




    Supervisor of the City Record: DEAR 'SIR—In accordance with the requirements of section 284 of the Charter, I herewith

    transmit to you, for publication in the CITY RECORD of June 1S, a list of applications received since June 9 for appointment to the position of Patrolman.

    Repectfp lly, LEE PHILLIPS, Secretary.

    Applications for Patrolman.

    N not E. - ADDRESS. OccviArIuN

    Jeffrey J. O'Connell....... 133 East Ninety-seventh street, Manhattan Borough.... Grocer.

    C ristian Blush........... 5x6 East Fifth street, Manhattan Borough .............. Roxmakrr.

    John V. Groom ........... 178 fifth avenue, Brooklyn Borough ................... Tin decorator.

    John J. Cullen ............. 353 Amsterdam avenue, Manhattan Borough ........... Undertaker.

    John N. O'Keefe.......... 304 East Broadway, Manhattan Borough ............... Dreamer.

    Edward Dunphy.......... ,47 West Ninth street, Brooklyn Borough .... ......... Grain elevator.

    196 East Fifty-sixth street, Manhattan Borough ........ i Clerk. John F. Burke ..............

    Michael Dugan ........... t8y Third avenue, Manhattan Borough ................ I Grtpman.

    Thomas). I. Macauley.... 423 East Fifty-second street, Manhattan Boro.:gh ...... Salesman.

    John J. Collins ........... 3o Madison street, Manhattan Borough ................. Clerk.

    Jeremiah J. Clancy........ 125 North Terrace avenue, Mount Vernon ............. Freight clerk.

    P,,trick McCanna........ 939 Grand street, Brooklyn Borough ................... Fireman.

    James Rollo .............. z,6 Park avenue, Brooklyn Borough ................... Own business.

    John Keating ............. 123 East Ninetieth street, Manhattan Borough..... ... III Laborer.

    Joseph Cummi.tgs........ 223 Withers street, Brooklyn Borough .................. Teamster.

    Patrick J. Ryan........... .439 Fast Thirteenth street, Manhattan Borough........ ! Bookkeeper,

    Joh H. Feeley.... .... J n 1 One Hundred and Seventy-first street and Kings- j

    bridge road, Manhattan Borough ................... , Clerk , ~

    Charles Schmidt.......... sto East Sixth street, Manhattan Borough ............. Conductor.

    James F. Corr............ 254 Hooper street, Brooklyn Borough ................... Cler.c.

    Alfred W. Zucker......... 85 Christopher street, Manhattan Borough.............. Bookkeeper.

    Edward F. Murphy....... 408 West Fifty-sixth street, Manhattan Borough........ Storekeeper.

    James F. Dugan.......... 453 West Forty-eighth street, Manhattan Borough. .... Clerk.

    Charles F. Jones.......... Soo Madison avenue, Manhattan Borough..............

    James M, Wagner........ 983 Amsterdam avenue, Manhattan Borough............ Butcher.

    Moses J. Weber.......... 603 East Fifth street, Manhattan Borough .............. Salesman.

    John Finerty ............. 6a Third avenue, Manhattan Borough.................. Hostler.

    George N. Purdy......... 237 Twelfth street, Brooklyn Borough .................. Laborer.

    Hugh Ferguson........... 547 Henry street, Brooklyn Borough ................... Driver.

    John J. Conway......... 43 Park street, Brooklyn Borough ...................... Iron molder.

    Edward W. Ewald ........ 442 Fifty-fifth street, Brooklyn Borough .. ............ Butcher.



    The Board met pursuant to adjournment. Present—Commissioners Michael C. Murphy ; William T. Jenkins, M. D.; John B. Cosby,

    M.D. ; the Health Officer of the Port ; the President of the Board of Police. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved.

    The Finance Committee presented the following bills, which were approved and ordered for-warded to the Comptroller for payment


    C. Golderman ............................ $1 6 97 C. Gotderman........................... to 83 2 ..........................+:

    16507 ........................... 5 35 .. 69 go

    The Sanitary Committee presented the following reports: The Sanitary Committee, to whom was referred the communications from J. Wesley Jones,

    President of the Volunteer Life Saving Corps of New York Inland Waters, in respect to work of Life Saving Corps, presented the following preamble and resolution which, on motion, were adopted :

    Whereas, It appears from the reports of the Volunteer Life Saving Corps of New York Inland Waters, that during the season of four months of the year 1897, the life savers employed by this Department rescued sixty-eight persons, of whom sixty were males and eight were females, from the North and East rivers ; and

    1Vhereas, In the opinion of this Board the Life Saving Service should be continued at the following stations :

    Old Station, Ilell Gate, 2 men, $8o per month for 4 months ..................... $640 00

    Old Station, Cinder Beds, I man, $80 per mouth for 4 month .................... 320 00

    Old Station, Battery Park, I man, 88o per month for 4 months .................. 320 00

    Old Station, Corlears Ilook, I man, $8o per month for 4 rontlts ................. 320 00

    Old Station, Recreation Pier, East Third street, I man, $8oper month for 4 months. 320 00 New Station, New Recreation Pier, East Twenty-berth street, I man, $8o per

    month for 4 months ...... ....................... ....................... 320 00 New Station, New Recreation Pier, Barrow street, I man, $8o per month for

    4 months .... ..................... ............ ..... ................. 320 00

    Total.... ..................................................... $2,560 oo

    'Therefore be it Resolved, That the Board of Estimate and Apportionment be and is hereby respectfully

    requested to appropriate the sum of two thousand five hundred and sixty dollars ($2,560) to pay the salaries of eight (8) men employed as life savers by this Department, for the period of tour months commencing June 1, 1898.

    lot. Communication from the Assistant Corporation Counsel, recommending the discon-tinuance of the suits named in his report.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the Corporation Counsel the and he hereby is requested to discontinue,

    without costs, the actions against the following-uamed persons for violation of the Sanitary Cocle and of the Tenement-house, the Inspector having reported the order therein complied with, or the nuisance complained of abated, a permit having been granted or violation removed, or the order rescinded, to wit

    Nnstus. No. No-,ios. No.

    Lefferts, John .............. ................ .

    3317 Each, Louis Z............................... to"8 Fusco, Clemcntano ............................ 348, : Canavan, Patrick T.......................... x073 New York Steam Comp:uty ................... 877 Chrystie, David...................... ...... 109'3 Wild, Joseph ................................. 883 Gorsch, Arthur.............................. 1095 Buchanan, James ..........................r 898 Berger, Morris.............................. rog8 Gutine, Cathar,ne ........................... 931 Ahearn, 1iaeiel.............................. Iron Iba, Caspar .......... ....................... 986 Wagner, W~lltam ............................ nos Began, John ................................. 998 itugge, August .............................. rroq Ahearn, Daniel ...................... .. .... rao4 White, Thomas R............. ............. II12 Weinstock, Carl I.. ...........................I rct4 ;, Chrystie, lined............................. . tit Bragg, James........................ 1027

    ......i li Roche, Theodore M ......................... trr8

    Best, Cohn ................................... to;5 Bachrach, Abraham ......................... Ir24 Norman, John A ................ .... to49 Wallach, Karl M............................ 1150 Parks, Charles .................... . 1050


    2/se following Communications were Received from the Sanitary Superintendent:

    1st. Weekly reports of the Sanitary Superintendent. Ordered on file. 2d. Weekly reports from the Willard Parker, Reception, Riverside and Kingston Avenue

    Flospitals. Ordered on file. 3d. Report on changes in the hospital service.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the following changes in the hospital service be and are hereby approved

    Reception Hospital.


    Bridgg P 9

    et Dunn ..........Helper er..........., 44 oo pP t A ointed ........................... May 13, 1898

    i- Cf/l rrd Parker Hospital.

    J ohn D. Lane........... Orderly........... $36o oo Appointed ......... ................. May r4, 1,898 P 1 Quinn........ ......... Helper'............

    780 00 ; ., ..................... t4, ,. Phtli ~ A. John McGarr orderly........... 360 oo j '' ...... ~ '' 16, ......... ................ „ „ 9

    ........... t oo ........ ..... ......... anme Taffy .............Sweeper 44 ....,'

    Report of Sanitary Superintendent recommending that contract be made for the removal of lead animals from the Boroughs of Richmond and Queens.

    The Secretary was directed to advertise for bids in one of the local papers in each of the said

    Boroughs. Report on application of Joseph Campi of Riverdale avenue and Broadway, to conduct the

    scavenger business.

    On motion, it was Resolved, '!'hat upon the report of the Sanitary Superintendent that the application of Joseph

    'ampi of Riverdale avenue and Broadway, near Yonkers line, Borough of The Bronx, to conduct scavenger business meets the requirements of the Department of Health, the Board respect- ully recommends that a license be granted.

    Report of Sanitary Superintendent transmitting affidavit of Frank Cain in the Borough of Brooklyn.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the resolution of May 5, 1898, dispensing with the services of Frank Cain, a

    )isinfector in this Department, Borough of Brooklyn, be and is hereby rescinded, for the reason hat the letter forwarded to the Comptroller in respect to his position, purporting to have been written by the said Cain, was a forgery.

    4th. Reports and certificates on overcrowding in the following tenement-houses.

    On motion, the following preamble and resolution were adopted : Whereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that the followinggtenement-

    louses in The City of New York are so overcrowded that less than four hundred cubic feet of air ,pace is afforded to each occupant in the said houses ;

    It is Ordered, That the number of occupants in said tenement-houses be and are hereby educed, as follows:



    Adults. Children.

    057 31 Park street .....................I ad floor, f.s.s........! Anton Morono......... 3 s

    058 ......................4th floor, r. s. s....... A. Anton .............I 4 o

    059 ......................I Rear, ad floor, no. .. F'. Manjo .............. 3 r oho '' ...................... Rea,, ad floor, s. s ... I A. Maroco............. I 3 o 06, " ......................I Rear, 4th floor, n.s.., Anton Marsello......... z I4

    o6a " ......................' Rear, 4th floor, s. s.... Joseph Baraba.......... 3 I o 063 33 Park street ...................... 4th floor, r.n.s.......i 5. Parano.............. 4 I o

    064 ...... .......... ...... Rear, 3d floor, n.s... Joseph Parsaro......... 3 1 o 7,65 .. .... I Rear, 3d floor, s.s ... Antonio Manjo ........ 3 0 o66 .... ........ .......... Rear, 4th Iloom, S. S..! P. Viato............... 3 t

    o67 " ......................Rear, 4th floor, n. s..i S. Manjo............... . a 2

  • 2570 THE CITY

    5th, Certificates in respect to the vacatit)f on premises at Nos. 726 and 72S Boulevard, Borough of Queens ; N. 113 and 1131 _ Bowery, Borough of Manhattan, and One Ilundred and Eighty-seventh street and Arthur avenue, Ilorough of The Bronx.

    On [notion, the following preamble and resolution were adopted Whereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certified to this Board that the buildings situated

    upon Lots Nos. 726 and 728 Boulevard. Borough of Queens, have become dangerous to life and are unfit for human habitation because of defects in the drainage thereot. and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises which is likely to cause sickness among its occupants ;

    Ordered, That all persons in said buildings situated on Lots Nos. 726 and 728 Boulevard, Borough of t~lueens, be required to vacate said buildings on or before May 24, 1898, for the reason that said buildings are dangerous to life and are unfit for human habitation because of defects in the drainage thereof, and 1)ecaule of the existence of a nuisance on the premises likely to cause sick-ness among its occupants.

    And further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of and in said buildings and be served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary Superintendent ; and further, that said buildings be not again used as a human habitation without a written permit from this Board.

    On motion, the following preamble and resolution were adopted Whereas, The Sanitary superintendent has certified to this Board that the buildings situated

    upon Lots Nos. 113 and 113' Bowery, have become dangerous to life and are unfit for human habitation because of defects in the plumbing thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises which is likely to cause sickness among its occupants ;

    Ordered, That all persons in said buildings situated on Lots Nos. 113 and 113!: Bowery, be required to vacate said buildings on or before : May 24, iS98, for the reason that said buildings are dangerous to life and are unfit for human habitation because of defects in the plumbing thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises likely to cause sickness among its occupants.

    And further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of and in said buildings and be served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary Superintendent ; and further, that said buildings be not again used as a human habitation without a written permit from this Board.

    On motion, the following preamble and resolution were adopted Whereas, The Sanitary Superintendent has certihe'l to this Board that the building situated

    upon Lot on One Ihumlred and Eighty-seventh street and Arthur avenue, has become dangerous to life and is unfit for human habitation because of defects in the drainage thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises which is likely to cause sickness among its occupants

    Ordered, That all persons in said building situated on lot on One Hundred and Eighty-seventh street and Arthur avenue, be required to .acate said building on or before May 24, 1898, for the reason that said building is dangerous to life and is unfit for human habitation because of defects in the drainage thereof, and because of the existence of a nuisance on the premises likely to cause sickness among its occupants.

    And further, that this order be affixed conspicuously on the front of and in said building and be served as the law requires, under the direction of the Sanitary Sullerintentlen! ; and further, that said building be not again used as a human habitation w.w ithout a written permit faun this Board.

    6th. Reports on applications for permits.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That permits be and are hereby granted as follows


    U,,Rt" Gil OF 71tANHAT FAN. 10034 To occupy the basement as a place of living

    and sleeping ................. ....... No. 48 Fast One Hundred and Fourth street. 10035 To keep a school for 3o scholars........ .. No. 119 Nrrfolk street. 10036 To keep a school for 36 scholars ............... Nn. ox.; Fast t )n.' Hundred and Eighth street. 10037 To keep a school for 14 scholars ............... Na;8_ssex street.

    Bot.ot-cu r:F lisp Bn,sx. 10038 To use a -make-house ........................ \0.478 Willis avenue. -0039 " •• ........................ No.407 Willis avenue. 10090 " ••••.•.-•••••........... %1'.803 Westchester avenue. £0041 •, .. ....................... No. 3491 Third avenue. 10e42 '' •• ......... .............. \o. v21 Morris avenue. 10043 '' " ........................ No. 688 M'.rri- avenue. 10e44 '. •` ........................ No. 0634 Third avenue.

    •. .......... NO. 561 G tirtlamit avenue. toots To axe to smoke-houses ...................... No. 2690 Third accrue. 10047 To keep r goat .......... ..................... \0.7361 Lym,n place. 10048 To keep 40 chickens ............... ......... (lne Hnndrec!and tiicty-second street and Grand avenue. 10049 To keep z5 chicken' ......................... No. 1080 Lyman pace.

    l3Ue000H ('F BROOKLYN. 10050 'ho use 437 beds in dormitories, at St. \Ialachis

    Home .... ....... ....... ............... Corner of Atlantic and Van Siclen avenues. :0050 To build a water-tight cesspool ............... South side East New York avenue loo feet west of Hop-

    kinson avenue. [0052 To keep t goat .............................. No. 17S Ridgewood avenue. 10053 To keep )5 chickens......................... No. 402 S, nth Fourth street. 10054 To board and care for 2 children ............. No. 915 Keane street. 10055 to hoard and care for 3 children .............. No. 96) Lexington avenue•. 10056 To board and care for g children ............. No. 1101 ,nc Lincoln road. 10097 To boar! and care far x child ................ No.126 Dikeman street. roe58 To board and care f,r 2 children .............. No. 54 Third street. 10059 To board an 3 care for 2 children .............. No. sr W1nd,or place. 10060 To use a sto ke-house ........................ No, 1444 Fulton street. 10062 I " .. ........................ No.85 North Henry- sire-i. x0062 „ ...... ........ I ......... Ni.. 175 Court street. 10063 .. ...................... Nv.317 \Vythe avenue.

    Report on Applications for Store and Ifagon Permits for the .Sal° of Jlilk.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the following permits for the sale and delivery of milk in The City of New

    York be and the same are hereby granted




    No. 80g Amsterdam avenue, duplicate. No.55 Manhattan street, duplicate. No.470 Western Boulevard, duplicate. No. 475 Amsterdam avenue. No. 279 Greenwich street. No. 192 Delancey street. No. 452 Eighth avenue. No. 47 Columbus avenue. No. 251 Delancey street. Nos. 675 and 677 Columbus avenue. No, 720 Columbus avenue. No. 932 Columbus avenue. No.1515 Avenu' A. Kingsbridge road and One Hundred and ~l

    Eighty-seventh street. No. 770 Eleventh avenue.

    BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. No.94 Allen street. No. 204 East Eishty-third street. 29 No. 941 Washin_ton avenue.

    30 No, 724 Courtlavdt avenue. No. 312 East 'Thirty-sixth street. 30 Oline avenue we-.t of Bronx river. No. 2723 Eighth avenue. 32 \larschar avenue and One Hundred and No. r17 Edgecombe avenue.

    Sixty-ninth street. No. 752 Tenth avenue. I, 34 No. 215 Willis avenue. Na. 433 West Fifty-second street. 35 No.956 East One Hundred and Sixty-first No. n3 West Thirty-fifth street.

    street. No. rogr First avenue.


    No. Loci %TION. , No. LOGATIO.N',

    ROROI' GH OF :1 tANHATIAS. BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. 901 No. 214 West Thirty-second street. 'I 33 No. Srg East One Hundred and Forty-sixth

    .847 Nos. 231 to 237 \Vest Fortieth street. street. 3163 No. 3t6 West Nineteenth street. II


    On motion, it was Resolved, That permits be and are Itereby denied as follows



    Goo To keep 4 chickens ..........................No. 34t East One Hundred and Eighteenth street.

    6ot To occupy the basement ................... . No. 255 Bowery,

    602 To keep a school ............................Ni,. 237 Delancey street.

    603 " ............................ No 174 1\ladison street.

    604 To board and care for 2 children... ........ No. 239 East Forty-second street.


    605 To use a manure vault ............ .......-•.

    No, 373 Pacific street.

    606 To keep live poultry ......................... No. too Osborn street.

    607 'Fo keep live chickens ........................ No, x66 Prospect street,

    608 " ......................... Nov. 400-422 Keap street.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the following prmits be and the same are hereby revoked


    - _----~ -- - --- I BOROUGH OF 1IIANHACTAN.

    40 To keep a 1sdgingbouse ....... ............. No. 354 Bowery.

    86 '• ... ................. No,91 Suff.:1k street.

    63 •' ....................No. r6a l'ark Row.

    75 •• ................. No,460 Pearl street.

    9355 l'o keep a school ............................. NO. 437 Fast One Hundred and Thirteenth street,

    942 4 To keep five chickens ........................ No. 329 West Bitty- fourth street.

    239 To sell and deliver milk ......................No. 475 Amsterdam avenue.

    58- '• ......................I No. 27,; Greenwich street.

    645 '' ...................... No. 192 Delancey street.

    765 ...................... I No.45z Eighth avenue.

    9a8 " . . No. too We-it Sixty-first street.

    23 ,0 •• ................. .. .I

    No. 251 Pelancey street.

    1110 ......................! Nos. 67.-677 Columbus avenue.

    1652 % .................... NO, 726 Caumbus avenue.

    t964 o .... No.93z Columbus avenue.

    2471 ...................... No. v5r5 Avenue A.

    2990 " .....................'~ Kingsbridge road and One Hundred and Seventy-first street.

    3074 I ....................... No. 764 Eleventh avenue.

    3208 ..' N.94 Allen street. 3148 _ ...................... I No. 2121 Eighth avenue.

    3357 •' ............. ......... No. 3rx East Thirty-sixth street. ;938 _~ •• ................. I N. 271 i E.ghth avenue.

    409, •' ................. .... No. 749 West Fif y-first street.

    487z •` ..... I ............... No. 562 Eleventh avenue.

    5640 •• - .................. No. 241 East 'Twenty-ninth street.

    57c2 ...................... No.413 West Thirty-filth street.

    5853 ......................No. tcgl First avenue.

    6351 .... Nr'• 377 First avenue. ....... ..........

    6578 •` ......................No. tot West One Hundred and Fir-t street.

    662- •' ...................... NO. 316 West Forty-first street.

    } •• ............. ......... No. 166 East Seventh street.

    6C7r .............

    6'742 ..--••--.......... No. 1497 I bird avenue.

    7091 ......................NO. 2249 First avenue.

    7202 .................... . N No, 13) Orchar,l street.

    7212 ................ .....o. 1693 Third avenue.

    7703 " .....I No. 2394 Fir;t avenue.

    7711 •• ...................... No, 303 East Seventy-second street. .......... .........

    8,66 .. No, 72) Columbus avenue. -

    8586 '' ............... ...... No. 302 West Twenticth'street.

    8764 ' •' ......................NO. 999 First avenue.

    9050 ...................... Nu. 145 Orchard street.

    9c.6) •• ............... .. No. mu \Vest One Hundred and I hi: ty-fourth street. 9185 " ...................... No. 552 Second avenue.

    901 •• ............... I...... No. 521 West Forty-ninth street.

    1847 •• .... Nos. 231235 (Vest Fortieth street. ..................

    0163 •• ...................... No. 226 Fast Forty-sixth street.

    9201 To keep and sell live poultry ................. N,,. 147 Stanton street.

    7633 To slaughter beeves .......................... N '.786 First avenue. 7635

    To slaughter calves and sheep ................ Nos. 792-8o2 First avenue.

    7 37 To slaughter beeves ............ ............. So. 402 East Forty-filth street.

    7634 ' ................... ....... No.768-790 First avenue.

    7th. Reports on applications for relief from orders.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the following orders be extended, modified or rescinded, as follows:




    g 88 Nos.6rx-517 West Fifty-fourth street....... June 1, 1898 ', Provided the privy vault be emptied and together with the stables and yards be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

    7645 No, x450 Third avenue .................... r

    8824 No. to West Thirtieth street ................

    9223 Cherry street....................... , May 25,

    9424 NO. 403 East Sev nttznmr[hestreet.......... ..


    104 20 ~ 403 y'- ............

    1o564 I No, 4£5 Third avenue ....................... ........

    10827 I No. 322 Henry street ...................................

    10944 No. 5oz West Thirty-sixth Street........................

    Modified so as not to require new water-closets in place of Hopper water-closets, but that portion of order against pan water-closets, must be complied with at once,


    401 No. 1821 and 1823 Eastern Parkway.......,' July 5, 1898 768 South side Blake avenue, 25 feet welt of 0

    55505 No. 215 BOROUGH

    ast Twent MANHATTAN.

    gh h se t........... ............. Rescinded.

    Osborne street .........................

    8-z No, 225 East One l l undred and Twenty—fifth' street..................................I .............

    6.63 Nos. to6 and to8 Avenue C ................ ............. 7848 No. 337 East One Hundred and Seventh',

    street .................................. ......... .. 8596 . No. 322 East Twenty-ninth street..........' .............

    9607 No.61 Eldridge street ..................... ............ .

    6061 Nn. 400 y- .............

    oo East Twent fifth street........... . 7847 No. 327 Fast One Hundred and Sixth street. 8625. No. 634 West One Hundred and Thirty first

    street ............................................... .,

    10939 Nov. 989 and 991 Park avenue .............. ............

    41613 No. 173 Delancey Street.................................

    x0400 No. 668 Sixth avenue ....................... .............


    4072 66x5 7153 239 585 645 765 9a8 1360 16to 2652 1964 2471 0990

    3074 3208 3248 3351 3938 4092 4872 5643 5705 5853

    636, 6378 F6a5 6679 6742 7051 7202 72-2 7713 771' 8166 8586 8764

    9050 9069 9185


    No. 359 First avenue. No. )or W. One Hundred and First street, No. 70o Ninth avenue. No. 166 East Seventh street. No. 1499 Third avenue. No. 2252 Second avenue. No. 131 Orchard street. No. 1693 Third avenue. No. 2394 Fir ,-t avenue. No. 305 East Seventy-second street. No. 729 Columbus avenue. No. 328 West Fifty-second street. No. 1593 Third avenue. No. 145 Orchard street. No.2731 Eighth avenue. No. 7546 Avenue A.

    10977 No. 229 East Eighty-first street............' June 15, 2898 11117 No.194 Broadway .........................' May 18, 11192 No. 2345 Old Broadway ....................; .............

    11299 1 No. 72 Charlton street ......................May 25, 1898

    7312 Noa. 35-47 East Twenty-seventh street.....' July 1,

    9030 No. r7 Fifth avenue ........................+ June to, 11174 No.2411 Amsterdam avenue ................ ............

    On that portion of order relating to white-washing.

    Modified so as not to require the flagging of the entire yard, provided a cemented walk be laid around the sides of the yard and so graded as to discharge all storm water therefrom into a properly trapped sewer cotmected drain.

    Modified so as not to require the yard to be flagged, provided the surface thereof be so graded to the drain thereat, that all storm water shall be discharged therein.

    Modified so as not to require the removal of the school-sink and the substitution of water-closets therefor.

    Modified so as not to require the yard to be flagged, providing the surface thereof be so graded as to discharge all storm water into a properly trapped sewer connected drain.

    Modified so as not to require the yard to be flagged or cemented, provided the surface thereof be so graded as to discharge all storm water into a properly trapped sewer connected drain.

    On all the order except those portions requiring a new lead trap for sink on top floor of rear house, the repairing of the valves of Hopper water-closets and the provision of lights in the halls at night.


    On motion, It was Resolved, That the following applications for relief from orders be and are hereby denied

    No. OF ON PRes11SRS AT No. -_



    7092 No. 1532 Third avenue. 517 No. 731 Cauldwell avenue. io786 No. 324 West Seventeenth street. i5 Na. 645 Railroad avenue. 1t278 No. 284 West One Hundred and Twenty.

    seventh Street. BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. 8ao6 No.222 East Twentieth street.

    11273 .No. 21t East One Hundred and Second street. 403 No. 3021 Fulton street, 20524 No.46 Park street.

    BOROUGH OF MANHATTAN. 1st. Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work performed in

    the Borough of Manhattan. Ordered on file.

    FIRST DIvcstoN,

    Division of General and Special Sanitary Inspection.

    2d. Weekly reports of the Chief Inspector : (a) Weekly report of work performed by Sanitary Police. (b) Weekly report on sanitary condition of manure clumps. (c) Weekly report on sanitary condition of offal and night-soil docks. (d) Weekly report on sanitary condition of slaughter-houses. Ordered on file. 3d. Report on application for leave of absence.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That leave of absence be and is hereby granted as follows


    George DI.Price ...................................I April 4 May 14


    Division of Contagious Diseases and Medical Sanitary Iuspeetion. 3d. Weekly report of the Chief Inspector : (a) Monthly report of charitable institutions. (b) Report of inspection of discharged patients from Riverside Hospital. Ordered on file.


    Division of Food Inspection, Offensive Trades and 11Percantite Establishments. 4th. Weekly report of the Chief Inspector. Ordered on file. 5th. Report of violations of section No. 63 of the Sanitary Code. The Secretary was directed

    to notify the persons named in said report that a repetition of the offense will be sufficient cause for the revocation of their permits.

    Report of the Chief Inspector of the Third Division in respect to noises and smoke caused by engines of the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad west of \Vest End avenue, between Sixty-third and Eighty-sixth streets.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That a copy of the report of the Chief Inspector of the Third Division in respect to

    noises and smoke made by the engines of the Ncw York Central and h udson River Railroad west of West End avenue, between Sixty-third and Eighty-fifth streets, be forwarded to the President of said railroad company with the request that action be taken to immediately abate the nuisance complained of.

    Application of Inspector of Fruits Thomas I. Madge for leave of absence with full pay, during service in United States Navy.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the services of Thomas I. Madge, Fruit Inspector in this Department, Borough

    of Manhattan, be and are hereby dispensed with from and after May iS, 1898.


    Division of Pathology and Bacteriology. 6th. Weekly report of the Pathologist and Director of the Bacteriological Laboratories.

    Ordered on file. 7th. Report on application for leave of absence.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That leave of absence be and is hereby granted as follows:


    Frank S. Fielder ...................................1 May is William J. Pulley .................... ,. 24

    Report of Herman M. Biggs, M. D., Pathologist, and Director of the Bacteriological Labor-atory, in respect to the use of antitoxic serum in the treatment of diphtheria under the supervision of this Department, with statistical data. Referred to the Sanitary Committee.


    Division of Medical School Inspection.

    8th. Weekly report of the Chief Inspector. Ordered on file.

    BOROUGH OF THE BRONX. Weekly report from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work performed in the

    Borough of The Bronx. Ordered on file. Report of Assistant Sanitary Superintendent Monaghan, in respect to removal of furniture,

    etc., from the Criminal Court Building. Referred to the Secretary.

    BOROUGH OF BROOKLYN. Weekly report from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work performed in the

    Borough of Brooklyn. Ordered on file. Report of Assistant Sanitary Superintendent Black, in respect to application of D. Blumberg

    for permit to slaughter chickens. Referred to the Sanitary Committee.

    BOROUGH OF QUEENS. Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work performed in the

    Borough of Queens. Ordered on file. Report of Sanitary Inspector McCallum in respect to petition for sewer in Taylor street,

    Astoria. On motion, it was Resolved, That a copy of the petition of citizens in respect to sewering Taylor street, Astoria,

    and the report of Sanitary Inspector McCallum in relation thereto, be forwarded to the Board of Public Improvements.

    BOROUGH OF RICHMOND. Weekly reports from the Assistant Sanitary Superintendent of the work performed in the

    Borough of Richmond. Ordered on file. Report of Assistant Sanitary Superintendent Hubbard in respect to delay of papers in office

    of Assistant Corporation Counsel John J. Walsh of the Borough of Brooklyn. Referred to the Corporation Counsel.


    The following Communications were Received from the Registrar o} Records: 1st. Weekly report. Ordered on file. 2d. Report on application to record corrected certificates.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That permission be and is hereby given to record corrected certificates relating to—

    RECORD. 2571


    Andree Collette HIortense Lilian de Reiset ............. . Born ............ Dec. t8, 1888 Frederic Auguste Xavier Maurice de Reiset ............... ............. Nov. 24, 1889 Uriah M. Friedman .................................... Married..........' May 2, 1897

    m Unknown an (Philip Unger) ............................~ Died ........... Jan. 26, I8?8 Richard William Daly .................................. Born ........... .Feb. i8, George Washington Broderick ............................ " 22, Juliette L. Roycourt ................................... ..... Mar. 12, 1<

    Ernest Engel ........... ............................. Died ............Apr. /2, to

    James Lacey .... ..................................... Born.............. 24, ca John Henry Bulkly ..................................... Died... ......... AIaY 3, " Rachel Graff . " 3, " Frank Porcher .... . ..................................... " ........... . " 7, Annie Detjen .............. ...................I...... . 8, Elizabeth Piper ....................................... .' ........... " 12,

    Thomas Duck ......................................... " ........... " 15, "

    3d. Report on applications to file delayed and imperfect certificates.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the Registrar of Records be and is hereby directed to file in the volume of

    'I Delayed and Imperfect Certificates'' he following certificates:

    NAME. .


    Joseph Thomas Jackson .................. ............. Born............. Jan. I, 1879 Sabino Morena......................................... I Married.......... July 17, 1887 Nicolo Tommaso Alberto Pascale ....................... . Born............. " r, 1895 Emma C.I'etterson ..................................... ............Jan. 2, 1890 Edward Charles Stucker ............................. I Oct. 25, 1896 Edna Ann Van Alien ................... ....' .. ............! Apr. 13, 1897 essie Ferchland ........


    :` ............

    .. 12 11

    Newell B. Balcon ........ 7, " Millicent C. McGinley ....................... " ............Mar. 30 "

    iIiscel!aneaus Jieports, Communications, etc. The weekly statement of the Comptroller was received and ordered on file. Communication from the Comptroller in respect to section 149 of the Greater New York

    Charter, relating to letting of public contracts. Ordered on file. Opinion of Corporation Counsel in respect to granting leaves of absence, with full pay, to

    employees who enlist in the millitary service of the United States. Ordered on file. Opinion of Corporation Counsel in respect to coininunication from New York Cotton

    Exchange, asking interpretation of chapter 19, Title I., section 1208, Laws of 1897. The Secre-tary was directed to send a copy of the opinion to the President of the Exchange.

    Eligible list from the Municipal Civil Service Commission, for the appointment of an office boy, Borough of The Bronx, w as received and ordered on file.

    Communicatirni from Municipal Civil Service Commission, in respect to requisition for appointment of one Bookkeeper, Borough of Manhattan, and one Assistant Veterinarian, two Food Inspectors, one Medical Inspector and one Vaccinator, Borough of Brooklyn. Ordered on file.

    Report of regular meeting .,f Medical Board of Willard Parker au,l Riverside Hospitals. Referred to the Sanitary Committee.

    Report of result of examination for appointment of Interne Physicians in the Hospitals of this Department. Referred to the Sanitary Committee.

    Statement of Mr. E. S. Riddick of New York City in respect to milk. Referred to the Sanitary Committee.

    Communication from the New York Society for the l'reventiou of Cruelty to Children, in respect to appointment of Thomas II. Agnew as a special officer. Referred to the Corporation Counsel.

    Communication from the Comptroller requesting slateutent of liabilities on all outstanding contracts of the former City of Brooklyn. The Secretary was directed to furnish the desired information.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the salaries of the Assistant Chief Clerk; of the Borough of Brooklyn, of the

    Borough of Queens, of the Borough of Richmond and of The Bronx be and are hereby fixed at the rate of two thousand dollars per annum, from May 18, iS98.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the salary of James F. Duffy, a Clerk in this Department, Borough of

    Brooklyn, be and is hereby fixed at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per anntn, from May iS, 1898.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the salary of A. T. Metcalfe, a Clerk in this Department, Borough of Brooklyn,

    be and is hereby fixed at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per annum, from May 18, 1898. On motion, it was Resolved, That henry McDonough he auc] is hereby appointed a helper in this Depart.

    ment, Borough of Brooklyn (Kingston Avenue Hospital ), with salary at the rate of six hundred dollars per annum.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That Thomas Goodwin be and is hereby temporarily appointed a Food Inspector

    in this Department, Borough of Brooklyn, subject to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That Henry W. Burhard be and is hereby temporarily appointed a Medical

    Inspector in this Department, Borough of Brooklyn, subject to the rules and regulmious of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of one thousand two hundred dol-lars per annum.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That Salvadore Gomez be and is hereby temporarily apuoin'ed a Medical School

    Inspector in this Department, Borough of Brooklyn, subject to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of thirty dollars per month, to serve to and including June 30, 1898.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That Edson S. Chick be and is hereby temporarily appointed a Medical School

    Inspector in this Department, Borough of Brooklyn, subject to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of thirty dollars per month, to serve.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That Enoch B. Lawrence be and is hereby temporarily appointed a Medical

    School Inspector in this Department, Borough of Queens, subject to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of thirty dollars per month, to serve to and including June 30, 1898, vice Bloodgood declined.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That John J. I-Iiggins, an Assistant Disinfector in this Department, Borough of

    Manhattan, be and is hereby promoted to the position of Disinfector, subject to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, vice MacBride removed.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That Garrett A. Hendricks be and is hereby temporarily appointed a Bookkeeper

    in this Department, Borough of Manhattan, subject to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of one thousand two hundred dollars per annum, to date from May 16, 1898.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That Alfred C. Voute be and is hereby appointed an Office Boy in this Depart-

    ment, Borough of The Bronx, on probation and subject to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of three hundred dollars per annum.

    On ,notion, it was Resolved, That Gerda Bergstrom be and is hereby temporarily appointed a Telephone

    Operator in this Department, Borough of Queens, subject to the rules and regulations of the Municipal Civil Service Commission, with salary at the rate of seven hundred and eighty dollars per annum.

    On motion, it was Resolved, That the Honorable the Municipal Assembly be and is hereby respectfully

    requested to approve a resolution, of which the following is a copy, so as to enable the Board of IIealth to make requisition upon the Comptroller for the sum of six hundred dollars ($600) from the appropriation set apart for Contingencies of the Department oL Health, as follows


  • 2572 THE

    Borough of Brooklyn . ................. ............... ................... Borough of Queens .. ..................................................... . Ihrough of RX1imomI ............ ......... ............................. .. . ISoroogh of The Bronx ......... ...... ............................. .......

    $600 00

    Resolved, That for the purpose of defraying any minor or incidental expenses contingent to the Department of Health, the Secretary of the hoard of Health, may, by requisition, draw upon the Comptroller for a sum not exceeding six hundred dollars ($600), as follows lhoruugh of Brooklyn ........................................................ $300 00

    l,rn.rgh of Queens .. ...................................................... 100 00

    borough of Richmond ....................................................... 100 00 Borough of The Bronx ....................................................... loo 00

    Total...........................................................$600 oo

    —the Secretary of the Board of Health may, in like manner, renew the draft as often as the Board of health may deem it necessary to the extent of the appropriation set apart for contingencies of the Department of health, but no such renewal shall be made until the money paid upon the preceding draft shall be accounted for to the Comptroller by the transmittal of a voucher or vouchers, certified by the Commissioners of the Board of health, covering the expenditure of money paid thereon.

    The charges against Jfattkeu- Smith, Night Stableman at the Ambulance Stable, East Sixteenth street, %%ere dismissed.

    The report on the use of formaldehyde as a disinfectant was ordered printed in circular form, and copies . ent to the '' Medical Record" for publication.

    The resination of John M. Donnelly, a Stableman in this Department, Borough of Man-ha!tan, w.Is reCcived au 1 accept ell, to take effect M.1V to, IS9S.

    0,t motion, the Iloald adi u::c I t,, A\ eel ie-.l .rv, Vag 'S, iS,)S. C. GULDERJLIN, Secretary pro tent.


    M_ voR's OFFICE, CItY IIAI.L, Nt\v YORK, 'TT:ESDAY, 3 P. >t., May 31, 1898.

    The Hon;. R,,hctt A. Van \Vyck, Mayor ; Bird S. Coder, Comptroller, and Theodore Con-nolly, Acting Corporation Coun

  • $8,298 55 1,575 00 1,100 00

    24 92 503 00

    105,566 53 1,700 52

    2,501 75

    164 40 6 5,529 83

    323 90 1,477 66

    377 49 3,844 65 2,928 67

    22,144 54 24,805 66

    70 85 43,952 73

    996 83

    $13,059 05

    21 00

    134 39 832 12 118 13

    1,188 35 75 77 24 00 63 03 115 29

    31 45

    $539 o6 493 87 610 63

    218 45

    409 36

    115 29

    532 00

    13,234 34

    187 00 27,372 65

    92 31

    143 52 3,940 96

    $3,451 42

    800 51,023 75

    WARD No. I BLOCK No.

    Twenty-sixth ........................~~ 27 I'hirtieth ............ ................. 43$ Twenty-seventh ..................... 20 sixteenth ............... ............ r3 I'wenty-ninth ........................ fo Seventh ............................ to Fib h ................ ................I 27 1.'hirtieth .............................I 55


    2,690 87

    23,906 81

    2,306 35

    17,189 62

    228,402 02

    15,681 96

    Abstract of transactions of the Finance Department for the week ending February 5, 1898.

    DeJ'osited in the City 7reasroyy.

    To the Credit of the City Treasury ................................... ...... $1,581,806 68 1. Sinking Fund .......................................... 264,883 78

    Total........................................................ $1,846,690 46

    Inter,st on the City Debt, etc ............................................... $4,025 00

    Salaries-Municipal Assembly and City Clerk ................................ 8,916 46

    Bureau of Municipal Statistics-Salaries ...................................... 291 66

    President of the Borough of Manhattan-Salaries ............................. 624 99

    The Mayoralty- Bureau of Licenses--Mayor's Office ......................... $1,099 99 Salaries and Contingencies-Mayor's Office .................. 2,269 o6

    City Chamberlain- 3,369 05

    Conttn;encies-Chamberlain's Office ........................ $20 o6 Salaries-Chamberlain's Office ............................. 2,670 81

    SATURDAY, JUNE t8, 1898. THE


    Gf avrants Registered for Payment.

    Finance Depaitment- Cleaning Markets ..... ... .... ...................... $738 09 Contingencies-Comptroller's Office ...... ................. 523 19 Salaries-Department of Finance ........................... 222,645 53

    Law Department- Contingencies-Law Department ................. ...... ... $656 35 General Contingencies-Law Department .................... 400 CO Salaries---Law Department ................................. 1,250 00

    The Aqueduct Commission-- Additional Water Fund................................................

    Department of Public Works- Aqueduct Repairs-Maintenance and Strengthening.......... Armories-Repairs ........................................ Boulevards, Roads and Avenues, Maintenance of............. Contingencies-Department of Public Works ................ . Free Floating Baths............ .. ........................ Lamps, Gas and Electric Lighting ...................... .. . Laying Croton Pipes ................ ...................... One Hundred and Fifty-fifth Street Viaduct-Maintenance and

    Repairs. ... ... .................. Public Buildings-Construction and Repairs.................. Removing Obstructions in Streets and Avenues............... Repairs and Renewal of Pavements and Regrading........... Supplies for and Cleaning Public Offices .................... . Bridge Over the Harlem River at Third Avenue . ............ Bridge Over the 1Iarlem River, First to Willis Avenue........ Croton Water Fund ............... ....................... Fire-hydrant Fund ............... ......................... Repaving-Chapter 475 ................................... Repaving-Chapter 87 .................. ............... . Restoring and Repaving-Special Fund-Department of Public

    Works...... ...... ........... ........................ Street Improvement Fund-June 15, i886.................... \Vater-main Fund, No. 2 .................................. .

    Department of Public Parks- American Museum of Natural History-Construction of West

    Wing................................................ Fund for Street and Park Openings-Construction Rose Hill

    Place.. .... .. ....... Bronx and Pelham Parkway-Extension Through Park ........ Cathedral Parkway ....................................... Cedar Park, Improvement of ............................... Mosholu Parkway ...................................... .. Public Driveways, Construction of.......................... Pelham Bay Park.......................................... St. John's Park, Improvement of............................ St. Mary's Park........................................... Improving Bronx and Pelham Parkway ..................... Bronx and Pelham Parkway-Construction of Roadway .......

    Department of Street Improvements, Twenty-third and Twenty. fourth Wards-

    Maintenance-Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth \yards........ Preliminary Surveys and Preparation of Plans, etc ............ Standard Bench Marks ....................... .... ...... Bridges over the New York Central and Hudson River Railroad

    Depression at Walton and Gerard Avenues, Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards ..............................

    Bridge Over New York and Harlem Railroad at One Hundred and Fifty-third Street..........

    Ridge Over Bronx River, One Hundred and Seventy-seventh Street.... ............. ........ ...............

    Jerome Avenue Paving .................................... Repaving Roads, Streets and Avenues-Twenty-third and Twenty-fourth Wards . ...............................

    Spuyten Duyvil Creek Bridge .............................. Steel Beam Structure ...................................... Street Improvement Fund, June 15, 1886 ................... Temporary Bridges over Bronx River, etc ............... ... . Viaduct at Melrose Avenue, over New York and Harlem Railroad,

    etc.................... ... ......... ................. Williamsbridge Sewer Fund ............................... .

    Department of Public Charities- Department of Public Charities-For Supplies................ Department of Public Charities-For Distribution of Coal to

    Out-door Poor........................................ ....... ........ ....... Department of Public Charities-Building Fund...............


    Department of Street Cleaning- Cleaning Streets--Department of Street Cleaning-Sweeping,. $t,9o7 75 Cleaning Streets-Department of Street Cleaning-Carting.... 8,857 73 Cleaning Streets-Department of Street Cleaning-Final Dispo-

    sition of Material ................. .... ............ 15,985 r6 Cleaning Streets-Department of Street Cleaning-Manhattan

    and Bronx-Sweeping .............................. .. 23,267 74 Cleaning Streets-Department of Street Cleaning-Manhattan

    and Bronx-Cleaning .................................. 14,736 85 Cleaning Streets-Department of Street Cleaning-Manhattan

    and Bronx-Final Disposition of Material ................ 967 39 Cleaning Streets-Department of Street Cleaning-Borough of

    Manhattan and Bruns-Administra4ion .................. 18,058 40

    Fire Department- Fire Department-Boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx-

    Salaries ..... ........................................ $168,7o8 89 Fire Department-New York Fire Department Relief Fund.... 19,916 72 Fire Department-Fire Department Fund-Sites, Buildings, etc. 400 00

    The College of The City of New York- College of The City of New York .......................................

    Department of Buildings- Department of Buildings---Special Fund .................................

    The Normal College- TheNormal College ......... ........................................

    The Board of Education- Public Instruction -For Salaries of Teachers in Grammar, Primary

    and High Schools ...................... .............. 53,100 62 Public Instruction-For Buildings Contingent Fund........... 2,358 00 Public Instruction-Public School Library Fund .... .......... 73 22 Public Instruction--School-house Fund, No.2 ................ 60,844 94

    The Department of Taxes and Assessments- Department of Taxes and Assessments-Boroughs of Manhattan

    and Bronx-Salaries ................................ .. $13,254 10 Contingencies-Department of Taxes and Assessments......... 150 00 Salaries-Board of Assessors ............... ....... ........ 2,144 62

    The Judiciary- Salaries-Judiciary ........ ............................... $87,952 72 City Magistrates' Court-First division ..................... 13,267 7S

    County Clerk, New York County- County Clerk, New York County-Salaries .................. $7,037 78 For the Preservation of Public Records-County Clerk's Office. 1,,66 63

    Commissioner of Jurors- Commissioner of Jurors-New York County--Salaries.....................

    The Board of City Record- City Record-Salaries .................................................

    Asylums, Reformatories and Charitable Institutions- Hebrew Sheltering Guardian Society ........................ $6,826 65 New York Foundling Hos.pital .............................. 24,660 32

    Civil Service of The City of New York- Civil Service of the City of New York, Expenses of.......................

    The Bureau of Elections- Election Expenses.....................................................

    Surrogates' Courts- Surrogates' Courts-New York County-Salaries ............. $11,789 61 For the Preservation of Public Records-Surrogates' Courts.... 925 00

    The Sheriff- Salaries-Sheriff's Office ................. ................. $8,007 31 Salaries-County Jail ................................... .. 1,697 83

    The Commissioners of Accounts- Commissioners of Accounts--Salaries .................. .:.............. .

    Board of Excise- Excise Taxes .........................................................

    Department of Docks- DockFund .............................. ................. ......

    Miscellaneous- Armories and Drill Rooms-Wages, etc ..................... $7,409 00 Fees of Witnesses .................... ........ .......... 2,000 00 Board of Estimate and Apportionment, Expenses of........... 291 66 Fund for Street and Park Openings ......................... 500,000 00 For Payment of Claim of Francis J. Lantry .................. 2,510 25 Additional Public Park Fun,1 ................................ 2,500 Co Block Tax Assessment Map Fund ..... ..................... 774 98 Change of Grade Damage Commission, "Twenty-third and

    Twenty-fourth WVards .............................. ... 1,208 33 Fund for Street and Park Openings ......................... J7,058 4S New Park Fund ........................................... 352 42 New East River Bridge Fund .............................. 2,649 84 Revenue Bond Fund-judgments ........................'... 44 29 Revenue Bond Fund-Readjustment of Water Pipes, Forty-

    second Street Reservoir ...................... .. v. ..... 23S 12 Revenue Bond Fund-Alterations and Changes to City Hall.... 46 00 Revenue Bond Fund-Expert Accountants ................... 4,529 39 Revenue Bond Fund-Burnside Avenue Archways............ 112 50 Revenue Bond Fund-Public Park, East One Hundred and

    Ninety-second Street .............................. .... 50 04 Revenue Bond Fund-Bridge Over Harlem River, Pelham Ave-

    nue and Harlem Railroad .............................. 64 57 Revenue Bond Fund-Bridge over Bronx River at Westchester

    Avenue .............................................. 119 28 Rapid 'Transit Fund, No.2 ................................ 5,666 65 Street improvement Fund, Borough of Manhattan ... ....... 2,764 S4 Street Improvement Fund, Borough of The Bronx............ 2,115 50 Street Improvement Fund-Awards ......................... 1,700 00 Unclaimed Salaries and Wages ............................. 38 So

    48,163 49

    54,483 17


    $83,781 02

    189,025 61

    12,885 74

    50 00

    10,251 71

    66,376 78

    15,548 72

    101,220 50

    8,204 41

    2,816 59

    793 So

    31,4S6 97

    3,241 05

    5,275 00

    12,714 61

    9,705 14

    4,401 41

    1,749 98

    46,316 00

    --- 574,244 94

    Total........................................................ $2,485,714 94

    Department of Correction- Department of Correction-For Supplies ........... ....... $4,329 42 Department of Correction-Borough of Manhattan-Salaries... 18,943 43

    --- 23,272 85 Health Department-

    Health Department-For Payment to Board of Police......... $5,733 33 Health Fund-For Antitoxine Fund .......................... 23 50

    -- -- 5,756 83 Police Department-

    Contingent Expenses, Central Department and Station-houses... $1,666 66 Police Station-houses, Alterations, etc ........................ 4,916 66 Supplies for Police ......................... ............... 21,195 56 Police Fund ......................... .. ............... 822,077 26 Police Fund-Salaries, Clerical Force and Employees......... 13,666 45 Police Fund-Addition to Mounted Squad ........... ....... 2,910 00 Police Fund -For Constructing and Furnishing Station-houses.. 111 24

    _- -- 866,543 83


    Certificates of the Commissioners of Taxes and Assessments, !['educing Taxes of 1897 on Real Estate, as follows

    WARD MAP No.



    5 3,000 co t,000 00 %63 32 100 2,7(0 00 1,050 00 ......

    2 2,50000 5000 53 53 40 000 00 42900 ...... 5 4,000 Oo 3.000 00 57 22

    53 3,500 00 2,66o 00 ...... 4 3.800 co 2,300 00 47 45

  • 2574 THE CITY RECORD. SATURDAY, JUNE 18, 1898.

    Certijirates fir t'anir'Iratlr'n of limes r'n R/I'.iIriIc,as ji//ws.' COURT. NAME OF PLAINTIFF. AMOUNT. NATURE OF SUIT, ATTORNEY.

    SECTION. BLOCK No. WARD 1f A1' AtiGF TI, r C A ItR AIION -TA% Supreme. Eliza L. I.dg.Ir....-.. $r,7i3 55 ~,U1regulating, N.,. Y:1[['ATI),N. \AI.UA710\, RPNt7'I'hn.

    ) lbetw: lel ~ etc.,

    ir Uricve nue, Ninth}streets ........................... Al. F. Neville.

    ------ - _—. '• \[orris On'itz........'~ 50 00 Summons and complaint. For payment for went } } set .• 58 r ; j- t 83,720 oo ....., •" " ' lease of store No. 46 Canal street to

    Thirt•-second Seventh ....................

    ....................... ...................

    .. • .. .,........ Folio 37

    rs IF acres. l, r8

    300 00 700 00

    ...... • • • • • •

    ...... • • • • • •

    Bureau of Faecticns.................. .. sumons and complaint. For for

    A.S. Wettfisch.

    I .. Patrick J. DIc\ulty, l r,4,z,o 00 4 m payment overtime services as Driver in Depart.

    Certificates for Cancellation of Taw's on Pcrso,iae Pn crtf, as follows:




    1LtA110\. \ AL[1


    co Macon street, Brooklyn......... 8_,000 00 I ....., ..... Sarah P.Cowing......... Ayrad H. Lewis... ........ Sp Lafayette avenue, Brooklyn...... 2,000 on ...... ......

    Brewing ~ p. } MalcomBrewin Company ue , Franklin arid Flushing avenues, = ....-, ...... y German-American Real Es-




    Company............ En Graham avenue, Brooklyn........ 6,z r:o i lull.. ...... Simpson-Fry Manufacturing


    Company ................ ....................................'. 3.500 00 lull.. lull.. American Cocoa Matting Company' ................ 143 Spencer street, Brooklyn,....... 5,000 00 lull.. lull..

    New York and New Jersey Telephone

    I Brooklyn ............................ 4,250 00 lull.. lull..

    Sails, Orders of Court, 7nrf,ments, etc.


    Suprene.. John rlcChristoa ----- 43c9 73 Summons and complaint. For payment of salary as Construction Foreman in De- p.,rtment of Parks ...................... C. Boese.

    The Psople ex ref I Municipal Fare- tric Light Com- I , Copy of order reducing assessment on cap-, parry c=. The .... , . , , ital stock of the relator far the year 1897', Board of Asses •- ( fr, m 5275,o00 to Sr5',coo......., ... ,

    • • .. Peck & Field.

    ors of the City of I

    Brooklyn ...... I '. .. John A. MIan,.!el ..... 7 18 cS 1 ran,cript of judgment ................. . ... E. R. Sandford. .. The People ex tel I Copy final order reducing assessment on f

    F)r Stickne}'. spencer fi ldrace Howell• lull.. premises Lot No.rt, Block 56, -t - Ordw•r }' Rein ........ J Ward. Brooklyn, front $;5,oco to 546,0001

    " Henry' :[Fryer vs.1 .. I •1Rldavit and order t' show cause on Febiu- ........ ar} 3 why .i toy if proceedings in Third John Theis.... ( party order should not be c-acated ....... . O.J. Hochxtadter.

    " P It i I t p Frank ( .. 4 Summons and complaint. For payment for

    O Hanlon, M. D.. J -°C °v { f'ro fessional services as expert in cases of ( The People vs. Lowery ................... J. W. McLoughlin. The People vs. Gm.- 1 ( Certified copy order allowing cocnsel fees

    rand Hcisclbetz..) I and expenses ........................... W. M. Mullin, ( Certified copy order confirming report of

    .. In nutter of ;nppli- I referee and directing pav'ment to relator. cation of An- - :_w 7r, - C amount of awards for Panels Nos. z7 thonv A. Hirt.. t I and 3o in matter of opening and widening

    I Barry street ............................ W. 1'.F'ox. . Lewis B. Hal-.e}•.....

    lull.. . C,.rtified copy order granting peremptory

    writ of mandamus directing cancellation of certain taxes .......................... Alger & Simpson.

    •̀ ..................... Transcripts ofjudgment, as follows Annie, Car 'I' r....... z5o co ........................................... .4. Nelson. Emil A. Kassch:m 273 07 ........................................... H, Foster. Frederick A. Verd n

    et at ............. ;rr 8z ........................................... Alexander & Ash. The People ex rd l ( Copy peremptory writ of nand emus rhrect-I

    Elizabeth S. Van ........ ittg payment of 59,15o to each cf five re- Buren et.,1....., ( laters ..................................

    Ccrt ficd copy order directing p..y nent . l " .. In natter rf app't-1 I of award 1.,r Parcel \O. 7,, in opening McCarty & Bald• cation of Mart l 928 55 } Brook avenfle, from East One Hundred ss)n, A. Baxter ...... y and Sixty-fifth street and Webster aye- I

    nue to \tiendover avenue..............

    Llennf W. M,, ran, .. l S For payment of contract of assignor, for

    24,loz :9 regulating, g:acing, etc., in Jerome assignee.... t a l l) avenue ................................. J. Kearney. " .. James E. KeFy ...... to o:; Summons and complaint. For payment for.

    " services as physician in matter of Com- mission to inquire into the sanity of

    J. J. K. O'Kennedy . Sarah A. R ecrs..... Y.g o 64

    \I ichael Floria .......................... Certified copy order directing payment i

    • into Court of award made to unknoss it Reeees, Todd S owners for Parcels Nos. r6o and 163, in r Swain. matter of Grand Boulevard and Con- I course................................

    V. hire Plains Bank,... 500 00 Summons and complaint. 'Ib recover pay- ment for money loaned to 'loses of East-

    r I chester .............................. W. Brown, Jr. Gold boroughPanyer,

    executor, et al..., 45,743 49 Transcript of judgment ... ............... \V. Hutchins, Jr. .. Caroline Mantle ..... 882 on Summons and complaint. Forpayment ct I

    salary as Foreman in Department of I Loo., Hamiftor "1[venty Street Improvement', -third and ( $eckett. c,

    t Twenty-fourth Wards, from February I to November 27, r8`17 ................ J

    -- .. John M i I r.S tic..... -ry 7, Sammons and complaint. For payment of - salary as Construction Foreman in De-

    partment of Parks....................... C. Boese.

    men of btrcet Cleaning ................ I. H. Baldwin.

    Claims Filed.


    1898. Jan. 31 Timothy Mahoney... 51.4-7 60 For payment of award for Parccl No. 444 in J. J. Brady.

    matter of Grand Boulevard and Con-

    " 31 J.C. Rodgers........ i 1,847 22 course ..................................~

    For payment of amount withheld from final payment for contract oil Speedway.......

    ,. 31 Samuel McRickard.. 748 55 For payment of salary as Inspector of Buildings from April z6 to December 3t,1817 ................................. Mooney & Shipman.

    Feb. 7 Sarah J. Kogers......, 0,969 64 I'or payment of award for Parcels Nos. r6n) Reeves, 'hold cC• I j and 163 in matter of opening Gran I( Swain. Boulevard and Concourse .............~

    it Florence P:)wlowsky. 25,coo 03 For damages for personal injuries........ " 1 John S.Pawlow,ky... ro,coo 00 For damages for injuries to his wife, for

    medical hire and Ions of services......... " I Frank A. Waterman.. 36 7; For payment of salary as Inspector of Paving

    from January 3 to t3, 1898 ............... Kugeimau & Cohn. ,' 2 T. K. Tuthill, H. D... I 4)6 66 For January salary as Coroner .............

    2 I George Steinson ..... • ........ For paym, lit of salary as Assistant Teacher in scltooh since March 7z. 1890..........

    z L. W Hoeber, III. D.. ' 416 66 For January salary as Coroner ............ ', 2 John G, Young ........ ......... For payment of salary as Bond and Warrant I Clerk in `V, F.Randel.

    ,,,,. ...•• Fe-nptof nsn-sued by


    y e a en r improvement Commission

    Loll. Island City employees, as follows: George St-if, assignee )no no , ,

    . : Foster & Foster, Smith Premier Type-

    writer Company,. assghee..........'

    .. b } z W. W.Bur ~o ~ne.,... too 00

    ... ... I'br • mcnt of salary Is Au.~ndantm\[u- I~

    pa s' y • District,

    nisi al Court, Second District, of borough of The Brc.nx ....... . ................... . J. W. Hawes.

    " 2 ore h H. Betty

    Joseph }'lull.

    .. For ran ment of salar • as Attendant, Munici- Court, pal Sewn} District, Borough of pal

    Bronx.................................. ., 3 Harry Carpenter..... 27,200 oo For pa}' ment of award I premises No, 418

    Twelfth Atwater & Cruik- I I'a

  • SATURDAY, JIJNI': 1&, 1898. THE





    A1I t,l',Y'r OF I)1-111111'TION oP \V'UNK.


    No. C 1ONTR „F


    17388 Dec. zy, 1897 Public Works .................... Thomas Murray .......... J ( John Ryan ....... l „,';"' John Murray.... J

    ( For conslntctinn of re,rrr. in 1Onc IHundred and Eightieth street, between

    F8,uoo oo S Amsterdam avenue and Kingrbrid4e road, with curves at Audubon and Wadsworth avenues ........................ ................. 1•atimate $r 6 0

    5,37 5

    r g 7389 " 3r', " " .................... ........... Jol:n Ryan ................ William G. Leeson.........

    ( For constru:tion of sewer itrUnc Ilmulrcd and Seventy-eighth street,

    8,000 no { between Amsterdam avenue and King,bridge road, with curves at Au- dubon, Eleventh and WadswoiIIi avcuues . r5,zro 00

    I739 " " 22, " - • ...... """"•-'•' J Edward A. Mc uade ...... l Q

    John McQuade ........... , i Peter IC mess.......... J

    ( I Alteration and improvement to sewer in Park avenue, east side, between

    6,0~o m { Seventieth and Seventy -second streets, and in Seventieth street. between

    ( Y Park and Lexington avenues .................................Estimate rt,123 00

    t739 39




    ,• z ,° 9,


    " 3r,

    " 3n "

    „ .... • • • ........ • • • • .

    ( """"""""" 1

    (Repaving under chapter 87, Laws of 1897.)

    Public Works....,....... .,.... (Repaving under chapter 87,

    Laws of 1897.)

    Public Works,...., ............ { (Repaving tinder chapter 449+

    Laws of 1889.)

    Cunningham & Kearns... • . f !

    The Barber Asphalt Paving Com an P Y••••••••

    The Barber Asphalt Paving +

    The Barber p g ` p y .............. .

    S Asphalt The Sicilian halt Paving

    Edward C. Sheehy ........ oltn Flemin J g .............

    The American Surety Com- pony of New York......

    The Fidelit and Deposit FFF Y P Company of Maryland..

    The American Surety Corn- . y p 1'hp Fidelity and Deposit

    Company of Maryland..) The American Surety

    p Y 1heaF'tdclitye ando Depom Company of Maryland..)

    For construction of sewer, in Avenue C, between Second and Fourth r,5oo 00 { streets ..................... ................. Estimate ....... .........

    600 oo t For regulating and paving with asphalt pavement on the present pavement, 1 intersection of Thirt fourth street and Park avenue......... Estimate 3- ••

    For regulating and paving with asphalt pavement on the present pavement, 3

    coo 00 'Thirty-fourth street, trout Eighth to Ninth avenue. • • • • • • • • • • •Estimate

    20000` 1' o ' ,e,e1da1iag and paving with asphalt pavement ue the ar sent pavement' - 7\centy-first street, from Niuth tr, 7 en[h avenue, ;o Cur as the same is

    ( withitl the limits of grunts of land under water................Estiniate

    t o

    3.74 4

    z, 6 70 7 5 7

    r a z

    3. 7 75

    840 z8

    17395 art, •` Public Works,,,..,.,,....... . .. (Repaving under chapter 87,

    Laws of 1897.)

    f The Sicilian Asphalt Pavia

    Company.,P. g J j

    _ l

    1'he Amencan Surety Com- I an of New Yor ..Om

    The Fidelity and klleposit f Company of Maryland... J

    ' For regulating and paving with At pavement, on the present pave- 4.0c0 w meat, Twenty-first street, iron Lightb to Tenth av,:nue, where not

    ( within the limits of Grants of land under water ................ Estimate t8,3e2 6o

    t 6 709 z8, ••' Pubtic Works........ ............ Thilemnnn &Smith........ G. Robiteek ...............

    Charles W. Dayton.... Y For regulating and paving with macadam pavement Dyckman street, from

    9'000 "O Kin bride road to the S edw., '............ ..Estimate ) g' g Pe y ............. z 6 60 4,57

    17397 " 23, • Pululic Park.;.. ................... A. Kimbei &Sons.......... { Thomas Swain ............. Hear S a Wdliams...... Y I

    ( For furnishing all the labor and material for tnaking and erecting, wholly jl complete, .,even desk cases, moving and resetting eighteen desks, and

    3,oco 0o furnahiug one platform and other works required for the enlargement I of the American Museum of Natural History, in Manhattan Square,

    - I (i Cciutrat Park ............. ..........'.............................otal 5,884 00


    NO IJA7'R OF



    . BOND.

    3 Jan. tg, 1898 Board of Education .............. John W. Fleck ............ William N. Sternkoph....,.I $x0,000 Oct For delivering supplies for the year 1898....,.., Christian Goetz ...........


    .......,...Estimate 54,000 oa

    Opening of Proposals.

    The Comptroller, by representation, attended the opening of bids at the following Depart-ments, namely : January 31. For furnishing lumber and supplies for Charities Department. February I. For furnishing groceries and supplies for Charities Department. February 4. For repairing and extending Pier foot of \Vest Fiftieth street.

    Approval of Sureties. The Comptroller approved of the adequacy and sufficiency of the sureties on the following

    proposals : February 2. i'urnishing liquors for Department of Charities.

    Ross & Keany, No. 64 Water street, Principal. J. A. Casey, No. 148 Laurence street, Brooklyn, '[he City Trust Safe Deposit and Surety Company of Phila- Sureties.

    delphia, No. 16o Broadway,

    February 2. Furnishing meats for Department of Charities. Schwarzschild, Sulzberger & Co., forty-fifth street and First avenue, Prin-

    cipal. Jonas \Veil, No.36 East Seventy-fifth street, 1Sureties. F. Sulzberger, No. 21 East Sixty-seventh street,

    February 2. Furni.,bing tea for Department of Charities. C. 1I. Schutter, No. 103 Warren street, Principal. F. WVis ui t, No. 104 Second avenue, Sureties. L. B. Stuith, No. 553 West One I lundred and Fifty-sixth street,



    NEW YORE, June 17, 1898. Supervisor, City Record

    SIR--The following appointments, etc., in this Department, from June to to date, are forwarded for publication in the Crry RECORD, pursuant to resolution adopted by the Board of Police on January 10, 1898

    J one lo. Joseph Franken, appointed Private Secretary to Commissioner Hess, at $2,500 per annum.

    Appointments of Special 6rtrolmen Rtvoked. June 13. Davis W. Wiegand.

    '' 13. Richard C. Phelan. Rc-signation Accepted.

    June 13. William A. Terwilliger, as Special Patrolman.

    Appointed Special Patrolmen. June 83. John T. Thompson, for J. J. Adapts & Co.

    13. John McCready, for V. Roditi. 13. Theo. Itunald, for John Pistern. 13. Paul A. Steeley, for Strong & Cadwalladera.

    Appointed Special Patrolmen in the Service of Robert A. Pinkerton. June 13. John Peterson. June 83. Michael Talent.

    13. George F. Bryan. " 13. E. D. Clarke. 13. William E. Parsons. " 13. G. \V. Vanderbilt. 13. H. B. Newkirk. '° t3. J. A. Seymour. 13. C. W. Breitfield. r' r3• C. M. Clarke. 13, Owen McNally. " 13. J. J. Failen. 13. Edward D. Hughes. 't 13. George Faust. 13. Michael \Valssh. °° 13. W.H. Minster.

    •' r3. Edward blulry.

    Reinstated. June 13, Charles W. Sturges, as Patrolman.

    Appointed Special Patrolmen. June 15. Jacob Cassel, for Michael Miller.

    15. Alex. J. Lindsey, for Gus Brown, etc. 15. John Schmiermund, for Joseph M. Tymann. 15. Dennis McLaughlin, for L. Rudelsheimer. 15. Dennis W. Day, for Daniel A. Fenton. 15, Matthew Kirby, for A. W. Sieley.

    Resignation Accepted. June 15. Frederick Steffen, as Special Patrolman.

    Reinstated. June 15. John Hill, as Patrolman.

    Appointed Doormen. June 15. Frank J. Fuchs.

    11 15. Jerome H. Johnston. Very respectfully,

    WILLIAM H. KIPP, Chief Clerk.

    February 2. Furnishing hospital supplies for Department of Charities. John Cavanagh, No. 358 Greenwich street, New York, Principal. J. S. Lockwood, No. 729 Jefferson avenue, Brooklyn, P. Cavanagh, No. 158 \Veit One Hundred and Fifth street, New 1-Sureties.


    February 3, Constructing sewer in One Ilundred and Eighty-second street. A. A. Briggs, No. 19 East One hundred and Thirtieth street, Principal. A. A. Berman, So. 1355 Franklin avenue, I Sureties. J;. C. Heintz, No. 3582 'Third avenue, j

    February 4. Furnishing poultry for Department ofCorrection. M. B. Engel, No. 5o Centre Market, Principal. Morris Denhosky, No. 173 Eat liroaclway, 1 Sureties. Ed. J. Sparenbcrg, No. 76 Canal street, j •

    February 4. Furnishing gas for Department of Public P,uildings, Lighting and Supplies. Consolidated Gas I ompany, No.4 Irving place, Principal. J. P. Huggins, No. 7 West Seventy-fourth street, I Sureties. Sam Sloan, No. 7 Eat Thirty-eighth street,

    February 5. Constructing sewer in One Hundred and Ninetieth street. A.S. Traub, Bedford Park, Principal. The United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company, No. 140

    l; toad tray, Sureties. Fidelity and 1)epusit Company of Marylandd, No. 35 Wall street,

    M. T. DALY, Deputy Comptroller.



    IN 1]0.RD OF EXAMINERS, I\lAY 31, 1898.

    The Board of Examiners met this day, at 2.40 r. M. The roll was called, with the following result : Present—Thomas J. Brady, Commissioner of Buildings for tine boroughs of Manhattan and

    The Bronx, in the chair, and' Messrs. Dobbs, Fryer, Moore, Bonner, O'Reilly, McMillan, Conover.

    Absent—Mr. Post. The minutes of May 24 were read and, on motion, approved. Petitions were then submitted for approval, as follows : Plan 169A, New Buildings, 1898—I'etitiou to allow the J. W. Rapp system of fireproof floor

    construction to be used for the first floor of building, as stated in petition ; southeast corner of One Hundred and Fifty-second street and Courtlanctt avenue. Petitioner, Edward Wenz. Approved, on condition that the soffits of iron beam.; are protected by wire lath and plaster. Sir. Fryer voting no.

    Plat) 301, New Buildings, 1898—Petition to allots the j. W. Rapp system of fireproof floor construction to be used for the first floor of building, as stated in petition ; south side of Ninety-ninth street, 325 feet west of Central Park, West. Petitioner, George Fted Pelham. Approved, on condition that the soffits of iron beans are protected by wire lath and plaster. Mr. Fryer voting no.

    Ilan 338, New Buildings, i898—Petition to allow Walls forming first-story hallway to be constructed of 4-inch I beams, 30-inch centres, braced at top and bottom, filled with 4-inch thick hollow burnt clay blocks and wire lathed and plastered on both sinks ; ceiling of hallway to be of 2-inch tees, 24-inch centres, filled with 2-inch thick terra cotta blocks and wire lathed and plastered ; westerly wall of stair hall and around outside of dtunbw+aiter, which are non-bearing walls, will be made 20 inches thick, brick in cellar, 16 inches on first and 12 inches on upper stories, as stated in petition ; Nos. 250 and 252 Monroe street. Petitioner, Michael Bernstein. Approved.

    Plan 341, New Buildings, 1898—Petition to allow first-story main hall partitions to be con-structed of 4-inch T and L irons, properly braced, set not more than 30 inches front centres, and filled in between with burnt fire-clay blocks solid, and plastered on both sides ; ceilings to be constructed of 2-inch T and I. irons, well braced, set not more than two feet apart, and filled in with burnt clay blocks and plastered ; also to allow row of steel girder beams and columns, supporting first-story floor beams on rear part of corner house in basement to remain same as shown on plans, instead of 8-inch brick partition wall, all as stated in petition ; Nos. 2 to to Rutgers place. Petitioner, Charles Rentz. Approved, on condition that ceiling blocks are 2 inches thick and partition blocks 4 inches thick, of burnt clay.

    Plan 426, New Buildings, 1898—Petition to allow reconsideration of decision of Board at meeting held May 24, 1898, so as to permit entrance hall partitions to be constructed of I beams, 3 inches thick, filled in solid with fireproof blocks, 3 inches thick by 30 inches long, roofed over with 2-inch thick fireproof slabs, resting on 2~Z-inch T irons, 30 inches c-c, all to be plastered both sides ; partitions of upper halls to be constructed of 4 inch thick fireproof blocks, resting directly upon flanges of floor beams that are especially framed for the purpose ; partition inclosing water closet to be 3 inches thick, fireproof ; also walls at first story narked A and B adjoining stairs to be 12 inches thick instead of t6 inches, they being non-bearing and securely braced by cross or buttress walls, all as stated in petition ; east side Gouverneur street, 52 feet 4 inches north of Monroe street. Petitioner, Lorenz F. J. Weiner, Jr. Reconsidered and approved, on condition that side light shaft walls at stairs are 20 inches thick in cellar, 16 inches thick in first story and 12 inches from thence to roof; that cross partition walls inclosing stairs, marked " A 11


    SATURJ)AY, JUNE 18, 1598.

    on drawings are I: iI he thi. I. in (u't st , 'ty and S inchc< al&, and that partitiun blocks are of burnt clay, three inches thick.

    flan 4;t', New Building,, 1S9S—petition to allow one 5-inch cast-iron column, 3 -IULIt metal and 8•inch S4-t'und per yard 'tee girder over same to be tied in rear portion of has'IWcHl, in place of all S-inch I,rick partition wall, a. >hotvn on plan ant as 'trued in petition ; north side of Ninety-ninth street, 42 tcct cast of Columbus avenue. Petitioner, George Fred Pelham. Approved.

    flan 941, New Buil liugs, tS97---Petition to allow the J. NY. Rapp system of lirepioof floor construction to be used for the first flour of ho i1 ng, as stated in petition ; southwest corner of Boulevard and One hundred and Fifth street. 1'etitio,,er, Andrew 1. Kerwin, I r. Approved, on condition that the sottits of iron beams are protected by wire lath and plaster. 11lr. Fryer voting no.

    flan 403, Alterations, I89S—Petition to allow a third -story extension, constructed of steel, 4-inch tee and angle uprights for walls, set not more than 30 inches from centres ; floor to be con-sttucted of steel I-beano and channels, placed nor over 4 feet from centres, filled in between with 4-inch brick arches ; rear portion of extension will be supported on it brick pier at party wall and column of two angle irons at each corner of extension : per and columns supporring rear portion will rest on fore and aft brick walls of present one-story extension, leaving second story open for and ventilation for first and second stories of present building ; extension will be braced to make extra strong and be thoroughly secured to main building ; walls of extension will be filled in between angles with terra cotta and covered on outside with corrugated galvanized sheet iron ; over brick floor arches will be filled with cement concrete, as stated in petition ; Nos. 1029 and to: I Lexington avenue. Petitioner, G. A. Schellenger. Laid over for amended draw-ing; and application.

    Plan 4;3, Alterations, 1S9S—Petition to allow a bay-window to be erected of wood, as shown on plan and as stated in petition ; No. 43 West Forty-ninth street. Petitioner, Raleigh C. Gilder-sleeve. Approved. Mr. More was here excused.

    Plan 505, Alteration to Buildings, 189S—Petition to allow the J. W. Rapp system of fireproof floor construction to be used for the first floor of building, as stated in petition ; southeast corner of First avenue and Eightieth street. Petitioner, IIuI ert Drosser. Approved, on condition that the soffits of iron beams are protected by wire lath and plaster. Mr. Fryer voting no.

    Petition to allow the use of a party wall between Nos. 492 and 494 Grand street, 12 inches thick in front portion (between light shaft and front line) in third story, instead of 16 inches, as required for warehouse walls, sixty feet high, as stated in petition ; Nos. 494, 496 and 498 Grand street. Petitioners, John B. Snook & Sons. Approved.

    Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on the north and east side of sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, twelfth and thirteenth stories of building, for reasons as stated in tputition ; No. i Maiden Lane. Petitioner, C. P. H. Gilbert. Fire shutters or wire glass in fireproof frames required at the opening on the north side at sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth stories.

    Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on the north and south walls of two stories of building, for reasons as stated in petition ; No. 15t Essex street. Petitioner, I-I. Freeman. Fire shutters or wire glass in fireproof frames re.luired at all openings on the two tier of windows nearest to the dwellings fronting on adjoining lots.

    Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on south side of building, for reasons as stated in petition ; No. 127 Lewis street. Petitioner, Mrs. Bertha Epstein. \Vindow openings on south side must he protected by wire glass in suitable fireproof frames or fire shutters.

    Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on the north light court walls of the ground to tenth mezzanine floor inclusive, for reasons as stated in petition ; No. 149 Broadway. Petitioner, Erne-t Flagg. Laid over for examination and report.

    Petition for exemption from fireproof shutters on windows of east side of building, for reasons as stated in petition ; Nos. 9, 11, 13 and 15 Murray street, Petitioners, Clinton and Russell. Referred tm Mr. McMillan for examination and report.

    petition for exemption from fireproof shut'.ers on rear windows of the upper stories of building, for reasons as stated in petition ; Nos. ISS to 194 Mott street. Petitioners, The H. Herman Lumber Company. Referred to Mr. O'Reilly for examination and report.

    On motion, the Board then adjourned, 4.15 P. M. WILLIAM H. CLASS, Clerk to Board.



    Tk~ Supc'rr'isor gf the Cl/1 Record, City Hall, ' ew York : Dc.R SIR—I am directed by the Mayor to transmit to you herewith, for publication in

    the Ctre RECORD, a copy of an order concerning the Bureau of Licenses made by him yesterday. Very respectfully yours,

    ALFRED M. DOWNES, Secretary.

    Pursuant to the provisions of an ''Ordinance to provide for the issuing of licenses in The City of New York," approved February 8, IS95, I hereby certify that it is necessary for the public convenience and for the efficient transaction of the business of the Bureau of Licenses that a branch of tire said bureau be established in each of the boroughs of Brooklyn, Queens and Rich-mond. and I hereby order and designate that a branch of said bureau be and the same is hereby established in each of said boroughs, and until further action is taken I do hereby organize said branch office; and direct that there shall be in each of said branch offices a Deputy Chief and a Cashier, and I hereby fix the salaries of such persons as follows : That of the Deputy Chief in the Borough of Brooklyn, at 52.000 a year, and that of the Deputy Chiefs in the Borough of Queens and in the Borough of Richmond, respectively, at $1,500 a year ; and that of the Cashier in the Borough of Brooklyn, at St,600 a year, and that of the Cashier in the Boroughs
