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Page 1: The Beat 31 July 2015



Serveredarm found inBela - Bela

31 July 2015

P. 3

Man accused of abusing his10-year old stepdaughter

Lizzy Bapela

A suspect in Modimolle is expectedto appear in the local magistrate’scourt on Monday, 3 August, forallegedly raping his 10-year-oldstepdaughter. The man was arrested

on Tuesday,21 July, after the victim’s motherfought a six month-long battle to seejustice done. He was denied bailwhen he appeared in court onFriday, 24 July, and his case waspostponed for further investigations.According to the mother, the

suspect has been abusing the childsince she was eight. Her twosiblings, three and six years old,saw the ordeal one day, but werethreatened into silence. She toldThe BEAT that all this washappening under her roof, withouther knowledge.

“One morning in February Isaw my daughter’s pants downand asked her about it. Shesaid nothing was wrong and Inever suspected anythingbecause I trusted my husbandand never thought he could dosomething so cruel. But thenmy daughter’s behaviourstarted changing and hereducators also expressed theirconcerns,” she said. “He gaveher morning after pills withoutmy knowledge, which madeher sick and he promised to get

her help.But then shestarted bleedingthe following day. He thenbrought her a rub and paintablets, saying that it wasrecommended at the pharmacywhen he explained hercondition to them.”“I questioned her further as I

could see that something wasdefinitely not right, and shesaid that her stepfather hadbeen abusing her. She said thathe had threatened to kill us allif she told anyone. I questionedhim and he denied everything,saying that my daughter waslying,” said the mother.She told The BEAT that she

took the child to the clinicwhere she was referred to adoctor, who called the policeafter examining her. She saidthe police advised that theysolve the matter as a familyand never arrested him. Insteadthey sent her from pillar to postwhen she enquired about thematter.She added that the

psychologists and socialworkers also could not help,saying that she needed to open

a case. She further said that aftermonths of struggling to get thepolice’s help in the matter, she thenresorted to an attorney in Pretoriawho eventually got the police to act,and the man was finally arrested andcharged.

“The attorney told the police hewould take further steps againstthem if they continued refusing tohelp me because that was abuse andmy child was suffering. He madefollow-ups until the perpetrator wasarrested,” the distraught mother said.“Before his arrest, my husband sent


lawyers to askfor a divorce. I

did not have objection because Ihad already moved back in with myparents since we were constantlyfighting and there was no peace inour household anymore.”

“I questioned him again and heconfessed, saying that he did havesex with her, but did not impregnateher. My child is now struggling tocope and in undergoing counselling.The matter has affected us both somuch that I often wish I was deadinstead of going through suchunbearable pain,” said the mother.

The victim’s uncle said that theysuspect the man bribed some of thepolice officers as he continuedwith his life as normal even thoughthey had made a complaint.Nothing was done until the lawyerbadgered the police into arrestingthe man.

He added that the suspect blamedthe mother, saying that it was herfault.

At the time of going to presspolice spokesperson WarrantOfficer James Findlay said that hedid not have the facts of the case athand and could not comment onthe matter at this time.

Photo for illustration purposes only.

Police advised theysolve the matter

‘as a family’

Page 2: The Beat 31 July 2015

2 |31 July, 2015

[email protected] | Website:

A well-known and popular undertaker fromBela-Bela and two of his employees havebeen dismissed after complaints of allegedfraud and the desecration of corpses at aninternal investigation.

Pastor Christo Stander, Jamie Lee Stander(his daughter in law) and SteveMapharumela from Bafa Funeral Serviceswere dismissed on Friday, 17 July. Thefindings of the internal investigation has alsoled to criminal charges being brought againstthe trio.

Bafa was bought over by the Botswana-based BFSG funeral services group on 1April 2015.

Viayan Narayanan, a spokesperson forBFSG, said in a statement to The BEAT thatthree months after the purchase, they hadalready suspected foul play. The trio werecalled in regarding the matter.

The three were internally accused of,among other things, fraud, the misuse ofcompany vehicles and funds, dereliction ofduty, and the desecration of corpses.

It is alleged that they removed pacemakersfrom bodies and were not able to give anyinformation regarding what had happened tothese items. During the internal hearingmention was made of altogether 98pacemakers that have allegedly been

Pastor Christo Stander was recently dismissed from his position as undertaker inBela-Bela on charges of fraud and desecration of corpses.Photo: Andreis van den Heyde

Well-known Bela - Bela local undertaker firedAndries van der Heyde

removed in this manner since 2010.Bafa is not legally allowed or equipped to

remove pacemakers. This may only be doneat official morgue by doctors or pathologists.Lieutenant-Colonel Abel Phetla, detectives’

commander at the Bela-Bela Police station,confirmed that criminal charges have beenlaid against the three, but the investigation isstill continuing.“The public is informed that these three

former employees no longer represent thecompany and BFSG takes no responsibilityfor any transaction that has been made withthem recently,” the BFSG statement read.The company has distanced themselves

from the three and say that the steps takenwere necessary and that BFSG still hopes tomaintain a positive image and deliver goodservice to the public.Stander said in an interview with the

newspapers’ sisters publication, The Post,that the allegations were completelyunfounded, but he has confirmed that theyhave been dismissed. He said that the policeinvestigation will determine whether they areto be criminally charged or not.He also said that it is necessary to remove

pacemakers as the items are radioactive andcan explode during cremations.Stander has been an undertaker in Bela-

Bela for 20 years.At the time of going to press the matter was

still under investigation.

A gang of copper thieves are alleged tohave stolen and broken open two Eskomtransformers R33 between Vaalwater andModimolle.The transformers provided power to the

farm of John Wagehauzer, but were situatednext to the R33 near Mashudu Lodge.Their vehicle was towed to the SAPS

offices at Vaalwater after being found

Copper thieves strike again

Vehicles containing two stolen Eskom transformers. Photo: Marlene Vermaak

Marlene Vermaak abandoned next to the R33. The suspects aresuspected to have fled on foot after noticinga patrolling SAPS vehicle.

Constable Simon Makhuvele, spokespersonfor the SAPS at Vaalwater, confirmed thatone suspect was arrested in connection withthis incident on Sunday, 25 July in Leseding.The suspect is originally from Temba.

Another two suspects were arrested onWednesday, 22 July in Vaalwater. The menwere both on police lists in relation to anumber of burglaries in the area.

Abandoned baby’s mother handsherself over to the police

The mother of the baby who wasfound abandoned and wrapped in abloodstained towel last week hasbeen admitted to hospital underpolice guard.Detectives commander Lieutenant-

Colonel Abela Phetla said that themother handed herself over to thepolice on Monday, 27 July in thepresence of her lawyer.The woman’s surrender comes

after the baby’s alleged fathervisited the police station andinformed the police that hesuspected that the baby could betheirs. The woman complained ofsevere pains while she was at thepolice station, and the court orderedthat she be sent to the hospital.Lieutenant-Colonel Phetla said

that the family’s helper found thebaby where she had been left on awindowsill and the family phonedthe police immediately to informthem of their find. He said that thealleged parents had both givenblood for forensic tests to confirmtheir relation to the child and

Lizzy Bapela possible links to other abandoned babies.This follows rumours that the woman had

hidden a previous pregnancy from the manand given birth by herself.The woman explained how the baby had

ended up on the helper’s windowsill, butdid not say anything about why she hadabandoned the baby.According to information received, the

alleged father told the police that he had notknown that she was pregnant. He said thaton the day in question, he had gone to pickher up from her parents’ house but that shehad kept stalling him. He said thateventually she had come out of the houseand spoken to him through the car window,saying that she could not leave with him.The police could not get a statement from

the other parties involved, the family’shelper and a relative who had heard thebaby cry. The helper was nowhere to befound and the relative was out of town.During his visit to The BEAT’s offices to

tell his side of the story, the father said thathe did not want to comment on the matter,as the whole situation was very stressful forhim. He said that he did not feel likeentertaining rumour and that he wanted toput the matter behind him.The woman is expected to appear in court

on Friday, 31 July.

Foschini’s truck burns out, ignites veldMarlene Vermaak

Sandrivierspoort residents Mart and Hanniede Wet were surprised to see a fire burningnear their home in the evening ofWednesday, 22 July. When theyinvestigated, they found that the fire hadstarted when a heavy vehicle caught firenext to the R33 between Vaalwater andModimolle.

De Wet asked for assistance on aCommunity Policing Group and severallocal farmers rushed to their aid.

No vehicles from the Vaalwater PoliceService responded in time and ConstableSimon Makhuvele, the SAPS Vaalwaterspokesperson, told The BEAT that no casehad been opened on the incident.

A municipal worker from Vaalwater whois not officially allowed to speak to themedia had the opportunity to speak to the

This truck caused a veld fire inSandrivierspoort when it caught fire on

Wednesday, 22 July.Photo: Marlene Vermaak

driver of the vehicle on Thursday, 23 July,and contacted The BEAT shortly afterward.

“The truck driver told me that the vehiclebelonged to the Foschini Group and that hewas en route from Johannesburg to Zambiato deliver a load of computers and clothing.The truck’s engine is suspected to havecaught fire and the driver suddenly sawsmoke emerging from the front of the truck.Although he tried to stop the fire, itnonetheless consumed the entire truck aswell as a large part of the veld around thetruck,” the municipal employee said.

The truck driver was nowhere to be foundand the burnt-out vehicle was abandonednext to the R33. The truck was removedlate on Thursday afternoon by a towingservice.

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| 331 July, 2015

[email protected] | Website: CRIME

Death trap in Modimolle

Mzamane Ringane

With the rainy season slowly approaching,Modimolle citizens are once again findingthemselves worrying about the safety oftheir children.

The collapsed Lillian Ngoyi Street Bridgeremains the biggest threat in the area, assome residents believe children are likely totake advantage of the ditch and use it as aplayground.

The bridge collapsed a few years ago,forcing motorists to use alternative roads toreach their destinations.

When you approach the trench from adistance, it is difficult to see the hazardsince the area is not barricaded, or markedwith danger signs.

For pedestrians who are familiar with thecondition of the bridge, the situation is notthat bad as they always navigate thefootpath that connects the two sides of theroad.

The Beat interviewed one of the passers-by

who spoke on condition of anonymity,regarding the condition of the open ditchand how it affects the local citizens.

The concerned resident felt that the ditchposed danger for pedestrians and motoristswho are not familiar with the road.

“This bridge has been damaged for a longtime and it poses a serious threat tomembers of the community, especiallychildren. I think it’s about time that it isgiven the attention, for the sake of thecitizens of Modimolle. Children are mostvulnerable and they don’t know how todifferentiate between wrong and right.When they see this water, they will takeadvantage of it and use it as theirplayground. Their lives are at risk”, said theconcerned member of the public.

The Beat sent an e-mail to thespokesperson of Modimolle LocalMunicipality, Patrick Shika in an attempt toget a comment regarding the situation.

Shika sent a response stating that he wasnot at work, and therefore he was not ableto comment at the time of going to press.

Pedestrians navigate their way through a footpath. Photo: Mzamane Ringane

Severed arm found, body still missing

Justin Steyn

The severed arm which has mysteriously appeared neara water purification plant outside of Bela-Bela.Photo: Justin Steyn

A Bela-Bela municipalemployee from the Departmentof Water and Sanitation is stillin a state of shock after findinga severed arm close to a waterpurification plant inRoodepoort, where he works.“I was working on a water

pump and when I was on myway back to my car I saw anentire arm lying on theground,” said a horrifiedWilson Aphiri about theincident which took place onThursday, 23 July.Aphiri said that he was so

shocked that he left the areaimmediately and reported thematter to the local authorities.Upon their arrival police

detectives and a member of thestation’s pathology departmentdetermined that the severedarm belonged to an adult male,had slight burn marks, and hadbeen lying in the area for abouta month.

Police speculate as to howthe arm ended up near theplant and theorized that it hadbeen separated from the rest ofthe victim’s corpse by acarnivorous animal like ajackal or leopard.

A search for the body couldonly be conducted the dayafter the arm was found as theK9 Unit was not available onthe day.

Pieter Kloof, a resident of thearea, said that there had been alarge fire in the area and thatthe arm may have belonged to

a person, possibly an illegalwoodcutter, who may havebeen killed in the blaze.

“There was a huge fire inthe area about a month agoand we often see people whocut wood illegally, especiallywhere the fire took place.We’ve had a lot of problemswith woodcutters for the pastfew months,” Kloof said.“They just come and cutdown trees with axes andchainsaws. Some of themwork as early as 01:00 in themorning.”

Kloof said that thediscovery has shaken himand his family and they nowfear for their lives.

“Some of my familymembers now say that theywant to leave the area as theydon’t feel safe,” he said.

On Monday, 27 July,Lieutenant-Colonel AbelPhetla said that the rest of thebody has not been discoveredbut are attempting to identifythe victim using DNAanalysis. Phetla said thatfingerprints will be taken andrun through the records ofHome Affairs.

Aphiri said that he isshocked by the incident andwill be more careful whenworking at the purificationplant.

“This is a terrible thing thatI have discovered but I willbe more vigilant when Icome here because it can bedangerous and I come here atnight,” he said.

Page 4: The Beat 31 July 2015

4 | 31 July, [email protected] | Website: / POLITICAL

Ex-offenders in the Waterberg Districtexpressed their concerns aboutunemployment and lacking information onopportunities available for people withtheir skills to the management of theDepartment of Correctional Services.

This was done during special monitoringoperations that were conducted recently inBela-Bela, Modimolle, Mookgophong andsome parts of Mpumalanga such asVaalbank, Lefiso, Skilpadfontein andMmametlhake.

The social re-integration heads of thesesatellite offices Fani Pholosi of the Bela-Bela; Mpumalanga and Thabazimbi area,Steve Hlongwane of Modimolle and EricGadebe of Mookgophong led theoperations, accompanied by stakeholdersfrom various government departments. Thestakeholders, who interacted with the

Ex-Offenders express concerns about unemployment

Lizzy Bapela

Communities are still amazed to see the teams visiting the offenders in a convoy Photo: Lizzy Bapela

offenders during the visits, includerepresentatives from Home Affairs, SAPS,Labour, Justice and ConstitutionalDevelopment, Media and Traffic amongothers.

The offenders told the team that eventhough they acquired skills andqualifications while they were locked up,they still struggle to find employment andlack access to relevant information thatcould better their lives after jail time. Theyadded that they sometimes get stigmatizedand face discrimination from their owncommunities and this makes it difficult forthem to cope under the pressure, whichmost of the times make them long for thelife back inside.

The offenders said that employers preferto employ staff without records, even ifthey are not very experienced, than to hirethem with their expertise because of theirpast mistakes. They also said that it painsthem being labelled and called names

while they believe that they learned theirlesson, and said that is hard for them toconvince the society that they havechanged.In his response, Louis Shingange

representing the Department’s provincialoffice said that they have a programmecalled victim-offender dialogue, whichhelps get both the offender and family ofthe wronged together to resolve past issuesand come to terms with the crimecommitted so that they can move on andaccept each other.He added that the Department officials

also interact with political and traditionalleaders in a particular community to hearof their observation on the behaviour of anoffender and help them get accepted backin the community. He also said that theyalso engage with the local businesscommunity to share ideas on how they cantogether help the offender get a job, evenif it is temporary.

Skills and qualifications that theoffenders acquire while in re-integrationinclude anger management, counselling,building, carpentry, plumbing, electricalengineering and so forth. Crimes that areusually causing concerns in relation tocommunity’s acceptance include rape,murder and theft, which cause neighbours,communities and employers to be reluctantin trusting the offenders again.The heads of the involved satellite offices

urged nearby communities to assist theoffenders in their rehabilitation processesso that they do not relapse back into crime.Pholosi said that the process ofrehabilitating the offenders does not onlytake place during their time in prison butalso while on probation and parole. Headded that it is not only the Department’sresponsibility but that of the society aswell and working together they can ensurethat the offenders remain changed and stayfocused.

Traffic testing facility still not complete in Bela - Bela

Testing of drivers’ licenses at the Bela-Belatraffic testing facility are still not beingconducted.This is apparently due to incomplete road

markings on its course that have reportedlynot been completed by the building’scontractor.The facility, which was estimated to cost

R12 Million to construct, opened its doors inFebruary of this year but no tests have beencondcuted so far.The facility’s project manager, Vleis van

Zyl, had previously said that the testing courseof the facility has not been laid out due tounavailable paint.In a recent update van Zyl stated that

although the course has officially been laidout the course has not yet been paintedbecause its contractor had not been available.Employees of the facility also confirmed that

the facility’s generator remains non-functionaland that the electric gates have to be openedmanually.”“We are looking into all of the problems of

the facility and I will demand our contractorto finish the paint job or get someone else todo it,” he said.DA Councillor, Kobus van der Merwe stated

that the facility needs to be used for thepurpose it was created and that having no testsconducted is a waste of tax payer’s money.In an interview, the Bela-Bela municipal

spokesperson, Matome Sebelebele, said thatthe municipality has ensured that the oldtesting facility next to the R516 will remainopen for testing until the new facility isavailable.“Other parties cannot advise us on this

matter, we have provided people with afacility and should be used until the new oneis completed.”

Justin Steyn

The traffic testing facility in van der Merwe street is not yet operational. Photo: Justin Steyn

“The facility, which was estimated to costR12 Million to construct, opened its doors inFebruary of this year but no tests have beenconducted so far.”

Page 5: The Beat 31 July 2015

| 531 July, [email protected] | Website: EDITORIAL

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Madiba’s true legacyWe here in South Africa have a greatadvantage over other nations.Because we are such a young nation,our heroes are all quite recent. As aresult, we feel much closer to them.You may know someone who hadknown Madiba — many of us do, hewas always generous with his time,always gracious. Nobody has a badthing to say about him, or has evertold of a bad experience when theywere face-to-face with him. It’s niceto remember Madiba, who told offhis bodyguards when they tried toprevent people getting close to him,especially when faced with ourcurrent crop of fat cats whosebodyguards and blue-light brigadesare a pure menace to the publicsafety. He has risen quickly tobecome our Madiba of saintedmemory, the ideal we hold all ourpoliticians up to.

His memory gives us an admirablesense of national unity — who, wholives in South Africa, can deny theimpact he had on our lives? Who candeny the genius, the statesmanship,the generosity, of the man who wasthe symbol of our liberation?

But perhaps we need to pay lessattention to Madiba as he was whenhe was alive and more attention tothe legacy we are building for him.Madiba gave us a free nation, and hehad such big dreams for us. Wewould change the world — wewould certainly change the way theworld thought about Africa.

In his dreams, as he stated inspeeches and books, he saw SouthAfrica as a beacon of light to theworld, a free and united democracy,a true ‘rainbow nation’.

We have a responsibility to hismemory to live up to that ideal, tobuild South Africa up.

Sadly, we are faced with manyproblems, not the least of which arehis successors.

It’s a sad fact that great leaders willalways be followed by weaker ones.Alexander the Great was one of thefirst — he conquered the knownworld back in ancient times, andthirty years after he died, his empirewas in ruins. Shaka Zulu is anothergood example.

If we are not careful, in twenty orthirty years, our currency willdisappear like the Zimbabwe dollar,our people will be starving. Alreadyindustry is failing as a wave ofdemanding entitlement sweeps theland, resulting in crippling,sometimes violent, strikes. Alreadyforeign investors have no faith in oureconomy, and our most essentialservices are under the auspices of acompany that has proven, time andtime again, that it is simply notcapable of managing the electricitysupply to our nation effectively.

It is time that we start payingattention to the true legacy of NelsonMandela. It is not a political party. Itis not men in designer suits whospend the equivalent of the budget ofa small town to prettify their homes,or who don overalls over theirR20 000 suits and R5 000 shoes toshow that they are also part of ‘thepeople.’

We are the legacy of NelsonMandela.

Every person alive in South Africatoday is the legacy of Madiba. Wehave a responsibility to build ournation to greatness, to become whathe wanted us to be and, sadly, didnot live to see.

Mzamane Ringane

The BEAT spoke to local soccer fansaround Modimolle ahead of the annualCarling Black Label Cup, which isscheduled for Saturday, 1 August at theFNB Stadium.

The Carling Black Label cup is theonly competition in the country thatallows ordinary citizens a chance toselect the squad by voting for theirfavourite players.

Kaizer Chiefs die-hard fan LucasSeleka said that he predicts a difficultsmatch that will be decided by penalties.

“I have faith in my favourite team andbelieve that they will win thecompetition this year. I predict a toughmatch between the two Soweto giants.The departure of Coach Stuart Baxter isnot a train-smash since we have a newcoach who knows the team very well.

The winter chilldid not stop thesetwo soccerfanatics fromcoming to see theCoca Cola CopaTournament atKgabele Primarysports field onSaturday, 25 July.Photo: TKMashaba

Steve Komphela is the right man forthe job, and he will steer the team inthe right direction,” said Seleka.

Seleka said that he would bewatching the game at the FNBStadium.

On the other hand, Orlando Piratessupporter Ally-boy Soul Monyebodisaid that the game would be a walkin the park, with his team winning 3-1 in regulation time.

Monyebodi said that the Chiefs hadnot played enough games in the offseason, while Pirates have had a lotof games to prepare themselvesahead of the derby.

I think it will be an easy game forour team as Kaizer Chiefs has lost afew key players, including theirnumber one goalkeeper ItumelengKhune. Our boys are recently onform and that will enable them tosecure an easy victory against ouropponents,” said Monyebodi.

Monyebodi will also be watchingthe game live at Soccer City.

Hilda Tlhakanelo also believes thatPirates will win the game, but saidthat it will go through to penalties –she believes it will be a tough match.

Lebogang Matlala said that thematch will be tough, but preditcts a1-0 Pirates victory.

Meanwhile in Bela-Bela, localsoccer fanatic Edward Serema,popularly known as Mabutsu, hasorganized a public viewing forsupporters of both teams. The fanswill be entertained with music bylocal DJs at the venue.

Locals anticipate CarlingBlack Label Cup

Ally-boy Soul Monyebodi warnsOrlando Pirates that his team will becoming for them. Photo: MzamaneRingane

Lucas Seleka flaunts the new KaizerChiefs jersey. Photo: MzamaneRingane.

It always seems impossibleuntil it’s done - Nelson Mandela

Page 6: The Beat 31 July 2015

6 | 31 July, [email protected] | Website:


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Nelson Mandela Month




IN THE LABOUR COURTOF SOUTH AFRICA HELDAT JOHANNESBURGCASE NO:-MP8870-13In the matter betweenLEBOGANG E BOROKOExecution Creditor and AAND S GENERALENGINEERING ExecutionDebtorKindly take notice that interms of judgement grantedon the 20th February 2014,in the Labour Court of SouthAfrica and a warrant ofexecution issued thereafter, asale in execution of theundermentioned goods willbe held at 20 AhmedKathrada street, (PaulKruger), Modimolle 0510 onthe 13th August 2015 at11H00 consisting of :-1 x Round corner table1 x Wooden office cupboard1 x Steel filing cabinet4 x Office chairs1 x Panasonic fax machine1 x Wooden small table1 x Pine wave fan1 x Paper tray1 x Water cooler machine1 x Proline lig box andSahara keyboard1 x Samsung microwave1 x L.T.C. fridge1 x Golf car light1 x Steel filing cabinet1 x Welding machine3 x CO2 welding machine1 x Plasma cutter machine3 x Oxygen bottle2 x CO2 bottle2 x Gas bottle2 x Handy gas bottle1 x Lawn mower machine1 x Wooden reception desk1 x Wooden office desk1 x Diamond heater1 x White 8 ton truck Nissandiesel registration FKB 805N Vin No ADDT5200000001119 UD704038009380021 x White Isuzu KB250fleetside registration CLY103L1 x White hardbody Nissanregistration BJH 270 LDated at Modimolle on thisthe 21st day of July 2015.MALUMBETE &

MAKHUBELEATTORNEYSExecution Creditor’sAttorneys31 Nelson Mandela DriveOffice No 5, 1st Floor Le-Grant BuilingModimolle0510Tel: 014 717 5473Fax: (086) 514 3994REF: NCM/CK/LAB00541.


Notice is given in terms ofthe Environmental ImpactAssessment RegulationsListing Notice 1 of 2014 ofGovernment Notice No.38282 of 4 December 2014under the NationalEnvironmental ManagementAct, Act 107 of 1998 ofintent to carry out thefollowing activity:(ACTIVITY NO.4) Thedevelopment and relatedoperation of facilities orinfrastructure for theconcentration of animals forthe purpose of commercialproduction in densities thatexceed (iii) 30 squaremetres per crocodile at anylevel of production,excluding crocodilesyounger than 6 months.PROJECT TITLE ANDDESCRIPTION:Buffelspoort construction ofcrocodile rearing facilitywith capacity for 6 000crocodiles.LOCATION: Remainingportion 16 (a portion ofportion 15) of the farmBuffelspoort 421, situatedin Bela Bela District withinModimolle LocalMunicipality area.OFFICIAL: LimpopoDepartment of EconomicDevelopment, Environmentand Tourism. Telephone no:015 293 8300.CONSUNTANT:BUCANDIENVIRONMENTALSOLUTIONS, P.O. Box317, Viljoenskroon, 9520.Tel: 076 682 4369, Fax: 086551 1894, [email protected] order to ensure that youare identified as aninterested or affected party,please submit your name,contact information andenvironmental interest in thematter to the consultantbefore 31 August 2015.

TK Mashaba

The Bela-Bela DevelopmentCommittee and ForeverResorts Bela-Bela have put asmile on the faces of 21children from AlbertLuthuliPrimary School afterdonating school shoes andsocks as part of their 67Minutes for Mandela Day.

According to Forever Resortsmarketing officer SamRammutla, it is theirresponsibility to give back tothe community and help thosein need.

“We have been approachedby the Bela-Bela DevelopmentCommittee. There was a needfor shoes in the schools and wedecided to help,” he said.

Sarah Mbokane from ForeverResorts thanked those whocontributed by identifying

TK Mashaba

Bela-Bela’s Bosele Drop-In Centre got amassive boost from local people who came intheir numbers to spend their 67 Minutes forMandela Day at the centre.

One of the coordinators of the event and ofthe newly-formed group T in the City Troopsfrom Bela-Bela, Thabo Mothokoa, said that theinitiative to have young people give their timeat the centre was a positive one.

“This is going to be our daily routine now,seeing that this centre and all the needy peopleof Bela-Bela don’t go to sleep without food,”said Mothokoa.

His group has adopted Bosele as one of thecentres that they will be visiting from time totime, getting to know the disadvantagedfamilies and learning how they can help.

“We are very proud of what the centre isdoing and it shows us that we must alwayshave Ubuntu,” he said. “Humanity, helpingeach other.”

The centre was thronged with people whocame with food parcels, paint and clothes forthe families.

those with the worst need, and saidthat it was painful to see parentsneglecting future leaders like that.

“These children are the futureleaders and it is a core duty ofparents to take care of theirchildren,” she said.

Rhetty Matjila, an educator fromAlbert Luthuli, said that they werehumbled and grateful for thedonation.

“We are glad that there arepeople that care beyondboundaries and are making surethat these children can attendschool with warm clothes andshoes,” she said.

Matome Sebelebele, themunicipal spokesperson, saidthat this was a collectiveapproach to make sure that allthe children in local schools aretaken care of.

“Children must live their livesas children without stress aboutclothes, food, or abuse,” he said.

Devco and Forever Resorts indonation partnership

“I am so humbled by the help from thecommunity as we all know working withdisadvantaged families is hard and painful,”said the centre’s coordinator Precious Langa.She thanked everyone who contributed, from

Brenner Mills for their donation of maize mealto the Elephant Springs which supplied helpwith paint.

Bosele Drop-In Centre gets a boost from Mandela DayTK Mashaba

TK Mashaba

The Albert Luthuli learners with Devco members andForever Resorts during the donation of shoes and socks atAlbert Luthuli. Photo: TK Mashaba

Some of thepeople who cameto spend their 67minutes at BoseleDrop-In Centre.Photo:TK Mashaba

Thabo Mothokoa from T in The CityTroops from addressing people at

Bosele Drop-In Centre on Mandela Day.Photo: TK Mashaba

1918 - 2013


Page 7: The Beat 31 July 2015

| 731 July, [email protected] | Website: Nelson Mandela Month

The Waterberg District Municipality together withMogalakwena Local Municipality celebrated their NelsonMandela Day at Ga-Mathapo, Bavaria in Mogalakwena bybuilding a house for the Malema Family. The constructionof the house started on Saturday, 11 July, and wasofficially handed over on Saturday, 18 July, ahead of itscompletion. The district managed to raise funds for

purchasing building material for theconstruction of a four-room house throughtheir strategic business partners. With thesupport and assistance of the localtraditional leader Kgoshi Matlala, theMalema family was identified as thesuitable beneficiary. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

TheWaterbergYouthChamberteam cleanedsome of theday-carecentres inthe districtas part oftheir charitywork. Photo:Lizzy Bapela

Members and leaders of the DA

Mookgophongmayor Sara

Monyamaneand her

entouragedonated blankets to

over a thousandelderly people in the

area onMandela Day.

Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Bela-Bela gathered at theNthabeleng Day-CareCentre to paint and cleanthe crèche on Saturday,18 July.Photo: Lizzy Bapela

The Deputy Minister donated books to the juveniles at thecentre and addressed them as part of his Mandela Monthactivities conducted on Friday, 17 July. Photo: Lizzy Bapela

Page 8: The Beat 31 July 2015

8 |31 July, 2015

[email protected] | Website:

TK Mashaba

Team Limpopo exceeded expectationsat the Interprovincial VolleyballTournament in Gauteng.

The tournament was held in Gautengfrom Tuesday, 14 July to Saturday, 18July. Bela-Bela took part in fourcategories — senior males and femalesas well as junior males and females.

The tournament was attended by otherdistricts such as Western Province,Tshwane, Gauteng Central, Uthunguluand Ekhuruleni. Team Limpopo tookpart as Capricorn District.

Capricorn District beat Gauteng,Western Province and Uthungulu 3-0and came home with silver medals inthe men’s category and gold in the

ladies’.The senior men’s team brought home

bronze medals, and the senior ladies’team came in sixth place.

According to Kamplits Volleyball’scoach Thabo Molokomme, the teamperformed outstandingly well.

“We are proud to have such talent inour midst,” he said.

“We will continue to improve with thesupport of the Department of Sports,Arts and Culture, and local sponsors.”

The junior team has done Limpopoproud by winning gold against thechampions Western Province, andobtaining some individual awards.

Bela-Bela’s Boithsepo Mbayay wonBest Setter while Matsetela Motsai wonthe most valuable player of thetournament.

‘We are proud to have such talent in our midst’

Team Limpopoperforms well atInterprovincialVolleyballTournament

Bela-Bela’sBoitshepoMbayat withKamplitsformer coachMikeMakhubela andMasetelaMotsai. Mbayatwon BestSetter whileMotsai wasnamed MostValuablePlayer. Photo:TK Mashaba

TK Mashaba

Amogelang Motau (Front row in the left) is the pride of the Waterberg.Photo supplied

Amongelang Motau’s soccer starshines bright as captain

otherwise success was thin on the groundfor the visiting team.Motau started her football career in the

Waterberg’s ABSA Regional Women’sLeague, where she played for ModimolleNaughty Girls at the tender age of 12.She later joined Kanatla Ladies FC,

before she was identified and given anopportunity to pursue her career at theHigh Performance Centre in Gauteng.Motau played for the Under-17 team

Bantwana before being promoted into theUnder-20 team.In a post-match interview with the SABC,

Motau said that it was an absolute pleasurefor her to be captaining such a great team,and thanked her team mates for playing asa collective and ensuring that they win thematch.She said that they would guard against

getting too excited after the whipping theydelivered to Botswana, as they still had toprepare themselves for playing other teamsthroughout the qualifiers.During their home game against

Botswana at the Dobsonville Stadium, itwas clear that Motau was not the onlyWaterberger there.SAFA Limpopo secretary Pat Seema and

John Mthunzini, both from Bela-Bela,were both at the match.The pair were caught on camera watching

the match.

All the best,Madiba.

And may allyour prayers be


Mzamane Ringane

Modimolle-born soccer player AmogelangMotau continues to put the Waterberg onthe map following her recent excellentdisplay as captain of the SA women’sUnder-20 national team Basetsana duringan encounter against Botswana.It is always a huge responsibility to be

given the captain’s armband, but Motau’shard work and confidence made it seemeasy.Motau led the team in beating Botswana

8-1 at the Dobsonville Stadium in Sowetoon Sunday, 12 July and again with a scoreof 1-0 on Friday, 24 July on their returnleg.The game served as a qualifier for the

2015 FIFA Women’s Under-20 World Cuptournament, which will be held in PapuaNew Guinea from 28 October until 16November.The Waterberg-born captain directly

contributed toward Basetsana’s victoryduring their home match when her well-done free kick made contact with LindaMothlalo’s head, a move that resulted inthe sixth goal for the team.Botswana managed to score one goal

after the home side was caught napping afew minutes after their sixth goal, but