Page 1: The application of a simplified approach to modelling tumbling mills, stirred media mills and HPGR’s

Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 633–641

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The application of a simplified approach to modelling tumbling mills,stirred media mills and HPGR’s

A.L. Hinde *, J.T. KalalaMinerals Processing Division, Mintek, Private Bag X3015, Randburg 2125, South Africa

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history:Received 1 August 2008Accepted 7 April 2009

Keywords:ComminutionModellingSimulationProcess optimisationProcess synthesis

0892-6875/$ - see front matter � 2009 Elsevier Ltd. Adoi:10.1016/j.mineng.2009.04.002

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +27 11 709 4438; faxE-mail address: [email protected] (A.L. Hinde)

Most modern population balance models for comminution invoke the concept of a specific breakage ratefunction and a breakage distribution function to describe breakage kinetics. One of the difficulties of thisapproach is that these functions are very difficult to measure directly. Consequently, it is usual to assumethat these functions can be represented by simple equations with parameters that can easily be estimatedfrom test data using back-calculation techniques. However, these estimates can be very sensitive to smallmeasurement errors and are usually subject to very large variances. This paper presents a simplifiedapproach to modelling comminution processes that invoke the concept of an energy-based cumulativebreakage rate function to describe breakage kinetics. This function can be estimated directly from plantdata and is well-suited to multi-component modelling of individual rock types and mineral species.Examples of the application of this simplified modelling approach are described for the treatment of plat-inum ores using ball mills, AG/SAG mills, HPGR’s and stirred media mills.

� 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction

The steady-state and dynamic performance of grinding millscan be described using a population balance approach to quantifythe size distribution and composition of material inside the mill. Itis common to select sizes conforming to a root-two geometric pro-gression given by xi, where the subscript i serves as an index to ref-erence each size class. The first or largest size, x1, is normallyselected to be larger than the largest particles likely to be encoun-tered in the feed stream. The so-called sink size class n referencesall particles with sizes between zero and xn. The composition ofmaterial in each size class can be expressed in term of rock type,assay value and mineral content. Consideration should also be gi-ven to the state of liberation of each species. Breakage behaviourinside the mill is usually quantified in terms of a specific breakagerate function and a separate breakage distribution function. Mate-rial transport behaviour is usually expressed in terms of a resi-dence time distribution and a specific discharge rate function. Inthis introduction, the basic mathematical structure of ‘‘standard”population balance models will be reviewed to highlight some ofthe dilemmas that must be resolved to estimate model parametersaccurately.

The specific breakage rate function for tumbling and stirredmedia mills, Si,k, can be defined as the statistical average of thefractional rate (per unit time) that particles of composition or spe-

ll rights reserved.

: +27 11 709 4427..

cies type k break out of size class i. Because a time-based breakagerate function can be sensitive to mill geometry and operating con-ditions, it is desirable to make a transformation to an energy-nor-malised breakage rate function defined by SE

i;k ¼ Si;kM=P (Herbstand Fuerstenau, 1980) where P is the net mill power and M isthe total mass of the material to be broken in the mill. The en-ergy-normalised breakage rate function is generally insensitive toscale-up. In principle, it should be possible to measure the specificbreakage rate function directly by using radioactive tracer tech-niques to ‘‘tag-and-track” each species of interest during its pas-sage through the mill. This is very difficult and impractical to doon a routine basis. Consequently, simplifying assumptions mustbe made to obtain an estimate of the breakage rate function. Acommonly made assumption is that the breakage rate functioncan be represented by a simple equation with parameters thatcan be back-calculated from test data (Austin et al., 1984).

The primary breakage distribution function for a tumbling orstirred media mill, bi,j,k, is defined as the mass fraction of speciesk breaking out of size class j that appears in size class i before par-ticles have had a chance to be re-broken. Again, in principle, itshould be possible to estimate the breakage distribution functionusing radioactive tracer techniques, but such an approach has yetto be proven viable. To resolve this dilemma, it is possible to adopta similar approach to that described above by assuming that thebreakage distribution function can be represented by a simpleequation with parameters that can be identified by back-calcula-tion. An alternative approach is to derive a plausible breakage dis-tribution function from laboratory dropweight and tumbling tests

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on small rocks in narrow size ranges (Napier-Munn et al., 1996).However, such tests may not reflect the environmental conditionslikely to be encountered in a pilot or production mill where therecan be a wide spectrum of particle sizes and modes of breakage.It follows that there is a high risk that the derived breakage distri-bution function does not reflect reality.

A popular approach to modelling material transport behaviouror residence time distributions in tumbling and stirred media millsis to partition the mill into one or more axial segments. Each seg-ment is then treated as a perfectly mixed reactor. The number ofsegments required will depend on the aspect ratio of the mill(diameter to length ratio). The model can be refined by allowingfor back-mixing between segments. In the case of a grate dischargemill, it is common to invoke the concept of a specific discharge ratefunction, gi,k, defined as the fractional mass rate that particles of agiven species type and size leave the discharge segment.

A generic population balance model for a tumbling or stirredmedia mill that can be treated as a single fully mixed reactor is gi-ven by the following equation:

accumulation ¼ flow in� flow out � consumptionþ generation

dwi;kdt ¼ fi;k � gi;kwi;k � SE

i;kPM wi;k þ




PM wj;k


where wi,k is the hold-up mass of size class i and rock type k parti-cles, (t); fi,k is the mill inlet flow rate of size class i and rock type kparticles, (t/h); t is time, (h); SE

i;k is the specific breakage rate for sizeclass i and rock type k (kWh/t)�1; gi,k is the specific discharge ratefor size class i and rock type k (h)�1; bi,j,k is the primary breakagedistribution for rock type k from size j to i; P is mill power (kW);M is ore hold-up (t).

Eq. (1) takes the standard form of a state-variable description ofa dynamical system where the dependent variables or states are gi-ven by the hold-ups wi,k inside the mill. The resulting set of differ-ential equations can be solved numerically to simulate both thedynamic and steady-state behaviour of the mill. In the case ofAG/SAG mills, the mill power P and total ore mass M are both func-tions of the state variables. Equations for estimating the powerdraw for tumbling and stirred media mills in terms of the statevariables are well-established (Rowland and Kjos, 1980; Austin,1990; Tüzün, 1993).

Breakage in an HPGR is fundamentally different to a tumbling orstirred media mill in that the relationship between grind size andspecific energy input is highly nonlinear. This arises from the factthat as material passes through the rolls, the void volume in theparticulate bed becomes progressively smaller, resulting in dispro-portionately greater dissipation of energy in the form of rollingfriction. As a result, the energy component that goes into particlebreakage becomes progressively reduced. Fuerstenau et al. (1991)have indicated that grinding kinetics for HPGR’s can best be repre-sented by population balance equations expressed directly as afunction of the net specific energy input n (kwh/t). If w0i;k is themass fraction in the product stream for size class i and species k,then the population balance for breakage in an HPGR is given by:


dn0¼ �SE

i;kw0i;kðn0Þ þ




0Þ ð2Þ

where n0= n1�s/(1 � s) and the exponent 0 6 s 6 1 is an energy dis-

sipation parameter. The net specific energy consumed in an HPGR isdetermined by the net power absorbed and throughput, which canbe related to the geometry of the rolls, roll speed and set-up condi-tions (initial or zero gap setting and hydro-pneumatic pressures).Important parameters for scale-up from pilot test data are the spe-cific pressure force, specific throughput and the specific power draw

(Klymowsky et al., 2002). A more elaborate model for HPGR’s hasbeen described by Daniel and Morell (2004) that involves dividingthe internals of the HPGR into a number of zones and allowing forroll edge effects. Although the modelling of HPGR’s appears to bestraightforward, very little seems to have be done to understandand quantify individual mineral deportment and liberationbehaviour.

From the above discussion, it should be evident that mathemat-ical structures for population balance models describing total sol-ids and individual mineral behaviour for tumbling mills, stirredmedia mills and HPGR’s are well-established. However, the accu-rate identification of model parameters can be a formidable task,even for models that keep track of a single species, let alone multi-ple species with multiple states of liberation. Accordingly, it is of-ten necessary to make gross simplifying assumptions regarding thestructure of the breakage rate and breakage distribution functions.Moreover, heavy reliance must be placed on back-calculation ornonlinear regression techniques to determine parameters. Smallmeasurement errors can often lead to huge variances for theparameters being identified and it is doubtful that the estimatesof the breakage rate and breakage distribution functions accuratelyreflect reality.

2. Simplified approach to modelling comminution circuits

The approach adopted by Mintek to design flowsheets for newconcentrators or upgrading and optimizing existing plants is toconduct tests at laboratory or pilot-scale. At laboratory scale, it ispossible to explore different circuit configurations using locked cy-cle techniques and at pilot-scale it is possible to simulate the per-formance of complete circuits operated continuously. Such circuitsusually involve the integration of comminution, flotation andphysical separation processes for the concentration of selectedmineral species. The attractive feature of conducting tests at pi-lot-scale is that the risk of scale-up errors is relatively low. In thecase of grinding circuits, scale-up is usually based on the assump-tion that specific energy input remains essentially constant withscale-up, although some corrections must be made to allow for millgeometry effects.

Obviously, it can be a costly exercise to pilot a large number ofcircuit configurations when seeking a solution to a design or opti-mization problem. This is where computer simulation studies canserve a useful role in guiding the selection of the most promisingoptions to pilot. Over the last couple of decades, Mintek has codeda suite of population balance models of conventional crushers,tumbling mills, stirred media mills, HPGR’s and various size classi-fiers (vibrating screens, hydrocyclones and elutriators). The com-minution models not only include those described in theintroductory discussion, but also those with a much simpler math-ematical structure and with parameters that can be derived di-rectly from pilot tests or from data generated from samplingcampaigns conducted at production scale. These simplified modelsalso allow for the behaviour of individual rock types or mineralspecies. Most of the concepts behind these simple models arewell-described in the literature for tumbling mills, but have yetto be explored fully with regard to stirred media mills and HPGR’s.All the simplified models are based on the assumption that grind-ing kinetics can be described by a single function, instead of twoseparate functions. This function is the cumulative breakage ratefunction, defined as the rate per unit mass that a given speciescoarser than a given size breaks to below that size. It plays an anal-ogous role to a partition function used in physical separation pro-cesses in that parameters can be related to equipment designgeometry and operating conditions in much the same way. Modelsbased on the use of this function are collectively referred to asCumulative Rate models.

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2.1. Cumulative rate models for tumbling and stirred media mills

For conventional tumbling mills (rod, ball, and pebble mills), ithas been found that models using a cumulative breakage rate func-tion can easily be fitted to pilot or plant data and appear to be ade-quate for evaluating competing circuits (Hinde and King, 1978;Finch and Ramirez-Castro, 1980; Laplante et al., 1987). In thesepublications, cumulative breakage rates were expressed in thetime domain, but it has been found to be more useful to use an en-ergy-normalised form. For a perfectly mixed overflow mill wherethe size distribution of the mill charge and discharge stream areusually very similar, the population balance for material coarserthan size xi inside the mill is given by:

Accumulation ¼ in� out � consumptiondMWi;k

dt ¼ F½ 1� Fi;k

� ��Wi;k� � P


� �KE


where Wi,k is the mass fraction of material coarser than size xi in themill; F is the feed flow rate (t/h); M is the mass hold-up of ore (t); Fi,k

is the mass fraction of feed finer than xi; KEi;k is the energy-norma-

lised cumulative breakage rate function.At steady-state Eq. (3), simplifies to

Pi;k ¼Fi;k þ nFi;k

1þ nKEi;k


where Pi,k = (1 �Wi,k) is the mass fraction less than size xi in theproduct stream and n is the specific energy input. For a plug flowresidence time distribution the relationship between the productand feed size distribution is given by:

Pi;k ¼ 1� ð1� Fi;kÞ expð�nKEi;kÞ ð5Þ

It should be evident that given the feed and product size distri-bution, together with the specific energy input, it is possible todetermine the energy-normalised cumulative breakage rate func-tion without recourse to back-calculation methods.

Fig. 1 shows the raw data and model fit for batch tests con-ducted in an instrumented ball mill with a motor shaft torque sen-sor and tachometer to allow for the accurate estimation of the netenergy consumed by the mill charge.

A similar model can also be used to describe the behaviour ofstirred media mills. In general, the simplified model provides a





Particle me


s p






an s


Fig. 1. Fit of simple model to tests co

poorer fit than the standard model to test data. An improved fitcan, however, be achieved by allowing a nonlinear relationship be-tween breakage rates and specific energy input.

2.2. A simplified model for SAG mills

The application of the concept of a cumulative breakage ratefunction to the steady-state modelling of SAG mills (including fullyautogenous and run-of-mine ball mills) has been described by Aus-tin et al. (1993). The dynamic modelling of an open circuit SAG millusing an energy-normalised cumulative breakage rate functionwas first described in 1993 (Amestica et al., 1993) and again in1996 (Amestica et al., 1996).

The specific cumulative breakage rate function, Ki,k, in the timedomain is defined as the fractional rate at which particles of a gi-ven species or rock type, k, above a given size, xi, in the mill breakto below that size per unit time. A transformation relationship,similar to that used for the standard model, can used to definean energy-normalised cumulative breakage rate function,(KE

i;k ¼ Ki;kM=P).Consider a population balance for a continuously fed mill (trea-

ted as a single fully mixed reactor) for particles in size class 1 androck type k. If there are no particles coarser than size x1 the specificbreakage rate, KE

1;k, of particles coarser than this size is undefined. Itfollows that the population balance equation with respect to timefor size class 1 is given by:

accumulation ¼ in� out � consumptiondðW2;kÞ

dt ¼ F2;k � P2;k �W2;kPM KE



where F2,k and P2,k are the cumulative mass flows of material coar-ser than size x2 in the feed and product streams, respectively. Wi,k isnow defined as the absolute mass of material coarser than size xi in-side the mill and wi,k is the absolute mass retained in size class i. Forthe first size class, Eq. (6) is identical to:

accumulation ¼ in� out � consumptiondðw1;kÞ

dt ¼ f1;k � g1;kw1;k �w1;kPM KE



where fi,k is absolute mass flowrate for the inlet feed to the mill.The first term on the right-hand side of Eq. (7) gives the flow-

rate of size class 1 and rock type k into the mill. The second


sh size [mm]

feed meas.

2.5 kWh/t meas.

5 kWh/t meas.

10 kWh/t meas.

20 kWh/t meas.

nducted using a batch ball mill.

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term expresses the discharge flow rate in terms of the value ofthe specific discharge function and mass hold-up for size class1 and rock type k. The third term in Eq. (7) assumes that break-age rates are proportional to the product of the specific powerinput and the mass of size class 1 material inside the mill. Whenexpressed in this form, the energy-based specific breakage ratefunction, KE

i;k (kWh/t)�1 is assumed to be insensitive to scale-up. It should be noted that the power draw of the mill isstrongly dependent on the hold-up of rock and pebbles insidethe mill, which makes it necessary to solve this equation bynumerical methods.

The accumulation or rate of change of the hold-up of materialcoarser than xi (i = 2, 3, . . . , n � 1) is given by:


¼ Fi;k � Pi;k �Wi;kPM

KEi;k ð8Þ

where the first term on the right-hand size of this equation is theinlet flowrate of rock type k coarser than size xi and the second termis the discharge flowrate of material coarser than size xi. The thirdterm is the rate at which material coarser than size xi breaks to be-low this size. A similar equation can be applied to material coarserthan size xi+1:


¼ Fiþ1;k � Piþ1;k �Wiþ1;kPM

KEiþ1;k ð9Þ

Subtracting Eq. (8) from Eq. (9) gives the accumulation of materialwithin size class i:

accumulation ¼ in� out þ ðgeneration� consumptionÞdwi;k

dt ¼ fi;k � gi;kwi;k þ Wi;kPM KE

i;k � ðwi;k þWi;kÞ PM KE


n o ð10Þ

The mass balance for particles in size class n (the sink intervalwith particle sizes between zero and xn) is given by:


¼ fn;k � gn;kwn;k þWn;kPM

KEn;k ð11Þ

The water balance is given by:

accumulation ¼ in� outdw0dt ¼ f0 � g0w0


The above equations can be solved numerically to simulate both thedynamic and steady-state behaviour of the mill for any circuitconfiguration.

The total mass of ore inside the mill is obviously a function ofthe hold-ups of particles of all rock types and all sizes. The poweris a function of the hold-ups of water, ore and grinding media. Anumber of model equations are available in the literature for pre-dicting the power draw, such as the one developed for SAG millsgiven in Eq. (13) (Austin, 1990):

P ¼ 10:6D2:5Lð1� 1:03JÞ½ð1� ecÞðq̂r=wcÞJ

þ 0:6JBðqB � q̂r=wcÞ�ð/cÞ 1� 0:1


� �ð13Þ

where J and JB are the static fractional volumetric filling of the millfor the total charge and for the balls, respectively. The effectiveporosity of the charge is given by ec and wc is the weight of theore expressed as a fraction of the total mass of ore and water inthe mill. The density of the balls and average density of the ore(t/m3) are given by qB and q̂r , respectively, and uc is the mill speedexpressed as a fraction of the critical speed.

The Mintek version of the cumulative rates model describedabove caters for the effects of different aspect ratios (D/L) whenscaling up pilot data by treating the production mill as a numberof fully mixed reactors in series with size-independent back-mix-ing between adjacent reactors.

It can be shown from the population balance equations for thesolids given above (Eqs. (7), (10), and (11)) that the cumulativespecific breakage rate function can be obtained directly from plantdata. By definition, there are no particles coarser than x1, so KE

1;k isundefined. The specific breakage rates for particles coarser thansize x2 (particles in size class 1 only) can be obtained at steady-state by equating the derivative in Eq. (7) to zero and rearrangingterms:

KE2;k ¼

f1;k � p1;k


After equating the derivatives to zero in Eq. (10), values for thecumulative breakage rate function can be calculated recursivelyfor i = 2, 3, ... , (n � 1):

KEiþ1;k ¼

fi;k � pi;k þWi;kðP=MÞKEi;k

ðwi;k þWi;kÞP=Mð15Þ

From Eq. (11) (for i = n):

KEn;k ¼ �

fn;k � pn;k


In a pilot mill, all the terms on the right-hand side of the aboveequations are directly measurable.

Fig. 2 shows the result of replicate measurements of the cumu-lative breakage rate function for a pilot SAG mill operating inclosed circuit with a vibrating screen. This function can be approx-imated by the following equation:

KEi;k ¼


1þ ðx̂i=lkÞkkþ j2;kx̂

a2;ki ð17Þ

where j1,k, j2,k, a1,k, a2,k, lk, and kk are model parameters. An attrac-tive feature of the Mintek pilot SAG mill is that it is equipped withan advanced control system based on proprietary software that canbe used to help facilitate the estimation of the relationship betweenthe parameters given in Eq. (17) and operating conditions. It isinteresting to note that for open circuit SAG milling the rock chargecan become unstable with throughput increasing with decreasingrock charge or power draw. In spite of the simple structure of theMintek SAG model, it has provided useful insight into systemdynamics.

Fig. 3 shows the measured specific discharge rate function forthe SAG mill, which is identical to that used in the standard model.

2.3. A cumulative rates model for a HPGR

It has been found that the product size distribution from anHPGR can be related to the feed size distribution Fi,k and specificenergy input n using the following equation:

Pi;k ¼ 1� ð1� Fi;kÞ exp � n1�s

1� sKE



where KEi;k is the energy-normalised cumulative breakage rate func-

tion. This function and the energy dissipation parameter can be ob-tained directly from test data. It has been found that the energy-normalised breakage distribution function can be approximatedby a polynomial function given by:

KEi;k ¼ jk½expðak ln ðxiÞ þ bkðln ðxiÞÞ2 þ ckðln ðxiÞÞ3 þ � � �Þ� ð19Þ

In practice, a reasonable fit to the breakage distribution functioncan be achieved using a polynomial of order three or less. Fig. 4shows the relations between the measured size distributions ofproducts obtained in a Polysius Labwal HPGR with a 250 mm diam-eter by 100 mm long rolls.

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0.01 0.1 1 10 100

Particle mesh size [mm]





e ra

te [h



Fig. 3. Specific discharge rates for pilot SAG mill with pebble ports.




0.01 0.1 1 10 100Particle mesh size [mm]













Fig. 2. Cumulative energy-normalised breakage rate function for SAG mill.

A.L. Hinde, J.T. Kalala / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 633–641 637

3. The application of simplified models to the comminution ofplatinum ores

Mintek has been actively involved in the development of pro-cess flowsheets for the platinum industry for more than two dec-ades. In the 1980’s, the major source of platinum was from theMerensky reef on the Western limb of the Bushveld Complex. Atthat time, there was a clear vision that there would be an increaseddemand for platinum to support the expected growth in the auto-catalyst industry. It was considered unlikely that the demand couldbe met by the depleting Merensky ore reserves and the decisionwas taken to exploit UG2 ores, which are very high in chromitecontent. This ore type is currently the major source of South Afri-ca’s platinum ore reserves. At the time, conventional methods forconcentrating and smelting UG2 ores were problematical due tothe very fine grain size of the platinum-bearing minerals and thehigh chromite content of the ore. Mintek, in collaboration withleading platinum producers, subsequently developed the ‘‘Mintek

Process” flowsheet (Deeplaul and Bryson, 2004) involving twostages of milling and flotation. The mill-float–mill-float (MF2) con-cept is now widely adopted by the South African platinum miningindustry. Over the last decade, most of the new platinum concen-trators have been designed and built on the basis of laboratory andpiloting tests conducted at Mintek. There is little doubt that thesimple model structures described in this paper have provided auseful role in the development of innovative solutions to some ofthe problems that have been encountered, especially with regardto UG2 ores. A couple of examples of problems that were resolvedare presented below for primary and secondary milling circuits.

3.1. De-bottlenecking a primary ROM mill

The Mintek cumulative rates model for AG/SAG milling was firstexploited in the late 1990s (Hinde and Pearson, 2001) to increasethe capacity of Impala Platinum’s UG2 plant. In 1997, Mintekwas contracted by Impala to do laboratory and piloting tests aimed

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0.01 0.1 1 10 100Particle mesh size [mm]


s pe







feed1.497 kWh/t2.966 kWh/t4.075 kWh/t

Fig. 4. Fit of simple model to tests conducted with a laboratory HPGR.

638 A.L. Hinde, J.T. Kalala / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 633–641

at identifying ways of increasing the capacity of the plant by morethan 30%, without purchasing new grinding mills. The plant com-prised primary run-of-mine ball mills operating in closed circuitwith hydrocyclones and secondary ball mills, also operating inclosed circuit with hydrocyclones.

In order to formulate a solution to the problem, it was first nec-essary to understand the geology and mineralogy of the UG2 oremined at Impala. The UG2 reef exists in the form of a main bandor seam of chromite (typically 600–700 mm in width). Above themain seam is a parting of pyroxenite and above that, thin leadersof chromitite. Below the main seam is a band of pegmatoidalpyroxenite. Although the leaders can carry PGM, they are not nor-mally mined at Impala. Care is taken to avoid breaking into thehanging wall pyroxenite to maintain safe working conditions andto avoid diluting the ore with waste. The pegmatoid can carrysmall but economically extractable PGM. The pegmatoid and somebarren footwall anorthosite must be mined to gain access to theworking face.

The main chromitite seam is made up of chromite grains up to afew hundred microns in size bonded to each other in a silicate-richinterstitial matrix. A large portion of the platinum group metalsminerals (PGM’s) are associated with base metal sulphides in thismatrix. Much of the chromitite is very friable and can easily bedisaggregated at low energy inputs to liberate the chromite grainsand some of the interstitial sulphides. The PGM minerals are oftenonly a few microns in size and their recovery is best achieved bymilling and floating in two stages. Because of the presence of geo-logical discontinuities and the secondary alteration of many miner-als the UG2 reef at Impala, is very difficult to mine selectively andto treat metallurgically. The task is complicated further by the factthat both Merensky and UG2 ores are mined at the same time. Thisleads to logistical problems for hoisting and transporting the tworeef-types separately. Consequently, some cross-tramming andcontamination of UG2 ore with Merensky ore is unavoidable.

Because of the large amounts of waste present in the ore, it wasthought that pre-concentration of the ore prior to milling might bea viable option using dense media separation techniques. However,it quickly became evident that the PGM grade of the discard frac-tion would be unacceptably high, probably because of the presenceof the Merensky ore with densities similar to that of the UG2waste. Nonetheless, it turned out from laboratory tests that higheroverall PGM recoveries could be achieved by treating the DMS

floats and sinks separately. It was then argued that the separationof the ore into Merensky-rich and UG2-rich fractions could beexploited to good effect if a simple way could be found to achievethis separation. The approach that was adopted was to see ifadvantage could be taken of the differences in the friability ofthe different rock types by milling the ore fully autogenously inopen circuit.

As a result of piloting tests and computer simulation studiesusing the cumulative rates model described above, it was foundthat the target throughputs for the primary mills could be achievedby installing pebble ports to reject hard critical-size material thatwould otherwise build-up in the mill and limit throughput. Be-cause the secondary mills were grossly underutilized, it was possi-ble to de-bottleneck the complete grinding circuit. An importantoutcome of the pilot studies was that the increase in new feed ratewith pebble ports doubled that achievable without pebble ports.However, the flowrate of pebbles was only 15% of the new feedrate. In other words, it made much more sense to crush the dis-charged pebbles rather than to crush a portion of the ROM feedprior to milling.

A crushing plant was installed to crush the pebbles to �12 mmbefore being fed to the low-grade secondary mill. The dischargepulp from the primary mills was screened at about 450 lm withthe undersize going to the high-grade secondary mill.

Further pilot milling and flotation tests were conducted toestablish design parameters for the upgrading of the complete cir-cuit. Simulation studies using the cumulative rates ball mill modelwere also conducted to establish the grind sizes and PGM recover-ies that could be expected. The target throughputs for the produc-tion plant were subsequently achieved along with a significantincrease in PGE recoveries, without sacrificing concentrate grades.

3.2. Optimising secondary ball mill to maximise flotation recoveries

One of the lessons learnt from the Impala study was a quantita-tive understanding of the deportment of the chromite and silicatesin the secondary mills treating UG2 ores. These mills were oper-ated in closed circuit with hydrocyclones. From sampling cam-paigns at Impala’s UG2 plant and other concentrators, it wasclear that after primary milling and flotation, the chromite waseffectively liberated and virtually barren of PGM. However, mostof the PGM’s were associated and locked in the silicate minerals.

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Particle mesh size [mm]



l rec


y to





Fig. 5. Partition plots for classification in hydrocyclone.

A.L. Hinde, J.T. Kalala / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 633–641 639

Because the liberated chromite has a much higher density than thesilicates, it tends to report preferentially to the hydrocycloneunderflow. The lighter silicates containing the locked PGM tendto report to the hydrocyclone overflow stream and bypass the mill-ing process. Fig. 5 shows measured estimates of a hydrocyclonepartition function for silicates, chromite, PGM and total solids. Itcan be seen that above about 100 lm the partition plot for thePGM starts to decrease rapidly with increasing particle size andasymptote to values approximating the partition function for thesilicates. This is to be expected if the PGM are locked in the silicatesat the coarser sizes.

Fig. 6 shows estimates of the energy-normalised cumulativerates of breakage for the different assay types based on size distri-bution and assay measurements of the mill inlet and dischargestreams. This information can be used to simulate different circuitconfiguration scenarios. In order to maximise PGM flotation recov-eries, it is obviously desirable to achieve a fine grind for the sili-cates and to minimize the energy expended milling the barrenchromite. Simulations showed that a finer silicate grind could be





Particle m



ic b







Fig. 6. Energy-based cumu

achieved by milling the ore in open circuit, rather than in closedcircuit with a hydrocyclone (Fig. 7). Open circuit milling also offersthe benefit of a much coarser grind for the chromite (Fig. 8), whichis desirable because chromite slimes can easily become entrainedwith the flotation concentrate.

The results of the plant sampling campaigns and simulationstudies have led to several plants changing from closed circuit mill-ing to open circuit with hydrocyclones being used as water–solidsseparators to optimize mill feed pulp densities to the mill. The ben-efits of open circuit milling for UG2 ores depend on the amount ofwaste rock present. For mines that are able to minimize theamount of waste dilution, the benefits are significant with in-creases in PGM recovery amounting to several percentage points.

It was very clear from the simulation studies that there is con-siderable benefit to be gained by milling in closed circuit with fine-mesh screens. Over the years, many attempts have been made toreplace hydrocyclones with vibrating screens on platinum minestreating UG2 ores. Although the potential energy-saving benefitshave been demonstrated, available technology had not proven to


esh size [mm]

Total solidsPGM+AuSiO2Cr2O3

lative breakage rates.

Page 8: The application of a simplified approach to modelling tumbling mills, stirred media mills and HPGR’s



10.10.01Particle mesh size [mm]


s pe







SiO2 closed circuit

SiO2 open circuit

Fig. 7. Effect of open circuit and closed circuit milling on silicate grind.




Particle mesh size [mm]


s pe







Cr2O3 closed circuit

Cr2O3 open circuit

Fig. 8. Effect of open circuit and closed circuit milling on chromite grind.

640 A.L. Hinde, J.T. Kalala / Minerals Engineering 22 (2009) 633–641

be practical. Major problems encountered relate to mechanicalrobustness, mesh blinding and high wear rates of the steel mesh.A significant breakthrough in fine screening has been the develop-ment of the StackSizer by the Derrick Corporation in the USA. Apartfrom its small footprint, the novel feature of this screen is the useof urethane screening panels that are non-blinding, have high openareas, and a life span more than an order of magnitude longer thanthat achievable with conventional wire-mesh screens. Mintek hasrecently conducted tests using a Derrick test rig to establish parti-tion function parameters for UG2 applications. Techno-economicstudies have shown that the benefits of closing secondary ball mill-ing circuits with vibrating screens at mesh sizes of about 100 lmare considerable for many mines.

4. Concluding comments

This paper has endeavoured to show that comminution modelswhich use an energy-normalised cumulative breakage rate func-tion to describe breakage kinetics have wide application. Thesecumulative rates models, with parameters that can be derived di-rectly from routine pilot or production scale tests, can easily be

integrated with models for flotation and physical separation pro-cesses. This can lead to the development of innovative flowsheetsresulting in major savings in energy and downstream metallurgicalbenefits.

The simplified models, however, do have some flaws. One ofthem is that the cumulative rates of breakage of ore above a givensize are assumed to be unaffected by the detailed structure of itssize distribution above this size and the grinding environment. Itturns out that the parameters of the cumulative breakage ratefunction can depend on the grinding environment. In the case ofSAG mills, the cumulative breakage rates can be significantly af-fected by the ratio of the hold-ups of the ore and grinding media.It follows that the size dependency of the breakage rate functionfor an AG mill is very different from that of a run-of-mine ball mill.However, the same complications arise for the more sophisticatedmodels where the parameters of both the breakage rate and break-age distribution function are affected by the grinding environment.Nevertheless, the ‘‘simple model” technique is so easy to apply thatit may be possible to generate the required set of empirical rela-tions by applying the method to all sets of pilot-scale data thathave the required information. This is a very valid approach that

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may turn out to be the quickest way to describe the operation ofthese complex mills accurately. But this does not obviate the needfor the long-term development of more fundamentally correctmodels, especially those that allow for the effects of liberation(Powell and Morrison, 2007).

To conclude, it is perhaps pertinent to quote Occam’s razor: Theexplanation of any phenomenon should make as few assumptions aspossible, eliminating or ‘‘shaving off” those that make no differencein the observable predictions of the explanatory hypothesis or theory.


This paper is published by kind permission of Mintek whogratefully acknowledge the important role that the many platinumproducers, engineering design houses, and equipment suppliershave played in collaborative projects serving the mining industryworldwide. Special thanks also go to Professor Len Austin for guid-ance on the formulation of the cumulative rates model for AG/SAGmilling.


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