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Celey Winters looked at the man in front of her shocked. Was he serious? Was he really going to send her away because he didnt want her in his pack? Because she was a mate that he didnt want? She couldnt breath, for she knew that if she went ahead and looked weak, it would only show that he was right. She was weak. She wasnt like the rest of the pack. She was a coward when it came to combat.I dont want you here! he yelled bringing attention of the other pack members to stop and stare to see what the fuss was about.I already know that! You have always hated me, and I will be more than happy to go if it will make you shut up, and leave me in peace for once! She yelled back.I will find a worthy mate who will give me and heir, and wont be a coward like you! She will be well bred, and good mannered, for you are not I see. Lucas promised, smirking. Without thought her hand went across his face. How could he just turn his back on her? How could he be so cruel?I banish you Celey! Go far from here and never return for if you do, I will hunt you down, and kill you. Do you understand? I will not tolerate a weakling among us. Lucas growled, rubbing his cheek, which still stung from her hit to his face.Without thought Celey stormed off. Running into the dark night and not turning back to see the humiliation of what had transpired.Lucas, The Alpha of the Dark Horizon pack Glared at the door in anger. He didnt want anything to do with Celey Winters let alone be a mate to her.Lucas what on earth happened? Andrew, Lucass second command asked looking at him with concern on his face.Nothing happened. Andrew I am going to send you on a mission, find Celey Winters, and drive her out of town. Make sure she cant find her way back here. Ever.A confused look crossed Andrews face but immediately disappeared. I will track her down. Andrew said leaving the room in a single stride.Andrew!The man turned around one swift motion, and looked at his alpha in a look that said what do you want now? Yes Lucas?Keep track of her, tell me where she is, and what she is doing. Of Course Andrew answered Going out into the black night.


Celey looked at the man in front of her and gasped. The realization hit her before she could say another word. Lucas must have had her followed. Of course He didnt want his precious secret to be let out. He had you follow me didnt he? Celey asked biting her lip. The man in front of her stood looking at her with a stern look. Not saying anything. Of course! I get it, you're helping him spy on me. Well you can stop following me now, it wont do you any good she said while fighting out of his grasp and walking away. Celey You must know that I am not here to hurt you. the man answered catching with her. For a moment Celey believed him, but she couldnt afford to trust anyone. She wouldnt dare let her guard down. That was how rogues got killed. By not paying attention to what was going on around them. What are you talking about? She asked putting her hands into fists next to her. You must come back with me Celey. I am here to take you home. The Man said looking at her with dead seriousness. Celey abruptly, turned around. She knew that she was being sought after. She knew that as soon as she went back into her pack territory all would be lost. The threat that Lucas had promised would be enforced without a doubt. He would not regret killing her on the spot. I dont have a home. Please dont try to change my mind. Lucas has already made it clear what would happen if I came back into his territory. I dont plan on being killed thank you very much. Celey announced hitting a dead bolt run. Nearly an hour later, Celey entered her apartment. Closing the door behind her, she took a deep breath. How could they have found her after all this time? Why couldnt Lucas just come and tell her himself instead of sending his second in command to come and bring her to him? Hello Celey. A harsh voice behind her announced. Turning around she was shocked that the man who had haunted her dreams for the last three years was standing next to her with a sly smile on his lips. Before she could say a word, everything went black, and Celey crumpled to the tiled floor.


Celey woke up with something cold pressed against her forehead. Bringing her hand against it, she realized that it was a cold compress. Dont! a harsh voice announced next to her. Celey abruptly opened her eyes. She knew that voice; she knew it from all the others in the pack. Lucas. Thinking back to all that had happened before she had passed out, she realized that she was on her couch, blankets surrounding her. What happened? she asked trying to sit up, but only to be pushed back down into the pillows. What the hell do you think you are doing? she screeched. Glaring at him. I am trying to take care of my mate, and make sure she is in good health Lucas said darkly. Celey glared at him. Was he serious? Three years ago he wanted her gone, and now he was right their next to her trying to make sure she was fine? Lucas, how the hell did you get into my apartment? Lucas sat down at the end of the couch and looked at her with narrow eyes. For a moment she swore she saw something flicker in his blue depths, but as soon as it appeared,it had disappeared, making Celey look away. She didnt need to feel anything toward him. She didnt need to be back in the past. Lucas had made it clear what he wished when it came to her. He made it clear what would happen if she ever let the secret out about them being mates. She knew that death would come sooner or later, and she would have to face the reality of her situation. Lucas looked at his mate with narrowed eyes. He could see she was scared. Scared of him. Well why not? He was the one who had banished her. He was the one who committed her to life of imprisonment. But then he realized that he needed her. His mate. What do you want Lucas? she asked sitting up. Lucas didnt bother to push her back into the pillows for he knew that she would just go ahead and disobey his orders. Something she was very good at. What do you think I want Celey? Youre my mate, I am here to claim what belongs to me he said walking over to her. I BELONG TO NO ONE! she yelled A cruel laugh escaped Lucas before he could stop it. He was the Alpha. The woman in his pack wanted him for them themselves. Lusted after him. Lucas thought back of the times when woman tried to lure him into their beds, how they dressed like little sluts trying to get attention from him, but it was no use. The moment he sent Celey running, was the moment the bullet hit home. His wolf raged within him, trying to rise to the surface and go to his mate. He, for one felt like he made the biggest mistake of his life, and hell why not? He had made the biggest mistake of his life letting Celey run. But that was about to change. He was the Alpha and he wasnt about to go another day without Celey by his side. I know I screwed up, but you must believe me it was my stupidity talking, not the man in front of you right now begging for your forgiveness, So for the sake of the pack and for the both of us, please consider coming back. He finished looking at her with pleading eyes. For a moment Celey swore she saw a glint of tears in his eyes but as soon as it appeared it disappeared, leaving Celey wondering if what he was saying was true or was it all a hoax to try and get her back into her old life. A life she thought after a minute, she didnt want. Sure she thought, she wanted her mate, but at the same time she wanted to go and run far away and hide, something she knew was not an option. If she went ahead and ran, she would be showing just how much of a coward she really was. She knew that any wolf without a mate was tracked down and killed. That much she knew, but it was one damn good decision, rather than facing a death as horrible as getting her head chopped off, something that used to be allowed for a quick punishment. Lucas I am not coming back. You were the one who made it clear that It would mean a death sentence, and so I am staying here, and for the sake of the pack. Go and choose someone who is worthy of you, someone who is not a coward like me. Celey announced getting up off the couch and moving toward the bathroom down the hall. Shutting the door closed behind her, she closed her eyes and leaned against the door for support. She needed space to think. She thought, going over to the sink and turning the water on. Splashing her face with cold water. Space away from Lucas.


A few days later Celey stood next to the window with tears in her eyes. She didnt know how to react to the fact that her past was catching up with her. Fear gripped her. She was afraid that Lucas would play her, and get her killed. He was an alpha, and when he wished to have something done, it was done without question, and or hesitation.Celey straightened abruptly, all senses alert. Her heart was pounding, adrenaline kicking in full force. An unfamiliar scent hit her, letting her know that she was either found or, she was being stalked out for a reward. She had heard the rumors from the towns she had come and gone from that there was a bounty on her head. What had hurt her the most was that Lucas didnt care that his mate was being hunted, didnt care that his other half was in danger of losing her life, while he was living and breathing. The shifting of feet in front of her door made Celeys heart jump in fear. This was it, she thought. She was going to die a long and painful death. Lucas would be proud of himself she thought. He had caused this mess, and now he was getting what he asked for. She just hoped that he was there to witness her death. He blood would be on his hands. The sound of screams and bones breaking like twigs made Celeys heart pound faster. She saw blood spread under the door and into her apartment like a river. There was blood cascading from all the corners under her door.Celey open the door! A harsh voice demanded.The all too familiar scent hit her, making Celey aware of the man she swore she was never going to see again.I know youre in their celey, so help me god open the damn door, or I will break it down!Lucas yelled, making Celey cringe in fear. She was all too aware of his authority. She was also aware that he had saved her from a slow and painful death. When she opened the door, Lucas strode in with his second in command, Andrew.What the hell took you so long to open the door?For a moment she stilled. Was he joking? She as a wanted woman, and people wanted her dead, not including the man who was her mate.Are you out of your mind? What the hell was that?That was me saving your life, which I think you owe me a Thank you!A thank you? You son of a bitch! I owe you nothing! You banish me, cause me to live under names that dont belong to me, hide away from all that I knew, and you want a thank you? Go rot in hell Lucas! By the way, in case you didnt know, while you're living your charmed life, Im here trying to stay alive. Because of you, Im a wanted woman and a bounty on my head! She yelled. Walking around to the door, she looked down at the ground. Men lay covered in blood, their bones broken, their blood soaking her carpet.You killed them. My god Lucas, have you no shame? You murdered these men in cold blood!They would have killed you without a second thought. They had to be stopped. And stopped they were. Celey, you free to come home. Its not safe for you here. The rogues know where you live, its only a matter of time before they kill you Andrew announced looking at her with complete seriousness.I have lifted your banishment. You needed. Youre my mate. You will be Luna of the pack. You have a duty to your family, and me, your alpha. Heed my warning Celey you will do as I tell you to do. You will not disobey me. I need an heir, and I need you by my side. Also understand this, its either you come willingly, or I will strap you down, and take you back home. Its your choice. Lucas announced boring his steel cold eyes, into her brown ones.


Celey looked out the apartment window with anger and regret. The recent events over the last couple of days replaying in her mind. Celey could still hear the screams of terror and see the blood that had shed all because of her.Come away from the window Celey Lucas said coming up behind her, and putting a strong arm around her waist.Celey stiffened.She didnt want Lucas to be near her. He had murdered people in cold blood, and didnt even feel any remorse for doing so.Being distant wont do you any good, were leaving in a few minutes, and its time that you started behaving like a queen. Youre the Luna of the pack, and as such you shall behave with dignity and pride.Lucas announced picking up one of the boxes that was at the far end of the corner in the room.Looking around her, Celey tried to hide tears. She wanted her freedom, but she now understood that she would never get it. After all the years of running, her past had finally caught up with her. Lucas had managed to track her down. Celey knew that he had the power to get rid of her, but she would not succumb to the greed of power. She would be his queen, and give him heirs that he required, but she would lock her heart away.A loud shot run through the room. Celey turned around, but saw Lucass guards starting back at her with panic and fear, but when she looked down, she saw blood soaking her blue t-shirt. Putting a hand to her abdomen, her hand came away smeared with blood. She looked up, and saw a faint figure, who it was she didnt know. A black void was taking her, and she went willingly. Lucas heard the shot ring through the halls and knew his mate was in danger. Running up the stairs to her apartment, he ignored the people coming out to see what the sound was. Running into the room, he saw Celey lying on the floor, blood was soaking her clothing, and his body guards Ron, and Howard trying to stop the bleeding.What happened? he demanded leaning next to Celey, trying to hear any sign of breathing. Nothing.Go get Marcus now!Lucas yelled, doing CPR.Holding her nose closed, he breathed air into her lungs. Panic and fear was clouding his thoughts. She wouldnt die. She would not die on him!Youre going to live Celey! Youre going to live for us! And youre going to live for our children! Youre not going to leave me! A man in black pants and dark grey suit ran in and looked at Lucas with hooded eyes.What did you find? Who was the person who shot Celey?The man looked at Lucas with sympathy.The person wore a mask we dont know who they are just yet, but we will get them. Why would anyone want to shoot her? All the years away, not once was she put in danger. Why would they want to shoot her now?To send a message.Marcus, that bullet wasnt meant for Celey, it was meant for me Lucas said angrily.The guards had stopped the blood flow, but Celey wasnt breathing, and Lucas feared the worst. The paramedics came, lifting Celey into a gurney, and checking her vitals.Will she live?He demanded, picking her hand up and kissing the palm.One of the men looked at Celey for a better examination. After looking at her, he turned around and looked at Lucas with a hard look on his face.She has a bullet lodged in her abdomen, most likely one of her organs is bleeding internally, we need to get her into surgery as soon as possible, but it will be some time, the bullet is logged deep, and we dont want to pull it out and cause more damage, she has already lost a lot of blood, and she cant afford to lose anymore. The paramedic said rolling Celey out of the room. A few hours later Lucas sat in the waiting room with his head in his hands. How could he have put her in such danger? When he was not around, she was not in danger. He had done the unthinkable; he nearly got his mate killed. A man in his later thirties walked out of the surgery room, looking exhausted, but a small smile prying on his lips.Are you ms.Winters fianc?I am how she is? When may I see her?I am happy to say she is going to live. The bullet didnt do much damage. We were able to stop the bleeding; she is resting as we speak. The doctor announced proudly.Will she be able to bear children? Lucas asked .At that moment he didn't care about anything else but the woman who barely survived with her life.She will be able to conceive but she will need to take it easy, I would recommend lots of bed rest the doctor said shaking hands with Lucas.Dont worry; I will personally make sure she gets lots of that and more. Celey awoke with a sharp pain radiating through her whole body. She tried to move, but felt as though a sledge hammer was hammering on her. When she finally opened her eyes she saw lots of tubes attached to her, and a monitor on the for end of the wall.Where-she cut off, panic taking over her house.Shhhh a soft hand touched hers, gripping her hands in comfortLooking up, she saw Lucas sitting next to her, holding her hand.Celey, you were shot, you had surgery, but if you are to make a full recovery, you will need to rest, and let your body heal Lucas said softly, leaning down and placing a kiss on her forehead.Celey couldnt find the words. For as long as she could remember, she knew that Lucas would track her down, and kill her. But never had she thought that he would betray himself and actually care if she died or not. The small emotion made her realize that she could actually have a future with the man if she worked hard enough to make it last.Thank you for saving my life she said softly.I would do it again. I love you Celey and youre not leaving me. Now go to sleep, I will be right here when you wake up he whispered, kissing her gently.


Celey stared at Lucas with fury. She was shot because of him, and now she was lying in a hospital bed. Stop fuming Celey, be grateful that you alive!He snapped.Celeys blood boiled. Their he went again with the harsh voice. Unwanted memories in the back of her brain came back in a flood of emotion. She needed to get away.Run.She needed to go to a place where he couldnt find her, or hurt her anymore than he already has.You're still in shock, but for gods sake Celey get a grip on yourself ! Without knowing,Celeys hand went up to slap his face, but Lucas caught it before the damage was done. You wouldnt hit me Celey, you wouldnt risk the consequences. red carefully LoveCeley pulled her hand away from him before his touch effected her. Sure they were mates, but that didnt mean anything anymore. Lucas had rejected her, abandoned her when she needed him most, and left her for dead. Do you mind leaving me for a bit? I need some time, and if you are here, I cant think she asked breathlessly. I dont think that is a good idea Celey, Lucas has many enemies, and you have already become a target. You need to be protected at all times, you are our Luna Andrew said coming into the room with flowers, before handing them to Her.T-thank you she stammeredits not a big deal he shrugged turning around towards the window at the far end of the wall to look out into the bleak night. Lucas paced the empty corridor outside Celeys hospital room in anger.Lucas, you need to come down! She will come around, you need to be patient, everything will go to plan, just wait and see the voice on the phone said patiently. I am running out of time! She was supposed to have my mark on her! And she was supposed to be carrying my mark was supposed to be marked by him by now.The air thickened, and abruptly he turned around with eyes blazing. Danger. Rogues. Lock the door, and dont open it until I tell you to do so!Lucas, what in gods hell is going on! I will do as you say, but I dont think it will go well with Celey she is already becoming suspicious as to why I am locking the door. You need to hurry up man I dont want to be faced with the fury of your mate!Just do it, or I swear you wont live long enough to meet your mate! Wind blew coldly all around him, and Lucas knew that a war was rising. youre slow for noticing my presents brother. I have to say, your mate is quite beautiful, but tell me, does she know the real reason as to why you came back for her?a man asked coolly behind Lucas back.Goose bumps chilled his whole Body. He should have know that Kashmir would come. His brother who turned rogue a few years when Lucas had become Alpha.What business do you have with my mate. Your Luna Kashmir?A cold cruel smile formed . You will be the destruction of her Lucas, I am simply here to let the poor woman to get her life back. You were the one let her go in the first place, and You were the one who caused her so much pain. Youre going to be alone, and I cant wait to see the look on your face when you crumble to ashes. Who are you? a soft voice asked behind Kashmir, making Lucas stiff in fear. She wasnt supposed to be outside. Where Is Andrew? He was supposed to be watching you damn it! Kashmir smirked. The woman had guts going against her alpha. He knocked out cold on the floor. I dont like people locking doors on me Lucas. If you EVER do that again, I will knock you out, and I swear, you wont live to see another day! You knocked out a werewolf, damn I got to give it you sweetheart, you have guts! I am not your sweetheart! If you ever call me that again, you wont live to see another day! Celey yelled, walking past Lucas to the bathroom down the hall.


Lucas sat at his desk overlooking the packs grounds.The threat to celey had increased and now h e was truly scared.When he sent her away from him and the pack,it was to try to not her get noticed by his enemies.Rejecting his mate took so much strength,but when he looked at her that night,he knew she wouldnt just walk away from him,she would try to stand by his side and fight.But in truth,he loved her to much to get her killed or worse. A tap at the door,brought him back to the present. Come in!he bellowed,getting his composer back to normal. Im sorry to interupt,but our Luna is awake and is demanding to see you now,or she is threatening to leave Lenny,thank you,go back to what you were doing,I got thisLucas announced standing up and walking to the door with exasperation. walking down the hall toward his bedroom he felt joy.Celey was here with him.She may not like it,but she was safe,and at the moment that was all that mattered.He would make her love him again.She was his whole world.If he lost her,he would stop living all together.When she was ready,she would be the mother of his children.His pups .She was his Damit! Entering the dark room,he stilled.Celey sat in a chair near the window in tears.His heart tightened in emotion.He couldnt stand to see her sadness. Shhh love.Dont cry please,my heart cant take it when you cryhe whispered,enfolding her small figure into his arms. Get away from me!Celey yelled,jumping out of his embrace and moving toward the bed. You're in anguish celey,I only wish to offer some comfort. didnt mean to startle youhe hissed,raking his hand through his hair. Comfort?This is a prison Lucas! I dont care if you're the Alpha of the damned pack,but you are as hell cant control me!Celey snapped sitting up and moving to the bed,spacing herself away from Lucas got get some thinking space. The color on Lucass face turned from very patient to one of anger and impatience.He turned around to look at her dead in the eye. I do what i pease! I am the Alpha,and you have better get used to it! Because once we mate,i expect my mate to be with child and also to go ahead and follow the rules i have set out.You will obey me Celey! or you shall not like the consequences! he growled A small smile spread on Celeys face.For a moment she looked looked innocent and vulnerable. Here you go again with your threats! havent you learned that your threats dont scare me anymore Lucas? a knock on the door made Celey back away from Lucas.She should know better than to challenge the man. Celey,you must come down quickly,the she wolves request your presents at once!Haley Celeys maid announced sweeping into the room and walking over to the closet that now held most of her belongings. Haley,cant this wait? I am talking to your luna at the moment! The maid turned around in surprize.From the look of it,she didn't even notice that he was in the room. Yes,of course Alpha!she answered,running out of the room,closing the door behind her. Lucas turned abruptly towards her,baring his long white teeth in anger You're not going to talk to me like that Celey! Remember,i can make your life a living hell here if i wanted to! he whispered. Why would I? when you rejected me you made my life a living hell.When i was on the run for my life,i was in hell,and besides you wont hurt me,you know why? you need an heir,and if i wanted to,i could deny you! Now you remember that!she hissed,turning around and leaving him alone.


Walking into the room that the meeting with the she wolves was to take place,Celey stopped dead in her tracks.In Front of her sat a dozen of women all coverd in silks,many colors,and jewlry. What the hell? she thought glancing behind her to the door,and back to the women in front of her.Was she in the wrong room? You must be the Lucass mate.I have to say,you dont look as bad as you did when you were nothing.Im sorry,did i say were?I mean what the hell is a piece of filth like you doing in the wolfs quarters,the last time i checked you weren't invited the woman hissed smiling smugly as she looked around her. Celeys blood boiled.But she remembered that she didnt do anything wrong.She was Lucass mate,and that being his mate she had the right to say what went on in her home. I dont give a damn if i was invited or not,Im holding a meeting,and I expect you to shut your trap,and listen like a good wolf Celey said leaning down into the womans face and staring her down. The woman looked away hastily,showing a tint of emotion on her face.A glisten of tears threatened to fall from her eyes,but Celey didn't feel sorry for her.After ten years of tormenting her,bullying,name calling,Celey was ready to stand up for herself,and defend herself.After three long years on the run,she knew she didn't take any bullshit from anyone.Not anymore. If i were you Jenna,I wouldn't get in my way,you may of had fun making my life hell once,but im back,and guess what? Im stronger than you,and if you so much as try anything ,you will answer to me.DO.YOU.UNDERSTAND? The room was quiet.No one said anything.Mouths hung open as the surprize that had hit them. Straightening up,Celey faced the room of Women with a tight face,looking at each of them carefully. Im not taking any bullshit anymore,not from your girl Jenna here,or any of you,if you wish to say something please confront me You can prance around here acting like you are worth something,you may be Lucass mate,but i dont take orders from you! Jenna hissed,sitting up and growling at Celey,making her shift automatically in a threatening manner. The girls around the room screamed making the rooms atmosphere turn dark,and heavy. Jennas face held fear,noting that Celey was advancing on her,She shakily sat down. Im s-sorry Celey- Celey growled edging closer to Jenna with her paws,and her teeth bared in a snarl. Im s-sorry LunaCeley briskly turned around and leaped into the hallway,leaving the tension that was building up since she walked in the damn house a few hours ago.8

Celey ran down the hallway to her room and shifted.That was not supposed to happen.She had lost control,and now she had let her guard down.Closing the door behind her,she went to the walk in closet and got a new pair of clothing,since she ripped her old ones while shifting. Once she had put on a blue camisole,and blue skinny jeans,she walked out of her room and down the hallway to Lucass study,not knocking,she opened the door and stopped.Lucas was surrounded by a group of men,sitting in front of him.Im sorry Ill leave-No,please come in and make yourself comfortable.You need to be here for this,since it does involve you after allLucas said looking at the her from where he dat looking at papers in front of him.Let me introduce to you Mr.Romanov,the security advisor for the packhe said gesturing to the man in front of him.Romanov wore a white polo shirt,and khakis.His hair was pulled back,letting him appear guak ,and slim,but Celey knew the man had faced many battles.Its a pleasure to meet you She said,shaking the man's hand.Ive heard so much about you luna,glad we meet at last Celey smiled.The man was kind,and showed no signs of threat,and for a second she felt like she could trust him,but knew no matter how someone appeared to be,they were not always your friend.For the time being she could trust him.This is Andrew,my betta,but youve me already Celey turned toward Andrew with a small smile.He winked,making Celey look down at the ground for a moment.What is it that involves me?Lucas looked at Celey with hooded eyes,making her nerves slam tightly in her chest.You being Lucass mate has some expectations,since you two have yet to mate,you are a target.You were a rogue,and we know you killed,now those wolves you killed,their packs want you dead.We know that you two have just got back together after three long painful years,but the only way to keep you safe is if you mate Andrew announced glancing at Lucas. Celey looked around the room dispassionately,feeling her emotion stir.I understand the reason for other packs wanting me dead,but may i remind you that i wouldnt be in this mess if i was not banished.I did what i had to do to survive.How many rogues live and not get caught for three years?Why am i really here Lucas?and don't give me the i love you Celey.Lets be real here,you need an heir and no child can take over the pack unless its a legitimate heir. Celey said taking a deep breath,trying to calm her heart. Yes we need an heir,You want a serious answer mate? Once you birthed my son,i would have ordered you killed.You have disgraced the pack with your cowardice,and seeing your face disgusts me.We will mate,no doubt about that ,and in time you will be carrying my pups.But dont feel like you're here to stay.You're nothing, but filth in my eyeshe snapped,looking at men in front of him,and yelling for them to leave the room. When the door closed leaving them alone,Lucas edged closer,taking her face in his hands and leaning down to capture a kiss. Celey froze.For as long as she could remember no one had ever kissed her.No one ever wanted to.She was a nobody.Now going back to the present,she realized that she like Lucas lips against hers.She gave in,ouring all of her energy into the kiss,deepening it.She moaned.His tongue domaniated her mouth,and she tasted the man that assulted her.Her body flarred uyp like a fire storn,and she pressed back agains him.Her own innexperienced tongue toyed with his as he chuckled against her kill-swollen lips. I desire youhe mumbled turning her around so that she was backed up against the mahogany desk. We shouldnt- she gasped in protest has his hands began playing with her shirt.I need to claim you.You dont know how long ive waited to claim you.To feel you tight round me,screaming my name-You could have had me sooner- she groaned as he pushed against her in aggravation. Well lets settle it then-he said claiming her mouth in another brutal kiss. You will look in my eyes the whole time i claim you.You will bow,and you will beg! Is that clear? She opened her mouth to protest,but his lips took hers again in a bruising kiss.His fingers shoved into her entrance and she cried out into his mouth.She made weak attempts to overpower him,but he was skilled lover. His eyes smiled down at her.The glow was possessive.Thats it baby,you got itShe couldn't stop as his fingers went deeper with each trust.The sound of wet flesh sucking brought her arouser higher.His fingers curved and teased inside her.Her body grew hot,sweat beaded her forehead.All the time watching him,her eyes never left his untill he would nip her earlobe,or run a wet trail down her neck with his tongue. Your so fucking tight Celey.I cant wait until i have you hot and ready around me.I want to pound into you until you are screaming my name,and only my name! she cried out.His words were sending her over the edge.Just as his fingers pushed deeper,a pain sliced through her as she clenched around him.He shifted,looking down at her with wide eyes before satisfaction took over that gaze and pulled his fingers out.Her hips followed his retreat and she cried out.Glad you didnt give my prize to another man.I wont have you killed.Expect to be in my bed every night until you ripen with my child.Your first time is not going to be against my deskHe snapped,going to the door in haste,not looking back at the shock on Celeys face,and her humiliation.


Humiliated,Celey stood ,and rearranged her cloths,and herself.She shouldn't of let him hear her,but because of their stupid mate bond,she couldn't resist him.Celey knew that no matter how hard she tried,she would always fall back into the arms of the man who had savagely torn her heart out.Without thought or care.Dont let him get to you Celey.He may be stuck up now,cold and cruel,but that will change in due time Andrew announced walking into the room carrying a pile of folders.What are those?she asked walking over to the coffee table located next to the door.You know,this and that,pack business of course came the swift reply.Anger took her.The pack never discussed buisness with woman.It wasnt allowed,or appropriate.The woman had no say,but to do what their mate told them todo,and of course to bear their children.But Celey knew more than that.She had to learn fast when she was rougue.You had to know everything around you if you were to survive another day.Celey let out a frustrated breath.They didn't trust her.Hell why would they? She was hated,despised,and after all a woman.Im going out.Ill see you guys laterShe said walking towards the door,but to only be met Lucass guards.Im sorry Luna,you are not to leave the premisesA man with jet black hair,and tailored suit said looking sternly at her.I just want a cup of coffee!Then someone will go and get it for youThe man said blocking the exitCeley felt like crying.She was trapped.She didn't have a say in anything.Not anymore.Tears silently fell.Celey abruptly turned away before leaping up in the siar,and kicking the mans privates.Sorryshe muttered,watching as the man fell to the ground with a grunt.Celey spang into action,running out of the room,seeing the stairs,she jumped down to the ground floor,looking for the exit.STOP HER!Andrews voice rang,before running down after her.Seeing the room before her,Ceely looked for the door,running head,she stopped dead in her tracks.Lucas stood tall and proud,his hands crossed over his tall,broad chest,a huge unhappy look on his face.When will you actually get it through your thick head Celey?Running won't do you any good.You're my mate,and you belong to me Whether you like it or not you belong by my sideThe hell I do! You had no right!-I have every right! You're my mate-Yes,im your mate Lucas,but you cant keep me here locked upA sound behind her made Celey turn around in fright.Andrew stood behind her,with a dark angry glare.One that she didn't look like she won't be forgiven for any time soon.Like i was saying,You're my mate.You belong to me,and your safety and health are my first priority so-Lucas took a deep breath,before bringing into view a syringe filled with blue light liquid.Panic and fear gripped Celey.This is was out of control .He was going to drug her.No matter what she did she knew,she was tuck her in this hell whole untill she gave him what he wanted.NO! PLEASE LUCAS! YOU PROMISED!-She screamed,not really feeling the strong arms that gripped her upper arms.You tired to run,and you hurt your own body guard.What the hell is wrong with you?I wanted some air! Freedom! not being stuck here trapped-You have luxuries beyond compare,and you have me as your mate-I didnt ask you to be my mate!Enough! I am so sorry Celey,you're a danger to yourself,and others around you-NO!PEASE-Celey screamed,just when the syringe came to toe with her neck,making Celey slouch to the floor.Im sorry baby girl,I cant have you leave meLucas whispered,lifting Celey up into his strong arms,and carrying her upstairs to his bedroom.Raja is at the pack clinic Alpha,what are your commands?Kit,one of the guards asked quietlyOnce he is healed,he is to come to my officeYes AlphaKit silently bowed his head,before leaving the room. Celey woke with a scream.Her whole body was on fire,and a hot burning sensation was coursing through her.Sitting up,she noticed that her arms and legs were chained to the bed.LUCAS!!she screamed in anger,as the door burst open and a wery guard came running in,in toe with an angry Andrew behind him.What-Dont you WHAT me!What the hell is this Andrew? Why the hell am i chained to the fucking bed!?!I..We..You may leave,i have it under control came the voice in the doorway.but-I said i have it under control,you may leaveOnce the men left the room,Lucas closed the door and faced Celey with a blank stare.How do you feel?how the hell do you think?Im chained-yes i know,besides that?Like a blazing wildfire is burning through meA slight smile,emerged on his face.The breaking point where Celey knew she would do something rational if she could,but for a slight moment she was glad she was restrained,because if she was not she would attack him.What the hell did you do to me you son of a bitch?She screamed pulling against her restraints.What I should have done a long time ago baby.Your MINE,and i just stated my claimCeleys eyes bulged out in alarm.Panic erupted thought her.She wasnt ready to be marked yet.Hell she didn't even want to be marked period.Hell she would rather be dead,then stuck with a man who she despised.You didnt-Celey,i marked you partially.The other half will need to be completed when you give yourself to me.That will be the mating.Love or hate me baby girl,but no other man shall have you.Your MINE.Celey let out a scream.She was so tired of Lucas and his rules,And his control over her to the point of when she actually wanted to kill him.You made a huge mistake.Now,let me out of these chains,or i swear ill kill you-A harsh laugh escaped from ;Lucas before he landed on top of her,bringing his mouth down to hers in a harsh kiss.I love it when your angry baby girl,but you need to understand this he whispered,leaning how so his lips were near her ear.I made you run away once,but you're my mate,and like it or not,I i will have you.You will bear my child,and dont mistake that for one second.You will be with child before the year is out.The more you fight,the more i will want to state my claim.Not partially.Wholly! came the bitter reply.

10 When you were little you saw packs gather together and mate.You saw their joy and extreme happiness on peoples faces when they found their mate.Their other half.Yet,that wasnt her.She wasnt like the other wolves.She was an outcast,murderer,and a shame to her mate.Thinking back to her mate,sorrow took over.Celia knew it was just a matter of time before he replaced her.She saw disgust on his face every time she was in a reaching distance.What rights did she have as his mate? What right did she have taking another life? What other choice was there? Was she to stand still,and let herself be murdered in cold blood? A snarl rose from her throat,she would fight with everything she had!She knew it was only a matter of time until the enemy came back.Packs wouldnt wait to shed her blood,like she did with their kin.A shudder went through her,sending chills on her skin.Celey!A commanding voice yelled,making her drop her thoughts.Im Sorry?What did you say? I didnt get thatShe muttered,looking all around her,and noticing that she was back in her bed chamber,her prison.Looking around her,she noticed that Andrew stood in front of her,looking madder than she had seen him before.Ive been trying to get your attention,but you disappear to wherever you go nowadays,as usual,like i was saying-I am making the best of my surroundings!You think this is easy being locked up at the place you swore you would never come back to?Being humiliated in front of the pack that was once yours?She hissed,walking to the window seat,and looking out at the gardens that occupied the small area.Looking at the peaceful site,she remembered how much she loved flowers,and the wonderful essence that was brought forth from them.Thinking back to the recent events in her life.That part was a long time ago.She was grown up now.She no longer believed that the world was all fairy tales,and happy endings.The world was bloody,scary,and unforgiving.Why are you here Andrew?Has Lucas finally decided to let me out of my cage?she asked batting her eyes at him with a smile plastered on her face.You're not a prisoner,you can leave this room whenever you want-he stopped as celey jumped up from where she was sitting and ran to the door to check the handle to see if he was telling the truth.Im sorry,back to what you were saying?Like I said,Lucas needs to see you in his officeWhy?I dont know the reason,just get yourself ready,and meet me downstairsAndrew mumbled,going to the door. Walking to the large closet,she looked at all the cloths that lined the tracks.Picking out a blue navy tank top,black sweat pants,she headed toward the jewelry box that was on the nightstand next to her bed.Looking through all the choices that she had offered,she picked out white rhinestone studs.Looking back into the mirror,she noticed that she had gained some color in her cheeks. Walking down the stairs nearly an hour later,she noticed that the room was crowded with people.Wolfs.Panic erupted.Her head started shutting down.Anyone could notice her,and if they did,they would know her to be the killer of their loved ones.A price was on her head,and she was seen,or noticed,they wouldnt think twice before tearing her apart.Turning around she headed back up the stairs,but to only be stopped with a gentle hand on her shoulder.Ekaterina Stop!A male voice demanded.The hand didnt release her as the male who was holding her turned her around,so that she was facing him with her full attention.DerickShe mumbled.She didnt expect to see the man.He was her only friend on the road,and how he managed to find her,she didn't know.Everything told her to run.Leave.Yet she coulndt.Guilt washed over her.The poor man helped her when no one else did,but she ran.No goodbye or anything.Now a year later,he was here infornt of her.Holding her shoulder in a death grip,as if he was afraid of letting her go.What are you doing here?she asked,trying to act casual,but inside her emotions were all over the place,bouncing for joy,and fear.Im here to witness a mating ceremony,seems Lucas needs witnesses.he shrugged,letting go of her shoulder.If she wasnt shaking then and their,she was now.Panic erupted all aound her.How the hell was she to get out of this mess?her identity would come out,and she already saw her own downfall.Oh I see you have met my mate,and soon to be luna Celey-I believe that you are mistaken Alpha,this is Ekaterina Petrovna-Derick stopped looking at the woman before him in total confusion.That was my cover name.I had to run,and I chose a name that no one would know.Not even you would of figured out who I really was I am so sorryshe whispered,catching the tear that slowly fell.I thought we were friends! Didnt you trust me?Derick demanded,looking around him to make sure no one heard their conversation.I couldn't trust anyone,not even you-The room hushed to silence.Turning around to see what made everyone stop talking,she noticed that a gun was pointed to her head.A cry escaped,but before she had time to say another world,the man was talked down to the floor.Curses,and anger shot out.They are coming for you bitch!You may have escaped,but they will get you-The man growled laughing hysterically.Bending down to the man face that she was looking into his eyes,she smiled.You can count on it.Let them come! I will kill my enemy!Your threats are nothing that i haven't heard before. I am not scared,let them do their worst!she hissed,standing up and running up the stairs.


Rage simmerd under her skin,yet Celey stayed cool,and under control.No one should make her that mad.Taking a deep breath,she reacalled her enemys wordsThey are coming for you bitch!You may have escaped,but they will get youA shiver ran down her body.Truth be told,she wasnt ready to face anyone just yet.She did what she had to do to survive.She knew it only a matter of time before they came for her.Taking her brain away from the thought,she rummaged through her closet,and found a really beautiful blue silk gown.This was her mating ceremony,and she would not hide,and be afraid.She had nothing to hide.She would face her enemy head on,and show them that she was a fighter.She had a will!What are you thinking about? You have this look on your faceLucas asked dryly.There is no look.Please zip me up?She asked walking over to him,and turning around so that her back was facing him.Lucass hands were gently,yet just the small touch showed possession.His hands gently grazed down her back,and back up,sending light shivers down her back.Behind her,she heard Lucas choke out a small laughWhat!?She hissed,turning around swiftly so that she faced him once more.Her eyes blazing with anger.Lucas shook his head.A huge grin plastered his face,making Celia become self conscious of her self,and everything around her.Leaning towards his mate,Lucas inhaled her scent.She smelled of Lavender,and vanilla.A growl escaped his lips.She was his damit!What?-Celia asked looking at him,before she was pinned against a hard wall of a chest.Why did you challenge that male?Why threaten someone who is already going to die by my hand?Lucas demanded,crushing her to him in a death grip.I needed to send a message-That is my job! You're my mate!Mine!Celeys eyes narrowed at him with anger and disobedience.She didnt need a male to tell her how to live.She did fine on her own,and so shall she do so again,even if it is by her mate by her side.You cant do anything about it Lucas!This is not your battle! Its mine!Lucas growled in a warming.Before she knew it,Lucas wrapped his arms around her forams and dragged her down to the bed.Celey gasped in surprise as he moved closer to the bed,and crawled over to her,his face inches from hers.His body was so close that she felt him through her gown,which she knew,would get discarded.You are my mate!he growled,grinding his teeth in frustration.Mine!You should learn your place!You dont challenge me!Ever!Go to hell!she spat. You were the one that rejected me you moron!You're the cause for all of this mess!If it wasnt for you,i wouldnt be in this predicament!Now,get off of me you oaf!No!You're my mate!You need to wear my mark so that all of the unmated males know just who you belong to!A harsh laugh escaped Celey. Do you honestly believe that i would flaunt myself in front of another? Do you belive me a whore?she spat angrily.Lucas didnt respond,but instead leaned down,and claimed her lips in a brutal kiss,that took the breath out of her.His lips burned against hers,making Celey forget all that she had to say.Celey pulled back,breathing hard.We have a room full of guests downstairs-They can wait!This is our night,and they can go to hell for I care!He knew that he shouldstop.His mind screamed for him to continure.Make her his once and for all.The mate bond was so strong now,that just when Celey was away from him he felt lost,and fearful.In just a small amount of time she passed through his defenses,and attached herself to his heart.Lucas didn't need to undress her like he would do with his other lovers.Bunching the blue silk gown in his hands,he tugged,and the silk material easily gave way,exposing her beautiful ivory skin beneath.Celey squirmed.She had never been naked in front of a make before,but deep in her mind,she knew she was not naked before just anyone,she was in front of her mate.Without thought,she went to cover herself,but he quickly caught her arms and locked them over her head.Without warning Lucas bent his head and sucked on her left breast,which was already starting to peak from her desire."Oh !"Celey gasped when his mouth found her breast. She slid her fingers through his hair, needing something to hold on to. He suckled her nipples until they were wet, stiff, and sensitive, and she felt the caress in her blood, his need in her heart."I like the way your eyes glaze when I touch your breast. I like the way your breast tastes and feels in my mouth." He dropped his hand to one nipple and thumbed it in a lazy motion that made her thighs clench together.His mouth touched her intimately, sipping and stroking as if she were a tender bud ready to bloom. She was so swollen she felt she was going to burst. She could barely breathe."Give me all of you, Celey," he coaxed, his voice low. "All of you in my mouth. Then he touched her again. His tongue was tenderly persistent. His mouth was ruthlessly pleasure-giving.Her blood roared through her veins as if it were jet-propelled. She arched off the ground, crying out his name. And her whole body convulsed into a chain of spasms within and without. One ended, and the next began, and the next.When she wrapped her small but capable hand around him and stroked, he saw stars, and he knew there were none out tonight. He let out his breath in a long, uneven hiss.Her thumb rubbed the tip, spreading a drop of his arousal and causing more. Just as he opened his mouth to tell her to stop, Katherine gave him a French kiss so erotic there wasn't a rating for it. She slid her velvety tongue in and out of his mouth while she milked his throbbing shaft with her hand.It was too much. She was too good. He couldn't stop. He didnt want to stop.There wasn't an inch of her that he didn't taste -- from the base of her throat to the curve of her waist to the backs of her knees to her candy apple-red toenails. And when he finally tasted the already damp petals of her womanhood, she tangled her fingers in his hair and arched her hips as the tremors of ecstasy shook her body. He felt each spasm as acutely as if she were connected to him.As their bodies moved together he was rocked to his very soul at the intensity of the feelings that swept through him -- feelings that were by turns shaky, sure, gentle, savage, generous, greedy. With the last shreds of his self-control, he held on until he felt more tremors shake her body.His tongue penetrated her moistness; his mouth sucked her tongue into his. He kissed her until she was achy, breathless and clinging to him.She pushed his jeans down his hips and cupped him with her hands.He swore. "Celey!"She shook her head. "No. You started this." She wrapped her hand around his full, throbbing erection and started stroking.He grabbed her hands and stopped her, his chest heaving.But Celey felt desperate. She put her mouth against that heaving chest and licked his nipple.Her warm mouth was on his chest again, with her hands sweet and teasing over his aching shaft. She pulled his head down and scorched him with an explicit come-and-get-me kiss.He opened his mouth to assure her that forgetting was impossible, but then she touched him with her lips.A drop of his essence slipped out, and she licked it with her tongue. His heart went wild. He watched her warm, avid mouth on him and tried to choke out a curse, but his voice wasn't working. She alternately cupped and stroked and licked him until he cried out and roughly pulled her up his body.His lips followed the curve of her breast. Then he lifted his head and visually devoured her nakedness. He cupped one breast in his hand and played with the dusky crest until it became stiff. Growling with gratification, he ducked his head and whisked it with his tongue, again and again, until she clung to him for support.He raised her hand to his lips and kissed the palm, then carried it down to his sex. He acquainted her with the dimension, the power and strength, of his desire for her.He stared deeply into her eyes, searching for signs of mendacity, but saw only leaping arcs of desire. He impressed a hungry, twisting kiss on her receptive mouth. His sex became even fuller within her caressing grasp. He nudged her knees apart and settled himself heavily within the cradle of her thighs.In one long, slow plunge, he imbedded himself between the stretching walls of her body. Celey, thrilled with his magnificent strength, brought her knees up to accommodate him. He moaned with supreme satisfaction and buried his face in the perfumed cloud of her hair which was spread out on the pillow.Though it seemed impossible, he delved deeper into her with each rhythmic push. She felt those supple contractions against her hands which greedily drew him closer, higher. He kissed her ears, her throat, and, as his thrusts accelerated, her mouth.After several moments she clasped his head and held it away from her. Her breath was choppy; her flushed breasts rose and fell with each shallow pant. "You don't have to wait on me, Lucas."He looked surprised, then smiled tenderly. "Yes I do.""No, really. You don't have to do that for me.""I'm not," he said hoarsely. "I'm doing it for me."She gave a joyful little gasp when he slid his splayed hands beneath her hips. He rubbed his face against her nipples, once, twice, letting her feel his cheeks, chin, nose, and tongue against them.With his next deep thrust,he leaned down,and bit down on her shoulder,causing pleasure to ignite all around her. Her neck involuntarily arched and she lost herself in this splendid mating rite. Her hips responded to his clenching fingers. She ground her body against his, wanting more, always more.And when she was seized by a rush of sensation so intense she couldn't contain it, she bit her lower lip to hold back a scream of pleasure. The immensity of it was compounded when she felt, deep inside her the staccato spasms of his release.Neither knew if it was seconds, minutes, or eons that they lay in a state of complete exhaustion. 4was the first to move. He propped himself on one elbow and gazed down at her."You're beautiful," he said, still breathing unevenly."You think so?""Oh, yeah " he drawled, smiling and nodding his head.We missed our engagement partyCeley murmured sleepilyThell live,now get some sleepHe said,putting the covers over them and holding the woman next to him close.


The next morning,Lucas got dressed and left for his office without looking back at the woman who slept peacefully in his bed.Thinking back to the night before,he gave a soft curse.He forgot the condom.How could he be so irrisponsible?Isnt that what you wanted?his wolf grownled.Anger,and shame slammed into his gut.Yes,that was what he had wanted,but thinking back to their night together,it wasnt.The woman who gave herself to him was pure.She wasnt what he had expected.The woman was pure,strong,and had a will.Thinking back to last night,he knew he couldn't let anything happen to Celey,his mate.She was passion itself,and a warrior.Seeing her defend herself,brought out a possessive part of him he didnt like.Your up,I thought you would stay abedAndrew announced,walking through the door with paperwork in his hands.Dont you ever knock?Lucas snapped,taking the stapler that was on his desk,and throwing it at the laughing werewolf.I didnt know you would be in the office after last night-Andrew trailed off laughing while dodging the flying object.You should know me better than that,I dont sleep with females-Shes your mate,our luna.You need to get used to it Lucas,shes here to stayThe door opened,and a group of woman walked in talking softly among themselves,They each wore a silk gown that exposed cleavage,each wore a different color that best suited them.Good morning AlphaThey all said simultaneously,bowing their heads down in respect.Morninghe cursed,turning around in anger.The room was filled with beautiful woman who couldnt wait to seize an opportunity to please him,yet the thought of touching another brought a bile taste to his mouth.Andrew,I want you to find out who is after Celey,torture it out of him if you need to!Will do!he salutedLucas didnt wait until his beta was out of the room before he told the woman to leave his office.B-but-one of the girls cried confused.GET OUT!

Celey felt the bed dip with Lucass weight from the bed and breathed in.Last night wasn't supposed to happen.She had lost control,and now she would pay the ultimate price.Lucas would become haunted,and it would all be her fault.Panic,fear,anger gripped her.She had managed to get some feeling for her mate.Three years ago when she had first become a rougue,she knew not of how cruel the world was.How scary life can become when your on your own.Now nearly for years later,she was stronger,wiser,and leathal.Now she knew she had to keep her guard up.Keep her senses flaring out into the cold black night,and stalk her enemy.Celey knew it was only a matter of time before the enemy came crawling to her,seeking to end her existence,but with everything she had in her,she would keep her pack safe,even if it meant giving up her life in the process.Jumping out of bed,she noticed the small red stain on the sheets and blushed.Lucas had taken her innocence last night,and now she was fully his.Running across the room,she picked up her fallen dress and quickly put it on.Opening the door,she put her head out in the corridor and checked,before quickly running down to her room.Going to her closet,she picked up her duffle bag,and started throwing clothes in.She would keep those around her safe,but the only way to do that was to get away.You cant keep running Celey,Lucas needs you,and so does this pack,dont turn your back on themA soft voice said,making Celey drop the bag on the floor with a loud thud.Spinning around,Celey gasped,Kashmir,her friend,and protector stood with his arms folded,leaning against the bed frame lazily,without thought,she ran across the room,and threw herself into his arms.God ive missed you!she cried holding him tighter.Me too,but we don't have much timeKashmire said,pulling away,and walking across the room to pick up the duffel bag off the floor,and placing it on the bed.What do you mean?The enemy is almost at your door.You cant leave your pack.What choice do I have?They will use Lucas to get to me!Hell,they will start killing my pack one by one,and its all my fault!They all need to be kept safe,and the only way to do that is by leaving!Celey-What did you here?what have you seen?You have a death sentence on your head by ten fold!Leaving your pack now,is useless.Dimitri is now almost across the border,and will do nothing to get your head-Dimitri?She asked confused.YesHow close are they?she hissedMy people tell me he is almost in maine.Within a week,he will be here scouting for you.Celey you need to get yourself ready.Lucas?she asked,her breathing unevenMy brother may be an Alpha,but he isnt stupid,your safety is his first priorityWithout words,Celey nodded slowly.He was right.She needed to be ready to expect anything.She needed to protect those around her,and get herself ready.Lucas was her mate,and this was her pack.She was a luna,she needed to start taking control,and lead.Ive warned you,like you asked me to all those years ago.Celey,I fear you may have a spy in your midst.I have gone through all the possibilities in my head,and there's no way Dimitri could have known where you are,unless someone tipped him off,find your traitor,if i hear anything ill come and let you know,be safehe whispered,leaning in and giving her a kiss on her forehead before disappearing.What the hell do you think you are doing?Lucas growled walking into the roomUnpacking.turns out,you may need me after all

13 Lucas walked across the room strides.He didnt think he could get any more mad than he was right at the moment.Walking into the room and watching his mate,his other half packing her things made his wolf want out.He was a dominant male,and couldnt,wouldnt let his mate out of his sight.He refused to lose her again. What the hell do you mean you're unpacking?And why the hell would i need you?he hissed,walking up to the woman who was his mate,and shaking her fiercely.I-I cant-The hell you cant!You need to start talking!Maybe if you stopped shaking me id be able to let you know dammit!Celey yelled,pushing against the hard,warm solid wall of his chest.Start talking!he roared,pacing back and forth across the room.Watching him,celey felt sorry for him.The man was going crazy,and with every step he took,he wore out the soft indian rug that she had began to love so much.Lucas,you're in danger,the whole pack is in danger!You shouldn't of brought me here!-No one is in danger!Where the hell are you getting this from?Gold eyes like that of a predator stared at her.Engulfing her in their eternal depths.Never leaving eye contact,Lucas moved his hand,and slid his finger against her cheek,wiping a tear which slid down her face gently,and lovingly.Nothing is going to happen to me,and nothing is going to happen to the packhe finished,pulling her small frame of a body into the cradle of his.You dont get it!This is no joke!Im being hunted!The trail pointing to me is close,and now its getting hot!she cut off taking a deep breath,feeling the stream of tears falling.Feeling the emotions that fell across her,she knew she had fallen under Her mates spell and fell in love.The mating bond was strong,and was even stronger now that they had made love.Thinking back to the weeks that followed her leaving her mate three years ago,she knew that if she was to have a few weeks left of life,she would want to spend it in her mates arms,she didnt want any regrets.She wanted to be fully his.Are you telling me that you're being hunted?She nodded.She couldn't tell him that the enemy was right outside the door.If she let it all out,the emotions,the fear,the tears,she knew she would surely drown.She couldn't be weak.She needed to stay strong for her pack,and her mate.Dont joke around Celey,its beneath you!Not really thinking straight,she didnt know why,but she wanted to prove something to the male.Walking toward her suitcase,she flipped the top,and lifted the lid,before lifting the top silk cover,and picked up the knife that was laid out in front of it,taking it in her hand,she walked across the room,and put the hilt to his throat.Tears sprang,but she didnt care.She was a killer.Her every instinct told her to kill,but yet she couldnt seem to get the guts to pull the trigger on her emotions,and strike.Do you think I am joking now? You think I have a say in my actions?She screamed,her hands shaking,trying to get the strength to pull the knife away without any harm.I could have you committed for treason!Harming your mate,and your Alpha-Who gives a damn?You banished me once already.If you wanted me dead,you would have killed me alreadyStrong hands slowly took her wrist,and moved it away from its jugular.The hand held her strongly,but strong fingers moved in circles around her knuckles that were white.You have a strength within you I find I admire.I have no time for your games.You will stay abed today,and sleep.Tonight we finish the mating ceremony.Within a few weeks,we shall know if you are with child.Untill then,let me protect the pack.If you say is true,and we have an enemey stalking us,we will find the purpertraiters,and kill them.No harm shall come to youhe slowly said,walking over to her,and leading her to the bed,before tucking her in lovingly. Voices rang out in protest against the roomers that floated against the walls of the small chamber of the pack house.Rage,and fear shimmered all around.Lucas sat at the head of the table,taking notes,and looking at the documents that supposedly showed a war.From the letter he read,he knew Celey was telling the truth.Neighboring packs had lost their own within the power of a woman.Her identity was unknown,but from the talk he heard when he scouted,they all wanted her head,and would stop at nothing until justice was served.You are sure this is accurate?Lucas asked,looking at Andrew distastefullyYes Alpha.Every pack we visited all said the same thing.A woman,and they all described her perfectly.They are dead set on revenge.They want her head Alpha.They say she called herself Ekaterina,or katherine.Rumor has it,she killed a russian mobsters brother in cold blood.The man has been searching for the wench for almost a year.Some say he is closing states in search.-Where is he now?From what Ive heard,hes in main-Balcony doors swung open,and a figure of a man stepped forth a blade in his hand,and a gun in the other.His face hidden by the darkness,strong muscles erupted under the T-shirt he wore.You need to keep her safe Lucas.She cant fight this battle alone.You need to set a boundary for herA harsh voice hissed,walking around the room in a full circle,watching the guards,and everything around him,just in case he needed to pounce and escape.Who the bloody hell are you?Someone you have pissed off! I gave her back to you.I could have hidden her away,and you would have never found her.She is in danger.Then enemy stalkes her.Be the light.Not the darkThe man said,walking over to the balcony,and without another word,dissaerd into the dark,cold night.


The room was silent,only breathing was audible.People in the room didnt say a word,for it was useless. The pack had to deal with bigger things now that unknown forces were coming out of nowhere seeking their new Luna.Lucas what do you know of this?one asked breaking the silence.Do you honestly think I knew any of this?Would i be stupid enough to sit on my ass and do nothing when there's danger that concerns my mate?your luna?he demanded getting up and pacing back and forth both in agitation,and annoyance.I say we get Celey in this.Ever since she came back commotion is all we hear-the man didn't get to say another word,for Lucas flew across the room,and pinned the male against the wall.Watch your mouth mutt!She is not to be disrespected!She is your future luna!S-sorry Alpha!without further notice,Lucas released the man.He couldn't stand his mate being disrespected,yet he knew he was the one that caused this.she had to defend herself while she was on her own.He was not their to protect her.Celey had to survive,and she killed,he couldn't blame her.He would have done the exact same thing.Bring her in my office,all of you better be there or elsehe growled,walking out of the room in strides.

Celey laid curled up on the bed.Her arms around her body.She was scared,and at that same moment wanted to cry.She never cried.She was not weak.Being on her own,without pack,or mate,she had stepped up from that shy,innocent girl that was once her.She moved mountains without the need of her mate.She walked through the fire,hell even,and she would do so again.A knock on her bedchamber door,made her sit up,and check the clock that was on the bed side table next to the bed.Looking at it,she noticed that it was only 4 in the morning.Who is it?she called,getting up,and walking up to the mirror,and checking her appearanceIts Andrew.Lucas wanted me to tell you that you're needed in his office ASAPA frown settled on her face.Why on earth would Lucas need to see her for?He never needed to talk to her before.Ill be there!Nearly fifteen minutes later,Celey walked down the hall towards Lucass office.Her footsteps slowed as she neared the door.She wasnt ready to see him,she was too ashamed at how she acted,ready to leave her mate to face the enemy that she had created.Taking a deep breath she softly knocked on the door.EnterA harsh voice calledEntering the room,the first thing that she noticed was how filled the room was.Men stood around,their faces masked of emotion.You called?We had an interesting event accure tonight.Someone walked through my balcony doors,and heeded me a warning.It seems to me,that what you said has been proven correct.You need to start talking!What did that person look like?she inquired,and small smile forming.Black hood,sword,dark voice-Did the person have a beard?Yes?how did you know that?he demanded,looking at the faces that surrounded his officeThat person was no other thank Cashmire-WHAT?Lucas sceamed,towering over her.In the background gasps echoed.She knew why.Three years ago when Celey was banned from the pack,he left everything and everyone,and dissapeard.No goodbye,no letter,nothing.It was cashmire-we heard you.Care to explane?someone asked his voice in a growl.He watches out for me.Gets me intell firsthand stuff.That is how I was able to survive as long as I did.I am always a few steps ahead of everything and everyone-Are you telling me that my brother left his pack,for you?Stop concerning yourself about Cashmire!You have bigger worries like Dimitri Belyakov!Ive heard that name Lucas!He is a mobster,ruthless,cunning,and rumor has is if you get in his way,lets just say there's no telling what he will dovernan,one of the guards hissed,running his hands through his hair.Thats what I was trying to tell you Lucas,You shouldnt brought me back here.I was told that he is crossing the border search for me.He wants my head,and will not rest until he has itWhat did you do to piss Belyakov off?When I first crossed the russian border,I was looking for a place to crash,and out of nowhere Dimitri came,and gave me shelter,but unknowingly he had intentions that were not my my liking.His mate died several years ago,and with so much grief he wanted a body to share,yet young as i was,I didnt pay attention to what was going all around me.Weeks went by,and one day he broke.Told my that his hopitality came with a price.If i wanted to live under his roof i would have to pay back.He wanted me in his bed,and told me he would have me their wheather it was by choice or force.I didnt know how to react,so I snuck out one night,and never looked back.It was only a few weeks ago when i told that he was searching for a rougue wolf.So you see you should of have never taken me back here!Dimitri is almost at our bordrs,and once he finds out where I have been hiding,he will kill each and every one of you,and take me.I know the man,he wount stop untill he has what he wants.What ever the man wants,he gets.No one can stop him.What is the plan then?Do we wait and get slotterd?The man is almost here!I will not be a sitting duck,while the man comes and kills those whom mean the world to me?You will do nothing! When he comes,I will be here waiting!This is my battle,not yours!Stay out of it!Celey said,turning her back,and walking out of the room,before letting the silent tears fall down her face in shame and horror.


Sweat pooled around Celeys chest with every punch she threw at the punching bag that was hung from the ceiling.She was frustrated,and very annoyed.Lucas or the pack wouldn't listen to what she had to say.They refused to listen to what she was trying to say.Patience was never one of her qualities.She would not sit and wait to be pounced on,she would get rid of the enemy once and for all,even if it meant getting herself killed.Anger and rage pounded into her untill all she felt was numb.Kicking the bag one more time,she reached out and steadied the damned thing.She knew she had to get moving,it was almost morning,the sun had yet to rise over the hills. Walking into her room she went to her closet,and reached for the bag that lay on the floor,and started back to the dresser,when she heard footsteps coming her way.She gave a silent curse,of course they would come and stop her,but she kept packing,faster,even,hoping to beat them to the punch.Their you are-A males voice sounded behind her,startling her,and making her drop the black duffle bag.Celey straightened,and spun around,to only run into a hard solid chest.looking up,she noticed that Lucas stood looking down at her with confusion,and something else,but she couldnt put the finger on it.What are you doing?he asked,gripping her wrist in an iron grip,before turning past her,and looking down behind her.A loud warning growl made its way around the room.The windows rattled,the light bulb exploded in the lamp,and the house shook with fear.I was getting ready-To leavehe finished walking around her,before going to the door,and closing it,he locked it,locking them both in the room.YesI can not allow that baby,you know this.You have a duty to me and your pack,not including your safety,that of which I will not place In dangerhe said walking towards her,in a stalking manner.Reaching her,Lucas leaned down,and kissed her neck,before moving up her neck and nipping her ear playfully.When his hand slid up into her hair to tug gently, she let her head tilt back, her eyes open sleepily watching his lips descend on hers. What started out as a languid kiss soon deepened into an exciting search for pleasure. Before she knew it,her blood was boiling,and her body on fire.She wanted him,and she knew she would get no relief without him."I want you," Lucas growled, breaking the kiss to trail his lips down her throat.A small growl erupting from him,making her shiver in both anticipation and fear.She had yet to shift to her wolf,and let the beast lose,and it wanted out at that exact moment he nipped her ear.Yes,pleaseshe whimpered,looking up at him,and bringing his head down to hers,she kissed him for dear life.Lucass answer was something of a grunt. He tugged at her blouse, freeing it from her yoga pants. She definitely wasn't able to function on anything but him,Lucas knew this,and prayed that after his night of love and seduction,she wouldn't hate him for what he had to do.She was thinking of leaving him,and he couldn't allow it."Oh." She moaned as her breasts sprang loose out of her bra,which came flying down to the floor and he caught them in his hands. Rachel sighed another little moan of pleasure-pain as he alternately caressed and suckled her nipples.Her yoga pants went flying next,and celey looked down sympathetically,they were her favorite.He ripped her panties off with one quick tug, caught her behind the thighs, lifted her, then settled her back down onto him. He slid into her and they both groaned as he filled her completely."More," she pleaded digging her nails into his back with pure ecstasy.The pleasure came in waves,and she couldnt hold it any longer,before she leaned down and bit Lucas down on the neck drawing blood from his body into hers as her body rippled and pulsed around his.Marking him as hers.A snarl rose up,before Lucas moved,and bit down on her neck.His wolf claiming cant leave me now baby,you're mine,body and soulHe murmured,looking at the woman in his arms.A small smile rose up,lighting his face.Her body had accepted his seed,and it was only a matter of time before she carried his child.I Love youshe said sleepily,burying her small body into his.Lucas stiffened,he needed to get out of their.He needed space to breath and the fresh air would do him some good.He knew that when his mate woke up,she would hate him with a passion.Easing out of the bed,he collected his clothes,and walked out of the room,locking it in the process,keeping his mate inside,everything,and everyone out.


Lucas walked into his office with anger and frustration.The search for the enemy still sought nothing out yet,and he was going out of his mind trying to protect his mate.Last night proved to be harder than he had thought.Bedding Celey brought out feelings he didn't want to feel.When he walked out,for the first time in his whole existence he had felt guilt,and shame.he didn't know why,but he knew the mating bond was getting stronger,and it was only a matter of time before he couldn't stand being away from her.Lucas!Andrews voice rang through the hall shaking him out of his thoughts.What?he asked walking over to his desk,and banging the ancient wood with force.The frustration was really getting to him.There is shouting,and banging on your bedroom door,what did you do?Andrew asked walking into the room with pack members behind him.I had to lock my dear mate in our room.It seems that She was thinking of leaving me,and as Alpha,Ihad to do something about it.Dont worry,I made sure she was left satisfied,and sated.In a few months time I expect her to carry my child.She may think leaving is the best for everyone,but once she carries my child,she will be tied to my side,and will have no choice but to stand by my side.I wil not have my child born on the wrong side of the blanket!Silence was his answer.Looking at the other people in the room,he saw other men shaking their heads.He knew it was not the way it was supposed to be done,but what other choice did he have?Was that really necessary?She only wants to protect the pack-I will not have this discussion.What do we so far on the man who shot my mate in her apartment?Lucas asked looking at the pack members with black hooded eyes.We know that Whoever shot the Luna was well trained.I had brought the bullet in for testing in the lab,and it came back as as silencerMarcus answered,reaching into his pocket,and taking out a plastic bag which contained one silver bullet,the same bullet which was logged deep in Celeys chest.Lucas walked over toward Marcus,taking the bag which held the bullet,and looked at it intently.A shiver went down his spine.He couldnt pinpoint the exact reason,but he felt as though he had seen that bullet somewhere.A silencer you say?What kind?M-1 .30 Caliber Carbine?Marcus asked uncertainly.Switching his feet back and forth trying to find some level ground.Who the hell knows how to shoot a decade old gun?Andrew asked looking around him,trying to search for answers in the faces of the pack,but none came.Someone who-Someone who was in the army,or specifically a sniper.You would not know that because you didnt look at the bullet clearly.If you remember,I was shot in the chest.That one shot nearly took my life in an instant.From the pinpoint of the shot,and the angle of where the bullet was logged,scar to prove it,I Would say the rooftop of the building across from mine was a perfect place to shoot someone,that someone,I mean me.Celey answered,walking into the room,her face flushed,and her breathing shallow.I thought I locked you in our room.Lucas said,coming up behind her,wrapping his arms around her,pulling her close.Turning around,Celey smiled slyly.Of course her mate would be demanding questions.He thought he was so slick.Smiling to herself she laughed softly.He thought he knew her every move,yet he didn't.Being on the run for three years made her open up her eyes,and fight for her life.You thought locking me in our bedroom would work?Havent you learned anything yet?Locking me in won't do you good,I will just find a way out.Well see about thatLucas whispered,nibbling on her ear.Turning around,Celey inhaled a deep breath and stilled.An unfimiliar sent hit her nostrols.Get down!she yelled,reaching up,and pulling Lucas down, a grenade was thrown in the room,before exploding,sending shockwaves in waves,and sending her flying,and everyone along with her back,before she knew what was happening,everything started going black,and she knew she was helpless,she wouldnt be able to protect those all around her,voices foreign sounded around her,but darkness claimed her.


The murmur of voices and then a thud as something hit the floor woke Celey from her sleep.Voices came from all around her,but she stayed tuned to the russian voice.Dimitri.A shiver went down her spine,but she kept her eyes closed,and listened closely.She would find out what she could,maybe,just maybe,they would let in what on earth they planned to do,once she was awake."What the hell are you waiting for?Find the bitch!Bring her to me Alive!Will do.I will need to contact Zabelove,so he knows to get the car readyGo do that!The man demanded,kicking the lifeless body next to him.Fear and anger,rage that was buried deep within her let loose,and Celeys blood boiled.She wanted to open up her eyes,and look at the man who had been after her for the last three years.She wanted to get her courage,leap up,and kill everyone who had hurt her pack,and made her life a living hell.Once I Get my hands on the Bitch!Find her!Dimitri hissed,walking passed the body that lay in a heap on the floor,and made his way towards the door.Celey had a hard time not coughing.The smoke was covering the floor,and not inhaling it was a choir,but in the end she kept her senses,and ripping a piece of cloth from her shirt,she grimaced,it was one of her favorites,but put it around her face.She looked all around her,she couldnt sense her mate,or pack,and fear settled deep in her core.Where they safe?Where they compromised?She wouldnt think of the worst!She had to keep positive,and thinking negatives did nothing in a situation like this.On her stomach,she used her elbows to keep her up on her haunches,and crawled toward Lucases desk,but she winced.The fire had already gotten to it.Looking at it skeptically,she noticed that it did nothing for a hiding spot.The top layer was aflame,and soon would burn to the ground.She grunted,pain seized her body,and a sharp pinch at her back made her freeze.One move,and I will blow your head offA russian accented man said behind her.She didnt get much time to register what was happening,for he leaned down,and gripped her hair in a death grip,pulling her head back,her eyes finding his cold ones.You must be the wench who killed Alexander,my you do look delicious to killThe man said,taking his large hand,and running his finger down her face.Dont you touch me you bastard!she hissed,turning her face away.Shut up!He said,slapping her,a few times,until blood fell from her bottom lip.A smile rose on the mans face.You like hurting woman is that it?she asked,look at him with death in her eyes.She would show him she was not afraid of him.Apparently you cant shut up,I should kill you right now,but since Dimitri wants you alive,I will have to babysit youthe man snickered,pacing back and forth in annoyance,and a grim look on his face.Celey looked desperately around her trying to find her mate.Nothing was visible due to the smoke,and flames that surrounded them.Tears silently fell down her cheeks.She wished everything was different.She wished that she had never killed anyone,never disappointed her mate.She wished she could go back before she realized how cruel the world was.She coughed.The smoke was getting to her airways,and most of all,her eyes were getting cloudy.She couldn't see anything,sense nothing,she was weak and defenseless.

Opening his eyes Lucas winced.The pain in his skull proved that he was knocked out.The force of the blow was strong enough to make him unconscious.He tried to turn his head,but it was no use.His head pained so much that any sort of movement was unfathomable.He tried to sense his mate,but no avail.He tried mind link her,but then he remembered that they had not yet mated,and so trying to talk to her would be no use.Anger shook him.He was an idiot.He should of protected her,and he didn't.He should've thought of her first.She was way out of his league,he knew he should let her go,but he couldnt.The bastard that he was,he knew that she belonged to him.She had managed to get under his skin.She had managed to attach herself to his innerFind the bitch!A russian accented man yelled,walking over the man who he just shot down.A low growl sounded from his chest.The bastard had managed to shoot one of his guards,and Lucas was pissed.Hell,he was beyond pissed,he wanted to get up,and rip the bastards head off.Jay has her Dimitri.She is being watched now as we speakThe man next to Dimitri said,pulling out a sharp looking needle.LucasThe faint voice called,beckoning him to answer.He didnt recognize the soft echo,but something deep down within him told him that he did know that voice.Celey? he asked,praying that it was she who was on the other end,prayed that she was out of harms way.Remembering the mans words. Jay has her Dimitri.Set anger boiling,but he kept it at bay.There was much that needed to be done,and he could not afford to be sidetracked.Please tell me you are ok?Im fine baby,where are you?Are you safe?Im compromised,but at the moment I am safe.You need to get out of here Lucas.Take your guards,and get everyone else out.I am not leaving you!Hold on,I will get you.Keep that idiot with you occupied. Celey winced as another slap sounded off the walls.The man had a liking for abuse.She winced as she tried to move out from his reach,but to only have her wrists pulled tighter in restraint from the rope that was tightened tightly around her wrists.One move,and Ill blow your head offhe grunted stepping closer,and pointing a gun to her head.Celey looked up bored,and tried to smile,but winced.What do you think Dimitri will do to you when he finds out that you have put a bullet in my head?she asked bluntly.Yes What do you think I would do to you?a voice said behind her.Turning her head she stilled.Dimitri stood behind her.A black and white tux hugged every inch of him.I-Leave us Jay Ill handle herCame Dimitris reply.Once the man was out of ears reach,he knelt down so that he faced her.A sly smile rose on his lips,showing peril white teeth.Go on baby girl,try to run


Celey stared at the man in front of her in silence.He smelled of blood and sweat,mixed with a pine scent.Bile rose in her throat.The man needed a shower desperately,hell it would take several just to get rid of the stench which was coming off of him in volumes.DimitriShe acknowledged dryly.She wished she could say more to the man,but no words could describe how much of a living hell he had brought to her life.Yes she did kill his brother,but not on purpose.She wanted to tell him how sorry she was for what had transpired,but she knew that he would not listen to her.His hate and anger were driven by pain,and revenge.He wanted to avenge his brother,by getting his killer,she could not blame him.If she was in his shoes,she would do the exact same thing.Hello Katerina Its been a long time,but at last we meet againHe said circling her like a predator caging its prey.No shit sherlockCeley mumbled,trying to move her hands from the bonds that were restraining her.What was that?Dimitri asked.NothingCeley muttered.You are a hard woman to find Katerina,but at last I have found you,and I will make you pay.Dimitris voice held venom,she tried to latch on to the voice to find its origin,but before she could blink,a black satin bag was put over her head,enfolding her in darkness.Celey grimaced.There was very little else she could do but wait,and see where they would take her.Footsteps echoes all around the room,and before she knew what was going on,she was thrown over the shoulder,and carried out of the room,into cold air.A moment later Celey heard the murmur of voices and then a thud as her body hit the stone cold floor.Frowning,she strained to hear what was happening,when something metal was attached to her arms,and ankles.Her instincts went out.The dungeon.she was in the dongen.A cry escaped her,making the other men in the room laugh.Great.She was their amusement for the time being.Just great!How does it feel to be locked up,bound,knowing that their is no escape?Dimitris hard cold voice asked behind her.She looked into his eyes,and spit on the ground,noticing the blood that seeped out,from the blow that was giving from him.She refused to bow down to the pig.Unfortinly for you,Zabelov isnt dead!You did manage to wound him however,which I am pissed about.I give you a place to stay,and this is how you thank me?Dimitri yelled slapping her again.!A man hissed pushing Dimitri out of the way.Before she knew what was going on,she looked up,and realized that she was staring at Zabelove.Horror filled her.His face looked awful.One side was smooth,and the other had burn scars going down his face.You see what you did to me you bitch?I am sorry!Celey whispered,but before she could say another word,she was lifted up and chained to the wall.Hard iron clasps were clasped around her wrists,making her wince.Shackles were placed around her ankles,holding her in place.I am going to have so much fun with you.Maybe I will kill you once I have had my fill of you!Zabuluve whispered in her ear before throwing a punch into her stomach,she winced,and pulled against the restraints.There you go!I want to hear you beg for me to stop!I want to hear your agony as I give back to you everything you gave me!He yelled,reaching out and pulling out a green pocket knife.Celey eyed the knife in terror.That is enough Zabelove you're scaring the poor girl.Let me take over,I want to have some fun with her before you kill herDimitri stood next to his brother,a cold grim of a smile displayed on his lips.

The room was filled with smoke,and all he could think about was his mate.His pack and security guards were in the back of his mind.Where was celey? was she safe? He coughed,trying to breath.Andrew can you hear me?I am find Lucas.Are you ok?My leg is stuck,I cant move.Can you get around?I am on my wayNO! Andrew I cant move at all,the fire has kicked the wooden ladder from the room above down.You need to get pack out.Jeremy got everyone out they are going to the safe house now as we speakYou need to find her.I cant have her blood on my hands.I cant lose her.FIND HER!I am leaving Danial with you.I will go and get our luna.Lucas ended conversation.His head was clouded,and he c