Page 1: The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss...The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss 4 Since adopting a healthier diet and exercise program, including using

The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss


Page 2: The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss...The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss 4 Since adopting a healthier diet and exercise program, including using

The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss


The 7 Secretsfor Medically Proven

Rapid Weight LosTable of Contents:

Introduction .........................................................................................................................03

1. Burns Calories ................................................................................................................05

2. Boosts Metabolism .........................................................................................................05

3. Maintains and helps build lean muscle mass .................................................................06

4. Boosts Human Growth Hormone....................................................................................06

5. Lowers cortisol ...............................................................................................................06

6. Improves Circulation and Blood Oxygenation ................................................................06

7. Improves lymphatic health ..............................................................................................06

Testimonials .......................................................................................................................07

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The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss


“If I had to sum up the K1 in three words they would be; Best Thing Ever! I have noticed a great deal of change and progress since the K1 became a part of my daily routine. My posture has improved, the K1 now replaces at least one cup of coffee that I nor-mally would drink with naturally produced energy instead, and for some reason my chronic headaches have subsided. I am not a morning person. I never have been. But, now when I leave the house to start my day I have a renewed sense of life and a healthier, positive attitude. This never occurred before I got my K1. It’s also toning my muscles into the contoured body that I once had when I was younger and I love it because my muscles get the workout that they need without having to use my precious time to labor away at the gym. As a matter of fact, the K1 acts as my meditative focus. Using it is a great time for me to reflect on my day and clear my mind. I work in a demanding job that requires mental focus and quick thinking on my feet. Whenever I am feeling over-whelmed I just jump on the K1 for 10 minutes and I use that time to center myself. When the ten min-utes are up I always feel refreshed, clear headed and physically energized. Actually, some of my best ideas come to me while I am using the K1. So I guess you could say that the K1 is also helping my career as well as my body and mind. What a wonderful invention!

Alex Greer

The Noblerex K1 is an integral part of a medically super-vised rapid weight loss program called the Dr Ted Diet. Dr. TED Diet™ is an acronym for Thermogenic Endorphin (releasing) Diet, a diet offering a life-style change that thousands of people have already accomplished.

Dr. TED Diet™ is a patent pending medically supervised safe and rapid weight loss program with new approach-es to anaerobic and aerobic exercise utilizing the No-blerex K1. Generally, male patients lose up to 1 pound a day and women patients lose ½ pound a day.


When You purchase a Noblerex K1 we have a medical staff available to assist you in your weight loss goals. Along with the fat burning power of the Noblerex K1 by itself (we have a lot of great weight loss case studies JUST using the K1), our trained staff will work with you ONE on ONE with a proven diet plan, training program and certain lifestyle tips and supplements you can add to enhance your results.

We also include as a free bonus the Dr TED approved recipe book.So how does the Noblerex K1 really help with weight loss and why do more doctors use this for medically supervised rapid weight loss than any other?

Unlike treadmills that just “burn calories”, the Noblerex K1 works in several different ways to achieve rapid weight loss and increased muscle tone.

I bought the Noblerex K1 as a Christ-mas gift to myself on Black Friday. This was the best present I could have given myself. I love this machine I have lost a total of 12 inches , down 2 pant sizes and I feel GREAT. I love the

way I look and the way my clothes fits. Working in the financial industries can be very stressful, I spend about 20-30 minutes on the K1 and I feel so relaxed. This was the best investment I could have ever made. Thank You so much.

Linda Milford, Texas (Dallas area)

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The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss


Since adopting a healthier diet and exercise program, including using the Noblerex K-1 for 20-40 minutes per day, I have dropped down to 210 lbs (35 of which is new lean muscle!). I absolutely can’t say enough about the K-1 and what it has done for my body and muscle tone. I love the way it makes me feel while on it and afterwards. Just standing on it and making slight movements really changes the way it works on me – all I have to do is let the machine do all the work. I love using the Noblerex as often as I can – even 20 minutes twice a day. And whenever I travel, I love to stop by all of my friend’s homes where there’s

“In June 2006, my weight was at an all-time high of 329 lbs and my health and fitness was definitely at an all-time low.

each in a month after receiving your equipment. We believe in its benefits.”

“I am pleased to tell you that your Noblerex K1 Plati-num works very well for me and my wife Nellie. We feel much better, we lost 12 pounds

“I have been using the K1 Noblerex Platinium Whole Body Vibration exercise machine for just over a year. I am 68 years young and feel so fantastic all the time. I don’t have any pains in my body. I feel solid as a rock in my lower body, core and upper body. I had an irregular heart beat and it was so bad I almost had open heart surgery but decided to get a 2nd opinion and kept on exercising on the K1. I feel great and have not had a sign of irregular heart beat (afib) arterial fibrillation. My heart beat is around 62 beats a minute and my blood pressure averages 120/72. The K1 is the best investment I have made in my life.”

Lucien Gauthier, WI

Matt Villalvazo

Frank Esparza

As a single mom of two kids with no time to work out and 8 hours a day behind a desk, I realized that I was no longer in shape and definitely overweight. I was tired of feeling ‘stuffed’ into my clothes and being afraid to wear a swimsuit. I started to use the Noblerex K-1 Platinum Whole Body Vibration Exer-cise Machine for just 10 minutes on my lunch hour. The feeling of working out (without the time, sweat, and pain!!) was terrific. The boost in serotonin made me feel great and helped me to make better choices in what I ate. The arthritis pain in my knees decreased so much that taking walks and bike rides with the kids became fun again. I lost 30lbs in 3 months! That’s a size 14 down to a 6 - I feel terrific! I’m more toned and firm now than I was before kids! It’s been over a year now since I first stepped onto the K-1. I use the K-1 at least 5 times per week, just once a day for 10 minutes. The weight is staying off and I feel better than ever.

Joni P. Phoenix, Az

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The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss


7 Ways the Noblerex K1 Works to Help you Lose Weight, Fat and Cellulite

1. Burns Calories

2. Boosts Metabolism

3. Maintains and helps build lean muscle mass

Exercise on the K1 Machine burns up a massive amount of calories in a very short period of time–up to 500 calories in 10 minutes! The high rate of muscle contraction (up to 30 times per second) causes you to bun far more calories than you would during a normal gym session. Also, more calories are burned because almost ALL of your muscle fibers are stimulated during vibration training, as opposed to just 45%.

The K1 assists in creating a higher resting metabolism (your metabolism as you’re sitting down or sleeping). This is absolutely crucial to weight loss success, espe-cially if you’ve been routinely under-eating or already have a sluggish metabolism (for example, those with hypo-thyroidism). A slow metabolism makes weight loss extremely difficult even with diet and exercise.

The K1 assists in creating a higher resting metabolism (your metabolism as you’re sitting down or sleeping). This is absolutely crucial to weight loss success, espe-cially if you’ve been routinely under-eating or already have a sluggish metabolism (for example, those with hypo-thyroidism). A slow metabolism makes weight loss extremely difficult even with diet and exercise.

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The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss


4. Boosts Human Growth Hormone

6. Improves Circulation and Blood Oxygenation

7. Improves lymphatic health

5. Lowers cortisol

Research by renowned biomedical and exercise scien-tist, Carmelo Bosco, has shown that whole body vibra-tion exercise boosts Human Growth Hormone (HGH) by 361%. HGH is secreted by your pituitary gland and has been shown to generally decrease with age. This decrease has been linked to a weakening of muscles and increased weight gain. The K-1 naturally increases your HGH and helps to create a more toned, muscular, and lean body, among other benefits of HGH.

This significantly helps you shed and reduce the ap-pearance of cellulite (and varicose veins!) Oxygen is great fuel for your muscles and brain too!

Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone and research has shown us that cortisol promotes weight gain, especially around the belly (a.k.a. belly fat). Stress is also one of the main reasons that people experience accelerated aging and gain weight. We all know how common it is to compulsively eat or overeat when stressed out. Whole body vibration exercise can reduce your circulating cortisol levels by 30%, making the K1 Machine an ideal companion to a solid weight loss program.

Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone and research has shown us that cortisol promotes weight gain, especially around the belly (a.k.a. belly fat). Stress is also one of the main reasons that people experience accelerated aging and gain weight. We all know how common it is to compulsively eat or overeat when stressed out. Whole body vibration exercise can reduce your circulating cortisol levels by 30%, making the K1 Machine an ideal companion to a solid weight loss program.

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The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss


TestimonialsLost 16 Pounds and Healed Lifelong Back Problem

This thing is simply miraculous! I’ve been suffering with the birth defect in my back which over the last month and a half has caused debilitating sciatica. After less than 3 minutes on the machine I started feeling relief and after 10 minutes I was walking straight and tall. That was about two weeks ago. Every day gets better and better. I’m up to 30 minutes now, I’ve lost 16 lbs and my body hasn’t felt this good in over 20 years. Every muscle is stronger and I’m feeling younger and have more vitality than I’ve had in about 30 years. This is better than taking any of the products I’ve ever tried! Every cell in my body is chaning. All my systems are working better, the side effects of my diabetes are lessening, my mind is clearer and my emotions have been leveling out, the list goes on.”

Single Mom Loses 30 pounds in 3 Months!

“As a single mom of two kids with no time to work out and 8 hours a day behind a desk, I realized that I was no longer in shape and definitely overweight. I was tired of feeling ‘stuffed’ into my clothes and being afraid to wear a swimsuit. I started to use the Noblerex K-1 Platinum Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machine for just 10 minutes on my lunch hour. The feeling of working out (without the time, sweat, and pain!!) was terrific. The boost in serotonin made me feel great and helped me to make better choices in what I ate. The arthritis pain in my knees decreased so much that taking walks and bike rides with the kids became fun again. I lost 30lbs in 3 months! That’s a size 14 down to a 6 - I feel terrific! I’m more toned and firm now than I was before kids! It’s been over a year now since I first stepped onto the K-1. I use the K-1 at least 5 times per week, just once a day for 10 minutes. The weight is staying off and I feel better than ever.”

Gary Bianconi

J.R. Sterling Heights, MI

“I am pleased to tell you that your Noblerex K1 Plati-num works very well for me and my wife Nellie. We feel

much better, we lost 12 pounds each in a month after receiving your equipment. We believe in its benefits.”

Peter V., Brooklyn, NY

“The Noblerex has allowed me to think more clearly, move with more flexibility, and make my butt look cuter!”

“Last year I used the Noblerex K1 for the first time at a doctor’s office. I purchased the Noblerex for myself because I wanted to feel better about myself and experience the fun of toning my body without hav-ing to go to a boring gym. After a few weeks, I noticed myself feeling healthier and more toned in areas of my body that are difficult to tone by using other exercise methods. The Noblerex has allowed me to think more clearly, move with more flexibility, and make my butt look cuter! The support from the company has been excellent as well. I would encourage everyone, if your health permits, to use this wonderful machine for easy and convenient benefits — you only need ten minutes per day to shape your new body. I feel great after us-ing the K1 machine after a long day at work, and my husband likes to use it first thing in the morning for energy to wake-up. There is no need to push sales — the machine stands on it own. Many places try to sell you their product…this product sells itself!”

“…I wish this vibration weight loss machine was adver-tised more! I’m a senior and it has really has helped everywhere. I’ve lost about 5 pounds (in the first month). My whole body just feels a lot better!…”

“…My Clothes Are Literally Hanging Off Me!” Click the Play Button Now to Hear Sharon’s Shocking 2 Minute Interview!


From Karen K., Chester, CA

From Karen K., Chester, CA

Lady Goes From a Size 12 to a Size 6!

“When I began using the Noblerexk1 I was into a size 12 and when I looked into a mirror I felt like I was in someone else’s body. I am now comfortably in a size

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The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss


“I’m Ordering a Second K1 for My daughter!”

“What an amazing continuing transformation of my health and body shape after purchasing the Plati-num Noblerex K-1 Whole Body Vibration Machine. I have used it for 9 months. I also changed to healthy eating habits. To date I have lost 24 lbs and am wear-ing 3 sizes smaller. Using the K-1 for 1 hour a day has strengthened my muscles, my knees quit aching and my back is stronger. I am almost 67 and have great energy. I still run my business and feel wonderful. Another great benefit is having a health professional to call for assistance at any time you have a question. I am ordering a second one for my daughter.This will be the best gift for her future health and well being. YOU GOTTA GET ONE!!!!! Healthy and Happy in Calif.”

testimonial for someone or something … but because I am so impressed by this machine I wanted to let others know that it really does work!!!! So that’s it folks — you’ll build muscle, lose fat, and get healthier in the amount of time in takes to get in the car and drive to the gym!”

“Wow! I’ve only been using the machine for 45 days and I already have seen a huge improvement! I’ve been carrying around quite a few extra pounds for the past few years. Since beginning using the Noblerex 4-5 times per week, I’ve already lost 12 pounds! I’ve shed fat and definitely put on muscle. I’ve been working out in gyms since I was a teenager – lifting weights to build muscle. I can tell you from experience, that I am putting on the kind of muscle in only 10-20 minutes on the Noblerex, where I used to spend an hour or two in the gym pumping iron. In fact, I would say I’m getting better results with the Noblerex because it doesn’t hurt my joints the way that traditional weight lifting does. There were times when I would have to stop going to the gym altogether because my shoul-der joints hurt so badly. I have not had this problem at all using the Noblerex. I have never in my life written a

Lost 16 Pounds and Healed Lifelong Back Problem

This thing is simply miraculous! I’ve been suffering with the birth defect in my back which over the last month and a half has caused debilitating sciatica. After less than 3 minutes on the machine I started feeling relief and after 10 minutes I was walking straight and tall. That was about two weeks ago. Every day gets better and better. I’m up to 30 minutes now, I’ve lost 16 lbs and my body hasn’t felt this good in over 20 years. Every muscle is stronger and I’m feeling younger and have more vitality than I’ve had in about 30 years. This is better than taking any of the products I’ve ever tried! Every cell in my body is chaning. All my systems are working better, the side effects of my diabetes are lessening, my mind is clearer and my emotions have been leveling out, the list goes on.”

Single Mom Loses 30 pounds in 3 Months!

“As a single mom of two kids with no time to work out and 8 hours a day behind a desk, I realized that I was no longer in shape and definitely overweight. I was tired of feeling ‘stuffed’ into my clothes and being afraid to wear a swimsuit. I started to use the Noblerex K-1 Platinum Whole Body Vibration Exercise Machine for just 10 minutes on my lunch hour. The feeling of working out (without the time, sweat, and pain!!) was terrific. The boost in serotonin made me feel great and helped me to make better choices in what I ate. The arthritis pain in my knees decreased so much that taking walks and bike rides with the kids became fun again. I lost 30lbs in 3 months! That’s a size 14 down to a 6 - I feel terrific! I’m more toned and firm now than I was before kids! It’s been over a year now since I first stepped onto the K-1. I use the K-1 at least 5 times per week, just once a day for 10 minutes. The weight is staying off and I feel better than ever.”

Sincerely Kathryn Angel

Kathy Houg

Tim Allen, Santa Cruz, CA

Gary Bianconi

J.R. Sterling Heights, MI

6 and my friends and family say that I look healthier than they have ever seen me look. I hold a B.S. in Ho-listic Nutrition, and understand the vital importance of lymph drainage and bone density- especially at my age- so I use the NoblerexK1 for these extraordinary benefits as well. And the icing on the cake for me is that I can also get a massage. So these days I enjoy a healthy diet and I know I am taking care of my body on a multitude of levels with minimal effort in a few minutes a day. I wholeheartedly recommend the No-blerexk1 to all who now ask “what is your secret?”

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The 7 Secrets for Medically Proven Rapid Weight Loss


I have been using the K1 Whole Body Vibration for about eight months now and I cannot say enough good things about the benefits I have received. I used to go the gym three times a week for about 1.5 hours each time and now I rarely go, I don’t need to. After using the K1 for only a few days I noticed changes taking place in both the shape of my body, how I felt and my all day energy levels were better. What is so exciting is that now I am more limber, more energetic, I have healthier joints and I am better able to maintain a slimmer body.

Just using the K1 five to six times a week for 10-15 minutes, I have regained vitality and a vigor that I had lost years ago.

I was a surfer when I was younger and the lasting strength and vitality I get from using the K1 reminds me of that. I call it Whole Body Bliss.

Gained Muscle & Shed Fat & Inches off Problem Areas

“The K1 is just what I have been looking for! I have used it for about 5 months now, and the results have been phenomenal. I have been able to tone and tighten my body, gaining muscle while losing fat and inches off those hard to target problem areas.

“The machine is simple and easy to use; I look forward to using it every day. It has also helped me with overall health, giving me more energy and completely reliev-ing my carpal tunnel symptoms. I wholeheartedly believe in this product!”

Peter V., Brooklyn, NY

Jessica Nielsen, Asheville, NC
