

The Corporation of the City of StratfordCommunity Services Committee

Open SessionAGENDA




Date: Monday, October 26, 2015

Time: 7:30 P.M.

Location: Council Chamber

City HallCommitteePresent:

Councillor Beatty - Chair Presiding, Councillor Bunting - Vice Chair, MayorMathieson, Councillor Brown, Councillor Clifford, Councillor Henderson,Councillor Ingram, Councillor Mark, Councillor McManus, Councillor Ritsma,Councillor Vassilakos

Staff Present: Ron Shaw - Chief Administrative Officer, Andre Morin - Director of CorporateServices, David St. Louis - Director of Community Services, Ed Dujlovic -Director of Infrastructure and Development Services, Carole Desmeules -Director of Social Services, Cindy McNair - Deputy CAO/Director of HumanResources, John Paradis - Fire Chief, Joan Thomson - City Clerk, CharleneLavigne - Deputy Clerk


1. Call to Order

Councillor Beatty, Chair presiding, to call the Committee meeting to order.

2. Declarations of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring apecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of amember of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absencefrom the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended bythe member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.

Name, Item and General Nature

3. Sub-committee Minutes 1 - 9


Sub-committee minutes are attached for background regarding the discussionheld at the October 15, 2015 Sub-committee meeting.

4. Delegations

None scheduled.

5. Report of the Chief Administrative Officer

5.1 2016 Canadian Dairy XPO – Update to Council (COM15-004) 10 - 18

Staff Recommendation:

• That Council provide direction regarding the parking proposal for theretained portion of the former Fairgrounds;

• That Council provide direction regarding the angled parking onMcCarthy Street during the event;

• That Council direct staff to finalize the agreement that will resolvethese matters.

Motion by ________________

Sub-committee recommendation:  That Council approve spending of up to$100,000 for widening the surface on the former fairgrounds property toaccess additional parking; and

Further that the City enter into a two-year agreement with the CDX withthe provision that the City is not prohibited from marketing the surplusfairgrounds lands.

Motion by ________________

Sub-committee recommendation:  That Council support angled parking onMcCarthy Road West during the 2016 Canadian Dairy XPO, provided thatMcCarthy Place is in agreement.

Motion by ________________

Sub-committee recommendation:  That Council direct staff to finalize theagreement that will resolve these matters.

6. Report of the Manager of Community Services

6.1 Community Services Department 2016 and 2017 Fees and Charges(COM15-003)

19 - 22

Staff Recommendation: That the Community Services Department feesand charges for 2016 and 2017 be approved.


Motion by ________________

Sub-committee recommendation: That the Community ServicesDepartment fees and charges for 2016 and 2017 be approved.

6.2 City Entrance Sign Review (COM15-005) 23 - 24

Staff Recommendation: That the matter of replacing the City of Stratfordentrance signs be referred to the 2016 budget deliberations.

Motion by ________________

Sub-committee recommendation:  That the matter of replacing the City ofStratford entrance signs be referred to the 2016 budget deliberations.

7. For the Information of Committee

7.1 Presentation by Mike Matthews

Mr. Matthews made a brief presentation regarding the HorticulturalSociety and existing projects at the October 15, 2015 Sub-committeemeeting.

Sub-committee decision:  That staff investigate whether water can beprovided to the garden at Churchill Circle.

8. Advisory Committee/Outside Board Minutes

8.1 Advisory Committee/Outside Board Minutes 25 - 38

The following Advisory Committee Minutes distributed to Sub-committeefor their information:

• Communities in Bloom Committee Minutes of July 2, August 6, andSeptember 3, 2015 

• Board of Park Management Minutes of June 8, 2015

9. Adjournment

Meeting Start Time:Meeting End Time :

Motion by ________________

That the Community Services Committee meeting adjourn.


The Corporation of the City of Stratford

Community Services Sub-committee





October 15, 2015

4:45 P.M.

Council Chamber

City Hall



Councillor Beatty - Chair Presiding, Councillor Bunting - Vice

Chair, Councillor Ingram, Councillor Mark, Councillor Ritsma

Staff Present: David St. Louis - Director of Community Services, Jim Bryson

- Community Facilities Manager, Brad Hernden - Manager of

Recreation and Marketing

Also present: Ed Dujlovic - Director of Infrastructure and Develoment

Services, Joan Thomson - City Clerk, Mike Matthews (Item

3.1), Jordan Underhill (Item 4.1), Michael Mousley -

Manager of Transit, Media

1. Call to Order

The Chair called the meeting to order and noted Councillor Bunting would be

arriving later.

2. Disclosure of Pecuniary Interest and the General Nature Thereof

The Municipal Conflict of Interest Act requires any member of Council declaring a

pecuniary interest and the general nature thereof, where the interest of a

member of Council has not been disclosed by reason of the member’s absence

from the meeting, to disclose the interest at the first open meeting attended by

the member of Council and otherwise comply with the Act.



Name, Item and General Nature

None declared at the October 15, 2015 Sub-committee meeting.

3. Delegations

3.1 Presentation by Mike Matthews

Mr. Matthews provided history of the Horticultural Society. They have

members from St. Marys and Waterloo, as well as Stratford, including

Master Gardeners. There are approximately 250 members and meetings

are instructional and informational.

He gave examples of projects they have worked on, and events they hold,

including workshops, plant sales and tours of private gardens. They are

partnered with the Local Community Food Centre this year. In exchange

for use of their greenhouse, they assist with their flower beds. They also

have 7 public perennial and 6 public annual gardens.

He gave examples of work they have done to amend the soil in the beds

and suppliers they work with. The only problem they have is availability of

water. There are two shut off valves in Churchill Circle. He suspects the

water is there, it just needs to be checked to see if it can be turned on.

Councillor Ingram asked about the shut-off valves and if water is

available. The Director advised that staff would have to investigate. Mr.

Matthews offered to show staff where the shut-off valves are located.

Councillor Beatty stated that Stratford is recognized for floral displays and

we are fortunate to have staff and volunteers who contribute to that


Discussion took place about providing water to other locations. Councillor

Beatty suggested they work through one garden at time, starting with

Churchill Circle.



Motion by Councillor Ingram

Sub-committee recommendation: That staff investigate whether

water can be provided to the garden at Churchill Circle.


4. Report of the Chief Administrative Officer

4.1 2016 Canadian Dairy XPO – Update to Council (COM15-004)

The Director of Infrastructure and Development Services stated earlier

today staff met with CDX to discuss the landswap. The developers did not

say yes, or no, they did express some concerns and will look into it

further. Long term concerns are whether they will be able to sell lots.

He noted additional material was provided by CDX after the agenda was

prepared regarding angle parking and hard surface on Britannia. There

are costs - approximately $100,000 to build the roads proposed.

Council has also declared those lands surplus and are looking at selling

them. A parking installation and agreement with CDX could prevent the

sale of land.

Mr. Underhill introduced Lyndon Stewart of CDX. He noted last time they

came to Sub-committee there were concerns. They have worked through

the fire department's concern with location of the facility. They met with

the Rotary Club and Home Show and have worked to separate the events

and plan dates.

After City investigation, it was discovered using the proposed slag product

on the old fairgrounds property is no longer an option. The City then got

quotes for traditional products and the costs are up to $450,000. Concern

was expressed regarding this proposed cost. CDX came up with a Plan C

for parking. Copies were distributed at the Sub-committee meeting.

Mr. Underhill suggested they would need shuttles from Britannia to the

Complex. Most of the parking improvements are on the retained portion of



the old fairgrounds property so that investment will not be lost.

He then referred to the McCarthy Road West diagram. They are only

proposing parking on the North side so there is room for two way traffic.

They are also proposing angle parking on the east side all the way down

to the Fire Station that could accommodate approximately 450 cars, very

close to their exhibitor numbers.

Other items that will change will be cancellation of the outdoor exhibit

area, and they are proposing three police officers to assist with controlled

access. They found that they did not need perimeter officers as traffic

could keep moving. They are also asking for use of barricades.

They hope that Sub-committee will approve their proposal, so they can

keep moving forward.

*Councillor Bunting now present at the Sub-committee meeting [5:13 pm]

In response to how many total parking spaces are needed and how many

spots would be available on the former fairgrounds, Mr. Underhill stated it

is approximately 2,200 and that many should be available with all

proposed parking locations.

Questions were asked about the term of the agreement and when the

westerly portion of McCarthy Road West is to be assumed by the City. Mr.

Underhill suggested they were open to a long term agreement.

The Director advised that McCarthy Road West was not scheduled to be

assumed any time soon, but he could get confirmation on the date.

Concern was raised about angle parking on the easterly portion of

McCarthy as residents at the seniors home already have a hard time

getting across the street to bus stop. Mr. Underhill stated that on-street

parking would not hinder any entrances or exits.



Discussion took place about why the solution from last year would not

work as it was a much cheaper option. It is assumed that the land would

be iffy for parking as it would likely be very wet in April.

The Director suggested that the significant cost would be bringing in

gravel and creating access roads. Hard surface secondary access into the

Rotary Complex would cost more but be less maintenance. He also noted

the staff recommendation would have to change if Council goes into a

long term agreement. An agreement for parking on the surplus

fairgrounds lands would affect the ability to sell those lands as surplus.

With regard to a cash donation to the Ag Society, Mr. Underhill advised

the Ag Society provides breakfast to exhibitors both mornings of the show

and CDX pays them. Two hotels in town pay a kickback to CDX for getting

people to stay at their hotels and they give it to the Ag Society.

Mr. Underhill advised that 85% of exhibitors stayed for one or more

nights, for a total of 2,000 room nights.

Discussion took place about ideas to decrease exhibitor parking spaces,

such as shuttles from hotels and exhibitor parking passes based on booth

size. Mr. Underhill noted that the exhibitor cars are 400 out of 2000. They

provided shuttle service last year but most exhibitors will choose to use

their vehicles. Corporate companies bring a lot of staff and subsequently,

vehicles. With regard to parking passes, they tried it in Woodstock at the

Canada's Outdoor Farm Show and cancelled it as due to abuse of usage.

The bigger issue is the 1,500+ attendee cars that need parking.

In response to questions regarding policing, the Director of Community

Services advised normally the cost is borne by the event organizer. The

cost of policing for this event last year was covered under a City grant.

Mr. Underhill clarified that for the 2016 show, they are asking the City to

cover the cost for the 3 officers.

Concern was raised about spending money on lands declared surplus and

the ability to move forward with having these lands developed. The



Director of Infrastructure and Development Services advised that staff

have prepared the report on servicing the old fairgrounds but it has been

put on hold due to this discussion. The secondary road to the Rotary

Complex would likely be constructed by a developer. Discussion took place

about parking and shuttling from Britannia Street.

It was noted an investment of $100,000 is a significant amount to be

investing in land to be sold for development. In response to whether there

will be maintenance for next year if the City spends $100,000 to do

temporary laneways, the Director of Infrastructure and Development

Services responded it depends if they leave them open all year. It is hard

to tell how many people would use it year round. They would have to

consider snow clearing costs, etc. Very little cost if only used for CDX.

It was suggested that other events may want to use these lands for

parking. Mr. Underhill noted they need parking and are open to what the

City is okay with. A two-year term was suggested.

Councillor Mark suggested that staff and the CDX continue to look into

alternative parking solutions during the two-year term of the agreement.

Staff Recommendation:

• That Council provide direction regarding the parking proposal for the

retained portion of the former Fairgrounds;

• That Council provide direction regarding the angled parking on

McCarthy Street during the event;

• That Council direct staff to finalize the agreement that will resolve

these matters.

Motion by Councillor Mark

Sub-committee recommendation: That Council support angled

parking on McCarthy Road West during the 2016 Canadian Dairy

XPO, provided that McCarthy Place is in agreement.




Motion by Councillor Ritsma

Sub-committee recommendation: That Council approve spending

of up to $100,000 for widening the surface on the former

fairgrounds property to access additional parking; and

Further that the City enter into a two-year agreement with the

CDX with the provision that the City is not prohibited from

marketing the surplus fairgrounds lands.


Motion by Councillor Ingram

Sub-committee recommendation: That Council direct staff to

finalize the agreement that will resolve these matters.


5. Report of the Director of Community Services

5.1 Community Services Department 2016 and 2017 Fees and

Charges (COM15-003)

The Manager of Recreation and Marketing referred to the Fees and

Charges spreadsheet. Future fees represent a three percent increase per

year, except for public swimming and skating admission fees which

remain unchanged up to 2017 in response to market conditions and

general affordability.

With regard to Transit rates, there was to be a rate increase in June 2015

on cash tickets and passes. Staff held off while a market study on fees

was being done. They are now recommending that June 2015 increase be

implemented on January 1, 2016 and another increase on June 1, 2016.

Facility group rental fees for Kiwanis and Rotary were merged to simplify

the customer's experience. No matter which facility, the room rate is the

same based on square footage.

In response to a question about rental of the KCC and Rotary Complex



auditoriums, the Manager advised that the event halls in the Rotary

Complex have their own rental rate. A hall at the KCC is equal to the Tim

Taylor Lounge at the Rotary.

Staff are asking for approval of 2016 and 2017 rates as they get bookings

years in advance. They are also suggesting a discount for non-profits so

they can adjust to a gradual increase in fees. Staff are suggesting a 50%

discount off the commercial rate in 2016, 30% in 2017. The practice to

date has been to consider a 30% discount on commercial rates.

Staff Recommendation: That the Community Services Department fees

and charges for 2016 and 2017 be approved.

Motion by Councillor Ritsma

Sub-committee recommendation: That the Community Services

Department fees and charges for 2016 and 2017 be approved.


5.2 City Entrance Sign Review (COM15-005)

The Director of Community Services reviewed the Management Report.

The bigger issue is that the City has 4 entrances and only one sign.

Councillor Beatty stated that entrance signs have continually been noted

by Communities in Bloom judges, as they leave much to be desired. He

suggested this is something that should be considered, perhaps one sign

per year.

Staff Recommendation: That the matter of replacing the City of

Stratford entrance signs be referred to the 2016 budget deliberations.

Motion by Councillor Mark

Sub-committee recommendation: That the matter of replacing

the City of Stratford entrance signs be referred to the 2016

budget deliberations.




6. Advisory Committee/Outside Board Minutes

The following Advisory Committee Minutes distributed to Sub-committee for their


Communities in Bloom Committee Minutes of July 2, August 6, and September 3,


Board of Park Management Minutes of June 8, 2015

7. Next Sub-committee Meeting

The next Community Services Sub-committee meeting is Thursday, November

12, 2015 at 4:45 p.m. in the Council Chamber, City Hall.

Councillor Mark gave his regrets for the next Sub-committee meeting in


8. Adjournment

Meeting Start Time: 4:47 p.m.

Meeting End Time: 6:03 p.m.

Motion by Councillor Ingram

That the Community Services Sub-committee meeting adjourn.



Page 1

CAO's Office


Date: October 7, 2015

To: Community Services Sub-committee

From: Ron Shaw, CAO

Report#: COM15-004

Attachments: None

Title: 2016 Canadian Dairy XPO – Update to Council

Objective: To consider an update on the status of the 2016 Canadian Dairy XPO proposal and to provide direction to Council.

Background: On 10 August, Council considered a proposal from the Canadian Dairy Xpo (CDX) to construct an agricultural structure adjacent to the Rotary Complex; to consider parking arrangements for the event; and to consider the timing of the 2017 event. Representatives from CDX report that this event brings significant economic benefit to our City and have sought out local partnerships to ensure this event is held in Stratford in future years. Council agreed to consider the CDX proposal provided certain conditions are met and passed the following resolution:

That approval for the revised event proposal from Canadian Dairy Xpo (CDX) be considered, subject to:

A signed agreement with the event organizer that includes a firm budget and cost sharing model;

That the event be held in April of each year; An engineering report be required on the proposed slag material proposed for

the parking facilities that includes safety and environmental assessment; Site plan approval is required; Provisions include that the new structure can only be used if the Rotary Complex

is not available or suitable; Amendments to the Ag Society agreement be made; Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments be submitted with the consent of

the property owner; Concerns with angled parking on both sides of McCarthy Road West be



Page 2

CDX work out an agreement satisfactory to the Rotary Club regarding the Home Show;

A full parking plan be provided by CDX and how this will impact McCarthy Road West and the Rotary Complex.

Analysis: To comply with the direction above, CDX has submitted a building proposal. The following outlines the status of each of the conditions determined by Council:

A signed agreement with the event organizer that includes a firm budget and cost sharing model Status: This will be the last item put in place once all other items are resolved.

That the event be held in April of each year Status: CDX has reached an agreement with the Rotary Club regarding the date of the Dairy XPO and Home Show. The Home Show will operate from 22-24 April 2016. Dates have been set for the next five years. An engineering report be required on the proposed slag material proposed for the parking facilities that includes safety and environmental assessment Status: The City commissioned a comprehensive review of the material CDX proposed to use for the parking lot. A completed geotechnical engineering report indicates that the proposed slag material does not meet appropriate standards and therefore cannot be recommended by our engineering department. The material presents structural support and installation challenges, as it is light weight fill and is difficult to compact and has inconsistent quality. From an environmental perspective, this product can be leachable particularly near high groundwater tables. Heavy metal contamination is common with this product. The use of this product is also prohibited under OPSS 1010 MUN. Therefore, the proposed material is not appropriate or safe for the proposed use.

In order to keep this proposal on track, the City has prepared our own estimates to properly construct a gravel parking lot that will meet our grading, drainage, and compaction standards. Engineering estimates the costs for this parking lot to range between $400,000.00 and $450,000.00 (for the retained portion of the old Fairgrounds). CDX has proposed that we proceed with this parking lot construction at the City’s expense and allow them to rent the space back from the City for $10,000.00 per year for the duration of the lease, currently contemplated to be for five years (less if there is a termination clause). We also require a parking plan that illustrates how much parking will be occupied by machinery displays and where as part of the permit application.

Site plan approval is required


Page 3

Status: The organizer must apply for site plan approval and generate a new reference plan. This would take place following successful rezoning of the property.

Provisions include that the new structure can only be used if the Rotary Complex is not available or suitable Status: We will include this provision in the agreement. Amendments to the Ag Society agreement be made; Status: The City has not been appraised of any issues raised by the Ag society that would require an amendment to our agreement.

Zoning By-law and Official Plan Amendments be submitted with the consent of the property owner Status: The CAO and the Manager of Development Services have met with CDX and have come to an acceptable proposal subject to council approval with respect to allowing the construction of the WeCover Cow Coliseum immediately west of the Rotary Complex. CDX is meeting with the owners and developers of the future park land west of the site, and, if successful, they will propose that the current park land location be changed and will apply for zoning amendment on the City-owned land for the location of their building provided they get the necessary agreement by all parties with an interest in the lands. During the rezoning process, they could proceed (at their own risk) with putting in the gravel base and cement blocks, but will have to wait until the spring to construct the building. The sanitary issues will be addressed by CDX installing portapoties during the event. Furthermore, storm water management calculations are forthcoming. They propose to use generators to supply the electricity. They will need to meet storm water management requirements of the City’s engineering department. Concerns with angled parking on both sides of McCarthy Road West be addressed Status: The City has not identified any concerns with regard to this and Council will have to decide if they will allow this on one or both sides of the street. It will impact the bicycle lanes. Allowing temporary angled parking will require council to authorize by By-Law amendment.

CDX work out an agreement satisfactory to the Rotary Club regarding the Home Show


Page 4

Status: CDX has reached an agreement with the Rotary Club regarding the date of the Dairy XPO and Home Show. The Home Show will operate from 22-24 April 2016. Dates have been set for the next five years.

A full parking plan be provided by CDX and how this will impact McCarthy Road West and the Rotary Complex Status: A parking plan is forthcoming with the CDX proposal.

Financial Impact: If Council elects to proceed with the parking proposal, there will be a significant financial impact of $400,000.00 to $450,000.00. This cost does not include ongoing maintenance. Offsite parking may be the only viable alternative. In addition to this, given all the space in the facilities being used by CDX, the City can expect a significant increase in rental payments for the event.

Staff Recommendation:

That Council provide direction regarding the parking proposal for the retained portion of the former Fairgrounds;

That Council provide direction regarding the angled parking on McCarthy Street during the event;

That Council direct staff to finalize the agreement that will resolve these matters.

__________________________ Stephanie Potter, Policy and Research Associate

__________________________ Ron Shaw, Chief Administrative Officer




P = parking


- bush hog weeds- collect steel wire- remove 2 brush piles- remove/ spread 1 pile of gravel & 1 pile of concrete

Widen gate to 20ft

Gravel Rd. (Upgrade)20ft x 650ft

Gravel Rd. (NEW)20ft x 550ft

Gravel Rd. (Upgrade)20ft x 1100ft













P = Parking

= Controlled Access to Local Traffic & CDX ONLY

= Shuttle Huts


2000 linear ft= 200 cars angle parked(North side of McCarthy)

2500 linear ft= 250 cars angle parked(North side of McCarthy)








*** Please note CDX has been in front of City of Stratford Sub-Committee and Council several

times since inception 3-years ago, to expose the inadequate parking capacity of the Stratford

Rotary Complex. This problem is widely recognized by CDX, facility staff, general public, other

user groups and potential new user groups. CDX has worked diligently to provide least cost

scenarios to remedy this problem, understanding that City budget allocations have many


PLAN A create approx 12 acres of new parking using slag material $100,000

PLAN B create approx 12 acres of new parking using traditional granular $400,000 –


Parking PLAN C, includes minimum upgrades required by the City of Stratford to make

the non-retained portion (portion containing hard granular and pavement) of the lower

fairgrounds usable for parking. The majority of the upgrades take place on the retained

portion to allow for to-and-from access to the non-retained portion.

Refer to Diagram #1 for details on minimum upgrades required (up to $100,000). Please

note that the City has a 6 week window (from Oct 15th) to make these upgrades before

snow and frost

Other changes required as a result of not increasing onsite parking capacity include:

1. no official outdoor exhibit area at CDX 2016 (revenue loss for CDX and City of


2. angle parking on the North side ONLY of McCarthy starting at the Fire Station

close to Mornington, all the way to the west end of McCarthy (see Diagram #2)

with controlled access for the 2 operating dates of CDX to local traffic and CDX


3. City of Stratford to supply 3 police officers and 2 cars to help execute above,

as per CDX 2015

4. City of Stratford to supply up to 100 orange barricades for McCarthy Rd. and

internal parking, as per CDX 2015


5. Since parking capacity is not being expanded, CDX proposes to lease the

usable lower parking area at a rate of $5,000/yr, if all upgrades are done as

proposed in Diagram #1

PROPOSED ROI FOR THE CITY OF STRATFORD ANNUALLY: $55,000+ in facility rental, increasing at a rate of 3%/year (?)

$5,000 in lower parking lot rental

$25,000 in February ice time rental recoup due to CDX operating date change to April $85,000/yr gross revenue + 2 million estimated in economic stimulation for local business (both companies participating direct/exhibiting at CDX and companies not participating direct – i.e. hotels, restaurants, gas stations etc.)

CDX 2015/2016 INVESTMENT: $250,000/yr North American media buy promoting CDX and the destination of Stratford,

Ontario Canada

$500,000 state-of-the-art 400ftx72ft WeCover Structure going up west of the Rotary Complex to act as the permanent Cow Coliseum for CDX

$35,000 in professional fees to execute park land exchange

$70,000 in excavations and granular for building project

$55,000+ in facility rental (?)

$5,000 in lower parking lot rent

$5,000 in cash and services to Stratford Home Show for date change

$14,000 cash donation to the Stratford Ag Society

$2,500 cash donation to local service club for parking assistance $936,500 CDX total investment in Stratford 2015/2016


Community Services Department


Date: September 28, 2015

To: Community Services Sub-committee

From: David St. Louis, Director

Report#: COM15-003

Attachments: Fees & Charges Schedule

Title: Community Services Department 2016 and 2017 Fees and Charges Objective: To consider the proposed 2016 and 2017 fees and charges for the Community Services Department. Background: The City of Stratford maintains to build a healthy community by providing a variety of positive recreational experiences to enhance life values for individuals, families and our diverse culture. It is important that every citizen of Stratford has access to fun, safe, and affordable services and facilities to meet their recreation and leisure needs. We have used guiding principles for re-establishing user fees to allow for the lowest possible user fees consistent with recovery of costs and market conditions.

Analysis: The attached spreadsheet indicates a chart of fees and charges for the years 2015, 2016, 2017. Changes in fees from one year to the next are noted under the column “% change”. Future fees represent an average of 3% increase each year, with exception to:

public skating and public swim admission fees remain unchanged from 2015 – 2017 due to market conditions, peer reviews, and general affordability. Ice rental rates and swim instruction fees have increased approximately 3% each year.

transit rates remain unchanged in 2016, yet will increase June 1, 2017. Fee recommendations are consistent with a peer transit system fare comparison review, conducted in the summer of 2015.

Starting in 2016, we will merge facility room rental fees for both the Rotary Complex and Kiwanis Community Centre. We hope this will simplify the customer rental experience and allow us to be consistent in the way we rent space across the city, having similar square footage and amenities. For both facilities, we are recommending only three rental categories; single meeting room, double meeting room, and hall. For example, a customer


would experience identical fees to rent a single meeting room whether at the Rotary Complex or Kiwanis Community Centre.

As facility rentals are often requested and booked a year in advance, we are asking for approval of both 2016 and 2017 rates to assist in this process.

Financial Impact: N/A

Staff Recommendation: That the Community Services Department fees and charges for 2016 and 2017 be approved.

_ _____ Director of Community Services

__________________________ Ron Shaw, Chief Administrative Officer


Community Service Department Fees and Charges 2016, 2017

Rental Particulars Base Rate Period HST Total % Change Base Rate Period HST Total % Change Base Rate Period HST Total


Summer Ice Rates Standard Rental $146.00 hr $18.98 $164.98 103% 150.00$ hr 19.50$ 169.50$ 103% 154.87$ hr 20.13$ 175.00$ Slice of Ice $15.04 hr $1.96 $17.00 101% 15.26$ hr 1.98$ 17.25$ 102% 15.49$ hr 2.01$ 17.50$ Minor Sports $146.00 hr $18.98 $164.98 103% 150.00$ hr 19.50$ 169.50$ 103% 154.87$ hr 20.13$ 175.00$ Winter Ice Rates Prime Time 4:00pm to close on weekdays and all hours on $175.00 hr $22.75 $197.75 103% 180.09$ hr 23.41$ 203.50$ 103% 184.96$ hr 24.04$ 209.00$ Non-Prime Time before 4:00pm on weekdays $146.00 hr $18.98 $164.98 103% 150.00$ hr 19.50$ 169.50$ 103% 154.87$ hr 20.13$ 175.00$ Slice of Ice $15.04 hr $1.96 $17.00 101% 15.26$ hr 1.98$ 17.25$ 102% 15.49$ hr 2.01$ 17.50$

Minor Sports $146.00 hr $18.98 $164.98 103% 150.00$ hr 19.50$ 169.50$ 103% 154.87$ hr 20.13$ 175.00$ Public SkatingAdult Only Skate $4.43 $4.65 $0.58 $5.00 100% 4.43$ single 0.58$ 5.00$ 100% 4.43$ $4.65 0.58$ 5.00$ Family Skate Child 7-18 years $3.10 single $0.40 $3.50 100% 3.10$ single 0.40$ 3.50$ 100% 3.10$ single 0.40$ 3.50$ Adult 19-54 years $4.43 single $0.58 $5.00 100% 4.43$ single 0.58$ 5.00$ 100% 4.43$ single 0.58$ 5.00$ Family 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years $10.18 single $1.32 $11.50 100% 10.18$ single 1.32$ 11.50$ 100% 10.18$ single 1.32$ 11.50$ Season Pass - Child 7-18 years $51.33 season $6.67 $58.00 100% 51.33$ season 6.67$ 58.00$ 100% 51.33$ season 6.67$ 58.00$ Season Pass - Adult 19-54 years $61.95 season $8.05 $70.00 100% 61.95$ season 8.05$ 70.00$ 100% 61.95$ season 8.05$ 70.00$ Season Pass - Family 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years $168.14 season $21.86 $190.00 100% 168.14$ season 21.86$ 190.00$ 100% 168.14$ season 21.86$ 190.00$ Senior Citizen Skate: General Admission 55+ years $4.43 day $0.58 $5.00 100% 4.43$ day 0.58$ 5.00$ 100% 4.43$ day 0.58$ 5.00$ Season Pass $53.10 season $6.90 $60.00 100% 53.10$ season 6.90$ 60.00$ 100% 53.10$ season 6.90$ 60.00$ Arena Floor – No Ice RentalsSports and Short Period Rentals $96.00 hr $12.48 $108.48 103% 98.50$ hr 12.81$ 111.31$ 102% 100.00$ hr 13.00$ 113.00$ Community Group maximum 12 hours $870.00 day $113.10 $983.10 103% 895.00$ day 116.35$ 1,011.35$ 103% 920.00$ day 119.60$ 1,039.60$ Private Full Day Rental maximum 12 hours $1,220.00 day $158.60 $1,378.60 103% 1,255.00$ day 163.15$ 1,418.15$ 103% 1,290.00$ day 167.70$ 1,457.70$ Circus no exotic animals $4,350.00 day $565.50 $4,915.50 103% 4,480.00$ day 582.40$ 5,062.40$ 103% 4,610.00$ day 599.30$ 5,209.30$

Arena Sign Rental

Rink Board Signs For Glass (one-time charge) $200.00 glass $26.00 $226.00 100% 200.00$ glass 26.00$ 226.00$ 100% 200.00$ glass 26.00$ 226.00$ For Year $435.00 year $56.55 $491.55 100% 435.00$ year 56.55$ 491.55$ 100% 435.00$ year 56.55$ 491.55$ PARKS FIELDSShort Period Rentals for league play, a per use charge up to 25 uses $48.00 use $6.24 $54.24 103% 49.50$ use 6.44$ 55.94$ 103% 51.00$ use 6.63$ 57.63$ Minor Sports Rate per participant, per team, no GST $9.00 use $1.17 $10.17 103% 9.25$ use 1.20$ 10.45$ 103% 9.50$ use 1.24$ 10.74$ Tournament Fees per diamond, per day $180.00 day $23.40 $203.40 103% 185.00$ day 24.05$ 209.05$ 103% 190.00$ day 24.70$ 214.70$ LIONS POOLPublic SwimmingSingle Swim Children under 2 years $0.00 swim $0.00 $0.00 100% -$ swim -$ -$ 100% -$ swim -$ -$ Children 2 - 15 years $3.10 swim $0.40 $3.50 100% 3.10$ swim 0.40$ 3.50$ 100% 3.10$ swim 0.40$ 3.50$ Youth 16 - 18 years $3.76 swim $0.49 $4.25 100% 3.76$ swim 0.49$ 4.25$ 100% 3.76$ swim 0.49$ 4.25$ Seniors/Special Population 55+ years $3.76 swim $0.49 $4.25 100% 3.76$ swim 0.49$ 4.25$ 100% 3.76$ swim 0.49$ 4.25$ Adults 19 - 54 years $4.65 swim $0.60 $5.25 100% 4.65$ swim 0.60$ 5.25$ 100% 4.65$ swim 0.60$ 5.25$ Family 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years $13.27 swim $1.73 $15.00 100% 13.27$ swim 1.73$ 15.00$ 100% 13.27$ swim 1.73$ 15.00$ Day Pass Children under 2 years $0.00 day $0.00 $0.00 100% -$ day -$ -$ 100% -$ day -$ -$ Children 2 - 15 years $4.43 day $0.58 $5.00 100% 4.43$ day 0.58$ 5.00$ 100% 4.43$ day 0.58$ 5.00$ Youth 16 - 18 years $4.87 day $0.63 $5.50 100% 4.87$ day 0.63$ 5.50$ 100% 4.87$ day 0.63$ 5.50$ Seniors/Special Population 55+ years $4.87 day $0.63 $5.50 100% 4.87$ day 0.63$ 5.50$ 100% 4.87$ day 0.63$ 5.50$ Adults 19 - 54 years $7.08 day $0.92 $8.00 100% 7.08$ day 0.92$ 8.00$ 100% 7.08$ day 0.92$ 8.00$ Family 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years $22.12 day $2.88 $25.00 100% 22.12$ day 2.88$ 25.00$ 100% 22.12$ day 2.88$ 25.00$ 5-visit Card Children under 2 years $0.00 card $0.00 $0.00 100% -$ card -$ -$ 100% -$ card -$ -$ Children 2 - 15 years $12.39 card $1.61 $14.00 100% 12.39$ card 1.61$ 14.00$ 100% 12.39$ card 1.61$ 14.00$ Youth 16 - 18 years $15.04 card $1.96 $17.00 100% 15.04$ card 1.96$ 17.00$ 100% 15.04$ card 1.96$ 17.00$ Seniors/Special Population 55+ years $15.04 card $1.96 $17.00 100% 15.04$ card 1.96$ 17.00$ 100% 15.04$ card 1.96$ 17.00$ Adults 19 - 54 years $18.58 card $2.42 $21.00 100% 18.58$ card 2.42$ 21.00$ 100% 18.58$ card 2.42$ 21.00$ Family 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years $53.10 card $6.90 $60.00 100% 53.10$ card 6.90$ 60.00$ 100% 53.10$ card 6.90$ 60.00$ Seasons Pass Children under 2 years $0.00 season $0.00 $0.00 100% -$ season -$ -$ 100% -$ season -$ -$ Children 2 - 15 years $74.34 season $9.66 $84.00 100% 74.34$ season 9.66$ 84.00$ 100% 74.34$ season 9.66$ 84.00$ Youth 16 - 18 years $84.07 season $10.93 $95.00 100% 84.07$ season 10.93$ 95.00$ 100% 84.07$ season 10.93$ 95.00$ Seniors/Special Population 55+ years $84.07 season $10.93 $95.00 100% 84.07$ season 10.93$ 95.00$ 100% 84.07$ season 10.93$ 95.00$ Adults 19 - 54 years $106.20 season $13.81 $120.00 100% 106.20$ season 13.81$ 120.00$ 100% 106.20$ season 13.81$ 120.00$ Family 2 adults of same household & children under 19 years $217.70 season $28.30 $246.00 100% 217.70$ season 28.30$ 246.00$ 100% 217.70$ season 28.30$ 246.00$ Swim Lessons½ hour 2 week session, 10 classes $71.00 session $0.00 $71.00 101% 72.00$ session -$ 72.00$ 103% 74.00$ session -$ 74.00$ ¾ hour 2 week session, 10 classes $77.00 session $0.00 $77.00 104% 80.00$ session -$ 80.00$ 103% 82.00$ session -$ 82.00$ 1 hour 2 week session, 10 classes $84.00 session $0.00 $84.00 102% 86.00$ session -$ 86.00$ 102% 88.00$ session -$ 88.00$ Bronze Medallion & Cross (book extra) 2 week session, 10 classes $150.00 session $0.00 $150.00 103% 155.00$ session -$ 155.00$ 102% 158.00$ session -$ 158.00$ Swim Team season, 5 days per week $115.00 season $0.00 $115.00 113% 130.00$ season -$ 130.00$ 104% 135.00$ season -$ 135.00$ Family Discount 3rd child or more enrolled in same session receives $15.00 per child $0.00 $15.00 100% 10.00$ per child -$ 10.00$ 100% 10.00$ per child -$ 10.00$ Private Rentals1-30 swimmers $159.29 hr $20.71 $180.00 103% 163.72$ hr 21.28$ 185.00$ 103% 168.14$ hr 21.86$ 190.00$ 31-125 swimmers $176.99 hr $23.01 $200.00 103% 181.42$ hr 23.58$ 205.00$ 102% 185.84$ hr 24.16$ 210.00$ Sponsor a SwimSponsored Swim minimum 2 hour purchase $141.59 hr $18.41 $160.00 100% 141.59$ hr 18.41$ 160.00$ 103% 146.02$ hr 18.98$ 165.00$ Sponsored Free Swim minimum 2 hour purchase $449.56 hr $58.44 $508.00 100% 449.56$ hr 58.44$ 508.00$ 102% 460.18$ hr 59.82$ 520.00$ DAY CAMP 5-Day Week $115.00 week $0.00 $115.00 104% 120.00$ week -$ 120.00$ 104% 125.00$ week -$ 125.00$ 4-Day Week $92.00 week $0.00 $92.00 104% 96.00$ week -$ 96.00$ 104% 100.00$ week -$ 100.00$ Single-Day $25.00 day $0.00 $25.00 104% 26.00$ day -$ 26.00$ 104% 27.00$ day -$ 27.00$ Family Discount 3rd child or more enrolled in same session receives $15.00 per child $0.00 $15.00 67% 10.00$ per child -$ 10.00$ 100% 10.00$ per child -$ 10.00$ KIWANIS COMMUNITY CENTRE & ROTARY COMPLEXCommercial Rates include setup & take down

Single Meeting Room (KCC - Conf, E, F, C, D | Rotary - Games | Allman Upper Lobby) approx. capacity of 30 Up to 8 hours $16.50 hr $2.15 $18.65 121% 20.00$ hr 2.60$ 22.60$ 105% 21.00$ hr 2.73$ 23.73$ Beyond 8 hours $132.00 day $17.16 $149.16 121% 160.00$ day 20.80$ 180.80$ 105% 168.00$ day 21.84$ 189.84$ Double Meeting Room (KCC - CD, GH | Rotary - Mansbridge, 136) approx. capacity of 50 Up to 8 hours $24.00 hr $3.12 $27.12 104% 25.00$ hr 3.25$ 28.25$ 104% 26.00$ hr 3.38$ 29.38$ Beyond 8 hours $192.00 day $24.96 $216.96 103% 197.00$ day 25.61$ 222.61$ 106% 208.00$ day 27.04$ 235.04$ Hall (KCC - Auditorium | Rotary - Tim Taylor Lounge) approx. capacity of 180 Up to 8 hours $50.50 hr $6.57 $57.07 103% 52.00$ hr 6.76$ 58.76$ 102% 53.00$ hr 6.89$ 59.89$ Beyond 8 hours $404.00 day $52.52 $456.52 103% 416.00$ day 54.08$ 470.08$ 102% 424.00$ day 55.12$ 479.12$ Event Hall - Single Hall - Rotary Complex approx. capacity of 250-350 $628.00 day $81.64 $709.64 104% 650.00$ day 84.50$ 734.50$ 103% 670.00$ day 87.10$ 757.10$ Event Hall - Four Halls - Rotary Complex approx. capacity of 2000 $2,266.00 day $294.58 $2,560.58 102% 2,300.00$ day 299.00$ 2,599.00$ 102% 2,350.00$ day 305.50$ 2,655.50$

Single Meeting Room (KCC - Conf, E, F, C, D | Rotary - Games | Allman Upper Lobby) approx. capacity of 30Weekend: Friday after 4pm to Sunday Evening

Weekday: Monday Morning to Friday at 4pm

April 1 , 2016 - September 30, 2016

October 1, 2016 - March 31, 2017

October 1, 2016 - April 30, 2017

2016 2017

April 1 , 2017 - September 30, 2017

October 1, 2017 - March 31, 2018

October 1, 2017 - April 30, 2018

October 1, 2015 - March 31, 2016


October 1, 2015 - April 30, 2016

April 1 , 2015 - September 30, 2015


Community Service Department Fees and Charges 2016, 2017

Rental Particulars Base Rate Period HST Total % Change Base Rate Period HST Total % Change Base Rate Period HST Total

2016 20172015

Up to 8 hours $33.00 hr $4.29 $37.29 100% 33.00$ hr 4.29$ 37.29$ 103% 34.00$ hr 4.42$ 38.42$ Beyond 8 hours $264.00 day $34.32 $298.32 100% 264.00$ day 34.32$ 298.32$ 103% 272.00$ day 35.36$ 307.36$ Double Meeting Room (KCC - CD, GH | Rotary - Mansbridge, 136) approx. capacity of 50 Up to 8 hours $41.00 hr $5.33 $46.33 102% 42.00$ hr 5.46$ 47.46$ 102% 43.00$ hr 5.59$ 48.59$ Beyond 8 hours $328.00 day $42.64 $370.64 102% 336.00$ day 43.68$ 379.68$ 102% 344.00$ day 44.72$ 388.72$ Hall (KCC - Auditorium | Rotary - Tim Taylor Lounge) approx. capacity of 180 Up to 8 hours $60.00 hr $7.80 $67.80 103% 62.00$ hr 8.06$ 70.06$ 103% 64.00$ hr 8.32$ 72.32$ Beyond 8 hours $480.00 day $62.40 $542.40 103% 496.00$ day 64.48$ 560.48$ 103% 512.00$ day 66.56$ 578.56$ Event Hall - Single Hall - Rotary Complex approx. capacity of 250-350 $815.00 day $105.95 $920.95 102% 835.00$ day 108.55$ 943.55$ 103% 860.00$ day 111.80$ 971.80$ Event Hall - Four Halls - Rotary Complex approx. capacity of 2000 $2,730.00 day $354.90 $3,084.90 103% 2,800.00$ day 364.00$ 3,164.00$ 102% 2,850.00$ day 370.50$ 3,220.50$ AmenitiesKitchen - Kiwanis Community Centre $90.00 day $11.70 $101.70 100% 90.00$ day 11.70$ 101.70$ 102% 92.00$ day 11.96$ 103.96$ Kitchenette - Kiwanis Community Centre $53.50 day $6.96 $60.46 103% 55.00$ day 7.15$ 62.15$ 102% 56.00$ day 7.28$ 63.28$ Kitchen - Rotary Complex includes walk-in cooler, warming ovens, carts $120.00 day $15.60 $135.60 103% 123.00$ day 15.99$ 138.99$ 102% 126.00$ day 16.38$ 142.38$ Bar Charges - Rotary Complex Draft Fee $61.00 day $7.93 $68.93 103% 63.00$ day 8.19$ 71.19$ 103% 65.00$ day 8.45$ 73.45$ Ice $32.00 day $4.16 $36.16 103% 33.00$ day 4.29$ 37.29$ 103% 34.00$ day 4.42$ 38.42$ Audio Visual - Rotary Complex Wireless Microphone 1 complimentary; additional charge per extra unit $48.50 day $6.31 $54.81 103% 50.00$ day 6.50$ 56.50$ 102% 51.00$ day 6.63$ 57.63$ Wired Microphone 1 complimentary; additional charge per extra unit $18.50 day $2.41 $20.91 103% 19.00$ day 2.47$ 21.47$ 103% 19.50$ day 2.54$ 22.04$ TV/VCR/DVD/Projector per unit $13.00 day $1.69 $14.69 100% 13.00$ day 1.69$ 14.69$ 104% 13.50$ day 1.76$ 15.26$ Electrical Connections - Rotary Complex 110V 15AMP connection per connection $14.00 day $1.82 $15.82 104% 14.50$ day 1.89$ 16.39$ 103% 15.00$ day 1.95$ 16.95$ 110V 30AMP connection (with panel) per connection $26.00 day $3.38 $29.38 104% 27.00$ day 3.51$ 30.51$ 104% 28.00$ day 3.64$ 31.64$ 220V connection per connection $118.00 day $15.34 $133.34 102% 120.00$ day 15.60$ 135.60$ 103% 123.00$ day 15.99$ 138.99$ Data Connections - Rotary Complex Wired Internet (per single connected unit) per single connected unit $35.00 day $4.55 $39.55 103% 36.00$ day 4.68$ 40.68$ 103% 37.00$ day 4.81$ 41.81$ Installations - Rotary Complex Stage - 4 section starter (8' x 16) complimentary $0.00 day $0.00 $0.00 100% -$ day -$ -$ 100% -$ day -$ -$ Stage - additional sections per section, per day, max 24 sections $13.00 day $1.69 $14.69 104% 13.50$ day 1.76$ 15.26$ 104% 14.00$ day 1.82$ 15.82$ Insulated floor to cover ice surface $1,622.00 day $210.86 $1,832.86 103% 1,670.00$ day 217.10$ 1,887.10$ 103% 1,720.00$ day 223.60$ 1,943.60$ Judges platform - 4 section starter (8' x 16') RBC Arena only $580.00 day $75.40 $655.40 103% 597.00$ day 77.61$ 674.61$ 103% 615.00$ day 79.95$ 694.95$ Judges platform - additional sections (4' x 8') $60.00 day $7.80 $67.80 103% 62.00$ day 8.06$ 70.06$ 103% 64.00$ day 8.32$ 72.32$ STRATFORD AGRIPLEX FIELDHOUSESingle Court per quarter (1 basketball court) $31.00 hr $4.03 $35.03 103% 32.00$ hr 4.16$ 36.16$ 103% 33.00$ hr 4.29$ 37.29$ All 4 Courts for Tournament Use (Day Rate) $670.00 day $87.10 $757.10 104% 700.00$ day 91.00$ 791.00$ 101% 710.00$ day 92.30$ 802.30$ BEACH VOLLEYBALL COURTSSingle Court 15.00$ hr 1.95$ 16.95$ 100% 15.00$ hr 1.95$ 16.95$ 100% 15.00$ hr 1.95$ 16.95$ All 4 Courts for Tournament Use (Day Rate) 350.00$ day 45.50$ 395.50$ 100% 350.00$ day 45.50$ 395.50$ 100% 350.00$ day 45.50$ 395.50$ PUBLIC TRANSITCash Child under 5 years $0.00 single $0.00 $0.00 100% -$ single -$ -$ 100% -$ single -$ -$ Student $2.75 single $0.00 $2.75 100% 2.75$ single -$ 2.75$ 109% 3.00$ single -$ 3.00$ Adults $3.00 single $0.00 $3.00 100% 3.00$ single -$ 3.00$ 108% 3.25$ single -$ 3.25$ Seniors $2.75 single $0.00 $2.75 100% 2.75$ single -$ 2.75$ 109% 3.00$ single -$ 3.00$ Tickets Student $2.50 single $0.00 $2.50 100% 2.50$ single -$ 2.50$ 110% 2.75$ single -$ 2.75$ Adults $2.75 single $0.00 $2.75 100% 2.75$ single -$ 2.75$ 109% 3.00$ single -$ 3.00$ Seniors $2.50 single $0.00 $2.50 100% 2.50$ single -$ 2.50$ 110% 2.75$ single -$ 2.75$ Passes Adult $59.00 month $0.00 $59.00 110% 65.00$ month -$ 65.00$ 102% 66.00$ month -$ 66.00$ Students, Seniors, Special $48.50 month $0.00 $48.50 113% 55.00$ month -$ 55.00$ 102% 56.00$ month -$ 56.00$ Charter (plus GST) minimum charge of $50.00 $80.00 hr $10.40 $90.40 103% 82.00$ hr 10.66$ 92.66$ 102% 84.00$ hr 10.92$ 94.92$ PARALLEL TRANSITIn town - One Way Trip $3.00 single $0.00 $3.00 100% 3.00$ single -$ 3.00$ 108% 3.25$ single -$ 3.25$ In town - 10-ride card (1-free ride) $27.00 pass $3.51 $30.51 100% 27.00$ pass 3.51$ 30.51$ 108% 29.25$ pass 3.80$ 33.05$ In town - Charter minimum charge of 1 hour plus one-way trip fee $27.00 hr $3.51 $30.51 100% 27.00$ hr 3.51$ 30.51$ 104% 28.00$ hr 3.64$ 31.64$ In town - 30-day pass Adult $59.00 month $7.67 $66.67 110% 65.00$ month 8.45$ 73.45$ 102% 66.00$ month 8.58$ 74.58$ Senior, Special $48.50 month $6.31 $54.81 113% 55.00$ month 7.15$ 62.15$ 102% 56.00$ month 7.28$ 63.28$ Out of town - One Way Trip plus one-way trip fee $1.35 km $0.18 $1.53 104% 1.40$ km 0.18$ 1.58$ 102% 1.43$ km 0.19$ 1.62$ Charter Wait Charge all charters have a wait charge $26.00 hr $3.38 $29.38 104% 27.00$ hr 3.51$ 30.51$ 104% 28.00$ hr 3.64$ 31.64$

June 1, 2015 - May 31, 2016 June 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017 June 1, 2017 - May 31, 2018

May 1, 2015 - October 31, 2015 May 1, 2016 - October 31, 2016 May 1, 2017 - October 31, 2017

June 1, 2015 - May 31, 2016 June 1, 2016 - May 31, 2017 June 1, 2017 - May 31, 2018

October 1 , 2014 - April 30, 2015 October 1 , 2015 - April 30, 2016 October 1 , 2016 - April 30, 2017


Community Services Department


Date: September 21, 2015

To: Community Services Sub-committee

From: David St. Louis, Director

Report#: COM15-005

Attachments: None

Title: City Entrance Sign Review

Objective: To consider a report from the Community Services Department regarding replacing the City of Stratford entrance signs, including adding the wording “Home of the Canadian Dairy XPO” to the signs.

Background: At the February 11, 2013 Council meeting, the following resolution was passed: That the recommendation from Communities in Bloom for the City to improve the visibility of the four gateways to Stratford, be forwarded to the Community Services Department for a report, including costs. At the July 28, 2014 Council meeting Council made the following referral: That the request to add “Home of the Canadian Dairy XPO” to the City’s Gateway entrance signs be referred to Community Services Department for consideration.

Analysis: There are currently only two entrance signs to the City of Stratford, one on Mornington Street (2003) and one on Erie Street (1978). The entrance sign on Mornington only accommodates service club signage while the Erie Street sign accommodates both service club signage and a welcome to Stratford portion. The wording is “Welcome to Stratford home of the Stratford Festival and the Ontario Pork Congress”. There are 14 service clubs with signage and they pay the Community Services Department $50 + HST per year.

Staff have examined the entrance signs and found that to include “Home of the Canadian Dairy XPO” there is little to no room on the existing signs unless it is attached to an outside support.


Staff also researched what other communities have done with their entrance/gateway signs and found the following: Orangeville

Currently have three entrance signs Strategic plan was completed in 2003 and included the need for rebranding Town underwent RFP for design and build Service club signs are on a separate sign


Previously had four entrance signs that were made of wood or brick Now have five signs made from aluminum Cost approximately $12,000 per sign (un-lit)


Currently have five wooden entrance signs that are approximately 20 years old Have put the replacement of these signs into their budgets over the next five years

at a cost of approximately $30,000 each (signs will be metal with a concrete footing)

Separate sign for service clubs located a few feet away from entrance sign

Financial Impact: Depending on the design, financial impact could be upwards of $30,000 each plus separate service club signage at $10,000 each.

Staff Recommendation: That the matter of replacing the City of Stratford entrance signs be referred to the 2016 budget deliberations.

______________ Director of Community Services

__________________________ Ron Shaw, Chief Administrative Officer


Communities in Bloom July 2, 2015

Page 1 of 3

A meeting of the Stratford Communities in Bloom Committee (CIB) was held on the above date at 4:30 p.m. – Kiwanis Community Centre, 111 Lakeside Drive, Stratford ON Present: Councillor Brad Beatty – Chair Presiding, Dave Gaffney, Susan Kummer,

Jo-Anne Russell, *Cathy Rehberg, Councillor Bonnie Henderson, Lorraine Kuepfer, Mary O’Rourke

Staff Present: Casey Riehl – Recording Secretary Absent: Barb Hacking, Carys Wyn Hughes, Susan Anderson-Lebrun



Motion by Jo-Anne Russell, seconded by Susan Kummer to adopt the previous minutes dated June 4, 2015 as printed. Carried.


a) Heritage Weekend Recap – Cathy Rehberg Cathy Rehberg reported the weekend went very well. The committee did discuss possibly forgoing a Doors Open event next year and instead work with the County to have a larger event for the 2017 Sesquicentennial.

b) Tom Patterson Island Lighting Update – Councillor Beatty Councillor Beatty reported that the bridge is still under repair. It will be done very shortly and the new lights will then be installed.

c) 2015 CIB Competition (July 19-21, 2015) Councillor Beatty informed members that he will not be here for the judging. He has been selected as a national judge and will be travelling during this time. Councillor Beatty reviewed with the committee the binder he has kept with all the information and details for the visit. He will forward an electronic version of the


Communities in Bloom July 2, 2015

Page 2 of 3 book so that all members have a copy. Cathy Rehberg and Quin Malott have agreed to take on some additional responsibilities in his absence. Cathy Rehberg and Councillor Beatty will review and finalize the itinerary to forward to the judges. Mary O’Rourke and Cathy Rehberg will meet to discuss where the CIB signs are to be placed while the judges are here. Ms. O’Rourke will get the CIB magnets, flags and signs from the Clerk’s office. Bonnie Henderson has offered to drive Cathy Rehberg and Sarah Strasler to Union Station to meet the judges. The Sunday night dinner is not confirmed. Councillor Beatty will contact Carys Wyn Hughes about the B&B suggestion. It was decided that the Monday night dinner will focus on the environment and/or CBEAC. Councillor Beatty will forward the judges itinerary to the media. Also, CJCS has requested someone do an interview prior to the visit. Councillor Beatty will ask Barb Hacking if she will look after a post-visit slide show that they can send to the judges. The committee discussed looking into printed CIB thank you cards to have available to thank sponsors, volunteers, etc. *Cathy Rehberg no longer present (5:25 p.m.) Mary O’Rourke will supply a cooler with drinks for the van rides. She will also pick up some candies, wet wipes, Kleenex and a first-aid kit to stock the van. Councillor Beatty will send an electronic version of the profile book to Casey Riehl. She will forward it to both the judges as well as print three hard copies to give to Cathy Rehberg to have with her for the train ride to Stratford. Susan Kummer will also have the scrapbook ready to share with the judges on the train ride.


a) CIB Committee Supplies Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Councillor Henderson that the Communities in Bloom Committee spend up to a maximum of $250.00 to cover the costs of new CIB member pins and two temporary signs to be placed in the new Veteran’s garden in Avondale Cemetery. Carried.


Communities in Bloom July 2, 2015

Page 3 of 3 4. NEXT MEETING DATE - Thursday, July 2, 2015 – 4:30 p.m. - KCC

5. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Councillor Henderson to adjourn the meeting. Carried. Time: 5:40 p.m.


Communities in Bloom August 6, 2015

Page 1 of 3

A meeting of the Stratford Communities in Bloom Committee (CIB) was held on the above date at 4:30 p.m. – Kiwanis Community Centre, 111 Lakeside Drive, Stratford ON Present: Councillor Brad Beatty – Chair Presiding, Dave Gaffney, Susan Kummer,

Jo-Anne Russell, Cathy Rehberg, Councillor Bonnie Henderson, Lorraine Kuepfer, Mary O’Rourke, Carys Wyn Hughes

Staff Present: Casey Riehl – Recording Secretary Absent: Barb Hacking, Susan Anderson-Lebrun



Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Councillor Henderson to adopt the previous minutes dated July 2, 2015 as printed. Carried.


a) Tom Patterson Island Lighting Update – Councillor Beatty Councillor Beatty reported that all the lights have been installed with the exception of the lower lights on the bottom rail of the bridge, which will be done soon. Councillor Henderson recommended the uplighting on the trees needs adjusting. The lights are not particularly lighting up the trees. Councillor Beatty will contact the electrical contractor and have him reposition the lights. He asked members to send their input on the lighting as soon as possible. The committee will look ahead at possibly assisting in getting the pergola lit up.

b) 2015 CIB Competition (July 19-21, 2015) – Review of Judges Visit Members reported that the judges particularly enjoyed visiting the landfill, the KCC and meeting the Mayor. Cathy Rehberg reviewed some of the highlights of the visit:

- Accompanying the judges on the train ride was very worthwhile - Consider carefully what gifts to give judges (size, originality)


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- The itinerary worked very well (adding residential gardens as requested

by the judges) - Having key people at each location is crucial to staying on track and

answering questions. The smaller the group, the better.

Councillor Beatty shared some advice on hosting: He suggested a “dress-rehearsal” or “pre-tour” for CIB members of all the stops on the itinerary would be beneficial; all members would be informed prior to touring with the judges. He recommended always keeping the judges busy with a full itinerary, they will request down time if needed. He also suggested that Stratford should consider participating in some national programs, as judges look specifically for this. Councillor Beatty noted that the scoring has been restructured this year. Stratford may score lower than previous years because of this.

Councillor Beatty asked if members were interested in participating in the 2015 Achievement Awards. The deadline for submission is August 12, 2015. Dave Gaffney will look at heritage, Cathy Rehberg will look at tidiness. Another possibility would be urban forestry. Cathy Rehberg has designed a CIB thank-you card. Staff will print up copies for members to send out to thank volunteers who helped out during the judges visit. Please have your thank-you cards out by the last week in August. All members to bring their pictures on a USB drive to the September CIB meeting and Councillor Beatty will download them all onto his computer. Staff will e-mail a copy of the profile book to all members. Brad Beatty to ask Quin Malott if he has the scrapbook at his office.


a) 70th Anniversary Dutch-Canadian Friendship Tulip Gardens Mary O’Rourke has completed the grant application and will circulate it to members to review prior to sending. If successful, Stratford will receive 700 tulip bulbs. The deadline for the submission is August 30, 2015.

4. NEXT MEETING DATE - Thursday, September 3, 2015 – 4:30 p.m. - KCC



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Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Jo-Anne Russell to adjourn the meeting. Carried. Time: 5:45 p.m.


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A meeting of the Stratford Communities in Bloom Committee (CIB) was held on the above date at 4:30 p.m. – Kiwanis Community Centre, 111 Lakeside Drive, Stratford ON Present: Councillor Brad Beatty – Chair Presiding, Dave Gaffney, Susan Kummer, Councillor Bonnie Henderson, Mary O’Rourke, *Carys Wyn Hughes, Susan Anderson-Lebrun, *Barb Hacking

Staff Present: Casey Riehl – Recording Secretary Absent: Jo-Anne Russell, Lorraine Kuepfer, Cathy Rehberg



Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Susan Kummer to adopt the previous minutes dated August 6, 2015 as printed. Carried.


a) Tom Patterson Island Lighting Update – Councillor Beatty Councillor Beatty reported that the second row of lights on the bridge will be installed mid-September. The contractor needs to borrow a boat to use while installing them. The contractor will also make some adjustments to the flood lights, possibly moving them in closer to the trees. *Barb Hacking now present (4:40 p.m.)

b) Seasonal Lighting (Snowflake Lights) Dave Gaffney has had an inquiry regarding the snowflake lights. He asked if it was possible to mount the one snowflake light the committee currently has for people to see. The committee suggested mounting it on a light post on Lakeside Drive near Tom Patterson Island. Both CIB and CBEAC could promote the snowflakes by directing people to go and see the one on display. Councillor Beatty will contact the Parks Department to see if it can be installed.

c) 70th Anniversary Dutch-Canadian Friendship Tulip Gardens

Councillor Beatty reported that Mary O’Rourke has completed and submitted the grant application for the tulip garden. He has been contacted by the Horticultural


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Society since the application has been submitted looking for support if they applied. Since CIB has applied, the two groups will partner for this project if successful. Mary O’Rourke has volunteered to be the CIB liaison with the Horticultural Society. Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Susan Kummer that, if successful in receiving the Dutch-Canadian Tulip Garden Grant, the Communities in Bloom Advisory Committee spends up to a maximum of $250.00 on the celebration ceremony this fall. Carried.

d) CN Eco Connections Grant Application – Councillor Beatty/Mary O’Rourke Councillor Beatty reported that he and Mary O’Rourke are just fine-tuning the application and it will be submitted next week.


a) Provincial & National Symposiums Councillor Beatty has been approached to see if Stratford would host the 2016 Provincial CIB Symposium next fall. Members agreed they would like to express their interest to host. Councillor Beatty has spoken to the Mayor and he is in support of Stratford hosting the event. It was noted that net proceeds from the symposium will be shared equally between the host community and CIB Ontario. The host community is encouraged to conduct a silent auction with all proceeds staying with the host to help with local CIB initiatives. Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Barb Hacking that the Communities in Bloom Committee extends the offer for Stratford to host the 2016 Provincial CIB Symposium. Carried. *Carys Wyn Hughes now present (4:50 p.m.) The 2015 provincial symposium is being hosted by Perth, Ontario. Councillor Beatty suggested that it would be beneficial to send two Stratford CIB members to Perth to attend and see how the event runs before Stratford hosts. The event runs over the course of two days, starting with a golf tournament, the symposium and an awards ceremony.

Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Carys Wyn Hughes that the Communities in Bloom Committee spends up to a maximum of $1,000.00 to send two (2) delegates to attend the 2015 Provincial CIB Symposium in Perth, Ontario. Carried. Councillor Beatty will contact organizers initially to find out the date of next year’s symposium. It is usually held each year on a Friday/Saturday in September. He will also discuss with the Mayor’s office and Community Services.


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The committee discussed possibly hosting the National CIB Symposium. Councillor Beatty reported that there is currently a waiting list of communities interested in hosting. As is stands currently, Stratford would be on the list to host in 2020. The last time Stratford hosted the National event was in 2003. Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Mary O’Rourke that the Communities in Bloom Committee submit Stratfords’ interest in hosting the CIB National Symposium at the earliest date available. Carried. The 2015 National Symposium is being held in Kamloops. Councillor Beatty, Mayor Mathieson and two staff members from Community Services are also attending. Committee members discussed sending two CIB committee members to attend the event as well. Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Mary O’Rourke that the Communities in Bloom Committee spends up to a maximum of $3,000.00 to send two (2) delegates to attend the 2015 National CIB Symposium in Kamloops, BC. Carried. Motion by Susan Anderson-Lebrun, seconded by Mary O’Rourke that the Communities in Bloom Committee spends up to a maximum of $100.00 on a silent auction item for the National Symposium. Carried.

b) 2015 Pumpkin Parade This year’s pumpkin parade will be held on Sunday, November 1st. Any members available to volunteer would be greatly appreciated. Councillor Beatty will forward details to committee members. Motion by Councillor Henderson, seconded by Carys Wyn Hughes that the Communities in Bloom Committee donates $250.00 to the 2015 Pumpkin Parade. Carried.

c) 2016 Projects Deferred to December meeting.

d) 2016 CIB Budget Request & Carry Overs

Stratford has been asked to host the 2016 Provincial CIB Symposium. The committee has agreed they would like to host. There would be additional costs next year to the committee for expenses incurred with this event.

Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Councillor Henderson that the Communities in Bloom Advisory Committee requests a 2016 budgetary figure of $15,000.00 from the City of Stratford. The Communities in


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Bloom Committee projects a budgetary figure of $10,000.00 for 2017, $10,000.00 for 2018 and $10,000.00 for 2019. Carried. Registration fees: $ 1,000 Judges visit: $ 2,000 Awards and Symposiums: $ 4,000 Printing/signs/ Newspaper Advertising: $ 1,000 Community Initiatives $ 3,000 (Planter Day, Garbage Can Decorating, Pumpkin Parade, Santa’s Parade of Lights, new projects)

Stratford Hosting 2016 Provincial CIB Symposium $ 5,000 Contingency: $ 1,000 Total Expenditures: $17,000 Donations and fundraising: $ 2,000 Grant from City: $15,000 Total Revenue: $17,000 Motion by Dave Gaffney, seconded by Councillor Henderson to request that all remaining funds in the 2015 CIB budget, including any sponsorship donations received in 2015, be carried over to the 2016 CIB budget to be allocated to seasonal lighting displays. Carried.

e) Membership Terms Expiring November 30, 2015 Staff notified Susan Anderson-Lebrun, Mary O’Rourke, Carys Wyn Hughes and Lorraine Kuepfer that their current membership terms will expire on November 30, 2015.

4. NEXT MEETING DATE - Wednesday, October 7, 2015 – 4:30 p.m. - KCC

5. ADJOURNMENT Motion by Carys Wyn Hughes, seconded by Susan Anderson-Lebrun to adjourn the meeting. Carried. Time: 5:50 p.m.



A meeting of the Board of Park Management will be held on MONDAY, JUNE 8, 2015 at 3:30 p.m. in the Mansbridge Room at the Rotary Complex. PRESENT: Chairman Rick Orr, Vice Chair Dave Gaffney, R. Brown, S. Creek, B.

Jesson, R. McKay, Councilor Graham Bunting, Councilor Bonnie Henderson.

STAFF PRESENT: Quin Malott Parks & Forestry Manager, David St. Louis

Director Community Services, Brad Hernden Manager Recreation & Marketing.

MINUTES 2396. PRESENTATION DECK & CONCESSION HUT VOLLEYBALL COURTS: Issue: Brad Hernden Manager of Recreation & Marketing requesting approval to construct a spectator deck and small storage/concession hut to the south of the 4-court outdoor volleyball facility. This is a partnership between the Stratford Volleyball Club and The City of Stratford. Mr. Hernden reviewed the history of the beach volleyball court and expansion to four courts. Facility developed in 2014 has leagues playing three nights per week and the courts are always in use. Location for the deck and structure would be south of the old beach volleyball court. Design is not finalized at this time. In-kind materials and labour will facilitate completion. Deck will be the size of approximately one court. Concession booth will provide storage space. Parking huts from Dairy Expo will be used as a trial in 2015. The more permanent structure to be constructed in 2016. Signage will not include sponsorship details. City of Stratford Recreation Division will partnering with the University of Toronto Varsity Blues to host first annual Backyard 6’s and 4’s Sand and Grass Volleyball Classic the weekend of August 15-16, 2015 at The Courts, SERC. Saturday features co-ed recreational and competitive divisions playing on the grass, co-ed advanced division playing on the sand. Sunday Features include a youth beach instructional clinic for boys/girls 10-13 years of age. Staff Recommendation: To allow for the installation of the facility and deck as requested.

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Resolution: To approve the deck and temporary building. Return to Board for input on permanent building design that ensures accessibility for participants. Mover: D. Gaffney Seconded: B. Henderson Carried. A surveillance system will be installed through Festival Hydro to ameliorate the issues around vandalism. 2397. MINUTES: Issue: The minutes of the March 23, 2015 meeting provided for Board’s approval. Suggested Resolution: That the minutes be approved. Mover: D. Gaffney Seconded: G. Bunting Carried. 2398. YWAM CANADA WALK AND WHEEL-A-THON FUNDRAISER: Issue: William Turford letter of request for permission to host an accessibility friendly fundraiser and barbeque utilizing the Upper Queens Park Bandshell. Organizers have contacted City Clerk’s office regarding road closure application. Date of request is July 4, 2015. Pavilion has a paid family reunion reservation in existence from 1 – 6pm on that date. Rain date requested Sunday, July 5, 2015. Staff Recommendation: Board to review details and provide resolution. Resolution: To approve the event in principle at the location requested but not the July 4/5, 2015 weekend due to volume of use during that weekend. Future date subject to staff approval. Mover: G. Bunting Seconded: D. Gaffney Opposed: 2 Carried. 2399. GALLERY STRATFORD TEMPORARY ART INSTALLATIONS PARK BRIDGES: Issue: Letter of request submitted by Peg Dunnem Education Officer at Gallery Stratford. Gallery will be applying for funding from Canada’s New Horizons for Seniors Program [NHSP] with a proposal for an intergenerational art project

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“Bridging the Gap”. Vision for the 3 week 2016 project has organizers requesting the temporary art installations to be featured on Tom Patterson and Confederation Park bridges. Staff Recommendation: If Board deems project appropriate, to exclude the Tom Patterson Island bridge site as an installation location. Resolution: To allow for project on Confederation Park Bridge, no drilling during attachment of installation and to be approved by staff. Mover: D. Gaffney Seconded: B. Jesson Carried. 2400. WILDFOWL BROCHURE: Issue: Copy of brochure to be distributed by Park Patrol provided as an FYI for Board members. [Continuation from resolution Item #2388, March 23, 2015 meeting] Board members provided feedback on the content, staff to amend as directed. Q. Malott to work with park patrol on how to provide the educational materials and explain the best practice information. Resolution: To approve the brochure in principle. Staff instructed to amend as needed and distribute as deemed necessary/appropriate. Motion: D. Gaffney Seconded: S. Creek Carried. Staff to follow-up with Mr. Pollock regarding removal of vandalized feeder concrete base adjacent to Tom Patterson Island Bridge. Chairman Orr reviewed May 6, 2015 email from Cathy Rehberg, Marketing Coordinator Stratford Tourism Alliance providing feedback from ushers at the Festival. Their observations resulted in proposals regarding speed bump installation along river drive and warning signs cautioning motorists to slow down. Next steps include B. Henderson posting the brochure on Facebook. Brochure information to be provided in Town Crier in the fall when swans are returned to winter quarters informing public to stop feeding migratory wildfowl.

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2401. OTHER BUSINESS: The Board discussed putting two accessible parking spots on each side of curb cut around adjacent to electrical box in Lower Queens Park parking. This item is being brought to Stratford City Council this evening for approval. Resolution: To support Council’s initiative to designate two accessible parking spots beside the curb cut beside Lower Queens Park. Mover: B. Henderson Seconded: D. Gaffney Carried. Parks Board requesting to be in decision making process when time comes to expand York Street parking lot. Chairman Orr reviewed a last minute request submission by Grant Dodson requesting an opportunity to host a couple of events at the skate park similar to 2014 including a BBQ lunch and speaker to play music at a reasonable volume. Approximate time of events would be 3 hours [11am – 2pm]. Free to students and no fundraising. Possible dates would be Thursday, July 9, 2015 and Thursday August 6, 2015. Resolution: To approve the event as detailed. Mover: B. Henderson Seconded: G. Bunting Carried. Historically the Board suspends July and August meeting dates. Monday, September 14, 2015 next regularly scheduled meeting. Motion to adjourn at 4:30pm by S. Creek, seconded by R. Brown.

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