
The Art of Leadinga Great

Youth Discussion


Do these make sense to you?

Kids Make Nutritious Snacks

Hospital Sued by Seven Foot


Stolen Painting Found by Tree

Iranian HeadSeeks Arms

Red Tape Holds Up New Bridges

Juvenile Court to Try Shooting Defendant

Typhoon Rips Through

Cemetery:Hundreds Dead

Miners Refuse to Work After Death

Prostitutes Appeal to Pope

The Art of Leadinga Great

Youth Discussion

2 Key Principles

to START a Great Youth Discussion

Principle # 1: Make a small


Principle # 2: Need at least some


You can create your own discussion by

utilizing these 2 principles

Here are 8 different ways

you can do this!

#1: Voting

#1: Voting

SA___ A___ P___ D___ SD___

#1: VotingA person must attend church if they are really serious about being a Christian.

SA___ A___ P___ D___ SD___

#2: Continuum

#2: Continuum


#2: Continuum

__________________________________Race car Old man on aDriver Sunday drive

#2: Continuum

How do you usually drive?

__________________________________Race car Old man on aDriver Sunday drive

#2: Continuum


#2: Continuum

__________________________________Thou ThouShalt Shalt Not

#2: Continuum

When I think of the 10 commandments the general message I get is:

__________________________________Thou ThouShalt Shalt Not

#3: Ranking

#3: RankingHow is the Christian faith most often passed on to others?

#3: RankingHow is the Christian faith most often passed on to others?

____ Words

#3: RankingHow is the Christian faith most often passed on to others?

____ Words____ Witness of the Church

#3: RankingHow is the Christian faith most often passed on to others?

____ Words____ Witness of the Church____ The Holy Spirit

#3: RankingHow is the Christian faith most often passed on to others?

____ Words____ Witness of the Church____ The Holy Spirit____ Loving Actions

#3: Ranking

#3: Ranking

____ A dishonest politician

#3: Ranking

____ A dishonest politician____ A self-righteous person

#3: Ranking

____ A dishonest politician____ A self-righteous person____ A prostitute

#3: RankingWho would you go to if you had a problem?

____ A dishonest politician____ A self-righteous person____ A prostitute

#4: Goal Setting

#4: Goal Setting

For personal Bible study, the goal for our youth group is:

#4: Goal Setting

For personal Bible study, the goal for our youth group is:• 100% participation

#4: Goal Setting

For personal Bible study, the goal for our youth group is:• 100% participation• 30 minutes/day

#4: Goal Setting

For personal Bible study, the goal for our youth group is:• 100% participation• 30 minutes/day• 7 days/week

#4: Goal Setting

For personal Bible study, the goal for our youth group is:• 100% participation• 30 minutes/day• 7 days/weekAccept this or modify it?

#5: Listen, Look

#5: Listen, Look

Hector has just discovered Jesus for himself, and he is VERY excited about this incredible discovery! He wants to share the good news with everybody. . . NOW!!!

#5: Listen, Look

So Hector walks up to other students at school, pins them to the wall, and asks, them, “ARE YOU SAVED?!”

#5: Listen, Look

What do you think of Hector?

#5: Listen, Look

What do you think of Hector’s method of sharing the Gospel?

#5: Listen, Look

What are some other ways of sharing the Gospel?

#5: Listen, Look

#6: Interview

#6: Interview

Invite somebody to the front and ask them questions in front of everyone else.

#6: Interview


#6: Interview

Ask questions of different people in the group, and ask them while they sit in their seats.

#6: Interview


#6: Interview

Have people choose their own questions and answer what they choose, such as:

#6: Interview

Draw a card yourself from:


#7: Dilemma

#7: Dilemma

Heather reluctantly accepts Jason’s invitation to the banquet, figuring it’s better than going alone.

#7: Dilemma

Two days later, Marcus catches Heather in the school hallway and asks her if she will go with him to the banquet.

#7: Dilemma

Heather has been wanting to date Marcus for more than a full year. She can hardly believe he has asked her!

#7: Dilemma

Heather quickly accepts the invitation from Marcus and walks on air the rest of the day!

#7: Dilemma

That evening Heather gets jolted back to reality when Jason phones her and asks the color of her dress for the banquet.

#7: Dilemma

Is this a dilemma?

#7: Dilemma

What would you do?

#7: Dilemma

What should you do?

#8: Forced Choice

#8: Forced Choice

Would you rather:

#8: Forced Choice

Would you rather:

Hear God’s voice once, clearly,out loud?

#8: Forced Choice

Would you rather:

Hear God’s voice once, clearly,out loud?


#8: Forced Choice

Would you rather:

Hear God’s voice once, clearly,out loud?

Hear God frequently, in a still, small voice?


#8: Forced Choice

#8: Forced Choice

Which is more important to God:

#8: Forced Choice

Which is more important to God:

The beliefs we hold

#8: Forced Choice

Which is more important to God:

The beliefs we hold


#8: Forced Choice

Which is more important to God:

The beliefs we hold

The life we live


Discussion Starters:

Discussion Starters:Create your own

Discussion Starters:Create your own


Discussion Starters:Create your own

Get some already made

