
A chance for all Year 7/9 students

to work together in forms on a

number of daily competitions.

Day 1 (Weds 5th Dec): Highest overall form effort score (Autumn)

Day 2 (Thurs 6th Dec): Best form attendance today

Day 3 (Fri 7th Dec): Most good comments received this week

Day 4 (Mon 10th Dec): Most house badges being worn today

Day 5 (Tues 11th Dec): Fewest day planners handed out today

Day 6 (Wed 12th Dec): Fewest unexplained absences (Autumn)

Day 7 (Thurs 13th Dec): Fewest on whole school detention

Day 8 (Fri 14th Dec): Christmas Quiz

Day 9 (Mon 17th Dec): Most staff nominations

Day 10 (Tues 18th Dec): Fewest late marks (5th- 18th)

Day 11 (Wed 19th Dec): Most money collected for year 11 charity

Day 12 (Thurs 20th Dec): Most 100% attendance for 12 days

Be the best and score the highest number of

points after 12 days to win a festive prize for

the whole form!