Page 1: The Advocate - Welcome | Arndell Anglican College Term 1 Issue 5.pdf · ‘Learning through Christ ... Easter Hat Parade Strategic Learning @ Arndell ... Whilst earthly kingdoms will


‘Learning through Christ’

From the Headmaster

Mr Gareth Leechman

As we come to this very important time of the year in the Christian calendar we are reminded

of God’s commitment to us by sending his one and only Son to become one of us, to live with

us, to teach us and to ultimately die for us, so that we might live. Jesus’ death on the cross

took the punishment that our sins deserved and in his resurrection death has been defeated.

What a wonderful celebration this is for us here at Arndell Anglican College and would like to

encourage all members of our community to reflect on this wonderful gift to us this Easter


Next term is already shaping up to be an exciting one with so many educationally engaging

activities planned for our students. I hope that you will enjoy a restful break so that you come

back recharged to once again become involved in the life of this College.

Finally enrolments for Year 7 2018 are filling fast and we are now looking at opening a fifth

class. If you have a sibling, a friend or you know someone who is thinking of enrolling, can

you please encourage them to put their application as quickly as possible, as I would not like

to have put people on a waiting list.

From the Chaplain Rev Jeremy Clark

Good News

Luke 4:43 But Jesus said, “I must proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God to

the other towns also, because that is why I was sent.”

The holidays are almost upon us. For some of us it will be a short break; others will be

preparing to travel, or to complete important tasks. Many will continue working, maybe at a

different pace, but still working. As we prepare to have the first short break for the year a

significant event will happen during these holidays. The middle weekend will be our annual

Easter holiday. Christians consider this weekend to be far more than just a holiday.

This term in our College chapels we have explored the beginning of Jesus’ mission – a mission

with a most significant message. This message is still being remembered 2000 years later; it

provides the significant focal point for Christians the world over.

In this issue

From the Headmaster

From the Chaplain

Growth Mindset

Uniform Shop

Debating @ Arndell

Easter Hat Parade

Strategic Learning @ Arndell

Term Calendar


2017 Term 1 I Issue 5

The Advocate

Page 2: The Advocate - Welcome | Arndell Anglican College Term 1 Issue 5.pdf · ‘Learning through Christ ... Easter Hat Parade Strategic Learning @ Arndell ... Whilst earthly kingdoms will


‘Learning through Christ’

How does Jesus point to this message at the beginning of his ministry? The passage above reveals how Jesus

understood his mission. His mission to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God. This proclamation happens

week in, week out, at our College. Christian community means that the message will be proclaimed in our churches,

in our homes and through the media and social media as well. We hope you will hear about this good news in a

community of believers this Easter.

What is the good news? In this short passage Jesus explains that the good news is about the Kingdom of God.

When we remember the death and resurrection of Jesus at Easter, we are reminded of the coming in of God’s

kingdom. Whilst earthly kingdoms will reign for a short time. God’s kingdom is an eternal one. Eternity is achieved

because death is defeated once and for all. The victory of eternal life achieved through Jesus’ resurrection means

that for those who trust in Jesus, even though they will die, they will live for eternity in God’s kingdom.

It would seem remiss not to ask, do you know this reality? Do you know Jesus who died on the Friday and rose on

the Sunday? Have you experienced the joy of being released from the power of death to eternal life? Jesus was

sent to proclaim the good news of God’s kingdom. Is this good news for you?

Please have a restful break as you ponder the eternal kingdom.

Growth Mindset Mrs Karen Merrick

Over the past two years, a number of staff at Arndell through the work of the Pedagogy Committee have been

researching Growth Mindset – what it is and what impact it can have on our students.

So what is Growth Mindset?

Growth Mindset is the belief that all people can improve their learning and their intellect. Through researching the

behaviours of children and students, Dr Carol Dweck, over a period of 30 years of research, found that when students

believe they can get smarter, they understand that effort makes them stronger. This led to students putting in more

effort and seeing improvement in their learning outcomes.

Dr Dweck’s research has also been supported by more recent advances in neuroscience which have shown that the

brain is actually highly malleable and that connectivity between neurons can change with experience. “With practice,

neural networks grow new connections, strengthen existing ones, and build insulation that speeds transmission of

impulses” (Mindset Works). These discoveries in neuroscience have shown that we can increase our neural growth

by our “actions, including practicing, asking questions, being positive and having appropriate sleep and good nutrition”

(Mindset Works).

How are we fostering growth mindset at Arndell?

James Anderson, an expert on Growth Mindset in Australia presented to College staff in January on the topic of

Growth Mindset. This presentation introduced staff to the foundations of Growth Mindset and the myths surrounding

how to praise students in a growth mindset. The importance of the language we use when providing feedback was

highlighted as being a key factor to helping students develop a growth mindset and as such, Arndell staff identified

common language which could be used across P-12 to encourage students to be resilient in all areas of their learning.

Year 8 students in 2016 and 2017 have been introduced to growth mindset in the Year 8 Research Studies Class

which occurs twice per timetable cycle. In this class, students investigate what types of actions are reflective of

growth mindset along with how we learn and how the brain is able to develop stronger connections. Over the year

they will be learning to put into practice key aspects of growth mindset and to become reflective learners.

In coming issues of the Advocate, there will be information about Growth Mindset and how as parents, we can help

our children to become resilient learners, willing to take on challenges and to learn from mistakes. If you are interested

in learning more about Growth Mindset, the following links are helpful websites.

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‘Learning through Christ’

Uniform Shop Mrs Elizabeth Moore

Winter changeover will occur on Monday the 15th of May 2017 (Week 4, Term 2). Winter uniform appointments for new students to the school in 2017 will be as follows:

Tuesday, 11th April – 2 pm to 6 pm (School Holidays)

Thursday, 20th April – 2 pm to 6 pm (School Holidays)

Monday 1st May – 3 pm to 6 pm (Week 2, Term 2)

Monday 8th May – 3 pm to 6 pm (Week 3, Term 2)

Saturday 13th May – 9 am to 12 pm (Week 3, Term 2)

Additional Opening Hours for all other students (no appointment needed) will be as follows:

Tuesday, 11th April – 9 am to 12 pm (School Holidays)

Thursday, 20th April – 9 am to 12 pm (School Holidays)

Saturday, 13th May – 8.30 am to 12.30 pm (Week 3, Term 2) New Student Appointment Booking Process:

Now you can book uniform shop appointments at a time that suits you. Go to and follow these simple instructions.

For parents that do not have internet access, please phone the college on 45723633 and Select 3

for the Uniform Shop. Spaces are limited.

Simply enter the code Wy2gz and press "Go" Enter your details

Select the date you wish to attend

Select the appointment times that suit your family best

When you click FINISH, your uniform fitting appointment details will be emailed to you

automatically. If you do not receive your email immediately – check your junk mail folder AND

make sure you have spelled your email address correctly.

You can return to at any time and change your appointment using the same event

code, name and email address you used when you made your original appointment.

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‘Learning through Christ’

Debating @ Arndell Mr Tom Lavelle

HICES Debating Report Round 2 (Hills Grammar School)

Round 2 (Thursday, 23rd March) always looked to be a challenging one with four out of five debating teams drawn

against The Hills Grammar School at home. Added complexities included Year 12 students being unavailable for the

Open team due to Half-Yearly Examinations and a couple of other key speakers also unavailable for other teams for

a range of unfortunate personal circumstances. All Arndell teams performed really well with the final “scorecard”

reading two wins from five debates.

The Year 7 team of Bradley Campbell, Ebony Cusack, Cassandra Steenbeeke and Hamish McGregor once again

performed very well but were defeated by a more experienced Year 8 Hills team. For Bradley and Ebony, it was their

first debate and just being prepared to “have a go” at debating is what it is all about. Both Year 7 and Year 8 argued

the negative case for the topic “That every student should be required to take a performing arts course.”

The Year 8 team of Ben Webb, Caleb Clark, Maylee Neary and Evie Claxton made it “two in a row” with a dominant

win over Hills Adventist whilst the Year 9 team of Gemma Thompson, Teale Simmons, Clayton Isaacs and Caitlin

Pellew were defeated by a strong Hills team. Again, great to see new students having a go and being involved in

debating. They had the affirmative for the topic “That schoolies should be banned.”

The Year 10 team of Joanna Nanthakumaran, Will Franks, Jake James and Taryn Phillips recorded the win of the

round, arguing the negative for this same topic to defeat Hills Grammar. Hills Grammar were Senior division Grand

Finalists last year. Apparently, there was a misprinting of the topic in another region which led instead to teams

debating the topic “That schools should be banned” - must have been interesting.

The Open team of Coco Chen, David Lavelle and Jessica Steenbeeke performed very well but lost to a highly

experienced Year 12 Hills Grammar team arguing the affirmative case for the topic “That animal testing should be


A huge thank you to Rev. Jeremy Clark for his time and effort in driving the mini-bus to and from Hills under some

pretty wet conditions and to Ms. Hannah Blackwell for her support both on the day and with preparing the Year 7

team. Thank you, too, to parents who waited for an extra 25 minutes for our return from Hills Grammar. The success

of the evening could be measured by the upbeat, positive attitude of the students on the bus during the return journey.

Debating is far more about enjoying the development of your thinking and speaking skills and doing your personal

best than it is about winning but Arndell is currently blessed with a lot of talented debaters who will enjoy more than

their share of victories in the future, too.

The next round will be hosted by Macarthur Anglican on Wednesday, 17th May. However, this will only involve our

Open and Year 9 (Senior Red) teams as it is Examinations week for Years 7 to 11 and we’ve managed to re-schedule

the fixtures for Year 10 and Year 7 to Arndell (home) on Tuesday, 23rd May and for Year 8 to Arndell on Thursday,

1st June.

Pre-Kindergarten Red – Easter Hat Parade Mrs Elissa Turville

Pre-Kindergarten Red commenced this week’s Easter hat parades, with some fabulous Easter hat creations.

Pre-Kindergarten Blue and Stage 1 will hold their parade on Friday morning from 9am.

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‘Learning through Christ’

Strategic Learning @ Arndell Mrs Donna Allen

Parent Help Needed – Senior School

In the Senior School, we have mid-year exams for Years 7-11, occurring from Tuesday 16th May until Friday 19th

May. Some of our students require special provisions or adjustments to help them complete these to the best of their

abilities, due to a particular need.

Many parents have a child who will access provisions this year. These are provided on the basis of medical and

functional evidence. These provisions can include a laptop reader, laptop to type, a reader or scribe. We need parent

readers and scribes to help us by assisting a student for one or more exam periods.

What will be required of you?

Exams generally last 1-1.5 hours and can be in a morning or afternoon session. We need you to tell us how many

exam sessions you would be willing to commit to. Just one exam is perfectly fine. The idea is to get as many helpers

and parent friends in as possible to share the load. If you are able to assist for more than that, any contribution of

your time will be welcome and valued.

We need all parents to have a ‘Working with Children Check’ clearance number. This is free if you are a volunteer

worker. It is completed online and identity is verified at the RTA. It doesn’t take long and lasts 5 years. I’m sure all

parents understand that this is an important protective mechanism for all our children and will be happy to make the

effort to obtain that necessary documentation. We cannot allow you to work as a volunteer without it.

You can elect to be a reader or a writer (scribe) or both. Some students need someone who can act in both capacities.

You can ask for a younger year group if that makes you more comfortable, especially for the first time you do this.

Explanatory training materials (as to what is allowed and not allowed in exam assistance) will be provided by Donna

Allen (Head of Strategic Learning) via email and I am also happy to meet with you and talk you through requirements

in person.

On the day, an exam supervisor is allocated to each year group to ask any questions you may have at the time and

give full support. The Strategic Learning Team look forward to working with many parents as possible in providing the

best possible service to our student body. Please contact Donna Allen via email at [email protected]

to volunteer your time by the start of Term 2. It will be most appreciated!

NAPLAN Performance Group

The Strategic Learning Department at Arndell Anglican College are beginning a ‘NAPLAN performance group’ after

school on Wednesdays from 3.10pm until 4pm on Wednesdays and Fridays in ITA.

Any student from Year 7-10 is welcome to attend. They need to bring their last NAPLAN report to show their area of

weakness and will be divided into groups to work on tasks associated with improving that particular area. This will

begin from the first Wednesday of Week 1 Term 2. They will also need their laptop and earphones as we may use

some online programs. They should bring afternoon tea and a drink as it will be a long school day otherwise. They

might like to bring a small plate to share with their small group. We want to make this an enjoyable experience!

Please email [email protected] to enrol your child or to register interest and ask questions.

Enrolments @ Arndell Mrs Roxanne Arnold

Enrolments for 2018 are now open. Please note, if you are intending on enrolling siblings in Year 7, Kindergarten or

Pre-Kindergarten in 2018. Sibling enrolments cannot be guaranteed, so please endeavour to contact the enrolments

office as soon as possible.

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‘Learning through Christ’

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‘Learning through Christ’

2017 Term Calendar

Monday 30 January Prep, KG, Yrs 7, 11 and Yr 12 Commence

Tuesday 31 January All students Commence

Friday 7 April Term 1 Concludes

Friday 14 April Good Friday

Monday 17 April Easter Monday

Monday 24 April Term 2 Commences

Friday 23 June Term 2 Concludes

Monday 12 June Queen’s Birthday

Tuesday 25 April Anzac Day

Monday 17 July Staff Professional Development Day

Tuesday 18 July Term 3 Students Commence

Friday 22 September Term 3 Concludes

Monday 9 October Staff Professional Development Day

Tuesday 10 October Term 4 Students Commence

Thursday 7 December Term 4 Students Conclude

Friday 8 December Staff Professional Development Day

Monday 2 October Labour Day

Term 1 10 Weeks

Term 2 9 Weeks

Term 3 10 Weeks

Term 4 9 Weeks

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‘Learning through Christ’

College Contacts

Headmaster: Mr Gareth Leechman

Deputy Head: Mr James Webb

Head of Senior School: Mr Leighton Corr

Head of Middle School: Mr Austin Robinson

Head of Junior School: Rev. Keith Peterson

Director of Curriculum: Mrs Karen Merrick

Director of Teaching and Learning: Mr Jim Milford

Chaplain: Rev. Jeremy Clark

Business Manager: Mrs Jodie Woods

Enrolments Manager: Mrs Roxanne Arnold

Careers and Tertiary Education Advisor: Mr Tom Lavelle

Equestrian Co-ordinator: Miss Kristen Bailey

[email protected]

Uniform Shop: Mrs Liz Moore – 4572 3254

Tuesday and Thursday (Term Time)

8:20 am – 11:00 am & 2:30 pm – 4:00 pm

Before and After School Care:

Camp Australia - 1300 105 343 (for bookings)

Before School Care: 6:45 am – 8:45 am

After School Care: 2:45 pm – 6:00 pm

Amber Torney (Co-ordinator) – 0401 904 531

P & F President: Mrs Siggy Grima

Email: [email protected]

Canteen: Monday – Friday – 4545 2486


General: 02-4572 3633

[email protected]

Advocate Newsletter: [email protected]

Sport Scene Newsletter: [email protected]
