed.

VotingThe voting is broken down into thirds:• 1/3 fan vote — on the Barometer website and the

Facebook page

• 1/3 athlete vote — two representatives from each sport who aren’t in the field

• 1/3 media vote — media members of different news outlets who cover OSU athletics

(See Page 6 for a list of all media and athlete voters)

Matchups will be featured, complete with break-downs, in the Barometer sports section every Wednesday and Thursday, starting this week and lasting until the end of dead week. Results of the previous week’s voting will appear on the updatedbracket on Tuesdays, and the winner will be announced during dead week.

Online voting opens the day the matchups are featured, and closes at midnight that night (except for the play-in round).

To vote, go to and vote on our polls, or our Facebook page: Voting for the play-in round closes at 5 p.m. Tuesday night.

Page 6: The Daily Barometer May 7, 2013

6• Tuesday, May 7, 2013 [email protected] • On Twitter @barosports

@ Thedailybarometer


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WHO IS THE FACE OF OSU? 7. Natalie Meiggs | Women’s Soccer | RS Freshman MidfielderCredentials:

• Appeared in 19 matches for OSU last season, starting nine• Received votes for OSU’s “most desirable bachelorette”• Very popular on social media (484 Twitter followers, 1,032 Instagram followers)Why she’s a 7-seed:Meiggs’ social media stats speak to her popularity. A frequent recipient of “Tweet of the Day” in the Barometer sports section, the Clackamas native is one of the most recognizable athletes at OSU. By placing her in the play-in game, we’re giving those who voted her for “most desirable bachelorette” the chance to vote her into the field of 32.

7. Obum Gwacham | Football | Sophomore Wide ReceiverCredentials:

· Appeared in 25 career games· Two-sport athlete, competing for the track team from 2010-12· Will co-MC “The Bennys” alongside his play-in game opponent, Josh SmithWhy he’s a 7-seed:Gwacham isn’t as distinguishable as Wheaton and Cooks on the field, but his versatility and overall athleticism gets him in the bracket. He’s won multiple first-places finishes in high jump in the last three years. Gwacham also entered spring football camp as the starting split end on the depth chart.

7. Morgan Kennedy | Women’s Soccer | Junior DefenderCredentials:

• One of three OSU players to start all 20 games last season• Received votes for OSU’s “most desirable bachelorette”• Fairly popular on social media (341 Twitter followers,

417 Instagram followers)Why she’s a 7-seed:Much like her roommate Meiggs, Kennedy is included in the field because she’s, well, popular. But she’s no slouch on the field, as she’s developed into the staple of the Beavers’ back-line since transferring to OSU from UNC-Greensboro in 2011.

7. Josh Smith | Men’s Soccer | Junior MidfielderCredentials:

· Appeared in 41 career games· Chemical engineer with a 4.0 GPA· First Team Pac-12 All-Academic in 2011 and 2012

· Will co-MC “The Bennys” alongside his play-in game opponent, Obum GwachamWhy he’s a 7-seed:For a guy who’s only taken seven shots in his soccer career, it may come as a surprise that Smith made the cut. Beyond his academic achievements, Smith plans to run track next year, may run for ASOSU president and was voted “most desirable bachelor” in the Barometer’s Valentine’s Day issue.

6. Stephanie McGregor | Gymnastics | SeniorCredentials:

• Competed in 53 career meets• Three-time Pac-10/12 All-Academic First Team• Recipient of an NCAA postgraduate scholarship• Took part in 2012 Beavers Without Borders trip to EthiopiaWhy she’s a 6-seed:After suffering a torn Achilles in 2012, McGregor was voted the team’s “most inspirational” gymnast in 2013. But it’s what she does in the classroom that gets her in the bracket. A bioengineering major in OSU’s Honors College, McGregor may be OSU’s mostacclaimed student-athlete.

6. Sean Mannion | Football | Sophomore quarterbackCredentials:

· 18 career starts at quarterback· 5,774 passing yards and 31 touchdowns in two years· Currently in a competition for starting quarterback

with Cody VazWhy he’s a 6-seed:Although he’s been the starting quarterback for most games in the last two years, Mannion lost his starting job to Cody Vaz after throwing four picks against UW on Oct. 27, 2012. Mannion was at the helm for OSU’s 4-0 start before undergoing surgery on a torn meniscus in his knee.

6. Sara Almen | Volleyball/Track | FreshmanCredentials:

• Volleyball: Played in 23 of OSU’s 32 matches, starting nine• Track: Qualified for NCAA Regionals with a high jump of 5-10• Former two-sport standout at nearby Santiam Christian High School

Why she’s a 6-seed:A six-seed might be selling Almen a bit short consid-ering what she could become if she continues to both high jump and play volleyball at OSU, but she’s not too well known — yet. We suspect that will change, because the 6-foot-3 local product has the look of a future legitimate two-sport star.

6. Cody Vaz | Football | Junior quarterbackCredentials:

· 5 career starts at quarterback· 1,480 passing yards and 11:3 touchdown-to-interception ratio in 2012· Currently in a competition for starting quarterback with Sean Mannion

Why he’s a 6-seed:Vaz started his first career game on Oct. 13, 2012 against BYU, and threw for 332 yards and three touchdowns. He replaced a healthy Mannion in the seventh game of the season and started three more games the rest of the year, including the Alamo Bowl.






Athletes1. Josh Andrews, football2. Devon Kell, football3. Ryan Barnes, baseball4. Dylan Davis, baseball5. Angus Brandt, men’s basketball6. Daniel Gomis, men’s basketball7. Will Seymore, men’s soccer8. Matt Bersano, men’s soccer9. Pat Rollins, wrestling10. Drew Van Anrooy, wrestling11. David Fink, men’s golf12. Scott Kim, men’s golf13. Justyne Freud, women’s soccer14. Erin Uchacz, women’s soccer15. Haley Clarke, volleyball16. Allie Rogers, volleyball

17. Thais Pinto, women’s basketball18. Quortni Fambro, women’s basketball19. Chelsea Tang, gymnastics20. Erika Aufiero, gymnastics21. Ocean Trail, swimming22. Erica Brannon, swimming23. Maggie Doremus, softball24. Bailee Niehus, softball25. Emily Wheeler, track26. Whitney Pitman, track27. Lauren Fischer, women’s golf28. Melissa Gibbons, women’s golf29. Gillian Cooper, women’s rowing30. Elizabeth Lewis, women’s rowing31. TBA, men’s rowing32. TBA, men’s rowing

YOUGo to the or to vote on each day’s matchups. Polls will be open until midnight on the day of the matchup.

MediA1. Lindsay Schnell, Oregonian2. Ken Goe, Oregonian3. Stephen Nelson, KEZI4. Brandon Sprague, 1080 The Fan5. Cliff Kirkpatrick, Gazette-Times

Voting breakdown

play-in roundThe tournament starts today with four play-in games. The athletes chosen for the play-in games are chosen for different reasons than just athletic achievements. They’re the wild cards, and the specific matchups were chosen for a reason.

To vote: or Voting for the play-in round closes at 5 p.m. this evening.

Page 7: The Daily Barometer May 7, 2013

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homosexuality immoral. The only real per-sonal opinion I found in his piece was pros-titution and polygamy are immoral because people “would cringe at such ideas as being flat out wrong.”

If what makes us cringe is a basis of morality, then the column you wrote is one of the most immoral things I have ever read. Your argu-ment is not immoral, however, it is just bad.

Yes, our morality is relative and subjective, but we use reason to explain why we believe what we do. You stated you love gay people, and homosexuality causes no harm to others, but it is still immoral. I can only spec-ulate on what reasons Lucas bases his morality on since he never explains so in his writing, but allow me to try some blind stabs in the dark.

You may consider homo-sexuality immoral because an authority figure, such as a parent, priest or the deity you worship, said homosexu-ality is immoral. An appeal to authority is a horrible basis for morality. You should not place something as valuable as your moral compass in the hands of another per-son. Furthermore, what makes this authority figure decide what is right and wrong in the first place? Are they arbitrarily deciding what is right and wrong, such as my arbitrary decision to make gay penguin sex immoral? Then this is not a moral argument, this is a metaphorical dice roll.

Alternatively, does this authority figure consider something right or wrong because they consider the intrinsic nature of the prob-lem, and apply reason, logic and empathy to reach a conclusion? Then the very tools your authority figure uses to make a moral decision are available to you, and you should grab said tools and start thinking for yourself.

Perhaps you think homosexuality is immor-al because it is “cringe-worthy.” Aside from this being a preposterous reason to place morality on, it is close-minded. Homosexuality exists in hundreds of animal species all over the

world, and is as natural as heterosexuality. Additionally, your sexual orientation is not a choice, much like the color of your skin. In order for something to be a moral choice, a person has to actually make a choice, and we can’t choose who we love or what gets our rocks off.

You may also find gay sex icky. Gay sex is just the same as straight sex, with the exception of penile-vaginal intercourse. This means a whole world of sexual activities, many of which straight people enjoy as well. Additionally, homosexuality is not just about sex, it is about love. For that reason

alone, homosexuality is worthy of respect and admiration.

So what are your rea-sons, Lucas? For all of your talk that all opin-ions have worth and value, you didn’t actually give an opinion in the first place. Sure, you made a state-ment, but it lacked evi-dence, and, more impor-tantly, it lacked reason. It does not matter if you’re a straight, Christian, repub-lican, NRA member or any permutation thereof.

Anyone could have said what you have said, and I would be telling them the exact same thing.

You spoke of the “the need to work on: [an] equality of opinion.” I will protect your right to say anything you want, but by God and sunny Jesus, if it is stupid and ridiculous, I will call it such. I do not have any obligation to respect it. Likewise, you are under no obligation, socially or morally, to respect my views.

People are equal, their opinions are not. The true equality of opinion is the deployment of reason, discussion, review and introspec-tion to try and capture the most accurate worldview, and to utilize that worldview to put forth the most compassionate solution to improve it.


harrison Pride is a senior in microbiology. The opinions expressed in his columns do not necessarily represent those of The Daily Barometer staff. Pride can be reached at [email protected].

PrIden Continued from page 3

night stand after a week of not hearing back from him, we doubt she’d calmly assess the situation, performance and overall mannerisms of her date.

If a girlfriend rates her boy-friend, how could she not skew the ratings to show she wouldn’t date anyone below a 10? Plus, if you’re in a com-mitted relationship, then why the heck would you be put-ting your boyfriend’s rating on Lulu?

If a disgruntled ex-girlfriend rates her ex-boyfriend — which might be considered a poor form of catharsis — the rates would still be skewed, in this case, negatively.

Then there are the friends. Women who are rating their friends are naturally going to reinforce more positive feed-back and hashtag descriptors. Why else would they be rating their friends?

Plus, it’s not difficult to create an alternate, female Facebook page. If men really cared that much, they could use this alternate profile to excessively boost their rat-ing. A man could also use this profile to skew his friends’ results — positively or nega-tively — depending on how he feels that day.

After experimenting with the app, without ever saving a rating, we agree it should not be used.

Stop rating men on Lulu.t

editorials serve as means for Barometer editors to offer commentary and opinions on issues both global and local, grand in scale or diminutive. The views expressed here are a reflection of the editorial board’s majority.

edItorIaLn Continued from page 3

‘‘ ‘‘People are equal, their opinions are not. the

true equality of opinions is the

deployment of reason, discussion, review and

introspection to try and capture the most accurate worldview.

Page 8: The Daily Barometer May 7, 2013

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(CNN) — Amanda Berry was last seen after finishing her shift at a Burger King in Cleveland in 2003. It was the eve of her 17th birthday.

Georgina “Gina” DeJesus dis-appeared nearly a year later, in April 2004. She was 14.

Michele Knight vanished in 2002, at age 21, according to the Cleveland Plain Dealer newspaper.

Al three were found alive in a home in a Cleveland neigh-borhood Monday night, police announced in a development hailed as a miracle by their families.

“Help me, I am Amanda Berry,” Berry told police in a frantic 911 call from a neigh-bor’s house. “I’ve been kid-napped and I’ve been missing for 10 years. And I’m here, I’m free now.”

Police swiftly moved in on the house where the three of them said they had been and arrested a 52-year-old man, identified as a former school bus driver. Two others, identi-fied as his brothers, ages 50 and 54, also have been arrested, Deputy Police Chief Ed Tomba told reporters late Monday. Police believe only the middle brother lived at the home, he said.

The men are being held in the city jail awaiting charges. An FBI team is collecting evi-dence in the house.

“This is a great, great out-come that we have them still with us,” Tomba said. “It’s just truly, truly amazing and it’s a blessing to the community and to the members of the police

department and their families that they’re alive. I can’t tell you how happy we are.”

Those feelings were echoed at Cleveland’s Metro Health Medical Center where the three women and a fourth person were being treated.

“This isn’t the ending we usually hear to these stories, so we’re very happy,” said Dr. Gerald Maloney, an emergency room physician there. We’re very happy for them.”

The three women were in fair condition. Maloney would not identify the fourth person being seen at the hospital, but witnesses said Berry, who escaped from the house with the help of a neighbor, had a young child with her.

“They were crazy, scream-ing, ‘Help, call police, please help.’ ... They were desperate, crying, running,” said Angela Garcia, whose aunt provided the phone for them to call police.

Another 911 call came in less than a minute later from a man who saw Berry busting out of the house.

“She’s like, ‘This (expletive) kidnapped me and my daugh-ter,’” Charles Ramsey told 911.

DeJesus’s mother, Nancy, met with her at the hospital, cousin Sylvia Colon, told CNN’s “Piers Morgan Tonight.” She had never given up hope of finding her daughter alive.

“She has always said that she just could feel it, a link a mom can feel, but she always believed Gina was alive and well,” Colon said. “She always believed that. I just want to say

what a phenomenal Mother’s Day gift she gets this Mother’s Day.”

Brian Cummins, a council-man who represents the area where the women were found, identified the suspect in whose home the women were found as Ariel Castro. His uncle, Julio Castro, told CNN’s “Anderson Cooper 360” that his family had grown up in the same west Cleveland neighborhood and knew the DeJesus family.

Castro used to work as a bus driver for the Cleveland Metropolitan School District, according to district spokes-woman Roseann Canfora. She did not have specifics Monday night on how long he was employed, when he left, or whether he was fired or left voluntarily.

Ramsey, the neighbor who helped Berry and a child out of the house, told reporters the suspect wasn’t known for any-thing exciting — “until today.”

“We see this dude every day. I’ve been here a year. I barbe-cued with this dude. We eat ribs and listen to salsa music,” Ramsey said.

And Garcia said neigh-bors “never saw nothing suspicious.”

“We never saw the girls there and we were always outside,” she said. “We only saw the guy.”

Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said there were “many unanswered questions regard-ing this case, and the investi-gation will be ongoing.” But he added, “I am thankful that these three young ladies are found and alive.”

911 call — ‘I’ve been kidnapped!’ — cops find 3 women missing for years

8• Tuesday, May 7, 2013 [email protected] • 737-2231