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TExES ReviewEnglish as a Second Langauge (ESL) Test #154

Prepared and presented by:

Dr. Carmen Olivas Graham

and Yvonne Vallejo

and Diana TorresBilingual Department Socorro ISD

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TExES ReviewEnglish as a Second Langauge (ESL) Test #154

Session Objective

Help teachers prepare to

pass the ESL exam by

sharing what we know

about the structure and

content of the test, while

building on prior


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We are all learners, and

Teachers…we got this!




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We cannot direct the wind,

but we can adjust the sails Bertha Calloway

…and our attitude

Blessed are the flexible

for they never get bent out of shape!

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Ice Breaker: What’s up?

As Assigned:

1. At your table discuss with your peers the

challenges of a learner-centered classroom

2. At your table discuss with your peers the successes of a learner-centered classroom

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Learner-Centered Framework

What is it?

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA-NC

This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed

under CC BY-SA

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Learner-Centered Framework

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Learner-Centered Framework

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Second Language Acquisition Activity

• Read the passage given to you

• Discuss what you read with your table peers

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Learner-Centered Framework

The test is organized into broad

areas of content called Domains

Each Domain covers one or more of

the educator standards

Within each Domain the content is

also defined by Competencies and

each has two major parts:

Competency Statement (what an entry level

educator should know in this field)


Descriptive Statements (describes in great

detail knowledge and skills eligible for testing)

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Basic Information for the ESL Test:

Computer-administered test (CAT)

You must complete the exam in 5 hours

Test is a Multiple choice format

Approximately 80 questions

Three primary Domains will be tested

Passing score is 240 minimum points

Only correct answers count, and

There is no penalty for guessing

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DOMAINS TESTED: (content covered by the test)

1. Language Concepts and Language Acquisition

will equal 25% of the test

2. ESL Instruction and Assessment

will equal 45% of the test

3. Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural

Awareness, Family & Community Involvement

will equal 30% of the test

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DOMAIN: 1. Language Concepts & Language Acquisition (25% of test)

Competency 001:

The ESL teacher understands fundamental

language concepts and knows the structure

and conventions of the English Language

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Language Proficiency Levels

What you need to know:

The proficiency levels in the Texas test align with Krashen and

Terrell’s five stages of L2 acquisition

Students progress through different stages based on many factors

such as formal education, family background, time in U.S., etc.

Theory Proficiency Level

2nd Language Acquisition Descriptors

Pre-Production & Early Production….............Beginning Stage

Speech Emergence Stage………………….......Intermediate

Intermediate Fluency Stage………………….…Advanced

Near Proficient Stage………………………........Advanced High

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DOMAIN: 1. Language Concepts & Language Acquisition (25% of test)

Teacher understand basic concepts of language systems: Phonology







Social vs Academic language (Explain difference between BICS & CALP)

Understands interrelatedness of listening, speaking, reading & writing

Knows structure of English language word formation, grammar,

vocabulary and syntax and helps students understand content-based

instruction and accelerate learning of English in accordance with

English Language Proficiency Standards (ELPS)

Teachers use this understanding

to facilitate student learning in

the ESL classroom

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What is language:

• Language is an organized set of symbols used for communication

• A combination or the reception, integration, and expression

• Input: Reading and Listening

• Output: Writing and Speaking

Know that in this Session:• L1 refers to the “native language”

(Spanish or other than English)

• L2 refers to the “target language” (English)

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Language Proficiency Levels Review

For Beginning Listening and Speaking

Theory Proficiency Level

2nd Language Acquisition Descriptors

Pre-Production Stage

Characteristics (Low Beginning)

Silent Period

Demonstrates comprehension physically (Explain TPR)

Comprehends key words only

Relies heavily on context

Responds in ways other than speaking

May respond with single words

Shows minimal comprehension

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Language Proficiency Levels

For Beginning Listening and Speaking

Theory Proficiency Level

2nd Language Acquisition Descriptors

Early Production Stage

Characteristics (High Beginning)

Verbalizes key words heard

Relies heavily on context

Responds with one or two words or short phrases

Mimics frequently used expressions independently

Listens with greater comprehension

Demonstrates increased confidence

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Language Proficiency Levels

Beginning Speaking

Theory Proficiency Level

2nd Language Acquisition Descriptors

Speech Emergence Stage

Characteristics (Beginning Listeners)

Mainly speak using single words or short phrases recently practiced,

memorized, or highly familiar material, they are hesitant to speak

Speak using limited bank of high-frequency, high need, concrete

vocabulary, including key words and expressions for basic

communication in academic and social settings

Lack knowledge of L2 grammar necessary to speak or connect ideas

Exhibit L2 acquisition errors that may hinder overall communication

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Language Proficiency Levels

Beginning Listening

Theory Proficiency Level

2nd Language Acquisition Descriptors

Speech Emergence Stage

Characteristics (Beginning Listeners)

Struggles to understand simple conversations and discussions

needs linguistic supports (visuals, slower speech, gestures, cues)

Struggles to identify and distinguish individual words/phrases in

social and instructional interactions not modified for ELLs

May not seek clarification in English when failing to comprehend L2

and frequently remains silent and watches other for cues

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Language Proficiency Levels

Intermediate Listening and Speaking

Theory Proficiency Level

2nd Language Acquisition Descriptors

Speech Emergence Stage (Intermediate Listening &

Characteristics Intermediate Speaking)

Produces whole sentences

Hears smaller elements of language

Shows good comprehension when given rich context

Functions at a social level

Speaks with less hesitation

Shows greater comprehension

Experiments with original language production

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Language Proficiency Levels

Advanced ELLsTheory Proficiency Level

2nd Language Acquisition Descriptors

Listening: Comprehension Classroom Strategies

Listening for details

Integrated with writing

Lectures/note-taking helps follow lectures and organize learning

Provide graphic organizers and model how to use it

Provide an outline and teach them how to follow it

Model--explain, show samples, examples, dates, guidance, etc.

Provide think or processing time – pause during lectures, retell,

paraphrase, restate, rewrite definitions in their own words, etc.

Summarize key points and pose clarifying questions

Use notes in class activities to show purpose of note taking

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Language Proficiency Levels

Advanced HIGH ELLsTheory Proficiency Level

2nd Language Acquisition Descriptors

Listening: Comprehension Classroom Strategies

May need occasional processing time

Comprehend content with little dependence on visuals, verbal

cues, and gestures

Some exceptions may exist when complex academic or highly

specialized language is used

Keep in mind that the meaning of gestures and body language

vary from culture to culture (ex. eye contact, calling teacher Miss)

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Concepts of Language

Phonology = relationship among speech system of sounds -







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Understanding Language Proficiency in Social and Academic Settings



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• Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills

• Takes 1-2 years

• Social language

• Face to face communication

• Acquired from the environment

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• Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency

• 5-7 years

• Associated with schooling

• Abstract language required for academic work

• Complex, conceptual

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DOMAIN: 1. Language Concepts & Language Acquisition (25% of test)

Competency 002:

The ESL teacher understands the processes of

first language (L1) and second-language (L2)

acquisition and the interrelatedness

of L1 and L2 development

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DOMAIN: 1. Language Concepts & Language Acquisition (25% of test)

The beginning ESL Teacher :

Knows theories, concepts and research related to L1

and L2 acquisition

Uses theories, concepts, and research to select

effective methods and strategies to promote English

development at various stages

Knows cognitive processes such as memorization,

categorization, generalization, metacognition involved

in synthesizing language rules for ELLs

Analyzes how first and second language acquisition

are interrelated and L1 may affect development of L2

Knows common difficulties such as idiomatic

expressions; L1 interferences in syntax, phonology,

and morphology) as students learn English and help to

overcome difficulties

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Stages of First Language Development





School Age

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Learning strategies to increase CALP

Metacognitive –planning for learning, monitoring one’s own comprehension and

production, evaluating how well one has

achieved a learning objective.

Cognitive –manipulating material to be learned mentally or

physically .

Social/affective strategies- interacting

with another person to assist learning, asking for clarification, using

affective control to assist learning tasks.

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Myths for discussion

Students can learn a language a quickly and easily.

Students automatically learn another language when immersed in an environment where everyone speaks that language.

All students learn a second language in the same way.

Students have acquired a second language once they can speak.

Students need to learn grammar and vocabulary before the can speak.

The first language significantly interferes with acquisition of a second language.

ESL students will lose proficiency in L2 if they continue to speak L1 at home

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test)

Competency 003:

The ESL teacher understands ESL teaching

methods and uses this knowledge to plan

and implement effective, developmentally

appropriate instruction.

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test) Competency 003:

Teacher knows applicable TEKS and English Language Proficiency

Standards (ELPS) and designs instruction addressing domains of

listening, speaking and reading and writing.

Knows effective instructional methods and techniques for ESL

Engages students in critical thinking and fosters communication

Integrates technology and resources in the instructional process

Applies effective classroom management and teaching strategies

for a variety of ESL situations in the learning environment

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ELLs are responsible for mastery of the same grade level content area TEKS as native English speaking students.

Teachers must teach all of the content area TEKS and develop higher order thinking skills for ALL students regardless of their language proficiency level.

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Why the ELPS?

ELL’s benefit from content area instruction that is accommodated to their need for comprehensible input.

ELL’s benefit from academic language instruction integrated into content area instruction.

ELL’s benefit from programs that hold high expectations for students for academic success.

Language proficiency standards provide a common framework for integrating language and content instruction for English learners.

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Maslow’s Hierarchy of Human Needs

• Need for safety and security• Assign buddies

• Establish predictable classroom routines and positive feedback

• Need for a sense of belonging• Make personal contact with

students • Greetings, smiles, eye


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I do

We do

You do

Verbal Scaffolding

Procedural Scaffolding

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What is Sheltered Instruction?

A means making grade-level

academic content more accessible for

English language learners while at the

same time promoting their English language


The practice of highlighting key

language features and using

strategies that make content

comprehensible to students.

An approach that can extend the

time students have for getting

language support while giving them

a jump start on content subjects

needed for progress in school.

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SIOP Model vs Sheltered English Instruction

SIOP- researched-based model of instruction used to improve academic language proficiency in English language learners.

Attention to content objectives, language objectives, background knowledge, interaction, meaningful activities.

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CALLA Model(Chamot & O’Malley)

• Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach

• Through carefully designed lesson plans tied to content curriculum, teachers explicitly teach learning strategies and have students apply them to instructional tasks.

• Plans are based on these assumptions:

1. Mentally active learners are better learners.

2. Strategies can be taught.

3. Learning strategies transfer to new tasks.

4. Academic language learning is more effective with learning strategies

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Basic ESL strategies…

• Visuals –pictures, videos

• Vocabulary development –attention to teaching core vocabulary

• Active learning – process and apply new content and skills

• Interaction- use multiple grouping configurations

• Learning strategies – help students monitor their own learning

• Total Physical Response (TPR)

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Teachers must…

Make content comprehensibleMake

Build academic languageBuild

Provide linguistic accommodations Provide

Teach higher order thinking skillsTeach

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test)

Competency 004:

The ESL teacher understands how to

promote students’ communicative

language development in English

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test) Competency 004:

Teacher knows applicable TEKS and English Language

Proficiency Standards (ELPS) and designs instruction to address

proficiency level for beginning, intermediate, advanced and

advanced-high levels in the listening and speaking domains

Understands linguistic environment and conversational support

with supported opportunities for communication in English

Selects effective strategies to develop oral language proficiency

Applies effective strategies to help ESL students transfer skills

In grades 3 or higher, apply knowledge of individual differences at

the beginning or intermediate level of English proficiency in

listening and/or speaking in accordance with the ELPS

Provide appropriate feedback in response to developing L2 skills

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To develop competency in listening

and speaking

•Students need…

•Teachers who understand stages of language acquisition.

•Teachers who are tolerant of errors.

•Many opportunities to interact with others.


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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test)

Competency 005:

The ESL teacher understands how to

promote students’ literacy development

in English

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test) Competency 005:

Teacher knows applicable TEKS and Skills (TEKS) and the ELPS to

design & implement appropriate instruction to address proficiency

for beginning, intermediate, advanced and advanced-high levels in

reading and writing domains

Understands interrelatedness of listening, speaking, reading and

writing to select and use effective strategies to develop L2 literacy

English is an alphabetic language and needs effective strategies to

develop phonological knowledge and skills (phonemic awareness,

letter-sound associations, English phonograms, sight-words

vocabularies, phonetically irregular words, & high-frequency words

Factors affecting reading comprehension such as vocabulary, text

structures, cultural refences, must facilitate comprehension in L2

Apply knowledge of effective strategies to transfer literacy

knowledge and skills from L1 to L2 (first language to English).

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test) Competency 005:

Teacher applies knowledge of individual differences such as

developmental characteristics, cultural and language background,

academic strengths, and learning styles to select focused second

language acquisition instruction to ELLs

Teacher knows personal factors that affect ESL students’ English

literacy development such as interrupted schooling, literacy status

in primary language, prior literacy experiences, and applies

effective strategies for addressing those factors

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Teachers should be aware:• In L1 oral language development occurs earlier than

written language development.

• In L2, younger learners develop this way but older L2

learners, who are literate in their native language, may

develop written L2 more fully before oral L2.

• English can be developed from written input as well as

oral if the input is comprehensible to the L2 learners

• L2 learners do not need to be fully proficient in oral

English before they start to read or write English.

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Relationship between L1 and L2

Values and concepts of

literacy transfer (print represents a

systematic code and carries meaning)

Well developed

academic skills and strategies


Concept knowledge in content area


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Background Knowledge

• Frees up working memory to make connections between new and previously learned information, and as a result readers/listeners can:

• Integrate sentences and paragraphs• Make inferences

• Develop deeper understanding• Allow for learning and transfer to

novel situations• Retain learned information: new

information lasts longer

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Some Variables Affecting

Motivation & Development of


Language learning environment


Cognitive development

Cultures of home and school

Comprehensible input

Social interaction

NOTE: A language gap exists between

advantaged and disadvantaged students

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Reading Process Key Considerations Readers use linguistic and background knowledge and have

automatic word recognition for comprehension

Students learn to read by reading, so time for reading is crucial. Patterns of graphophonicsare discovered, word meanings negotiated and confirmed, syntax acquired and reinforced.

Four components of an effective reading program:

• Large amounts of time for actual text reading

• Teacher-directed instruction in comprehension strategies

• Opportunities for peer and collaborative learning

• Occasions for students to talk about their responses to reading

Reading comprehension is best promoted by extensive exposure to meaningful and varied texts with some explicit phonemic awareness and phonics instruction as well as instruction that develops effective learning strategies for both decoding and comprehending text.

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FluencyFluency is defined as the ability to read with speed, accuracy, and proper expression. In order to understand what they read, children must be able to read fluently whether they are reading aloud or silently.

Strategies and Activities to Develop Fluency

Repeated Reading- fosters fluent word recognition through multiple exposures to words, and enhances comprehension

•Teacher-assisted Reading

•Tape – assisted Reading

•Computer-based Reading

•Partner Reading

•Readers’ Theater

Monitor Student Progress

Use graphs, audio taping, immediate feedback, show progress,

record, discuss, and interpret fluency data

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L2 writing

1. L2 learners have limitations in vocabulary, syntax, idioms

2. 2. L2 learners may have less exposure to English print

3. L2 learners have confidence and skill gained in L1 writing

4. Opportunities for L2 students to write enhance L2 acquisition

5. Strategies effective in teaching L1 writing are effective when modified for L2 learners.

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The Beginning ESL Writer Needs:

• Time to write

• To write about what he/she knows

• An authentic purpose for writing

• To learn spelling grammar, and mechanics in context

• Support in reaching beyond expectations

• Prompt feedback

• Models for writing

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test)

Competency 006:

The ESL teacher understands how to

promote students’ content area learning,

academic-language development and

achievement across the curriclum

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test) Competency 006:

Teacher applies knowledge of effective practices, resources, and

materials for content-based ESL instruction that is linguistically

accommodated (communicated, sequenced, and scaffolded to L2

levels; critical thinking; cognitive-academic language proficiency

Teacher employs practices effective in facilitating application of

various learning strategies such as pre-teaching key vocabulary;

helping students apply familiar concepts form their cultural

background and prior experiences; metacognition, hands-on, and

using other visual supports like graphic organizers to reinforce L2

Knowledge of individual differences/characteristics, cultural and

language background, academic strengths, learning styles, to

select instructional strategies & resources that facilitate cognitive

academic language development and content-area learning.

Knows personal factors that affect ESL students’ content-area

learning, familiar with specialized vocabulary, structure and uses of

textbooks and applies effective strategies to address those factors

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Background Knowledge

What appears to be poor comprehension or memory skills may be lack of schema or cultural mismatch

Use what students do know as a starting place

Talk to them about the topicExplicitly point out how past learning is related to the new information

Use Visuals Relate topics to personal experiences

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Comprehensible Input• Teachers must make choices of how to communicate

information so that it is comprehensible: • Oral language: slower rate of speech, repeat significant

information, clearly identify main ideas, model, demonstrations

• Written information – adapted texts, graphic organizers• Teach strategies- cognates, vocabulary, reading

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Teach learning strategies that are needed for your content

Discuss and model what it means to study for math, or science, or social studies

Teach how to get information from your textbook

Students get a lot of practice reading fiction, but that doesn’t prepare them for information texts

Teach how to take notes

ScaffoldProvide substantial assistance and support in early stages of new concepts

Divide tasks into smaller chunks

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test)

Competency 007:

The ESL teacher understands formal

and informal assessment procedures and

instruments used in ESL programs and uses

assessment results to plan and adapt instruction

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DOMAIN: 2. ESL Instruction and Assessment (45% of test) Competency 007:

Teacher knows basic concepts, issues and practices related to test

design, development/interpretation and uses this knowledge to

select, adapt and develop assessments for different purposes in

ESL such as diagnosis, program evaluation, and proficiency

Knowledge of ESL classroom formal and informal assessments

Knows Texas standardized tests used in ESL programs and how to

interpret their results

Knows state-mandated LEP polices, the role of the LPAC, and

procedures for implementing LPAC recommendations for LEP

identification, placement and exit

Understands relationships among state-mandated standards,

instruction and assessment in the ESL classroom

Uses assessment to plan instruction to address individual needs

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ESL Program Components

Assess progress with

Telpas State Assessment

ESL Program should address affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs through TEKS based curriculum


Oral language development

Literacy development

Grade-level content

Academic learning


Critical thinking

College & Career


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Every district must…


Identify LEP Students


Provide the required bilingual education and/or ESL program for identified students.


Seek certified bilingual and ESL teachers.

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Language Proficiency Assessment Committee must be set up and trained annually by the district.

Every LPAC must have:

Bilingual or ESL certified Teacher

A parent of an ESL or Bilingual student.

• Cannot be an employee of the school district

A campus administrator

LPAC required documentation:

Certificate of training

Oath of confidentiality

Minutes of meetings (decisions that were made)

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LPAC Responsibilities

Review all pertinent information on all students whose home language survey indicates a language other than English

• HLS has two questions :

• What language is spoke at home?

• What language does the child speak most of the time?

Once HLS is received it initiates the process if another language other than English is stated

• Based on state criteria, determine whether or not the student is LEP

Recommend appropriate educational program (BE or ESL)

Determine accommodations and test exemptions

Notify parents and document notification

Notify PEIMS of any changes or updates

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Responsibilities continued:

Annually evaluate each student’s progressEvaluate

Exit students from BE/ESL when they have met criteriaExit

Monitor exited students for 2 yearsMonitor

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Parental Rights

District requests parental permission to place student in BE or ESL program

District must provide information describing benefits of the program

Parents must approve child’s placement within the program

Parents may deny the placement in a program

Students in grades 9-12 may sign their own home language survey (HLS)

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ELLs with Parental

Denials TAC 101.1005

• An ELL whose parent or guardian has declined/ESL services required by state law is not eligible for special ELL assessment, accommodation, or accountability provisions

• No testing in Spanish

• No linguistic accommodations during testing

• No English I/II EOC special provisions

• No unschooled asylee/refugee provisions

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Identification of BE/ESL Students

Note: identification and

Entry are two distinct steps.

Pre-K – 1:

• Testing TEA approved Oral Language Proficiency Test (OLPT) for each student who has a language other than English on the HLS

• If language is Spanish – they will be tested in English and Spanish

2nd – 12th:

• TEA approved OLPT

• AND Norm reference test from TEA (approved lists)

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LPACUses of Assessment

Screening and identification


Exiting from program

Monitoring student progress

Program Evaluation


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Entry into BE/ESL Program

PK- 1

• Qualifies for program if student –

• Scored NES or LES on oral language test = LEP

• NES- Non-English Speaking

• LES- Limited English Speaking

• Student does not qualify if scores FES

• FES – Fluent English Speaker

2nd – 12th grade

• Qualifies for program if student

• Scores NES or LES on OLPT

• And scores below the 40th percentile on norm referenced test

• Does not qualify if student

• Scores FES on OLPT and above 40th percentile on norm referenced test

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Exit from BE/ESL Program

No student can be exited at the PK and Kinder grade level

A student that is transferring from another district as bilingual or ESL continues as Bilingual or ESL

Grades 1-2

Score Fluent in OLPT

And score about 40th percentile on Norm reference test

Use agency approved writing test

Teacher recommendation

Grades 3-12 fluent on OLPT Passed state established English reading assessment

Passed state established English writing assessment

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Exit from BE/ESL


• All criteria for exit must be met –

1. Oral language fluency

2. Academic competency (reading)

3. Writing proficiency

4. Teacher recommendation

Note: exit cannot be based on TELPAS scores

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• Texas English Language Proficiency Assessment System• Students are rated and

assessed annually on their proficiency of listening, speaking, reading, and writing

• 4 levels• Beginner• Intermediate• Advanced • Advanced high

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DOMAIN: 3. Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural

(30% of test) Awareness, and Family and Community


Competency 008:

The ESL teacher understands the foundations of

ESL education and types of ESL programs

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DOMAIN: 3. Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural

(30% of test) Awareness, and Family and Community Involvement

Competency 008:

Teacher knows historical, theoretical and policy foundations of ESL

education and uses knowledge to plan, and advocate for programs

Knows types of ESL programs such as self-contained, pull-out,

newcomer centers, dual language, immersion programs and their

characteristics, goals, and research on their effectiveness

Uses knowledge of ESL programs to make instructional decisions

Applies knowledge of research findings related to ESL education,

research on instructional and management practices to assist in

planning and implementing effective ESL programs

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Important Landmark Cases

Lau vs Nichols (1974) equality of treatment

Castaneda vs Pickard (1981) compliance with Equal

Educational Opportunity Act

Plyler vs Doe (1982) Prohibits denial of education to

undocumented immigrant children

Brown vs Board of Education (1954) intentional

segregation is unequal

Lau Remedies (1975 ) provided guidelines for

Bilingual Education

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Different Bilingual and ESL Programs

of Instruction

Maintenance Bilingual Program (late exit programs)

Transitional Bilingual Program (early exit)

Dual Language Programs (one way vs two way)


ESL (pull out program and content area instruction)

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DOMAIN: 3. Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural

(30% of test) Awareness, and Family and Community


Competency 009:

The ESL teacher understands factors that

affect ESL students’ learning and implements

strategies for creating an effective multicultural

and multilingual learning environment

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DOMAIN: 3. Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural

(30% of test) Awareness, and Family and Community Involvement

Competency 009:

Understands cultural and linguistic diversity in ESL classroom and

factors that may affect students’ learning of academic content,

language and culture such as age, developmental characteristics,

academic strengths and needs, learning styles, personality, socio-

cultural factors, home environment, attitude, and exceptionalities

Creates effective multicultural & multilingual learning environment

to address affective, linguistic, and cognitive needs that facilitate

students’ learning and language acquisition.

Knows factors that contribute to cultural bias prejudice stereo-

typing, ethnocentrism, & creates responsive learning environment

Sensitive of diverse cultural socioeconomic backgrounds and

shows respect for language differences

Creates awareness and respect for linguistic and cultural diversity

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•Parent Welcoming and assistance with involvement

•Deep & Surface Culture (pinatas vs beliefs/values)

•Culture and School Environment

•Cultural Differences

•Support for students experiencing cultural change

•Assimilation vs Acculturation

•Factors contributing to Cultural Bias (stereotyping and prejudice)

•Effective Learning Environment

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DOMAIN: 3. Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural

(30% of test) Awareness, and Family and Community


Competency 010:

The ESL teacher knows how to serve as an

advocate for ESL students and facilitates

family and community involvement

in their education

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DOMAIN: 3. Foundations of ESL Education, Cultural

(30% of test) Awareness, and Family and Community Involvement

Competency 010:

Applies knowledge of strategies to advocate for educational and

social equity (participates in LPAC, ARD meetings, SIT committees,

and as a resource for other teachers

Understands importance of family involvement in education of ESL

students and facilitates parent participation in school activities

Applies skills for communicating and collaborating effectively with

parents of ESL students in a variety of educational contexts

Knows how community members and resources can positively

affect student learning in the ESL program and is able to access

community resources to enhance the education of ESL students

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What is most important?

Approaches to Answering

Multiple Choice Questions

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What is most important to know?

Know the “Content” described in the test framework

Think critically, analyze info., make a judgment about it

Do not leave questions unanswered—they will be wrong

Out of the 80 questions only 60 will be scored

Test includes interactive types of questions

Read the directions carefully to know how to respond

Some questions include introductory information such as

map, table, graph, reading passage (stimulus)

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Technology can help or hurt you!

Read the directions carefully!

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What is most important to know?

List of options for selecting answers may ask:

• Select all that apply (all the options that answer the question)

• Typing in an entry box (numeric answer or calculator answer, etc.)

• Clicking check boxes (click instead of an oval on a map or chart etc.)

• Clicking parts of a graphic (click as opposed to choosing from list)

• Clicking on sentences (within the reading passage)

• Select options from drop-down menu (to complete a sentence)

• Drag and drop answers choice into “targets” on screen

by clicking check boxes (choose from list, drag to table/graphic, etc.)

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What is most important to know?

Question Formats you may see:

1. Single Questions

2. Clustered Questions

Keep in mind that competency

statements on your sample test

booklet will not appear on the

actual test

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ESL Test Review



