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THE CASE OF MEADIC ENVIRONMETAL SERVICES1.Identify the stakeholders in the above case and discuss the ethical issues.1A stakeholder is everyone with an interest in a business and also an individuals, groups or organizations that are affected by the activity of the business. In previous meaning of the stakeholder just only involve with customers, suppliers and investors. Nowadays, it consist of the government, community and also trade association as a part of the stakeholder. Generally, the most common problems that will be face by the stakeholder is they themselves have a different perspective view on the issues on the particular company.Base on Meadic case, the stakeholder is the one who directly impact the resulted from the misconduct that done by employees itself on that company. The company using the improper way to dispose of medical waste in a local municipal landfill will threaten the employees healthy especially for those who directly handle the medical waste. Sooner or later, the employees will cause a disease.Moreover, the environment is an important point that getting the stakeholder affected by this ethical issues of Meadic case. Environment is providing the resources to the stakeholder and getting the benefits or profit earning via business activity. By the way, the company has to practice the corporate social responsibility which is the responsibility towards the environment and the public such as organizing the business activity that will not endanger the public and also the environment. Regarding to the Meadic case, the medical waste being dispose in the local municipal landfill will threaten the environment into a risk.Furthermore, the stakeholder will get affected by the misconduct of the Meadic case due to the public itself. Waste will properly causing the disease and illness to the public if do not manage well. It can be directly effect and indirectly by contamination of soil, ground water, surface water and air.

Stakeholder definition retrieved on 27 February 2015 from

2U.S. Environmental Protection Agency say that all landfills eventually leak, so claim that state of the art technology, will protect our groundwater and our communities by waste industry representative never true. Waste management will lead to the 3workers at risk of being exposed to diseases such as hepatitis and personal hygiene is of the utmost importance to combat such risks. This indicate that the poor management of waste management is a big issues or problems to the stakeholder to handle.Look at the first ethical issue in Meadic case is relate to the procedure of the disposal of medical waste from local municipal landfill. This indicate that Meadic has been practices in unethical way to manage their wastes due to not follow the right procedure to dispose the medical waste in the right way.4Medical waste is all waste materials generated at health care facilities such like hospitals, clinic, physicians offices, dental practices, blood banks and veterinary hospitals or clinics, as well as medical research facilities and laboratories. A proper management in medical waste can streamline the operation to minimize the cost and improve the safeguard of healthcare.Another issue is ethical dilemma that has been experience by Bobbie. Bobbie works as an account officer for Meadic Environment Services and discover that Meadic practices unethical way to dispose the medical waste. She quite hesitate in whether to report or not about the case. Before taking any further action, she need to figure out the consequence that may be lead to the bad or good situation for herself and also many parties. She can either be whistle-blower or dummy for Meadic case.Lastly, another issue is resistance of internal management to get involved. Bobbie ended up to report the case to Baba. In his view, Meadic has practice in legal way as compete with other giant company and can minimize the cost by dispose the medical waste in the municipal landfill. Base on this case, the reaction that Baba has been taken is considered as unethical way because just look for his own benefits and do not care the others.

2The Problems with Waste retrieved on 27 February 2015 from and Safety issues for waste management operations articles retrieved on 26 February 2015 from Waste definition retrieved on 27 February 2015 from there any relevant ethical theories that you can relate to the case?Egoism theory can be relate to the Meadic case. This theory is focusing in the individual desires of that person. An individual or organization will try to maximize their profit or self-interest as their initial purpose. In Meadic case, Baba as Operation Manager in Meadic Environmental Service, he think that the way of dispose of some of medical waste in the local municipal landfill is the right action that has been practice by Meadic. By using this way, Meadic can reduce the cost and able to compete with the giant companies. Reflect to this situation, Baba just care about his own-self benefit and do not care about other stakeholder as well.Right theory can be apply to this case. This theory focus on each individual member of society and their rights and also mention that human rights are fundamental and must be respected by other humans. Therefore, it does not focus the cost or benefits of itself that require to respect for other right. Bobbie believes that make a report to the management will be a right way to solve this case. This indicate that she practice ethical way to take the action.Justice theory (John Rawl) emphasis that everyone have the right to life and liberties. Basic 5human rights and freedoms to which all human are considered to be entitled which include the rights to be treat equality, freedom of thought and expression, and freedom from slavery and torture. In Meadic case, even Bobbie is just account officer in the company but she has the right to voice up her idea and comment to the management about the dispose of medical waste in a local municipal landfill. She also has the right make a report to certain party to take the right action to prevent this unethical activity.6Utilitarian theory is that an action is fight if it the results in the happiness of the greatest number of people in a society or a group. By making morally correct decisions, the happiness will increase. In contrast, choose to do something morally wrong, even though it may be legal but the happiness will decrease. Utilitarianism creates a black and white of what is morally correct which means either something is wrong or something is bad.5Human rights definition retrieved on 27 February 2015 from theory definition retrieved on 27 February 2015 from Meadic case, Bobbie know that the illegal way to dispose the medical waste will affect the health of the community and also worker safety. She know this case will jeopardize her current job if she still want to jeopardize in more further, but she still make a decision to go through further by calling up her friend who worked for the local newspaper to publish the case to get attention from the community.7Deontology theory defines as the morality of an action should be based on whether that action itself is right or wrong under a series of rules, rather than based on the consequences of the action. Bobbie report this case to her superior because she concern the health of the community rather than the company profits which practice illegally.3.Why might it be argued that Meadic Environment Services have social as well as financial responsibilities?8Corporate social responsibility (CSR) describe the way that a business takes into account the financial, environment and social impacts of decisions and actions it is involved which aiming for the long term sustainability. This is an important social responsibility in business to understand how economics growth will related with social and environmental well-being. Moreover, it will increasing of positive contribution the society and reduce the negative impact for the organizations. Nowadays, governments also take part to interface certain element in order to protect the environment not to be abuse. Meadic Environmental Services disposing some of the medical waste in a local municipal landfill it indicate that they not aware of their social responsibility. A proper way of medical waste management will reduce the unhealthy risk to the community and employees, and also the environment of pollution level will be minimize.9Evidence links socially responsible business practices to improved financial performance. This is attributable to lower costs or increased revenue from the customers who want to support business their personal values. However, the strong community and healthy environment may not generally expressed in money because it all of the elements8Corporate social responsibility definition retrieved on 27 February 2015 from financial value of social responsibility, retrieved on 27 February 2015 from consists of financial impact on their business. Some research has state that the poor corporate social responsibility will not give any higher financial return on their business as well. Corporate social responsibility is a quality management in managing environment, community, workplace and also marketplace to sustain a long term business.

In Meadic case, the company itself should implement a corporate social responsibility in order to manage their internal and external issues in ethical way. Sustainability of the business depends on their concern in the consequences of the social and environmental towards the community. Base on the case, Meadic should take an immediate action to solve the dispose of medical waste and not try to pretend ignore because it will give a bad impact to the community. Other than that, the organization also need to aware their responsibility towards the stakeholder because any decision making by the organization will give the effect to the stakeholder in either bad or good way.