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Revision Test 2EMP 1153 Mechanical Engineering DrawingDuration: 2 Hours


Question 1 (Part)

Build the part shown in Appendix A in SolidWorks with the following requirements. Only 1 part is allowed. Save the part file as revision_test2_matrixnumber.

Unit system: MMGS (millimeter, gram, second) Decimal places: 2 Part origin: Arbitrary All holes through all unless shown otherwise. Material: 1060 Alloy Density = 2700 kg/m3

A = 50.00 B = 10.00 C = 30.00

Question 2 (Drawing)

From the part produced in Question 1, produce the exact drawing layout as shown in Appendix B. Use A4 (ANSI) Landscape WITHOUT displaying the sheet format. The detail instructions of the drawing are given in Appendix B. Finally, save the drawing file as revision_test2_drawing_matrixnumber.

Question 3 (Assembly)

Build the Engine-Piston Assembly as shown in Appendix C. It contains 1 base, 1 crankshaft, 3 piston rods and 3 piston heads. The part files are available in the Test Revision folder in your GDrive. Save the assembly file as engine_piston_matrixnumber.

(Note: If SolidWorks prompts "Do you want to proceed with feature recognition?" please click "No".)

Appendix A

Appendix C
