Page 1: Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term …...Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522

Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD

Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]


Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term for the Cairns

Clontarf Academy, including camps, health sessions, employment

visits and early morning training sessions.

A big welcome to all our parents, carers, supporters and community members.

Firstly, thank you to everyone who has welcomed my family and I into Cairns State High. To Chris and the

broader CSHS team I cannot speak highly enough of you all.

Term 3 has come and gone in what seems like the blink of an eye. It is time to reflect on what has been a

period of sustained effort and achievement by the young men in the Cairns Clontarf Academy.

The Academy ran a large number of activities that had a strong focus on leadership, employment, education,

life skills and being an active member in the community.

A huge thankyou to all CSHS staff, valued partners, community members and agencies who donate their

time to the development of the young men in Clontarf. Without this support our program would not be able

to run successfully. It really is a team effort by all involved.

Please enjoy the term 3 review.

Kind regards,

Matthew Hamdorf

The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment

prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equips them to participate

more meaningfully in society.

Clontarf Chronicle, Term 3

Cairns Clontarf Academy

October 2019

Page 2: Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term …...Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522

Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD

Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]

Activities & Camps

The Cairns Clontarf Academy was involved with a variety of sporting carnivals and activities this term. The

students also participated in a number of health sessions with headspace, early morning training sessions

that involved basketball, ultimate Frisbee, soccer, touch rugby and more. Providing routine, structure in a

fun and safe environment that allows the boys to create good habits. This is what our early morning trainings

are all about.

We introduced a Monday afternoon minute to win it challenge and Wednesday morning study sessions for

our year 11 and 12 boys. Just ask the boys about getting to school early to complete their English or the

dreaded blue dog.

We organised Bunnings, Qantas and Sunlover employment visits, mock interviews with the year 9 boys, held

an employment forum, visited Magnetic Island and performed a Clontarf Pillar presentation along with

cooking nearly 400 pancakes for the local school.

Highlights for the Semester


It was only fitting that we have Zorro Wigness feature in our newsletter after a fantastic term 3.

Zorro is a well-liked and respectable young man who is striving towards completing and graduating year 12

at Cairns State High School. Zorro is currently completing a Certificate 3 in

hospitality with Compass Group. He maintains excellent attendance with a rate

of 95% and always meets his educational deadlines. This term Zorro has

participated in two early morning training sessions every week, the

employment forum, Clontarf Pillar presentation, helped organise and run

various community activities. Due to his significant impact and efforts, he was

nominated for the Olympic Change Maker award that acknowledges leadership

and community commitment. Well done Zorro on remaining committed to the

cause. On behalf of Clontarf and school, we wish Zorro all the best for the

remainder of 2019 and look forward to hearing about his future endeavours

and achievements. We know that many Clontarf members past, present and

future, admire you and hope that you will come back to provide advice.

Photo: Eddie and Zorro supporting “White Ribbon”

The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment

prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equips them to participate

more meaningfully in society.

Page 3: Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term …...Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522

Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD

Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]


Mid term we held our Certificate 2 in Aquatic Safety Course - Surf Bronze

Medallion. Walter Nona, Gene Hudson Nona and Jakeim Getawan braved tough

conditions, cold weather and a mountain of book work to successfully complete

the course which gives them a Surf Life Saving Accreditation and 4 additional QCE


All staff have been working around the clock with our Year 12 students to ensure

that all their work is being completed and students are meeting deadlines to

obtain the results they deserve.

With graduation just around the corner it is vital that students continue to come to

school everyday, stay on top of their workload and ask for help when they need it!

Photo: Gene, Walter and Jakeim looking good after completing there Certificate 2 in Auqatic Safety - Surf

Bronze Medallion.


A number of our students from the Cairns Academy participated in the inaugural 12 hour Clontarf “Cycle for

Change”. The ride was to help raise awareness against domestic violence for the “White Ribbon”

organisation. Academy members pledge there support by reading the oath and riding nearly two and half

thousands kilometres for the day. It was a great experience for

each student and allowed them to give back to our community and

also educate them about a worthy cause. Special mentions must

go to Latrell for riding well over 100kms by himself, Ms Staci who

helped support and assist for the entire day, Lauren Sunner from

ATODs for organising the 20 plus bikes, Richie Bates for allowing us

the use of the cycling club facilities and Bunnings for cooking the

BBQ. Last but not least, a big thanks goes out to all our valued

teaching staff and community members who attended throughout

the day and helped support such a great cause. Photo: Latrell on the bike clocking up the laps

Photo: Hayden, Staci and Zorro.

Page 4: Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term …...Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522

Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD

Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]


Week 7 saw the Cairns Academy participate in the annual employment forum. The forum is designed to

introduce our senior academy members to employment and training

opportunities that may exist within the region. The forum kicked off Thursday

afternoon with a number of workshops that focused on money management,

interview preparation and job application skills. Friday involved some

informative speeches from both Clontarf Alumni that are now employees and

employers. This was then followed by rotations where our boys got the chance

to meet relevant employers. These sessions give prospective employers the

chance to inform students of the various roles involved in their business, the

career pathways and the opportunities that may become available.

Photo: All Year 12 Cairns academy members – Walter, Darnell, Gene, Luke, Duarne, Jermaine and Zorro


Sport is always popular with the boys. Term 3 was no different.

The year 7 and 8’s got the opportunity to run around on Watson’s

oval and play in the FNQ AFL carnival. All Cairns and Townsville

academies attended with Bentley Park taking out the Cup. Well

done. A huge thanks goes out to the Gordonvale team who

organised and ran the event. Photo: Yr. 7 & 8 AFL team

The year 9 once again put the foot to the floor to attend the

Bunnings Billy Kart Derby, while the senior academy members

laced up their basketball boots and graced the courts against

Trinity Bay Academy.

We also continued on with our early morning training sessions

with a wide variety of games and activities that is always followed

by a healthy and nutritious breakfast.

Last but not least I must congratulate all academy members for

continually displaying great Clontarf spirt when participating in

all activities.

Creating the habit of waking up early and attending morning training with a smile in a safe and fun

environment is what it's all about. Running around playing basketball and ultimate Frisbee, having fun

along with a laugh is why morning training is such a key part of the Clontarf programs.

The Clontarf Foundation exists to improve the education, discipline, life skills, self-esteem and employment

prospects of young Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander men and by doing so equips them to participate

more meaningfully in society.

Page 5: Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term …...Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522

Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD

Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]

What’s next – Term 4

Term 4 is shaping up as big term for the Cairns academy with plenty of activities being planned.

I wish to personally thank all the CSHS staff who are assisting and supporting the lads in and out of the

class room. Without this partnership we are unable to achieve positive outcomes for all the boys.

Sport / Well-being

Training is held every Tuesday & Thursday

7am – 8am – Followed by breakfast

Health checks – Tuesday week 2

Welcome back BBQ - Wednesday Wk. 2

FNQ – Cricket Carnival – Friday Wk. 4


Ongoing Health Sessions

After School Activities/Study/Homework


Driving education / lessons Week 1 – 5

Academy awards night – Thursday Wk. 6


Employment visit – QFRS Wk. 4

Employment visit – Coles Wk. 5

Employment visit - Qantas Wk. 6


Yr. 8 - 9 Camp – Wk. 3

Yr. 10 - 11 Future leaders camp – Wk. 5

Yr. 7 – Community Camp – Wk. 7

Yr. 12 – EOYT – Wk. 8


Director: Matthew Hamdorf

m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]

Operations Officer: Gavin Ham

m: 0438 126 921

e: [email protected]

Director: Eddie Seni

m: 0419 526 459

e: [email protected]

Page 6: Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term …...Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522

Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD

Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]

Page 7: Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term …...Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522

Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD

Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]

Page 8: Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term …...Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522

Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD

Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]

Page 9: Term 3 has continued to be an active and fun term …...Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522

Cairns Clontarf Academy Cairns State High School Cnr Sheridan & Upward Sts, Cairns QLD

Director: Matthew Hamdorf m: 0439 522 334

e: [email protected]
