  1. 1. Basic of Public Speaking Adapted from materials provided by Allyn and Bacon BASICS OF PUBLIC SPEAKING
  2. 2. Public Speaking Produces Anxiety in Most People 3. Death 2. Snakes 1. Public Speaking Peoples Biggest Fears Basics of Public Speaking
  3. 3. Overcoming Speech Anxiety Acknowledge Your Fear Act Confident Channel Nervous Energy Basics of Public Speaking
  4. 4. Overcoming Speech Anxiety (cont) Practice, Practice, Practice Simulate Setting at Home Ask Friends to Be Practice Audience Basics of Public Speaking
  5. 5. Overcoming Speech Anxiety (cont) Visualize Your Success Use Deep-breathing Techniques Focus on Message, not Fear Give Yourself a Mental Pep Talk Basics of Public Speaking
  6. 6. Understand Audience and Listening People Think Faster Than Hear Have Short Attention Span Jump to Conclusions Easily Distracted Basics of Public Speaking
  7. 7. Listening Remedies Keep Speech Focused Divide Speech into Compact Segments Analyze Audience Carefully Adapt to Situation Basics of Public Speaking
  8. 8. Understand Audience Memory Time Amount of Speech Remembered + + - Basics of Public Speaking
  9. 9. Understand The Speech Context Audience Setting Basics of Public Speaking
  10. 10. The Audience Size Demographics Beliefs and Values Receptive/Antagonistic Basics of Public Speaking
  11. 11. Context - The Setting Indoor/Outdoor Size and Shape of Room Arrangement of Seating Equipment Available Lighting Acoustics Basics of Public Speaking
  12. 12. Understand & Define Your Purpose Inform Inspire / Persuade Entertain Introduce Accept Pay Tribute Basics of Public Speaking
  13. 13. Understand the Speech Making Process Choosing/Narrowing a Topic Researching Topic Organizing Your Speech Developing an Outline Rehearsing Speech Delivering Speech Basics of Public Speaking
  14. 14. Choosing an Appropriate Topic Is It Important to You? Is It Important to Your Audience? Will It Hold Audiences Attention? Is It Manageable in the Time Available? Is It Appropriate for Oral Presentation? Is It Clear? Basics of Public Speaking
  15. 15. Basic of Public Speaking Adapted from materials provided by Allyn and Bacon THANK YOU
