Page 1: The Agile Supply Chain: Competing in Volatile Markets

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Industrial Marketing Management


, 37–44 (2000)© 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.655 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10010

The Agile Supply Chain

Competing in Volatile Markets

Martin Christopher

Turbulent and volatile markets are becoming the norm aslife cycles shorten and global economic and competitive forcescreate additional uncertainty. The risk attached to lengthy andslow-moving logistics “pipelines” has become unsustainable,forcing organizations to look again at how their supply chainsare structured and managed. This paper suggests that the keyto survival in these changed conditions is through “agility,” inparticular by the creation of responsive supply chains. A dis-tinction is drawn between the philosophies of “leanness” and“agility,” and the appropriate application of these ideas isdiscussed. © 2000 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.


The importance of time as a competitive weapon hasbeen recognized for some time [1]. The ability to be ableto meet the demands of customers for ever-shorter deliv-ery times, and to ensure that supply can be synchronizedto meet the peaks and troughs of demand, is clearly ofcritical importance in this era of




time-based com-petition [2].

To become more responsive to the needs of the marketrequires more than speed. It also requires a high level ofmaneuverability that today has come to be termed



Agility is a business-wide capability that embraces or-ganizational structures, information systems, logistics pro-cesses, and, in particular, mindsets. A key characteristic ofan agile organization is flexibility. Indeed, the origins ofagility as a business concept lies in flexible manufactur-ing systems (FMS).

Initially, it was thought that the route to manufacturingflexibility was through automation to enable rapidchange (i.e., reduced set-up times) and, thus, a greater re-sponsiveness to changes in product mix or volume. Later,this idea of manufacturing flexibility was extended intothe wider business context [3] and the concept of agilityas an organizational orientation was born.

Agility should not be confused with


Lean isabout doing more with less. The term is often used inconnection with lean manufacturing [4] to imply a “zeroinventory” just-in-time approach. Paradoxically, manycompanies that have adopted lean manufacturing as abusiness practice are anything but agile in their supply

Address correspondence to Dr. M. Christopher, Cranfield University,Cranfield School of Management, Department of Marketing and Logistics,Cranfield, Bedfordshire MK43 0AL UK.

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chain. The car industry, in many ways, illustrates this co-nundrum. The origins of lean manufacturing can betraced to the Toyota Production System (TPS) [5], withits focus on the reduction and elimination of waste.

While the lessons learned from the TPS principleshave had a profound impact on manufacturing practicesin a wide range of industries around the world, it seemsthat the tendency has been for the benefits of lean think-ing to be restricted to the factory. Thus, we encounter theparadoxical situation where vehicle manufacturing is ex-tremely efficient with throughput time in the factory, typ-ically down to 12 hours or less, yet inventory of finishedvehicles can be as high as 2 months of sales—and stillthe customer has to wait for weeks or even months to getthe car of his or her choice!

While leanness may be an element of agility in certaincircumstances, by itself it will not enable the organiza-tion to meet the precise needs of the customer more rap-idly. Webster’s Dictionary makes the distinction clearlywhen it defines lean as “containing little fat,” whereasagile is defined as “nimble.”

There are certain conditions where a lean approachmakes sense, in particular where demand is predictableand the requirement for variety is low and volume ishigh–the very conditions in which Toyota developed thelean philosophy. The problems arise when we attempt toimplant that philosophy into situations where demand isless predictable: The requirement for variety is high and,consequently, volume at the individual stock keepingunit (SKU) level is low–a set of characteristics which ismore typical of the Western automobile industry. In other

words, it could be argued that many firms have been mis-guided in their attempts to adopt a lean model in condi-tions to which is not suited.

Figure 1 suggests that the three critical dimensions of



(or predictability) and


deter-mine which approach–agile or lean–make greatest sense.

Agility might, therefore, be defined as the ability of anorganization to respond rapidly to changes in demand,both in terms of volume and variety. The market condi-tions in which many companies find themselves are char-acterized by volatile and unpredictable demand; hence,the increased urgency of the search for agility.


To be truly agile, a supply chain must possess a num-ber of distinguishing characteristics, as suggested in Fig-ure 2. The agile supply chain is

market sensitive

. Marketsensitive means that the supply chain is capable of read-ing and responding to real demand. Most organizationsare forecast-driven rather than demand-driven. In otherwords, because they have little direct feed-forward fromthe marketplace by way of data on actual customer re-quirements, they are forced to make forecasts based onpast sales or shipments, and convert these forecasts intoinventory. The breakthroughs of the last decade in theform of efficient consumer response (ECR), and the useof information technology to capture data on demand di-rect from the point-of-sale or point-of-use, are now trans-forming the organization’s ability to hear the voice of themarket and to respond directly to it.

The use of information technology to share data be-tween buyers and suppliers is, in effect, creating a


supply chain. Virtual supply chains are information-based rather than inventory-based.

Conventional logistics systems are based on a para-digm that seeks to identify the optimal quantities of in-ventory and its spatial location. Complex formulae andalgorithms exist to support this inventory-based businessmodel. Paradoxically, we are now learning that once we

DR. MARTIN CHRISTOPHER is Professor of Marketing and Logistics and Deputy Director of the Cranfield School of Management, Cranfield University, England. He is the author of several books in logistics and editor of the

International Journal

of Business Logistics.

Agility is an important factor in

supply chains.

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have visibility of demand through shared information,the premise upon which these formulae are based nolonger holds. Electronic data interchange (EDI) and,now, the Internet have enabled partners in the supplychain to act upon the same data, i.e., real demand, ratherthan be dependent upon the distorted and noisy picturethat




emerges when orders are transmitted fromone step to another in an extended




chain.Shared information between supply chain partners can

only be fully leveraged through

process integration.

Pro-cess integration means collaborative working betweenbuyers and suppliers, joint product development, com-mon systems, and shared information. This form of coop-eration in the supply chain is becoming ever more preva-lent, as companies focus on managing their corecompetencies and outsource all other activities. In thisnew world, a greater reliance on suppliers and alliancepartners becomes inevitable and, hence, a new style of re-lationship is essential. In the “extended enterprise,” as itis often called, there can be no boundaries, and an ethosof trust and commitment must prevail. Along with pro-cess integration, comes joint strategy determination,

buyer-supplier teams, transparency of information, andeven, open-book accounting.

This idea of the supply chain, as a confederation ofpartners linked together as a


, provides the fourthingredient of agility. There is a growing recognition thatindividual businesses no longer compete as stand-aloneentities, but rather as supply chains. We are now enteringthe era of “network competition,” where the prizes willgo to those organizations who can better structure, coor-dinate, and manage the relationships with their partners ina network committed to better, closer, and more agile rela-tionships with their final customers. It can be argued thatin today’s challenging global markets, the route to sustain-able advantage lies in being able to leverage the respectivestrengths and competencies of network partners to achievegreater responsiveness to market needs.


There will be occasions when a “pure” agile or a leanstrategy might be appropriate for a supply chain. How-

FIGURE 1. Agile or Lean.

Market sensitivity is essential.

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ever, there will often be situations where a combinationof the two may be appropriate, i.e., a hybrid strategy.

Hybrid supply chain strategies recognize that, within amixed portfolio of products and markets, there will besome products where demand is stable and predictable,and some products where the converse is true. As Fisherpoints out [6], it is important that the characteristics ofdemand are recognized in the design of supply chains.However, it is not necessarily the case that a supply chainshould be either lean or agile. Instead, a supply chainmay need to be lean for part of the time and agile forthe rest.

Zara, the Spanish fashion company, provides a goodexample of this hybrid supply chain strategy [7]. Zara isone of Spain’s most successful and most dynamic apparelcompanies, producing fashionable clothing that appealsto an international target market of those between theages of 18 and 35. Zara’s international market position-ing places it in direct competition with some of the mostskilled operations in the business, including Italian fash-

ion giant Benetton and U.S.-based Gap and The Limited.Zara’s rapid growth and on-going success in such afiercely competitive environment is, in fact, a testamentto its ability to establish an agile supply chain which stillincorporates many “lean” characteristics. The pursuit ofthis hybrid strategy has enabled Zara to develop one ofthe most effective quick-response systems in its industry.

The whole process of supplying goods to the stores be-gins with cross-functional teams–comprising fashion,commercial, and retail specialists–working within Zara’sDesign Department at the company’s headquarters in LaCoruña, Spain. The designs reflect the latest in interna-tional fashion trends, with inspiration gleaned throughvisits to fashion shows, competitors’ stores, universitycampuses, pubs, cafes, and clubs, plus any other venuesor events deemed relevant to the lifestyles of the targetcustomers. The team’s understanding of fashion trends isfurther guided by regular inflows of electronic point ofsale (EPOS) data and other information from all of thecompany’s stores and sites around the world.

Raw materials are procured through the company’sbuying offices in the United Kingdom, China, and TheNetherlands, with most of the materials themselves com-ing from Mauritius, New Zealand, Australia, Morocco,China, India, Turkey, Korea, Italy, and Germany. Ap-proximately 40% of the garments–those with the broad-est and least transient appeal–are imported as finishedgoods from low-cost manufacturing centers in the FarEast. The rest are produced by quick-response in Spain,using Zara’s own highly automated factories and a net-work of smaller contractors. Material or fabric is alsoheld in “greige” (i.e., undyed and unprinted) and, if de-mand for a particular garment turns out to be higher thanexpected, local manufacturers can then quickly manufac-ture additional products.

Zara’s manufacturing systems are similar in manyways to those developed and employed so successfullyby Benetton in Northern Italy, but they are refined usingideas developed in conjunction with Toyota. Only thoseoperations that enhance cost-efficiency through econo-mies of scale (such as dying, cutting, labeling, and pack-aging) are conducted in-house. All other manufacturingactivities, including the labor-intensive finishing stages,

Information technology is vital.

FIGURE 2. The agile supply chain.

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are completed by networks of more than 300 small sub-contractors, each specializing in one particular part of theproduction process or garment type. These subcontrac-tors work exclusively for Zara’s parent, Inditex SA. In re-turn, they receive the necessary technological, financial,and logistical support required to achieve stringent timeand quality targets. The system is flexible enough to copewith sudden changes in demand, although production iskept always at a level slightly below expected sales tokeep the stock moving. Zara has opted for undersupply,viewing it as a lesser evil than holding slow-moving orobsolete stock.


A major problem in most supply chains is their limitedvisibility of real demand. Because supply chains tend tobe extended with multiple levels of inventory betweenthe point of production and the final marketplace, theytend to be forecast-driven rather than demand-driven.

The point at which real demand penetrates upstream ina supply chain may be termed

the de-coupling point.


viously, this idea has been termed

the order penetrationpoint

[8]. However, the issue is not how far the orderpenetrates, but how far real demand is made visible. Or-ders are aggregations of demand, often delayed and dis-torted due to the actions and decisions of intermediaries[9]. On the other hand, demand reflects the ongoing re-quirement in the final market place as close to real-timeas possible.

The de-coupling point should also dictate the form inwhich inventory is held. Thus, as in the uppermost exam-ple in Figure 3, demand penetrates right to the point ofmanufacture, and inventory is probably held in the formof components or materials. In the lowermost example,demand is only visible at the end of the chain. Hence, in-ventory will be in the form of finished product. The aim ofthe agile supply chain should be to carry inventory in a ge-neric form–that is, standard semifinished products await-ing final assembly or localization. This is the concept of


, a vital element in any agile strategy.Postponement, or delayed configuration, is based on

the principle of seeking to design products using com-mon platforms, components, or modules, but where thefinal assembly or customization does not take place until

Hybrid strategies are effective.

FIGURE 3. De-coupling points and strategic inventory.

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the final market destination and/or customer requirementis known.

There are several advantages of the strategy of post-ponement [10]. First, inventory can be held at a genericlevel so that there will be fewer stock-keeping variantsand, hence, less inventory in total. Second, because theinventory is generic, its flexibility is greater, meaningthat the same components, modules, or platforms can beembodied in a variety of end products. Third, forecastingis easier at the generic level than at the level of the fin-ished item. This last point is particularly relevant in glo-bal markets where local forecasts will be less accuratethan a forecast for worldwide volume. Furthermore, theability to customize products locally means that a higherlevel of variety may be offered at a lower total cost, en-abling strategies of “mass customization” to be pursued.

The challenge to supply chain management (SCM) isto seek to develop “lean” strategies up to the de-couplingpoint, but “agile” strategies beyond that point. In otherwords, by using generic or modular inventory to postponethe final commitment, it should be possible to achievevolume-oriented economies of scale through product stan-dardization. The flow of product up to the de-coupling pointmay well be forecast-driven; the flow of product after thede-coupling point should be demand-driven.

An important point to recognize is that there are actu-ally two de-coupling points. The first is the one alreadyreferred to; i.e., the


de-coupling point, wherestrategic inventory is held in as generic a form as possi-ble. This point ideally should lie as far


aspossible in the supply chain and as close to the final mar-ket place as possible. The second de-coupling point is the


de-coupling point. The idea here is that thisshould lie as far


as possible in the supplychain–it is in effect the furthest point to which informa-tion on real final demand penetrates.

Mason-Jones, Naim, and Towill [11] have demon-strated through simulation the beneficial impact that in-formation feedback can have on reducing upstream am-plification and distortion of demand.

By managing these two de-coupling points, a powerfulopportunity for agile response can be created. At thesame time, the notorious “bullwhip,” or Forrester effect,[12, 13] can be reduced. Billington and Amaral [14] havesuggested that while the combined effect of shared infor-mation in a supply chain and delayed configurationthrough postponement can significantly improve respon-siveness, the effect of delayed configuration is actuallygreater than the impact created by shared information [15].


One of the keys to achieving agile response to fast-chang-ing markets lies upstream of the organization in the quality ofsupplier relationships. Often it is the lead time of in-boundsuppliers that limits the ability of a manufacturer to respondrapidly to customer requirements. Similarly, new product in-troduction time can be dramatically reduced through the in-volvement of suppliers in the innovation process.

Still, today, many companies have not recognized thecompetitive advantage that can be derived from closer re-lationships with key suppliers [16]. Instead, there is oftenan arms-length, even adversarial, approach to managingthe supplier base. To really leverage the opportunity forgreater agility through closer supplier relationships re-quires a number of prerequisites.

One prerequisite is that it is inevitable that the supplierbase be rationalized. It is not possible to create close rela-tionships through process integration with multiple sup-pliers. Agile companies have sought to identify a limitednumber of “strategic” suppliers with whom they canwork as partners through linked systems and processes.While the dangers of single sourcing need to be recog-nized, the advantages of having a network of key suppli-ers able to synchronize their production and deliverieswith the requirements of the company are considerable.Opportunities for establishing information-based, paper-less systems utilizing concepts of vendor-managed in-ventory (VMI), for example, are clearly greater




Postponement is an important supply

chain tactic.

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when both buyer and supplier see each other as vital linksin a more competitive supply chain.

A second prerequisite for the creation of a more agilesupplier base is a high level of shared information. Inparticular, there has to be clear visibility of downstreamdemand; data on real demand needs to be captured as fardown the chain as possible and shared with upstreamsuppliers as well as the information systems technologyto make the transfer of information possible. There needsto be a willingness amongst the partners to put aside anyprevious mistrust and instead to create an environment inwhich information can freely flow in both directions inthe chain.

The final and perhaps most important prerequisite isthe need for a high level of “connectivity” between thefirm and its strategic suppliers. This implies not just theexchange of information on demand and inventory lev-els, but multiple, collaborative working relationshipsacross the organizations at all levels. It is increasinglycommon today for companies to create supplier develop-ment teams that are cross-functional and, as such, are in-tended to interface with the equivalent customer’s man-agement team within the supplying organization [17].Figure 4 illustrates this concept.


One of the biggest barriers to agility is the way that


tends to increase as companies grow and ex-tend their marketing reach. Often, this complexity comesthrough product and brand proliferation, but it also cancome through the organizational structures and manage-ment processes that have grown up over time [18].

The reduction of product complexity should be a majorpriority for marketing and logistics people working to-gether. Product complexity includes not only design is-sues (e.g., the number of nonstandard components in aproduct) but also excessive variety that does not contrib-ute to greater customer or consumer value. Procter &Gamble, for example, has in recent years focused on prod-uct range rationalization, pack standardization, and re-duced promotional activity in order to attack complexity.

Complexity is caused also by the way in which organi-zation structures and management processes are de-signed. One of the benefits of the business process re-engineering (BPR) movement has been that it hashighlighted the need to reduce or eliminate the manynonvalue-adding activities that are inherent in traditional

Leveraging in a supply chain is essential.

FIGURE 4. Building stronger partnerships through multiple linkages.

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functionally-based business. Breaking down functional silosand regrouping around value-creating processes will helpreduce organizational complexity. A further aid to com-plexity reduction and, hence, enhanced agility will be thedevelopment of a human resource strategy that leads tomulti-skilling and encourages cross-functional working.Team-based management has been demonstrated [19] tobe a highly effective facilitator of organizational agility.


Marketing management has not traditionally recognizedthe importance of logistics and SCM as a key element ingaining advantage in the marketplace. However, in today’smore challenging business environment, where volatilityand unpredictable demand have become the norm, it is es-sential that the importance of agility be recognized.

Leading companies are already implementing market-ing strategies that are underpinned by a supply chainstrategy designed with agility in mind. These are the or-ganizations that will be best equipped for survival in theuncertain markets of the twenty-first century.


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6. Fisher, M.: What is the Right Supply Chain for your Product?

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9. Burbidge, J.:

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10. van Hoek, R.: Reconfiguring the Supply Chain to Implement PostponedManufacturing.

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11. Mason-Jones, R., Mohammed, N., and Denis, T.: The Impact of PipelineControl on Supply Chain Dynamics.

International Journal of LogisticsManagement



12. Forrester, J.:

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13. Lee, H., Padmanabhan, P., and Whang, S.: The Paralysing Curse of theBullwhip Effect in a Supply Chain.

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15. Gavirneni, S., and Tayur, S.:

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16. Hines, P.:

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