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Page 1: The Cult of Cybele

The Cult of Cybele

Roxana ChanCLCV 3202-A

November 07, 2013

Page 2: The Cult of Cybele


• Originated as an earth goddess in Asia Minor

• Phrygian god of fertility• Also known as “Magna

Mater”, the Great Mother• Was introduced into Rome

during the Second Punic War in the late 3rd c BC.

• Associated with mountains, nature, and animals

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• Usually seated on a throne with two lions; in the older images they were leopards

• Wears a crown• A libation bowl in

her right hand and a drum in her left hand

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Her Roman Cult

• Cult led by female priestesses and the Archigalli, high priest of the subordinate Galli

• Consisted mostly of female followers• Men who were also interested of being

part of the cult must be castrated• Roman cult associates Cybele with the

Greek goddess Rhea

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• Megalesia festival was celebrated on April the 4th; the day which she arrived in Rome

• April 10th celebrates the anniversary of the consecration of her temple on the Palatine; chariot races were held and public performances of plays and other entertainments were held

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Works Cited

• "Roman Cults and Worship.",

• Hemelrijk, Emily A. 2007. "Local Empresses: Priestesses of the Imperial Cult in the Cities of the Latin West." Phoenix 61 (3/4).

• Roller, Lynn E. 1991. "The Great Mother at Gordian: The Hellenization of an Anatolian Cult." The Journal of Hellenic Studies 111.

• Sandberg, Anders. "The Cult of Magna Mater.",