Page 1: The Canton advocate (Canton, D.T. [S.D.]). (Canton, D.T ct NORTHWESTERN R'Y make s specialty 0f its SLEEPING,

t£ r fc «"=> a

png^ToiFWiinF! | i . .

[Agricultural Implement line

J procured at the mammoth

touse house of

J ' *•' le Helgerson.

I Wagons and Buggies

lerior makes at bottom prices.

J S e l l M o r e M a c h i n e r y

"l; any three houses in Canton.

D M I M H I I ( I U S E .

C. M. SEELY, Prop,

Corner Sixth and Ctdar streets.

C A N T O N " , D A K ,


U R & F E E D S T O R E .

B. F. Eichelberger,

iur, Feed, Graham, its and Ground Feed always on hand.

Will Pay the Highest Market Price for


Main Street, Canton.

free 'bun to and ftora trains. Commod­ious sample rooms.




Warm meals acrrcd at all hoars and regul&f scaraorc wanted. Confectionery and fruite*



A First-Class Line in Every Rcspcct!

1 R O Y A L R O U T E



make s specialty 0f its SLEEPING, PAIU.O!; anJ MNING cir service, cov,-riUi? nil ths priu-

cipal points of the systsm.

t37"~ No other Lino can show ench a record ltecd and bo Convinced;


Ejn Clnlrc, ftludiNon, Janesville nnd < l»lcny;o. Two trains a day each way, with through Sleepers and Diutag Cars.

Dfilull), Superior it ml AwhlnmJ. Night trains each way with through Sleopprii. Moruiug trains eact way with Through tmior Cars.

Sioux City, Council IIIIIIIH a»U Oinntia, Through titappiog Cars each way.

Picrrr, Sloepiiig Car to Tracy. $(. Joseph, AtchUon, liCnveimorth and

Knusns* l ily, Through Pullman Buffet Bleep-era.

Ulatikftfo, I>cs Ifloinea, Chariton. SI. Joseph, lA'nveiinortli and Kiausnn Cily, Through Combination Cha'r atid Sleeping Cars.

Uasota, Mnnltalo. St, Jainos, Worth* lngtoii, Sibley, LeHarM, mtd Sioux C ity, Day trains each way with elogaut Parlor Cars.

This service has beeen arranged With a single •lew to the comfort and convenience of the travel­ing public, end offers the best and moat luxurious accommodations betweeu the above named points.

For t&blts and all other Information apply to any ticket agent, or to

T. W. TEASDALE, Gen'l Pass. Agent.

J. S. McOTJLLOUGH, M. M. WHEELER, Asst. Gen'l Pass. Agt, Travl'g Pass. Agt.

Bt. Paul, Minn.

e i n g : : W a r n e d



nj Family Physician, I have resolved (as life is short) to sell raoro goods within the next Six Months than any other retailer


ider to do so I will say come to The Fair, purchase One Dollar's f worth of goods ,md get a Ticket on the House and Lot which

I am going to give away.






93.00 83.25


Another New Attraction has just been added to stock this time—

L a d i e s '

U R N I S H I N G G O O D S !

ji -(Two Entire Floors.)--E*


[ F. a BO WEN .

The lirst edition is imited and first orders will receive first attention. Write for cata­logue of Legal Blanks, v."hich in­cludes Township, School, Road, County and Law Blanks, Codes, Justice Dockets, Township Man­uals, etc. Catalogue free.






Owns and operates nearly 5,,TOO miles of thor-ont'lilv equipped road in Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa,"Missouri, Minnesota anil Dakota.

j It Is tlio Best Dircct Route between all 'principal points In tho Northwest, South­west ami Far West.

For maps, time tables, rates of passage and freight, etc., ajiplv to tho nearest station agont of the CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUI, RAIL­WAY, or to any Railroad Agent anywhere in tho world.

It. MILLER, General Manager.

A. V. H. CARPENTER, Gen'l Pass, and Tkt Agt,

J F. TUCKER, GEO. H. HEAFF0RD, Ass't Gen. Mng'r. Ass't Gen. Pass. & Tkt Agt.

M:i/WACK2£, Wl8C0N3I>".

J9" For information in referonce to Linds and Towns owned by the CHIC/.GO, MILWAU­KEE .K ST. PAUL RAILWAY COMPANY, wri e (o H. G. HAUGAN, Land Commissioner, Milwau­kee, Wisconsin.

70 Candle Power. SO Candle Power. 60 Candle Power.

r Snn Burner. <- No. 1,3 Cone Sun Burlier. f Wo. 2, 3 Cona HingO Burner. Takes B Wick and No. 2 Collar Takes A Wiok and No. 20oll^.

t , - T a k e s B W i c k a n d N o . 8 C o l l a r . nrnAnc6& bv kerosene oil. They rival the best Electric lights, no BIT These Burners produce tho best and whitest light P Circulars and Price List.

»osmell, easy to trim and any one can handle them. nllBMpp #»<> 4O0 East Main St., Rochester, N.Y. THE ROCHESTER KEROSENE qjlWl»£K-ww., •• •






compendium of !U* lrfw, and QiDOil jf P**ctioe In Justices' courts la Dakota, by A. ^wlrfile, Esq., of the Dakota bar.

*td revised edition, routaiuug all the 8tfttu* ***ctinenU of tho legislative setsion of 1887, **•2 Ihe Jaatlces* praotice. fall sheep. Pdoe J®e book will bo fouud a complete guide to J*»ticef and a handy reference work for

Uwyfr. ®**{»econ<l) elitlou contains a supplement

*D the laws or 1887, relating to the prao» F^^ie^oecourts, are aeut forth under proper

•"••piutut, xhlt brloga the manual up to date, * ^25 ??*!*** BOW ready for delivery. Xt L« PUN*

btit Jsn?-book form, *n4 bonod to fv|H Qidm nay bo teaHu (bft paWibttii

^ CABTKB BH03. ftp!*, Mit) MMIk M*|i »

CASTOR IA tor Infants and Children.

tfitfltt It&r

TH <^trm CMNXTi W FaiNi IINM, Hi ?.

The Week'8 Happenings Every Quarter of the Old

and New World.


Electric Flashes Epitomised Presented for the Benefit

of the Beader.


A FORCE of police and bailiffs at Kin-barry, Ireland, seized a number of cattle belonging to the Hnrley family for non­payment of rent. A crowd which had gathered made an attack with stones and pitchforks upon the officers. The police used their bayonets in their attempt? to repel the assailants but wera compelled to retreat and leave their cattle behind them. FOUR children of Pierre Gabont, a far­

mer of St. Pierre parish, of the Mo of Or­leans, found a bomb on the beach which had been fired from the al'tillery range on the island, and which had failed to ex­plore. They took out the fuse or plug and dropped in a burning match. The shell immediately eiplodedi tearing tlld children frightfully;

Ax aerolite, or sdeteor, fell oil the farm of Mr-. Jas. Marsh ill, near the twin tuhiiels on the Owonsboro & Nashville railrodd, in Kentucky. Marshall dnd his family were sittihg oh the porch, when suddenly a light df overpowering; brilliancy was seen to emi-nato from a point almost directly overhead. The meteor seemed to be of a conical shape, wiih the ap^x toward the earth, and looked to be fully 100 feet in length and 30 in brealth. It bore downward in an oblique direction with a velocity incon­ceivable and a noise louder than the loud­est storm. When it struck the earth, about 400 yards from the house, the earth trem­bled us if there had been a slight shock of earthquake.

"JAKE" KILRAIN has sailed for Eng­land to fight "Jem" Smith, the pugilistic champion of that countryi

SULLIVAN, Illinois, is excited over a shooting affray between William I\ Corbin and Chafles T. Harris; two prominent business men. Four or five shots were fired and Harris was shot and died in­stantly. It is yet unknown who fired the first shot. The men have not been Oh the best of terms for soms time, and as Mr. Hnrris passed Mr. Corbin's place of busi­ness, on his way to supper, the trouble was renewed. ISoth men have families and considerable property. Harris was about 30 and Corbin is about 60 years of age, and served in the M3xican war. He is under arrest.

A DIABOLICAL attempt was made to wreck the passenger train on the Cairo, Vincennes and Chicago railroad near Vin-cennes, Ind. When the train was steam­ing along around a curve and neariu? A big tresllework eight miles south of that Cityj Engineer Kapps noticed, When tdo late; an obstruction on the track and ran into it. Upon examination i-. was found to be a saw^lbg as large in circumference os a fiour barrel. The log was laid in such shape as to enabli the engine to knock it off. Over 100 people were on the train, but no one was injured.

THE indepen lent republicans of Des Moines, Iowa, who are running separate candidates for th) legislature on a plat­form of repeal of prohibition and the sub­stitution of high license and local option, have issued an address to the republicans of the slate, stating the reason of their coui-se and inviting their co-operation. The adiltess affirms that tbo.^e who make itj adhere to the republican party and to nil of its principle-!, differing only as to the tetteir method of suppressing the evils of intemperance. They say that after a fair trial, under as favorable circumstances as possible, they honestly and most emphatic­ally believe that the present prohibitory law is an unwise measure, with serious at­tendant evils. MRS. SMITH, aged 65 years, met with a

horrible death near Sho.ils, In l. She was walking along the roa I and stopped to light a pip-> when her clothes caught fire. She ran mlo a fence corner ond laid down. The fire igniled the dry grass and brush nnd burned the poor woman to a crisp.

THE assignment of C. M. Foster ft Co., of New York, importers of plushes, etc., made last December, has been set aside for iraud, and a receiver will be appointed. The firm owed about $1,000,000 when it assigned.

substance of th« - decision in the case of the condemned anarchists, and directs that the sentence of death be carried into eje-rtttion on tho ljth day of Kovemoer.

AT Davenport, Iowa, Gen. W. W. Bel­knap was elected president of Ihe Crocker Brigade association. The next reunion Will be held At Council Bluffs lu Septem-bfer, 1888.

A; W. BR&WNEM) has beeh appo'hted by the loard of supervisors of Winne­shiek county, Iowa, to fill the vacancy in the office of treasurer caused by the sui­cide of Charles E. Meader.

THE National Association of Union Ex-Prisoners of War held its fifteenth an­nual meeting in Chicago.

A TERRIBLE accident occurred about one mile west of Richview, II'. John Thomp­son was gathering peache3 while standing on the edge of a wagon-bed. Iu pulling down a peach limb it broke, frightened his team and throwing him down between the wheels and wa<;on-bed. His foot caught behind the bols'er and axletree and held him fast. Tho team ran half a mile, drag­ging him upon the back of the head. When found, life was extinct, his neck be­ing broken ond head badly bruised.

A CHICAOO poiicem in found a gas pipe bomb at the Cot'.aga Grove avenue <ar b.uui It was ten inches in lerg h nnl in­closed iil fin o dinarj-s"zsd st rch boS, and bad a c'ock-work alt ichm nt for ex­ploding. N > < lue ha i been obtained a6 to who left the bomb iu the barn.

EUGENE BOSTIJ, a bricklayer; attempted to board the caboose of a passing freight train on the Northwestern railroad near Owatonna, Minn., and was thrown under and instantly killed. H i lived at Albert Len.

A CIRCULAR of deep red anarchistic ten­dencies is being circulated in Chicago. It is headed, "To Workingmen of the United States of America," and denounces the ac­tion of the supreme court in upholding the decision of the lower couit in the anarchist cnse.a. The circular refers to Capt. Bon-field as the notorious police bandit, and vilifies Judge Gary "without stint. The circular is signed "The Federation of Trades Un:ons," and was printed in New York.

Tufc state authorities of Wisconsin h .ve ma le $19,044 in awards to the heirs of tie t-ix rreu kill d in fhi capitol disaster of Nov inker 8, 1884, and to seventeen wo k-men injured. The maximum indiv du;i' allowance was $2,(ft0; Iu to iking' Ibosa awaids the state do -s not acknowledge its liabilities for the d easier.

A MELT-E occurred at Centralia, 111., among several colorj 1 men anl women that had been att nding a sociable, and Thomas Marion was instantly killed by bein? stabbed with a dirk in the hands of WJII e Main, a toy about 19 years of NG^. Mi.rion and Main were at the sociable with a number of young girls, and quarreled f,oing home over one Virgie Roberts. After their return from Virgie Robert's bouse, tbey began to fight. Marion was cut in the left breast, near the heart; and died in a few inihUteS after befcn stHlck; Vir. ie SobbrtSj Whi.e frying tb prdtect Marion, was stabbed through the left arm.

A COLD wave struck St. Paul the even-ng of the 22d, and the thermometer sank

to two degrees above ZTO.


build the road, Mr. Norquay said, an ap-would be taken to tne privy council in

PM. ernment le 'prevented from restraining

peal England,

privy i s _ iraying that the dominion gov*

Manitoba in the exercise of the right to bnild railroads enjoyed by the other Cana­dian provinces.

If reports that are in circulation are true, there will be still greater changes hext year in the Illinois Central. It is now st ited t jat a party of siirveyors ate itt the ^ field, running a line from a poixit oh the it« Prescription." It wilt give her ft new lease

She Broke tbo Engagement Because she saw tb it he had ceased to love her, Hor beauty h id faded, her former high apin-ita had g.ven place to a dull lassitude. What had (.anseJ this change? Functional de­rangement; she was suffering from those ail­ment) peculiar to her sax. And so tbeir two you ig liV'33 drifted apart. How noed-1 sp, how cruel! Had Bhe taken Dr. Pierce's Favorite l'reicript on she might have been restorod to health and happiness. If anv lady reader of tbese lices is similarly afflicted, let her loss no timo in procuring the *Favor-

Onawa extension direct to Sioux City, and that the road will he built next season. This will be the through line between Du­buque and Sioux City. The gap between LeMars and Yankton is to be filled, and the line from LeMars to Sioux City soid to the St. Paul company.

A MEETING of the general passenger agents of the United States was held at St. Paul with a large attendance.

AN excursion train bound for the Don-caster (England) races was wrecked on the Midland railroad. Twenty persons were killed and about seventy iujured.



.ssssKSSSsar |

TIIE New York Tribune says that C'aus Spreckles, the California sugar king, has arrived from Europe, where he went to as­certain how beet sugar is made in Ger­many. He intends to introduce the indus­try into California, and expects to mike the United States tho greatest beet sugar manufacturing country in the world. His factory in California will bo built to consume 350 tons of beets every twenty-four hours, ond to turn out in that time forty tons of sugar. In Germany he pnrchised thirty-, five tons of beet seed, which leave there in December.

THE engagement is announced of Sen­ator Hawley, 9l Connect'cut, nnd Miss E lith Horner, of Philadelphia, who ac­quired wide reputation as n nurse with the English armies during the Zulu and Egyp­tian wars.

A NEW YORK dispatch says! The steamship, Alesia. which orrived from Marseilles and Naples, with 690 passen» gers, had Asiatic cholera on board. Eight of her passengers died on the passage, and on her arrival at quarantine the health of­ficer found four cases aboard. He si fit the Alesia and her passengers to ^Vest

in the lower bay. Tho Alesia? left Marseilles Aug. 30 and Naples Sept. 3d. The sick passengers were transferred to Swi^burn island hospital. All the remain­ing passengers were transferred to Hoff­man! island for observation. The ship will remain in the lower bay until she has been thoroughly fumigated and cleansed.

IN a letter sent to Gen. Clinton B. Fiske, Commissioner of Indian Affairs Atkins says that the Indiau bureau doe? not in* tend to recede from its position that no jnngu.ige but the English shall be taught in the Indian school-", no'witbstanding the opposition manifes t d against tl.e order. He says: "I am thoroughly canvinced that an Indian cannot become useful nnd civilized unless he is educa ed in the Eng­lish language. If the Indian is. ever lobe-come a Citizen, as (ho land in severalty act contemplates, he must know ,the. lan­guage of tli© constitution,"the laws an.l the people."

THIS week's changes in the visible sup-! ply of grain in this country show a decrease

of 159,309 bushels in wheat, nnd on in­crease of 472,952 bushels in corn, 370, !4) bushels in oats, 32,1)42 bushels in rye, aud 266,298 bushels in barley. The stock of wheat at the present time amounts to 31,-071,487 bushels, against 47,54'i,666 bush­els a y. ar ago.

ANeffort is miking to revive the Irish National leagne iu New York city.

BINJAMIN E. HOPKINS, late assistant cashier of the Fidelity bank of Cincinuati, declar. s that he knew nothing whatever of the banVs condition until the day before it c!o-ed its doors. Ho lays all the responsi­bility upon Harper. Hopkins is" still in jail.

BASEBALL circles are exci ed over a project for tho organization of a new league, to embrace eight important western cities. The movement is said to be bac .od by ubuuuant cap t <1, and it is hinted that Sp >1 iing and Von der Abe are anxious to lake stock in the enterprise. Capt. Ward, of the New Yorks, president of the new brotherhood of players, deciars that if the National lo^gue refuses to recogn zs that organization befoie the close of Ihe present season none of its members will sign with league c!ub3 for next year.

THE last Ohio legislature repealed the statute authorizing the establishment o separate schools for colored pup is. Tho att mpts of the colored ebildren to secure admission to the white s.-hools have ere* a ted great commotion in various parts of Ihe state, and in some places the schools have been closed.

GEORGE SCHILLING attended a meeting of the Central Labor union, of New York, to make an appeal in behalf of the con* demned anarchists, but was annble to get a bearing, owing to a s'-ormy contest be­tween the George faction and the socialists, which continued until adjournment.

A LITTLE 6on of Leander Hill, living near Covington, Tenn., went to his fath­er's gin, and seeing the cotton press half full of the fleecy staple the child lay down nnd Went to sleep. Later the negroes filled the press With lint to complete the bale. A terrific pressure of the falling block was brought down ahd When tne bale was roll­ed up from the press bound with iron ties tholif) blood of the boy oozed slowly through the fibre. The bale was at once opened and to the horror and unspeakable gr.ef of Mr. Hill the body of his little son was found crushed to a jelly.

THE business part of the village of San-ford, Fla., was wiped out by fire. .Loss, f300,000.

A FIRE broke out in Battery, a town in Sanford county, Florida, and destroyed almost th'j entire business portion of the town. Damage estimated at $300,000; very little insuranc •.

F. L. ROGERS and Tom Iugrom, living in the northeast pa:t oC Taney county, Missouri, b.-cain: involved in an alterca­tion, and Ingram gathered sime stones to throw at Rogers. The latter ttun shot the foimer, inflicting a wound, the extent of which was not known. Rogers was ar-risttd and released on $500 bond, but since his release Ingram has died of his wound.

A CART LOAD of dynamite} enough to blow up Havana, was discovered hidden in the woods near Key West, Fla. The discovery has created intense excitement, proving that the plot against Cuba is much more formidable than at first supposed.

JAUES MORTON, colored, was fatally stabbed by James Hands, also colored, at Springfield, Mo. Both men were em­ployed at the white lime works, and lived in that neighborhood. Morton accused Hanks of attempting to assault his (Mor­ton's) 14-year-old daughter. He also told Morion thai one or the other of them would have to die. The stabbing was done dur­ing a scuffle. .

A BAND of masked men attacked the cabin of Albert Mollard, colored, on a plantation near Cuthbert, Ga., the other day, killing nnd wounding several of the inmates. The attack grew out of an en­counter between Mollard's son and Buck Smith, the owner of the plantation, in which the former wos shot and Blightly wounded. On the night before the attack on the cabin a load of buckshot waB fired in'o Smith's bedroom, but no damage re­sulted.

FoR about five or six weeks past a gang of robbers have been making systematic raids upon the freight cars of the Balti­more. and Ohio railroad, in the Vicinity of Harper's Ferty and Martinsburg, in the eastern part ot New York, and the annoy­ance nnd loss finally bee ime so great that the railroad authorities put detectives at work, who succeeded in arresting a number of pnrties who had stored their booty in the old rifle works made historic by being the fort of John BroWn.

A LEAVENWORTH judge has rendered a decision in a habeas corpus case which, if snstnined, will nullify the prohibition law in that state.

A CYCLOKFI^isited Brownsville, TexaB, carrying d< stru^tion in its p th. The rain accompanying th ' storm delug:d the coun­try for miles. Ihe loss to properly and crops is very great, but no lives are re­ported lost. The village of Santa Cruz, opposite Brownsville, was entirely sub­merged for several hours. The Rio Grande rose rapi ly nnd raged like a sea, the back water overflowed many miles of fertile country. The wind re ched a velo. ily of over eighty miles an hour, blowing a per­fect harrioane for a couple of hours. The rain fall, by actuil measurement, was ten inches. Floods did almost cs much dam­age as the winds.


THE Iow.i republican state central com­mittee announces thi 1148 meetings will take place in the first two weeks o:' the cam­paign. The formal opening will take place Tuesday, Ootober 4, with fifteen mass-meetings lil different parts of the state, ad' dresses by GoV. Larrobee, Senators Alli­son and Wilson and others;

B. F. JONES, chai man df the national republican commilt -e, says it Will hot meet to sclect the time and place fot the hext convention much before January; Ale has no preference as to the place, althoiigh ho thinks Philadelphia would be "convenien1."

ALL United States consuls in Canada have been instructed to furnish statements of the expor's at each Canadian port to tho United States during the last three years. It is supposed the government wants this information for its bearing upon the ques­tion of closer commercial relations with Canada.

TnE Oh o campaign has been dragging up to date, but now that tie Cleveland-Foraker snub has b en introduced as an issue i will probably liven up a bit.

A DISPATCH from the Ci y o? Mexico says: Th re is a good deal of Uneasiness in cir les regarding the rumor of the attemot of Guitemala to tecur; the support of the United State government i 8 rg ins: Mexico. It is felt h( re that ctioh a step would do much to disturb the p'eas-ant relations existing between Mexico an l the United S'a'es, wlrcb at present are indue ng heavy investments of Ameiican capital here.

A SENSATION hns been caused in political oircles in Rochester, N. Y., by the appear­ance of Rev. J. A. Copeland at a United Labor club meeting. He avowed himself for the George movement. Copeland has been one of the leading prohibition work­ers, and last year was the candidato for that party for congressman.

TME receiitly-organized Illinois demo, cratio association, composed Of depart­ment employes at Wnshington, is said to be in the interest of General Black's vice-president al aspirations.

SENATOR VOORHEES says that if David Turpie is not permitted to take his seat in the Unit d States senate he will object to the seating of all the republican senators-elect, which will put them on the same footing as Turpie.

THE national republican committee will meet at Washington early in December to fix the date and location for the national convention of 1888. Cincinnati, St. Louis, nnd other cities will endeavor to secure the convention, but there is little doubt that with reasonable effort on the part of the people of Chicago they stand the best show of securing the conven'ion;


IN the trial of Wm. O'Brien, under the coercion act, the accused was found guilty and sentenced to three months' imprison­ment. Notice of appeal from the judg­ment of the court was given.

THE French cabinet has a second time debated the advisability of expelling the French prin es from the territory of the republic, and has reported that they ore divided on the question, and has con­cluded to allow it to remain undecided nn-t.l President Grevy re urns to Paris. It is apparent that the princes themselves ex­pect to be expelled, for they are all busily preparing for the future.

WM. O'BRIEN, who is charged by the Irish government with sedition Under the coercion act, was taken from the Cork jail to Mitchelstown where the alleged sedi­tious language was nttered, to stand trial befdre the court there; As he left the city under the guard of a detachment of hussars and police he was cheered. Upoh their ar­rival at Mitchelstown O'Brien was received with tremendous cheering by the large crowd which bad gathered to welcome him. The crowd manifested great excitement, but there were no indications of disorder. O'Brien was immediately conveyed by his guards to the court room. Many English ladies were present to witness the trial. ALL English society is in a furor over

the developments in the Hughes-Hallet case. As for the wretched crime, which to well-minded people is the most heinous that can exist, the righteous papers calmly dispose of it with the remark that this is a matter between tho co'onel an l the young lady herself—that Miss Selwyn is simply his stepdaughter by his first wife, and hence, if ihe girl was enough to fall, she must be consid r :d in the light of a legitimate prey. "Many commoners," slates the News, "are in the same boat." GERMANY has accepted the reparation

made by Bulgaria for the insult offered by a Rustchuk newspaper to the German vice consul in that city. THE coroner's jury in the case of the

railwav collision on the Midland railway, near Doncaster, rendered a verdict of manslaughter against both Taylor, the en gine driver, md the fireman of the express tra'h from Liverpool.

A. D. PARENT, the defaulting Montreal bank cashier, hai been sentenced to five years' imprisonment.

THE British war ship Bellcrophon, carrying the fl ig of Admiral Lyon, and which was ordered td Newfoundland fish' ing waters, has arrived at Halifax. The ship placed in the hospital thirteen men from her crew, who had been seriously in jured by an explosion of rockets while the ship was at Quebec. Twenty-seven others were also injured, but not !to so serious an extent. This terrible accident was hashed up in Quebec at the time, September 10. EIGHT THOUSAND socialistic pamphlets

were delivered throughout Berlin by women, who did the work so quietly that they were not noticed.



Tin ileatb order to th« of Cook COUB'-T BMDRI dova by th* rapnm eonrtat.»a4_fcu mafctd SUMit

THE statement is made in San Francisco that John G. Spreckl.s, president of the Oceania Stenm hip company, has made an agreement with the Atchison, TopeUa and Santa Fe road, providing for a through ex­press from San Die..o to New York in four days. The train is to carry mail and pas­sengers thro igh with but few slops, and tbo Oceanic company and steamers, if pushed, wdl cross the Pacific from San Diege to Sydney, stopping at Auckland, in reventeen or eighteen days. The total timo from Sydney to Liverpool will be reduced to twenty-eight days.

8. R. CALLOWAY, late of the Union Pa-> ifie, has been elected president of the To-ledo, St. Louis nnd Kansas City railroad.

A FIRST mortgage npon the St. Louis, Alton and Springfield railroad, to secure $1,200,000 of 5 percent, thirty-year bonds, has been filed in the office of the secretary of state at Springfield.

TBE interesting intelligent that Gov. H11 has decided to forego his presidential aspirations for the presidency^ «nd that be nnd his friends will cordially support Mr. Clevelnnd for re-election, is conveyed in a Philadelphia special to the New York Times. Gbv. EMU will seek another term in; his present offioe. and cxpeots tb reach this white house in 2892. .... PREMIER NORQCAY, of Manitoba, said

befpre leaving New York that he had bad several offers of money to complete the Bed River Yalley railroad, but these were with' rawn just as negotiations were about to be completed. There was some pros­pect, however, of being able to float the bonds in London, Meanwhile, the build­ing of tho ro»4 wiU co Wb Xbe eonplt* <ioa ot tb# road nonld ,pot>14wk ooantti* Ow Ml vUbMt ilMM tb*

-H-i mm**to[_£-


.79 <a> -819 .7954® .79? .51 & .519 .35 & .40

19.73 @16 00 #.75 (3) 0.76

*iEW YOBK. WHEAT -Ungraded

Mo, 2 red COBM—Ungraded OATS—White foBK—New mess LARD

CHICAGO. BWIVES—Shipping steers 2.83

Btookora and feeders.. 1.25 Cows, bulls and mixed 1.25

SHEEP 2.7U FLOUR—Kancy red winter extra 4.86

Prime to choice spring I.™ WHEAI?—Cash COOK—No. OATS—No. BYE— Na 2....; BABLEY—No. v TIMOTHY FLAXSEED BUTTKB—Choice creamery

Fine dairy EGOS CHEESE—Full cream.

Light skimmed....... Flats




OMAHA. Hu>KB»-Oreen butchers'

Urv mltifxl P OULTBY—I urkeyS

Chickens FLOCS—Patent

Second quality.......... Bonn.., EGOS J2 BEEVES 4.05 Boas 4.70-fiBKKFe

feT. PAUU WZVAT—£AL hard...... .«•

c o B N — N a i w OATS—No. I mixed,., .89


ntnugnt i,, <••«.«•••• •••tit J'tt m»:

f ,,mmm


0 4 90 8.00 2.8J 6.40 %r •m .«}

& 4.75 .68X» .7f« .40^9 .44 Ja .i6X& .47 .76

2.84 <g 2.36 1.00 9 1.07ft

.18 9-.2SJ4

.14)40 .20

.16*3 .17

.07H3 .08

.awl* .IIK 12.25

mm a

of life bold by druggists, under a positive guarantao froni the manufacturers of perfect fatrn'action in every case, or money refunded. Soo guarantee on bottle wrapper.

IX LOFE WITH HIS MOTHER-1 fl-LA W. A drama lias occurred iu a place

named Valette, near Toulon, which deserves record, as it is a rare in­stance in tbe chronicles of crime. A grocer named Anicet lost his young wife about four months ago. Laterly lie became violently enamoured of his widowed mother-in-law, a Mme. Fre-bois, aged 48 years, in whose house he was living. The widow thought at first that her son-in-law was making game of her, but as he renewed his extraor­dinary protestations of affection v ith vehemence she kept him at a distance. On Tuesday the man went out to a cafe and returned home after having indulged in deep potations. He went into his mother-in-law's room and made proposal's of marriage to her. As she refused he took a revolver out of his pocket and, following her from the room, from which she fled in terror, he fired three times at her. The woman fell dead at the bottom of the stairs of the house, having been hit mortally in the head. The murderer then turned his weapon on himself and inflicted two wounds in his chest and ribs, a third shot having missed. After that he pulled himself up to an adjacent window and threw himself out. He was picked up, bleeding and inanimate, but not dead, and was conveyed to the hospital, where he lies hovering be­tween life and death.—London Tele­


WE ought not to be too anxious to encour­age untried innovation, in cases of doubtful improvement For a quarter of a century Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy has been before the publio and passed through die severest test and is pronounced tho most reliable remedy for that disagreeable malady. Thousands of testimonials of its virtues. 60 cents per bottle. By druggists.


On Sunday afternoon, Aug. 14, in the lake at Nackanas, Stockholm, a swimming match took place for the one-mile championship of Sweden. The first prize was a very fine gold medal. There were seven competitors five gentleman and two ladies—one of whom was Miss Therese Johnson, the "lady champion swimmer of Eng­land," and bravely she upheld her reputation here. At half a mile two of the gentleman gave up, and at three-quarters of a mile two more, leaving only Miss Johnson, Mr. Hanson, and Miss Andersen, who is only 13 or 14 years of age. Miss Johnson eventu­ally won by 220 yards from Hanson ahd abottt five hundred from Miss An­dersen in 30.02. Miss Johnson swam tlie.whole course with a splendid over­haul stroke, and every one here says there never has been such fine swim­ming before.— London Daily Nercs.

If Sufferers from Consumption, Scrofula, Bronchitis, and General Debility will try Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypophosphites, they will find immediate re­lief and permanent benefit The Medical Pro­fession univcrsaliv declare it a remedy of the greatest va'.ue and very palatable. Read: "I nave used Scott's Emulsion in several cases of Scrofula and Debiiity in Childrea Results most gratifying. My little patients take it with pleasure."—W. A. HOLBEBT, M.D., Salis­bury, I1L

IS AXJ> AROVXD JERUSALEM. Outside the walls of Jerusalem a

new towll has sprung up, a building club having been established a few years ago, under the operation of which 180 houses were erected in four years by tlie Jews, while along the Jaffa road many country villas have been erected of late by European resi­dents as summer abodes. The latest developement of the building of new houses without Jerusalem is to be found in the enterprise which has led to much building being done on the slopes of Mount Olives, the sum­mit of which is crowned with* the Church of the Ascension.—Jewish Mes­


PAPA'S GOOD ADVICE. Thoughtful Papa—"Eating candy

again, Tommy? How often I've told you that this continual eating deranges the stomach! It's the worst thing you can do. Your stomach needs rest. You shouldn't keep it continually at work. It irritates it. Now, remember, don't let me see you eating again between meals. Hullo, Jack, let's go and have a nip! Just drank! What of it? So did I. Come on, Old fello#!"—Boston


THE Frazer Axle Grease is the very best A trial will prove wo are right

ME HEMEMBEHED THE TEXT. The Eev. McC of Lesmahagow,

w hen a child, was taken for the first time by some friends as a worshiper to the village church. After returning home his father and mother, who were detained for some reason or another, asked him the-text. Great was their astonishment when he replied: "A pi­broch and a wild duck's nest I saw yestreen." ("Like pelicairi wilderness forsaken I have been.") Upon an an­other occasion he further astonished them by saying that the minister had for his text these words: "Except ye pay the rent ye maun a' lea the par­ish." (Except ye repent ye shall all like-wise perish.")—Tfw Argonaut. <•„$


On Tuesday afternoon an inmate of the poorhouse yawned so hard that he threw one of his shoulders out of place. The shoulder was set by Dr. Hall, and the man won't stretch his mouth so wide the next time.—Salem

(Oregon) Statesman.

BTBAIGHTEN Tour old boots and shoe* with Lyon's Heel Btiffeners, anl wear them agiln.

FIXE POISXS OF IBM GAME. After all the gate is a big thing in

American base ball.—St. Xouis Repub­

lican. . " " '•* --V

HE WAXTED BOMB Of IK A 6TOBY is told of a Dutchman (and

of course, there's not one word of truth in it) that owned a balky horse. One day when he was in a very great hurry the nag took a notion to stop and stay. The Dutchman was annoyed. There he was with a wagon-load of freight, and but a few minutes to spare if he was going to catch the Fall River boat. A great crowd of sympathizers gath­ered aroUnd and made remarks. At last the inevitable small boy worked his way to the front and Volunteered to make the horse move. His proposi­tion meeting approval* he started off and soon returned with a condiment and poured it into the animal's ear. In about ten seconds the horse was speeding up the street, flippery-flap, scattering goods in all directions, smashing and banging the wagon, and having things his own way despite the frantic efforts of shouting policemen with outspread arms.

"Where you got dot?" inquired the phlegmatic Dutchman, taking his pipe from his mouth.

"Right 'round the corner," replied the delighted boy.

"How much was the cost of dot?" he next asked. ' , ' :

"Only 10 cents," said the lad. "So! I visli dot you got me a tollar's

vorth, and here's the tollar. Put dot stuff in my ear right away, by chim-ininy cracious; dot horse I must catch him."—New York Times.

It's Always the Way. "Didn't I tell yon so?" said a gentleman to

an acquaintance whom be cbancea to meet on tbe street; "it's always the way." "What's always the way?" inquired a mutual friend of the two men, who happened along just then. "Why, juM this." replied the first speaker; "yon see Smith, nore, tho last time I met him he had one df tbe worst coughB you ever heard, lie complained of a loss of appetite, of night-sweat', of low spirits and other un­mistakable premonitory symptoms of con­sumption. 1 told him to get a supply of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery at onco. lie did so, and look at him now! Did you ever see a healthier-looking man* Tho 'Dis­covery' has snatched thousands from con­sumptives1 graves. I knew it would oure Smith. It's always the way."

A SELF-IMPOSED FIXE BT A VOBOXER. Mr. W. E. Foster, coroner at Alcer-

shot, having forgotten to attend an inquest on Wednesday, fined himself 2 guineas yesterday for this default. He gave the foreman of the jury the money for the Royal Surry county hos­pital, Guilford. He told the jury that they were aware that he would impose a fine on any juryman who was late or absent, and though he was not aware there was any power to impose a fine upon a coroner he would fine himself. —Londan Daily News.

ACHIEVIXG A REPUTATIOX. Husband—"Young Milliken seems

to have made quiet a name for him­self?"

Wife—"You surprise me. I never thought that he would amount to any­thing."

Husband—"Oh, yes. He can hold an eyeglass on his eye longer than any other member of the club."—Drake's Travelers' Magazine.

A CAREFUL MAX. Peoria wife (to her Husband)—"My

dear, as we are going down town in the carraige, had you not better put on your good clothes?" ' .

Peoria Husband—"Thanks, no my love. If I was dressed up people might mistake me for the driver."— Peoria Transcript.

Piso's Remedy for Oatarrh is ogrocable to use* It i8 not • liquid or » snuff. 50O*

»—•' 1iW=?:0'R.P4i» ——

A PLOT FOB A MILLION A Thrilling Narrative of the Great Chlemqe

Boodle Ring and Its Prosecution by> •

JUD&E JULIUS H. aitnmSLL Thin hishlr interesting Beritl *B1 begin to x«a»

CHICAGO KiCimiClfofOrtober IS.AMmpleoopr ct whi' li will l)C mailed Fit EE to nnr ope who Hende a P0Ht»l card bearing their name and uddiMa. Letna hear from yon tf you wish to see acopr of tnyCliM®-e«t and Best S'.ory Paper in the United BtW'S Ad-SreaaX11K CHICAGO LKDUUB, CliieSsst. IU.


i>irtOovi;uv. Wholly untlkoartificial nf«<ems. Any tiook learned In «ne EfiyMBS;.

KccOnimemltHi by Murk Twain, RlcnarJ "roetoc tbe SctenUit. liono. \V. W Astor. Judah P. BonJamUfc Dr. Minor, etc. Olasaor ltu Columbia law (tudeBtft tw.i clasiea iMO «-aCh at Vata,SUU Untreratt/ of SIX) at Weltealoy Oollegs. ct& ProapeotiM pogt rjp*

FROLOIdKl'I K. *237 Fifth Ave.. New YorlL

One Agent (Merohant only) wanted Is Jowa fw

ft The best evidence of the popularity of jronr Thn*

stti'a Punch" is, that alter the fcvt trial 1 nave a ner* manent cuatoioer. I hare sold tlicin for. aaore (baa three years, and the only fault that my coatouiera find with them i» that they can't smoke any other So cigar with «-tinfuctlon.

HOIIEBT H. OOWDBBV, 1 h. Q„ Chicago. Address B. W. TANSILL • CO.. Clitago

C The Oldost Medicine in the World is n probably Dr. Isaac Thompson's U

elebrated Eye Watell This article la a carefully prepared pbystctan'e

preacrlptlon, and has boen In oonslsnt use lor near­ly n century, and notwithstanding tbe many other preparations that have been Introduces tnto the market, the sale of this article Is constantly In­creasing. If the direction* are followed It will never fall. We particularly invite the attention ol physicians to Its merits, .rohn L. Thomuaoa, Sons * Co.. TROY. N. T.


Lsuderbich'i German Catarrh Ramsay

iMtment Bvrj innil brinci letter* from fttUlul pmu * CO.. Ill CUK£1>.


& full an Box MDt MIIMS nrnpalil, to any invalid, or fuafar i&eiiai aaodlng their add ess at

Cam Headache,

Neuralgia, Toothacha, Tkraab idache. Catarrh, Croup, Sere Tl»

, RHEUMATISM. Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Sprains, BruiMfc

Burns, Wounds, Old Sores and

All Aches and Pains. Tne many testimonials received br na more Chan prove all we claim for tbla valuable remedyTlt not only relieves the most severe nntns. toot

It Cures You. That's th# rata f Bold by Druradsta. SO cU. BOKO BOOK mailed free. Address WIZARD OIL COMPANY CHICAGO.

RICHMOND, VA., is excited over the refusal of its city council to appropiate $15,000 for a monument to Gen Robert E. Lee.

THE bones of a mastodon were found on silver creek, near Jefferson-ville, Ind., on Saturday, at a depth of four feet.

GILBKBT VAN GORDON, a soldier in the Wat of 1812, was ' buried at Kala­mazoo Monday. He was 96 years o^.

An antelope was chased on the (J streets of Eli, Kan., the other day.


PRINTERS To know that we have now on band, ready for shipment, complete Newspaper Outfits of dif­ferent sizes, a list of which will bo sent to those desiring to purchase, together with our New Specimen Boot of Typo, which will show the faces of body and display type of which tho ouV fits are composed.

We have in stock a full Uno of Job and News­paper I'reBsos, new and second-hand, and can nt out a eomp- ite Job Office upon ahort notice.

WARXED—Second-hand Washington Hand Presses in exohange for New Printing Material or Paper Stock.

SIOUX CITY NEWSPAPER UNION, • 212 Pearl St., Sioux City, la.

K I D D E R ' S

A BOILER inspector at Rochester, X. <Y., John Kelly, had Scarcely got inside one section of a double boiler in that city, on Friday last, when the other section exploded, blowing the building to atoms and forcing the seCtion that Kelly was in so closely around him that it took seven hours to get Ma body

rpaB fs * vast dfetructlfrntrf birds in Florida. Hunter# visit tbe breeding-places and kUl the birds by tl» wagon-load Thi^y are used cbiefly to sa£p#r the i/qr'flnp musket with plumage. A visitor fell* of «e hunter boasted of killiiig at OR* ne*iing-pl*oe j 80 old birds, leaving the young ̂ unfledged biffl* to Ifftsb*

A UTTU ill

Ml »|h •«


INDIGESTION and DYSPEPSIA. Over UWO Pbssidana have seat us their appsovti of 1GK8TTM S, saving that it la the beat preparation >rIndigestion thatthey have ever naed. we hays never heard of s ease of Dyspepsia Where IGraTYUXAraa taken that was not eared.


for Bjiittmer Cora&WDta tni ?•. - ——*

The treatment of many thousapdsof case* of those obronio weaknesses and, tlistrcssln* ailments peculiar to female^ at the Invalids Hotel and Surgical Institute, llutfaltf, N. *-has affordod a vast experience in nipclyjwart-tng and thoroughly testing remedies 10*,tne euro of woman's peculiar maladies.

Dr. JMeree'e Favorite preacrlpltoii

dans who have tested it in tho more aggra­vated and obstinate oases which had baflMl their skill, prove it to be the most wonderful

^(JrcmSfTHarrbea, rdirect "results of impjrfeet digeatton.

S r t ^ T a V . i X f i » T . . r a ( l n | t o . l e . &GK8T^LnifWtU*eflcCt "Ski M«E»TVLlN„fol hoor^^V MteuN (Prtce ll Mr •ttie). If he does not have it, send one dollar te ns nd we Will send a bottle to yoo.exroess prepaid. >onot hesitate to send your money. Our house is •liable. Established twenty-live years.

WM. ft KIDDER • CO., Manufacturing Chemists, S3 (loan St., II. a.

tmrticulaf. For overworked. " run-flowfl," debilitated t

I found it a ip xifle for Itd-V Fever, for Un year* 1 have been a gfetti tu£erer from Au-irturt9th tiltfrott. Bltf* Cream Balm it the only preventive I have ever found. Hay Fever

KM SWS FHblither, Indianapolis, InA. ^ri pioree'e F

H imparts strength to tho whole aysMp, and to tbo womb and its appendmes ,UI A.—• i I IVh A.M.mal AwlfQ/l WOItlaOU(|

s, mlilinen, „ p-frirls," houee-

keepers, mining motiicre, and fCTble women generally, Dr. Pleroo'a Favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly boon, being unanuaMI as an appetizing cordial and rotoraUve tonlo.

---HSWS iu auayiaff .V ! ii

'U! . disease of the womb. It .Inducesjrefi

jyiaa Irritability,

• vous L. monly attendant upon functional and oi

ulng nervous excitability, irrl —trntion, hysfcria, spasms —

ngr,' nervous symptoms com-_ lustion, prostration. Other dlstr—'—' —

mental anxiety

Apply Balm into each nostril,

GOLD Is worth WOO per ponnd, Pettlt.a Bye Salve $1,(00, but Is sold nt 2S cents a box by dealers.

ADIIlii Habit CUPMl nUrtk.i>ryk.n«aarrey. Ullllm IB. Blares, SMk War«, «a*eaeu,e,

CORN JUBILEE JEWELRY. Send 25c. to W. 11. BECK, the Sioux City Jeyeler.

for sold plated Souvenir Corn Pin. ladles'or sent's.

^S'^iSTIIVi mail. 8towrll*Oo>

DEN8ION8 Collected and increased or no fee. I by Vitagerald a Powell Indianapolis, In<1. R*}««-ed eases reopened. Send for circular of law* free.

i Favorite Preitrh legitimate Miedleli ~ >»«,

compounded by an exj pnysioinn. and adap'

IM leets^flifcitr Bein Holder Oo« Holly. Mich

PATENTS B.S. k A. P.t(OII. Fatent Attorneys.Washington, D.O. Instructions and opinions

aa to patentability FRKK. HT11 yeses'experience.

anrn A MONTH. Wnt« wanted. !0be»ta»U-V/nll Se arUclea in we worldT 1 a«nip e FREE. VfcWlJ itfdnssTAY BKONMta, Detroit, Midi.


P£HSIONSES"~S mpp Bv return msU. Pull DeatrlnUan EHEIi Moody's New Tailor Ryetem of Dross I nbleCutUn?. MOODY It OOn Cincinnati, O.

HOIK hand, etc., ttonraghly tangbt by nail. Cirnnhn bee. Isuift Bcai>EsaC<A.LZ<iK, Buffalo, tf .V.

morning sickness, or nausea,, from whatever MUSO arising, weak Stomach, Indigestion, dya> nepsla and kindred symptoms, its use, lo small doses, will prove very beneBclal.

"Fnvorlto Prescription" le* tlve care for tho most complicated and oo» etinate oases of leuoorrhea, excessive flowing, painful menstruation, unnatural suppressions, prolapsus, or falling of tbo womb, weak bat*. '' femalo weakness," nnteverslon. retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chronio oongrrtton. Inflammation and uioereuon of tho_ womb, in­flammation, pain and tenderness. In ovaries ̂accompanied with "Internal heat.

As m. regulator and promoter of fnno-tional action, at that critical period of chang* ®rom girlhood to womanhood, "J scriptfon'

'Favorite Pre-

and IUOII; equally enwaoious ana vaiunoio in la, eBfect*

wncn taken for those disorder* and derange­ments incident to that later and most enm period, known as "Tho Change of Life."

HFnvorlte Prescription," wltcn taken In connection with tho uso of Dr. Pioroe^a ~ "" " Heal Discovery, and small laxative

'. Pterotfs Purgmti vo relletsJl'ltUe cures Liver, Kidney and Madder

ments ii


Golden doses c Idver 1 b^^taints, and abolbbos canoeroua

ir combined use also remove^

Mtbo«lr snedicino forwomon,aold by druggists, nttaaiP medielni, a MHiiilvs taoture


from the mams» .#| »_J,urers, thatTt will givo satiefacMon in every case, or money will be refundSl. This guaran* tee lias been printed on the bottJo-w i sppcsv and faithfully carried out for many yate

bottles (MO doeei) $1.00, or els bottles for $5.00. .

For large, illustrated TreatiSB on Pisesfss c« Women (180 PAJGES, J*PCP<OTWW), MM • OHdtsin stamps. Address,

iwtfiBUPMUIIBaNnllincMIHi ^ Mgnaln«UBrVTAl<O.K.«; -

R. C. X. V. MO. 40-rST.

row TH» eieux DTR.

wl ».

isehissnMrss CstaMsi' •vom rMnrs, "
