Page 1: Term 4 Week 2 Wideview Public School · Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy ears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing


Wideview Public School Learn Wisely Live Proudly

T: 02 9456 1655 E: [email protected]

Messages from Our Principal

World Teachers’ Day - Friday 25 October

Why is there an international day to recognise teachers? The day is a great opportunity for us to

acknowledge the important role teachers play in shaping the next generation. It is one day in the school

year we can recognise the incredible efforts our amazing teachers make every day.

As Principal, I am proud to work alongside such a wonderful team of professionals. On behalf of the entire

school community, I would like to thank all Wideview teachers for your outstanding service to students.

Teachers and our administration support staff, make this school a great place for students to learn and


Emergency Planning/Practice

It is part of the Work, Health and Safety regulations that we prepare for and practice emergency proce-

dures on a regular basis. Every 6 months we either practice a:

LOCKDOWN – A continuous bell rings and the students stay in their classrooms with staff. The blinds are

drawn and the door locked. We use a LOCKDOWN if unauthorised persons enter the site or if there is an

incident happening just outside the school property.

EVACUATION – An intermittent bell rings. The students and staff leave the buildings and assemble on the

oval near the front gate. An EVACUATION would occur if a building was on fire.

If you are on the school site when one of these practices occurs you will be asked to go to the nearest

room or the oval.

Soon we will revisit our Bush fire Emergency plan with our children.

Safety For All

Sun safety - With the warmer weather here, I remind parents and students that students must wear

their hat to school daily. Students who do not have a hat are restricted to play in the shade only. This gen-

erally being the COLA. Parents and carers may also consider applying block out to children from home.

Children may bring their own block out to school to reapply, however they need to be taught how to do

this by you and block out must not be shared with other children.

Term 4 Week 2

Page 2: Term 4 Week 2 Wideview Public School · Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy ears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing


Stage 2 at Camp!

During Week 5 (11-12 Nov), 139 excited students will be having a wonderful time at Vision Valley, Arcadia.

We look forward to hearing about the exciting activities when the students return from camp. Thanks to

the teachers who will be attending the camp, particularly because they are forgoing personal time to pro-

vide love, care and comfort to all Stage 2 students .

Attendance A reminder that if you are planning to take holidays throughout the school term, parents need to com-

plete an application form for extended leave. The form does request supporting documentation and needs

to be submitted at least one week prior to the date of travel. If leave is approved then days absent are still

marked as whole day absences, but recorded as justified leave.

It is important for students to attend school every school day as this can have an impact on their learning.

Did you know…

If your child is regularly late they miss huge amounts of learning time, lateness has the same impact

as absenteeism.

There is a direct correlation between attendance and achievement.

Frequent absences make it difficult for teachers who have to continually re-teach information skills.

Being 15 minutes late to school twice a week equals to missing 5 hours a term and 20 hours a year

of missed schooling.

Patterns of attendance/absence are set up in the early years of schooling.

Being absent five days a term from Kindergarten to Year 10 adds up to more than one year of missed


Poor attendance makes it difficult for students to form positive relationships with their peers.

2020 Class Placement and Structure

During Term 4 the school spends a lot of time planning the class structures, staffing and class allocations

for the following year. We have started planning classes for 2020. To do this as best we can, we need to

know about children who may not have enrolled to begin Kindergarten, anyone considering repetition for

their child, or anyone who is leaving for another school. Please contact the school office on 94561655 or

email the school to let us know.

Many factors are considered when grouping children into classes for the next school year and it is never

an easy task to get it right for every child. Besides the Department’s guidelines about the numbers in each

class at different year levels we also consider:

- academic achievement levels - special needs & medical issues

- relationships that should be split or continued - behavioural issues or concerns

- numbers of boys and girls in a class - teacher allocation

If parents have particular concerns or issues about the placement of their child for next year, now is the

time to let me know so that we can consider this information when forming classes. Coming to discuss a

child’s placement next year once classes have been finalised is too late. We always undertake to do the

very best we can for every child. Please remember it is not always possible to meet all requests.

The closing date for specific requests for 2020 is Friday 8 November 2019.

Page 3: Term 4 Week 2 Wideview Public School · Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy ears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing


Year 6 Mini Fete 1 November 2019

Our annual Year 6 Mini-Fete (formally Year 6 Fun Day) is quickly approaching!

For $7, all students will be able to participate in a variety of activities run by the Year 6 students. Lunch

packs are also available to pre-order for $5. Notes have been emailed.

Miss Hefford

APOLOGIES from the office. An email was sent to the eldest student in each family, so you wouldn’t receive

multiple emails. But this caused some confusion…..every student is invited to attend the mini fete. You will

need to complete a form for each student, so you may need to print more than one. These can also be col-

lected from the office.

Showcase 2019

As part of the school’s Creative Arts Program, we would like to invite parents and friends to the Showcase

2019 Back to Broadway Show. Students in Kindergarten to Year 6 will be performing in three concerts:

-Wednesday 11 December at 11:30am

-Wednesday 11 December at 5:30pm and

-Thursday 12 December at 7:00pm

The purchasing of tickets will go on sale from Monday 4 November. Information was emailed to you last

term regarding the P&C’s online booking system and the process of allocating tickets as fairly and equitable

as possible. Each year we have some families who purchase over their 3 allocated tickets, this creates extra

work and hassle for all involved refunding tickets and it is disappointing that some people do not follow the

rules. This year, let's aim to have every family stick to the limit of tickets in each round.

To view the full information previously sent, here is a link to the pdf on our website.



Wednesday 11 December 11:30am

Wednesday 11 December 5:30pm

Thursday 12 December 7:00pm



Mon 4 November from 7:00am

(See Term 3 Wk 10 note)

1S Samuel L, Hunter M 1D Ella G, Amelia S 2F Toby SD, matilda G

2C Samuel H, Tara L 3C William K, Melissa H 3H Noah E, Hanna L

4AF Jacob C, Amelia D 4LM Kaelem A, Veronica C 4/5C Caden R, Mackinley B

5J Alana G, Taj F 6T Jemma R, Tyler TJ 6H Adam B, Jesse W

Merit Awards

Page 4: Term 4 Week 2 Wideview Public School · Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy ears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing


School Calendar

The Calendar is updated each week. Please check regularly for any additions or changes which will be

marked in red for your convenience.

Library – Overdue Books

Part of managing a school library is ensuring that our limited books are always available when students

want them. As we only hold single copies of books, students often wait many weeks for their favourite

book to come back in. Unfortunately, students sometimes forget to bring their books in. Overdue books

mean other students are missing out. If you or your child has received an overdue notice, please speak with

your child and ask them to find and return their books. This way, every student can enjoy reading our li-

brary books. In library lessons, students are reminded that if they have overdue books, they will not be per-

mitted to borrow until those books are returned.

We thank you for your cooperation and understanding. Happy reading. Mr Smith

Book Club orders – Issue 7

The catalogue for Issue 7 of Book Club has been distributed. Please en-

sure all orders are placed online by Friday 1 November to avoid missing

out. Please also remember that our school no longer accepts cash or

cheque payments for Book Club orders. Payments are made online by

following the instructions in the latest catalogue.

Term 4 2019


Monday-Friday 14-25 School Swim Scheme Year 2


Friday 1 Year 6 Mini Fete

Wednesday/Thursday 6&7 Xmas Book Fair

Monday 4 Showcase First Round tickets on sale

Monday-Tuesday 11-12 Stage 2 Vision Valley Camp

Wednesday 20 Kindergarten 2020 Orientation Night 6.30pm

Please see helpers wanted form on next page!

Page 5: Term 4 Week 2 Wideview Public School · Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy ears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing

It’s Book Fair time - Just in time for Christmas! Helpers Wanted

Wednesday 6 & Thursday 7 November have been set

for the annual Wideview Book Fair. Our Christmas Book

Fair will open at 3.00 pm and close 6:00pm. The

students will have the opportunity to look at the books

from Thursday 31 October during their class library

time. If you are able to help for half an hour on

Wednesday 6 and/or Thursday 7, we would love to hear

from you. Please fill in the slip below and return to Mr

Smith in the library or send an email to Mr Smith C/-

[email protected] We will be in contact with you to confirm your

time. All purchases go towards assisting the library to buy resources for the school.



I ____________________________ would like to help at the Book Fair on the

following day and time:

Wednesday 6 November 2019

3:30 – 4:00 4:00 – 4:30 4:30 – 5:00 5:00 – 5:30

Thursday 7 November 2019

3:30 – 4:00 4:00 – 4:30 4:30 – 5:00 5:00 – 5:30

Please provide your email address so we can confirm which time slot you will be

required for


Page 6: Term 4 Week 2 Wideview Public School · Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy ears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing


Kindy Teddy Bears Picnic

Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy Bears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous

day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing games and scavenging the bush. Our sneaky Teddy Bears’ even disap-

peared with our lunch and we had to follow the clues to find them!

We learned the secret of PAWS, Plants for food, Air to breathe, Water and Shelter, and how we can look

after the environment.

A big thank you to the wonderful parent volunteers who came along and helped out for the day!

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Email: [email protected]

P&C Update

The next P&C meeting will be the planning for 2020 meeting which will be held on November 18th in the

staff room. If you’re interested in running an event please come to this meeting or let us know before-


P&C AGM Many thanks to those who attended the AGM on Monday night. We had a few faces we hadn’t seen in a while. Thanks to Mr McTernan for chairing the meeting whilst the elections were held. The results are as follows: President: Katherine Edgar Vice President: Alison Glendining Secretary: Edwin Tomlins Treasurer: Vacant Volunteer Coordinator: Vacant Uniform Shop Subcommittee Chair: Caro Osborn Secretary: Kylie Foster Treasurer: Nicole Jan Canteen Subcommittee Chair: Melissa Hicks Secretary: Gaye Terzioglu Treasurer: Vacant General: Yuki Heming, Nicole Roberts WOOSHC Subcommittee Chair Karen Francis Secretary Cathy Bennett Treasurer Zarlia Duncan General members: Caroline Blakey, Julia Joy GROUNDS: Vacant

Wideview P&C Association

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We need to thank Filip Cloetens who has done an amazing job as treasurer over the past 2 years. Filip has been fantastic to work with and has done some great work in bringing our systems online with MYOB and electronic payment systems. The other people we need to thank are Corrie Hassan and Julie Green. Corrie has been the canteen treasur-er for the past few years. Corrie, thanks for your work. Julie has worked tirelessly on our grounds for the past few years, Julie, we appreciate the work you have done in making our grounds lovely.

P&C Treasurer We’re seeking someone who is good with numbers, likes having a laugh, is easy go-ing and can read a P&L. The finances are nearly all online and via MYOB so some experience with MYOB would be helpful although we can provide some training. If Monday nights at 7pm don’t work for you, happy to discuss some other options. There’s some banking involved, which is pretty easy via a banking app. This role is also responsible for filing financial statements to relevant bodies and ensuring the P&C is meeting its audit requirements. Full training will be provided. This role is cru-cial to the running of the P&C.

Canteen Upgrade Update Many of you are aware that we are working with the Department of Education to do a huge upgrade of the Canteen. The Department gave us indicative figures of around $45,000 which we had budgeted for and had covered. Unfortunately, when the Department put the job out to tender the cheapest quote came in signifi-cantly higher (almost double) than the amount the Department had estimated. We are working with the department and relevant parties to see if there’s something we can do to reduce this amount.

DISCO Volunteer Found

Thanks to Karen TJ for volunteering to run the disco! More details to come in com-ing weeks.

The Athlete’s Foot School Rewards Program Every time you buy a pair of shoes from The Athlete’s Foot, $5 is donat-ed to Wideview Public School, via The P&C. This applies to the whole family. For more details go to

Page 9: Term 4 Week 2 Wideview Public School · Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy ears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing




Order Online

It’s easy with Munch Monitor.

To set up, go to

username: wps and password: munch2082

Volunteering opportunities

~Wednesday 6th November – Fill in for Jo

~Friday 8th November – Fill in for Rachel

~Wednesday 27th November

~Wednesday 4th December – Fill in for Jo

Please visit the canteen, message on

the Facebook page or call the office.

Thank you! 😊

Department of Health has advised regular hand washing in the canteen is a more sanitary option to wearing

disposable gloves (that often stay on for too long). We’re so excited we can reduce the amount of plastic gloves

we were throwing away! On top of what we already do, we're implementing additional hand washing before and

after food handling and in-between items that may contain allergens. So you may see us with our gloves off!

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Page 11: Term 4 Week 2 Wideview Public School · Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy ears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing
Page 12: Term 4 Week 2 Wideview Public School · Last week Kindergarten attended the Teddy ears’ Picnic at Muogamarra Nature Reserve. It was a fabulous day of intrigue, bushwalking, playing


on sale now on sale now 

Hurry, if you purchase your ticket before Friday 1 November your name goes into the draw to win a $25 canteen voucher.

Online ticket sales close 9.00pm Thursday 14 November.



$25.00 pre purchase Ride tickets will be $30.00 on the day or $5.00 per ride


FOR 4 HOURS 11.00am - 3.00pm 

Book Now:


