Download pdf - Texture 3rd



You will

• Identify implied texture and physical texture

• Be able to find texture in your surrounding

• Create the element of art, Texture.

• Identify how artist create texture.


Everything has a texture or a surface. Texture can be:

Rough Bumpy Slick Scratchy Smooth Silky Soft Prickly

... The list is endless!!

Bee ceiling

Wool fabric

Types of textures



Tactile texture We perceive it by touching an object.

Every material has a different touch, so it is a different texture.

Visual texture When we represent a tactile texture using art

elements, such as lines shapes, and value weget a visual texture or implied texture.

Textures in Art

Artists use textures in their artworks

Textures in Art They use different types of textures

depending on their style.

Picasso –Three musicians Münch –The scream Klimt –Tree of life

How can you create texture? Lines- A moving point

Shape- an enclosed two dimensional space

Value- the light or dark of a color

Good Luck!
