
The official publication of Birmingham H.O.G Chapter UK 6852

Big Brum Bash 2011


Well they just get better and better. This year's Big Brum Bash had more visitors, more bikes, more tents, more traders, more bands, raised even more money and even made more hard work for the dedicated crew who put it together and followed it through over the three days. Thanks and well done to you all, I can't remember how many new visitors asked me "how long has it been going for?" and were truly shocked when told "it's only our second one!" But now it's payback time, the only way we can expand and make OUR annual event even bigger and better is by everyone in the Chapter giving some help/time in preporation or on the day assistance to make it run smoothly and also to let the folk who arranged it have a chance to sit back, relax, and enjoy the fun. ASK NOT WHAT MY CHAPTER CAN DO FOR ME . . . . . . . . . . .BUT WHAT CAN I DO FOR MY CHAPTER. Pete Ready to rock and ride ....

Big Brum Bash

From the Directors Saddle

It seems like an age since I last put finger to computer to produce one of my literary masterpieces and a lot has gone on in that time. We have seen Christmas come and go and an eventful season start with some great rides and some money raised for a great cause. The Big Brum Bash 2 was a storming success due to the input from a great bunch of organisers and all

things went well (apart from a minor shortage of food and some reeaaaallllly backed up toilets on Sunday). The bands (organised by our very own DP MR Dave Kennedy) went down well with all, with a varied selection which meant even Wally recognised a tune or two. Over the weekend we were raising money for little Harrison from things like a custom bike show, an auction and a raffle. There were numerous prizes donated however there are a few thank you’s that need to be said to Dave Kennedy (Shop Prizes) Martin Jeavons (Sorting out the Jaguar Rental) and especially to our Sam Hubbard (Airbrush Perfections) for donating not one but TWO £700 + paint jobs. I would like to say a BIG BIG thanks to all concerned with the organisation and those that turned up and enjoyed themselves and bring on next year. As the season has progressed we have some good rides and some great rides including a recent one with no less than 37 bikes (that’s a third of the membership on one ride) to Ludlow with our trusty Road Captains Dave and Phil so let’s see if we can keep it up for the rest of the year. The chapter membership is growing steadily with 103 members and Terry is doing a sterling job with keeping everything in check.

Big Brum Bash

From the Directors Saddle

Now I know it’s still meant to be summer (yes course it is – NOT) we are looking to book a party for Christmas / New Year and are looking for suggestions / possible locations so get your thinking head on and give us some ideas. Sorry but now for a serious bit As discussed at club night we will be standing all Road Captains down from their rolls at the end of this riding season and then re-opening applications for all of those that wish to re-apply and to those that may wish to become Road Captains. The reason for doing this is to ensure that individuals wishing to do the role are still able to commit the time required and it will just give individuals the opportunity to step back but still retain their Road Captain qualification.

If anyone has any issues or comments that they would like to express please contact me at any time.

Please feel free to contribute to the newsletter as all articles / adverts etc are appreciated as with all of these type of things ‘content is everything’

REMEMBER:- ‘We are here for a good time not a long time’

Birmingham Chapter – ‘Lowering the Tone but Raising the Spirit’

Ride Loud – Ride Proud but Ride Safe

Jason G

(Ring Road)- Director

Big Brum Bash

Did we really get through it?

An event like the Big Brum Bash is an odd thing. It is the sort of thing everyone seems up for, until it comes to actually getting involved in doing something. When I was first approached to try to pull the 2nd bash together, I admit that I was fearful that it would end up with a couple of us running around like a mod on a Vespa who took the wrong turning into the bulldog bash – ergo making a lot of high pitched noises, whist trying to find the way out! I could not have been more wrong. We had a fantastic turnout at our pre-bash meetings, with a good show of hands when we asked for volunteers. Yes we could have done with more help in certain areas, but we can put that into the mix for next time..................did I just say next time? Pass the whiskey I think I need my medication. There were key people who were willing and very able to take on tasks, from security to games, and from posters to ordering the marquee and generators. We also had people with good ideas, such as the bring and buy, and those who insisted that we remember the tried and tested things that every rally should have, such as the ride out. The week before the rally I was feeling like Shaun the Sheep must feel before most Brum Hog events; I had a dazed and confused look about me, and was sure that I would be abused and end up hanging from the nearest tent pole. The Thursday night prior to the rally I arrived at the site – late of course. To my amazement all of the hard work was done. The bunting was up, the traders organised, the generators in place, the fire buckets were on their stands and the place looked fantastic. I did however still feel very a bit uneasy. I can only liken my feeling to how Andy Brown must feel about his bike. It all looked pretty and was very shiny, but would it work?

Well unlike Andy’s bike it did work. By Friday afternoon we were in full swing and the sun was shinning. All was well with the world. The bash was tuning into the epitome of what riding a Harley is all about. It was loud, looked good, was great fun and was likely to piss off the neighbours. The bar staff were their usual shy retiring self, the music was 200% better than last year (okay so last year was my fault) and the atmosphere was great. Could we have done better, could it be improved, well of course it could. But hey! Two years in and we are a lot bigger and better than last year. We have a lessons learned thingy going on, so we will try to improve for nest year............did I say next year again, pass the whiskey!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Finally thank you to all that worked so hard to get this thing on; you did your Chapter proud!

Ian Brannon

Is that another Harley?

A Note from the Shop

Hello all – here is the news from the dealership and world of Harley-Davidson! Shop Summary This year has been a good year for us so far, considering the climate we are in. Currently sitting at the second best performing Harley-Davidson dealership in our Northern territory for new bike sales which I am of course, very pleased about. Our current market share (based on all new motorcycles over 650cc) is 15% compared to Harley-Davidson’s of 11%. What this means, is that our little shops performance is over the national average which shows us doing significantly better than our peers. Well done Tim, Pete, Mick and Jack, and of course – awesome sensible customers, he he. Best sellers this year have been the fantastic ’48, Heritage, and of course the Ultra which has seen a significant resurgence over the past 8 months. ‘48’s have now sold out in the UK, leaving us to wait for the 2012 model…….. As you will be aware now, the loyalty card is now over and done with (end June is the final date to re-coup the points). I had to close the function as there was a lot of cross buying between here and Wolverhampton which was not in the original designs for the card use! You should now have had the new membership cards handed to you – speak to Terry or Jason if not. These show your date of joining with the Chapter and also let the team in the shop know what level of discount to provide you. First year chapter membership entitles 10% discount and second and on, 15% (not sale or previously reduced) parts accessories and clothing. Keeps it simple and easy to sort

from our end! Would have been more but the rising costs of purchasing just about everything, has forced my hand in this. We will of course, always look after the Chapter members with more priority and enthusiasm than our regular clients – all part of the perk! Big Brum Bash

As you can see from the picture, the All Star Band and especially me, had a most awesome time and you guys seemed to enjoy it! The feedback from the Bash has been tremendous which shapes us well for next year. My deepest thanks to the Bash Committee who did a storming job this year and also to all the bands that did what I thought, was a nice varied show…. Let me know what you thought and I will bear it in mind for next year!

As you may have seen, we also had 2 lucky bidders of the ‘Kerrang radio charity ride event’, spend Saturday with us. Both Lee and Chris had a fantastic time and wanted me to thank you on their behalf. We collected them from Lee’s house in Acocks Green after kitting them out with jackets and helmets. As non-riders, they had a fantastic time and were not quite prepared for the ‘Harley sensation’ and all the fun and games on the day. Thanks for welcoming them and letting them feel at home – another credit to our Harley family! The 5 Stars For those of you who have bought a bike from us recently or indeed serviced your

bike, you will receive an email with a couple of days asking what you thought of the

service. As this impacts on the team dramatically, please give us a 5, he he! Seriously,

if there is any reason why you cannot award the team a 5, please contact me directly.

I am really trying to lift our customer satisfaction and with your help and the new team,

I am sure we will get there! There have been parts and bike supply issues that have

made it very difficult for us this year – not a reflection on the team but I do know we

need to sort our communication with you. You will be asked when in store for all our

contact details – please help the team by having it all ready – if we can’t text you, we

send emails etc

XR1200 Race Series

The second Henderson race series is now in full flow and as you probably know, we have 2 bikes entered and representing us as the ‘Stratstone Race Team’.

This year’s rounds are;

Round 1 – Thruxton 28/29/30 May Round 2 – Knockhill 17/18/19 June *D/H Round 3 – Snetterton 1/2/3 July Round 4 – Oulton Park 15/16/17 Round 5 – Brands Hatch Indy 5/6/7 August *D/H Round 6 – Cadwell Park 27/28/29 August Round 7 – Donington Park 9/10/11 September There will be a discounted ticket opportunity at Oulton Park on the Sunday. Watch the web site for details – be great to turn up to a race event ‘Harley-mob-handed’ making a serious noise! The plastic boys won’t know what hit them…… You can catch up with the racing on Eurosport – check for race times!

Lowest Price Servicing / Service Plans (Reprinted - as some of you were not aware of this!) For a while now, I have spoken with some of you about the costs of servicing and our intention to provide excellent service along with realistic service prices. We are now pushing the boundaries even further with a commitment to providing the lowest priced servicing and tyre supply. We will be researching the local dealerships – both Harley and non-Harley to provide a like-for-like lower cost to you. Hopefully, this will settle the ‘big dealership’ mentality and make sure that your service book remains with the professional stamp that it deserves. We also now have the ability to fix these prices for up to 3 years and spread out your service pricing interest free to hep budget with the costs! Call Kerry and ask for more information – great way to budget for your ownership costs…. Team Changes

Kerry Smith Keith Sanders Paula left us in April and has been replaced as Service Supervisor by Kerry Smith. Kerry came from Pure Triumph in Birmingham and in the short time she has been here has become part of the team and a favourite with the regulars. For anything service-wise, please call her – there to help! Jack has also relinquished his role to a better looking man – Keith Sanders. Keith has spent a lot of his career in parts distribution centres and is a keen biker (much as it is a Ducati – at least a v-twin!!). So you know, Jack has now moved across to sales where he is swotting up on colours and prices – test him when you come in!!

That’s all folks

Till Shaun Fest...