Page 1: The Core Beliefs of Money Making Marketing
Page 2: The Core Beliefs of Money Making Marketing

If you’re an entrepreneur who wants to scale and grow your business to the next level – you will find the following useful and profitable…

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Hi, I’m Colin Campbell. I spent 3.5 years struggling to generate leads by cold calling (both door-to-door and by phone), until I discovered “The 3 Fundamentals” of every single, successful marketing campaign…

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Hi, I’m Colin Campbell. I spent 3.5 years struggling to generate leads by cold calling (both door-to-door and by phone), until I discovered “The 3 Fundamentals” of every single, successful marketing campaign…

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After applying These fundamentals to my business, I never had to cold call again. Plus, the leads I generated were more qualified, less ‘price resistant’ and more fun to work with.

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Now, ‘already successful’ entrepreneurs (happily) pay me multi-thousands of dollars to set-up automatic lead generation systems in their businesses too.

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What you’re about to learn here are my CORE-BELIEFS about marketing.

If you adopt them – they will help reduce your marketing costs, hire better help, increase your profits & enable you to make more intelligent, informed decisions in regard to marketing your business.

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First, I believe advertising is USELESS if it doesn’t produce sales.

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You and I can’t go to the grocery store and pay the people there with, “likes, impressions, views, shares and comments.”

We pay with money.

If our advertising fails to DIRECTLY earn money, it’s not worth doing.

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Similarly, concepts like “brand awareness” and “name recognition” don’t pay bills.

Those phrases can stay in the ivory towers of Madison Avenue, where the ‘creative folks’ seek applause at halftime shows.

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Second, I believe if something can’t be measured, it’s not worth testing.

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When a scientist is testing a new treatment for a disease, they have a control (what’s working now) and a test (what are the variables).

If the control doesn’t have characteristics that can be measured, what’s the point of doing a test?

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As you most likely understand; there is not one.

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So too in advertising. The way to manifest consistent, ongoing breakthroughs in your marketing efforts is by constantly testing variables (like a headline in an ad) to discover the next plateau.

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Third, I believe in truth.

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No amount of slick copywriting or marketing strategy is going to cover up a low quality service or a low quality person with poor ethics (for long).

Doing good deals - meaning "working on a mutual level of fairness, value, equity and merit" - is the only way to build our most important marketing assets: our reputation.

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So those are my CORE-BELIEFS about marketing:

1. The purpose of marketing is sales.

2. If it can’t be measured, it’s not worth testing.

3. Truth is more valuable for long term growth.

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If you share those 3 beliefs with me, then that’s great –ALL of the marketing information at:

… is designed with those 3 beliefs in mind.

Head over there and check it out.

Stay present and (always!) look forward,
