  • 7/22/2019 Tesla Energy Global Cooperative




    The big energy companies control 99 percent of the market, but energy coopera-

    tives -- democratically run community renewable energy programmes -- are spring-ing up in the fight against the "fossil fuel economy".

    So if we can't leave it to our utility companies, and the lobbying power that comes

    with their position means government is unlikely to take drastic measures, who can

    we depend on to deliver the energy we want and that the planet needs? The answermight be that we have to do it ourselves.

    The Tesla Energy Global Cooperative plans global construction of Thermal Solar

    Power Plants in planetary localities with high solar radiation. The first pilot project ofTesla Energy Cooperative Solar Power Plant and FREE DECENTRILIZED ENERGY distri-

    bution and transmission facility is planned to be built in Brazil. The decentralized free

    energy distribution facility is a combined effort of the Nikola Tesla Institute in

    Brasiliaand Tesla Energia Brasil ltda.

    The prototype facility is based on long distance Resonance Waveguide energy trans-

    mission using one wire, and induction energy transmission in short distance applica-

    tions.Our forecasts on the development and use of resonance waveguide methods ofelectric power transmission can be summarized as the following:

    Air transmission facilities will be substituted by underground waveguide systems

    Electrical machines-robots withactive labour bodies will operate

    at agricultural plantations

    A global solar energy system generating

    electric power, hydrogen fuel and heat for

    every person on Earth will be created

    Liquid fuel and gas will be

    generated from the biomass of

    agricultural plantations

    Spacecrafts will be launched from Earth

    using electrical jet propulsion. They will

    have a ratio of payload mass to launchingmass 80 - 90% instead of today's 5%.

    Power supply of aircrafts in space andtransmission of electric power to mobile

    objects on Earth will be made by wirelessmethods

    Resonance methods will be used for

    medical treatment of people and animals,

    extermination of weeds (instead of pesticides),drinking water and waste disinfection

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  • 7/22/2019 Tesla Energy Global Cooperative


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    More than one hundred seven yearsago Nikola Tesla published the results

    of his experiments on the resonance

    method of electric power transmis-sion. Resonance methods of electric

    power transmission were founduseful for high frequencies in radio

    engineering and communicationengineering and they are also used

    on low frequencies in electrother-


    Current in cylindrical waveguides isclosed in the form of displacementcurrents flowing along the waveguide's

    axis; and current in the single wave-

    guide is closed in the form of displace-

    ment currents in the environmentaround the conductor. In connection

    with the presence of a phase difference

    between, waves of current and voltage,

    surface charges appear on the surfaceof the single opened conductor. They

    create coulomb exciting electric fieldsand these fields lead to the occurrence

    of coulomb currents in the conductor.Thus, a potential electric field is gener-

    ated in the conductor, which provides

    for charges transfer and current in theconductor. The described processes

    have an electrostatic nature and are

    accompanied by small losses in the


    Single wire electric power with Earth return

    Renewable-based electric grids are increasingly being viewed as an attractive alter-

    native for providing power to rural communities. Technology options include small

    hydropower, biomass-powered generators, small geothermal, PV, solarthermal, wind

    turbines and hybrid systems with back-up diesel generator, which may be con-nected to the social utility. Implementation of renewable-based technologies for

    rural electrification would contribute to the social and economic growth of the rural

    communities and would serve sustainable progress of the remote regions.

    Tesla's U.S. Patent No. 593,138

    The electric grid faces specific prob-lems of non-efficient operations,including transmission losses and the

    high cost of grid extension in remote

    sparsely populated areas. For example

    off-shore wind turbine, micro-hydro orgeothermal generator are often

    located far from consumer and requires

    costly installation of long distance

    transmission line which usually hasfrom 6% to 10% electric losses.

    The principle of single wire electric power system's operation is based on the fact,that in no load operation mode the active current and the magnetic field of the line

    are equal to zero, while the electric field has maximum value and it is created by

    reactive displacement current which is charging the capacitance of the line. it is well

    known, that the displacement current is not affected by Ohm's law and Joule's law,that is why Joule (resistance) losses are equal to zero.


    1. S. Avramenko. The method for electric power transmission and device

    for its realization. Russian Pat #210649 from 11.04.1995." Published in

    Patent Bulletin* m from 10.04.98.

    2. S. Avramenko et al. Apparatus and method for single Sine electrical

    transmission. 3. European Patent # 0639301. Priority claimed 08.05.92

    (Russia). Published in European Patent Bulletin 97/36 of 03.09.97

    This third method can interfere in the competition between systems of electricpower transfer using direct and alternating current: the resonance waveguide

    method of electric power transmission on heightened frequency, which was pro-

    posed by Tesla in 1897 for the first time.

    Resonance methods of electric power transmission

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    Tesla Energy Global Distribution System

  • 7/22/2019 Tesla Energy Global Cooperative




    Lasers 6 and 16 by fast electrons, one of which is installed in the vicinity of one electromag-

    netic wave generator and the second energy from the receiver 9 , create conducting channels

    5 and 15 between the conductive layer 18 in the ionosphere and the oscillator 1 and receiver

    energy 9 mounted on the Earth 19. Conducting channel 5 is created by photoionization of air

    in the rays of lasers and providing to the 4 channels of high voltage transformers Tesla 3 and

    12 at the oscillator 1 and a p ower receiver 9. Laser power of 100 kW , the power generator of

    electromagnetic waves 11 MW - 10,000 MW. High voltage transformers Tesla 3,125-50 million

    volts .

    As a result, ionization and breakdown electric conductor 5 and

    the channel 12 there is a high concentration of electrons and

    ions and under the action of the Coulomb forces occurs and

    the movement of electric charges electromagnetic energyfrom the generator 1 to a receiver 9, along the line formed by

    the two conducting channels 5 and 15 and the conductive

    ionospheric layer 18 between the channels. Electrical energy

    flows through the conductive channels 5 and 15 to the high

    voltage Tesla coil 12 and then through a rectifier 10 to the

    receiver of energy 9. The frequency of electromagnetic waves

    is selected in the range of 1 to 500 kHz, the power transmis-

    sion conditions of a resonant mode using the LC resonance

    circuit 13 3 and the capacitance and inductance Tesla trans-

    former 3 and 12, and the conducting channels 5 and 15 and 18

    of the conductive layer of the ionosphere .

    Tesla Energy Global Distribution SystemWireless power transmission through rarefied gas

    The closed circuit system consists of a large Tesla Magnifying transmitter, an ionizedpath connecting the transmitter to the upper atmosphere, the upper atmosphere, a

    second ionized path connecting the upper atmosphere back down to a receiving

    location, and the receiver itself. The circuit back to the transmitter is completed

    through the Earth.

    Teslas demonstration for the U.S. Patent Office,

    on January 23, 1898, at his Houston St. labora-

    tory in New York City, was to show of the practi-

    cability of transmission of electrical energy in

    industrial amounts by the method and appara-

    tus described in System of Transmission of

    Electrical Energy, U.S. Patent No. 645,576, dated

    March 20, 1900 and Apparatus for Transmission

    of Electrical Energy, U.S. Patent No. 649,621,

    dated May 15, 1900.

    Nikola Tesla did actually carry out an experimental demonstration of power transmis-

    sion through rarefied gas before an official of the Patent Office. From the patent itmay be seen that the pressure in the tube was between 120 and 150 mm Hg.

    Using the Ionosphere for Global Wireless Energy Transmission

    Wireless Energy Transmission using Laser Beams and the conductive layer of the Ionosphere



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  • 7/22/2019 Tesla Energy Global Cooperative


    Global Solar Wireless Energy System



    Global Mean Solar Irradiance with

    Tesla Energy Cooperative power plants locations

    (Brazil, Mexico, Chad, China, Australia)

    The planned Thermal Solar Energy power plants to deliver Electrical Energy glob-

    ally using resonance waveguide method to cooperative users.The Tesla Energy Global Distribution System plans to deliver energy not only to

    your homes, but to your electric cars and mobile devices as well!

    In order to make the global solar system

    operate, it is necessary to organize

    transcontinental terawatt (TW) flow of

    electric power. Resonance technologies

    of electric power transmission will be

    used for creating the global energy

    system. Mankind will be able to unite

    and concentrate its energy reserves and

    technologies in order to create

    adequate living conditions for every

    person and realization of important

    scientific and technical projects on Earth

    and in space.

    Atmospheric Electron Beams and Equatorial Flux Tubes

    Natural Waveguides for Resonant Wireless En ergy Transmission

    The South Atlantic Anomaly is an area where the Earth's inner radiation belt comes

    closest to the Earth's surface. This leads to an increased flux of energetic particles in

    this region which is exposed to higher than usual levels of radiation.

    The effect is caused by the non-concentricity of the Earth and its magnetic dipole.

    Observations using a variety of instruments such as vertical sounding ionosondes,

    riometers and VLF receivers have provided evidences of the enhanced ionization due

    to energetic particle precipitation in the ionosphere over Brazil. Brazil is closer to the

    Earths radiation belt than other countries. It is near the magnetic equator, and the

    magnetic intensity around that equator is not constant but varies, because of irregu-

    larities in the structure of the field. Near Brazil that magnetic field is at its weakest.

    Satellite observations of enhanced energetic particle fluxes in the South Atlantic Mag-

    netic Anomaly region have been supported by ground-based observations of

    enhanced ionization induced by particle precipitation in the ionosphere over this

    region. The extra ionization at E-layer heights produces enhanced ionospheric conduc-

    tivity within and around the anomaly region.

    Brazil - Map of direct n ormal Solar radiationwith the pilot plant and global distribution center location

    Brazil and the South Atlantic Anomaly

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  • 7/22/2019 Tesla Energy Global Cooperative




    [email protected] Petrovic, Tesla Energia Brasil

    Tesla Energy Cooperative Fund

    The Tesla Energy Cooperative is bringing together some of the brightest minds from

    many disciplines to act as guardians of the vision of Nikola Tesla for world-wide freeenergy. But what good is collaboration without an ability, particularly a financial abil-

    ity, to implement solutions? With this bitcoin fund any payments made today enable

    the Tesla Energy Cooperative to be the beneficiary of the massive wealth transfer

    benefiting holders of bitcoins and practically that means an increased financial abil-ity stored in a censorship-resistant currency to implement solutions to the energy

    problem of humanity. The early payments to the Tesla Energy Cooperative Fund

    enable you to take part in a global push for resource decentralization and energyindependence, and be eligible for the wireless energy re-distribution program in

    your region.

    Crypto-currencies have many advantages over old-fashioned government-backed money. For example they

    enable transparency, enabling the Tesla Energy Cooperative

    to show that our donations are stored in this BitCoin wallet.

    BitCoins also allow people in less developed countries to have access to the rest of the world.

    For example, PayPal alone blocks access to over 60 countries, and many credit card companies

    have similar restrictions. Some are blocked for political reasons, some because of higher f raud

    rates, and some for other financial reasons. Whatever the reason, we dont think a human

    being from Haiti, Ethiopia, or Kenya should have diminished access to the world because of

    payment issues they cant control. Our goal is to enable people, not block them.
