Page 1: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

THE A CHWAY Bryant Colleae Smithfield RI 0291 1 Uolume 49 Number 12

Senate seeks budget increase

Referendum to increase Activities Fee Are You Going to vote -YES- on O ctober 27 amp 28

Fact The Student Activity Fee has not been increased In Fact A - YES- vote- is the only vote tha t will provide two years the necessa ry funds for future student actjvities

Fact Inflation has increased over 20 over the last increase by $21441 on a cale of 3063two yea rs By Edward Madden tude nts MO~I of th is inc rease will go to the

Of The Archway Staff St udent Programming Boa rd Fact An Increase would allow for more diversified The student activity fee is a fee all fu lltime Thi~ yea r the Senate is undertaking an

ent rta inment Bryant day st ud ents pay and the monies extensi ve promotiona l ca mpaign to ma ke co llected ma ke up the Student Sena te Budget ludents more aware of t Fie importance of the

Fact An increase would allow more money for clubs and The Student Senate i~ then responsib le fo r issue d istri bution of this money to vario us clubs amp App roximately 600 Y E votes are needed organizations organizations to pass the referendum All students a re

When next weeks referend um to raise the urged to vote -YES- on the issue o n Fact There has been a 40 increase in the number of clubs F by $3 50 per emester is a pproved by Wedne day and Thu rsday OClober 27 a nd 28

and orga nization in the last two years Ihe students the yea r enale budgel will in Ille ROlunda from 1000 am io 300 pm

Audmiddottorilm dedicated to Janikies parents

PhotO by Rick Levin

Nicholas Janikie and Dr William T 0 Hara display the Bryant AuaitmruPI dedication plaque The l1udilorium will llow be known by the Ianikies ame

Camp-us housing studied

Parent s praise su ites By Linda M Pi pines or The Archway Staff

The living room atmos phere that the suite- lyle dorm~ provide i enjoyed by 11 68 reside nt st udents Accordmg to Berna rd Blumenthal A i tant Direct r of Residence Life parents wh o visited d uring Parents Weekend were full of praise fo r the su ites

together occu py a suire Mr Blumentha l feels tha t the suit -sty le d orms offe r the perfect housing o ption for sophomore in p rticular who haw made their friends while livi ng in t he tradit ional f res hme n Dorm TIle suite-s tyle dorm were built be fore the town house a nd

the best the New Dorm Mr Blu mentha l

Two ludPlt shown here relaxing in the suite oj a suite-sty le dorm theyve see n offered by a college or universit

Of the 13 uite-styyle d rm five are all male three are solely comprised 0 females and five have no e)tual segregation ex ept by n or or side of hal l Beca use ms a rea lity

The you nger J ani kies career is the epit my of tbe A merican DTeam His yout h Involved hard w rk stICh a heaving ashes to thrift f collecting and selling newspa pers His studen t


Security-ilLprocess of crackdown

years at Bryant were matched wi th a 4 hour work week al Gorbam Industries Mr Janikies redits hi education for hi success

Mr Janikies i~ remembered for his $ 100000 match grant 10 the Bryant Fund In recognition of his reunion Mr Janikics also mel 2 for I anv new Iti ing b a reuniOn class

When Mr JlInlkies n l concerned Wit h Hur r I I lilt nlion Be purred Inl his 11Ohb II hen he sold il 1936 lord etlan for $300 lhat he purchllsed for only SlID He now owns 35 cars mostly Mercede -Bent IIgthich aTe on display at Classic Auto Sales orNe England

Mr Janikies inspiration and value are credited to his parents as his auditorium dedicalion plaque ay

The dedication ceremony was comprised of K rl Eri on Chair to Board 0 ru tec and Master of CeremonIes J am Taft Jr P re Idem of t he Pa rent ~ Council and fo rmer

rans tOn mayor Dr ill iam T OmiddotHara presideDI nd D r lelson ulski trustee

Four cars stolen on campus By Dllna Douglass

or The Archway S afr Those of you who own new ca rs watch out

In the past three week 2 stud ents on staff member and a visiting salesperson had their cars a ll newer models st len ff Bryant cam pus This is the largest nu mbeT of cars stolen from Bryant in the last five yea

Chief of Securi ty Gardmr said due to past e periences ith slOlen car on this ca mpus which have been practically nil and the arious similari lies in volve I would suspect

a ll Ihe cars were sto len b the sa me person o r grou p of per ons

Two of the cars are known to have been stolen during office ho urs and three out of the fo ur ca rs had been locked These rs were sto le n from bot of the residen t pa rking lots and ne of the co mmuter lo ts

The thefts occured between Septembe r 23 and October 12 On Oetob r 12 Gardner bega n precaul ionary steps he increased the ma npower pa tro ll ing t he parking lot s tightened the security proced ure t the Cront ga te r vehic les it hout Bryant sti kers and bega n recording on video tape t he license number a nd d ri er of aH ca rs leaving ampus On M onday sec urity began making sure they ha e Bryant Iicker On their aTS bcca u Ihe stickers make il a 101 easier fo r us to weed o ut the unwanted people on ctmpu~

Lastly Gardner requests lhat student make n eXIra tIT rt to loc lc their car

We have not had any thefts of vehicle since we have ta ken p reventative mea ures however this i no guara ntee that a similar theft i~ no t going to occur he aid

Tips to avoid theft In order to prevent 8 C8r theft lhe

American Automobile bSO iallan Rbod

island suggests ant i-Iheft devices Althoug r these may not make a ca r totally theft proof one or mo re devices may make the car harder t sl a l a nd therefore d l c urage the thief These devices come in three basic fo rms

Loc ing systems d isa bling devices and a larms

L eking systems range fro m ignition replacement and sleering column locks to headle door locks A disabling device is for exa mple a fuel ut-off which stops the fl ow of gas to the tngine unless it is disengaged

Manns are sirens bells or car horns which go off when Ihe car is broken into



Announcem ents pg3

CaJendu pg4

dassifieds pglS

Greek News pg7

Health pgI I

Inquiring Photographer pg12

Opinions pg2

Organizations pg7

Personals pgI5

Sport _ pg5

Paae 2 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982


Support fee increase On October 27 and 28 the Student Senate will be asking

students to permit raising of the Student Activity Fee by a total of seven dollars over two semesters A majority vote would increase the fee from the present $36 to $43

The Activity Fee has risen only six dollars in the last five years and that change took place in October 1980 when the fee was raised from $30

In the last two years inflation has increased some 15middot20 percent Also the number of clubs and organizations financed by the activities fees is approximately 20 more than in 1980

The Activity Fee funds all clubs and organizations on campus excluding the Archway WJMF the Ledger and Brycol lt does fund the Senate the Student Programming Board and every other organization

With the new policies on just about everything that have come down the road in the last two years organizations at Bryant have been bending over backwards trying to create programming With the new Guaranteed Senate Loa1 Program this may have been partially solved but money is and will be tight

This is why the increase is necessary With 3077 people in the undergraduate program and at seven dollars a head it all adds up to $21 539 and a lot of programming

Seven dollars is not a lot of money especially split over two semesters of billing (it is included in the tuition bill ) To put things in perspective thats about equal to a sixmiddotpack of your favorite libation Not much of a sacrifice for better programming at Bryant

Voting will take place from 10 am to 3 pm and 430 to 630 in l

the Rotunda and in front of the dining hall respectively Voting YES is the only way to help improve programming at ryant in the years to come

THE ARCHWAY editor In Chief ___ Joe Zukowski AIIocIate editor _ _ Mike Murphy Managing editor _ _ _ _ Steven tv1edln aul Manager __ _ Peter Jalbert News editor Ben Edwards FlaquoIIur Edltor_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Robln DeMattia $porta editor Rick Morenzonl Production Manager _ _ _Bryan Cotfel1lty Photography editor Wendl Parker AdmlnlatratIW retary _ Barbara Day AdvertIsing Production Manager _ Anne Behling AdvertIsing Sale Manager _ Kim Pestana GraphICl _bull__ _ __ Dan Lynch

NewtFeature Steven R Brown Doug Dofman Diana Douglass Judi Monkell Undo P1p1nes Kathy Smith George Spellman

Bull Kevin Allard

Sports Bob Daigle Kevin Falllkner Bob Mitc hell Toni Rackliffe Kathy Smith Tom Zoda

Photography Leigh Herdecker Ed Madden John Marin Mark Phps CellhO Santos Jim Tammaro

Production Jody Dombrowsk bull jennifer Boone janice VIgliottI Lynn Wentzell

Phototypesetting Cathy IVno Rosemary Bettencourt Kevin Aanagan Kathleen Smith Donna Twombly

Clrculatl9 Ray Alalre

Ad Sal PatrIcia Cademartorl Gael Hennessy Candy Kesner Thomas Phillips

Stoff In Training Laurie Hllfman Joan Roscoe Julia DcMson Rlct)0rd Levin Stephen Buell Robert Leonard i Karen Woltjen Tom Rogers William M Busk

1M Alctrwoy Is oomposed weekly durlng the academic year by the undetgraduate students of ~nt College The Publisher Is Blyant College This newspaper Is written and edlledby a Sludjnt staff and no form ct censcnhlp Is exerted owr the contents or style ct any Issue lhe news and ciPlnlons expessed In this publication are thoseltJ the students and do not necessarily reftect the ofIIclol views ct the faculty and adm inistration of 8ryQlt College 1M Alchway Is printed by Weston Glaphlcs Bellingnam Massachusetts by offset

DeodIIM for all lUbmIIIIonI and ~ Mldnlghl lWldcly Cop( considered oOjacflonable b V the editorial Board will not beoocepted AJl sub rnlsslonsbecomeproperty of lheAlctrwoyandcannot be relumed Announcemenls and news I88mied tram the College and SUToundlng community is prtnted at the dlSCl8l1on ct the EdItor-ln-Chlef

1M Alctrwoy Is a memtJer of the Columbia Scholastic Press ~Ion CUrlently n- nrst pIOC6 standing

0ftI0es are iOCOted on the Third Floor of the Multipurpose ActtvItles Center Mailing Address Is Box 37 BIyont College SrnIIt1f1e1d RI 02917 Phone number Is (401) 231middot1200 ext 311 or 313

T The Edit r n th is Wednesday and hursda y Oclo bcT

27 a nd 2 the S tudent Se nate i pr~ nti ng a referendum VOle to you on the propmcd hike in the Student A tivity Fee F) This hike a mere SJ 50 per semester will enab le clubs a nd orga ni7alions on campu~ uch as the St ud ent P rogra mm ing Board Greek Letttr Council omm uter In AClion t

conti n ue thei r programming to the Bryan t Communuy Tha t is why it mus t be passed now

The last time an incrca e was voted in wa in 1980 twoyears ago ince that lime iunation has risen 20 and the numbe r of c lubs and

rganilation on ca m pus ha risen by 40 What thaI means IS Ih t for the past two

yea rs the Sena te has had to 10 er the bud get req uests of all clubs and orga nil3rions When the increase is passed h ill ena ble more m nie~ to be a llocated and the uara nteed

Senafe Loan ( L) that j lJ~ t ame into e i~ tence wi ll btlcomc middott rong factor in aid ing more organila t iom to program entertainment fo r the students

i n ord rfo r this refe rendum to pass at lea t 20 of the student bod y is needed to ote on the increa e and lh majorilY of that 20musl vo te in favor But plea se dont SII back and th in that your otc doesn ount becau e YOU R VOTE DOES COUN Witho ut your uppOrt th i refe rendu m cannot be brought up until next year a t this li me ~ hich means the fund ing by the e na te to aU clubs and organizations will be drastica lly hurt as infla tion contin ue to rise I cannot Ire s enough the nee ssity of this referend um to be pased

Please VO E YES hank you for your su ppo rt

Sin erely George pellma n

Comfort staffing questioned

The abuse of aut hofl ty IS a very serious ma tter When a perso n i p ut in a p()si tion of author ity it is essent ia l lha t they be properly tra ined for their job I a m referring to a certain Directo r of the Campus Barn The other evening J lIne sed a n inoident inol ing thi~ Dire lor who is a lso I am embarrased to say a fe llow ~tudt-nt

The d n nk ing-age prob lem is a d t lica te o ne which m Ut be hand led with a great am o ung of diplo ma y Ev ryo nc understa nd s tha t if they a re u nderage and ge t caught with someone else J D it will be taken away but

oes Ihi h C 10 make th m ubjecIl pllbl c embarra middotsmen t hu m il ia tion threa ts)

ell I lea r lor the future if thi is n example f t h leader hip of to morro I beg [he manager of the oulll ry Comfort to please

j r i i r I i


( 11-1 T NOT FoR ANY ORGAN l ATIO N middot1 WAS J Ll ST C0)11005


screen his d ire tM more carefully and to train the m to handle these unoomronable ~ it uati ons Im u e it VIl li give the ampu~ B rnn beller name and people associated t h it a go d rep utatio n

Karyn Hitner

Letter Po licy

The Archway wei o mes your Ictten on matt ers that concer n the Bryant Community Lett rs must be signed (wlphone or bo x n umber for verification) and preferably typewritten Wri ter nam ill be wuhheld nd or re leased only b r vote of the ditorial Board

H appy Writing

- -----

~ kend Weathe r tch SATURDAY

I_ ___ ~~-Barely BRR R Break out Ih l s kimo su its and batten d own the ha tches hI is g ing to be a da y to st a~ in bed a nd dream of tugboat ount sheep and hatever

r---------------~ SUNDAY

u n ny yet at t he same time c lo ud) whic h makes panly sun ny r pa n l cloudv depe nding on you r ou tloo k on lirl li ke a ~ elepha nt fo r a wim

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae3 Suite-Style LIlII Irom p I oJ Candidate sReaks It forum recreatIOn lounge ill (he basement or pits as tle~ arc c-lIct

The ~ulte-t~le dorms at Brynnt olTer Michaelson attacks republican pol~ciesnumerous fe ltuft not found in mo~t Olher chooh hou Ing facilille~ For example aU Kathleen mith Wall treel not Main middot treel Michaelson requir sufficient nOlice by compaUles to

to wall carpeting curtatn~ bo k~hches on the Of The Arebway Stiff de~k and tndildual bathroom arejust some Candidate ror U enate Jultus of the not-so-common lealure foune in the I1lchaebon poke at the Sociul cience SS d(jrm~ In addition calfee table 31 unge torum held at Brvanl Thursday October 14 chaIr a couch and the cubes which adorn the The lormel Allorney General 01 Rhode 1 land IIiing room area contribute III the addre ~ed man IS ue~ neluding tudent contempora tyle of the sUItes loans ocial Stcurity iknefits corporate

Damage fee are taken out of a $100 taxation and unemployment damage deposit put up b each re ident Michaelson a Democral all3cked several tudenl I he fees arc determined by phyical Rcpuhlica n p licie adocated by U plant employees ho eSlimate the costs of SenatDr John halee (Rep ) and PreSIdent repaIr ur replace ments Bills are ent 10 Ronald ReCln Ulh a the Balanced Budgclseniors 1 ho hine grduIlled It ob iou~l~ is Amendment the b213 billion defense budget more difficult 10 ul~tribute damage line in a and the Ifbulltclent taxatIo n t corporaLI n corndor-halltype dorm weh ~ the Freshmen for example Mi haclson said Iht eneral norm he aue thc hail IS uch a public area Electri Corporatwn had 25 biliton in1 he aim of the choo I i~ to red uce uamage and unta cd prot t He called 11m IOlal))I unlair cover co ts Last earthere ~a a tremenduu totall~ unju~t when prugrams for the amount 01 broken windo s after pring handicapped nt S cI31 ecurll~ have been Break Thl~ us d re~ult of baseballs and many Cllt back due to the lack of maney rocks in the winte r the culprits are nowball lhe Repuhlicans re more Intcre ted in Cigarette bumbullInd beverage tains are the tw mot omm(ln cau es of damage- llmo ( alvay~ occullng at partlcs BibleThe party pennit procL-dure I icr imple process The perulJts mav be picked up in the re~idence life office located in the pit of Donn bull 6 They an be obtained until Wedne~a) of semInarseach week and hould b returneCl (1n Thur day aIter the RA check) it Then they may be pukcd up again after Ihey arc approved - b) rida allernoon fhe e scheduled permits must be a ailable upon the nquest of either an RA or ecurity on the evening of the Chaplain flicc poniOrs a eries of Bible purty Details on party regulatiom are eminars thi~ Fall ever lliesday I 30 pm outlined in the Campu Informali n Guide in ROlm 0 266 b~ginntng October 26 I he and from RAs speaker l Dr J o hn Williamlt Asso iate

Most approved suite partie runmouthly Profe~or of Management al Bryanl and 8 Jhe exception are cases when people hailng orId evangeli~1 heard about iI party asume it open nd Jhe kinLdom 0 God has (hree dbtinc[ inVIte themseh e phae~ W arc 10 the first pha~c of Gods

In generalultt- tyle dorms arc popular kingdom vhlch may eem mysleriou~ now ith tudents who view them as almo~ 1 an but ~et it i a real as Ihe world In whIch WI

apartment unes pro ide a comfortable Jive 1 he Kingdom of God i pirilual at this life tyle for the mal nly (Aryanl rddent tage It a e~lahli hed on earth b Jeu fud nl hr I ncarl_ OOO ~car go 1 h cond

phe I Ihl KlOlldum v III be Ih~ III~Till rule of J u n CIlT h fter hi middotc ond min or o ne thou~and ~Cltlrs The Ihird pha~e III

hca~en The good new I that an ne Lan cnter tnt l (j Kin -dom n and II e In Itpresented Thc bcaut lnd rI hn 01 00 Kingdum can ~ e p rienced no Lmng tn Gud

On OctOber 6 at it annual Cluemic Kingdom i LI~ing In perl ct peaL~ beingRecogOltion metting lhe Proldencc hapler filled ith JO) liling in right ousn~s and of the Financial L e uliH Institute holimeLlit31Ing peaking and obeying G ds pre~ented it first aCddemlC exccllen e iJward word being Itlled with the WI dom and to Bryanl College to Miss lanet RubidOUX a knOwledge of God being governed by tbe cnwr Accounltug major from Blackstone ~pirilual laws doing [he wod~ of Jesus

Ma achu~eU~ Mi~s Robidous ho a 10 109 one another reigning and ruling with nommaled by Professor hlippelli Chairman Chri~t clai nung and receiving the promises of of the Accounting DepartmeDl a~ hunored God Ii inga onsofGodandjointheirswith or her outslanding achievement and her Jesus Christ overflOWing with abundance

ra nge 0 rela ted preprofe iona I activitle enjoying divin hcallh and angelic protection Professor Filippelli presented the award at the and having everlasting life I- I meeting at which Dr WilliamT OmiddotHara I hiS eminar has been orgamed for the Pre ident of Bryant sp ke on the subJe I of entire BT)anl community (~tudenls Staffand Executhe Burnout Faculty)

rhe award plaque will hang In the Edith 011 are cordially invtled

Hodg~on Library in the reference Circa

The Announcetne n t s


The Office or Student Activitiegt ill be A Guestpreacher will peal at our no n Mtaking student I D and giv ing out kobol on undd October 24th Father Jo~ephStickers throughout the chool year Mond y Prolann will gtpeak on the ~hurch minitry 10 through Friday 9 am to 4 pm A~ a tudent divorced separated and remarncd per~on~turn 20 years of age they l11u~t have a new

I D laken Studenl~ wh are receiving an The apIa in Office will )ponsor a seminar alcohol sticker or an over-20 ID must by Dr John Willi~lrru i ing in God pre enl a photo proof of idenlificatj n Kmgdon middotow The emlOar will be offered (driermiddots License SAGA ID etc at lne ccr~ Tuesday from )lO to 430 pmbull in om e of tudent 0 tivi ti e middot Room 266 AU member of the Bryant

C()mmuniLy re inviled

ATTENTION DEC GRADS ____ College Retreat Weekend Novem ber 19lhru If )OU have not filed ca ndidate for uegree 21 (Friday e ening thrll Sunday nooo at

form 10 the Regislrarlgt Office pleas do so Chr middot tian Brothers Retreal Center immediately Failure 10 do ill re ull in a Narragansett For regltrat ion more info delay in your dcgrte being ordered and having c ntact Dave I rris Rlgi tration deadline your name printed the way you wish it I ovember 1st

THE CALL TO BE PEACE MAKER CHAPLAIN bullNOT1CES _____ A lectUre by noted pacifist Gordon Zahn

Our ReguJar ehedule t weekend war hip aturday October 23rd a t thc Community wi ll resume this weekend College of RI Lincoln Part of a day-long

Frida~ Hillel crvice 630 pm Ro m C-351 conference span ored by the Communil Sunday Mass~ 12 noon Rotunda pm Alfa i r Vi ari te of the Dioce e of

lJorm 14 Providence 1 register contact the unday cumenic-( I Scnlce 4 30 pm MA Chaplaln~ Office a t Sr ant ext 309

tated me-amng the RepUblicans are dealmg employee who will have lay-offs or hut ilh the economy and 0 t ith the people downs and 4) set up 3 mot~ reciprocal foreign

A four pan program developed by trade policy Michaelson va designed to help all people Profcs or JaM rella modlratcu the bullIod pecifiltully Rhode Islander if Forum and also 11th Profe sor Wilham Hill bull implemented a ked que lion of Mr Michaelson Throu~h various tax break~ and laws Senator Chafee Ihe Incumbent in office

Mlchacbon hopcqo I)encouragecompantes ill offer his view 10 the Bryunl communilY to come [0 and stay In Rhode hland 2) hoost on Tuesday October 26 in the Rotunda at emplo men by re-traintnu emflloyec 3) 230 pm

Dorm 14 leads In the Tupper Bowl

8y Jay Weinberg Our neXI ecnt WIU be the MlrH-Olympic hwillbcintheMACOnNo 3 Ihi year eDorm 14 orth sturmed into Iml place 10 v ill feature a -hoe scramble a al~r balloo n lhe Tupper Bowl by inning Ihe plc-cating

a to~s 0 cou llleconte~1 Monday nigh The Freshmen picked lU rrisbee an blaele a clothing race and a find Lhe ball in theup 10 points for lhcinicrory Dorm 4 Wished Racquetball court contt~t The court ViJl bea tr ng second earning 7 pOints Dorm 10 pitCh black or nU rse We arc lookinghung 10llgh with a third place finih orth 5 forwarJ 10 a go d ttm t and some good leams point Fourth place vent to 14 outh while

oaT participati In and Dorm plrit halCfifth place wa gfabbed b~ Dorm 11 Every been great It IS still early bUI it secm the coshy

001 rn Iht partiCIpated receive one POlnl for ed dorms are reJII leadmg the 3y Come on attendanc you middotlnglcmiddot)ex dOlms slart racking up thoseTh~ plc-ltallng conte I a~ a grcat success poitm Hey Dorm I l art ) 0 11 ut tllCrenTh parti Ipanls hat their fill and c~lr ne

Stunding~ Of The earnhau iI good time Sorry about any FIR r 14(25 point)dbcrepancie in judgIng an eenl likc thi I~ ccond bullbullbull IO(2J poinl )difllcul to judge We can only learn from our rhird bull lie 17 P01OtS)ll1itak Thank Ou 10 everyone who arne fourth bull bull bull bull 4( 10 pintraquoc~peclull Ihe participants (tic) bull bull bullbull 9( 10 poWLS

Repairs to dormitory villagL

Wet pits bullbullbull leaky roofs Doug Dorman

or The Archwa) taJf I bein 10 c IIII I r I) ~ rre I m d n u rool I time

ra COli Manager at Bryant becau It

ccured in lhe bOl om of

the pre nl 01 rhree Brya nt ollege Jnrm~ Thi II rt I

n ed d sa rad the beginning of a yearly pruiect aimed at rerooling Dorm~ one th rnu h thin en

n ru on i pec tal ProJ h

e jO Ie D rm len

rh c c u cd moi ture

Uti s Draycull

Die lui

charg caused by pOI r

It elf

ha e been lea mg I r r I ~ eaf nd Ihe tel In leak are 0 numerou thai maintenance ha~

n the 1111 been unabl 10 I cale and repair many of who is in them

project ay this problem I Thi fall work i being done on dorms mne dramage around the 0 rm ten and thirteen a~ld rerltloflng WJI1 continue

10 remedy the siluation Bryant conlracted n ~ mauy dorm per year until an the dorm the 0 amp W Construction omllany from ha e been compllted Abhlon R I to Install a new drainage ~yslem Bryanl contracted a New York tirm near Ihe Dorm The type of sy~lcm I) amp W Applied Roofing LO do the work The new installed is called 11 Fnnch rain hich roofs will be different from 1f3dilionalroof~ in con i I~ of piping hOUlcd in crushed tone that they Will be upside duwn Th is mean and is designed to simply lake watcr away lhat they will have insulallon on top to from the Dorm prevent atmo pherie change from harming

0amp Waho rewater-proo ed the lowerwalls the water resistaot rubber membrane of Oorm T n and installed new insulation at underneath the ase Bryant plans to have ~imilar ork performed on ~ome othcr d rm which als laie serious Icakage at their base

BLOOD DRIVE DATES_ _____ Issue The len innen will receive n $1000 The following are tbe dates for the ca h prile

upcoming blood drive Anyone wllo ie inter ted in entering th Tue ay Octo be r 26 and Wedne~day ~tarch ~hould contact Fran On coli for more

December 1 information The deadline for subm itting an Blood supplie in Rh de Island are at a application to GLAMOUR i~ December I

critica l low-plea e he lp 1982

YEARBOOKS _________________TRANSFER STUDENTS ___ ___ if tbe last transfer credit sheet thaI you 1982 Yearbook are here Pick them up in

received liMed TE TATlVpoundered itsthcn you Ihe Ledger Office on Tue~days amp Wtdnesdays ho uld re4ue~t that your pre i liS college or from 330 - 5 pm Bring receipts and deposit

univer ity end a final transcrip t of your money academic record to 8ryant Registrars Office A TTENTLON FRE HMEN ______

FinaliJcd credit~ determine ~hen you are Please plan fo attend one f the gtoup

eligible to preregi ter for ncxt eme ter sessions that will be held to instruct Fre hmeo

our e on Prtregi tration procedures A hedule of tbe sessions is posted on the bullletin board

GLAMOUR MAGAZINE______ outside the Reg~lrars ollice Bryant College s tudents are invlled to

panicipate in GLAMOUR Maga7ine 1983 HIGH SCHOOL TRA INING ___ _ Top Ten Women Competilion Young 10morrow Iurday October 23 the women from colleges and unicrsilies Amba sador raini ng program will conduct throughoul Ihe oumry will compe te in Ihei r offic ial high chool Ir ining ses ion for GLAMOURearch for len outstanding those )tudents Interested In rei urm ng to I he ir students A panel of OLAMOU R editon will high sehou l ~ t udents aboul Bryant The select the winners on Ihe basis of their olid mecti ng will beglO at 1030am in MD Room record of achievement in academic studics BI C Coffee and doughnut will be er ed Ir a ld or extracurricular activillelgt on campu you are planning io attend this training or in the community ses~ion and you have not gien u an RSVP

The 19fs3 Top Ten College Women odl be plea~c c maa Sue Ahlbergat232-4068 Hopt feaLUred in GlAMO R Augu t College to ee you there

Paae 4 THE ARCHWAY Ottober 22 1982

Rugby Club refutes editorial To The Ed itor

This wriling IS in respo nse to your II middotcwationmiddot that renain mem bcn o f the Rugby Club were re~ponsible for the Beer Hurling Compctition on Wednesda y October 6 in the Koffle r Center Wh ile the Rugby lub is nOt pr uti od t he incident (no one should be) we are nOI res ponsible fro what happened

Sir I ask you were youcen there Did yo u see exactly wh it was thatl hre the tiL t cup and thcn the first beer Did) ou del e into the incident any deeper than the fact value

Tht fact or the ma lter i~ ~ permi~~ion a~ gramctl to w Ius) relcrnng 10 cen In

membc~ 01 the Rugh~ lub and al lea~ t me non-member) by the performer to u~e the tagt during intermis~ion

DUring a song that wa being ~ung by certain mcmber~ of the Rugby Club a beer cup a

Fraud by wire To the Editor

1 he so-called Burt Reynolds telephone credit card ita~ become acti c a thi loeallon It ma also be known 3lgt the Clint Ea~t ood r any other famou pers)ns credit card

1 he slorie~ _ou may have hear rega rding Ihese peorle ~anclioning Ihis are completely untrue

A number of arre~l~ havc been made in lhi~ C3lte

Thi is nlll an innocen t prank il ill FRA UD Ihat co t lot of people lot middot of money and unlairl~ II1ohes someone who cant even be charactried as a bystolndtr

We wan the fraud ended We arc nOI looking to prosecute people but

the Telephone Compan conducting an iftcn~le in~ligation inlO thi~ i ra udulent ac tilt) which II ill result in billing in ma ny IOSlance and to oml prosecution

We a1t the cooperation 01 al l to consider the placmg I traudulent calb 11 is a rime fraud by loire pUOIshablr by Siale and Federal Statutes C nvicllon under Federal La u to II bull r 111 jiii ii n p til

1000 in line~ talt la ll a re imllar ew ngland

Telephone om pany

thron at us and othe~ soon followed Who lhrew tht fir t betr1 L id middotou see It Mr Editor It wan t 0 we d idn th ro a n beer Io we did n t choo~e to partici pate Ra ther it wa~ li[ rally th rown upon u~ We ju t hap pened 10 be t he o nly people t ha were ea II )

iden tifia ble in IhI faceless crod and so reeehed we the brunt of Ihe blame

ir it yo u an going 10 accue members of the Rugby C lub or an body of co mm ill ing infantile a Is eit her direct ly o r non directly I wih no I i n ~it OU d li llie more reearch on the subJect You owe it 10 the accucd but mo~t of all )l)U lIwe it [0 yo ur i m prc~sioOl~tlc readers bull

We a rc ~oung c1u h that ha hccn working hard on the fie ld and off to tstablish a favorable name for urelves a n our chool Th is ki nd of wrile up doe nl hetp at all E~ peciall one b rdering n slander T ha nk you

B b Duff Match Secretary Doug GUOlgtolley

Vicemiddot President C hri C a rney

P re ident

Ed I 101 present fron m il

N orris pl~as for conSCIentIOUS vote 10 Tht Editor

As the ocmber 2 e1eclions a pproach we will b maklOg cri llcal choice am n8 ariou~ candida t and is ues hieh will affect Our nation ror year to come One i~sue that sh uld be flmOIost in our mind 10 seiccting nalional leadtrs and re prcgtentatlve~ i the i~gtue of human right Een though it is nOl presently gainmi an fronl page attention the sad s ituat io n in Central America continues Recen t) pUblished boob report the on-going erresslon and murder go emmen t shy~ponored in EI Salvador Un onunately much o f Ihc responlbilny f r th i ~iolence mut be placed o n the United Stares government slOce we continue to give military aid to repre~sie dictatorship in that area of the world

Man rc~pomlb l c I aden of the world go rnmenls and ou r own hae called a hall to SENATE ELECT ION FINAL R ESUL S Freshman Senator ~~ Greg Strafstrom won the run-off election

~ Senior Senator

shy~ Dale Fulcher I Congratu ahons to b hot ddcan 1 ates shy~

U S il olvcmcnt in the area of military aid ne local candid at fo re -election vhose

name h s appeared in th i~ paper however has consi~lentlv failed (1 meet hb challenge t spea k up -ro human right Scnat lohn Chalee (R-R I) supports S military aid to the violence-p rone govern mcnt ofEI Sallador nnd has resisu ed cffOrlb of local Clt llen and even of his co-Republican Congreswioman Schncider 10 change his iews In Ihis he has bee in conc rt ilh Ihc nat iona l Admin istra t ion in a lack of concern to r human rights violation and an insen~ilility to the oppre~scd poor of the World He along with the d mmist ration has Called a l y mll ral Ie of Ih o hasic prinoiples t his nation has Iraduiona Uv ascribed 10 onscienllou lot er~ shou ld fe rn m btr this o n election day 1982 and 194~ (Rev Daid Norris

Cat h lie Chaplain

At press time At press time

On Tue dllY Octo ber 26 Ihe secon d S l)cia l Science Forum ill b hdd in the 100 unda a t 230 pm I he ~pca 11 will be ellillor John Chalee ho Ioill pr M~nt hi~ ie on politics and Ihe economy Your parllclpation ill t h is en impo rllaquoln t e lent i~ cnc()uragcd Incumbe nt nntor Chafee is Ihe Republican candid al~ for S Senator You lI remember las t -ee lmiddot~ Social ~cilnee I-orum featured Sena t rial Democratic candidale Julius M iehnelon

Tbe Rhode I land Press Oub and the Public Inlonnatlon Office 111 it~ the orant communi ty to their co - pon nretl Guber natorial Debate on Wedn middotday Octob~r 27 at 730 pm in the J nikics AudHorium l he lour candida te~ have agreed 10 be present IncumbelTl-Goernor J Jo~cph GanahyshyDemocrat William Maflullo-Republican Peter Van Dam-I ndepentlen t Hilan alk-ClliJCn~ Partv

This is going to be the o~ly rour wa~ debule lor the gOernor ~eat prior to the Nov mber election and B ~ ant I fortunale l h ~t the e c nt We hurl each of you can attlnd thi~ Important debate

Bryant Ecoloy Action Club volunteers wilt be olearing UI Ihe Jonh MOH fami ly cemelery on Sallrda~ October 23 The Molofy cmeler) which b 10 led behind the M iC on the Bryant campus has tomb tonc daling from the I IOO~ A il

hl~tori a l cemeter~ M0 ry mu1be prcsen ed and mainlained

Vo lun ers will be mcel1ng behind the MA C a t 12 noon I- r morc infonnat ioll contact Fran Driscoll t Bryanta l 232- 1200 exl206

The ludent P rogramming Board mforms w that The Blushing Ik ids ovember concen ha bee n postponed until next semc ler due to recording ob ligatio ns On November 10 the PB i proud to present Boston~ bes t band

IIlE S10MPERS Thl Sunda) m IC is Ihe Omen 1 h Halloween m ixer i a week from tomorrow ~tan planning y ur co lume now

The Calendar FRIDAY 22

T odays the d n~ for the Ju nior class Picnic be ing he ld in l he Pub from 430shy630 Yo u an ign up in the Rotunda fo r 75lt or free if you ha vc a meal card

It ll oave yo u a q uarter (good fo r a ba tch of la undr)) if) u wcar you r el thes insid e ou t tMight at the pub Those 20 and ocr can a ll nd the mixer ~pon~o red by S M wit h DJ Rich Berrie75c normal 50or inside ou t

The 60 ) IiYl in tht Janik ics Audltonum al 700 a nd 9 15 ~hen spa prestnt~ Wood~t ock 50c $100 non- Bryant st ude nt

Sigma ambd a Th ta i ~ having pina party in Dorm b suite 240s from 4middot11 fo r all frc h ma n a nd independa nl g irls

TUESDA Y 26 The Rhode Island Blood entu wa nts

vour blood and theyll be taking it anyu me between 10-4 today in Ihe auditoriulll

1 here ill be a n import ant meeting of the Bryant P layer at 3 30 in room 2 5 Tw votes- one perta in ing to ou r spring productio n- will be taken P Itasc make eery effort to atlend Play r~

If H l M I your major or youre considering it to be _ our maj r (l r yo u JU5t want to gel involetl ~top by the Servitium C lub meeling today a[ 3 15 in room 25 1

B F ish a Bryant a lu mnus will be speaki ng a l Bell Fa rm t hi evening S po nsored b Della mega $8 95 includes a n a ll you ca n ea t buffel a nd M r F ishs presentation


A ball k f the sexes will take place today fr m I 00middot400 followed by a picnic fro m 4-6 T EP a nd IX are ponseri ng the Ir t a n nual Freshman O lym piad i lh

plenty o f fun-filled events

If you were lucky enough to get your tickct bd(lre Ihey o ld o ut the C IA

ha ride is tonight Meet in the c ircle al 600


H ave a que s l io n complaint ur co mpliment for lhe S tuden t cnate Bring it to the ir meeti ng in 3l6 AampB a t 330

BA P (Hea t Academic Probat io n) meet from 3 30 t 430 in room 2 + Fight o ff those under pa r grades

Worri d ab u t thaI II important job interview Get somt insig ht from people who ve been Ihere - and made it S weaty Pa lms will begin a l 630 in roo m 3116 AampB all E 41 5 by 10 22 to let them kn ow youre coming


Fn h ma n a nd I ndependant girls are inv ited to go ap ple pic king with Sigma La mbda Theta

The Ecumeniclc SCf ice i at 430 in Ihe Mac Conference rollm if you woke up too late fo r noon mas in the Rotunda

P H presents The O men at 27 amp 9 15 SOcent

Like to drive) Want to be in a m iley a e in the commul r pa rk ing lo t no laLe r than no on loday fo r the Bryant SPOrt s a r C lub Rail )



Lic from th upper level of th M A ils la tc nigh t with the A rchway staff


Allcnt io n S kier Fin d Ol t whcre to go fo r Ihe best ski aCllon this ca~on at ~he ki C lu b me ling The) 11 be in t he aUditorium a l 330 IUday

Brea king too man bo nes on Bryan t s athletic ridd~ harhe Mandt i1le Can help you o ul He s holding a S ports Inj u ry C linic rom 7-9 lonight in th t M onference roo m T rcg ister fo r the

sess io n call _3 1- 1200 Ex t 327


It s here aga in- another Hallo cert Weekend Get read y for the ghosts and go blins who will be out t spook you

l _October 22 982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 5

WOllla s V -Ball ranked fifthSPORTS

---------------------- These teams may be DiviSIOn III teams but By Toni Raekllffe they re till good tea m s says Hudak

Of The Arch way taffa total lea rn effort oach H udak i looking 10 the freshmen of

Women runners excel By Anne Quill

or The Archway Staff

The be~t women - ru nning teo I t hit Bryant is just one way Bryants Wome n Cro~s Country Team hnc be n descr ibe thl shyseason The girls have gained this recognit ion after ha i-ng several excellent race - this fall hlghlighled by a second place finish in I he T ri shytale Champiomhip race held last Saturday at llryam inc team participated in the race ith a lota l of 72 runner competing Bryant defeated Easlern Connecticut CoLlegc Stonchi ll Suffolk Wheatonbull alve Regina Quinnipl3c and Abertus Mangus College and finbhed ju t behind Rhode Island College _

Bryants trength lies in the fact that the girls ork together in a lotalteam effort Thb i shown by the Tri-Statc re ult~ where the top four Bryant runners all f1nbhed withm a minute of each othcr winning medal for plaCing in the top ten Bryants next three runners also crossed the line vi thin twenty seconds Of each other aJi with excellen t limes The team IS coached b) Ch~lrlie Mande ille who feelgt The cntlre team turned in the be~1 dfon ever b a Bryants women em scountry team and they are also the astest Bryant team eer~

Ly e Wanle unce again e(cellmg in her fint year as a Bryant runner took fourth plac olrall with iI time of 7009_ PrevIous to the 1 ri- late Lye broke [he Brvant cou e record in the Rhode h l ~nd State

hampionship held October 8 with Lime of 1956 Say oaen Mnndcillc ) kfll l~e uhJ bnal Ih rcccmJ bUI I didnt n~l ned du it b~ 57 eeond ~he farexcccd d m

c bull ti n~ shy

enior Kalh) Kilras ran her beM race ever Ixing the ~i th girl to ru~~ the fim~h lint Kalny fic+ over the coure in 105 ith ue Jen~cn fight behind her also at 2105 ~etll ng he r olon persona l record for the eour-e The fourth Drylnt runner to ome In ~a anc Dupre claimlllg t~nth pllce velaU ith excellent time f 2114 JUnior nn Ma rl lO

ran a great race for Bryant placing 22nd overall in 2208 while fresh men Lori Sa int Hillaire and Kathy fiomm lFlished rcall ~trong with time~ of 2225 and 2129 resp~ct hlely _ Junior Dottie- Searing and fre __ hman Lori Milrmo re have hown tremendou impro ~mlnt so a r this ~eason ith the Tri-Stalls as a high point Both ~e t

per onal records on the course with DOllies lime of 2504 and Lori orossing thl line In 2625_ Mandeville ltIl1ribUles the success of his learn to utheir ~ltitude and the fact tha theyre not afraId to go out and work real hard _

rhe girls also did very well in the Rhode I land latc Champion~hip race held October 8lh lit Bryant Although the compelltion wa 1lreml) tough the Bryltlnt team set many personal record on the Cour e Lyc Wllnle ha becomc the la test woman runner from Bryanl on the cours breakin the eXIsting school record _ he is the first woman runncrlu become an A lA W Rhode land All tar trom Bryant This recognition comes from being one 01 the til I linihers in the Stete Championship hcre Lyse came III 14th o erall vitb ber record breaking lime Abu with personal records un the coure Itr Nanq Dupre al 20_54 Kalh pnumm 2218 Anne Quill 2309 and DO ltie Searing at 2502

As a result 01 the two home meet held the e past two wetkends the 19 2 womens Cross Country team rune llll made the list a~ being the top 20 fastest Bryant women runners on the Brant ourse (cun idcred the mo t middothlllcnging Courc ar undl llIh i3r anr top IIc rUUn r) III luded 10 th top (n I b IJu~1 une m r a on h) Inl) )carmiddot tcam I

considered the best omcn team 10 run fo r Br~ anI The team ha 10 olg meets comillg up 10 v bullbull 1(h the hoplt to OntlO II llh their Uc e-~ _ On October ~91h lhe trine to Penll~lanili for th~ lA1 Eatern Regional ational Qual lfyillg mect lind in

l)(mber I hc I IA V-E A( Cro~s

CountI Champion~hlp meel al Hol~ Cross

( he Wo mc ns Va rsilv Volleyba ll ha s been ra nked fifth in ew ngland (plus New Yo rk) in Di i510n 1- A ranking Coach Lorraine Hudak is quile proud of

Since ew York has been included in our region the ompelition is much tougher exp lains an excited Hudak

Th lady Indians present record is 14-4 This coming after defeating Ale tonehlll und Barrington a nd 10 ing 10 Brown _

The loss to Brown however will nOI hurt the Women standing in the Divbion accord ing to Coach Huda

On Saturday t he Women travel to Eastern Connecticut for tournament Ieam~ from Divisionmiddot I II and III will be competing Hudak feels the women will have to do well in this tournament to keep their standing

I he team 10 beat arc Di I ion Itr I1rst and second place teams RIC and Eastern Cunnecticut

the tea m 10 add pi rit as well as slrength to the team They (the fresh men) add enthusiasm a nd energy to the team say Hudak

V lerie Lit t lefield a three-time all-sta r player and a member of the Massachu etls Oloba l Schola middottic team i a trong consistent hiller ccording to Hudak

Ann- Marie Harrington doing bOlh hilling and setting was a member of lhe All-division first tea m and AIl-Slale second team in Rhode Island _

Lisa Carr aho a member of the All-divisjon Iirst team and All-Sla te first team in R hode Island is also a strong and consistent h itler

Beth Pollard having never played befoR na) become a good setter according to Hudak

Also consistent in their play are Car 1 Huam~n and Wendy Skomar) I can ihpend on them as well as any olher member to give Ihe team ~tron-g and consl tent play

Tennis ends Season with a 500 record

By Roberl L onardj Of The Archway StafJ

For the secUlld year in a row tne women s lenni tcam ha finished lheit )ea~on witll a 5shy5 rccord Coach Peter Barlow was pkased ith the way hi) glrh handled them elves in overcoming an early de IC iL Conch Barlow wa glad to ee that all of his girl played their matches wi th a good uilude and kept Ihelr mental toug hncss no matter what the score wa

deg weeks ago the girls traveled to I-ro idencc and partiClpateu in th~ Rhude I nd I II III I I Ducu ment 1 h leam dId II I r t clr II cl anllth glrb were lIb c II rna n w riends and mee old onemiddot _

Some oULStanding performance thlea~ n hac mc Ir m eni r nn e ld~k and l1 Oal h or Iht 11 t tlo _Ql I d rrcord II lfi--_ amI tunJor K rrn lu p and Janna ) o~c prtn r in rhe d(lubJ e~

c mpctIIion oaeh Barlow Qu Ld al 0 like to e~pecUilly Ihank Barb ra PapillO for hlr valeran expenence that she contnbuted to the Icam Ove all Coach Barlo fcc I thal the learning IJopericnce 01 match play Will help the girl whtn they return next ~cllr Lira Daly

Ben Edwards and Mike Bradley compete in the Tri-stale Cro f Country meet held here at Bryant on Saturday

Gol f t e a m p laces second 1

bull ECACs By Rick Morenzoni maklOg a sI r ng showing for Ihe Indians was

The Brya nl College Golf cam d os d out Ke in Mc Kenna who shot a five 153 T he second place Jn i ~h was Bryants besttheir fall schedule wi th a second pia e fin is h in

ever in EC AC whi h i~ compri ed larg I of Division choo L More importantly Ihey

the A tournament al Yale Country lub In ew lIalen on nect i uL

fin i) hed ah a d 01 a rch r iva l Ce n lralThe Ind ian t lHHlay tOtal of 627 left them ~ell behind champion Rama po College of onnect icut in ongoing bid 10 represent -ew

Engla nd in the C A A Divi ~i n II Natimalew _I er~ey ho e lea m score was 612 Rama po achieved the vit tory by plac ing [OW Tourna ment A panel o f olTlcia L review the

fall a nd spring result to clermine the teamgolfer~ in third place tied a t 15 Bryant was thaI would hest represent Ne Engl3nd at the

a 36 hole to tal of 150 good fo r second place lead by senior ap tia n Jim H~d let who a rded

NCAA~ In la t pring Brya nt b tr)-lOg t reca ptu re tha t honor after a I WO year absence

(N H) Ric h Parker wbo fired a 144_ Al o Medal ist honors went 10 P lymo uth ta tcs

in which Ccntral was electcd both times

PholV b l Wendi Parker Photo by Wendi Parker

The Bryant Indians are ) -2-0 in the Northeast -8- Conference foccer standingf Two tea members Tim Lawlor and Mario M acera have been selected as Bryant Atheetes of the Week for October 10-16 based on their strong perf ormances against onehill and Bentley Colleges

Soccer pair make

and the Bentley VictOry

Athlete f the eek I Athlcte of lhe Week award lor clober College o n )cl 16 Meanwtule Macera

10middot r li being shared by two member f thl s~ored )n~ g al In both tht ~roneh ill victor Bryan t soccc r team T im I awlo r and Mario

Macera The t o player are ha ving very prod uclive I a IUf huJ nne a ssisl In the 4- 1 Nonhea~l -S seasons In lead ing (he Indians 10 a 3-2-0 N E-8 onferen e icwry over Sto neni ll Co llege on confe rence record thus fa r Lawlor i the

Ocwber 13 he also cored two goa ls a nd had I leade r in points with 8 for the Indians while assi t in the 3-0 E-8 vict o ry c r Bentley Macera i ~ seco nd wilh 7


Paae 6 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

intramural UpMamp

Football Playoffs near By Kevin Faulkner RCJut t hicn Rapi~l and 1Uff Angle~ to in

th d ldsion Look out fo r Wa hlllglon Hllllo t Itmiddot the time o f thc year in whi h r otball is pre ail d ue t I the i r Cr p rc ~ent

no longe r a game of ya rds bu t a ga me of aggrc~si cncs a nd intimida t ion inches a time in hi h e cr t m will be ( Dt b il)n fu o r iIC indud 714

o Oi IMon In the Weak League ha a host of and shou ld be laored Wa tch OU t for the ( )tites intl ud ing Watington Hill _ afari Wccblcs l nd Weeblelles th o ugh

Two tlams ballll it out in qUlst of thl intramural football playoff



r r~


Join Bryant alumni fac ulty and staff in enjoying this exciting and fu n filled play at the Ocean State Performshying Arts enter Saturday November 13 1982 at 800pm Barnum is a three time Tony Award winning musical which sketches 45 years in the life of the flamshyboyent 19th Century American impresario PT Barnum who gave us The Greatest how on Earth Barnum bursts with color gaiety and sleight of hand and features more acroshybatics juggling tightrope walking and pure charm than a 3 ring circus After the produ tion join us for a wine and cheese reception in the lobby of the theater

SPECIAL STUDENT RATES $650 includes bus transpor ation plus the show and the reception NON-STUDENT RATES $13 0 includes the show and the reception





S NIORS Brawn Studio will be an campus ov 1 - Nov 19 to Ake your ersonal nd yearbook portraits You may sign up for an appointment inside the

tudent Senate office Portraits will be k n in the MAC Conference Aoom December grads sign up soan - Appointments fill up fast

Meet Your Miller



When you need beer or other MUler Brewing Co products for ptllties or other social events contact Brian Keating at 949-3202 For f urther information contact



(from the Hodgson Memorial LIbrary Staff)

Here are just a few of the things that happened last year

bull We kept the library open and offered personal assistance for 4252 hours

bull During the academic year over 1690 people used the library every day Over 367213 people used the library last year

bull During a typica l week an average of 1900 people got some manner of assistance from staff

bull librarians provided classroom bibliographic Instruction for 1400 students

bull Reference librarians offered personal research assistance 5449 times and distributed 500 bvslness research guides

bull Interlibrary loan borrowed 532 Items for faculty and students and loaned 712

bull Conference rooms were booked 6123 t imes bull The Audio Visual Department responded to 6636 requests

for equipment and created 2070 transparencies

bull Over 48757 Items were circulated by the referenceperlodshyleal and c irculation departments

bull 3926 new book titles were acquired and the faculty was notified of 1661 titles relevant to their particular dlslpllne

bull Over 19630 cards were flied In the catalog provide access to the collection Actually we are very pleased at the continued level of activity The next time youre wondering what the library has done for you lately just ask Its one of our favorite topiCs

scratchi ng a nd lawing 1m that littl e tra-E playolT (eer is in the a ir In thc strong d t is ion l the tca m sta nd ings

how the mllki ng f a e rill ~ dog t ight The Sykos T e mple a nd 6gers a rc a ll in position to captu re lhe DI i~ion Champion~hip rh edge goc to the S ykos ho defeated a Mrong TempI tca m carlkr in the car

In thc F ral dnis ion hi sig looks good but the Pycho Killer louk a csomc and ~hould be lavored 10 capt ure the en ti re Strong Dii i n I llle

In the Wea Dii~ion A three tcam hae odds-on p s ibilities HI In the dtislon shyBlack Shad ws Blue amp Gold and Load ing Zone ith the Black Shados haVing the upper hand

T num ph and the rui st 8rother~ ith God onl~ knlll4i ng hll i gOIng 1Il pre a il T1NN IS n~une rLa~lIlg Int ramu ral en m IS a~ed

pound0 please look at the In tram ural Bulletin boar and he I Olll ehed uled matches An~ one nOI making an all mpl 10 onlact thtd r opponent ill be dis4uahfied IO LLCYBALL

The ~ i teen (eam~ to appea r in Ihl Fall In tramura l Volle) ball playofE are Weebles Bandt Appk Pie Kid Faces Ball Buster Wccblcllc~ Rcbeb Inva lidgt Numb rs ESP Double Ision Brunos Shaam 1enth Heave n D) na t ) and My t i4uc

The um bers (made up 01 many of the girb ar ily baIclbail team) ork ell togtther

October 22 1982

Finding new direction By Bill Henry

Nt r the end of the last ~ hool year the Ne Directi ns Associat on (N DA) became a newly recognized sluden t organization The purpo e f the ND i to diversify the acade mic curri ulum and to develop the pe nal growt h of the student body and its me mbers

The sso iat ion structure consi t of two teams he Learning Skills ream which is re p nsi b l fo r acade mic programming a nd the P rogra mmi ng Team whose res ponsibility

Prese ntly the N D A meets ever T uesdav at 330 p~ in Roo m 278 The pu rpose for t h~ meeting IS to provide ongoing tra ini ng to the assoclatlo n memb~rs one weI (for example l~ade hllgt assertiveness communica tions lIsterung etc ) while the a lternate week is held for genera l business and team projects

Cu rre ntly the fo ll ow ing people are me mb r of the NDA he~yl Gordon-President Bill Dziura-Viceshy

p reSid en t Jean Weidma n- P rog ra mming e~m Chairman Robin Waters-Lea rning

Sk ills Tea m Chairman Brenda Eri kson Bill H~nr Su~ Horne Ken Jalbert Frank Kelly En k Leeming MI~e Lindgren Kim Rote Jay Rya n Kathy SilVia a nd Don White


Ocfober fi 230- 4 DO in the Rotunda



Hillel News

We ould Ii e to tha nkfully acknowiedge donations from parents of two Hillel mem ber Donat ions are a lways apprecia ted and gra tefully accepted

Ledger phot ~ will be taken at the lIext meet ing - WedneSday October 27th Ju

bring yourself lnd wear a smi le An add it iona l bru n b is set fo r Sunday

Novem ber 7th Watch ro r detallsjIere - or put your elf o n our ma iling list It s ur to be good time

Dont forge t Friday Night Services tonight at 30 Room C-35 I See you the re

150 O UT next meeting has been planned for

Wednesday October 27 at 4pm in room 365 Hope to~e you there

Circle-K C ircle-K is a service o rganization which

works to help the school and the community ome a nd find out more about Circle-K on

Thursday October 28 at 330 Refreshments

will be served There will be a sign in the Rotunda to ann un e the room number All a re wele me-former Key C lu bber and Keyette and nyone ele intere middotted Hope to e you there

BrYcol We wou ld li k e to extend our

congratulat ions I a nd welcome these new di rectors to the board Ka ren OHara Greg Ha ~ s L nell a nd Eileen OBrien

Now ava ilable at the ountry Comfort a re irresistible yria n subs Why not walk down and try o pel

Agape Agape would like to thank the entire

campus for su ppurting o ur nower sale du ring Parents Wee kend You mad it a success W e would especially like to thank our members who made it possible

Agape welcomes all students to attend our meeting They are every Monday night at 7pm in the Facult y Dining Hall See you there

Agape is excited to have back on ca mpus this weekend our founder and past president Lori McCurry We love you Lori John 316 God Bless

Paae l

Delta Mu Delta There will be a meet ing fo r all new member

r Delta Mu Delrt o n Monday October 25th in Room 245at 330 T he meeting will cone Tn the election of a rea urer and Secretary Please try to attend

Future Business Leaders of America -Phi Beta Lambda provides an opportu nity f r stude nts 10 lea rn Irstha nd ab out the business comm unity It oal in lude learni ng how to beco me n effective business leader learning more about the American middot free enterp rise system buildi ng self-coni idnce encouraging m ney ma nagement a nd learningmore about the business community New mem bers are a lways welcome Stop by a nd fi nd ut what were a ll a bout We meet every T uesday in Room 250 a t 330

Delta Omega ickets are ava ila ble for the fi rst Din n r f

the yea r now in the Ro tunda a t the ticket boo th The Dinner will be held at Bell Farms on route 7 The Speaker is Bob Fish the Vice- p reside nt and general manager of Bo to ns WR KO radio station Tickets a re $895 for a complete buffet ocktail ho ur start a t 600 and dinner will be se rved at 700 All stude nts of all majors are welcome See you there

The Bryant Sports Car Club will be holding its first Fun A uto Railey leaving from Bryant this Sunday October 25th R egistration is open to anyone from Ihe Bryant Community with a car not necessarily a sports car R egistration isfrom I I to 12 am in the commuterparking lot with a $500 entrance f ee per car A co-driver is needed for each car to act as a navigator No experiance is needed to participate in this event It is a good (Jppourtunity to test your driving (navigational) and sense of directional skills

A simple ob ervation can lrueJy amaze the orph n type studeot wb se parents d idnt show up for Parents Weekend It seems a metamorphic event took plac the a erage ho le-jeans ra tty T-shirt campus bum converts to a G Q twe d and sla ks m n when his parents show up a t school

With no surprise at all 99 of the student body wardrobe is the same color blue blazers Doe everyone conform to the Societal Norms or was there sale on blue blazers at Ann amp Hope

It seems it doesnt ma tter as long as one d res es up but wha t about the o rphan Does he onform Most do but there are some careless delinquentmiddot that still roam the ca mpus A pri me example is the Stein He ai an elega n t Wine heese rece p t io n for par-ems walks in to the su ite ith a glass of bong water in hand a black Fra nk Za ppa TshyShirt on and half-bleached half-torn jeans on

The Stei n ignori ng anyone with a blue blazer on proceeds to watch S t Louis beat Milwa ukee and sip hi bong a teT Is this behavior uncout h or in d ividualistic Per onaJly I think his mother should have slapped bim harder when he was a bad boy Hope u lly Stem will cha nge his ways before nex t Parents We kend

Joke of the Week Wha t d id the d river say to the one-legged hi tch-hiker H p in

Parents weekend wa~ a huge succe s last weekend at PHI E P A great time was had by e e ryone w ho a t ten d e d Speci a l congratulations go o ut to Vp Frank DOst illo for the fi nej b he did organizing the weekend Way to go a rrot

Our Smoker was last night and to say the leas t it was a super time for all the brot he rs a nd independent men who attended Wake up guys l lts another day G et psyched fo r the weekend

A belated congratulations is d ue to brother middotRod Simm ons who was a runa way winner in the GLC Cross-Cou nt ry Race Good job Squid (guess who wrote this buddy) Our foot ball tearns are still showing well Our A team is hovering around the 500 mark and Blue and Gold is hold ing strong at 5-1-1 Doc Rock youve been put on waivers at last report

Volleyball starts next week Well be sponsoring 5 teams Good luck to QEII Bryants defending champions as well as to T he Enterprise ( lets beam out Spock )

Blue lInd Gold the Penthouse I I nd Thet -Phi Ep

hope e ery ne had a great Pa rentWe Week-End At least we all had good rood

Our v lIeyball tea m ended up with a win ning season Thanks to our wonderful servers ( Diana a nd Julie ) Now that we are in the finals lets win the whole thing

This Friday October 22 we are having a Pilzza Part All freshma n and independent girls are welco me Meet at the suite (Dorm 6 240 ) at 430 See ya there

Also th is weelc-end we a re going a ppleshypi king II freshman and independent girl are welcome Meet Sunday October 23 in the suite at 130

Look for our candy apple sale next Wednesday ( 10 27) a ndThursday( 1O 28)in the rotunda from 10-3 Doesnt your mouth water just t hinking of the delicious apple

~Ip~ll ~i 11Rllppll Hope everyone had a nice weekend with

their parents Thanks for the cocktails Kappa Tau and Tau Ka ppa Epsilon

Sharon yo u d id a great job at your So ia l Pledge interview We all congratulate you

w y u a n go into the middle r o m u r vo lleyball team Apple Pie Kid s are 7- 1

now We made it to the playoffs and m aybe we ca n win it all Remember you have got three

hilS girls hrissy What the hell was that and

shake those MG Maybe ou r weekend will get progre sive ly better Every weeke nd should be fu ll of leaves a nd new male friends

Twister Happy Hour this Friday October 22nd 3-5 We are located in Dorm 6 Room 31 2

Let it Snow

OK you kumquats Ive been hearing too much flack about not getting in the Greek I ew so here it is First of all Ha ppy 20tlt to Mongol Hey Z if you stop partying for three months maybe youll get some of your braincells back So Garno I hear DustyS not enoug h eh Hey J im did that kid really apologize to you Rem I cant believe you dont remember bird jumping on and breking your table unbelievable Julie wOlld you dane for us again and by the way who wrote her that nasty letter

Now for the real news since I wasted an inch of space and three minutes of somebodys time In football lhe A-team lost again Keep

trying guys The B-team is still hanging tough with a 4-4 record Party with the Sibbies t his weekend be there Co-ed Volleyball is starting so I want to see all y u jocks o ut there learning volleyball from the girls T his T uesda y is our nnual smoker All Freshma n wi hing to attend be o n the fl oor by 6 O Ti ll next y ek bye neighbo~

b r i a very bu y month with alllpe~ of acti~itits planned Parents Weekend went o middot r quite ell Ev n tho ho were orphaned had ma n grea t urnes Saturda y nigh t some of our sisters upported the GLC by tending the GLC bar- good job girls

This past Wednesday we held our first Allotment Night of the semester This is a night that the sisters go out and reminisce a bo ut old times as well as make future plans It is a night ot remember-Get psyched for the nex t one girls

Last night the first Int er- o rority Reception was held We had the reception catered also there wa s a magician for our entertainment The reception introduced girls to the advantages and bene Its of Sorority life at Bryant All those who attended really enjoyed themselves-if a ny body missed it be sure to look for future events

Saturday October 23 SIX a nd TEP are sp onsoring our Olympiad all freshmen ma le and female are encouraged to sign up a nd participate We have a sign-u p table in the Rotunda so be sure not to miss it You need 5 people for a team and then a n yo u have to do is ~ ign up in the Rotunda by 2pm today After the Olym piad well be ha ving II picnic Its a day n obody will want to m iss

nce again cooed intra murals are closi ng in on us Next week o ur volleyball teams start playing-good l uck alll If any fre hmen and inde pendent gir l st ill havent igned up ior co-ed volleyball It st ill isn t 100 late_

Next we k nd is Hallow en-for t hose who have never stayed here fo r Halloween Weeke nd- it is absolutely wild This year will be no d ifferent

Friday October 29 3-6pm I X is holding a Happy Hour in the Pub It will be a grea t way to start off a weekend-be there or be squayuh

Marfa would li ke to personally than k Ma for bringing up her visitors She had quite a wild weekend tha nks to MA PS thanx Wumbuz and Chris for visiting me in my roto home Essay

Hope everybody has a fun weekend and please support our Olympiad

The Brothers would like to commend the football team for giving it hell All that effort is definately worth a lot We know that sooner or later we are going to kick some A

Beta will be having their annual cookout this weekend Naturally well have hot dogs chips and refreshments If you are interested

just give one of the brothers yo ur Saga 10 number May be Tom will give you a lesson on how to eat a dog

Our realist ic (pessimistic) vice-p resident Port has conj ured up a Persona lity Weekend in conjullct ion with Kappa au Fraterni ty that ill blo your mind 111 e sure (hat all clnc1ld t n me faT pen n IiI jud n night are s lbmitted before November 2 An organization or lub may enter a candidate

OUT faithful alumni ill be up for persunality wee~end H a pp~ )- will be h re agai n Our alu mn i 1 11 pa rtic ipa te In the judg ing and also in partying times Who will be the Ivan on personality weekend brothers Chip and Skeeter

Finally our hockey team is being organized a nd it looks reaUy good this year We have ~ome good solid players and we are looking forward to a great season

As always H Y S

Its TGIF in KDK land today marking the end of the first round of tests for all concerned(There is a God) Congratulations to all who survived and get psyched for an anxiety-free weekend at last

Cooed volleyball starts next week a nd the sisters are looking forward to a great eason teamed wi th TE Also wed like to thank all the girls Who played volleyball for us Hope 10 see you when t he End of the Worldco mes to Dorm 5

As is the custom today also ma rks the return of our roaming a hloon ini (a lias Bobo) Wh ts the scoop Carol J ust beca use we dont have our ow n ex pense accoun ts and driv nice car doesn t mean we dont rate

Well this ends our acco unt of another startlingly eventful we O L and BL please try to get ho me at a reas ona ble hour next time O K

Bye-bye and happy sailing

ig ltll ~igmll regmicrol1 Tht S istc s (IJ 0 hope eve r o ne enj~yed

Parents Weekend as m uch as we did Best behavior was apparent th roughout the Bryant community-what happened Our pizza party at Disco s was excellent Oh-that homemaue pizza and other refreshments We hope all those who attended had a good time Our showcase in the Library was beautifully a rranged by our creative and talented sisters Lisa and Laurie--tres chic The all sorori ty reception was held on Thursday Each sorority was represented and brought their crazy sisters along to help the festivities be more enjoyable Chicken o up seemed to be plenliful a round the sisters this week Hope you all feel better for the wild weekend a head Signing off the MAD --


A young admirer Steve Landesberg

The Karate Club kicks up a storm in their demonstration for the fXlrents

The E

bulle 81

- An actress perf orming in the Bryant Players show Doesnt she ~emind you oj one of your oid teachers~ The Chapai

parents in the Rotunda

October 22 1982 Paae9

autograph from

ents The Bryant Players explain Why Teachers Go N uts I





takes a sip of water during his show

The Bryant Jazz Band warms up the audience for Steve Landesberg

Main Even photography br WencJi Parker Celina Santos and Rick Levin

Centerspread larout is by Bryan ajjerky

a mass with the Ready set go Men s Cross-country leam running in tire Tri-state meet


The Right Hair Style

The RightHair Products

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Anthonyls Hair Villa 375 Putnam Pike

Village Plaza Smithfield RI for appointment call 231-1462

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Pate 10

SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

$200$150 for copies

Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

THE LIBRARY 112 mile from Bryant College



BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

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ULTRA modern Gameroom

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Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

) h

G e neral Typesetting and

Res u me Service

$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

$7 ModIfied Run

You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

11111 ~hl Ii 1 )U1111 ~ ~uir l2 1 t_ j Ir (11 llll (Il) 1) 2~ilt NL

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Trident Marketing introduces the definitile answer to your term paper and aSSignment problems Whether the paper that you require is 5 pages or 75 pages long arts or sciences undergraduate or graduate level Trident Marketing can fulfill your requirements Considering the number of term papers we carry on file our price structure our delivery system and our custom term paper service we are the biggest and the best Some of our more impressive features are

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bull Trident Marketing unconditionally guarantees an A ( + or - ) on any term paper prollided by us or money In full refunded

Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 2: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

Paae 2 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982


Support fee increase On October 27 and 28 the Student Senate will be asking

students to permit raising of the Student Activity Fee by a total of seven dollars over two semesters A majority vote would increase the fee from the present $36 to $43

The Activity Fee has risen only six dollars in the last five years and that change took place in October 1980 when the fee was raised from $30

In the last two years inflation has increased some 15middot20 percent Also the number of clubs and organizations financed by the activities fees is approximately 20 more than in 1980

The Activity Fee funds all clubs and organizations on campus excluding the Archway WJMF the Ledger and Brycol lt does fund the Senate the Student Programming Board and every other organization

With the new policies on just about everything that have come down the road in the last two years organizations at Bryant have been bending over backwards trying to create programming With the new Guaranteed Senate Loa1 Program this may have been partially solved but money is and will be tight

This is why the increase is necessary With 3077 people in the undergraduate program and at seven dollars a head it all adds up to $21 539 and a lot of programming

Seven dollars is not a lot of money especially split over two semesters of billing (it is included in the tuition bill ) To put things in perspective thats about equal to a sixmiddotpack of your favorite libation Not much of a sacrifice for better programming at Bryant

Voting will take place from 10 am to 3 pm and 430 to 630 in l

the Rotunda and in front of the dining hall respectively Voting YES is the only way to help improve programming at ryant in the years to come

THE ARCHWAY editor In Chief ___ Joe Zukowski AIIocIate editor _ _ Mike Murphy Managing editor _ _ _ _ Steven tv1edln aul Manager __ _ Peter Jalbert News editor Ben Edwards FlaquoIIur Edltor_ _ _ _ _ _ _ Robln DeMattia $porta editor Rick Morenzonl Production Manager _ _ _Bryan Cotfel1lty Photography editor Wendl Parker AdmlnlatratIW retary _ Barbara Day AdvertIsing Production Manager _ Anne Behling AdvertIsing Sale Manager _ Kim Pestana GraphICl _bull__ _ __ Dan Lynch

NewtFeature Steven R Brown Doug Dofman Diana Douglass Judi Monkell Undo P1p1nes Kathy Smith George Spellman

Bull Kevin Allard

Sports Bob Daigle Kevin Falllkner Bob Mitc hell Toni Rackliffe Kathy Smith Tom Zoda

Photography Leigh Herdecker Ed Madden John Marin Mark Phps CellhO Santos Jim Tammaro

Production Jody Dombrowsk bull jennifer Boone janice VIgliottI Lynn Wentzell

Phototypesetting Cathy IVno Rosemary Bettencourt Kevin Aanagan Kathleen Smith Donna Twombly

Clrculatl9 Ray Alalre

Ad Sal PatrIcia Cademartorl Gael Hennessy Candy Kesner Thomas Phillips

Stoff In Training Laurie Hllfman Joan Roscoe Julia DcMson Rlct)0rd Levin Stephen Buell Robert Leonard i Karen Woltjen Tom Rogers William M Busk

1M Alctrwoy Is oomposed weekly durlng the academic year by the undetgraduate students of ~nt College The Publisher Is Blyant College This newspaper Is written and edlledby a Sludjnt staff and no form ct censcnhlp Is exerted owr the contents or style ct any Issue lhe news and ciPlnlons expessed In this publication are thoseltJ the students and do not necessarily reftect the ofIIclol views ct the faculty and adm inistration of 8ryQlt College 1M Alchway Is printed by Weston Glaphlcs Bellingnam Massachusetts by offset

DeodIIM for all lUbmIIIIonI and ~ Mldnlghl lWldcly Cop( considered oOjacflonable b V the editorial Board will not beoocepted AJl sub rnlsslonsbecomeproperty of lheAlctrwoyandcannot be relumed Announcemenls and news I88mied tram the College and SUToundlng community is prtnted at the dlSCl8l1on ct the EdItor-ln-Chlef

1M Alctrwoy Is a memtJer of the Columbia Scholastic Press ~Ion CUrlently n- nrst pIOC6 standing

0ftI0es are iOCOted on the Third Floor of the Multipurpose ActtvItles Center Mailing Address Is Box 37 BIyont College SrnIIt1f1e1d RI 02917 Phone number Is (401) 231middot1200 ext 311 or 313

T The Edit r n th is Wednesday and hursda y Oclo bcT

27 a nd 2 the S tudent Se nate i pr~ nti ng a referendum VOle to you on the propmcd hike in the Student A tivity Fee F) This hike a mere SJ 50 per semester will enab le clubs a nd orga ni7alions on campu~ uch as the St ud ent P rogra mm ing Board Greek Letttr Council omm uter In AClion t

conti n ue thei r programming to the Bryan t Communuy Tha t is why it mus t be passed now

The last time an incrca e was voted in wa in 1980 twoyears ago ince that lime iunation has risen 20 and the numbe r of c lubs and

rganilation on ca m pus ha risen by 40 What thaI means IS Ih t for the past two

yea rs the Sena te has had to 10 er the bud get req uests of all clubs and orga nil3rions When the increase is passed h ill ena ble more m nie~ to be a llocated and the uara nteed

Senafe Loan ( L) that j lJ~ t ame into e i~ tence wi ll btlcomc middott rong factor in aid ing more organila t iom to program entertainment fo r the students

i n ord rfo r this refe rendum to pass at lea t 20 of the student bod y is needed to ote on the increa e and lh majorilY of that 20musl vo te in favor But plea se dont SII back and th in that your otc doesn ount becau e YOU R VOTE DOES COUN Witho ut your uppOrt th i refe rendu m cannot be brought up until next year a t this li me ~ hich means the fund ing by the e na te to aU clubs and organizations will be drastica lly hurt as infla tion contin ue to rise I cannot Ire s enough the nee ssity of this referend um to be pased

Please VO E YES hank you for your su ppo rt

Sin erely George pellma n

Comfort staffing questioned

The abuse of aut hofl ty IS a very serious ma tter When a perso n i p ut in a p()si tion of author ity it is essent ia l lha t they be properly tra ined for their job I a m referring to a certain Directo r of the Campus Barn The other evening J lIne sed a n inoident inol ing thi~ Dire lor who is a lso I am embarrased to say a fe llow ~tudt-nt

The d n nk ing-age prob lem is a d t lica te o ne which m Ut be hand led with a great am o ung of diplo ma y Ev ryo nc understa nd s tha t if they a re u nderage and ge t caught with someone else J D it will be taken away but

oes Ihi h C 10 make th m ubjecIl pllbl c embarra middotsmen t hu m il ia tion threa ts)

ell I lea r lor the future if thi is n example f t h leader hip of to morro I beg [he manager of the oulll ry Comfort to please

j r i i r I i


( 11-1 T NOT FoR ANY ORGAN l ATIO N middot1 WAS J Ll ST C0)11005


screen his d ire tM more carefully and to train the m to handle these unoomronable ~ it uati ons Im u e it VIl li give the ampu~ B rnn beller name and people associated t h it a go d rep utatio n

Karyn Hitner

Letter Po licy

The Archway wei o mes your Ictten on matt ers that concer n the Bryant Community Lett rs must be signed (wlphone or bo x n umber for verification) and preferably typewritten Wri ter nam ill be wuhheld nd or re leased only b r vote of the ditorial Board

H appy Writing

- -----

~ kend Weathe r tch SATURDAY

I_ ___ ~~-Barely BRR R Break out Ih l s kimo su its and batten d own the ha tches hI is g ing to be a da y to st a~ in bed a nd dream of tugboat ount sheep and hatever

r---------------~ SUNDAY

u n ny yet at t he same time c lo ud) whic h makes panly sun ny r pa n l cloudv depe nding on you r ou tloo k on lirl li ke a ~ elepha nt fo r a wim

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae3 Suite-Style LIlII Irom p I oJ Candidate sReaks It forum recreatIOn lounge ill (he basement or pits as tle~ arc c-lIct

The ~ulte-t~le dorms at Brynnt olTer Michaelson attacks republican pol~ciesnumerous fe ltuft not found in mo~t Olher chooh hou Ing facilille~ For example aU Kathleen mith Wall treel not Main middot treel Michaelson requir sufficient nOlice by compaUles to

to wall carpeting curtatn~ bo k~hches on the Of The Arebway Stiff de~k and tndildual bathroom arejust some Candidate ror U enate Jultus of the not-so-common lealure foune in the I1lchaebon poke at the Sociul cience SS d(jrm~ In addition calfee table 31 unge torum held at Brvanl Thursday October 14 chaIr a couch and the cubes which adorn the The lormel Allorney General 01 Rhode 1 land IIiing room area contribute III the addre ~ed man IS ue~ neluding tudent contempora tyle of the sUItes loans ocial Stcurity iknefits corporate

Damage fee are taken out of a $100 taxation and unemployment damage deposit put up b each re ident Michaelson a Democral all3cked several tudenl I he fees arc determined by phyical Rcpuhlica n p licie adocated by U plant employees ho eSlimate the costs of SenatDr John halee (Rep ) and PreSIdent repaIr ur replace ments Bills are ent 10 Ronald ReCln Ulh a the Balanced Budgclseniors 1 ho hine grduIlled It ob iou~l~ is Amendment the b213 billion defense budget more difficult 10 ul~tribute damage line in a and the Ifbulltclent taxatIo n t corporaLI n corndor-halltype dorm weh ~ the Freshmen for example Mi haclson said Iht eneral norm he aue thc hail IS uch a public area Electri Corporatwn had 25 biliton in1 he aim of the choo I i~ to red uce uamage and unta cd prot t He called 11m IOlal))I unlair cover co ts Last earthere ~a a tremenduu totall~ unju~t when prugrams for the amount 01 broken windo s after pring handicapped nt S cI31 ecurll~ have been Break Thl~ us d re~ult of baseballs and many Cllt back due to the lack of maney rocks in the winte r the culprits are nowball lhe Repuhlicans re more Intcre ted in Cigarette bumbullInd beverage tains are the tw mot omm(ln cau es of damage- llmo ( alvay~ occullng at partlcs BibleThe party pennit procL-dure I icr imple process The perulJts mav be picked up in the re~idence life office located in the pit of Donn bull 6 They an be obtained until Wedne~a) of semInarseach week and hould b returneCl (1n Thur day aIter the RA check) it Then they may be pukcd up again after Ihey arc approved - b) rida allernoon fhe e scheduled permits must be a ailable upon the nquest of either an RA or ecurity on the evening of the Chaplain flicc poniOrs a eries of Bible purty Details on party regulatiom are eminars thi~ Fall ever lliesday I 30 pm outlined in the Campu Informali n Guide in ROlm 0 266 b~ginntng October 26 I he and from RAs speaker l Dr J o hn Williamlt Asso iate

Most approved suite partie runmouthly Profe~or of Management al Bryanl and 8 Jhe exception are cases when people hailng orId evangeli~1 heard about iI party asume it open nd Jhe kinLdom 0 God has (hree dbtinc[ inVIte themseh e phae~ W arc 10 the first pha~c of Gods

In generalultt- tyle dorms arc popular kingdom vhlch may eem mysleriou~ now ith tudents who view them as almo~ 1 an but ~et it i a real as Ihe world In whIch WI

apartment unes pro ide a comfortable Jive 1 he Kingdom of God i pirilual at this life tyle for the mal nly (Aryanl rddent tage It a e~lahli hed on earth b Jeu fud nl hr I ncarl_ OOO ~car go 1 h cond

phe I Ihl KlOlldum v III be Ih~ III~Till rule of J u n CIlT h fter hi middotc ond min or o ne thou~and ~Cltlrs The Ihird pha~e III

hca~en The good new I that an ne Lan cnter tnt l (j Kin -dom n and II e In Itpresented Thc bcaut lnd rI hn 01 00 Kingdum can ~ e p rienced no Lmng tn Gud

On OctOber 6 at it annual Cluemic Kingdom i LI~ing In perl ct peaL~ beingRecogOltion metting lhe Proldencc hapler filled ith JO) liling in right ousn~s and of the Financial L e uliH Institute holimeLlit31Ing peaking and obeying G ds pre~ented it first aCddemlC exccllen e iJward word being Itlled with the WI dom and to Bryanl College to Miss lanet RubidOUX a knOwledge of God being governed by tbe cnwr Accounltug major from Blackstone ~pirilual laws doing [he wod~ of Jesus

Ma achu~eU~ Mi~s Robidous ho a 10 109 one another reigning and ruling with nommaled by Professor hlippelli Chairman Chri~t clai nung and receiving the promises of of the Accounting DepartmeDl a~ hunored God Ii inga onsofGodandjointheirswith or her outslanding achievement and her Jesus Christ overflOWing with abundance

ra nge 0 rela ted preprofe iona I activitle enjoying divin hcallh and angelic protection Professor Filippelli presented the award at the and having everlasting life I- I meeting at which Dr WilliamT OmiddotHara I hiS eminar has been orgamed for the Pre ident of Bryant sp ke on the subJe I of entire BT)anl community (~tudenls Staffand Executhe Burnout Faculty)

rhe award plaque will hang In the Edith 011 are cordially invtled

Hodg~on Library in the reference Circa

The Announcetne n t s


The Office or Student Activitiegt ill be A Guestpreacher will peal at our no n Mtaking student I D and giv ing out kobol on undd October 24th Father Jo~ephStickers throughout the chool year Mond y Prolann will gtpeak on the ~hurch minitry 10 through Friday 9 am to 4 pm A~ a tudent divorced separated and remarncd per~on~turn 20 years of age they l11u~t have a new

I D laken Studenl~ wh are receiving an The apIa in Office will )ponsor a seminar alcohol sticker or an over-20 ID must by Dr John Willi~lrru i ing in God pre enl a photo proof of idenlificatj n Kmgdon middotow The emlOar will be offered (driermiddots License SAGA ID etc at lne ccr~ Tuesday from )lO to 430 pmbull in om e of tudent 0 tivi ti e middot Room 266 AU member of the Bryant

C()mmuniLy re inviled

ATTENTION DEC GRADS ____ College Retreat Weekend Novem ber 19lhru If )OU have not filed ca ndidate for uegree 21 (Friday e ening thrll Sunday nooo at

form 10 the Regislrarlgt Office pleas do so Chr middot tian Brothers Retreal Center immediately Failure 10 do ill re ull in a Narragansett For regltrat ion more info delay in your dcgrte being ordered and having c ntact Dave I rris Rlgi tration deadline your name printed the way you wish it I ovember 1st

THE CALL TO BE PEACE MAKER CHAPLAIN bullNOT1CES _____ A lectUre by noted pacifist Gordon Zahn

Our ReguJar ehedule t weekend war hip aturday October 23rd a t thc Community wi ll resume this weekend College of RI Lincoln Part of a day-long

Frida~ Hillel crvice 630 pm Ro m C-351 conference span ored by the Communil Sunday Mass~ 12 noon Rotunda pm Alfa i r Vi ari te of the Dioce e of

lJorm 14 Providence 1 register contact the unday cumenic-( I Scnlce 4 30 pm MA Chaplaln~ Office a t Sr ant ext 309

tated me-amng the RepUblicans are dealmg employee who will have lay-offs or hut ilh the economy and 0 t ith the people downs and 4) set up 3 mot~ reciprocal foreign

A four pan program developed by trade policy Michaelson va designed to help all people Profcs or JaM rella modlratcu the bullIod pecifiltully Rhode Islander if Forum and also 11th Profe sor Wilham Hill bull implemented a ked que lion of Mr Michaelson Throu~h various tax break~ and laws Senator Chafee Ihe Incumbent in office

Mlchacbon hopcqo I)encouragecompantes ill offer his view 10 the Bryunl communilY to come [0 and stay In Rhode hland 2) hoost on Tuesday October 26 in the Rotunda at emplo men by re-traintnu emflloyec 3) 230 pm

Dorm 14 leads In the Tupper Bowl

8y Jay Weinberg Our neXI ecnt WIU be the MlrH-Olympic hwillbcintheMACOnNo 3 Ihi year eDorm 14 orth sturmed into Iml place 10 v ill feature a -hoe scramble a al~r balloo n lhe Tupper Bowl by inning Ihe plc-cating

a to~s 0 cou llleconte~1 Monday nigh The Freshmen picked lU rrisbee an blaele a clothing race and a find Lhe ball in theup 10 points for lhcinicrory Dorm 4 Wished Racquetball court contt~t The court ViJl bea tr ng second earning 7 pOints Dorm 10 pitCh black or nU rse We arc lookinghung 10llgh with a third place finih orth 5 forwarJ 10 a go d ttm t and some good leams point Fourth place vent to 14 outh while

oaT participati In and Dorm plrit halCfifth place wa gfabbed b~ Dorm 11 Every been great It IS still early bUI it secm the coshy

001 rn Iht partiCIpated receive one POlnl for ed dorms are reJII leadmg the 3y Come on attendanc you middotlnglcmiddot)ex dOlms slart racking up thoseTh~ plc-ltallng conte I a~ a grcat success poitm Hey Dorm I l art ) 0 11 ut tllCrenTh parti Ipanls hat their fill and c~lr ne

Stunding~ Of The earnhau iI good time Sorry about any FIR r 14(25 point)dbcrepancie in judgIng an eenl likc thi I~ ccond bullbullbull IO(2J poinl )difllcul to judge We can only learn from our rhird bull lie 17 P01OtS)ll1itak Thank Ou 10 everyone who arne fourth bull bull bull bull 4( 10 pintraquoc~peclull Ihe participants (tic) bull bull bullbull 9( 10 poWLS

Repairs to dormitory villagL

Wet pits bullbullbull leaky roofs Doug Dorman

or The Archwa) taJf I bein 10 c IIII I r I) ~ rre I m d n u rool I time

ra COli Manager at Bryant becau It

ccured in lhe bOl om of

the pre nl 01 rhree Brya nt ollege Jnrm~ Thi II rt I

n ed d sa rad the beginning of a yearly pruiect aimed at rerooling Dorm~ one th rnu h thin en

n ru on i pec tal ProJ h

e jO Ie D rm len

rh c c u cd moi ture

Uti s Draycull

Die lui

charg caused by pOI r

It elf

ha e been lea mg I r r I ~ eaf nd Ihe tel In leak are 0 numerou thai maintenance ha~

n the 1111 been unabl 10 I cale and repair many of who is in them

project ay this problem I Thi fall work i being done on dorms mne dramage around the 0 rm ten and thirteen a~ld rerltloflng WJI1 continue

10 remedy the siluation Bryant conlracted n ~ mauy dorm per year until an the dorm the 0 amp W Construction omllany from ha e been compllted Abhlon R I to Install a new drainage ~yslem Bryanl contracted a New York tirm near Ihe Dorm The type of sy~lcm I) amp W Applied Roofing LO do the work The new installed is called 11 Fnnch rain hich roofs will be different from 1f3dilionalroof~ in con i I~ of piping hOUlcd in crushed tone that they Will be upside duwn Th is mean and is designed to simply lake watcr away lhat they will have insulallon on top to from the Dorm prevent atmo pherie change from harming

0amp Waho rewater-proo ed the lowerwalls the water resistaot rubber membrane of Oorm T n and installed new insulation at underneath the ase Bryant plans to have ~imilar ork performed on ~ome othcr d rm which als laie serious Icakage at their base

BLOOD DRIVE DATES_ _____ Issue The len innen will receive n $1000 The following are tbe dates for the ca h prile

upcoming blood drive Anyone wllo ie inter ted in entering th Tue ay Octo be r 26 and Wedne~day ~tarch ~hould contact Fran On coli for more

December 1 information The deadline for subm itting an Blood supplie in Rh de Island are at a application to GLAMOUR i~ December I

critica l low-plea e he lp 1982

YEARBOOKS _________________TRANSFER STUDENTS ___ ___ if tbe last transfer credit sheet thaI you 1982 Yearbook are here Pick them up in

received liMed TE TATlVpoundered itsthcn you Ihe Ledger Office on Tue~days amp Wtdnesdays ho uld re4ue~t that your pre i liS college or from 330 - 5 pm Bring receipts and deposit

univer ity end a final transcrip t of your money academic record to 8ryant Registrars Office A TTENTLON FRE HMEN ______

FinaliJcd credit~ determine ~hen you are Please plan fo attend one f the gtoup

eligible to preregi ter for ncxt eme ter sessions that will be held to instruct Fre hmeo

our e on Prtregi tration procedures A hedule of tbe sessions is posted on the bullletin board

GLAMOUR MAGAZINE______ outside the Reg~lrars ollice Bryant College s tudents are invlled to

panicipate in GLAMOUR Maga7ine 1983 HIGH SCHOOL TRA INING ___ _ Top Ten Women Competilion Young 10morrow Iurday October 23 the women from colleges and unicrsilies Amba sador raini ng program will conduct throughoul Ihe oumry will compe te in Ihei r offic ial high chool Ir ining ses ion for GLAMOURearch for len outstanding those )tudents Interested In rei urm ng to I he ir students A panel of OLAMOU R editon will high sehou l ~ t udents aboul Bryant The select the winners on Ihe basis of their olid mecti ng will beglO at 1030am in MD Room record of achievement in academic studics BI C Coffee and doughnut will be er ed Ir a ld or extracurricular activillelgt on campu you are planning io attend this training or in the community ses~ion and you have not gien u an RSVP

The 19fs3 Top Ten College Women odl be plea~c c maa Sue Ahlbergat232-4068 Hopt feaLUred in GlAMO R Augu t College to ee you there

Paae 4 THE ARCHWAY Ottober 22 1982

Rugby Club refutes editorial To The Ed itor

This wriling IS in respo nse to your II middotcwationmiddot that renain mem bcn o f the Rugby Club were re~ponsible for the Beer Hurling Compctition on Wednesda y October 6 in the Koffle r Center Wh ile the Rugby lub is nOt pr uti od t he incident (no one should be) we are nOI res ponsible fro what happened

Sir I ask you were youcen there Did yo u see exactly wh it was thatl hre the tiL t cup and thcn the first beer Did) ou del e into the incident any deeper than the fact value

Tht fact or the ma lter i~ ~ permi~~ion a~ gramctl to w Ius) relcrnng 10 cen In

membc~ 01 the Rugh~ lub and al lea~ t me non-member) by the performer to u~e the tagt during intermis~ion

DUring a song that wa being ~ung by certain mcmber~ of the Rugby Club a beer cup a

Fraud by wire To the Editor

1 he so-called Burt Reynolds telephone credit card ita~ become acti c a thi loeallon It ma also be known 3lgt the Clint Ea~t ood r any other famou pers)ns credit card

1 he slorie~ _ou may have hear rega rding Ihese peorle ~anclioning Ihis are completely untrue

A number of arre~l~ havc been made in lhi~ C3lte

Thi is nlll an innocen t prank il ill FRA UD Ihat co t lot of people lot middot of money and unlairl~ II1ohes someone who cant even be charactried as a bystolndtr

We wan the fraud ended We arc nOI looking to prosecute people but

the Telephone Compan conducting an iftcn~le in~ligation inlO thi~ i ra udulent ac tilt) which II ill result in billing in ma ny IOSlance and to oml prosecution

We a1t the cooperation 01 al l to consider the placmg I traudulent calb 11 is a rime fraud by loire pUOIshablr by Siale and Federal Statutes C nvicllon under Federal La u to II bull r 111 jiii ii n p til

1000 in line~ talt la ll a re imllar ew ngland

Telephone om pany

thron at us and othe~ soon followed Who lhrew tht fir t betr1 L id middotou see It Mr Editor It wan t 0 we d idn th ro a n beer Io we did n t choo~e to partici pate Ra ther it wa~ li[ rally th rown upon u~ We ju t hap pened 10 be t he o nly people t ha were ea II )

iden tifia ble in IhI faceless crod and so reeehed we the brunt of Ihe blame

ir it yo u an going 10 accue members of the Rugby C lub or an body of co mm ill ing infantile a Is eit her direct ly o r non directly I wih no I i n ~it OU d li llie more reearch on the subJect You owe it 10 the accucd but mo~t of all )l)U lIwe it [0 yo ur i m prc~sioOl~tlc readers bull

We a rc ~oung c1u h that ha hccn working hard on the fie ld and off to tstablish a favorable name for urelves a n our chool Th is ki nd of wrile up doe nl hetp at all E~ peciall one b rdering n slander T ha nk you

B b Duff Match Secretary Doug GUOlgtolley

Vicemiddot President C hri C a rney

P re ident

Ed I 101 present fron m il

N orris pl~as for conSCIentIOUS vote 10 Tht Editor

As the ocmber 2 e1eclions a pproach we will b maklOg cri llcal choice am n8 ariou~ candida t and is ues hieh will affect Our nation ror year to come One i~sue that sh uld be flmOIost in our mind 10 seiccting nalional leadtrs and re prcgtentatlve~ i the i~gtue of human right Een though it is nOl presently gainmi an fronl page attention the sad s ituat io n in Central America continues Recen t) pUblished boob report the on-going erresslon and murder go emmen t shy~ponored in EI Salvador Un onunately much o f Ihc responlbilny f r th i ~iolence mut be placed o n the United Stares government slOce we continue to give military aid to repre~sie dictatorship in that area of the world

Man rc~pomlb l c I aden of the world go rnmenls and ou r own hae called a hall to SENATE ELECT ION FINAL R ESUL S Freshman Senator ~~ Greg Strafstrom won the run-off election

~ Senior Senator

shy~ Dale Fulcher I Congratu ahons to b hot ddcan 1 ates shy~

U S il olvcmcnt in the area of military aid ne local candid at fo re -election vhose

name h s appeared in th i~ paper however has consi~lentlv failed (1 meet hb challenge t spea k up -ro human right Scnat lohn Chalee (R-R I) supports S military aid to the violence-p rone govern mcnt ofEI Sallador nnd has resisu ed cffOrlb of local Clt llen and even of his co-Republican Congreswioman Schncider 10 change his iews In Ihis he has bee in conc rt ilh Ihc nat iona l Admin istra t ion in a lack of concern to r human rights violation and an insen~ilility to the oppre~scd poor of the World He along with the d mmist ration has Called a l y mll ral Ie of Ih o hasic prinoiples t his nation has Iraduiona Uv ascribed 10 onscienllou lot er~ shou ld fe rn m btr this o n election day 1982 and 194~ (Rev Daid Norris

Cat h lie Chaplain

At press time At press time

On Tue dllY Octo ber 26 Ihe secon d S l)cia l Science Forum ill b hdd in the 100 unda a t 230 pm I he ~pca 11 will be ellillor John Chalee ho Ioill pr M~nt hi~ ie on politics and Ihe economy Your parllclpation ill t h is en impo rllaquoln t e lent i~ cnc()uragcd Incumbe nt nntor Chafee is Ihe Republican candid al~ for S Senator You lI remember las t -ee lmiddot~ Social ~cilnee I-orum featured Sena t rial Democratic candidale Julius M iehnelon

Tbe Rhode I land Press Oub and the Public Inlonnatlon Office 111 it~ the orant communi ty to their co - pon nretl Guber natorial Debate on Wedn middotday Octob~r 27 at 730 pm in the J nikics AudHorium l he lour candida te~ have agreed 10 be present IncumbelTl-Goernor J Jo~cph GanahyshyDemocrat William Maflullo-Republican Peter Van Dam-I ndepentlen t Hilan alk-ClliJCn~ Partv

This is going to be the o~ly rour wa~ debule lor the gOernor ~eat prior to the Nov mber election and B ~ ant I fortunale l h ~t the e c nt We hurl each of you can attlnd thi~ Important debate

Bryant Ecoloy Action Club volunteers wilt be olearing UI Ihe Jonh MOH fami ly cemelery on Sallrda~ October 23 The Molofy cmeler) which b 10 led behind the M iC on the Bryant campus has tomb tonc daling from the I IOO~ A il

hl~tori a l cemeter~ M0 ry mu1be prcsen ed and mainlained

Vo lun ers will be mcel1ng behind the MA C a t 12 noon I- r morc infonnat ioll contact Fran Driscoll t Bryanta l 232- 1200 exl206

The ludent P rogramming Board mforms w that The Blushing Ik ids ovember concen ha bee n postponed until next semc ler due to recording ob ligatio ns On November 10 the PB i proud to present Boston~ bes t band

IIlE S10MPERS Thl Sunda) m IC is Ihe Omen 1 h Halloween m ixer i a week from tomorrow ~tan planning y ur co lume now

The Calendar FRIDAY 22

T odays the d n~ for the Ju nior class Picnic be ing he ld in l he Pub from 430shy630 Yo u an ign up in the Rotunda fo r 75lt or free if you ha vc a meal card

It ll oave yo u a q uarter (good fo r a ba tch of la undr)) if) u wcar you r el thes insid e ou t tMight at the pub Those 20 and ocr can a ll nd the mixer ~pon~o red by S M wit h DJ Rich Berrie75c normal 50or inside ou t

The 60 ) IiYl in tht Janik ics Audltonum al 700 a nd 9 15 ~hen spa prestnt~ Wood~t ock 50c $100 non- Bryant st ude nt

Sigma ambd a Th ta i ~ having pina party in Dorm b suite 240s from 4middot11 fo r all frc h ma n a nd independa nl g irls

TUESDA Y 26 The Rhode Island Blood entu wa nts

vour blood and theyll be taking it anyu me between 10-4 today in Ihe auditoriulll

1 here ill be a n import ant meeting of the Bryant P layer at 3 30 in room 2 5 Tw votes- one perta in ing to ou r spring productio n- will be taken P Itasc make eery effort to atlend Play r~

If H l M I your major or youre considering it to be _ our maj r (l r yo u JU5t want to gel involetl ~top by the Servitium C lub meeling today a[ 3 15 in room 25 1

B F ish a Bryant a lu mnus will be speaki ng a l Bell Fa rm t hi evening S po nsored b Della mega $8 95 includes a n a ll you ca n ea t buffel a nd M r F ishs presentation


A ball k f the sexes will take place today fr m I 00middot400 followed by a picnic fro m 4-6 T EP a nd IX are ponseri ng the Ir t a n nual Freshman O lym piad i lh

plenty o f fun-filled events

If you were lucky enough to get your tickct bd(lre Ihey o ld o ut the C IA

ha ride is tonight Meet in the c ircle al 600


H ave a que s l io n complaint ur co mpliment for lhe S tuden t cnate Bring it to the ir meeti ng in 3l6 AampB a t 330

BA P (Hea t Academic Probat io n) meet from 3 30 t 430 in room 2 + Fight o ff those under pa r grades

Worri d ab u t thaI II important job interview Get somt insig ht from people who ve been Ihere - and made it S weaty Pa lms will begin a l 630 in roo m 3116 AampB all E 41 5 by 10 22 to let them kn ow youre coming


Fn h ma n a nd I ndependant girls are inv ited to go ap ple pic king with Sigma La mbda Theta

The Ecumeniclc SCf ice i at 430 in Ihe Mac Conference rollm if you woke up too late fo r noon mas in the Rotunda

P H presents The O men at 27 amp 9 15 SOcent

Like to drive) Want to be in a m iley a e in the commul r pa rk ing lo t no laLe r than no on loday fo r the Bryant SPOrt s a r C lub Rail )



Lic from th upper level of th M A ils la tc nigh t with the A rchway staff


Allcnt io n S kier Fin d Ol t whcre to go fo r Ihe best ski aCllon this ca~on at ~he ki C lu b me ling The) 11 be in t he aUditorium a l 330 IUday

Brea king too man bo nes on Bryan t s athletic ridd~ harhe Mandt i1le Can help you o ul He s holding a S ports Inj u ry C linic rom 7-9 lonight in th t M onference roo m T rcg ister fo r the

sess io n call _3 1- 1200 Ex t 327


It s here aga in- another Hallo cert Weekend Get read y for the ghosts and go blins who will be out t spook you

l _October 22 982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 5

WOllla s V -Ball ranked fifthSPORTS

---------------------- These teams may be DiviSIOn III teams but By Toni Raekllffe they re till good tea m s says Hudak

Of The Arch way taffa total lea rn effort oach H udak i looking 10 the freshmen of

Women runners excel By Anne Quill

or The Archway Staff

The be~t women - ru nning teo I t hit Bryant is just one way Bryants Wome n Cro~s Country Team hnc be n descr ibe thl shyseason The girls have gained this recognit ion after ha i-ng several excellent race - this fall hlghlighled by a second place finish in I he T ri shytale Champiomhip race held last Saturday at llryam inc team participated in the race ith a lota l of 72 runner competing Bryant defeated Easlern Connecticut CoLlegc Stonchi ll Suffolk Wheatonbull alve Regina Quinnipl3c and Abertus Mangus College and finbhed ju t behind Rhode Island College _

Bryants trength lies in the fact that the girls ork together in a lotalteam effort Thb i shown by the Tri-Statc re ult~ where the top four Bryant runners all f1nbhed withm a minute of each othcr winning medal for plaCing in the top ten Bryants next three runners also crossed the line vi thin twenty seconds Of each other aJi with excellen t limes The team IS coached b) Ch~lrlie Mande ille who feelgt The cntlre team turned in the be~1 dfon ever b a Bryants women em scountry team and they are also the astest Bryant team eer~

Ly e Wanle unce again e(cellmg in her fint year as a Bryant runner took fourth plac olrall with iI time of 7009_ PrevIous to the 1 ri- late Lye broke [he Brvant cou e record in the Rhode h l ~nd State

hampionship held October 8 with Lime of 1956 Say oaen Mnndcillc ) kfll l~e uhJ bnal Ih rcccmJ bUI I didnt n~l ned du it b~ 57 eeond ~he farexcccd d m

c bull ti n~ shy

enior Kalh) Kilras ran her beM race ever Ixing the ~i th girl to ru~~ the fim~h lint Kalny fic+ over the coure in 105 ith ue Jen~cn fight behind her also at 2105 ~etll ng he r olon persona l record for the eour-e The fourth Drylnt runner to ome In ~a anc Dupre claimlllg t~nth pllce velaU ith excellent time f 2114 JUnior nn Ma rl lO

ran a great race for Bryant placing 22nd overall in 2208 while fresh men Lori Sa int Hillaire and Kathy fiomm lFlished rcall ~trong with time~ of 2225 and 2129 resp~ct hlely _ Junior Dottie- Searing and fre __ hman Lori Milrmo re have hown tremendou impro ~mlnt so a r this ~eason ith the Tri-Stalls as a high point Both ~e t

per onal records on the course with DOllies lime of 2504 and Lori orossing thl line In 2625_ Mandeville ltIl1ribUles the success of his learn to utheir ~ltitude and the fact tha theyre not afraId to go out and work real hard _

rhe girls also did very well in the Rhode I land latc Champion~hip race held October 8lh lit Bryant Although the compelltion wa 1lreml) tough the Bryltlnt team set many personal record on the Cour e Lyc Wllnle ha becomc the la test woman runner from Bryanl on the cours breakin the eXIsting school record _ he is the first woman runncrlu become an A lA W Rhode land All tar trom Bryant This recognition comes from being one 01 the til I linihers in the Stete Championship hcre Lyse came III 14th o erall vitb ber record breaking lime Abu with personal records un the coure Itr Nanq Dupre al 20_54 Kalh pnumm 2218 Anne Quill 2309 and DO ltie Searing at 2502

As a result 01 the two home meet held the e past two wetkends the 19 2 womens Cross Country team rune llll made the list a~ being the top 20 fastest Bryant women runners on the Brant ourse (cun idcred the mo t middothlllcnging Courc ar undl llIh i3r anr top IIc rUUn r) III luded 10 th top (n I b IJu~1 une m r a on h) Inl) )carmiddot tcam I

considered the best omcn team 10 run fo r Br~ anI The team ha 10 olg meets comillg up 10 v bullbull 1(h the hoplt to OntlO II llh their Uc e-~ _ On October ~91h lhe trine to Penll~lanili for th~ lA1 Eatern Regional ational Qual lfyillg mect lind in

l)(mber I hc I IA V-E A( Cro~s

CountI Champion~hlp meel al Hol~ Cross

( he Wo mc ns Va rsilv Volleyba ll ha s been ra nked fifth in ew ngland (plus New Yo rk) in Di i510n 1- A ranking Coach Lorraine Hudak is quile proud of

Since ew York has been included in our region the ompelition is much tougher exp lains an excited Hudak

Th lady Indians present record is 14-4 This coming after defeating Ale tonehlll und Barrington a nd 10 ing 10 Brown _

The loss to Brown however will nOI hurt the Women standing in the Divbion accord ing to Coach Huda

On Saturday t he Women travel to Eastern Connecticut for tournament Ieam~ from Divisionmiddot I II and III will be competing Hudak feels the women will have to do well in this tournament to keep their standing

I he team 10 beat arc Di I ion Itr I1rst and second place teams RIC and Eastern Cunnecticut

the tea m 10 add pi rit as well as slrength to the team They (the fresh men) add enthusiasm a nd energy to the team say Hudak

V lerie Lit t lefield a three-time all-sta r player and a member of the Massachu etls Oloba l Schola middottic team i a trong consistent hiller ccording to Hudak

Ann- Marie Harrington doing bOlh hilling and setting was a member of lhe All-division first tea m and AIl-Slale second team in Rhode Island _

Lisa Carr aho a member of the All-divisjon Iirst team and All-Sla te first team in R hode Island is also a strong and consistent h itler

Beth Pollard having never played befoR na) become a good setter according to Hudak

Also consistent in their play are Car 1 Huam~n and Wendy Skomar) I can ihpend on them as well as any olher member to give Ihe team ~tron-g and consl tent play

Tennis ends Season with a 500 record

By Roberl L onardj Of The Archway StafJ

For the secUlld year in a row tne women s lenni tcam ha finished lheit )ea~on witll a 5shy5 rccord Coach Peter Barlow was pkased ith the way hi) glrh handled them elves in overcoming an early de IC iL Conch Barlow wa glad to ee that all of his girl played their matches wi th a good uilude and kept Ihelr mental toug hncss no matter what the score wa

deg weeks ago the girls traveled to I-ro idencc and partiClpateu in th~ Rhude I nd I II III I I Ducu ment 1 h leam dId II I r t clr II cl anllth glrb were lIb c II rna n w riends and mee old onemiddot _

Some oULStanding performance thlea~ n hac mc Ir m eni r nn e ld~k and l1 Oal h or Iht 11 t tlo _Ql I d rrcord II lfi--_ amI tunJor K rrn lu p and Janna ) o~c prtn r in rhe d(lubJ e~

c mpctIIion oaeh Barlow Qu Ld al 0 like to e~pecUilly Ihank Barb ra PapillO for hlr valeran expenence that she contnbuted to the Icam Ove all Coach Barlo fcc I thal the learning IJopericnce 01 match play Will help the girl whtn they return next ~cllr Lira Daly

Ben Edwards and Mike Bradley compete in the Tri-stale Cro f Country meet held here at Bryant on Saturday

Gol f t e a m p laces second 1

bull ECACs By Rick Morenzoni maklOg a sI r ng showing for Ihe Indians was

The Brya nl College Golf cam d os d out Ke in Mc Kenna who shot a five 153 T he second place Jn i ~h was Bryants besttheir fall schedule wi th a second pia e fin is h in

ever in EC AC whi h i~ compri ed larg I of Division choo L More importantly Ihey

the A tournament al Yale Country lub In ew lIalen on nect i uL

fin i) hed ah a d 01 a rch r iva l Ce n lralThe Ind ian t lHHlay tOtal of 627 left them ~ell behind champion Rama po College of onnect icut in ongoing bid 10 represent -ew

Engla nd in the C A A Divi ~i n II Natimalew _I er~ey ho e lea m score was 612 Rama po achieved the vit tory by plac ing [OW Tourna ment A panel o f olTlcia L review the

fall a nd spring result to clermine the teamgolfer~ in third place tied a t 15 Bryant was thaI would hest represent Ne Engl3nd at the

a 36 hole to tal of 150 good fo r second place lead by senior ap tia n Jim H~d let who a rded

NCAA~ In la t pring Brya nt b tr)-lOg t reca ptu re tha t honor after a I WO year absence

(N H) Ric h Parker wbo fired a 144_ Al o Medal ist honors went 10 P lymo uth ta tcs

in which Ccntral was electcd both times

PholV b l Wendi Parker Photo by Wendi Parker

The Bryant Indians are ) -2-0 in the Northeast -8- Conference foccer standingf Two tea members Tim Lawlor and Mario M acera have been selected as Bryant Atheetes of the Week for October 10-16 based on their strong perf ormances against onehill and Bentley Colleges

Soccer pair make

and the Bentley VictOry

Athlete f the eek I Athlcte of lhe Week award lor clober College o n )cl 16 Meanwtule Macera

10middot r li being shared by two member f thl s~ored )n~ g al In both tht ~roneh ill victor Bryan t soccc r team T im I awlo r and Mario

Macera The t o player are ha ving very prod uclive I a IUf huJ nne a ssisl In the 4- 1 Nonhea~l -S seasons In lead ing (he Indians 10 a 3-2-0 N E-8 onferen e icwry over Sto neni ll Co llege on confe rence record thus fa r Lawlor i the

Ocwber 13 he also cored two goa ls a nd had I leade r in points with 8 for the Indians while assi t in the 3-0 E-8 vict o ry c r Bentley Macera i ~ seco nd wilh 7


Paae 6 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

intramural UpMamp

Football Playoffs near By Kevin Faulkner RCJut t hicn Rapi~l and 1Uff Angle~ to in

th d ldsion Look out fo r Wa hlllglon Hllllo t Itmiddot the time o f thc year in whi h r otball is pre ail d ue t I the i r Cr p rc ~ent

no longe r a game of ya rds bu t a ga me of aggrc~si cncs a nd intimida t ion inches a time in hi h e cr t m will be ( Dt b il)n fu o r iIC indud 714

o Oi IMon In the Weak League ha a host of and shou ld be laored Wa tch OU t for the ( )tites intl ud ing Watington Hill _ afari Wccblcs l nd Weeblelles th o ugh

Two tlams ballll it out in qUlst of thl intramural football playoff



r r~


Join Bryant alumni fac ulty and staff in enjoying this exciting and fu n filled play at the Ocean State Performshying Arts enter Saturday November 13 1982 at 800pm Barnum is a three time Tony Award winning musical which sketches 45 years in the life of the flamshyboyent 19th Century American impresario PT Barnum who gave us The Greatest how on Earth Barnum bursts with color gaiety and sleight of hand and features more acroshybatics juggling tightrope walking and pure charm than a 3 ring circus After the produ tion join us for a wine and cheese reception in the lobby of the theater

SPECIAL STUDENT RATES $650 includes bus transpor ation plus the show and the reception NON-STUDENT RATES $13 0 includes the show and the reception





S NIORS Brawn Studio will be an campus ov 1 - Nov 19 to Ake your ersonal nd yearbook portraits You may sign up for an appointment inside the

tudent Senate office Portraits will be k n in the MAC Conference Aoom December grads sign up soan - Appointments fill up fast

Meet Your Miller



When you need beer or other MUler Brewing Co products for ptllties or other social events contact Brian Keating at 949-3202 For f urther information contact



(from the Hodgson Memorial LIbrary Staff)

Here are just a few of the things that happened last year

bull We kept the library open and offered personal assistance for 4252 hours

bull During the academic year over 1690 people used the library every day Over 367213 people used the library last year

bull During a typica l week an average of 1900 people got some manner of assistance from staff

bull librarians provided classroom bibliographic Instruction for 1400 students

bull Reference librarians offered personal research assistance 5449 times and distributed 500 bvslness research guides

bull Interlibrary loan borrowed 532 Items for faculty and students and loaned 712

bull Conference rooms were booked 6123 t imes bull The Audio Visual Department responded to 6636 requests

for equipment and created 2070 transparencies

bull Over 48757 Items were circulated by the referenceperlodshyleal and c irculation departments

bull 3926 new book titles were acquired and the faculty was notified of 1661 titles relevant to their particular dlslpllne

bull Over 19630 cards were flied In the catalog provide access to the collection Actually we are very pleased at the continued level of activity The next time youre wondering what the library has done for you lately just ask Its one of our favorite topiCs

scratchi ng a nd lawing 1m that littl e tra-E playolT (eer is in the a ir In thc strong d t is ion l the tca m sta nd ings

how the mllki ng f a e rill ~ dog t ight The Sykos T e mple a nd 6gers a rc a ll in position to captu re lhe DI i~ion Champion~hip rh edge goc to the S ykos ho defeated a Mrong TempI tca m carlkr in the car

In thc F ral dnis ion hi sig looks good but the Pycho Killer louk a csomc and ~hould be lavored 10 capt ure the en ti re Strong Dii i n I llle

In the Wea Dii~ion A three tcam hae odds-on p s ibilities HI In the dtislon shyBlack Shad ws Blue amp Gold and Load ing Zone ith the Black Shados haVing the upper hand

T num ph and the rui st 8rother~ ith God onl~ knlll4i ng hll i gOIng 1Il pre a il T1NN IS n~une rLa~lIlg Int ramu ral en m IS a~ed

pound0 please look at the In tram ural Bulletin boar and he I Olll ehed uled matches An~ one nOI making an all mpl 10 onlact thtd r opponent ill be dis4uahfied IO LLCYBALL

The ~ i teen (eam~ to appea r in Ihl Fall In tramura l Volle) ball playofE are Weebles Bandt Appk Pie Kid Faces Ball Buster Wccblcllc~ Rcbeb Inva lidgt Numb rs ESP Double Ision Brunos Shaam 1enth Heave n D) na t ) and My t i4uc

The um bers (made up 01 many of the girb ar ily baIclbail team) ork ell togtther

October 22 1982

Finding new direction By Bill Henry

Nt r the end of the last ~ hool year the Ne Directi ns Associat on (N DA) became a newly recognized sluden t organization The purpo e f the ND i to diversify the acade mic curri ulum and to develop the pe nal growt h of the student body and its me mbers

The sso iat ion structure consi t of two teams he Learning Skills ream which is re p nsi b l fo r acade mic programming a nd the P rogra mmi ng Team whose res ponsibility

Prese ntly the N D A meets ever T uesdav at 330 p~ in Roo m 278 The pu rpose for t h~ meeting IS to provide ongoing tra ini ng to the assoclatlo n memb~rs one weI (for example l~ade hllgt assertiveness communica tions lIsterung etc ) while the a lternate week is held for genera l business and team projects

Cu rre ntly the fo ll ow ing people are me mb r of the NDA he~yl Gordon-President Bill Dziura-Viceshy

p reSid en t Jean Weidma n- P rog ra mming e~m Chairman Robin Waters-Lea rning

Sk ills Tea m Chairman Brenda Eri kson Bill H~nr Su~ Horne Ken Jalbert Frank Kelly En k Leeming MI~e Lindgren Kim Rote Jay Rya n Kathy SilVia a nd Don White


Ocfober fi 230- 4 DO in the Rotunda



Hillel News

We ould Ii e to tha nkfully acknowiedge donations from parents of two Hillel mem ber Donat ions are a lways apprecia ted and gra tefully accepted

Ledger phot ~ will be taken at the lIext meet ing - WedneSday October 27th Ju

bring yourself lnd wear a smi le An add it iona l bru n b is set fo r Sunday

Novem ber 7th Watch ro r detallsjIere - or put your elf o n our ma iling list It s ur to be good time

Dont forge t Friday Night Services tonight at 30 Room C-35 I See you the re

150 O UT next meeting has been planned for

Wednesday October 27 at 4pm in room 365 Hope to~e you there

Circle-K C ircle-K is a service o rganization which

works to help the school and the community ome a nd find out more about Circle-K on

Thursday October 28 at 330 Refreshments

will be served There will be a sign in the Rotunda to ann un e the room number All a re wele me-former Key C lu bber and Keyette and nyone ele intere middotted Hope to e you there

BrYcol We wou ld li k e to extend our

congratulat ions I a nd welcome these new di rectors to the board Ka ren OHara Greg Ha ~ s L nell a nd Eileen OBrien

Now ava ilable at the ountry Comfort a re irresistible yria n subs Why not walk down and try o pel

Agape Agape would like to thank the entire

campus for su ppurting o ur nower sale du ring Parents Wee kend You mad it a success W e would especially like to thank our members who made it possible

Agape welcomes all students to attend our meeting They are every Monday night at 7pm in the Facult y Dining Hall See you there

Agape is excited to have back on ca mpus this weekend our founder and past president Lori McCurry We love you Lori John 316 God Bless

Paae l

Delta Mu Delta There will be a meet ing fo r all new member

r Delta Mu Delrt o n Monday October 25th in Room 245at 330 T he meeting will cone Tn the election of a rea urer and Secretary Please try to attend

Future Business Leaders of America -Phi Beta Lambda provides an opportu nity f r stude nts 10 lea rn Irstha nd ab out the business comm unity It oal in lude learni ng how to beco me n effective business leader learning more about the American middot free enterp rise system buildi ng self-coni idnce encouraging m ney ma nagement a nd learningmore about the business community New mem bers are a lways welcome Stop by a nd fi nd ut what were a ll a bout We meet every T uesday in Room 250 a t 330

Delta Omega ickets are ava ila ble for the fi rst Din n r f

the yea r now in the Ro tunda a t the ticket boo th The Dinner will be held at Bell Farms on route 7 The Speaker is Bob Fish the Vice- p reside nt and general manager of Bo to ns WR KO radio station Tickets a re $895 for a complete buffet ocktail ho ur start a t 600 and dinner will be se rved at 700 All stude nts of all majors are welcome See you there

The Bryant Sports Car Club will be holding its first Fun A uto Railey leaving from Bryant this Sunday October 25th R egistration is open to anyone from Ihe Bryant Community with a car not necessarily a sports car R egistration isfrom I I to 12 am in the commuterparking lot with a $500 entrance f ee per car A co-driver is needed for each car to act as a navigator No experiance is needed to participate in this event It is a good (Jppourtunity to test your driving (navigational) and sense of directional skills

A simple ob ervation can lrueJy amaze the orph n type studeot wb se parents d idnt show up for Parents Weekend It seems a metamorphic event took plac the a erage ho le-jeans ra tty T-shirt campus bum converts to a G Q twe d and sla ks m n when his parents show up a t school

With no surprise at all 99 of the student body wardrobe is the same color blue blazers Doe everyone conform to the Societal Norms or was there sale on blue blazers at Ann amp Hope

It seems it doesnt ma tter as long as one d res es up but wha t about the o rphan Does he onform Most do but there are some careless delinquentmiddot that still roam the ca mpus A pri me example is the Stein He ai an elega n t Wine heese rece p t io n for par-ems walks in to the su ite ith a glass of bong water in hand a black Fra nk Za ppa TshyShirt on and half-bleached half-torn jeans on

The Stei n ignori ng anyone with a blue blazer on proceeds to watch S t Louis beat Milwa ukee and sip hi bong a teT Is this behavior uncout h or in d ividualistic Per onaJly I think his mother should have slapped bim harder when he was a bad boy Hope u lly Stem will cha nge his ways before nex t Parents We kend

Joke of the Week Wha t d id the d river say to the one-legged hi tch-hiker H p in

Parents weekend wa~ a huge succe s last weekend at PHI E P A great time was had by e e ryone w ho a t ten d e d Speci a l congratulations go o ut to Vp Frank DOst illo for the fi nej b he did organizing the weekend Way to go a rrot

Our Smoker was last night and to say the leas t it was a super time for all the brot he rs a nd independent men who attended Wake up guys l lts another day G et psyched fo r the weekend

A belated congratulations is d ue to brother middotRod Simm ons who was a runa way winner in the GLC Cross-Cou nt ry Race Good job Squid (guess who wrote this buddy) Our foot ball tearns are still showing well Our A team is hovering around the 500 mark and Blue and Gold is hold ing strong at 5-1-1 Doc Rock youve been put on waivers at last report

Volleyball starts next week Well be sponsoring 5 teams Good luck to QEII Bryants defending champions as well as to T he Enterprise ( lets beam out Spock )

Blue lInd Gold the Penthouse I I nd Thet -Phi Ep

hope e ery ne had a great Pa rentWe Week-End At least we all had good rood

Our v lIeyball tea m ended up with a win ning season Thanks to our wonderful servers ( Diana a nd Julie ) Now that we are in the finals lets win the whole thing

This Friday October 22 we are having a Pilzza Part All freshma n and independent girls are welco me Meet at the suite (Dorm 6 240 ) at 430 See ya there

Also th is weelc-end we a re going a ppleshypi king II freshman and independent girl are welcome Meet Sunday October 23 in the suite at 130

Look for our candy apple sale next Wednesday ( 10 27) a ndThursday( 1O 28)in the rotunda from 10-3 Doesnt your mouth water just t hinking of the delicious apple

~Ip~ll ~i 11Rllppll Hope everyone had a nice weekend with

their parents Thanks for the cocktails Kappa Tau and Tau Ka ppa Epsilon

Sharon yo u d id a great job at your So ia l Pledge interview We all congratulate you

w y u a n go into the middle r o m u r vo lleyball team Apple Pie Kid s are 7- 1

now We made it to the playoffs and m aybe we ca n win it all Remember you have got three

hilS girls hrissy What the hell was that and

shake those MG Maybe ou r weekend will get progre sive ly better Every weeke nd should be fu ll of leaves a nd new male friends

Twister Happy Hour this Friday October 22nd 3-5 We are located in Dorm 6 Room 31 2

Let it Snow

OK you kumquats Ive been hearing too much flack about not getting in the Greek I ew so here it is First of all Ha ppy 20tlt to Mongol Hey Z if you stop partying for three months maybe youll get some of your braincells back So Garno I hear DustyS not enoug h eh Hey J im did that kid really apologize to you Rem I cant believe you dont remember bird jumping on and breking your table unbelievable Julie wOlld you dane for us again and by the way who wrote her that nasty letter

Now for the real news since I wasted an inch of space and three minutes of somebodys time In football lhe A-team lost again Keep

trying guys The B-team is still hanging tough with a 4-4 record Party with the Sibbies t his weekend be there Co-ed Volleyball is starting so I want to see all y u jocks o ut there learning volleyball from the girls T his T uesda y is our nnual smoker All Freshma n wi hing to attend be o n the fl oor by 6 O Ti ll next y ek bye neighbo~

b r i a very bu y month with alllpe~ of acti~itits planned Parents Weekend went o middot r quite ell Ev n tho ho were orphaned had ma n grea t urnes Saturda y nigh t some of our sisters upported the GLC by tending the GLC bar- good job girls

This past Wednesday we held our first Allotment Night of the semester This is a night that the sisters go out and reminisce a bo ut old times as well as make future plans It is a night ot remember-Get psyched for the nex t one girls

Last night the first Int er- o rority Reception was held We had the reception catered also there wa s a magician for our entertainment The reception introduced girls to the advantages and bene Its of Sorority life at Bryant All those who attended really enjoyed themselves-if a ny body missed it be sure to look for future events

Saturday October 23 SIX a nd TEP are sp onsoring our Olympiad all freshmen ma le and female are encouraged to sign up a nd participate We have a sign-u p table in the Rotunda so be sure not to miss it You need 5 people for a team and then a n yo u have to do is ~ ign up in the Rotunda by 2pm today After the Olym piad well be ha ving II picnic Its a day n obody will want to m iss

nce again cooed intra murals are closi ng in on us Next week o ur volleyball teams start playing-good l uck alll If any fre hmen and inde pendent gir l st ill havent igned up ior co-ed volleyball It st ill isn t 100 late_

Next we k nd is Hallow en-for t hose who have never stayed here fo r Halloween Weeke nd- it is absolutely wild This year will be no d ifferent

Friday October 29 3-6pm I X is holding a Happy Hour in the Pub It will be a grea t way to start off a weekend-be there or be squayuh

Marfa would li ke to personally than k Ma for bringing up her visitors She had quite a wild weekend tha nks to MA PS thanx Wumbuz and Chris for visiting me in my roto home Essay

Hope everybody has a fun weekend and please support our Olympiad

The Brothers would like to commend the football team for giving it hell All that effort is definately worth a lot We know that sooner or later we are going to kick some A

Beta will be having their annual cookout this weekend Naturally well have hot dogs chips and refreshments If you are interested

just give one of the brothers yo ur Saga 10 number May be Tom will give you a lesson on how to eat a dog

Our realist ic (pessimistic) vice-p resident Port has conj ured up a Persona lity Weekend in conjullct ion with Kappa au Fraterni ty that ill blo your mind 111 e sure (hat all clnc1ld t n me faT pen n IiI jud n night are s lbmitted before November 2 An organization or lub may enter a candidate

OUT faithful alumni ill be up for persunality wee~end H a pp~ )- will be h re agai n Our alu mn i 1 11 pa rtic ipa te In the judg ing and also in partying times Who will be the Ivan on personality weekend brothers Chip and Skeeter

Finally our hockey team is being organized a nd it looks reaUy good this year We have ~ome good solid players and we are looking forward to a great season

As always H Y S

Its TGIF in KDK land today marking the end of the first round of tests for all concerned(There is a God) Congratulations to all who survived and get psyched for an anxiety-free weekend at last

Cooed volleyball starts next week a nd the sisters are looking forward to a great eason teamed wi th TE Also wed like to thank all the girls Who played volleyball for us Hope 10 see you when t he End of the Worldco mes to Dorm 5

As is the custom today also ma rks the return of our roaming a hloon ini (a lias Bobo) Wh ts the scoop Carol J ust beca use we dont have our ow n ex pense accoun ts and driv nice car doesn t mean we dont rate

Well this ends our acco unt of another startlingly eventful we O L and BL please try to get ho me at a reas ona ble hour next time O K

Bye-bye and happy sailing

ig ltll ~igmll regmicrol1 Tht S istc s (IJ 0 hope eve r o ne enj~yed

Parents Weekend as m uch as we did Best behavior was apparent th roughout the Bryant community-what happened Our pizza party at Disco s was excellent Oh-that homemaue pizza and other refreshments We hope all those who attended had a good time Our showcase in the Library was beautifully a rranged by our creative and talented sisters Lisa and Laurie--tres chic The all sorori ty reception was held on Thursday Each sorority was represented and brought their crazy sisters along to help the festivities be more enjoyable Chicken o up seemed to be plenliful a round the sisters this week Hope you all feel better for the wild weekend a head Signing off the MAD --


A young admirer Steve Landesberg

The Karate Club kicks up a storm in their demonstration for the fXlrents

The E

bulle 81

- An actress perf orming in the Bryant Players show Doesnt she ~emind you oj one of your oid teachers~ The Chapai

parents in the Rotunda

October 22 1982 Paae9

autograph from

ents The Bryant Players explain Why Teachers Go N uts I





takes a sip of water during his show

The Bryant Jazz Band warms up the audience for Steve Landesberg

Main Even photography br WencJi Parker Celina Santos and Rick Levin

Centerspread larout is by Bryan ajjerky

a mass with the Ready set go Men s Cross-country leam running in tire Tri-state meet


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Pate 10

SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

$200$150 for copies

Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

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Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

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October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




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Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

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I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 3: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae3 Suite-Style LIlII Irom p I oJ Candidate sReaks It forum recreatIOn lounge ill (he basement or pits as tle~ arc c-lIct

The ~ulte-t~le dorms at Brynnt olTer Michaelson attacks republican pol~ciesnumerous fe ltuft not found in mo~t Olher chooh hou Ing facilille~ For example aU Kathleen mith Wall treel not Main middot treel Michaelson requir sufficient nOlice by compaUles to

to wall carpeting curtatn~ bo k~hches on the Of The Arebway Stiff de~k and tndildual bathroom arejust some Candidate ror U enate Jultus of the not-so-common lealure foune in the I1lchaebon poke at the Sociul cience SS d(jrm~ In addition calfee table 31 unge torum held at Brvanl Thursday October 14 chaIr a couch and the cubes which adorn the The lormel Allorney General 01 Rhode 1 land IIiing room area contribute III the addre ~ed man IS ue~ neluding tudent contempora tyle of the sUItes loans ocial Stcurity iknefits corporate

Damage fee are taken out of a $100 taxation and unemployment damage deposit put up b each re ident Michaelson a Democral all3cked several tudenl I he fees arc determined by phyical Rcpuhlica n p licie adocated by U plant employees ho eSlimate the costs of SenatDr John halee (Rep ) and PreSIdent repaIr ur replace ments Bills are ent 10 Ronald ReCln Ulh a the Balanced Budgclseniors 1 ho hine grduIlled It ob iou~l~ is Amendment the b213 billion defense budget more difficult 10 ul~tribute damage line in a and the Ifbulltclent taxatIo n t corporaLI n corndor-halltype dorm weh ~ the Freshmen for example Mi haclson said Iht eneral norm he aue thc hail IS uch a public area Electri Corporatwn had 25 biliton in1 he aim of the choo I i~ to red uce uamage and unta cd prot t He called 11m IOlal))I unlair cover co ts Last earthere ~a a tremenduu totall~ unju~t when prugrams for the amount 01 broken windo s after pring handicapped nt S cI31 ecurll~ have been Break Thl~ us d re~ult of baseballs and many Cllt back due to the lack of maney rocks in the winte r the culprits are nowball lhe Repuhlicans re more Intcre ted in Cigarette bumbullInd beverage tains are the tw mot omm(ln cau es of damage- llmo ( alvay~ occullng at partlcs BibleThe party pennit procL-dure I icr imple process The perulJts mav be picked up in the re~idence life office located in the pit of Donn bull 6 They an be obtained until Wedne~a) of semInarseach week and hould b returneCl (1n Thur day aIter the RA check) it Then they may be pukcd up again after Ihey arc approved - b) rida allernoon fhe e scheduled permits must be a ailable upon the nquest of either an RA or ecurity on the evening of the Chaplain flicc poniOrs a eries of Bible purty Details on party regulatiom are eminars thi~ Fall ever lliesday I 30 pm outlined in the Campu Informali n Guide in ROlm 0 266 b~ginntng October 26 I he and from RAs speaker l Dr J o hn Williamlt Asso iate

Most approved suite partie runmouthly Profe~or of Management al Bryanl and 8 Jhe exception are cases when people hailng orId evangeli~1 heard about iI party asume it open nd Jhe kinLdom 0 God has (hree dbtinc[ inVIte themseh e phae~ W arc 10 the first pha~c of Gods

In generalultt- tyle dorms arc popular kingdom vhlch may eem mysleriou~ now ith tudents who view them as almo~ 1 an but ~et it i a real as Ihe world In whIch WI

apartment unes pro ide a comfortable Jive 1 he Kingdom of God i pirilual at this life tyle for the mal nly (Aryanl rddent tage It a e~lahli hed on earth b Jeu fud nl hr I ncarl_ OOO ~car go 1 h cond

phe I Ihl KlOlldum v III be Ih~ III~Till rule of J u n CIlT h fter hi middotc ond min or o ne thou~and ~Cltlrs The Ihird pha~e III

hca~en The good new I that an ne Lan cnter tnt l (j Kin -dom n and II e In Itpresented Thc bcaut lnd rI hn 01 00 Kingdum can ~ e p rienced no Lmng tn Gud

On OctOber 6 at it annual Cluemic Kingdom i LI~ing In perl ct peaL~ beingRecogOltion metting lhe Proldencc hapler filled ith JO) liling in right ousn~s and of the Financial L e uliH Institute holimeLlit31Ing peaking and obeying G ds pre~ented it first aCddemlC exccllen e iJward word being Itlled with the WI dom and to Bryanl College to Miss lanet RubidOUX a knOwledge of God being governed by tbe cnwr Accounltug major from Blackstone ~pirilual laws doing [he wod~ of Jesus

Ma achu~eU~ Mi~s Robidous ho a 10 109 one another reigning and ruling with nommaled by Professor hlippelli Chairman Chri~t clai nung and receiving the promises of of the Accounting DepartmeDl a~ hunored God Ii inga onsofGodandjointheirswith or her outslanding achievement and her Jesus Christ overflOWing with abundance

ra nge 0 rela ted preprofe iona I activitle enjoying divin hcallh and angelic protection Professor Filippelli presented the award at the and having everlasting life I- I meeting at which Dr WilliamT OmiddotHara I hiS eminar has been orgamed for the Pre ident of Bryant sp ke on the subJe I of entire BT)anl community (~tudenls Staffand Executhe Burnout Faculty)

rhe award plaque will hang In the Edith 011 are cordially invtled

Hodg~on Library in the reference Circa

The Announcetne n t s


The Office or Student Activitiegt ill be A Guestpreacher will peal at our no n Mtaking student I D and giv ing out kobol on undd October 24th Father Jo~ephStickers throughout the chool year Mond y Prolann will gtpeak on the ~hurch minitry 10 through Friday 9 am to 4 pm A~ a tudent divorced separated and remarncd per~on~turn 20 years of age they l11u~t have a new

I D laken Studenl~ wh are receiving an The apIa in Office will )ponsor a seminar alcohol sticker or an over-20 ID must by Dr John Willi~lrru i ing in God pre enl a photo proof of idenlificatj n Kmgdon middotow The emlOar will be offered (driermiddots License SAGA ID etc at lne ccr~ Tuesday from )lO to 430 pmbull in om e of tudent 0 tivi ti e middot Room 266 AU member of the Bryant

C()mmuniLy re inviled

ATTENTION DEC GRADS ____ College Retreat Weekend Novem ber 19lhru If )OU have not filed ca ndidate for uegree 21 (Friday e ening thrll Sunday nooo at

form 10 the Regislrarlgt Office pleas do so Chr middot tian Brothers Retreal Center immediately Failure 10 do ill re ull in a Narragansett For regltrat ion more info delay in your dcgrte being ordered and having c ntact Dave I rris Rlgi tration deadline your name printed the way you wish it I ovember 1st

THE CALL TO BE PEACE MAKER CHAPLAIN bullNOT1CES _____ A lectUre by noted pacifist Gordon Zahn

Our ReguJar ehedule t weekend war hip aturday October 23rd a t thc Community wi ll resume this weekend College of RI Lincoln Part of a day-long

Frida~ Hillel crvice 630 pm Ro m C-351 conference span ored by the Communil Sunday Mass~ 12 noon Rotunda pm Alfa i r Vi ari te of the Dioce e of

lJorm 14 Providence 1 register contact the unday cumenic-( I Scnlce 4 30 pm MA Chaplaln~ Office a t Sr ant ext 309

tated me-amng the RepUblicans are dealmg employee who will have lay-offs or hut ilh the economy and 0 t ith the people downs and 4) set up 3 mot~ reciprocal foreign

A four pan program developed by trade policy Michaelson va designed to help all people Profcs or JaM rella modlratcu the bullIod pecifiltully Rhode Islander if Forum and also 11th Profe sor Wilham Hill bull implemented a ked que lion of Mr Michaelson Throu~h various tax break~ and laws Senator Chafee Ihe Incumbent in office

Mlchacbon hopcqo I)encouragecompantes ill offer his view 10 the Bryunl communilY to come [0 and stay In Rhode hland 2) hoost on Tuesday October 26 in the Rotunda at emplo men by re-traintnu emflloyec 3) 230 pm

Dorm 14 leads In the Tupper Bowl

8y Jay Weinberg Our neXI ecnt WIU be the MlrH-Olympic hwillbcintheMACOnNo 3 Ihi year eDorm 14 orth sturmed into Iml place 10 v ill feature a -hoe scramble a al~r balloo n lhe Tupper Bowl by inning Ihe plc-cating

a to~s 0 cou llleconte~1 Monday nigh The Freshmen picked lU rrisbee an blaele a clothing race and a find Lhe ball in theup 10 points for lhcinicrory Dorm 4 Wished Racquetball court contt~t The court ViJl bea tr ng second earning 7 pOints Dorm 10 pitCh black or nU rse We arc lookinghung 10llgh with a third place finih orth 5 forwarJ 10 a go d ttm t and some good leams point Fourth place vent to 14 outh while

oaT participati In and Dorm plrit halCfifth place wa gfabbed b~ Dorm 11 Every been great It IS still early bUI it secm the coshy

001 rn Iht partiCIpated receive one POlnl for ed dorms are reJII leadmg the 3y Come on attendanc you middotlnglcmiddot)ex dOlms slart racking up thoseTh~ plc-ltallng conte I a~ a grcat success poitm Hey Dorm I l art ) 0 11 ut tllCrenTh parti Ipanls hat their fill and c~lr ne

Stunding~ Of The earnhau iI good time Sorry about any FIR r 14(25 point)dbcrepancie in judgIng an eenl likc thi I~ ccond bullbullbull IO(2J poinl )difllcul to judge We can only learn from our rhird bull lie 17 P01OtS)ll1itak Thank Ou 10 everyone who arne fourth bull bull bull bull 4( 10 pintraquoc~peclull Ihe participants (tic) bull bull bullbull 9( 10 poWLS

Repairs to dormitory villagL

Wet pits bullbullbull leaky roofs Doug Dorman

or The Archwa) taJf I bein 10 c IIII I r I) ~ rre I m d n u rool I time

ra COli Manager at Bryant becau It

ccured in lhe bOl om of

the pre nl 01 rhree Brya nt ollege Jnrm~ Thi II rt I

n ed d sa rad the beginning of a yearly pruiect aimed at rerooling Dorm~ one th rnu h thin en

n ru on i pec tal ProJ h

e jO Ie D rm len

rh c c u cd moi ture

Uti s Draycull

Die lui

charg caused by pOI r

It elf

ha e been lea mg I r r I ~ eaf nd Ihe tel In leak are 0 numerou thai maintenance ha~

n the 1111 been unabl 10 I cale and repair many of who is in them

project ay this problem I Thi fall work i being done on dorms mne dramage around the 0 rm ten and thirteen a~ld rerltloflng WJI1 continue

10 remedy the siluation Bryant conlracted n ~ mauy dorm per year until an the dorm the 0 amp W Construction omllany from ha e been compllted Abhlon R I to Install a new drainage ~yslem Bryanl contracted a New York tirm near Ihe Dorm The type of sy~lcm I) amp W Applied Roofing LO do the work The new installed is called 11 Fnnch rain hich roofs will be different from 1f3dilionalroof~ in con i I~ of piping hOUlcd in crushed tone that they Will be upside duwn Th is mean and is designed to simply lake watcr away lhat they will have insulallon on top to from the Dorm prevent atmo pherie change from harming

0amp Waho rewater-proo ed the lowerwalls the water resistaot rubber membrane of Oorm T n and installed new insulation at underneath the ase Bryant plans to have ~imilar ork performed on ~ome othcr d rm which als laie serious Icakage at their base

BLOOD DRIVE DATES_ _____ Issue The len innen will receive n $1000 The following are tbe dates for the ca h prile

upcoming blood drive Anyone wllo ie inter ted in entering th Tue ay Octo be r 26 and Wedne~day ~tarch ~hould contact Fran On coli for more

December 1 information The deadline for subm itting an Blood supplie in Rh de Island are at a application to GLAMOUR i~ December I

critica l low-plea e he lp 1982

YEARBOOKS _________________TRANSFER STUDENTS ___ ___ if tbe last transfer credit sheet thaI you 1982 Yearbook are here Pick them up in

received liMed TE TATlVpoundered itsthcn you Ihe Ledger Office on Tue~days amp Wtdnesdays ho uld re4ue~t that your pre i liS college or from 330 - 5 pm Bring receipts and deposit

univer ity end a final transcrip t of your money academic record to 8ryant Registrars Office A TTENTLON FRE HMEN ______

FinaliJcd credit~ determine ~hen you are Please plan fo attend one f the gtoup

eligible to preregi ter for ncxt eme ter sessions that will be held to instruct Fre hmeo

our e on Prtregi tration procedures A hedule of tbe sessions is posted on the bullletin board

GLAMOUR MAGAZINE______ outside the Reg~lrars ollice Bryant College s tudents are invlled to

panicipate in GLAMOUR Maga7ine 1983 HIGH SCHOOL TRA INING ___ _ Top Ten Women Competilion Young 10morrow Iurday October 23 the women from colleges and unicrsilies Amba sador raini ng program will conduct throughoul Ihe oumry will compe te in Ihei r offic ial high chool Ir ining ses ion for GLAMOURearch for len outstanding those )tudents Interested In rei urm ng to I he ir students A panel of OLAMOU R editon will high sehou l ~ t udents aboul Bryant The select the winners on Ihe basis of their olid mecti ng will beglO at 1030am in MD Room record of achievement in academic studics BI C Coffee and doughnut will be er ed Ir a ld or extracurricular activillelgt on campu you are planning io attend this training or in the community ses~ion and you have not gien u an RSVP

The 19fs3 Top Ten College Women odl be plea~c c maa Sue Ahlbergat232-4068 Hopt feaLUred in GlAMO R Augu t College to ee you there

Paae 4 THE ARCHWAY Ottober 22 1982

Rugby Club refutes editorial To The Ed itor

This wriling IS in respo nse to your II middotcwationmiddot that renain mem bcn o f the Rugby Club were re~ponsible for the Beer Hurling Compctition on Wednesda y October 6 in the Koffle r Center Wh ile the Rugby lub is nOt pr uti od t he incident (no one should be) we are nOI res ponsible fro what happened

Sir I ask you were youcen there Did yo u see exactly wh it was thatl hre the tiL t cup and thcn the first beer Did) ou del e into the incident any deeper than the fact value

Tht fact or the ma lter i~ ~ permi~~ion a~ gramctl to w Ius) relcrnng 10 cen In

membc~ 01 the Rugh~ lub and al lea~ t me non-member) by the performer to u~e the tagt during intermis~ion

DUring a song that wa being ~ung by certain mcmber~ of the Rugby Club a beer cup a

Fraud by wire To the Editor

1 he so-called Burt Reynolds telephone credit card ita~ become acti c a thi loeallon It ma also be known 3lgt the Clint Ea~t ood r any other famou pers)ns credit card

1 he slorie~ _ou may have hear rega rding Ihese peorle ~anclioning Ihis are completely untrue

A number of arre~l~ havc been made in lhi~ C3lte

Thi is nlll an innocen t prank il ill FRA UD Ihat co t lot of people lot middot of money and unlairl~ II1ohes someone who cant even be charactried as a bystolndtr

We wan the fraud ended We arc nOI looking to prosecute people but

the Telephone Compan conducting an iftcn~le in~ligation inlO thi~ i ra udulent ac tilt) which II ill result in billing in ma ny IOSlance and to oml prosecution

We a1t the cooperation 01 al l to consider the placmg I traudulent calb 11 is a rime fraud by loire pUOIshablr by Siale and Federal Statutes C nvicllon under Federal La u to II bull r 111 jiii ii n p til

1000 in line~ talt la ll a re imllar ew ngland

Telephone om pany

thron at us and othe~ soon followed Who lhrew tht fir t betr1 L id middotou see It Mr Editor It wan t 0 we d idn th ro a n beer Io we did n t choo~e to partici pate Ra ther it wa~ li[ rally th rown upon u~ We ju t hap pened 10 be t he o nly people t ha were ea II )

iden tifia ble in IhI faceless crod and so reeehed we the brunt of Ihe blame

ir it yo u an going 10 accue members of the Rugby C lub or an body of co mm ill ing infantile a Is eit her direct ly o r non directly I wih no I i n ~it OU d li llie more reearch on the subJect You owe it 10 the accucd but mo~t of all )l)U lIwe it [0 yo ur i m prc~sioOl~tlc readers bull

We a rc ~oung c1u h that ha hccn working hard on the fie ld and off to tstablish a favorable name for urelves a n our chool Th is ki nd of wrile up doe nl hetp at all E~ peciall one b rdering n slander T ha nk you

B b Duff Match Secretary Doug GUOlgtolley

Vicemiddot President C hri C a rney

P re ident

Ed I 101 present fron m il

N orris pl~as for conSCIentIOUS vote 10 Tht Editor

As the ocmber 2 e1eclions a pproach we will b maklOg cri llcal choice am n8 ariou~ candida t and is ues hieh will affect Our nation ror year to come One i~sue that sh uld be flmOIost in our mind 10 seiccting nalional leadtrs and re prcgtentatlve~ i the i~gtue of human right Een though it is nOl presently gainmi an fronl page attention the sad s ituat io n in Central America continues Recen t) pUblished boob report the on-going erresslon and murder go emmen t shy~ponored in EI Salvador Un onunately much o f Ihc responlbilny f r th i ~iolence mut be placed o n the United Stares government slOce we continue to give military aid to repre~sie dictatorship in that area of the world

Man rc~pomlb l c I aden of the world go rnmenls and ou r own hae called a hall to SENATE ELECT ION FINAL R ESUL S Freshman Senator ~~ Greg Strafstrom won the run-off election

~ Senior Senator

shy~ Dale Fulcher I Congratu ahons to b hot ddcan 1 ates shy~

U S il olvcmcnt in the area of military aid ne local candid at fo re -election vhose

name h s appeared in th i~ paper however has consi~lentlv failed (1 meet hb challenge t spea k up -ro human right Scnat lohn Chalee (R-R I) supports S military aid to the violence-p rone govern mcnt ofEI Sallador nnd has resisu ed cffOrlb of local Clt llen and even of his co-Republican Congreswioman Schncider 10 change his iews In Ihis he has bee in conc rt ilh Ihc nat iona l Admin istra t ion in a lack of concern to r human rights violation and an insen~ilility to the oppre~scd poor of the World He along with the d mmist ration has Called a l y mll ral Ie of Ih o hasic prinoiples t his nation has Iraduiona Uv ascribed 10 onscienllou lot er~ shou ld fe rn m btr this o n election day 1982 and 194~ (Rev Daid Norris

Cat h lie Chaplain

At press time At press time

On Tue dllY Octo ber 26 Ihe secon d S l)cia l Science Forum ill b hdd in the 100 unda a t 230 pm I he ~pca 11 will be ellillor John Chalee ho Ioill pr M~nt hi~ ie on politics and Ihe economy Your parllclpation ill t h is en impo rllaquoln t e lent i~ cnc()uragcd Incumbe nt nntor Chafee is Ihe Republican candid al~ for S Senator You lI remember las t -ee lmiddot~ Social ~cilnee I-orum featured Sena t rial Democratic candidale Julius M iehnelon

Tbe Rhode I land Press Oub and the Public Inlonnatlon Office 111 it~ the orant communi ty to their co - pon nretl Guber natorial Debate on Wedn middotday Octob~r 27 at 730 pm in the J nikics AudHorium l he lour candida te~ have agreed 10 be present IncumbelTl-Goernor J Jo~cph GanahyshyDemocrat William Maflullo-Republican Peter Van Dam-I ndepentlen t Hilan alk-ClliJCn~ Partv

This is going to be the o~ly rour wa~ debule lor the gOernor ~eat prior to the Nov mber election and B ~ ant I fortunale l h ~t the e c nt We hurl each of you can attlnd thi~ Important debate

Bryant Ecoloy Action Club volunteers wilt be olearing UI Ihe Jonh MOH fami ly cemelery on Sallrda~ October 23 The Molofy cmeler) which b 10 led behind the M iC on the Bryant campus has tomb tonc daling from the I IOO~ A il

hl~tori a l cemeter~ M0 ry mu1be prcsen ed and mainlained

Vo lun ers will be mcel1ng behind the MA C a t 12 noon I- r morc infonnat ioll contact Fran Driscoll t Bryanta l 232- 1200 exl206

The ludent P rogramming Board mforms w that The Blushing Ik ids ovember concen ha bee n postponed until next semc ler due to recording ob ligatio ns On November 10 the PB i proud to present Boston~ bes t band

IIlE S10MPERS Thl Sunda) m IC is Ihe Omen 1 h Halloween m ixer i a week from tomorrow ~tan planning y ur co lume now

The Calendar FRIDAY 22

T odays the d n~ for the Ju nior class Picnic be ing he ld in l he Pub from 430shy630 Yo u an ign up in the Rotunda fo r 75lt or free if you ha vc a meal card

It ll oave yo u a q uarter (good fo r a ba tch of la undr)) if) u wcar you r el thes insid e ou t tMight at the pub Those 20 and ocr can a ll nd the mixer ~pon~o red by S M wit h DJ Rich Berrie75c normal 50or inside ou t

The 60 ) IiYl in tht Janik ics Audltonum al 700 a nd 9 15 ~hen spa prestnt~ Wood~t ock 50c $100 non- Bryant st ude nt

Sigma ambd a Th ta i ~ having pina party in Dorm b suite 240s from 4middot11 fo r all frc h ma n a nd independa nl g irls

TUESDA Y 26 The Rhode Island Blood entu wa nts

vour blood and theyll be taking it anyu me between 10-4 today in Ihe auditoriulll

1 here ill be a n import ant meeting of the Bryant P layer at 3 30 in room 2 5 Tw votes- one perta in ing to ou r spring productio n- will be taken P Itasc make eery effort to atlend Play r~

If H l M I your major or youre considering it to be _ our maj r (l r yo u JU5t want to gel involetl ~top by the Servitium C lub meeling today a[ 3 15 in room 25 1

B F ish a Bryant a lu mnus will be speaki ng a l Bell Fa rm t hi evening S po nsored b Della mega $8 95 includes a n a ll you ca n ea t buffel a nd M r F ishs presentation


A ball k f the sexes will take place today fr m I 00middot400 followed by a picnic fro m 4-6 T EP a nd IX are ponseri ng the Ir t a n nual Freshman O lym piad i lh

plenty o f fun-filled events

If you were lucky enough to get your tickct bd(lre Ihey o ld o ut the C IA

ha ride is tonight Meet in the c ircle al 600


H ave a que s l io n complaint ur co mpliment for lhe S tuden t cnate Bring it to the ir meeti ng in 3l6 AampB a t 330

BA P (Hea t Academic Probat io n) meet from 3 30 t 430 in room 2 + Fight o ff those under pa r grades

Worri d ab u t thaI II important job interview Get somt insig ht from people who ve been Ihere - and made it S weaty Pa lms will begin a l 630 in roo m 3116 AampB all E 41 5 by 10 22 to let them kn ow youre coming


Fn h ma n a nd I ndependant girls are inv ited to go ap ple pic king with Sigma La mbda Theta

The Ecumeniclc SCf ice i at 430 in Ihe Mac Conference rollm if you woke up too late fo r noon mas in the Rotunda

P H presents The O men at 27 amp 9 15 SOcent

Like to drive) Want to be in a m iley a e in the commul r pa rk ing lo t no laLe r than no on loday fo r the Bryant SPOrt s a r C lub Rail )



Lic from th upper level of th M A ils la tc nigh t with the A rchway staff


Allcnt io n S kier Fin d Ol t whcre to go fo r Ihe best ski aCllon this ca~on at ~he ki C lu b me ling The) 11 be in t he aUditorium a l 330 IUday

Brea king too man bo nes on Bryan t s athletic ridd~ harhe Mandt i1le Can help you o ul He s holding a S ports Inj u ry C linic rom 7-9 lonight in th t M onference roo m T rcg ister fo r the

sess io n call _3 1- 1200 Ex t 327


It s here aga in- another Hallo cert Weekend Get read y for the ghosts and go blins who will be out t spook you

l _October 22 982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 5

WOllla s V -Ball ranked fifthSPORTS

---------------------- These teams may be DiviSIOn III teams but By Toni Raekllffe they re till good tea m s says Hudak

Of The Arch way taffa total lea rn effort oach H udak i looking 10 the freshmen of

Women runners excel By Anne Quill

or The Archway Staff

The be~t women - ru nning teo I t hit Bryant is just one way Bryants Wome n Cro~s Country Team hnc be n descr ibe thl shyseason The girls have gained this recognit ion after ha i-ng several excellent race - this fall hlghlighled by a second place finish in I he T ri shytale Champiomhip race held last Saturday at llryam inc team participated in the race ith a lota l of 72 runner competing Bryant defeated Easlern Connecticut CoLlegc Stonchi ll Suffolk Wheatonbull alve Regina Quinnipl3c and Abertus Mangus College and finbhed ju t behind Rhode Island College _

Bryants trength lies in the fact that the girls ork together in a lotalteam effort Thb i shown by the Tri-Statc re ult~ where the top four Bryant runners all f1nbhed withm a minute of each othcr winning medal for plaCing in the top ten Bryants next three runners also crossed the line vi thin twenty seconds Of each other aJi with excellen t limes The team IS coached b) Ch~lrlie Mande ille who feelgt The cntlre team turned in the be~1 dfon ever b a Bryants women em scountry team and they are also the astest Bryant team eer~

Ly e Wanle unce again e(cellmg in her fint year as a Bryant runner took fourth plac olrall with iI time of 7009_ PrevIous to the 1 ri- late Lye broke [he Brvant cou e record in the Rhode h l ~nd State

hampionship held October 8 with Lime of 1956 Say oaen Mnndcillc ) kfll l~e uhJ bnal Ih rcccmJ bUI I didnt n~l ned du it b~ 57 eeond ~he farexcccd d m

c bull ti n~ shy

enior Kalh) Kilras ran her beM race ever Ixing the ~i th girl to ru~~ the fim~h lint Kalny fic+ over the coure in 105 ith ue Jen~cn fight behind her also at 2105 ~etll ng he r olon persona l record for the eour-e The fourth Drylnt runner to ome In ~a anc Dupre claimlllg t~nth pllce velaU ith excellent time f 2114 JUnior nn Ma rl lO

ran a great race for Bryant placing 22nd overall in 2208 while fresh men Lori Sa int Hillaire and Kathy fiomm lFlished rcall ~trong with time~ of 2225 and 2129 resp~ct hlely _ Junior Dottie- Searing and fre __ hman Lori Milrmo re have hown tremendou impro ~mlnt so a r this ~eason ith the Tri-Stalls as a high point Both ~e t

per onal records on the course with DOllies lime of 2504 and Lori orossing thl line In 2625_ Mandeville ltIl1ribUles the success of his learn to utheir ~ltitude and the fact tha theyre not afraId to go out and work real hard _

rhe girls also did very well in the Rhode I land latc Champion~hip race held October 8lh lit Bryant Although the compelltion wa 1lreml) tough the Bryltlnt team set many personal record on the Cour e Lyc Wllnle ha becomc the la test woman runner from Bryanl on the cours breakin the eXIsting school record _ he is the first woman runncrlu become an A lA W Rhode land All tar trom Bryant This recognition comes from being one 01 the til I linihers in the Stete Championship hcre Lyse came III 14th o erall vitb ber record breaking lime Abu with personal records un the coure Itr Nanq Dupre al 20_54 Kalh pnumm 2218 Anne Quill 2309 and DO ltie Searing at 2502

As a result 01 the two home meet held the e past two wetkends the 19 2 womens Cross Country team rune llll made the list a~ being the top 20 fastest Bryant women runners on the Brant ourse (cun idcred the mo t middothlllcnging Courc ar undl llIh i3r anr top IIc rUUn r) III luded 10 th top (n I b IJu~1 une m r a on h) Inl) )carmiddot tcam I

considered the best omcn team 10 run fo r Br~ anI The team ha 10 olg meets comillg up 10 v bullbull 1(h the hoplt to OntlO II llh their Uc e-~ _ On October ~91h lhe trine to Penll~lanili for th~ lA1 Eatern Regional ational Qual lfyillg mect lind in

l)(mber I hc I IA V-E A( Cro~s

CountI Champion~hlp meel al Hol~ Cross

( he Wo mc ns Va rsilv Volleyba ll ha s been ra nked fifth in ew ngland (plus New Yo rk) in Di i510n 1- A ranking Coach Lorraine Hudak is quile proud of

Since ew York has been included in our region the ompelition is much tougher exp lains an excited Hudak

Th lady Indians present record is 14-4 This coming after defeating Ale tonehlll und Barrington a nd 10 ing 10 Brown _

The loss to Brown however will nOI hurt the Women standing in the Divbion accord ing to Coach Huda

On Saturday t he Women travel to Eastern Connecticut for tournament Ieam~ from Divisionmiddot I II and III will be competing Hudak feels the women will have to do well in this tournament to keep their standing

I he team 10 beat arc Di I ion Itr I1rst and second place teams RIC and Eastern Cunnecticut

the tea m 10 add pi rit as well as slrength to the team They (the fresh men) add enthusiasm a nd energy to the team say Hudak

V lerie Lit t lefield a three-time all-sta r player and a member of the Massachu etls Oloba l Schola middottic team i a trong consistent hiller ccording to Hudak

Ann- Marie Harrington doing bOlh hilling and setting was a member of lhe All-division first tea m and AIl-Slale second team in Rhode Island _

Lisa Carr aho a member of the All-divisjon Iirst team and All-Sla te first team in R hode Island is also a strong and consistent h itler

Beth Pollard having never played befoR na) become a good setter according to Hudak

Also consistent in their play are Car 1 Huam~n and Wendy Skomar) I can ihpend on them as well as any olher member to give Ihe team ~tron-g and consl tent play

Tennis ends Season with a 500 record

By Roberl L onardj Of The Archway StafJ

For the secUlld year in a row tne women s lenni tcam ha finished lheit )ea~on witll a 5shy5 rccord Coach Peter Barlow was pkased ith the way hi) glrh handled them elves in overcoming an early de IC iL Conch Barlow wa glad to ee that all of his girl played their matches wi th a good uilude and kept Ihelr mental toug hncss no matter what the score wa

deg weeks ago the girls traveled to I-ro idencc and partiClpateu in th~ Rhude I nd I II III I I Ducu ment 1 h leam dId II I r t clr II cl anllth glrb were lIb c II rna n w riends and mee old onemiddot _

Some oULStanding performance thlea~ n hac mc Ir m eni r nn e ld~k and l1 Oal h or Iht 11 t tlo _Ql I d rrcord II lfi--_ amI tunJor K rrn lu p and Janna ) o~c prtn r in rhe d(lubJ e~

c mpctIIion oaeh Barlow Qu Ld al 0 like to e~pecUilly Ihank Barb ra PapillO for hlr valeran expenence that she contnbuted to the Icam Ove all Coach Barlo fcc I thal the learning IJopericnce 01 match play Will help the girl whtn they return next ~cllr Lira Daly

Ben Edwards and Mike Bradley compete in the Tri-stale Cro f Country meet held here at Bryant on Saturday

Gol f t e a m p laces second 1

bull ECACs By Rick Morenzoni maklOg a sI r ng showing for Ihe Indians was

The Brya nl College Golf cam d os d out Ke in Mc Kenna who shot a five 153 T he second place Jn i ~h was Bryants besttheir fall schedule wi th a second pia e fin is h in

ever in EC AC whi h i~ compri ed larg I of Division choo L More importantly Ihey

the A tournament al Yale Country lub In ew lIalen on nect i uL

fin i) hed ah a d 01 a rch r iva l Ce n lralThe Ind ian t lHHlay tOtal of 627 left them ~ell behind champion Rama po College of onnect icut in ongoing bid 10 represent -ew

Engla nd in the C A A Divi ~i n II Natimalew _I er~ey ho e lea m score was 612 Rama po achieved the vit tory by plac ing [OW Tourna ment A panel o f olTlcia L review the

fall a nd spring result to clermine the teamgolfer~ in third place tied a t 15 Bryant was thaI would hest represent Ne Engl3nd at the

a 36 hole to tal of 150 good fo r second place lead by senior ap tia n Jim H~d let who a rded

NCAA~ In la t pring Brya nt b tr)-lOg t reca ptu re tha t honor after a I WO year absence

(N H) Ric h Parker wbo fired a 144_ Al o Medal ist honors went 10 P lymo uth ta tcs

in which Ccntral was electcd both times

PholV b l Wendi Parker Photo by Wendi Parker

The Bryant Indians are ) -2-0 in the Northeast -8- Conference foccer standingf Two tea members Tim Lawlor and Mario M acera have been selected as Bryant Atheetes of the Week for October 10-16 based on their strong perf ormances against onehill and Bentley Colleges

Soccer pair make

and the Bentley VictOry

Athlete f the eek I Athlcte of lhe Week award lor clober College o n )cl 16 Meanwtule Macera

10middot r li being shared by two member f thl s~ored )n~ g al In both tht ~roneh ill victor Bryan t soccc r team T im I awlo r and Mario

Macera The t o player are ha ving very prod uclive I a IUf huJ nne a ssisl In the 4- 1 Nonhea~l -S seasons In lead ing (he Indians 10 a 3-2-0 N E-8 onferen e icwry over Sto neni ll Co llege on confe rence record thus fa r Lawlor i the

Ocwber 13 he also cored two goa ls a nd had I leade r in points with 8 for the Indians while assi t in the 3-0 E-8 vict o ry c r Bentley Macera i ~ seco nd wilh 7


Paae 6 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

intramural UpMamp

Football Playoffs near By Kevin Faulkner RCJut t hicn Rapi~l and 1Uff Angle~ to in

th d ldsion Look out fo r Wa hlllglon Hllllo t Itmiddot the time o f thc year in whi h r otball is pre ail d ue t I the i r Cr p rc ~ent

no longe r a game of ya rds bu t a ga me of aggrc~si cncs a nd intimida t ion inches a time in hi h e cr t m will be ( Dt b il)n fu o r iIC indud 714

o Oi IMon In the Weak League ha a host of and shou ld be laored Wa tch OU t for the ( )tites intl ud ing Watington Hill _ afari Wccblcs l nd Weeblelles th o ugh

Two tlams ballll it out in qUlst of thl intramural football playoff



r r~


Join Bryant alumni fac ulty and staff in enjoying this exciting and fu n filled play at the Ocean State Performshying Arts enter Saturday November 13 1982 at 800pm Barnum is a three time Tony Award winning musical which sketches 45 years in the life of the flamshyboyent 19th Century American impresario PT Barnum who gave us The Greatest how on Earth Barnum bursts with color gaiety and sleight of hand and features more acroshybatics juggling tightrope walking and pure charm than a 3 ring circus After the produ tion join us for a wine and cheese reception in the lobby of the theater

SPECIAL STUDENT RATES $650 includes bus transpor ation plus the show and the reception NON-STUDENT RATES $13 0 includes the show and the reception





S NIORS Brawn Studio will be an campus ov 1 - Nov 19 to Ake your ersonal nd yearbook portraits You may sign up for an appointment inside the

tudent Senate office Portraits will be k n in the MAC Conference Aoom December grads sign up soan - Appointments fill up fast

Meet Your Miller



When you need beer or other MUler Brewing Co products for ptllties or other social events contact Brian Keating at 949-3202 For f urther information contact



(from the Hodgson Memorial LIbrary Staff)

Here are just a few of the things that happened last year

bull We kept the library open and offered personal assistance for 4252 hours

bull During the academic year over 1690 people used the library every day Over 367213 people used the library last year

bull During a typica l week an average of 1900 people got some manner of assistance from staff

bull librarians provided classroom bibliographic Instruction for 1400 students

bull Reference librarians offered personal research assistance 5449 times and distributed 500 bvslness research guides

bull Interlibrary loan borrowed 532 Items for faculty and students and loaned 712

bull Conference rooms were booked 6123 t imes bull The Audio Visual Department responded to 6636 requests

for equipment and created 2070 transparencies

bull Over 48757 Items were circulated by the referenceperlodshyleal and c irculation departments

bull 3926 new book titles were acquired and the faculty was notified of 1661 titles relevant to their particular dlslpllne

bull Over 19630 cards were flied In the catalog provide access to the collection Actually we are very pleased at the continued level of activity The next time youre wondering what the library has done for you lately just ask Its one of our favorite topiCs

scratchi ng a nd lawing 1m that littl e tra-E playolT (eer is in the a ir In thc strong d t is ion l the tca m sta nd ings

how the mllki ng f a e rill ~ dog t ight The Sykos T e mple a nd 6gers a rc a ll in position to captu re lhe DI i~ion Champion~hip rh edge goc to the S ykos ho defeated a Mrong TempI tca m carlkr in the car

In thc F ral dnis ion hi sig looks good but the Pycho Killer louk a csomc and ~hould be lavored 10 capt ure the en ti re Strong Dii i n I llle

In the Wea Dii~ion A three tcam hae odds-on p s ibilities HI In the dtislon shyBlack Shad ws Blue amp Gold and Load ing Zone ith the Black Shados haVing the upper hand

T num ph and the rui st 8rother~ ith God onl~ knlll4i ng hll i gOIng 1Il pre a il T1NN IS n~une rLa~lIlg Int ramu ral en m IS a~ed

pound0 please look at the In tram ural Bulletin boar and he I Olll ehed uled matches An~ one nOI making an all mpl 10 onlact thtd r opponent ill be dis4uahfied IO LLCYBALL

The ~ i teen (eam~ to appea r in Ihl Fall In tramura l Volle) ball playofE are Weebles Bandt Appk Pie Kid Faces Ball Buster Wccblcllc~ Rcbeb Inva lidgt Numb rs ESP Double Ision Brunos Shaam 1enth Heave n D) na t ) and My t i4uc

The um bers (made up 01 many of the girb ar ily baIclbail team) ork ell togtther

October 22 1982

Finding new direction By Bill Henry

Nt r the end of the last ~ hool year the Ne Directi ns Associat on (N DA) became a newly recognized sluden t organization The purpo e f the ND i to diversify the acade mic curri ulum and to develop the pe nal growt h of the student body and its me mbers

The sso iat ion structure consi t of two teams he Learning Skills ream which is re p nsi b l fo r acade mic programming a nd the P rogra mmi ng Team whose res ponsibility

Prese ntly the N D A meets ever T uesdav at 330 p~ in Roo m 278 The pu rpose for t h~ meeting IS to provide ongoing tra ini ng to the assoclatlo n memb~rs one weI (for example l~ade hllgt assertiveness communica tions lIsterung etc ) while the a lternate week is held for genera l business and team projects

Cu rre ntly the fo ll ow ing people are me mb r of the NDA he~yl Gordon-President Bill Dziura-Viceshy

p reSid en t Jean Weidma n- P rog ra mming e~m Chairman Robin Waters-Lea rning

Sk ills Tea m Chairman Brenda Eri kson Bill H~nr Su~ Horne Ken Jalbert Frank Kelly En k Leeming MI~e Lindgren Kim Rote Jay Rya n Kathy SilVia a nd Don White


Ocfober fi 230- 4 DO in the Rotunda



Hillel News

We ould Ii e to tha nkfully acknowiedge donations from parents of two Hillel mem ber Donat ions are a lways apprecia ted and gra tefully accepted

Ledger phot ~ will be taken at the lIext meet ing - WedneSday October 27th Ju

bring yourself lnd wear a smi le An add it iona l bru n b is set fo r Sunday

Novem ber 7th Watch ro r detallsjIere - or put your elf o n our ma iling list It s ur to be good time

Dont forge t Friday Night Services tonight at 30 Room C-35 I See you the re

150 O UT next meeting has been planned for

Wednesday October 27 at 4pm in room 365 Hope to~e you there

Circle-K C ircle-K is a service o rganization which

works to help the school and the community ome a nd find out more about Circle-K on

Thursday October 28 at 330 Refreshments

will be served There will be a sign in the Rotunda to ann un e the room number All a re wele me-former Key C lu bber and Keyette and nyone ele intere middotted Hope to e you there

BrYcol We wou ld li k e to extend our

congratulat ions I a nd welcome these new di rectors to the board Ka ren OHara Greg Ha ~ s L nell a nd Eileen OBrien

Now ava ilable at the ountry Comfort a re irresistible yria n subs Why not walk down and try o pel

Agape Agape would like to thank the entire

campus for su ppurting o ur nower sale du ring Parents Wee kend You mad it a success W e would especially like to thank our members who made it possible

Agape welcomes all students to attend our meeting They are every Monday night at 7pm in the Facult y Dining Hall See you there

Agape is excited to have back on ca mpus this weekend our founder and past president Lori McCurry We love you Lori John 316 God Bless

Paae l

Delta Mu Delta There will be a meet ing fo r all new member

r Delta Mu Delrt o n Monday October 25th in Room 245at 330 T he meeting will cone Tn the election of a rea urer and Secretary Please try to attend

Future Business Leaders of America -Phi Beta Lambda provides an opportu nity f r stude nts 10 lea rn Irstha nd ab out the business comm unity It oal in lude learni ng how to beco me n effective business leader learning more about the American middot free enterp rise system buildi ng self-coni idnce encouraging m ney ma nagement a nd learningmore about the business community New mem bers are a lways welcome Stop by a nd fi nd ut what were a ll a bout We meet every T uesday in Room 250 a t 330

Delta Omega ickets are ava ila ble for the fi rst Din n r f

the yea r now in the Ro tunda a t the ticket boo th The Dinner will be held at Bell Farms on route 7 The Speaker is Bob Fish the Vice- p reside nt and general manager of Bo to ns WR KO radio station Tickets a re $895 for a complete buffet ocktail ho ur start a t 600 and dinner will be se rved at 700 All stude nts of all majors are welcome See you there

The Bryant Sports Car Club will be holding its first Fun A uto Railey leaving from Bryant this Sunday October 25th R egistration is open to anyone from Ihe Bryant Community with a car not necessarily a sports car R egistration isfrom I I to 12 am in the commuterparking lot with a $500 entrance f ee per car A co-driver is needed for each car to act as a navigator No experiance is needed to participate in this event It is a good (Jppourtunity to test your driving (navigational) and sense of directional skills

A simple ob ervation can lrueJy amaze the orph n type studeot wb se parents d idnt show up for Parents Weekend It seems a metamorphic event took plac the a erage ho le-jeans ra tty T-shirt campus bum converts to a G Q twe d and sla ks m n when his parents show up a t school

With no surprise at all 99 of the student body wardrobe is the same color blue blazers Doe everyone conform to the Societal Norms or was there sale on blue blazers at Ann amp Hope

It seems it doesnt ma tter as long as one d res es up but wha t about the o rphan Does he onform Most do but there are some careless delinquentmiddot that still roam the ca mpus A pri me example is the Stein He ai an elega n t Wine heese rece p t io n for par-ems walks in to the su ite ith a glass of bong water in hand a black Fra nk Za ppa TshyShirt on and half-bleached half-torn jeans on

The Stei n ignori ng anyone with a blue blazer on proceeds to watch S t Louis beat Milwa ukee and sip hi bong a teT Is this behavior uncout h or in d ividualistic Per onaJly I think his mother should have slapped bim harder when he was a bad boy Hope u lly Stem will cha nge his ways before nex t Parents We kend

Joke of the Week Wha t d id the d river say to the one-legged hi tch-hiker H p in

Parents weekend wa~ a huge succe s last weekend at PHI E P A great time was had by e e ryone w ho a t ten d e d Speci a l congratulations go o ut to Vp Frank DOst illo for the fi nej b he did organizing the weekend Way to go a rrot

Our Smoker was last night and to say the leas t it was a super time for all the brot he rs a nd independent men who attended Wake up guys l lts another day G et psyched fo r the weekend

A belated congratulations is d ue to brother middotRod Simm ons who was a runa way winner in the GLC Cross-Cou nt ry Race Good job Squid (guess who wrote this buddy) Our foot ball tearns are still showing well Our A team is hovering around the 500 mark and Blue and Gold is hold ing strong at 5-1-1 Doc Rock youve been put on waivers at last report

Volleyball starts next week Well be sponsoring 5 teams Good luck to QEII Bryants defending champions as well as to T he Enterprise ( lets beam out Spock )

Blue lInd Gold the Penthouse I I nd Thet -Phi Ep

hope e ery ne had a great Pa rentWe Week-End At least we all had good rood

Our v lIeyball tea m ended up with a win ning season Thanks to our wonderful servers ( Diana a nd Julie ) Now that we are in the finals lets win the whole thing

This Friday October 22 we are having a Pilzza Part All freshma n and independent girls are welco me Meet at the suite (Dorm 6 240 ) at 430 See ya there

Also th is weelc-end we a re going a ppleshypi king II freshman and independent girl are welcome Meet Sunday October 23 in the suite at 130

Look for our candy apple sale next Wednesday ( 10 27) a ndThursday( 1O 28)in the rotunda from 10-3 Doesnt your mouth water just t hinking of the delicious apple

~Ip~ll ~i 11Rllppll Hope everyone had a nice weekend with

their parents Thanks for the cocktails Kappa Tau and Tau Ka ppa Epsilon

Sharon yo u d id a great job at your So ia l Pledge interview We all congratulate you

w y u a n go into the middle r o m u r vo lleyball team Apple Pie Kid s are 7- 1

now We made it to the playoffs and m aybe we ca n win it all Remember you have got three

hilS girls hrissy What the hell was that and

shake those MG Maybe ou r weekend will get progre sive ly better Every weeke nd should be fu ll of leaves a nd new male friends

Twister Happy Hour this Friday October 22nd 3-5 We are located in Dorm 6 Room 31 2

Let it Snow

OK you kumquats Ive been hearing too much flack about not getting in the Greek I ew so here it is First of all Ha ppy 20tlt to Mongol Hey Z if you stop partying for three months maybe youll get some of your braincells back So Garno I hear DustyS not enoug h eh Hey J im did that kid really apologize to you Rem I cant believe you dont remember bird jumping on and breking your table unbelievable Julie wOlld you dane for us again and by the way who wrote her that nasty letter

Now for the real news since I wasted an inch of space and three minutes of somebodys time In football lhe A-team lost again Keep

trying guys The B-team is still hanging tough with a 4-4 record Party with the Sibbies t his weekend be there Co-ed Volleyball is starting so I want to see all y u jocks o ut there learning volleyball from the girls T his T uesda y is our nnual smoker All Freshma n wi hing to attend be o n the fl oor by 6 O Ti ll next y ek bye neighbo~

b r i a very bu y month with alllpe~ of acti~itits planned Parents Weekend went o middot r quite ell Ev n tho ho were orphaned had ma n grea t urnes Saturda y nigh t some of our sisters upported the GLC by tending the GLC bar- good job girls

This past Wednesday we held our first Allotment Night of the semester This is a night that the sisters go out and reminisce a bo ut old times as well as make future plans It is a night ot remember-Get psyched for the nex t one girls

Last night the first Int er- o rority Reception was held We had the reception catered also there wa s a magician for our entertainment The reception introduced girls to the advantages and bene Its of Sorority life at Bryant All those who attended really enjoyed themselves-if a ny body missed it be sure to look for future events

Saturday October 23 SIX a nd TEP are sp onsoring our Olympiad all freshmen ma le and female are encouraged to sign up a nd participate We have a sign-u p table in the Rotunda so be sure not to miss it You need 5 people for a team and then a n yo u have to do is ~ ign up in the Rotunda by 2pm today After the Olym piad well be ha ving II picnic Its a day n obody will want to m iss

nce again cooed intra murals are closi ng in on us Next week o ur volleyball teams start playing-good l uck alll If any fre hmen and inde pendent gir l st ill havent igned up ior co-ed volleyball It st ill isn t 100 late_

Next we k nd is Hallow en-for t hose who have never stayed here fo r Halloween Weeke nd- it is absolutely wild This year will be no d ifferent

Friday October 29 3-6pm I X is holding a Happy Hour in the Pub It will be a grea t way to start off a weekend-be there or be squayuh

Marfa would li ke to personally than k Ma for bringing up her visitors She had quite a wild weekend tha nks to MA PS thanx Wumbuz and Chris for visiting me in my roto home Essay

Hope everybody has a fun weekend and please support our Olympiad

The Brothers would like to commend the football team for giving it hell All that effort is definately worth a lot We know that sooner or later we are going to kick some A

Beta will be having their annual cookout this weekend Naturally well have hot dogs chips and refreshments If you are interested

just give one of the brothers yo ur Saga 10 number May be Tom will give you a lesson on how to eat a dog

Our realist ic (pessimistic) vice-p resident Port has conj ured up a Persona lity Weekend in conjullct ion with Kappa au Fraterni ty that ill blo your mind 111 e sure (hat all clnc1ld t n me faT pen n IiI jud n night are s lbmitted before November 2 An organization or lub may enter a candidate

OUT faithful alumni ill be up for persunality wee~end H a pp~ )- will be h re agai n Our alu mn i 1 11 pa rtic ipa te In the judg ing and also in partying times Who will be the Ivan on personality weekend brothers Chip and Skeeter

Finally our hockey team is being organized a nd it looks reaUy good this year We have ~ome good solid players and we are looking forward to a great season

As always H Y S

Its TGIF in KDK land today marking the end of the first round of tests for all concerned(There is a God) Congratulations to all who survived and get psyched for an anxiety-free weekend at last

Cooed volleyball starts next week a nd the sisters are looking forward to a great eason teamed wi th TE Also wed like to thank all the girls Who played volleyball for us Hope 10 see you when t he End of the Worldco mes to Dorm 5

As is the custom today also ma rks the return of our roaming a hloon ini (a lias Bobo) Wh ts the scoop Carol J ust beca use we dont have our ow n ex pense accoun ts and driv nice car doesn t mean we dont rate

Well this ends our acco unt of another startlingly eventful we O L and BL please try to get ho me at a reas ona ble hour next time O K

Bye-bye and happy sailing

ig ltll ~igmll regmicrol1 Tht S istc s (IJ 0 hope eve r o ne enj~yed

Parents Weekend as m uch as we did Best behavior was apparent th roughout the Bryant community-what happened Our pizza party at Disco s was excellent Oh-that homemaue pizza and other refreshments We hope all those who attended had a good time Our showcase in the Library was beautifully a rranged by our creative and talented sisters Lisa and Laurie--tres chic The all sorori ty reception was held on Thursday Each sorority was represented and brought their crazy sisters along to help the festivities be more enjoyable Chicken o up seemed to be plenliful a round the sisters this week Hope you all feel better for the wild weekend a head Signing off the MAD --


A young admirer Steve Landesberg

The Karate Club kicks up a storm in their demonstration for the fXlrents

The E

bulle 81

- An actress perf orming in the Bryant Players show Doesnt she ~emind you oj one of your oid teachers~ The Chapai

parents in the Rotunda

October 22 1982 Paae9

autograph from

ents The Bryant Players explain Why Teachers Go N uts I





takes a sip of water during his show

The Bryant Jazz Band warms up the audience for Steve Landesberg

Main Even photography br WencJi Parker Celina Santos and Rick Levin

Centerspread larout is by Bryan ajjerky

a mass with the Ready set go Men s Cross-country leam running in tire Tri-state meet


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SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

$200$150 for copies

Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

THE LIBRARY 112 mile from Bryant College



BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

[iri amp Sat Your First Drink Is On Us

-Appearing this Week PowerGlideshy

Dont Miss Our Famous TGIF Happy Hour with Cape Cods Smith and Sullivan

3-7pm NO Cover

ULTRA modern Gameroom

Happy Hour 3-7pm


Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

) h

G e neral Typesetting and

Res u me Service

$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

$7 ModIfied Run

You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

11111 ~hl Ii 1 )U1111 ~ ~uir l2 1 t_ j Ir (11 llll (Il) 1) 2~ilt NL

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university or college This f ctoruncondltlonaIlYbarranted bull All term papers typed and ready for submiSSIon bull Catalogue purchase price refunded in full against first order bull Our catalogue is cross indexed by faculties (Arts SCiences Commerce

Engineering Computer Science Business etc) and by undergraduate and graduate classifications - completely Indexed tor easy amp fast use

bull Trident Marketing unconditionally guarantees an A ( + or - ) on any term paper prollided by us or money In full refunded

Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 4: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

Paae 4 THE ARCHWAY Ottober 22 1982

Rugby Club refutes editorial To The Ed itor

This wriling IS in respo nse to your II middotcwationmiddot that renain mem bcn o f the Rugby Club were re~ponsible for the Beer Hurling Compctition on Wednesda y October 6 in the Koffle r Center Wh ile the Rugby lub is nOt pr uti od t he incident (no one should be) we are nOI res ponsible fro what happened

Sir I ask you were youcen there Did yo u see exactly wh it was thatl hre the tiL t cup and thcn the first beer Did) ou del e into the incident any deeper than the fact value

Tht fact or the ma lter i~ ~ permi~~ion a~ gramctl to w Ius) relcrnng 10 cen In

membc~ 01 the Rugh~ lub and al lea~ t me non-member) by the performer to u~e the tagt during intermis~ion

DUring a song that wa being ~ung by certain mcmber~ of the Rugby Club a beer cup a

Fraud by wire To the Editor

1 he so-called Burt Reynolds telephone credit card ita~ become acti c a thi loeallon It ma also be known 3lgt the Clint Ea~t ood r any other famou pers)ns credit card

1 he slorie~ _ou may have hear rega rding Ihese peorle ~anclioning Ihis are completely untrue

A number of arre~l~ havc been made in lhi~ C3lte

Thi is nlll an innocen t prank il ill FRA UD Ihat co t lot of people lot middot of money and unlairl~ II1ohes someone who cant even be charactried as a bystolndtr

We wan the fraud ended We arc nOI looking to prosecute people but

the Telephone Compan conducting an iftcn~le in~ligation inlO thi~ i ra udulent ac tilt) which II ill result in billing in ma ny IOSlance and to oml prosecution

We a1t the cooperation 01 al l to consider the placmg I traudulent calb 11 is a rime fraud by loire pUOIshablr by Siale and Federal Statutes C nvicllon under Federal La u to II bull r 111 jiii ii n p til

1000 in line~ talt la ll a re imllar ew ngland

Telephone om pany

thron at us and othe~ soon followed Who lhrew tht fir t betr1 L id middotou see It Mr Editor It wan t 0 we d idn th ro a n beer Io we did n t choo~e to partici pate Ra ther it wa~ li[ rally th rown upon u~ We ju t hap pened 10 be t he o nly people t ha were ea II )

iden tifia ble in IhI faceless crod and so reeehed we the brunt of Ihe blame

ir it yo u an going 10 accue members of the Rugby C lub or an body of co mm ill ing infantile a Is eit her direct ly o r non directly I wih no I i n ~it OU d li llie more reearch on the subJect You owe it 10 the accucd but mo~t of all )l)U lIwe it [0 yo ur i m prc~sioOl~tlc readers bull

We a rc ~oung c1u h that ha hccn working hard on the fie ld and off to tstablish a favorable name for urelves a n our chool Th is ki nd of wrile up doe nl hetp at all E~ peciall one b rdering n slander T ha nk you

B b Duff Match Secretary Doug GUOlgtolley

Vicemiddot President C hri C a rney

P re ident

Ed I 101 present fron m il

N orris pl~as for conSCIentIOUS vote 10 Tht Editor

As the ocmber 2 e1eclions a pproach we will b maklOg cri llcal choice am n8 ariou~ candida t and is ues hieh will affect Our nation ror year to come One i~sue that sh uld be flmOIost in our mind 10 seiccting nalional leadtrs and re prcgtentatlve~ i the i~gtue of human right Een though it is nOl presently gainmi an fronl page attention the sad s ituat io n in Central America continues Recen t) pUblished boob report the on-going erresslon and murder go emmen t shy~ponored in EI Salvador Un onunately much o f Ihc responlbilny f r th i ~iolence mut be placed o n the United Stares government slOce we continue to give military aid to repre~sie dictatorship in that area of the world

Man rc~pomlb l c I aden of the world go rnmenls and ou r own hae called a hall to SENATE ELECT ION FINAL R ESUL S Freshman Senator ~~ Greg Strafstrom won the run-off election

~ Senior Senator

shy~ Dale Fulcher I Congratu ahons to b hot ddcan 1 ates shy~

U S il olvcmcnt in the area of military aid ne local candid at fo re -election vhose

name h s appeared in th i~ paper however has consi~lentlv failed (1 meet hb challenge t spea k up -ro human right Scnat lohn Chalee (R-R I) supports S military aid to the violence-p rone govern mcnt ofEI Sallador nnd has resisu ed cffOrlb of local Clt llen and even of his co-Republican Congreswioman Schncider 10 change his iews In Ihis he has bee in conc rt ilh Ihc nat iona l Admin istra t ion in a lack of concern to r human rights violation and an insen~ilility to the oppre~scd poor of the World He along with the d mmist ration has Called a l y mll ral Ie of Ih o hasic prinoiples t his nation has Iraduiona Uv ascribed 10 onscienllou lot er~ shou ld fe rn m btr this o n election day 1982 and 194~ (Rev Daid Norris

Cat h lie Chaplain

At press time At press time

On Tue dllY Octo ber 26 Ihe secon d S l)cia l Science Forum ill b hdd in the 100 unda a t 230 pm I he ~pca 11 will be ellillor John Chalee ho Ioill pr M~nt hi~ ie on politics and Ihe economy Your parllclpation ill t h is en impo rllaquoln t e lent i~ cnc()uragcd Incumbe nt nntor Chafee is Ihe Republican candid al~ for S Senator You lI remember las t -ee lmiddot~ Social ~cilnee I-orum featured Sena t rial Democratic candidale Julius M iehnelon

Tbe Rhode I land Press Oub and the Public Inlonnatlon Office 111 it~ the orant communi ty to their co - pon nretl Guber natorial Debate on Wedn middotday Octob~r 27 at 730 pm in the J nikics AudHorium l he lour candida te~ have agreed 10 be present IncumbelTl-Goernor J Jo~cph GanahyshyDemocrat William Maflullo-Republican Peter Van Dam-I ndepentlen t Hilan alk-ClliJCn~ Partv

This is going to be the o~ly rour wa~ debule lor the gOernor ~eat prior to the Nov mber election and B ~ ant I fortunale l h ~t the e c nt We hurl each of you can attlnd thi~ Important debate

Bryant Ecoloy Action Club volunteers wilt be olearing UI Ihe Jonh MOH fami ly cemelery on Sallrda~ October 23 The Molofy cmeler) which b 10 led behind the M iC on the Bryant campus has tomb tonc daling from the I IOO~ A il

hl~tori a l cemeter~ M0 ry mu1be prcsen ed and mainlained

Vo lun ers will be mcel1ng behind the MA C a t 12 noon I- r morc infonnat ioll contact Fran Driscoll t Bryanta l 232- 1200 exl206

The ludent P rogramming Board mforms w that The Blushing Ik ids ovember concen ha bee n postponed until next semc ler due to recording ob ligatio ns On November 10 the PB i proud to present Boston~ bes t band

IIlE S10MPERS Thl Sunda) m IC is Ihe Omen 1 h Halloween m ixer i a week from tomorrow ~tan planning y ur co lume now

The Calendar FRIDAY 22

T odays the d n~ for the Ju nior class Picnic be ing he ld in l he Pub from 430shy630 Yo u an ign up in the Rotunda fo r 75lt or free if you ha vc a meal card

It ll oave yo u a q uarter (good fo r a ba tch of la undr)) if) u wcar you r el thes insid e ou t tMight at the pub Those 20 and ocr can a ll nd the mixer ~pon~o red by S M wit h DJ Rich Berrie75c normal 50or inside ou t

The 60 ) IiYl in tht Janik ics Audltonum al 700 a nd 9 15 ~hen spa prestnt~ Wood~t ock 50c $100 non- Bryant st ude nt

Sigma ambd a Th ta i ~ having pina party in Dorm b suite 240s from 4middot11 fo r all frc h ma n a nd independa nl g irls

TUESDA Y 26 The Rhode Island Blood entu wa nts

vour blood and theyll be taking it anyu me between 10-4 today in Ihe auditoriulll

1 here ill be a n import ant meeting of the Bryant P layer at 3 30 in room 2 5 Tw votes- one perta in ing to ou r spring productio n- will be taken P Itasc make eery effort to atlend Play r~

If H l M I your major or youre considering it to be _ our maj r (l r yo u JU5t want to gel involetl ~top by the Servitium C lub meeling today a[ 3 15 in room 25 1

B F ish a Bryant a lu mnus will be speaki ng a l Bell Fa rm t hi evening S po nsored b Della mega $8 95 includes a n a ll you ca n ea t buffel a nd M r F ishs presentation


A ball k f the sexes will take place today fr m I 00middot400 followed by a picnic fro m 4-6 T EP a nd IX are ponseri ng the Ir t a n nual Freshman O lym piad i lh

plenty o f fun-filled events

If you were lucky enough to get your tickct bd(lre Ihey o ld o ut the C IA

ha ride is tonight Meet in the c ircle al 600


H ave a que s l io n complaint ur co mpliment for lhe S tuden t cnate Bring it to the ir meeti ng in 3l6 AampB a t 330

BA P (Hea t Academic Probat io n) meet from 3 30 t 430 in room 2 + Fight o ff those under pa r grades

Worri d ab u t thaI II important job interview Get somt insig ht from people who ve been Ihere - and made it S weaty Pa lms will begin a l 630 in roo m 3116 AampB all E 41 5 by 10 22 to let them kn ow youre coming


Fn h ma n a nd I ndependant girls are inv ited to go ap ple pic king with Sigma La mbda Theta

The Ecumeniclc SCf ice i at 430 in Ihe Mac Conference rollm if you woke up too late fo r noon mas in the Rotunda

P H presents The O men at 27 amp 9 15 SOcent

Like to drive) Want to be in a m iley a e in the commul r pa rk ing lo t no laLe r than no on loday fo r the Bryant SPOrt s a r C lub Rail )



Lic from th upper level of th M A ils la tc nigh t with the A rchway staff


Allcnt io n S kier Fin d Ol t whcre to go fo r Ihe best ski aCllon this ca~on at ~he ki C lu b me ling The) 11 be in t he aUditorium a l 330 IUday

Brea king too man bo nes on Bryan t s athletic ridd~ harhe Mandt i1le Can help you o ul He s holding a S ports Inj u ry C linic rom 7-9 lonight in th t M onference roo m T rcg ister fo r the

sess io n call _3 1- 1200 Ex t 327


It s here aga in- another Hallo cert Weekend Get read y for the ghosts and go blins who will be out t spook you

l _October 22 982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 5

WOllla s V -Ball ranked fifthSPORTS

---------------------- These teams may be DiviSIOn III teams but By Toni Raekllffe they re till good tea m s says Hudak

Of The Arch way taffa total lea rn effort oach H udak i looking 10 the freshmen of

Women runners excel By Anne Quill

or The Archway Staff

The be~t women - ru nning teo I t hit Bryant is just one way Bryants Wome n Cro~s Country Team hnc be n descr ibe thl shyseason The girls have gained this recognit ion after ha i-ng several excellent race - this fall hlghlighled by a second place finish in I he T ri shytale Champiomhip race held last Saturday at llryam inc team participated in the race ith a lota l of 72 runner competing Bryant defeated Easlern Connecticut CoLlegc Stonchi ll Suffolk Wheatonbull alve Regina Quinnipl3c and Abertus Mangus College and finbhed ju t behind Rhode Island College _

Bryants trength lies in the fact that the girls ork together in a lotalteam effort Thb i shown by the Tri-Statc re ult~ where the top four Bryant runners all f1nbhed withm a minute of each othcr winning medal for plaCing in the top ten Bryants next three runners also crossed the line vi thin twenty seconds Of each other aJi with excellen t limes The team IS coached b) Ch~lrlie Mande ille who feelgt The cntlre team turned in the be~1 dfon ever b a Bryants women em scountry team and they are also the astest Bryant team eer~

Ly e Wanle unce again e(cellmg in her fint year as a Bryant runner took fourth plac olrall with iI time of 7009_ PrevIous to the 1 ri- late Lye broke [he Brvant cou e record in the Rhode h l ~nd State

hampionship held October 8 with Lime of 1956 Say oaen Mnndcillc ) kfll l~e uhJ bnal Ih rcccmJ bUI I didnt n~l ned du it b~ 57 eeond ~he farexcccd d m

c bull ti n~ shy

enior Kalh) Kilras ran her beM race ever Ixing the ~i th girl to ru~~ the fim~h lint Kalny fic+ over the coure in 105 ith ue Jen~cn fight behind her also at 2105 ~etll ng he r olon persona l record for the eour-e The fourth Drylnt runner to ome In ~a anc Dupre claimlllg t~nth pllce velaU ith excellent time f 2114 JUnior nn Ma rl lO

ran a great race for Bryant placing 22nd overall in 2208 while fresh men Lori Sa int Hillaire and Kathy fiomm lFlished rcall ~trong with time~ of 2225 and 2129 resp~ct hlely _ Junior Dottie- Searing and fre __ hman Lori Milrmo re have hown tremendou impro ~mlnt so a r this ~eason ith the Tri-Stalls as a high point Both ~e t

per onal records on the course with DOllies lime of 2504 and Lori orossing thl line In 2625_ Mandeville ltIl1ribUles the success of his learn to utheir ~ltitude and the fact tha theyre not afraId to go out and work real hard _

rhe girls also did very well in the Rhode I land latc Champion~hip race held October 8lh lit Bryant Although the compelltion wa 1lreml) tough the Bryltlnt team set many personal record on the Cour e Lyc Wllnle ha becomc the la test woman runner from Bryanl on the cours breakin the eXIsting school record _ he is the first woman runncrlu become an A lA W Rhode land All tar trom Bryant This recognition comes from being one 01 the til I linihers in the Stete Championship hcre Lyse came III 14th o erall vitb ber record breaking lime Abu with personal records un the coure Itr Nanq Dupre al 20_54 Kalh pnumm 2218 Anne Quill 2309 and DO ltie Searing at 2502

As a result 01 the two home meet held the e past two wetkends the 19 2 womens Cross Country team rune llll made the list a~ being the top 20 fastest Bryant women runners on the Brant ourse (cun idcred the mo t middothlllcnging Courc ar undl llIh i3r anr top IIc rUUn r) III luded 10 th top (n I b IJu~1 une m r a on h) Inl) )carmiddot tcam I

considered the best omcn team 10 run fo r Br~ anI The team ha 10 olg meets comillg up 10 v bullbull 1(h the hoplt to OntlO II llh their Uc e-~ _ On October ~91h lhe trine to Penll~lanili for th~ lA1 Eatern Regional ational Qual lfyillg mect lind in

l)(mber I hc I IA V-E A( Cro~s

CountI Champion~hlp meel al Hol~ Cross

( he Wo mc ns Va rsilv Volleyba ll ha s been ra nked fifth in ew ngland (plus New Yo rk) in Di i510n 1- A ranking Coach Lorraine Hudak is quile proud of

Since ew York has been included in our region the ompelition is much tougher exp lains an excited Hudak

Th lady Indians present record is 14-4 This coming after defeating Ale tonehlll und Barrington a nd 10 ing 10 Brown _

The loss to Brown however will nOI hurt the Women standing in the Divbion accord ing to Coach Huda

On Saturday t he Women travel to Eastern Connecticut for tournament Ieam~ from Divisionmiddot I II and III will be competing Hudak feels the women will have to do well in this tournament to keep their standing

I he team 10 beat arc Di I ion Itr I1rst and second place teams RIC and Eastern Cunnecticut

the tea m 10 add pi rit as well as slrength to the team They (the fresh men) add enthusiasm a nd energy to the team say Hudak

V lerie Lit t lefield a three-time all-sta r player and a member of the Massachu etls Oloba l Schola middottic team i a trong consistent hiller ccording to Hudak

Ann- Marie Harrington doing bOlh hilling and setting was a member of lhe All-division first tea m and AIl-Slale second team in Rhode Island _

Lisa Carr aho a member of the All-divisjon Iirst team and All-Sla te first team in R hode Island is also a strong and consistent h itler

Beth Pollard having never played befoR na) become a good setter according to Hudak

Also consistent in their play are Car 1 Huam~n and Wendy Skomar) I can ihpend on them as well as any olher member to give Ihe team ~tron-g and consl tent play

Tennis ends Season with a 500 record

By Roberl L onardj Of The Archway StafJ

For the secUlld year in a row tne women s lenni tcam ha finished lheit )ea~on witll a 5shy5 rccord Coach Peter Barlow was pkased ith the way hi) glrh handled them elves in overcoming an early de IC iL Conch Barlow wa glad to ee that all of his girl played their matches wi th a good uilude and kept Ihelr mental toug hncss no matter what the score wa

deg weeks ago the girls traveled to I-ro idencc and partiClpateu in th~ Rhude I nd I II III I I Ducu ment 1 h leam dId II I r t clr II cl anllth glrb were lIb c II rna n w riends and mee old onemiddot _

Some oULStanding performance thlea~ n hac mc Ir m eni r nn e ld~k and l1 Oal h or Iht 11 t tlo _Ql I d rrcord II lfi--_ amI tunJor K rrn lu p and Janna ) o~c prtn r in rhe d(lubJ e~

c mpctIIion oaeh Barlow Qu Ld al 0 like to e~pecUilly Ihank Barb ra PapillO for hlr valeran expenence that she contnbuted to the Icam Ove all Coach Barlo fcc I thal the learning IJopericnce 01 match play Will help the girl whtn they return next ~cllr Lira Daly

Ben Edwards and Mike Bradley compete in the Tri-stale Cro f Country meet held here at Bryant on Saturday

Gol f t e a m p laces second 1

bull ECACs By Rick Morenzoni maklOg a sI r ng showing for Ihe Indians was

The Brya nl College Golf cam d os d out Ke in Mc Kenna who shot a five 153 T he second place Jn i ~h was Bryants besttheir fall schedule wi th a second pia e fin is h in

ever in EC AC whi h i~ compri ed larg I of Division choo L More importantly Ihey

the A tournament al Yale Country lub In ew lIalen on nect i uL

fin i) hed ah a d 01 a rch r iva l Ce n lralThe Ind ian t lHHlay tOtal of 627 left them ~ell behind champion Rama po College of onnect icut in ongoing bid 10 represent -ew

Engla nd in the C A A Divi ~i n II Natimalew _I er~ey ho e lea m score was 612 Rama po achieved the vit tory by plac ing [OW Tourna ment A panel o f olTlcia L review the

fall a nd spring result to clermine the teamgolfer~ in third place tied a t 15 Bryant was thaI would hest represent Ne Engl3nd at the

a 36 hole to tal of 150 good fo r second place lead by senior ap tia n Jim H~d let who a rded

NCAA~ In la t pring Brya nt b tr)-lOg t reca ptu re tha t honor after a I WO year absence

(N H) Ric h Parker wbo fired a 144_ Al o Medal ist honors went 10 P lymo uth ta tcs

in which Ccntral was electcd both times

PholV b l Wendi Parker Photo by Wendi Parker

The Bryant Indians are ) -2-0 in the Northeast -8- Conference foccer standingf Two tea members Tim Lawlor and Mario M acera have been selected as Bryant Atheetes of the Week for October 10-16 based on their strong perf ormances against onehill and Bentley Colleges

Soccer pair make

and the Bentley VictOry

Athlete f the eek I Athlcte of lhe Week award lor clober College o n )cl 16 Meanwtule Macera

10middot r li being shared by two member f thl s~ored )n~ g al In both tht ~roneh ill victor Bryan t soccc r team T im I awlo r and Mario

Macera The t o player are ha ving very prod uclive I a IUf huJ nne a ssisl In the 4- 1 Nonhea~l -S seasons In lead ing (he Indians 10 a 3-2-0 N E-8 onferen e icwry over Sto neni ll Co llege on confe rence record thus fa r Lawlor i the

Ocwber 13 he also cored two goa ls a nd had I leade r in points with 8 for the Indians while assi t in the 3-0 E-8 vict o ry c r Bentley Macera i ~ seco nd wilh 7


Paae 6 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

intramural UpMamp

Football Playoffs near By Kevin Faulkner RCJut t hicn Rapi~l and 1Uff Angle~ to in

th d ldsion Look out fo r Wa hlllglon Hllllo t Itmiddot the time o f thc year in whi h r otball is pre ail d ue t I the i r Cr p rc ~ent

no longe r a game of ya rds bu t a ga me of aggrc~si cncs a nd intimida t ion inches a time in hi h e cr t m will be ( Dt b il)n fu o r iIC indud 714

o Oi IMon In the Weak League ha a host of and shou ld be laored Wa tch OU t for the ( )tites intl ud ing Watington Hill _ afari Wccblcs l nd Weeblelles th o ugh

Two tlams ballll it out in qUlst of thl intramural football playoff



r r~


Join Bryant alumni fac ulty and staff in enjoying this exciting and fu n filled play at the Ocean State Performshying Arts enter Saturday November 13 1982 at 800pm Barnum is a three time Tony Award winning musical which sketches 45 years in the life of the flamshyboyent 19th Century American impresario PT Barnum who gave us The Greatest how on Earth Barnum bursts with color gaiety and sleight of hand and features more acroshybatics juggling tightrope walking and pure charm than a 3 ring circus After the produ tion join us for a wine and cheese reception in the lobby of the theater

SPECIAL STUDENT RATES $650 includes bus transpor ation plus the show and the reception NON-STUDENT RATES $13 0 includes the show and the reception





S NIORS Brawn Studio will be an campus ov 1 - Nov 19 to Ake your ersonal nd yearbook portraits You may sign up for an appointment inside the

tudent Senate office Portraits will be k n in the MAC Conference Aoom December grads sign up soan - Appointments fill up fast

Meet Your Miller



When you need beer or other MUler Brewing Co products for ptllties or other social events contact Brian Keating at 949-3202 For f urther information contact



(from the Hodgson Memorial LIbrary Staff)

Here are just a few of the things that happened last year

bull We kept the library open and offered personal assistance for 4252 hours

bull During the academic year over 1690 people used the library every day Over 367213 people used the library last year

bull During a typica l week an average of 1900 people got some manner of assistance from staff

bull librarians provided classroom bibliographic Instruction for 1400 students

bull Reference librarians offered personal research assistance 5449 times and distributed 500 bvslness research guides

bull Interlibrary loan borrowed 532 Items for faculty and students and loaned 712

bull Conference rooms were booked 6123 t imes bull The Audio Visual Department responded to 6636 requests

for equipment and created 2070 transparencies

bull Over 48757 Items were circulated by the referenceperlodshyleal and c irculation departments

bull 3926 new book titles were acquired and the faculty was notified of 1661 titles relevant to their particular dlslpllne

bull Over 19630 cards were flied In the catalog provide access to the collection Actually we are very pleased at the continued level of activity The next time youre wondering what the library has done for you lately just ask Its one of our favorite topiCs

scratchi ng a nd lawing 1m that littl e tra-E playolT (eer is in the a ir In thc strong d t is ion l the tca m sta nd ings

how the mllki ng f a e rill ~ dog t ight The Sykos T e mple a nd 6gers a rc a ll in position to captu re lhe DI i~ion Champion~hip rh edge goc to the S ykos ho defeated a Mrong TempI tca m carlkr in the car

In thc F ral dnis ion hi sig looks good but the Pycho Killer louk a csomc and ~hould be lavored 10 capt ure the en ti re Strong Dii i n I llle

In the Wea Dii~ion A three tcam hae odds-on p s ibilities HI In the dtislon shyBlack Shad ws Blue amp Gold and Load ing Zone ith the Black Shados haVing the upper hand

T num ph and the rui st 8rother~ ith God onl~ knlll4i ng hll i gOIng 1Il pre a il T1NN IS n~une rLa~lIlg Int ramu ral en m IS a~ed

pound0 please look at the In tram ural Bulletin boar and he I Olll ehed uled matches An~ one nOI making an all mpl 10 onlact thtd r opponent ill be dis4uahfied IO LLCYBALL

The ~ i teen (eam~ to appea r in Ihl Fall In tramura l Volle) ball playofE are Weebles Bandt Appk Pie Kid Faces Ball Buster Wccblcllc~ Rcbeb Inva lidgt Numb rs ESP Double Ision Brunos Shaam 1enth Heave n D) na t ) and My t i4uc

The um bers (made up 01 many of the girb ar ily baIclbail team) ork ell togtther

October 22 1982

Finding new direction By Bill Henry

Nt r the end of the last ~ hool year the Ne Directi ns Associat on (N DA) became a newly recognized sluden t organization The purpo e f the ND i to diversify the acade mic curri ulum and to develop the pe nal growt h of the student body and its me mbers

The sso iat ion structure consi t of two teams he Learning Skills ream which is re p nsi b l fo r acade mic programming a nd the P rogra mmi ng Team whose res ponsibility

Prese ntly the N D A meets ever T uesdav at 330 p~ in Roo m 278 The pu rpose for t h~ meeting IS to provide ongoing tra ini ng to the assoclatlo n memb~rs one weI (for example l~ade hllgt assertiveness communica tions lIsterung etc ) while the a lternate week is held for genera l business and team projects

Cu rre ntly the fo ll ow ing people are me mb r of the NDA he~yl Gordon-President Bill Dziura-Viceshy

p reSid en t Jean Weidma n- P rog ra mming e~m Chairman Robin Waters-Lea rning

Sk ills Tea m Chairman Brenda Eri kson Bill H~nr Su~ Horne Ken Jalbert Frank Kelly En k Leeming MI~e Lindgren Kim Rote Jay Rya n Kathy SilVia a nd Don White


Ocfober fi 230- 4 DO in the Rotunda



Hillel News

We ould Ii e to tha nkfully acknowiedge donations from parents of two Hillel mem ber Donat ions are a lways apprecia ted and gra tefully accepted

Ledger phot ~ will be taken at the lIext meet ing - WedneSday October 27th Ju

bring yourself lnd wear a smi le An add it iona l bru n b is set fo r Sunday

Novem ber 7th Watch ro r detallsjIere - or put your elf o n our ma iling list It s ur to be good time

Dont forge t Friday Night Services tonight at 30 Room C-35 I See you the re

150 O UT next meeting has been planned for

Wednesday October 27 at 4pm in room 365 Hope to~e you there

Circle-K C ircle-K is a service o rganization which

works to help the school and the community ome a nd find out more about Circle-K on

Thursday October 28 at 330 Refreshments

will be served There will be a sign in the Rotunda to ann un e the room number All a re wele me-former Key C lu bber and Keyette and nyone ele intere middotted Hope to e you there

BrYcol We wou ld li k e to extend our

congratulat ions I a nd welcome these new di rectors to the board Ka ren OHara Greg Ha ~ s L nell a nd Eileen OBrien

Now ava ilable at the ountry Comfort a re irresistible yria n subs Why not walk down and try o pel

Agape Agape would like to thank the entire

campus for su ppurting o ur nower sale du ring Parents Wee kend You mad it a success W e would especially like to thank our members who made it possible

Agape welcomes all students to attend our meeting They are every Monday night at 7pm in the Facult y Dining Hall See you there

Agape is excited to have back on ca mpus this weekend our founder and past president Lori McCurry We love you Lori John 316 God Bless

Paae l

Delta Mu Delta There will be a meet ing fo r all new member

r Delta Mu Delrt o n Monday October 25th in Room 245at 330 T he meeting will cone Tn the election of a rea urer and Secretary Please try to attend

Future Business Leaders of America -Phi Beta Lambda provides an opportu nity f r stude nts 10 lea rn Irstha nd ab out the business comm unity It oal in lude learni ng how to beco me n effective business leader learning more about the American middot free enterp rise system buildi ng self-coni idnce encouraging m ney ma nagement a nd learningmore about the business community New mem bers are a lways welcome Stop by a nd fi nd ut what were a ll a bout We meet every T uesday in Room 250 a t 330

Delta Omega ickets are ava ila ble for the fi rst Din n r f

the yea r now in the Ro tunda a t the ticket boo th The Dinner will be held at Bell Farms on route 7 The Speaker is Bob Fish the Vice- p reside nt and general manager of Bo to ns WR KO radio station Tickets a re $895 for a complete buffet ocktail ho ur start a t 600 and dinner will be se rved at 700 All stude nts of all majors are welcome See you there

The Bryant Sports Car Club will be holding its first Fun A uto Railey leaving from Bryant this Sunday October 25th R egistration is open to anyone from Ihe Bryant Community with a car not necessarily a sports car R egistration isfrom I I to 12 am in the commuterparking lot with a $500 entrance f ee per car A co-driver is needed for each car to act as a navigator No experiance is needed to participate in this event It is a good (Jppourtunity to test your driving (navigational) and sense of directional skills

A simple ob ervation can lrueJy amaze the orph n type studeot wb se parents d idnt show up for Parents Weekend It seems a metamorphic event took plac the a erage ho le-jeans ra tty T-shirt campus bum converts to a G Q twe d and sla ks m n when his parents show up a t school

With no surprise at all 99 of the student body wardrobe is the same color blue blazers Doe everyone conform to the Societal Norms or was there sale on blue blazers at Ann amp Hope

It seems it doesnt ma tter as long as one d res es up but wha t about the o rphan Does he onform Most do but there are some careless delinquentmiddot that still roam the ca mpus A pri me example is the Stein He ai an elega n t Wine heese rece p t io n for par-ems walks in to the su ite ith a glass of bong water in hand a black Fra nk Za ppa TshyShirt on and half-bleached half-torn jeans on

The Stei n ignori ng anyone with a blue blazer on proceeds to watch S t Louis beat Milwa ukee and sip hi bong a teT Is this behavior uncout h or in d ividualistic Per onaJly I think his mother should have slapped bim harder when he was a bad boy Hope u lly Stem will cha nge his ways before nex t Parents We kend

Joke of the Week Wha t d id the d river say to the one-legged hi tch-hiker H p in

Parents weekend wa~ a huge succe s last weekend at PHI E P A great time was had by e e ryone w ho a t ten d e d Speci a l congratulations go o ut to Vp Frank DOst illo for the fi nej b he did organizing the weekend Way to go a rrot

Our Smoker was last night and to say the leas t it was a super time for all the brot he rs a nd independent men who attended Wake up guys l lts another day G et psyched fo r the weekend

A belated congratulations is d ue to brother middotRod Simm ons who was a runa way winner in the GLC Cross-Cou nt ry Race Good job Squid (guess who wrote this buddy) Our foot ball tearns are still showing well Our A team is hovering around the 500 mark and Blue and Gold is hold ing strong at 5-1-1 Doc Rock youve been put on waivers at last report

Volleyball starts next week Well be sponsoring 5 teams Good luck to QEII Bryants defending champions as well as to T he Enterprise ( lets beam out Spock )

Blue lInd Gold the Penthouse I I nd Thet -Phi Ep

hope e ery ne had a great Pa rentWe Week-End At least we all had good rood

Our v lIeyball tea m ended up with a win ning season Thanks to our wonderful servers ( Diana a nd Julie ) Now that we are in the finals lets win the whole thing

This Friday October 22 we are having a Pilzza Part All freshma n and independent girls are welco me Meet at the suite (Dorm 6 240 ) at 430 See ya there

Also th is weelc-end we a re going a ppleshypi king II freshman and independent girl are welcome Meet Sunday October 23 in the suite at 130

Look for our candy apple sale next Wednesday ( 10 27) a ndThursday( 1O 28)in the rotunda from 10-3 Doesnt your mouth water just t hinking of the delicious apple

~Ip~ll ~i 11Rllppll Hope everyone had a nice weekend with

their parents Thanks for the cocktails Kappa Tau and Tau Ka ppa Epsilon

Sharon yo u d id a great job at your So ia l Pledge interview We all congratulate you

w y u a n go into the middle r o m u r vo lleyball team Apple Pie Kid s are 7- 1

now We made it to the playoffs and m aybe we ca n win it all Remember you have got three

hilS girls hrissy What the hell was that and

shake those MG Maybe ou r weekend will get progre sive ly better Every weeke nd should be fu ll of leaves a nd new male friends

Twister Happy Hour this Friday October 22nd 3-5 We are located in Dorm 6 Room 31 2

Let it Snow

OK you kumquats Ive been hearing too much flack about not getting in the Greek I ew so here it is First of all Ha ppy 20tlt to Mongol Hey Z if you stop partying for three months maybe youll get some of your braincells back So Garno I hear DustyS not enoug h eh Hey J im did that kid really apologize to you Rem I cant believe you dont remember bird jumping on and breking your table unbelievable Julie wOlld you dane for us again and by the way who wrote her that nasty letter

Now for the real news since I wasted an inch of space and three minutes of somebodys time In football lhe A-team lost again Keep

trying guys The B-team is still hanging tough with a 4-4 record Party with the Sibbies t his weekend be there Co-ed Volleyball is starting so I want to see all y u jocks o ut there learning volleyball from the girls T his T uesda y is our nnual smoker All Freshma n wi hing to attend be o n the fl oor by 6 O Ti ll next y ek bye neighbo~

b r i a very bu y month with alllpe~ of acti~itits planned Parents Weekend went o middot r quite ell Ev n tho ho were orphaned had ma n grea t urnes Saturda y nigh t some of our sisters upported the GLC by tending the GLC bar- good job girls

This past Wednesday we held our first Allotment Night of the semester This is a night that the sisters go out and reminisce a bo ut old times as well as make future plans It is a night ot remember-Get psyched for the nex t one girls

Last night the first Int er- o rority Reception was held We had the reception catered also there wa s a magician for our entertainment The reception introduced girls to the advantages and bene Its of Sorority life at Bryant All those who attended really enjoyed themselves-if a ny body missed it be sure to look for future events

Saturday October 23 SIX a nd TEP are sp onsoring our Olympiad all freshmen ma le and female are encouraged to sign up a nd participate We have a sign-u p table in the Rotunda so be sure not to miss it You need 5 people for a team and then a n yo u have to do is ~ ign up in the Rotunda by 2pm today After the Olym piad well be ha ving II picnic Its a day n obody will want to m iss

nce again cooed intra murals are closi ng in on us Next week o ur volleyball teams start playing-good l uck alll If any fre hmen and inde pendent gir l st ill havent igned up ior co-ed volleyball It st ill isn t 100 late_

Next we k nd is Hallow en-for t hose who have never stayed here fo r Halloween Weeke nd- it is absolutely wild This year will be no d ifferent

Friday October 29 3-6pm I X is holding a Happy Hour in the Pub It will be a grea t way to start off a weekend-be there or be squayuh

Marfa would li ke to personally than k Ma for bringing up her visitors She had quite a wild weekend tha nks to MA PS thanx Wumbuz and Chris for visiting me in my roto home Essay

Hope everybody has a fun weekend and please support our Olympiad

The Brothers would like to commend the football team for giving it hell All that effort is definately worth a lot We know that sooner or later we are going to kick some A

Beta will be having their annual cookout this weekend Naturally well have hot dogs chips and refreshments If you are interested

just give one of the brothers yo ur Saga 10 number May be Tom will give you a lesson on how to eat a dog

Our realist ic (pessimistic) vice-p resident Port has conj ured up a Persona lity Weekend in conjullct ion with Kappa au Fraterni ty that ill blo your mind 111 e sure (hat all clnc1ld t n me faT pen n IiI jud n night are s lbmitted before November 2 An organization or lub may enter a candidate

OUT faithful alumni ill be up for persunality wee~end H a pp~ )- will be h re agai n Our alu mn i 1 11 pa rtic ipa te In the judg ing and also in partying times Who will be the Ivan on personality weekend brothers Chip and Skeeter

Finally our hockey team is being organized a nd it looks reaUy good this year We have ~ome good solid players and we are looking forward to a great season

As always H Y S

Its TGIF in KDK land today marking the end of the first round of tests for all concerned(There is a God) Congratulations to all who survived and get psyched for an anxiety-free weekend at last

Cooed volleyball starts next week a nd the sisters are looking forward to a great eason teamed wi th TE Also wed like to thank all the girls Who played volleyball for us Hope 10 see you when t he End of the Worldco mes to Dorm 5

As is the custom today also ma rks the return of our roaming a hloon ini (a lias Bobo) Wh ts the scoop Carol J ust beca use we dont have our ow n ex pense accoun ts and driv nice car doesn t mean we dont rate

Well this ends our acco unt of another startlingly eventful we O L and BL please try to get ho me at a reas ona ble hour next time O K

Bye-bye and happy sailing

ig ltll ~igmll regmicrol1 Tht S istc s (IJ 0 hope eve r o ne enj~yed

Parents Weekend as m uch as we did Best behavior was apparent th roughout the Bryant community-what happened Our pizza party at Disco s was excellent Oh-that homemaue pizza and other refreshments We hope all those who attended had a good time Our showcase in the Library was beautifully a rranged by our creative and talented sisters Lisa and Laurie--tres chic The all sorori ty reception was held on Thursday Each sorority was represented and brought their crazy sisters along to help the festivities be more enjoyable Chicken o up seemed to be plenliful a round the sisters this week Hope you all feel better for the wild weekend a head Signing off the MAD --


A young admirer Steve Landesberg

The Karate Club kicks up a storm in their demonstration for the fXlrents

The E

bulle 81

- An actress perf orming in the Bryant Players show Doesnt she ~emind you oj one of your oid teachers~ The Chapai

parents in the Rotunda

October 22 1982 Paae9

autograph from

ents The Bryant Players explain Why Teachers Go N uts I





takes a sip of water during his show

The Bryant Jazz Band warms up the audience for Steve Landesberg

Main Even photography br WencJi Parker Celina Santos and Rick Levin

Centerspread larout is by Bryan ajjerky

a mass with the Ready set go Men s Cross-country leam running in tire Tri-state meet


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Pate 10

SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

$200$150 for copies

Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

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Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

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October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




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Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 5: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

l _October 22 982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 5

WOllla s V -Ball ranked fifthSPORTS

---------------------- These teams may be DiviSIOn III teams but By Toni Raekllffe they re till good tea m s says Hudak

Of The Arch way taffa total lea rn effort oach H udak i looking 10 the freshmen of

Women runners excel By Anne Quill

or The Archway Staff

The be~t women - ru nning teo I t hit Bryant is just one way Bryants Wome n Cro~s Country Team hnc be n descr ibe thl shyseason The girls have gained this recognit ion after ha i-ng several excellent race - this fall hlghlighled by a second place finish in I he T ri shytale Champiomhip race held last Saturday at llryam inc team participated in the race ith a lota l of 72 runner competing Bryant defeated Easlern Connecticut CoLlegc Stonchi ll Suffolk Wheatonbull alve Regina Quinnipl3c and Abertus Mangus College and finbhed ju t behind Rhode Island College _

Bryants trength lies in the fact that the girls ork together in a lotalteam effort Thb i shown by the Tri-Statc re ult~ where the top four Bryant runners all f1nbhed withm a minute of each othcr winning medal for plaCing in the top ten Bryants next three runners also crossed the line vi thin twenty seconds Of each other aJi with excellen t limes The team IS coached b) Ch~lrlie Mande ille who feelgt The cntlre team turned in the be~1 dfon ever b a Bryants women em scountry team and they are also the astest Bryant team eer~

Ly e Wanle unce again e(cellmg in her fint year as a Bryant runner took fourth plac olrall with iI time of 7009_ PrevIous to the 1 ri- late Lye broke [he Brvant cou e record in the Rhode h l ~nd State

hampionship held October 8 with Lime of 1956 Say oaen Mnndcillc ) kfll l~e uhJ bnal Ih rcccmJ bUI I didnt n~l ned du it b~ 57 eeond ~he farexcccd d m

c bull ti n~ shy

enior Kalh) Kilras ran her beM race ever Ixing the ~i th girl to ru~~ the fim~h lint Kalny fic+ over the coure in 105 ith ue Jen~cn fight behind her also at 2105 ~etll ng he r olon persona l record for the eour-e The fourth Drylnt runner to ome In ~a anc Dupre claimlllg t~nth pllce velaU ith excellent time f 2114 JUnior nn Ma rl lO

ran a great race for Bryant placing 22nd overall in 2208 while fresh men Lori Sa int Hillaire and Kathy fiomm lFlished rcall ~trong with time~ of 2225 and 2129 resp~ct hlely _ Junior Dottie- Searing and fre __ hman Lori Milrmo re have hown tremendou impro ~mlnt so a r this ~eason ith the Tri-Stalls as a high point Both ~e t

per onal records on the course with DOllies lime of 2504 and Lori orossing thl line In 2625_ Mandeville ltIl1ribUles the success of his learn to utheir ~ltitude and the fact tha theyre not afraId to go out and work real hard _

rhe girls also did very well in the Rhode I land latc Champion~hip race held October 8lh lit Bryant Although the compelltion wa 1lreml) tough the Bryltlnt team set many personal record on the Cour e Lyc Wllnle ha becomc the la test woman runner from Bryanl on the cours breakin the eXIsting school record _ he is the first woman runncrlu become an A lA W Rhode land All tar trom Bryant This recognition comes from being one 01 the til I linihers in the Stete Championship hcre Lyse came III 14th o erall vitb ber record breaking lime Abu with personal records un the coure Itr Nanq Dupre al 20_54 Kalh pnumm 2218 Anne Quill 2309 and DO ltie Searing at 2502

As a result 01 the two home meet held the e past two wetkends the 19 2 womens Cross Country team rune llll made the list a~ being the top 20 fastest Bryant women runners on the Brant ourse (cun idcred the mo t middothlllcnging Courc ar undl llIh i3r anr top IIc rUUn r) III luded 10 th top (n I b IJu~1 une m r a on h) Inl) )carmiddot tcam I

considered the best omcn team 10 run fo r Br~ anI The team ha 10 olg meets comillg up 10 v bullbull 1(h the hoplt to OntlO II llh their Uc e-~ _ On October ~91h lhe trine to Penll~lanili for th~ lA1 Eatern Regional ational Qual lfyillg mect lind in

l)(mber I hc I IA V-E A( Cro~s

CountI Champion~hlp meel al Hol~ Cross

( he Wo mc ns Va rsilv Volleyba ll ha s been ra nked fifth in ew ngland (plus New Yo rk) in Di i510n 1- A ranking Coach Lorraine Hudak is quile proud of

Since ew York has been included in our region the ompelition is much tougher exp lains an excited Hudak

Th lady Indians present record is 14-4 This coming after defeating Ale tonehlll und Barrington a nd 10 ing 10 Brown _

The loss to Brown however will nOI hurt the Women standing in the Divbion accord ing to Coach Huda

On Saturday t he Women travel to Eastern Connecticut for tournament Ieam~ from Divisionmiddot I II and III will be competing Hudak feels the women will have to do well in this tournament to keep their standing

I he team 10 beat arc Di I ion Itr I1rst and second place teams RIC and Eastern Cunnecticut

the tea m 10 add pi rit as well as slrength to the team They (the fresh men) add enthusiasm a nd energy to the team say Hudak

V lerie Lit t lefield a three-time all-sta r player and a member of the Massachu etls Oloba l Schola middottic team i a trong consistent hiller ccording to Hudak

Ann- Marie Harrington doing bOlh hilling and setting was a member of lhe All-division first tea m and AIl-Slale second team in Rhode Island _

Lisa Carr aho a member of the All-divisjon Iirst team and All-Sla te first team in R hode Island is also a strong and consistent h itler

Beth Pollard having never played befoR na) become a good setter according to Hudak

Also consistent in their play are Car 1 Huam~n and Wendy Skomar) I can ihpend on them as well as any olher member to give Ihe team ~tron-g and consl tent play

Tennis ends Season with a 500 record

By Roberl L onardj Of The Archway StafJ

For the secUlld year in a row tne women s lenni tcam ha finished lheit )ea~on witll a 5shy5 rccord Coach Peter Barlow was pkased ith the way hi) glrh handled them elves in overcoming an early de IC iL Conch Barlow wa glad to ee that all of his girl played their matches wi th a good uilude and kept Ihelr mental toug hncss no matter what the score wa

deg weeks ago the girls traveled to I-ro idencc and partiClpateu in th~ Rhude I nd I II III I I Ducu ment 1 h leam dId II I r t clr II cl anllth glrb were lIb c II rna n w riends and mee old onemiddot _

Some oULStanding performance thlea~ n hac mc Ir m eni r nn e ld~k and l1 Oal h or Iht 11 t tlo _Ql I d rrcord II lfi--_ amI tunJor K rrn lu p and Janna ) o~c prtn r in rhe d(lubJ e~

c mpctIIion oaeh Barlow Qu Ld al 0 like to e~pecUilly Ihank Barb ra PapillO for hlr valeran expenence that she contnbuted to the Icam Ove all Coach Barlo fcc I thal the learning IJopericnce 01 match play Will help the girl whtn they return next ~cllr Lira Daly

Ben Edwards and Mike Bradley compete in the Tri-stale Cro f Country meet held here at Bryant on Saturday

Gol f t e a m p laces second 1

bull ECACs By Rick Morenzoni maklOg a sI r ng showing for Ihe Indians was

The Brya nl College Golf cam d os d out Ke in Mc Kenna who shot a five 153 T he second place Jn i ~h was Bryants besttheir fall schedule wi th a second pia e fin is h in

ever in EC AC whi h i~ compri ed larg I of Division choo L More importantly Ihey

the A tournament al Yale Country lub In ew lIalen on nect i uL

fin i) hed ah a d 01 a rch r iva l Ce n lralThe Ind ian t lHHlay tOtal of 627 left them ~ell behind champion Rama po College of onnect icut in ongoing bid 10 represent -ew

Engla nd in the C A A Divi ~i n II Natimalew _I er~ey ho e lea m score was 612 Rama po achieved the vit tory by plac ing [OW Tourna ment A panel o f olTlcia L review the

fall a nd spring result to clermine the teamgolfer~ in third place tied a t 15 Bryant was thaI would hest represent Ne Engl3nd at the

a 36 hole to tal of 150 good fo r second place lead by senior ap tia n Jim H~d let who a rded

NCAA~ In la t pring Brya nt b tr)-lOg t reca ptu re tha t honor after a I WO year absence

(N H) Ric h Parker wbo fired a 144_ Al o Medal ist honors went 10 P lymo uth ta tcs

in which Ccntral was electcd both times

PholV b l Wendi Parker Photo by Wendi Parker

The Bryant Indians are ) -2-0 in the Northeast -8- Conference foccer standingf Two tea members Tim Lawlor and Mario M acera have been selected as Bryant Atheetes of the Week for October 10-16 based on their strong perf ormances against onehill and Bentley Colleges

Soccer pair make

and the Bentley VictOry

Athlete f the eek I Athlcte of lhe Week award lor clober College o n )cl 16 Meanwtule Macera

10middot r li being shared by two member f thl s~ored )n~ g al In both tht ~roneh ill victor Bryan t soccc r team T im I awlo r and Mario

Macera The t o player are ha ving very prod uclive I a IUf huJ nne a ssisl In the 4- 1 Nonhea~l -S seasons In lead ing (he Indians 10 a 3-2-0 N E-8 onferen e icwry over Sto neni ll Co llege on confe rence record thus fa r Lawlor i the

Ocwber 13 he also cored two goa ls a nd had I leade r in points with 8 for the Indians while assi t in the 3-0 E-8 vict o ry c r Bentley Macera i ~ seco nd wilh 7


Paae 6 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

intramural UpMamp

Football Playoffs near By Kevin Faulkner RCJut t hicn Rapi~l and 1Uff Angle~ to in

th d ldsion Look out fo r Wa hlllglon Hllllo t Itmiddot the time o f thc year in whi h r otball is pre ail d ue t I the i r Cr p rc ~ent

no longe r a game of ya rds bu t a ga me of aggrc~si cncs a nd intimida t ion inches a time in hi h e cr t m will be ( Dt b il)n fu o r iIC indud 714

o Oi IMon In the Weak League ha a host of and shou ld be laored Wa tch OU t for the ( )tites intl ud ing Watington Hill _ afari Wccblcs l nd Weeblelles th o ugh

Two tlams ballll it out in qUlst of thl intramural football playoff



r r~


Join Bryant alumni fac ulty and staff in enjoying this exciting and fu n filled play at the Ocean State Performshying Arts enter Saturday November 13 1982 at 800pm Barnum is a three time Tony Award winning musical which sketches 45 years in the life of the flamshyboyent 19th Century American impresario PT Barnum who gave us The Greatest how on Earth Barnum bursts with color gaiety and sleight of hand and features more acroshybatics juggling tightrope walking and pure charm than a 3 ring circus After the produ tion join us for a wine and cheese reception in the lobby of the theater

SPECIAL STUDENT RATES $650 includes bus transpor ation plus the show and the reception NON-STUDENT RATES $13 0 includes the show and the reception





S NIORS Brawn Studio will be an campus ov 1 - Nov 19 to Ake your ersonal nd yearbook portraits You may sign up for an appointment inside the

tudent Senate office Portraits will be k n in the MAC Conference Aoom December grads sign up soan - Appointments fill up fast

Meet Your Miller



When you need beer or other MUler Brewing Co products for ptllties or other social events contact Brian Keating at 949-3202 For f urther information contact



(from the Hodgson Memorial LIbrary Staff)

Here are just a few of the things that happened last year

bull We kept the library open and offered personal assistance for 4252 hours

bull During the academic year over 1690 people used the library every day Over 367213 people used the library last year

bull During a typica l week an average of 1900 people got some manner of assistance from staff

bull librarians provided classroom bibliographic Instruction for 1400 students

bull Reference librarians offered personal research assistance 5449 times and distributed 500 bvslness research guides

bull Interlibrary loan borrowed 532 Items for faculty and students and loaned 712

bull Conference rooms were booked 6123 t imes bull The Audio Visual Department responded to 6636 requests

for equipment and created 2070 transparencies

bull Over 48757 Items were circulated by the referenceperlodshyleal and c irculation departments

bull 3926 new book titles were acquired and the faculty was notified of 1661 titles relevant to their particular dlslpllne

bull Over 19630 cards were flied In the catalog provide access to the collection Actually we are very pleased at the continued level of activity The next time youre wondering what the library has done for you lately just ask Its one of our favorite topiCs

scratchi ng a nd lawing 1m that littl e tra-E playolT (eer is in the a ir In thc strong d t is ion l the tca m sta nd ings

how the mllki ng f a e rill ~ dog t ight The Sykos T e mple a nd 6gers a rc a ll in position to captu re lhe DI i~ion Champion~hip rh edge goc to the S ykos ho defeated a Mrong TempI tca m carlkr in the car

In thc F ral dnis ion hi sig looks good but the Pycho Killer louk a csomc and ~hould be lavored 10 capt ure the en ti re Strong Dii i n I llle

In the Wea Dii~ion A three tcam hae odds-on p s ibilities HI In the dtislon shyBlack Shad ws Blue amp Gold and Load ing Zone ith the Black Shados haVing the upper hand

T num ph and the rui st 8rother~ ith God onl~ knlll4i ng hll i gOIng 1Il pre a il T1NN IS n~une rLa~lIlg Int ramu ral en m IS a~ed

pound0 please look at the In tram ural Bulletin boar and he I Olll ehed uled matches An~ one nOI making an all mpl 10 onlact thtd r opponent ill be dis4uahfied IO LLCYBALL

The ~ i teen (eam~ to appea r in Ihl Fall In tramura l Volle) ball playofE are Weebles Bandt Appk Pie Kid Faces Ball Buster Wccblcllc~ Rcbeb Inva lidgt Numb rs ESP Double Ision Brunos Shaam 1enth Heave n D) na t ) and My t i4uc

The um bers (made up 01 many of the girb ar ily baIclbail team) ork ell togtther

October 22 1982

Finding new direction By Bill Henry

Nt r the end of the last ~ hool year the Ne Directi ns Associat on (N DA) became a newly recognized sluden t organization The purpo e f the ND i to diversify the acade mic curri ulum and to develop the pe nal growt h of the student body and its me mbers

The sso iat ion structure consi t of two teams he Learning Skills ream which is re p nsi b l fo r acade mic programming a nd the P rogra mmi ng Team whose res ponsibility

Prese ntly the N D A meets ever T uesdav at 330 p~ in Roo m 278 The pu rpose for t h~ meeting IS to provide ongoing tra ini ng to the assoclatlo n memb~rs one weI (for example l~ade hllgt assertiveness communica tions lIsterung etc ) while the a lternate week is held for genera l business and team projects

Cu rre ntly the fo ll ow ing people are me mb r of the NDA he~yl Gordon-President Bill Dziura-Viceshy

p reSid en t Jean Weidma n- P rog ra mming e~m Chairman Robin Waters-Lea rning

Sk ills Tea m Chairman Brenda Eri kson Bill H~nr Su~ Horne Ken Jalbert Frank Kelly En k Leeming MI~e Lindgren Kim Rote Jay Rya n Kathy SilVia a nd Don White


Ocfober fi 230- 4 DO in the Rotunda



Hillel News

We ould Ii e to tha nkfully acknowiedge donations from parents of two Hillel mem ber Donat ions are a lways apprecia ted and gra tefully accepted

Ledger phot ~ will be taken at the lIext meet ing - WedneSday October 27th Ju

bring yourself lnd wear a smi le An add it iona l bru n b is set fo r Sunday

Novem ber 7th Watch ro r detallsjIere - or put your elf o n our ma iling list It s ur to be good time

Dont forge t Friday Night Services tonight at 30 Room C-35 I See you the re

150 O UT next meeting has been planned for

Wednesday October 27 at 4pm in room 365 Hope to~e you there

Circle-K C ircle-K is a service o rganization which

works to help the school and the community ome a nd find out more about Circle-K on

Thursday October 28 at 330 Refreshments

will be served There will be a sign in the Rotunda to ann un e the room number All a re wele me-former Key C lu bber and Keyette and nyone ele intere middotted Hope to e you there

BrYcol We wou ld li k e to extend our

congratulat ions I a nd welcome these new di rectors to the board Ka ren OHara Greg Ha ~ s L nell a nd Eileen OBrien

Now ava ilable at the ountry Comfort a re irresistible yria n subs Why not walk down and try o pel

Agape Agape would like to thank the entire

campus for su ppurting o ur nower sale du ring Parents Wee kend You mad it a success W e would especially like to thank our members who made it possible

Agape welcomes all students to attend our meeting They are every Monday night at 7pm in the Facult y Dining Hall See you there

Agape is excited to have back on ca mpus this weekend our founder and past president Lori McCurry We love you Lori John 316 God Bless

Paae l

Delta Mu Delta There will be a meet ing fo r all new member

r Delta Mu Delrt o n Monday October 25th in Room 245at 330 T he meeting will cone Tn the election of a rea urer and Secretary Please try to attend

Future Business Leaders of America -Phi Beta Lambda provides an opportu nity f r stude nts 10 lea rn Irstha nd ab out the business comm unity It oal in lude learni ng how to beco me n effective business leader learning more about the American middot free enterp rise system buildi ng self-coni idnce encouraging m ney ma nagement a nd learningmore about the business community New mem bers are a lways welcome Stop by a nd fi nd ut what were a ll a bout We meet every T uesday in Room 250 a t 330

Delta Omega ickets are ava ila ble for the fi rst Din n r f

the yea r now in the Ro tunda a t the ticket boo th The Dinner will be held at Bell Farms on route 7 The Speaker is Bob Fish the Vice- p reside nt and general manager of Bo to ns WR KO radio station Tickets a re $895 for a complete buffet ocktail ho ur start a t 600 and dinner will be se rved at 700 All stude nts of all majors are welcome See you there

The Bryant Sports Car Club will be holding its first Fun A uto Railey leaving from Bryant this Sunday October 25th R egistration is open to anyone from Ihe Bryant Community with a car not necessarily a sports car R egistration isfrom I I to 12 am in the commuterparking lot with a $500 entrance f ee per car A co-driver is needed for each car to act as a navigator No experiance is needed to participate in this event It is a good (Jppourtunity to test your driving (navigational) and sense of directional skills

A simple ob ervation can lrueJy amaze the orph n type studeot wb se parents d idnt show up for Parents Weekend It seems a metamorphic event took plac the a erage ho le-jeans ra tty T-shirt campus bum converts to a G Q twe d and sla ks m n when his parents show up a t school

With no surprise at all 99 of the student body wardrobe is the same color blue blazers Doe everyone conform to the Societal Norms or was there sale on blue blazers at Ann amp Hope

It seems it doesnt ma tter as long as one d res es up but wha t about the o rphan Does he onform Most do but there are some careless delinquentmiddot that still roam the ca mpus A pri me example is the Stein He ai an elega n t Wine heese rece p t io n for par-ems walks in to the su ite ith a glass of bong water in hand a black Fra nk Za ppa TshyShirt on and half-bleached half-torn jeans on

The Stei n ignori ng anyone with a blue blazer on proceeds to watch S t Louis beat Milwa ukee and sip hi bong a teT Is this behavior uncout h or in d ividualistic Per onaJly I think his mother should have slapped bim harder when he was a bad boy Hope u lly Stem will cha nge his ways before nex t Parents We kend

Joke of the Week Wha t d id the d river say to the one-legged hi tch-hiker H p in

Parents weekend wa~ a huge succe s last weekend at PHI E P A great time was had by e e ryone w ho a t ten d e d Speci a l congratulations go o ut to Vp Frank DOst illo for the fi nej b he did organizing the weekend Way to go a rrot

Our Smoker was last night and to say the leas t it was a super time for all the brot he rs a nd independent men who attended Wake up guys l lts another day G et psyched fo r the weekend

A belated congratulations is d ue to brother middotRod Simm ons who was a runa way winner in the GLC Cross-Cou nt ry Race Good job Squid (guess who wrote this buddy) Our foot ball tearns are still showing well Our A team is hovering around the 500 mark and Blue and Gold is hold ing strong at 5-1-1 Doc Rock youve been put on waivers at last report

Volleyball starts next week Well be sponsoring 5 teams Good luck to QEII Bryants defending champions as well as to T he Enterprise ( lets beam out Spock )

Blue lInd Gold the Penthouse I I nd Thet -Phi Ep

hope e ery ne had a great Pa rentWe Week-End At least we all had good rood

Our v lIeyball tea m ended up with a win ning season Thanks to our wonderful servers ( Diana a nd Julie ) Now that we are in the finals lets win the whole thing

This Friday October 22 we are having a Pilzza Part All freshma n and independent girls are welco me Meet at the suite (Dorm 6 240 ) at 430 See ya there

Also th is weelc-end we a re going a ppleshypi king II freshman and independent girl are welcome Meet Sunday October 23 in the suite at 130

Look for our candy apple sale next Wednesday ( 10 27) a ndThursday( 1O 28)in the rotunda from 10-3 Doesnt your mouth water just t hinking of the delicious apple

~Ip~ll ~i 11Rllppll Hope everyone had a nice weekend with

their parents Thanks for the cocktails Kappa Tau and Tau Ka ppa Epsilon

Sharon yo u d id a great job at your So ia l Pledge interview We all congratulate you

w y u a n go into the middle r o m u r vo lleyball team Apple Pie Kid s are 7- 1

now We made it to the playoffs and m aybe we ca n win it all Remember you have got three

hilS girls hrissy What the hell was that and

shake those MG Maybe ou r weekend will get progre sive ly better Every weeke nd should be fu ll of leaves a nd new male friends

Twister Happy Hour this Friday October 22nd 3-5 We are located in Dorm 6 Room 31 2

Let it Snow

OK you kumquats Ive been hearing too much flack about not getting in the Greek I ew so here it is First of all Ha ppy 20tlt to Mongol Hey Z if you stop partying for three months maybe youll get some of your braincells back So Garno I hear DustyS not enoug h eh Hey J im did that kid really apologize to you Rem I cant believe you dont remember bird jumping on and breking your table unbelievable Julie wOlld you dane for us again and by the way who wrote her that nasty letter

Now for the real news since I wasted an inch of space and three minutes of somebodys time In football lhe A-team lost again Keep

trying guys The B-team is still hanging tough with a 4-4 record Party with the Sibbies t his weekend be there Co-ed Volleyball is starting so I want to see all y u jocks o ut there learning volleyball from the girls T his T uesda y is our nnual smoker All Freshma n wi hing to attend be o n the fl oor by 6 O Ti ll next y ek bye neighbo~

b r i a very bu y month with alllpe~ of acti~itits planned Parents Weekend went o middot r quite ell Ev n tho ho were orphaned had ma n grea t urnes Saturda y nigh t some of our sisters upported the GLC by tending the GLC bar- good job girls

This past Wednesday we held our first Allotment Night of the semester This is a night that the sisters go out and reminisce a bo ut old times as well as make future plans It is a night ot remember-Get psyched for the nex t one girls

Last night the first Int er- o rority Reception was held We had the reception catered also there wa s a magician for our entertainment The reception introduced girls to the advantages and bene Its of Sorority life at Bryant All those who attended really enjoyed themselves-if a ny body missed it be sure to look for future events

Saturday October 23 SIX a nd TEP are sp onsoring our Olympiad all freshmen ma le and female are encouraged to sign up a nd participate We have a sign-u p table in the Rotunda so be sure not to miss it You need 5 people for a team and then a n yo u have to do is ~ ign up in the Rotunda by 2pm today After the Olym piad well be ha ving II picnic Its a day n obody will want to m iss

nce again cooed intra murals are closi ng in on us Next week o ur volleyball teams start playing-good l uck alll If any fre hmen and inde pendent gir l st ill havent igned up ior co-ed volleyball It st ill isn t 100 late_

Next we k nd is Hallow en-for t hose who have never stayed here fo r Halloween Weeke nd- it is absolutely wild This year will be no d ifferent

Friday October 29 3-6pm I X is holding a Happy Hour in the Pub It will be a grea t way to start off a weekend-be there or be squayuh

Marfa would li ke to personally than k Ma for bringing up her visitors She had quite a wild weekend tha nks to MA PS thanx Wumbuz and Chris for visiting me in my roto home Essay

Hope everybody has a fun weekend and please support our Olympiad

The Brothers would like to commend the football team for giving it hell All that effort is definately worth a lot We know that sooner or later we are going to kick some A

Beta will be having their annual cookout this weekend Naturally well have hot dogs chips and refreshments If you are interested

just give one of the brothers yo ur Saga 10 number May be Tom will give you a lesson on how to eat a dog

Our realist ic (pessimistic) vice-p resident Port has conj ured up a Persona lity Weekend in conjullct ion with Kappa au Fraterni ty that ill blo your mind 111 e sure (hat all clnc1ld t n me faT pen n IiI jud n night are s lbmitted before November 2 An organization or lub may enter a candidate

OUT faithful alumni ill be up for persunality wee~end H a pp~ )- will be h re agai n Our alu mn i 1 11 pa rtic ipa te In the judg ing and also in partying times Who will be the Ivan on personality weekend brothers Chip and Skeeter

Finally our hockey team is being organized a nd it looks reaUy good this year We have ~ome good solid players and we are looking forward to a great season

As always H Y S

Its TGIF in KDK land today marking the end of the first round of tests for all concerned(There is a God) Congratulations to all who survived and get psyched for an anxiety-free weekend at last

Cooed volleyball starts next week a nd the sisters are looking forward to a great eason teamed wi th TE Also wed like to thank all the girls Who played volleyball for us Hope 10 see you when t he End of the Worldco mes to Dorm 5

As is the custom today also ma rks the return of our roaming a hloon ini (a lias Bobo) Wh ts the scoop Carol J ust beca use we dont have our ow n ex pense accoun ts and driv nice car doesn t mean we dont rate

Well this ends our acco unt of another startlingly eventful we O L and BL please try to get ho me at a reas ona ble hour next time O K

Bye-bye and happy sailing

ig ltll ~igmll regmicrol1 Tht S istc s (IJ 0 hope eve r o ne enj~yed

Parents Weekend as m uch as we did Best behavior was apparent th roughout the Bryant community-what happened Our pizza party at Disco s was excellent Oh-that homemaue pizza and other refreshments We hope all those who attended had a good time Our showcase in the Library was beautifully a rranged by our creative and talented sisters Lisa and Laurie--tres chic The all sorori ty reception was held on Thursday Each sorority was represented and brought their crazy sisters along to help the festivities be more enjoyable Chicken o up seemed to be plenliful a round the sisters this week Hope you all feel better for the wild weekend a head Signing off the MAD --


A young admirer Steve Landesberg

The Karate Club kicks up a storm in their demonstration for the fXlrents

The E

bulle 81

- An actress perf orming in the Bryant Players show Doesnt she ~emind you oj one of your oid teachers~ The Chapai

parents in the Rotunda

October 22 1982 Paae9

autograph from

ents The Bryant Players explain Why Teachers Go N uts I





takes a sip of water during his show

The Bryant Jazz Band warms up the audience for Steve Landesberg

Main Even photography br WencJi Parker Celina Santos and Rick Levin

Centerspread larout is by Bryan ajjerky

a mass with the Ready set go Men s Cross-country leam running in tire Tri-state meet


The Right Hair Style

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Pate 10

SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

$200$150 for copies

Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

THE LIBRARY 112 mile from Bryant College



BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

[iri amp Sat Your First Drink Is On Us

-Appearing this Week PowerGlideshy

Dont Miss Our Famous TGIF Happy Hour with Cape Cods Smith and Sullivan

3-7pm NO Cover

ULTRA modern Gameroom

Happy Hour 3-7pm


Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

) h

G e neral Typesetting and

Res u me Service

$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

$7 ModIfied Run

You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

11111 ~hl Ii 1 )U1111 ~ ~uir l2 1 t_ j Ir (11 llll (Il) 1) 2~ilt NL

l)tlptlnU~ rll o n lyshyI I I k pltlh lI d


Trident Marketing introduces the definitile answer to your term paper and aSSignment problems Whether the paper that you require is 5 pages or 75 pages long arts or sciences undergraduate or graduate level Trident Marketing can fulfill your requirements Considering the number of term papers we carry on file our price structure our delivery system and our custom term paper service we are the biggest and the best Some of our more impressive features are

bull Absolutely the towest prices ofany term paper service in the United States bull Tol l Free (800) number service to take term paper orders - 7 Day Delillery bull Over 15000 term papers on file and we deliver custom made term papers on 14 day

notice - Toll Free service to take these orders also bull Complete and absolute confldenllality - We ship in plain brown envelopes bull Never ever any duplication - we never send the same paper twice to the same

university or college This f ctoruncondltlonaIlYbarranted bull All term papers typed and ready for submiSSIon bull Catalogue purchase price refunded in full against first order bull Our catalogue is cross indexed by faculties (Arts SCiences Commerce

Engineering Computer Science Business etc) and by undergraduate and graduate classifications - completely Indexed tor easy amp fast use

bull Trident Marketing unconditionally guarantees an A ( + or - ) on any term paper prollided by us or money In full refunded

Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 6: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University


Paae 6 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

intramural UpMamp

Football Playoffs near By Kevin Faulkner RCJut t hicn Rapi~l and 1Uff Angle~ to in

th d ldsion Look out fo r Wa hlllglon Hllllo t Itmiddot the time o f thc year in whi h r otball is pre ail d ue t I the i r Cr p rc ~ent

no longe r a game of ya rds bu t a ga me of aggrc~si cncs a nd intimida t ion inches a time in hi h e cr t m will be ( Dt b il)n fu o r iIC indud 714

o Oi IMon In the Weak League ha a host of and shou ld be laored Wa tch OU t for the ( )tites intl ud ing Watington Hill _ afari Wccblcs l nd Weeblelles th o ugh

Two tlams ballll it out in qUlst of thl intramural football playoff



r r~


Join Bryant alumni fac ulty and staff in enjoying this exciting and fu n filled play at the Ocean State Performshying Arts enter Saturday November 13 1982 at 800pm Barnum is a three time Tony Award winning musical which sketches 45 years in the life of the flamshyboyent 19th Century American impresario PT Barnum who gave us The Greatest how on Earth Barnum bursts with color gaiety and sleight of hand and features more acroshybatics juggling tightrope walking and pure charm than a 3 ring circus After the produ tion join us for a wine and cheese reception in the lobby of the theater

SPECIAL STUDENT RATES $650 includes bus transpor ation plus the show and the reception NON-STUDENT RATES $13 0 includes the show and the reception





S NIORS Brawn Studio will be an campus ov 1 - Nov 19 to Ake your ersonal nd yearbook portraits You may sign up for an appointment inside the

tudent Senate office Portraits will be k n in the MAC Conference Aoom December grads sign up soan - Appointments fill up fast

Meet Your Miller



When you need beer or other MUler Brewing Co products for ptllties or other social events contact Brian Keating at 949-3202 For f urther information contact



(from the Hodgson Memorial LIbrary Staff)

Here are just a few of the things that happened last year

bull We kept the library open and offered personal assistance for 4252 hours

bull During the academic year over 1690 people used the library every day Over 367213 people used the library last year

bull During a typica l week an average of 1900 people got some manner of assistance from staff

bull librarians provided classroom bibliographic Instruction for 1400 students

bull Reference librarians offered personal research assistance 5449 times and distributed 500 bvslness research guides

bull Interlibrary loan borrowed 532 Items for faculty and students and loaned 712

bull Conference rooms were booked 6123 t imes bull The Audio Visual Department responded to 6636 requests

for equipment and created 2070 transparencies

bull Over 48757 Items were circulated by the referenceperlodshyleal and c irculation departments

bull 3926 new book titles were acquired and the faculty was notified of 1661 titles relevant to their particular dlslpllne

bull Over 19630 cards were flied In the catalog provide access to the collection Actually we are very pleased at the continued level of activity The next time youre wondering what the library has done for you lately just ask Its one of our favorite topiCs

scratchi ng a nd lawing 1m that littl e tra-E playolT (eer is in the a ir In thc strong d t is ion l the tca m sta nd ings

how the mllki ng f a e rill ~ dog t ight The Sykos T e mple a nd 6gers a rc a ll in position to captu re lhe DI i~ion Champion~hip rh edge goc to the S ykos ho defeated a Mrong TempI tca m carlkr in the car

In thc F ral dnis ion hi sig looks good but the Pycho Killer louk a csomc and ~hould be lavored 10 capt ure the en ti re Strong Dii i n I llle

In the Wea Dii~ion A three tcam hae odds-on p s ibilities HI In the dtislon shyBlack Shad ws Blue amp Gold and Load ing Zone ith the Black Shados haVing the upper hand

T num ph and the rui st 8rother~ ith God onl~ knlll4i ng hll i gOIng 1Il pre a il T1NN IS n~une rLa~lIlg Int ramu ral en m IS a~ed

pound0 please look at the In tram ural Bulletin boar and he I Olll ehed uled matches An~ one nOI making an all mpl 10 onlact thtd r opponent ill be dis4uahfied IO LLCYBALL

The ~ i teen (eam~ to appea r in Ihl Fall In tramura l Volle) ball playofE are Weebles Bandt Appk Pie Kid Faces Ball Buster Wccblcllc~ Rcbeb Inva lidgt Numb rs ESP Double Ision Brunos Shaam 1enth Heave n D) na t ) and My t i4uc

The um bers (made up 01 many of the girb ar ily baIclbail team) ork ell togtther

October 22 1982

Finding new direction By Bill Henry

Nt r the end of the last ~ hool year the Ne Directi ns Associat on (N DA) became a newly recognized sluden t organization The purpo e f the ND i to diversify the acade mic curri ulum and to develop the pe nal growt h of the student body and its me mbers

The sso iat ion structure consi t of two teams he Learning Skills ream which is re p nsi b l fo r acade mic programming a nd the P rogra mmi ng Team whose res ponsibility

Prese ntly the N D A meets ever T uesdav at 330 p~ in Roo m 278 The pu rpose for t h~ meeting IS to provide ongoing tra ini ng to the assoclatlo n memb~rs one weI (for example l~ade hllgt assertiveness communica tions lIsterung etc ) while the a lternate week is held for genera l business and team projects

Cu rre ntly the fo ll ow ing people are me mb r of the NDA he~yl Gordon-President Bill Dziura-Viceshy

p reSid en t Jean Weidma n- P rog ra mming e~m Chairman Robin Waters-Lea rning

Sk ills Tea m Chairman Brenda Eri kson Bill H~nr Su~ Horne Ken Jalbert Frank Kelly En k Leeming MI~e Lindgren Kim Rote Jay Rya n Kathy SilVia a nd Don White


Ocfober fi 230- 4 DO in the Rotunda



Hillel News

We ould Ii e to tha nkfully acknowiedge donations from parents of two Hillel mem ber Donat ions are a lways apprecia ted and gra tefully accepted

Ledger phot ~ will be taken at the lIext meet ing - WedneSday October 27th Ju

bring yourself lnd wear a smi le An add it iona l bru n b is set fo r Sunday

Novem ber 7th Watch ro r detallsjIere - or put your elf o n our ma iling list It s ur to be good time

Dont forge t Friday Night Services tonight at 30 Room C-35 I See you the re

150 O UT next meeting has been planned for

Wednesday October 27 at 4pm in room 365 Hope to~e you there

Circle-K C ircle-K is a service o rganization which

works to help the school and the community ome a nd find out more about Circle-K on

Thursday October 28 at 330 Refreshments

will be served There will be a sign in the Rotunda to ann un e the room number All a re wele me-former Key C lu bber and Keyette and nyone ele intere middotted Hope to e you there

BrYcol We wou ld li k e to extend our

congratulat ions I a nd welcome these new di rectors to the board Ka ren OHara Greg Ha ~ s L nell a nd Eileen OBrien

Now ava ilable at the ountry Comfort a re irresistible yria n subs Why not walk down and try o pel

Agape Agape would like to thank the entire

campus for su ppurting o ur nower sale du ring Parents Wee kend You mad it a success W e would especially like to thank our members who made it possible

Agape welcomes all students to attend our meeting They are every Monday night at 7pm in the Facult y Dining Hall See you there

Agape is excited to have back on ca mpus this weekend our founder and past president Lori McCurry We love you Lori John 316 God Bless

Paae l

Delta Mu Delta There will be a meet ing fo r all new member

r Delta Mu Delrt o n Monday October 25th in Room 245at 330 T he meeting will cone Tn the election of a rea urer and Secretary Please try to attend

Future Business Leaders of America -Phi Beta Lambda provides an opportu nity f r stude nts 10 lea rn Irstha nd ab out the business comm unity It oal in lude learni ng how to beco me n effective business leader learning more about the American middot free enterp rise system buildi ng self-coni idnce encouraging m ney ma nagement a nd learningmore about the business community New mem bers are a lways welcome Stop by a nd fi nd ut what were a ll a bout We meet every T uesday in Room 250 a t 330

Delta Omega ickets are ava ila ble for the fi rst Din n r f

the yea r now in the Ro tunda a t the ticket boo th The Dinner will be held at Bell Farms on route 7 The Speaker is Bob Fish the Vice- p reside nt and general manager of Bo to ns WR KO radio station Tickets a re $895 for a complete buffet ocktail ho ur start a t 600 and dinner will be se rved at 700 All stude nts of all majors are welcome See you there

The Bryant Sports Car Club will be holding its first Fun A uto Railey leaving from Bryant this Sunday October 25th R egistration is open to anyone from Ihe Bryant Community with a car not necessarily a sports car R egistration isfrom I I to 12 am in the commuterparking lot with a $500 entrance f ee per car A co-driver is needed for each car to act as a navigator No experiance is needed to participate in this event It is a good (Jppourtunity to test your driving (navigational) and sense of directional skills

A simple ob ervation can lrueJy amaze the orph n type studeot wb se parents d idnt show up for Parents Weekend It seems a metamorphic event took plac the a erage ho le-jeans ra tty T-shirt campus bum converts to a G Q twe d and sla ks m n when his parents show up a t school

With no surprise at all 99 of the student body wardrobe is the same color blue blazers Doe everyone conform to the Societal Norms or was there sale on blue blazers at Ann amp Hope

It seems it doesnt ma tter as long as one d res es up but wha t about the o rphan Does he onform Most do but there are some careless delinquentmiddot that still roam the ca mpus A pri me example is the Stein He ai an elega n t Wine heese rece p t io n for par-ems walks in to the su ite ith a glass of bong water in hand a black Fra nk Za ppa TshyShirt on and half-bleached half-torn jeans on

The Stei n ignori ng anyone with a blue blazer on proceeds to watch S t Louis beat Milwa ukee and sip hi bong a teT Is this behavior uncout h or in d ividualistic Per onaJly I think his mother should have slapped bim harder when he was a bad boy Hope u lly Stem will cha nge his ways before nex t Parents We kend

Joke of the Week Wha t d id the d river say to the one-legged hi tch-hiker H p in

Parents weekend wa~ a huge succe s last weekend at PHI E P A great time was had by e e ryone w ho a t ten d e d Speci a l congratulations go o ut to Vp Frank DOst illo for the fi nej b he did organizing the weekend Way to go a rrot

Our Smoker was last night and to say the leas t it was a super time for all the brot he rs a nd independent men who attended Wake up guys l lts another day G et psyched fo r the weekend

A belated congratulations is d ue to brother middotRod Simm ons who was a runa way winner in the GLC Cross-Cou nt ry Race Good job Squid (guess who wrote this buddy) Our foot ball tearns are still showing well Our A team is hovering around the 500 mark and Blue and Gold is hold ing strong at 5-1-1 Doc Rock youve been put on waivers at last report

Volleyball starts next week Well be sponsoring 5 teams Good luck to QEII Bryants defending champions as well as to T he Enterprise ( lets beam out Spock )

Blue lInd Gold the Penthouse I I nd Thet -Phi Ep

hope e ery ne had a great Pa rentWe Week-End At least we all had good rood

Our v lIeyball tea m ended up with a win ning season Thanks to our wonderful servers ( Diana a nd Julie ) Now that we are in the finals lets win the whole thing

This Friday October 22 we are having a Pilzza Part All freshma n and independent girls are welco me Meet at the suite (Dorm 6 240 ) at 430 See ya there

Also th is weelc-end we a re going a ppleshypi king II freshman and independent girl are welcome Meet Sunday October 23 in the suite at 130

Look for our candy apple sale next Wednesday ( 10 27) a ndThursday( 1O 28)in the rotunda from 10-3 Doesnt your mouth water just t hinking of the delicious apple

~Ip~ll ~i 11Rllppll Hope everyone had a nice weekend with

their parents Thanks for the cocktails Kappa Tau and Tau Ka ppa Epsilon

Sharon yo u d id a great job at your So ia l Pledge interview We all congratulate you

w y u a n go into the middle r o m u r vo lleyball team Apple Pie Kid s are 7- 1

now We made it to the playoffs and m aybe we ca n win it all Remember you have got three

hilS girls hrissy What the hell was that and

shake those MG Maybe ou r weekend will get progre sive ly better Every weeke nd should be fu ll of leaves a nd new male friends

Twister Happy Hour this Friday October 22nd 3-5 We are located in Dorm 6 Room 31 2

Let it Snow

OK you kumquats Ive been hearing too much flack about not getting in the Greek I ew so here it is First of all Ha ppy 20tlt to Mongol Hey Z if you stop partying for three months maybe youll get some of your braincells back So Garno I hear DustyS not enoug h eh Hey J im did that kid really apologize to you Rem I cant believe you dont remember bird jumping on and breking your table unbelievable Julie wOlld you dane for us again and by the way who wrote her that nasty letter

Now for the real news since I wasted an inch of space and three minutes of somebodys time In football lhe A-team lost again Keep

trying guys The B-team is still hanging tough with a 4-4 record Party with the Sibbies t his weekend be there Co-ed Volleyball is starting so I want to see all y u jocks o ut there learning volleyball from the girls T his T uesda y is our nnual smoker All Freshma n wi hing to attend be o n the fl oor by 6 O Ti ll next y ek bye neighbo~

b r i a very bu y month with alllpe~ of acti~itits planned Parents Weekend went o middot r quite ell Ev n tho ho were orphaned had ma n grea t urnes Saturda y nigh t some of our sisters upported the GLC by tending the GLC bar- good job girls

This past Wednesday we held our first Allotment Night of the semester This is a night that the sisters go out and reminisce a bo ut old times as well as make future plans It is a night ot remember-Get psyched for the nex t one girls

Last night the first Int er- o rority Reception was held We had the reception catered also there wa s a magician for our entertainment The reception introduced girls to the advantages and bene Its of Sorority life at Bryant All those who attended really enjoyed themselves-if a ny body missed it be sure to look for future events

Saturday October 23 SIX a nd TEP are sp onsoring our Olympiad all freshmen ma le and female are encouraged to sign up a nd participate We have a sign-u p table in the Rotunda so be sure not to miss it You need 5 people for a team and then a n yo u have to do is ~ ign up in the Rotunda by 2pm today After the Olym piad well be ha ving II picnic Its a day n obody will want to m iss

nce again cooed intra murals are closi ng in on us Next week o ur volleyball teams start playing-good l uck alll If any fre hmen and inde pendent gir l st ill havent igned up ior co-ed volleyball It st ill isn t 100 late_

Next we k nd is Hallow en-for t hose who have never stayed here fo r Halloween Weeke nd- it is absolutely wild This year will be no d ifferent

Friday October 29 3-6pm I X is holding a Happy Hour in the Pub It will be a grea t way to start off a weekend-be there or be squayuh

Marfa would li ke to personally than k Ma for bringing up her visitors She had quite a wild weekend tha nks to MA PS thanx Wumbuz and Chris for visiting me in my roto home Essay

Hope everybody has a fun weekend and please support our Olympiad

The Brothers would like to commend the football team for giving it hell All that effort is definately worth a lot We know that sooner or later we are going to kick some A

Beta will be having their annual cookout this weekend Naturally well have hot dogs chips and refreshments If you are interested

just give one of the brothers yo ur Saga 10 number May be Tom will give you a lesson on how to eat a dog

Our realist ic (pessimistic) vice-p resident Port has conj ured up a Persona lity Weekend in conjullct ion with Kappa au Fraterni ty that ill blo your mind 111 e sure (hat all clnc1ld t n me faT pen n IiI jud n night are s lbmitted before November 2 An organization or lub may enter a candidate

OUT faithful alumni ill be up for persunality wee~end H a pp~ )- will be h re agai n Our alu mn i 1 11 pa rtic ipa te In the judg ing and also in partying times Who will be the Ivan on personality weekend brothers Chip and Skeeter

Finally our hockey team is being organized a nd it looks reaUy good this year We have ~ome good solid players and we are looking forward to a great season

As always H Y S

Its TGIF in KDK land today marking the end of the first round of tests for all concerned(There is a God) Congratulations to all who survived and get psyched for an anxiety-free weekend at last

Cooed volleyball starts next week a nd the sisters are looking forward to a great eason teamed wi th TE Also wed like to thank all the girls Who played volleyball for us Hope 10 see you when t he End of the Worldco mes to Dorm 5

As is the custom today also ma rks the return of our roaming a hloon ini (a lias Bobo) Wh ts the scoop Carol J ust beca use we dont have our ow n ex pense accoun ts and driv nice car doesn t mean we dont rate

Well this ends our acco unt of another startlingly eventful we O L and BL please try to get ho me at a reas ona ble hour next time O K

Bye-bye and happy sailing

ig ltll ~igmll regmicrol1 Tht S istc s (IJ 0 hope eve r o ne enj~yed

Parents Weekend as m uch as we did Best behavior was apparent th roughout the Bryant community-what happened Our pizza party at Disco s was excellent Oh-that homemaue pizza and other refreshments We hope all those who attended had a good time Our showcase in the Library was beautifully a rranged by our creative and talented sisters Lisa and Laurie--tres chic The all sorori ty reception was held on Thursday Each sorority was represented and brought their crazy sisters along to help the festivities be more enjoyable Chicken o up seemed to be plenliful a round the sisters this week Hope you all feel better for the wild weekend a head Signing off the MAD --


A young admirer Steve Landesberg

The Karate Club kicks up a storm in their demonstration for the fXlrents

The E

bulle 81

- An actress perf orming in the Bryant Players show Doesnt she ~emind you oj one of your oid teachers~ The Chapai

parents in the Rotunda

October 22 1982 Paae9

autograph from

ents The Bryant Players explain Why Teachers Go N uts I





takes a sip of water during his show

The Bryant Jazz Band warms up the audience for Steve Landesberg

Main Even photography br WencJi Parker Celina Santos and Rick Levin

Centerspread larout is by Bryan ajjerky

a mass with the Ready set go Men s Cross-country leam running in tire Tri-state meet


The Right Hair Style

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Anthonyls Hair Villa 375 Putnam Pike

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Pate 10

SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

$200$150 for copies

Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

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Dont Miss Our Famous TGIF Happy Hour with Cape Cods Smith and Sullivan

3-7pm NO Cover

ULTRA modern Gameroom

Happy Hour 3-7pm


Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

) h

G e neral Typesetting and

Res u me Service

$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

$7 ModIfied Run

You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

11111 ~hl Ii 1 )U1111 ~ ~uir l2 1 t_ j Ir (11 llll (Il) 1) 2~ilt NL

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Trident Marketing introduces the definitile answer to your term paper and aSSignment problems Whether the paper that you require is 5 pages or 75 pages long arts or sciences undergraduate or graduate level Trident Marketing can fulfill your requirements Considering the number of term papers we carry on file our price structure our delivery system and our custom term paper service we are the biggest and the best Some of our more impressive features are

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Engineering Computer Science Business etc) and by undergraduate and graduate classifications - completely Indexed tor easy amp fast use

bull Trident Marketing unconditionally guarantees an A ( + or - ) on any term paper prollided by us or money In full refunded

Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 7: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

October 22 1982

Finding new direction By Bill Henry

Nt r the end of the last ~ hool year the Ne Directi ns Associat on (N DA) became a newly recognized sluden t organization The purpo e f the ND i to diversify the acade mic curri ulum and to develop the pe nal growt h of the student body and its me mbers

The sso iat ion structure consi t of two teams he Learning Skills ream which is re p nsi b l fo r acade mic programming a nd the P rogra mmi ng Team whose res ponsibility

Prese ntly the N D A meets ever T uesdav at 330 p~ in Roo m 278 The pu rpose for t h~ meeting IS to provide ongoing tra ini ng to the assoclatlo n memb~rs one weI (for example l~ade hllgt assertiveness communica tions lIsterung etc ) while the a lternate week is held for genera l business and team projects

Cu rre ntly the fo ll ow ing people are me mb r of the NDA he~yl Gordon-President Bill Dziura-Viceshy

p reSid en t Jean Weidma n- P rog ra mming e~m Chairman Robin Waters-Lea rning

Sk ills Tea m Chairman Brenda Eri kson Bill H~nr Su~ Horne Ken Jalbert Frank Kelly En k Leeming MI~e Lindgren Kim Rote Jay Rya n Kathy SilVia a nd Don White


Ocfober fi 230- 4 DO in the Rotunda



Hillel News

We ould Ii e to tha nkfully acknowiedge donations from parents of two Hillel mem ber Donat ions are a lways apprecia ted and gra tefully accepted

Ledger phot ~ will be taken at the lIext meet ing - WedneSday October 27th Ju

bring yourself lnd wear a smi le An add it iona l bru n b is set fo r Sunday

Novem ber 7th Watch ro r detallsjIere - or put your elf o n our ma iling list It s ur to be good time

Dont forge t Friday Night Services tonight at 30 Room C-35 I See you the re

150 O UT next meeting has been planned for

Wednesday October 27 at 4pm in room 365 Hope to~e you there

Circle-K C ircle-K is a service o rganization which

works to help the school and the community ome a nd find out more about Circle-K on

Thursday October 28 at 330 Refreshments

will be served There will be a sign in the Rotunda to ann un e the room number All a re wele me-former Key C lu bber and Keyette and nyone ele intere middotted Hope to e you there

BrYcol We wou ld li k e to extend our

congratulat ions I a nd welcome these new di rectors to the board Ka ren OHara Greg Ha ~ s L nell a nd Eileen OBrien

Now ava ilable at the ountry Comfort a re irresistible yria n subs Why not walk down and try o pel

Agape Agape would like to thank the entire

campus for su ppurting o ur nower sale du ring Parents Wee kend You mad it a success W e would especially like to thank our members who made it possible

Agape welcomes all students to attend our meeting They are every Monday night at 7pm in the Facult y Dining Hall See you there

Agape is excited to have back on ca mpus this weekend our founder and past president Lori McCurry We love you Lori John 316 God Bless

Paae l

Delta Mu Delta There will be a meet ing fo r all new member

r Delta Mu Delrt o n Monday October 25th in Room 245at 330 T he meeting will cone Tn the election of a rea urer and Secretary Please try to attend

Future Business Leaders of America -Phi Beta Lambda provides an opportu nity f r stude nts 10 lea rn Irstha nd ab out the business comm unity It oal in lude learni ng how to beco me n effective business leader learning more about the American middot free enterp rise system buildi ng self-coni idnce encouraging m ney ma nagement a nd learningmore about the business community New mem bers are a lways welcome Stop by a nd fi nd ut what were a ll a bout We meet every T uesday in Room 250 a t 330

Delta Omega ickets are ava ila ble for the fi rst Din n r f

the yea r now in the Ro tunda a t the ticket boo th The Dinner will be held at Bell Farms on route 7 The Speaker is Bob Fish the Vice- p reside nt and general manager of Bo to ns WR KO radio station Tickets a re $895 for a complete buffet ocktail ho ur start a t 600 and dinner will be se rved at 700 All stude nts of all majors are welcome See you there

The Bryant Sports Car Club will be holding its first Fun A uto Railey leaving from Bryant this Sunday October 25th R egistration is open to anyone from Ihe Bryant Community with a car not necessarily a sports car R egistration isfrom I I to 12 am in the commuterparking lot with a $500 entrance f ee per car A co-driver is needed for each car to act as a navigator No experiance is needed to participate in this event It is a good (Jppourtunity to test your driving (navigational) and sense of directional skills

A simple ob ervation can lrueJy amaze the orph n type studeot wb se parents d idnt show up for Parents Weekend It seems a metamorphic event took plac the a erage ho le-jeans ra tty T-shirt campus bum converts to a G Q twe d and sla ks m n when his parents show up a t school

With no surprise at all 99 of the student body wardrobe is the same color blue blazers Doe everyone conform to the Societal Norms or was there sale on blue blazers at Ann amp Hope

It seems it doesnt ma tter as long as one d res es up but wha t about the o rphan Does he onform Most do but there are some careless delinquentmiddot that still roam the ca mpus A pri me example is the Stein He ai an elega n t Wine heese rece p t io n for par-ems walks in to the su ite ith a glass of bong water in hand a black Fra nk Za ppa TshyShirt on and half-bleached half-torn jeans on

The Stei n ignori ng anyone with a blue blazer on proceeds to watch S t Louis beat Milwa ukee and sip hi bong a teT Is this behavior uncout h or in d ividualistic Per onaJly I think his mother should have slapped bim harder when he was a bad boy Hope u lly Stem will cha nge his ways before nex t Parents We kend

Joke of the Week Wha t d id the d river say to the one-legged hi tch-hiker H p in

Parents weekend wa~ a huge succe s last weekend at PHI E P A great time was had by e e ryone w ho a t ten d e d Speci a l congratulations go o ut to Vp Frank DOst illo for the fi nej b he did organizing the weekend Way to go a rrot

Our Smoker was last night and to say the leas t it was a super time for all the brot he rs a nd independent men who attended Wake up guys l lts another day G et psyched fo r the weekend

A belated congratulations is d ue to brother middotRod Simm ons who was a runa way winner in the GLC Cross-Cou nt ry Race Good job Squid (guess who wrote this buddy) Our foot ball tearns are still showing well Our A team is hovering around the 500 mark and Blue and Gold is hold ing strong at 5-1-1 Doc Rock youve been put on waivers at last report

Volleyball starts next week Well be sponsoring 5 teams Good luck to QEII Bryants defending champions as well as to T he Enterprise ( lets beam out Spock )

Blue lInd Gold the Penthouse I I nd Thet -Phi Ep

hope e ery ne had a great Pa rentWe Week-End At least we all had good rood

Our v lIeyball tea m ended up with a win ning season Thanks to our wonderful servers ( Diana a nd Julie ) Now that we are in the finals lets win the whole thing

This Friday October 22 we are having a Pilzza Part All freshma n and independent girls are welco me Meet at the suite (Dorm 6 240 ) at 430 See ya there

Also th is weelc-end we a re going a ppleshypi king II freshman and independent girl are welcome Meet Sunday October 23 in the suite at 130

Look for our candy apple sale next Wednesday ( 10 27) a ndThursday( 1O 28)in the rotunda from 10-3 Doesnt your mouth water just t hinking of the delicious apple

~Ip~ll ~i 11Rllppll Hope everyone had a nice weekend with

their parents Thanks for the cocktails Kappa Tau and Tau Ka ppa Epsilon

Sharon yo u d id a great job at your So ia l Pledge interview We all congratulate you

w y u a n go into the middle r o m u r vo lleyball team Apple Pie Kid s are 7- 1

now We made it to the playoffs and m aybe we ca n win it all Remember you have got three

hilS girls hrissy What the hell was that and

shake those MG Maybe ou r weekend will get progre sive ly better Every weeke nd should be fu ll of leaves a nd new male friends

Twister Happy Hour this Friday October 22nd 3-5 We are located in Dorm 6 Room 31 2

Let it Snow

OK you kumquats Ive been hearing too much flack about not getting in the Greek I ew so here it is First of all Ha ppy 20tlt to Mongol Hey Z if you stop partying for three months maybe youll get some of your braincells back So Garno I hear DustyS not enoug h eh Hey J im did that kid really apologize to you Rem I cant believe you dont remember bird jumping on and breking your table unbelievable Julie wOlld you dane for us again and by the way who wrote her that nasty letter

Now for the real news since I wasted an inch of space and three minutes of somebodys time In football lhe A-team lost again Keep

trying guys The B-team is still hanging tough with a 4-4 record Party with the Sibbies t his weekend be there Co-ed Volleyball is starting so I want to see all y u jocks o ut there learning volleyball from the girls T his T uesda y is our nnual smoker All Freshma n wi hing to attend be o n the fl oor by 6 O Ti ll next y ek bye neighbo~

b r i a very bu y month with alllpe~ of acti~itits planned Parents Weekend went o middot r quite ell Ev n tho ho were orphaned had ma n grea t urnes Saturda y nigh t some of our sisters upported the GLC by tending the GLC bar- good job girls

This past Wednesday we held our first Allotment Night of the semester This is a night that the sisters go out and reminisce a bo ut old times as well as make future plans It is a night ot remember-Get psyched for the nex t one girls

Last night the first Int er- o rority Reception was held We had the reception catered also there wa s a magician for our entertainment The reception introduced girls to the advantages and bene Its of Sorority life at Bryant All those who attended really enjoyed themselves-if a ny body missed it be sure to look for future events

Saturday October 23 SIX a nd TEP are sp onsoring our Olympiad all freshmen ma le and female are encouraged to sign up a nd participate We have a sign-u p table in the Rotunda so be sure not to miss it You need 5 people for a team and then a n yo u have to do is ~ ign up in the Rotunda by 2pm today After the Olym piad well be ha ving II picnic Its a day n obody will want to m iss

nce again cooed intra murals are closi ng in on us Next week o ur volleyball teams start playing-good l uck alll If any fre hmen and inde pendent gir l st ill havent igned up ior co-ed volleyball It st ill isn t 100 late_

Next we k nd is Hallow en-for t hose who have never stayed here fo r Halloween Weeke nd- it is absolutely wild This year will be no d ifferent

Friday October 29 3-6pm I X is holding a Happy Hour in the Pub It will be a grea t way to start off a weekend-be there or be squayuh

Marfa would li ke to personally than k Ma for bringing up her visitors She had quite a wild weekend tha nks to MA PS thanx Wumbuz and Chris for visiting me in my roto home Essay

Hope everybody has a fun weekend and please support our Olympiad

The Brothers would like to commend the football team for giving it hell All that effort is definately worth a lot We know that sooner or later we are going to kick some A

Beta will be having their annual cookout this weekend Naturally well have hot dogs chips and refreshments If you are interested

just give one of the brothers yo ur Saga 10 number May be Tom will give you a lesson on how to eat a dog

Our realist ic (pessimistic) vice-p resident Port has conj ured up a Persona lity Weekend in conjullct ion with Kappa au Fraterni ty that ill blo your mind 111 e sure (hat all clnc1ld t n me faT pen n IiI jud n night are s lbmitted before November 2 An organization or lub may enter a candidate

OUT faithful alumni ill be up for persunality wee~end H a pp~ )- will be h re agai n Our alu mn i 1 11 pa rtic ipa te In the judg ing and also in partying times Who will be the Ivan on personality weekend brothers Chip and Skeeter

Finally our hockey team is being organized a nd it looks reaUy good this year We have ~ome good solid players and we are looking forward to a great season

As always H Y S

Its TGIF in KDK land today marking the end of the first round of tests for all concerned(There is a God) Congratulations to all who survived and get psyched for an anxiety-free weekend at last

Cooed volleyball starts next week a nd the sisters are looking forward to a great eason teamed wi th TE Also wed like to thank all the girls Who played volleyball for us Hope 10 see you when t he End of the Worldco mes to Dorm 5

As is the custom today also ma rks the return of our roaming a hloon ini (a lias Bobo) Wh ts the scoop Carol J ust beca use we dont have our ow n ex pense accoun ts and driv nice car doesn t mean we dont rate

Well this ends our acco unt of another startlingly eventful we O L and BL please try to get ho me at a reas ona ble hour next time O K

Bye-bye and happy sailing

ig ltll ~igmll regmicrol1 Tht S istc s (IJ 0 hope eve r o ne enj~yed

Parents Weekend as m uch as we did Best behavior was apparent th roughout the Bryant community-what happened Our pizza party at Disco s was excellent Oh-that homemaue pizza and other refreshments We hope all those who attended had a good time Our showcase in the Library was beautifully a rranged by our creative and talented sisters Lisa and Laurie--tres chic The all sorori ty reception was held on Thursday Each sorority was represented and brought their crazy sisters along to help the festivities be more enjoyable Chicken o up seemed to be plenliful a round the sisters this week Hope you all feel better for the wild weekend a head Signing off the MAD --


A young admirer Steve Landesberg

The Karate Club kicks up a storm in their demonstration for the fXlrents

The E

bulle 81

- An actress perf orming in the Bryant Players show Doesnt she ~emind you oj one of your oid teachers~ The Chapai

parents in the Rotunda

October 22 1982 Paae9

autograph from

ents The Bryant Players explain Why Teachers Go N uts I





takes a sip of water during his show

The Bryant Jazz Band warms up the audience for Steve Landesberg

Main Even photography br WencJi Parker Celina Santos and Rick Levin

Centerspread larout is by Bryan ajjerky

a mass with the Ready set go Men s Cross-country leam running in tire Tri-state meet


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SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

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Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

THE LIBRARY 112 mile from Bryant College



BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

[iri amp Sat Your First Drink Is On Us

-Appearing this Week PowerGlideshy

Dont Miss Our Famous TGIF Happy Hour with Cape Cods Smith and Sullivan

3-7pm NO Cover

ULTRA modern Gameroom

Happy Hour 3-7pm


Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

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October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

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Send Flowers to Those You Love


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Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 8: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University


A young admirer Steve Landesberg

The Karate Club kicks up a storm in their demonstration for the fXlrents

The E

bulle 81

- An actress perf orming in the Bryant Players show Doesnt she ~emind you oj one of your oid teachers~ The Chapai

parents in the Rotunda

October 22 1982 Paae9

autograph from

ents The Bryant Players explain Why Teachers Go N uts I





takes a sip of water during his show

The Bryant Jazz Band warms up the audience for Steve Landesberg

Main Even photography br WencJi Parker Celina Santos and Rick Levin

Centerspread larout is by Bryan ajjerky

a mass with the Ready set go Men s Cross-country leam running in tire Tri-state meet


The Right Hair Style

The RightHair Products

Right Here


Anthonyls Hair Villa 375 Putnam Pike

Village Plaza Smithfield RI for appointment call 231-1462

L ______ _ _____ ____ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ _________ _ J

Friday Oct 29 7 amp 915 Auditorium Ad~ 50~ Non-Bryant $1 00

Pate 10

SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

$200$150 for copies

Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

THE LIBRARY 112 mile from Bryant College



BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

[iri amp Sat Your First Drink Is On Us

-Appearing this Week PowerGlideshy

Dont Miss Our Famous TGIF Happy Hour with Cape Cods Smith and Sullivan

3-7pm NO Cover

ULTRA modern Gameroom

Happy Hour 3-7pm


Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

) h

G e neral Typesetting and

Res u me Service

$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

$7 ModIfied Run

You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

11111 ~hl Ii 1 )U1111 ~ ~uir l2 1 t_ j Ir (11 llll (Il) 1) 2~ilt NL

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Trident Marketing introduces the definitile answer to your term paper and aSSignment problems Whether the paper that you require is 5 pages or 75 pages long arts or sciences undergraduate or graduate level Trident Marketing can fulfill your requirements Considering the number of term papers we carry on file our price structure our delivery system and our custom term paper service we are the biggest and the best Some of our more impressive features are

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bull Trident Marketing unconditionally guarantees an A ( + or - ) on any term paper prollided by us or money In full refunded

Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 9: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

October 22 1982 Paae9

autograph from

ents The Bryant Players explain Why Teachers Go N uts I





takes a sip of water during his show

The Bryant Jazz Band warms up the audience for Steve Landesberg

Main Even photography br WencJi Parker Celina Santos and Rick Levin

Centerspread larout is by Bryan ajjerky

a mass with the Ready set go Men s Cross-country leam running in tire Tri-state meet


The Right Hair Style

The RightHair Products

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Anthonyls Hair Villa 375 Putnam Pike

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SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

$200$150 for copies

Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

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Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 10: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University


The Right Hair Style

The RightHair Products

Right Here


Anthonyls Hair Villa 375 Putnam Pike

Village Plaza Smithfield RI for appointment call 231-1462

L ______ _ _____ ____ _ ____ _ _____ _ _ _________ _ J

Friday Oct 29 7 amp 915 Auditorium Ad~ 50~ Non-Bryant $1 00

Pate 10

SB The same old poem Just another song Maybe a new ba kround this time Some tears - Im trying Even thou~h deep down I know it isnt worth

crying Even though deep down I know it isnt worth


Death is but a page Yet to be turn~d

Time is but a void Yet to be burned away

Truth believers are always still believing But I stand alone In my oron sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but withoutrecievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

Dont you know your own opinion Dont you know your own opinion Truthmiddot doesnt come from a book passed

around Doesnt come from some guy above the


Be Remembe re d at t his yea r s

Hallowee n M i xer

Get A Picture Taken In Your Favorite Outfit

$200$150 for copies

Imagesby the Ledger


People say Ive hang d Just moved away from the things that were

me All motIon is still relative Did you ever think That YO U muved away by standing still

Truth believers are Always still believing But I stand alone In my own sense of what is right My reward an endless lonely night Others stand but without recievers They just cant get tuned into what is right

And we all are blind And we all are blind And we all are blind Light is just darkness on to us

October 22 1982

Seasons Slowly turns the seasons as my heart gtows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer love was simply grand we walked the beaches hand in hand we fo und ourselves in the others eyes we made loue neath the summer skies Slowfy turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Summer turned to Autumns chill J guess you had had your fill you said you wanted me no more you stole my heart and closed the door Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters winds will take their toll blisters formed upon my sole as J see you from ajar distant as the sacred star Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to forget Winters ice will turn to Spring perhaps again my heart will sing and J will find a new love too yet still J know Ill think of you

lowly turns the seasons as my heart grows s tronger yet slowly turns the seasons a s 1 try hard to forget In summer we will go our ways Ill think oj you th rough summer days yet still J know that J can find new different ways to spend my time Slowly turns the seasons as my heart grows stronger yet slowly turns the seasons as J try hard to jorget

TlG Ger

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

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Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

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G e neral Typesetting and

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$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

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You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

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bull Trident Marketing unconditionally guarantees an A ( + or - ) on any term paper prollided by us or money In full refunded

Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

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National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 11: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAY Paae 11

FOR YOUR HEALTH Are you abusing

By Patricia Kukoski AFFEI E REPOR HOW 1 CH IS

TOO M UCII Caffein I nnt ot thue ~ubtance~ that

periodically mllke th o n Thi timc the tnure I ~eem to be gcmrtt ted by the lo-cltl lltd cola -war and Ihe billion d ollar ec nomi s of caffein addllie

rhe last affeim ~care centered a rounu the concern about pO~Mble birth delects and cyqic brca I dicac In the pa( calr in has bcen blamed for almost e erythi ng from certain t~ pe o f heart di~c e a nd cancer t ll ulcer and personnhty di o rder

Why the in teret Ind hy th oncern AmericaJh consume about 35 million

pounds of calfeine Iach year in the gui~c If coTce tea cola beverages non-pre~cription

drugs and chocolatc Widelv used in th lood a nd soft -drink

indutry as a naloring agen or Ilavor cnhancer catfllOe Can be found in many unlikely producl bull including omc sugarlt ~ breath mints dnd dil iry desserts YCt th l pacbge list 01 Ingredltnts for man~ products doe not idem if) II

ccording to the I ood lind [rllg

dmini~lrali In FI) ) 1 hI I n tlu~t ~ Ilflicial compendium on ood addltics the food (hemic~l1 C dx doc nut mention any ria oring function of ca n c ine

Cenllin scienmts and i ndu~lry critics ~ay t hat Cltlf[e ine has little if an~ n vo n ng func tIon In food I n~tlad lh y bdlln tha t It is added lor its timul nt effect--to give peoph a welll prod uct sltles a lift

I c ffein ha rmful D es it au e birt h defccts a n you become add ted WIll it rcall) change your per~onality) How much is too much and can you live without i(

HARMF I ECT irst no dellllitc proof exisls tha t links

ea(~ ine im heart d~e e higl h iD d pressure cystic breast disease ulcers diabeles bladd er ca nce r ur PS) chulogical disorders such as a nxiety neurosi s

Thi is nOt t say that caffei ne d es nOt contribute to or aggravate these problelTlS but rathe r that a lea r- tit ca u -effect rela tionship bet ween them has not yel been proven

T he quest io n about caffein and birth defecls wa s ra ised aga in las l year 1 hen the FDA iss ued a wa rn ing abuut the possi It efre t~ uf caffeine n developing fel u~ of pregna nt women

Th i warn ing was prQmpted b a study conducted by the FD which concl uded that caffeine when fed to pregnant ra t used birt h def e cts and ddayed kde ta l d vc loprnent in hel r off middotpring

In this expe-riment Ihl pr~gnant ra ts were force -fed cafftine a t va rious do e leve l the highest being equivalent to about 12 to 14 cup of ~trong coffee daily forhu man and the lowest eq ual to a bout two cup

caffiene AI the higbest level olhpring sulTered

Increased rates uf mis~ing toes or parts 0 toes A t the I Ioest Icel no ptlrmancnt birlh d -feCI were prod uced

Rut cen at the l owe~t Icel [e~t results reported half o f the o ffs p ring experienced delayed kektal grolth Ih i r b ea lbonesdid not develop or gro as fast a~ the breastbones of th ()e whell-I m thc Iere not cxpmed LO caffeine

Wh ile he ~lUdy pro ided persua~ive evidcnce tha t eafrcin ou ld eause birth dd ct middot in nil mitny scient ish fc ll thaI the enricH I que~tion-he the imilar effecl~

cou ld occur in pregnanl women-wa~ ~till unresolved

No conclu ive evidtnce exists thaI carfeine conu mpt ion causes an) birth dcfucts in pregnant women whatsoever aid Dr (LI Col) Jame Haddock hier WR Me ObstetrICs Cfl ICC If It does thut risk is certa in ly 10

H oweve r the use 01 any d rug o r substa nce A FFEINISM which might have elen the slig htest possibilit y f causing tratogenicity (a de via tion In

formation or development) should be carefully considered

As a gene ra l rule Halld oc suggested tha t pregnant wom n wh o wis h to be a reful o r pr ud t nl in their consu m pti o n of ea ffelOe hould a o id il d uri ng the ea rly months

rom day 18 a fter co nce pt ion to day 56 is u ually t he t im e o f o rg a nog e ne s i (deve lopmcn t o r g ro wt h or organs) f r the fetus Hadd o k e x p la ined middotTherefore caffeine sould be restrIcted or CUI ou t of the die t dur ing the Irst trimtsler o f plcgnan~y

IN T H E BODY Reactions to calreine vary enormo usly

rrom person to pefS n [n the b dy it act~ 10 promote eeretion of middottomaeh acid increases

Exercise mania ta es Bryant

By Noreen MAttis I have been impressed d unng the short time have been here at Bryant by th large

numbers of middot tudenL~ and staff of every sileo ~hape and de~cription inVOlved in so me form of ph ieal exe rci~e It ould seem tha t an e crci e-mani has established itsel f here Bul what about mjuries and e ercise It is oflen said that the mos t powerful med icine for injuries b preven tIOn Here are ~ome efrectlve way to avoid injuries wh it - you xercise prOVIded b the ioallOna l Heart Lu ng and Blood In til u te I Build up your level of act ivi ty gradua lly Try not to sel your goa l 100 high o r you 11 he tempted to push yourse l too fa r tOO fas t limber up gently and lowly herofe ex rcis ing and remember a cool d own pe riod afte r 2 Listen to your body roreatly warning pa ins EX6rcising beyond tbose palOs can cause injuries lO joint feel ankles and leg 3 Be aware of (he poss ible sign~ 0 heart proble ms uch s pain or pres u re in the left or mid-che t area lefl neck Sho ulders or arm during or after e x rei ing r sudd en i-i ne~ cold swea t pallor a r fainllng Should these

heal symp tom oC ur ~tOp e r ising a nd consult a physician 4 For outd oor ac tivities take appropriate precaution under special weathe r condit IO ns In h I hu mid weather id exerciSIng in mid-day when the su n is holiest Remember to drink luts o f n uids a nd wear a minirnum of li ght loose-filling clothing On eold days wear everal lai ~ rs of cl thing ralhe r tha n one hea v) one Wear a hal since 40 of your od gt heat is lost through your nee and hcad Beware of icy ~urfaces while jogging biking elc

Following these simple basic principle lIhould help min imize ports related injurie But accidents have a way of ha ppening and we should be prepared to ha ndle them Monday evenin October 25 head Ira in r Charlie Ma ndeVIlle wi ll be eonducung Sports Inj uries Clinic Th i workshop will cover the basitlgt 0 injury prevention and treatment for all sport ent h usiasts male Or fema le beginner o r advanced The clinic will be hefd in the MA C onferen e R oo m from 7-9 pm PrerOgi ~t ra t ion is req Ulrtd - all the Ce nter or S l udent Developme nt Ext 327

urinary OUtp ut a nd relaxes the Irullele rc~piratory ~ystem and digestive trac t It abo dll te~ some blood ves clgt con~t riet~ othe rs and inCrta)ts the Cltlpacity for m uscula r wor k

Some studie indicate tha t cafftmiddotine can abo rai~e the ba~al metabolic rat e hich in tu rn can i ncrea~c t ile number of calories yo ur body burn~ ul in doing so il a lso tr igger t he J elclbc of inw lin Ih ich causes blood ugar to drop T his produces a feeling 01 hunger

Caffeine mo~t imponant elTe t ho~ ever is that of stimulant on the central nervous ~ tem As ~ueh it can gtupre~ fatigue

pro vide a I ych o logJca lif imp rnvc altrtnes ami prod uce widely varying cfreet~ from mild i rritabilil~ [0 everc in omnia

II i~ tbi ability to prol ide a Iife-a fee ling of being wide-aake and able to focu o n mental or manual tsks-- thaI ha made affe ine the mo)t popular ltlnd widelshyconumecl drug in Ihe world

Andlike Lherdrugs calTcinecan harm the body and create bOlh physical and p -chologi a l dependency if il I b u~ed and used in the extreme

Three qLLarters o t a ll the caffei ne con~umed in t he United S ta te is in coffee FD A figures indica te lha over So percen t o f all ad ultgt a re cof et drinkers and Iha t they average 32 cups per person daily o r rough ly 28 ga ll o n ~ each ea r

t he amoltnt of bull ffei ne in a cu p can vary fro m 40 to 150 m illigrams(mgs )depend ing on s ve ra l fac to rs wit h 100 mg~ celnidered the ltlve rage d ose per Clip

Somt coffee drin k rs say that they a re into it for the tasle O the-rs d rin k it o r the ocia bili t_ of it Heavy users will laughingly

admit thaI they re ad dicted to co ffee because of the a ffeine They laugh--but they a rent kidding

While the signs addic tio n or dependency di ffe r in ind i idua ls ba~ed on their own particu lar hem i try the sy mptom of caffeinism are fairly ty pica l

In modemte to la rge d o es t he equjvalen t of six to te n cups of coffee daily or 600 mg to 900 mgs of ca ffei ne II person might experience some or ma ny of the f Il ()wing sypmtoms euphoria Ii Howed by depression

in o m n ia irritab i li ty restl sn es ~ ntrvousness and excitement

Ol h r sympt m include h adache ringing 10 t c ears fatiglle t rembli ng mu middotele~

fl utteri ng o r thr b bing of the hea rt diarrh~1 and frequ ent urinati n

S me peop le ma y t periencc these react io ns aftc r o nl o ne Or two cups of coffee white hta 1 y users might no t ~how a ny ill elrcegt until Iheye hit the set~n-or-more shycup leiel in Ihelr day

Bee use 01 these ill e ff cl s and Ihe bad pres coffee has been getti ng the past st veral years II1iIny people h ve ue idcd t gilieupd rin ki og coffee altogether It can be d one but it isnt a y

GIVING LT UP Though Ihe life f ro m cotTee is

instantaneous it takes a t lea st th ree h ur~ for the ca ffeine Itlels in tht bl od todrop by halt

afrelnc generally takes abo ut a week to get OUL of )our ~~tem

As mo t r gula r coffee urinkcr know the fir I ~ign of caffeine withdrawal i the coffee headache I [ lt suali slarts a few hour afttr lhl la~l cup has btcn drunk Ian people experience these heada hes on weekend when work -related conee cunsumption drops ofr dramatica ll ~

nyone who tries 10 qUIt the cotCee hab it o ld turkey can at (1 expericnct df()lllC~ lethargy yawning runny nose i rritabilit~ dl inlere~t in y rk ne ousnCgts depre ion and even nausea and vomiting accordIng 10

medical researcher COLt

Callcinism is not re middott ic ted to cor et

drinkers a ton~ rea a nd cola d rink rs a b o con~umc large e no ugh amounts 0 cuffeine lO

cperilncc ome of the same p h sical and psychologiC-a symptom

Americans now con ume n a vera ge of nearl~ 3 gallons of soft-d rinks per person each year They now rllnk sCond to olIee a the naLions larget source of caffeine This i ahtaJ ot tea Ihocolallt and Hhe r fo Ids ilnd bl erlgc~

ola-nu t e IraCI which i ed in mOst cola nl oring ontams natural ca ffeine The FI) hil~ lradit iona llmiddot re4uircd th l be ~ age~ hlch descnbe lh~m ehe a~ middotmiddotcola contu in a t Ica~t a trace of c flc ine I here ha c r ~e nt l ~ becn some exce ptio ns to this rule unde r a d itTerent FDA ~ l nd ard)

While the kola-nut contributes a small amount of ca ffeine to a cola or pepper drink the la rges t percentage is added by the ma nufa turer affe in i ab o added to ~ me citrus drin ks and o ther fruit-navored drinks by the manufa tu rer

C U I G BAC K W h ere d ocs t h is le a e you the

con~umer _th e cnffee 10 ef the col shykid lhe tea-for-two the average adult

If someone really wants to reduce the a m unl of calTeine in his o r he r dIet it is bc~t to do il grad uall a id Lt Col TIle lma n

Hendri ks chuf WRAM C li nical Dietetics Division

It rea lly isnt a good idea to cut it o ul all a t once b au~e you ill go thro ugh cam~ i nlt wllhdrudl It isnt a joke

Hend rick sugges ts tha t a good approach is the by- ha ir met hod-i yo u are dr inking four oups a day red uce it to two then in d fc day [ 0 one a nd the n later to a hal Thi method allow the body to adj u t slot l) to being witho ut the a mount o f ca ffei ne it hilS been u~ed t gell ing

With cold weather approaching wear several layers ofclothu~ when exdcising Hats are also recommended since 40 of heat ioss takes place in the head and neck

---------------------------- --~

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


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Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

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BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

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Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

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$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

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You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

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Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

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National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

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Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 12: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

Paae 12 THE ARCHWAV October 22 1982

PhIJI(H and inren ews blthe inquiri g ( tlma Santos

Jim TlJmorro~__~___o~g_ra~p~he_r ami

phot_ __ ____

U a Donald and Jay Y s more

This Weeks Question Do you (middotonmercials (heres ()O much I1lUJic

listen to WJMF and what do you think about it

YeJ my frends are DJ s

Donna Copeland J lislen 10 il o(la~ionallr he uu~e of Ihe reqw line

J IlL Vi I I tI gooa lIaol1 La rl1 ChodorHarvey

and I liked 10 lis len 0 Ihem

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


MPiliN(401) 273-6630

Educational Center


Classes start on

101082 and on 11482

For Information About Other Centers In More Than 105 Major US Cities amp Ibrold Enroll Now

Outside NY State CAll TOLL FREE 100-223-1712

Sunday Oct 24


Auditorium 50~ Bryant $100 non-B


Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

THE LIBRARY 112 mile from Bryant College



BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

[iri amp Sat Your First Drink Is On Us

-Appearing this Week PowerGlideshy

Dont Miss Our Famous TGIF Happy Hour with Cape Cods Smith and Sullivan

3-7pm NO Cover

ULTRA modern Gameroom

Happy Hour 3-7pm


Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

) h

G e neral Typesetting and

Res u me Service

$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

$7 ModIfied Run

You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

11111 ~hl Ii 1 )U1111 ~ ~uir l2 1 t_ j Ir (11 llll (Il) 1) 2~ilt NL

l)tlptlnU~ rll o n lyshyI I I k pltlh lI d


Trident Marketing introduces the definitile answer to your term paper and aSSignment problems Whether the paper that you require is 5 pages or 75 pages long arts or sciences undergraduate or graduate level Trident Marketing can fulfill your requirements Considering the number of term papers we carry on file our price structure our delivery system and our custom term paper service we are the biggest and the best Some of our more impressive features are

bull Absolutely the towest prices ofany term paper service in the United States bull Tol l Free (800) number service to take term paper orders - 7 Day Delillery bull Over 15000 term papers on file and we deliver custom made term papers on 14 day

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Engineering Computer Science Business etc) and by undergraduate and graduate classifications - completely Indexed tor easy amp fast use

bull Trident Marketing unconditionally guarantees an A ( + or - ) on any term paper prollided by us or money In full refunded

Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 13: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

October 22 1982 THE ARCHWAV Paae 13

Facu lty~ppointed

Wood announces Eu l-t inte faculty positions Ollrlell of Publtc Informatioll

Kentu ck and Bf)a nt Co llege a nd i a re Ident Dr Wallace ood Vi e-Presid nt for of East Greenwich Rhode hla nd

Academ ic Affa irs 8t Bryant recently D r W illiam D Bygrave Associa te annou nced the appointments of the following Pr fe~ or of Ma nagemont Dr Bygrave hold full-time (acuity for the 1982- 198J academiC a 8 S MA and P h D degT es in Phyics yea r fro m Oxford nivedty He aiM) has an M BA

Dr rank J Sing h-am Ins tructo r in from No rthc stern Univer middot it y and is Marketing Dr Bingham received a BS in presently working on a D M A fro m BO~lOn B A a nd a n MB A from Bryant allege He niv rsity Dr Bygra e lives in Ca rlisle earned P h D in Bu~ines Ad mini tra t io n Massach usetts from Ca li fo rn ia W stern Univ rsily in M r Kenneth F Fougere are id nt of addition to having stud ied at Brown UplOn Massachuse tts has been a ppointed as Unicrsity and the Univers ity of Rhode an instructor in Compu ter Information Island_ Apart from a two-year leave Dr Sy~ tems Mr Fougcre holds a B in BA Bingha m has ~erved a~ a part t ime in tUctor from C la rk Universit an M Ed in Cbmputer in Market ing sine 1973 He reside 10 East Science from Wo rces ter Slllte College and a

Five newly appOintedacuIty members are shown here Linda Riley Marketing Gordon Pierce CIS Frank Bingham Marketing K ennelh Fougere CISmiddotandLorraine R obidoux accountin

Gretnwich Rhode Is land Man hallanville lI eg~ and a n M in M~ Kris te n Br h ~ bccn ppoioted ~ a Educalion from eorgia Southern liege

interi m in truetor in Mathematics M~ Br07 S he h ~ a l () studied a t the U nh tr~ity 0 ho lds a B A in M a t he ma t ic f r m Certificate in Da ta Proce sin


Washi 9ton Hill ~iquors


DISCOUNT For Bryant Students ID required

Next to Almacs at the Lincoln Mall


Mrs Lorraine M Robidoux InterimMr J oh n F Killoran Inst ructor in Inst ructor in Accounting Mr Robidou has

Killora n holds a B in Computer cience Accoun ting In fo rmation yst ms Mr

BA (Summa Cum LAude) from the College

fr m 80 ton ollege an an MBA in of Eli7a beth and an M H (hOnOTs) from

Accou nl ing rom Bryant College He has Bryant o llege h is a PA with over 15 eight ears of xperiencc in Data Process ing years of practical acco u nting Mrs Ro bidoux

managemen l consult ing accou nting and live in oon ocket R hodc Island

auditing M r Killoran resides in omersel Mr C h rl s David Rolfe Inst ructor in Massachus liS ComputeT Information Systems Mr Rolfe

M r Wayne Li m a In tr u e t or in hold~ a BA in M rketi ng a nd Ma thematics Management M r Lima received a B from from Boi e Slate University and an MS

Merri mack College and an M 8 fromBryant (honor) in Computer cicnce from Brigham College li e ha len years of experience in oung Unive rsity Mr Rolfe i a resident of bu ine a nd industry Mr Lima is a res ident Lincoln Rhode I land of Cumberland Rhode Island Ms Linda Riley res ident of eekonk

Mr Roben L elsonlmenm Instructor in Massach u ell~ has been appointed Interim Computer Informa tion Systems Mr cis n Instructor in Marketing Ms Riley holds a earned an A from Kansas City Junior B in BA in Market ing from Bo ton

College a BS in Mathematics from the US University and an Executive MB A from Na al Post Grad uate School and an MBA Suffolk niversity She aJ 0 has tudied at from the Uoiverity f Rhode Island Mr Harva rd Unvier ity an d Northea tern Nelson makes his home in Nonh Kingston Uruversity Rhode I land MT Jeffrey J W right In truet r in

Mr Gordon A Pierce Instructor in EconomIcs Mr Wright ha~ served as II part Compuler Informalion y middottems M r Pierce lime facully membe r in Economic at Bryant nolds th ree bachelors degrees- a BA and College ~mct 1976 He holds a BA in

BEd in Biology and Industria l Arts from Mathematics and a BA in conomics from Western Washington Univers ity and a BA the University of R hode Isla nd He is also a

degree (Magna Cum Laude) in Business Ph D cand idate in Economics a t the Manag men t from W hitwort h College He lJ niversity of Conmnecticul whe re his major earned an MBA from Gonzaga University arcas of study Irc Economic De elopmenl and hold~ Certifi ate in D ala Proces~ing and In ternational Trade Mr Wright resides Mr Pierce resides in Cranston Rhode Island in orth Providenc~ Rhode I land


A t ilDe for reOectlon prayer discussioll with other college student from round Rhode Isla nd Friday eveam ovembe 19th throUlh Sunday noon November ZI t bull Pre-registration necessary Contact Dave Norris ext309 by NOVEMBER 1st

December 4 1982


MPiliN(401) 273-6630

Educational Center


Classes start on

101082 and on 11482

For Information About Other Centers In More Than 105 Major US Cities amp Ibrold Enroll Now

Outside NY State CAll TOLL FREE 100-223-1712

Sunday Oct 24


Auditorium 50~ Bryant $100 non-B


Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

THE LIBRARY 112 mile from Bryant College



BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

[iri amp Sat Your First Drink Is On Us

-Appearing this Week PowerGlideshy

Dont Miss Our Famous TGIF Happy Hour with Cape Cods Smith and Sullivan

3-7pm NO Cover

ULTRA modern Gameroom

Happy Hour 3-7pm


Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

) h

G e neral Typesetting and

Res u me Service

$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

$7 ModIfied Run

You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

11111 ~hl Ii 1 )U1111 ~ ~uir l2 1 t_ j Ir (11 llll (Il) 1) 2~ilt NL

l)tlptlnU~ rll o n lyshyI I I k pltlh lI d


Trident Marketing introduces the definitile answer to your term paper and aSSignment problems Whether the paper that you require is 5 pages or 75 pages long arts or sciences undergraduate or graduate level Trident Marketing can fulfill your requirements Considering the number of term papers we carry on file our price structure our delivery system and our custom term paper service we are the biggest and the best Some of our more impressive features are

bull Absolutely the towest prices ofany term paper service in the United States bull Tol l Free (800) number service to take term paper orders - 7 Day Delillery bull Over 15000 term papers on file and we deliver custom made term papers on 14 day

notice - Toll Free service to take these orders also bull Complete and absolute confldenllality - We ship in plain brown envelopes bull Never ever any duplication - we never send the same paper twice to the same

university or college This f ctoruncondltlonaIlYbarranted bull All term papers typed and ready for submiSSIon bull Catalogue purchase price refunded in full against first order bull Our catalogue is cross indexed by faculties (Arts SCiences Commerce

Engineering Computer Science Business etc) and by undergraduate and graduate classifications - completely Indexed tor easy amp fast use

bull Trident Marketing unconditionally guarantees an A ( + or - ) on any term paper prollided by us or money In full refunded

Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 14: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University


Pale 14 THE ARCHWAY October 22 1982

THE LIBRARY 112 mile from Bryant College



BeerBlast 10 oz Michelob 25cent 8-11 The Best DEAL Around 24 1 8-12

[iri amp Sat Your First Drink Is On Us

-Appearing this Week PowerGlideshy

Dont Miss Our Famous TGIF Happy Hour with Cape Cods Smith and Sullivan

3-7pm NO Cover

ULTRA modern Gameroom

Happy Hour 3-7pm


Dont Forget To Put Your Time In At The LIBRARY

By Jack Poole The ~eeldy column Ihal brings you the

late tin Ihe fieltl of rock mu it finally reIUm Each cek you1 read a feature altule on a band r Hli I thUI i~ currentl~ making new~ IlIlionlll lind local music brids along with ne~s n fUlure albumbull COnCrt~ and J M F programming will be weekl~ regularlt The Cars JUSI What The teded

rhe Car~ ha e taken ~omt time PUI for solo proJects According tv lgt1ngcr-guitari1 RIC Ocasek each member of t he band ill have his o n lurn In lhe bands own tudlo 10 produCt theIr ololn malerial Whether or nOI an~ (lllhe memhcr mU~IC loll be recorded for a major label has nOI been determined 31th ugh Ric

caseks malenal has becl sIgned on lO

(elTen Record 1 heir las I appearan c as a band took place lasl ~ep[emhcr -t al the Us Fe~ti~al in California The Car plan lOp reunite by Chw[na~ In or(ler lu release Ihca fiflh album for Eleklra A~~lum Record~ folloed b~ an eXlcnsie lour The bantl RIC Oca~d Dac Robinson Greg Hawkes Benjamin Orr and EllIoI E j middotIon alllcel Ihal their solo ltdfon will help tic clop the cream tahnt and ind pemJence thaI tile) need in order to grow a~ a malmlay In conlemporal Y muic

1u ic Braefs alional Paul McCartn hould be

reltasang another alhum shonly According to McCartney Ihere -erc stili a greal deal of ~eleclions left oer trom Tugo Warand he hopes Ihc album ill he 0111 by hrislma

Foreigner recently c1oed OUI their 1981-82 lour In New Orleans U )OU will recall Ihc band began their (bur la I Octoher middottll

Durang an lf1t~rvicw I ilh Rolling Slone Roger DalLrey mentioned the fact that he anti other anginal member Townshend and Entwitle have had reervalions aboul drummer Kenny Jones Daltrey said hed wi hed the) hatl hired and fired drummers algt The ho needed lhem Local Contrdf) 10 reports The Prober (A nd Rose~ are Red Betsy ) will remain together as a group wil h lhe xcelltion or-a fc members hich replaeemenl~ are currently bClng ~oughl

AbHh ngc~ an thcbnnd rangenl hac kepi them logether and headd noy til II differem mU~lcal direction

Lgae~ n bam whIch had lorkcltl jlh ecral Frats In lhe riJSt had dcclded ro hang up their rock n roll ~h c in Augu t irtger GUlturist Jim Iellaller tuld A PIC(( Of I he Rod thatlh bsntl had a chungc of heart anti wilh a ne guilari1 r cgacy hould he back m rhe curcuit er~ on lp amp Coming

Nt album hy thelolt ing3J1tSl~are due OUI ~hortly

I-Oghl - In he tood hlr Something Rude (OCL 1 )

Jerry Garnu - Run I-Of The Rose~ (OCI 20) uptrtramp lam(Hj~ Last Wlrd (OCI 21)

Pal Benalar - Get ervous (OC 15) Dev(l - Oh no It DClo (Nov I) Rod SleWaI I - b~olutely LIve (Iov I) Georg lIarri~on - Gone Troppo ( 0 I)

Revicws Wal h lie I ~eek fur an in ide look III Billy

Juegt ne album lh~ illn Curtam Oliff

ho ho In Rock n Roll If you are up on popular mu It Ihen thl little qUIl 111 only cre a II rcfre~her Ir vourc n t intt) lhe currenl mUMC scene C( II you can ldenlify some of Ill pcuplc youe been litening to 1 DenDi Deyoung Hearl 2 Dennl Lane Loverho 3 etl Pearl 38 Special 4 Jeff Porca ro I 010

S Rick Willis J)urney 6 Mike Reno Boston 7 Howard Leese Rush t Donnie Van Lanl Wing 9 Ro s Valor) SlY to BaTT Gougreau Foreigner

Answer I Styx 2 Wings J Ru~h 4 Toto 5 Fonignef 6 Loverboy 7 Heart ll_ 38

pcci 1 9 JOlJme 10 1 II

The lowest price Nith

pho to typesetting q uality

) h

G e neral Typesetting and

Res u me Service

$ 19 O ne Pag Resume $29 Two Page Re ume

$7 ModIfied Run

You may submit a typed copy 01 your resume on Thursday of allY w ek 1nd we will do our b gt1 II) 11 1 ( It ready by the II Jlllwlll9 Monday

()rcllr~ wIll )e taken Oh IhUfldy Iwl Wfln 300 amp 43e III tlw AI l1WnY office

11111 ~hl Ii 1 )U1111 ~ ~uir l2 1 t_ j Ir (11 llll (Il) 1) 2~ilt NL

l)tlptlnU~ rll o n lyshyI I I k pltlh lI d


Trident Marketing introduces the definitile answer to your term paper and aSSignment problems Whether the paper that you require is 5 pages or 75 pages long arts or sciences undergraduate or graduate level Trident Marketing can fulfill your requirements Considering the number of term papers we carry on file our price structure our delivery system and our custom term paper service we are the biggest and the best Some of our more impressive features are

bull Absolutely the towest prices ofany term paper service in the United States bull Tol l Free (800) number service to take term paper orders - 7 Day Delillery bull Over 15000 term papers on file and we deliver custom made term papers on 14 day

notice - Toll Free service to take these orders also bull Complete and absolute confldenllality - We ship in plain brown envelopes bull Never ever any duplication - we never send the same paper twice to the same

university or college This f ctoruncondltlonaIlYbarranted bull All term papers typed and ready for submiSSIon bull Catalogue purchase price refunded in full against first order bull Our catalogue is cross indexed by faculties (Arts SCiences Commerce

Engineering Computer Science Business etc) and by undergraduate and graduate classifications - completely Indexed tor easy amp fast use

bull Trident Marketing unconditionally guarantees an A ( + or - ) on any term paper prollided by us or money In full refunded

Our unique dj(ectory is priced at only $500 plus $1 00 Shipping and handling Send us your name and complete mailing address for immediate delivery

TRIDENT MARKETING - THAT EXTRA EDGE TO WIN IN THE 80s Trident Marketing Hundsons Bay Center 2 BloorSt E Suite2612 Toronto Ontario Canada M4W 1A6

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 15: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

October 22 1982

St udent Enl p loyn lcnt

Off-Ca mpus Student

Emplovment Available off-campus part-tim e positions as of October 13 19 8 2 in theSt udent Employment Office (located in the financial aid building)

Home and Business Security Plan sales Providence and surrounding areas 25 commission flexible hours (code 11 1941

WaitersWaitresses with some food prep W eekends-rexible minimum to start (code 11249)

Sales end counse li ng surroundi ng area training w il l take place in W arwick pay shynegotiable flexible hours (code 259)

Vendors Foxboro area weekends only selling a food product at w ell known stadium 3-4 hours per day $30- $50 day (code 1260)

SalesCashier Providence area Flexible hours minimum WIll tram (code 1261 1

Sales representative U ncoln and surrounding areas f leXible hours 1S commission (code 126 21

Secretary Providence area 3 hours per day 5 days per week minimum must be able to type 60 wpm (code 1264)

Sate positions Cran ston area Ihng word processing serVices f leXible hours 10 commission (Code 11267)

Store cashi er Warw ick rea must be reatlve and be capable of working a cash register

venings and weekends (Code 269)

Ush rsusherettes eekonk area flexi b le hours evenings and weekends (Code 11270)

Accou ntan t Cranston area senior f a ll semester Mon-Frl approximately 20 hours per week (code 11274)

Babysitter would like someone who lives in the Warwick araa weekends shou ld also have some exp flence with 9 month old (code 1279)

Sales East Providence area flexible hours mUSt be in the area during vacations fcade 11280)

Data Entry Provi dence area 4 -8 pm bull negotiabl pay Mon-Fri getheri ng invoicesand other informat ion and input ing into complller as well as working w ith som programming (code 286~ bull

Janitorial positions Mass area (Walpole and Foxboro) 4 nights-B to 12 Frl to Mon or 5 nights-530 to 9 30 Mon 375(Code 11289)

to Fr i 3SO-

Audit Books Cranston area negoti te pay(Code 11290)

flexible hours

Babysitting Lincoln area occasion I w eekends negot iable pay 4 month old child - experience w ith young infants necessary(CodeIl292 )

PhYSical inventory East Providenc area $360 hr ft eKibie hours(Codell293)

Computer sales Providence Comm iSSion flexible hollrs selling computers (code 1294)

General accounting Providence Min to start flexible hours senior and grad students only (code 295)

Typistcomputer Input Johnston flexible hours negotiable pay must have good typing skills (code 11296)

Legal secretary PrOVidence s850 hr partshyt irne - Wed amp Fn Short hand reqUired Will train w ord proceSSing on IBM memory 1000 (code 297)

Clerical Pawtucket S3SO hr Mon - Fri or Sat Flexible schedule (code 298)

Retail sales Lincoln Min 5-930 pm bull 3 or 4 nightsw eek must be here for Christmas and holidavs (code 11299)

BRYCOL Country St r e




Starting on-camp us Tues Oct 26

FRESH CUT Flowers amp Plants Daily

National Wire Service Available to

Send Flowers to Those You Love


10 DISCOUNT with Bryant ID on

Floral Arrangements and Corsages



Credit Investigator Smithfield S440 hr 20 hrswee week nights and weekends phone w ork (hectic) (code 300)

Pa kers No Smithf ield s4 70hr 15 hrweek weekends (code 1130 1)

I nventory Greenvi lle must be local person negotiable pay f lexble hours (code 1302)

For Sa lcRLnt 3 Roo ms left a va ila bl e -Woonsocket North End Residence Includ 5 prova te gym and or use 0 1 grand plan o Call 762- 6418 and or 333-211 2

COllage rorrenl -W II on s Reservoir te_100 Pascoag RI 3 bedrooms fully furnished No utilities e_cept Wator Looking for g ro up Call now 762 -6418 andlor 333middot2112

FoosebaU Table uailly rlble n Vood condtlon ASking fllOo beslollM 232middot4080

GenUine t th Jacllt1 ed Slllt 7 Excellenl condillon 50 can 23 1-1200 ex 324

He ll ra n t_c_c_l_ Cilege SlUde nts--Part-lime Jobs ars availab le lo r the F II semester $450 per month All majors a re welcome The h ou rs are fleXible C II Immedlately - shy274-7520

Ear n Free Travel and XITa money a s a Campus Represenl8tive for Vill age Tours lit Travel Call Jim a t (8171383middot9560(9-5 p m ) (61 7) 326-6995 (5- t t pm ) or (6 17) 545-6604 (5-11 p m)

The Library on Ate 7 in S mithfiel d needs waiters w altre ses door personn and bartenders APPly in

person on aturday Octobe r 2nd from 12 p to 4 p m

I middot rsonals

BII and Joo - Qatttn -a dramholl put I

Bm Joe - any fungus growingl

Yenow capet

Mened up Weltln1Ilday Friday Saturday 8i SUnoBV equal numerous Ca II exam time

BUI hell Cln Ilways sweep Ireat Walltreet that e

Scotty Scolly SCOtty

Follow Ihtt arrows net ume

Ill ~ you ~an 10bullbull1

Wlnnd Cn ose WU great 420 bull You hove grlat poIIIrentl

Jenntfer I wouldn t gll8 up on Joseph until he answers the 6000 question

Alhlon we can telt We have the clues ATP proves it

Bill did 5toe boo in you mouth

John t don t undernand me corefatlon between dmner and a sand bo

Lou I found gold hlh outside of Dorm 0 could It be your1

Dottie I fa ll down IUllhinv at you

Was the ride wonl1 th weeknd In Marylandl

Patti Diane was In Good Hand bull

Isn t he coming with us Ther are two new smokers ill Ihe world

Fred are you amptllI under microscopIC observ811on1

What do J OU mean Im In Sprlnv ald Masbull1

Andy middot Lot amp LoISI LC M ________ _ _ --_

Undo can you say III can vou spell il l do you know on Ill bet you dol

Plu a Hut Pan Plua EXClYrl ion

Wl101 eve lappe ned to yo U and bullbull

Top of 6 l eave the phone elone and let m dian

When win the deadlv duo go Wi ld again Second lemef r7

AgtIIles lor the teaoh 5 In Fmiddot2

Its IIke In Ihe box Do taach always fBl k Ihat wavl

00 you like these ones or USt thase l

Sml Honey Bunnvl Smile

DOtts nvon know h~ to get to SprlflQhfd when vou mls EIlIt 61

Sue sorry that Ih is lat but thv woo re the some Hppy 20th Birthday IoYtI Yal Dorm 9 330 $

Sheryl middot walk much1

Hey you guys who tak81l U 10 the Top

Lila and Jill Don t be so men 10 me EIIn

Paae 15 Happy BrllIdav Judlll M

Kar and Janmiddot did you have 8 rougn Ume geUlng o ot or your room Ihl monlngl

l ets loarn Inamp words to the Irsh jog song

M j Wish I Know wh et to say 10 you A

Bon got psyched for 26 amp 3851 Only 4 waekl I day 10 go

Are you two slst8(s7

Ve Im fin ally on campus

Teps Bre lOPS

Stay y from my p8ltmlln machne

Chunks Chunks Cltunk roght Ceclel

Chn hiPPY bellied birthdayl

Janet J ulie - do you went ome more cceolal ceam plel

Lardi LBrdi Lardi

Anne are th~ rawbeleo thad vet J

Chro happy bnhday from Dorm 12 SUile 440

Anne you IIYlng wuh bull now bunnyl

Julie you lure you haven t 10It your necklace7

Come on TNT

Anne are yoU sure I 100 good In White

JudI el get up at 5 goln ovl

Julie emember we HAVE to Ot81 t on Mondayl

Julie dlltl YO u wan1 to stlpl e your Inoer to someth ing or was it lust om~thlng to dol

Chr is thantrl s for the J8ans )acke1S they fll pUTfampet

wh carbull bull aDoUI hlh ltlee bloodl

Happy 2 Birthday Poople middotfom Ih one who feeds youl

Ksseymiddot Kossey

-J-UI-I---h--Y-In-g-t-ro-U-b-e-n-it-U-n-g-y-ou- - m- ou- t-h-w--th- y-O-u-r--fo- -kl=- shy

Try opening your eyes when you swing lhe R ball middotn raally hlp

Phil Mibullbull PiQgy still 10bullbullbull youl

Matla -I vont It lumberlck _ __________ JudJ-Yoodoe-Idy Yoodoe middotledv yoocIlo-oooollh

L ila Shut up Wentehl

Paul B - OKAY Im eady 10 play fo wa k Call me A

Oyna ty It was an aw esome gamfl MondlV

Judl h grea brthday J

ae brayo J

AUD - sorry to nterupt bul I nod the II

You woman foull

L w t r Ity I~t funnyl M

K thlow downl

DotUe-g6t some reat before you run

You could barely ge1 your ea( IJpl

KOC_ - red shirts everywhere I

Joe Thanks fOf rmnambering me the morn ing after

KO - where IS tne PeppendV8 Farm an7

KD - You are a mach ineJ1

KO - Beware of the Saga 1 0 pin up detail latar

1(0 - do you do mQfO th bullbullambullbulller

The Comfort was spinning quarters ana I lost

Aylng high with blloons liutnks

BH The ros-amps are lovely

We should h8V8 binhdoy e bullbull ry day Dorm ~5

My blrthdav was memoriable merel

My escorT I was only a ba seat driver because somebody had to do the dt hrlng I

Elephantlllsl ________ ________

DumBS You made II Letb partyl Rob

a a ll Bu5t1

Ka e amp Mden Tri ple Rm to the Busch Men

Doug 8 Elaine Nice Job on tho picnrc

Hey I~adow a9 Ieeltlc cat 8 bunny hop for bull bull bull - CAT

Hop 0 1 to the zoomoblle Ih studios

Maybe fiends won t be so bad

Mining one mlilbox

TWA amp Bauy middot Bhavana thinks you two rbullbull couple 0 coot ids

Hirf whe(edegS the actJon mi n

How much1l1

Poco say the lake Is eol~ and I want mv moneyl

Newamp Flash - Fire sweeps Inrough Nonh Smrthfie ld

BhaYan 1 thnk yo u bull cool lid Loye Stebull PS I ml~ you

Backpmmon anyone

unday Oct 31 27915

Auditorium 50cent Bryant Non-Bryant $100


Thct1rst time was only a warning

~~ I ~_JI lllJ

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume


Page 16: THE A CHWAY - Bryant University

---- -----=--

October 22 1982 Paae 16 THE ARCHWAY


Sat Oct 30 1982 9pm -lam

bull c1ll

featuring Steve Slllith

amp The Nakeds

Prizes for Best Costumes


$100 with Costume

$200 without Costume