

Welcome to the sixth edition of the Kormilda College Languages Newsletter. The Languages Celebration Evening on Monday, 7 June, was a huge success. Students presented a variety of performances including songs, fashion parades, role plays, gamelan and poetry to a very appreciative and supportive audience. The effort put in by all involved is greatly appreciated, including the support of parents, families and other members of our community. The Year 11 Malaysia Study Tour in the June/July break was also a great success, with students having the experience to engage in community service with a local organisation in Sabah, Malaysia, and also explore the different cultures of the region. If you would like to contribute to the Languages Newsletter, please email: [email protected]

This newsletter is produced by the language students and teachers of Kormilda College.

Events and dates to remember

LTANT Speaking Competition

9 October 2010

Malaysia Study Tour Applications

Week 9, Term 3

Idul Fitri / Lebaran (End of Ramadan)

(Indonesia) 10-11 September 2010

FREE French Film “A Little Bird Told Me” Water Gardens, Jingli 6pm, 17 September


Mid-Autumn Festival (China)

22-24 September 2010

National Day Holiday (China)

1–7 October 2010

National Day (Spain) 12 October 2010

Number 6, August 2010 CONTENTS page Malaysia Study Tour 2

Spanish 3

French 4

Indonesian 5

Mandarin 6

Languages Celebration

Evening 7 - 8

TERM 2, 2010

Languages Newsletter Competition Write 100 words about why you think it is important to learn a second

language. Forward your response to your language teacher by Week 7 for a chance to win 2 movie tickets. Two winners will be selected from each year.

Asian languages education crisis deepens

The Current State of Chinese, Indonesian, Japanese and Korean Language Education in Australian Schools: Four Languages, Four Stories, an Asia Education Foundation (AEF) series of reports commissioned by the Australian Government to get a baseline on current participation rates, shows:

– Indonesian is at crisis point, with Year 12 enrolments halved since 2000 to just 1100 students nationally.

– In 2000, 24% of students across K-12 were studying one of the four languages, while in 2008 this had fallen to 18%.

– At Year 12, the issue is particularly alarming: less than 6% of students currently study one of the four languages and it is estimated about 50% of these are Asian “background” or heritage speakers.

Follow the link below to find out more about the state of Australia’s Asian languages education:

Congratulations to Elliott Williams [Year 7] for winning the Term 2 Languages Newsletter Competition!


Year 11 Malaysia Study Tour

20 June to 1 July 2010

The Malaysia Trip was ten days of cultural immersion and questioning everything I’d ever known. It was an eye-opener and a great experience that has taught me independence, among many other things. I would recommend the trip to every student! (Sara Rowe, Year 11).

The Malaysia Trip was a wonderful experience. We spent ten days exploring another culture in areas such as religion, food, craft and government. This involved visiting mosques, trying frog meat and making our batik artworks. One of the most rewarding days was the time we spent with PACOS (Partners of Community Organisations) (Nicki Joyce, Year 11).



Year 7 students learning Spanish with their teacher, Seňorita Pilar.

Year 7 Spanish

This is my first language other than English. It is a challenge for me. I learnt the alphabet and I am learning greetings now and numbers. People in Spain would think English is hard.

Bryce Fullwood

It is always hard but learning a new language is always going to be hard. It is fun because we will be able to talk in another

language. Jane Ann Topping

I think learning Spanish with Seňorita Pilar will be fun and more fun. I hope all the class thinks so as well.

Aidan Cross

Dear Readers, Spanish is great fun. I have learnt so much in such little time. Whenever I get stuck on something my teacher

is there to help me pronounce, write or explain any words. I think it is an awesome experience and can’t wait until my next

lesson. Tristan Holdsworth

Year 12 Profile Name: Roxy Willing Age: 17 Year: 12 Languages: Spoken – English Studied – Spanish Why did you decide to study Spanish? Spanish has an exotic flow to it and I think it sounds beautiful. How long have you studied Spanish? 2009 and 2010 (so far). What are some of the benefits of learning a language other than English? Helping foreigners in Australia to communicate, and to immerse myself in South American culture will be easier when I travel overseas. How do you think your Spanish language skills will help you in the future? In a career it may help when I need to translate for someone or it can be helpful when communicating when travelling overseas.



‘A giraffe is in my brother’s bedroom’ by Taylah Sommerville, Year 9.

‘French Avenue’ by Emma Crimmings , Year 7 (2009).

Year 12 Profile Name: Caitlin Buralli Age: 17 Year: 12 Languages: Spoken – English Studied – French Why did you decide to study French? I aim to study French because I particularly like the flow of the language, as well as the countries in which it is spoken. How long have you studied French? I’ve been studying French since I began at Kormilda in Year 8. What are some of the benefits of learning a language other than English? Some of the benefits include broadening world knowledge and attaining an advantage while travelling. How do you think your French language skills will help you in the future? Knowing more than one language is a valuable skill and it can benefit all aspects of one’s life, including allowing for more interaction with locals when travelling (instead of just being a tourist) and also greater communication within a multicultural society.



‘Penfriend Wanted’ by Alexandra Parchert, Year 7.


Year 12 Profile Name: Emily Cutts Worthington Age: 16 Year: 12 Languages: Spoken – English Studied – Indonesian Why did you decide to study Indonesian? Language is compulsory for the IB, but I also really enjoy learning Indonesian, and find it more interesting as a non-European language. I also wanted to continue learning a language I’ve already started. How long have you studied Indonesian? Seven years in primary school, then 6 years in high school. What are some of the benefits of learning a language other than English? Useful for travelling to that country, and also understanding how languages, such as English, are structured. How do you think your Indonesian language skills will help you in the future? I think it could help if I ever visited Indonesia or Malaysia, and it also helps my understanding of the structure of English.



Year 12 Profile Name: Chantelle Dobunaba Age: 17 Year: 12 Languages: Spoken – English Studied – Mandarin Why did you decide to study Mandarin? Because I have Chinese heritage and wanted to take the opportunity to learn the language. Plus, it’s mandatory in the IB. How long have you studied Mandarin? One year and five months. What are some of the benefits of learning a language other than English? It raises cultural awareness and provides a global perspective of the world. How do you think your Mandarin language skills will help you in the future? It will keep me connected to my Chinese heritage and offer me an opportunity in travelling through Asia.

Year 12 Profile Name: Louis Durand Age: 17 Year: 12 Languages: Spoken – English, Anindilyakwa Studied – Mandarin Why did you decide to study Mandarin? Culture greatly interested me. Chinese characters are elegant and meaningful. How long have you studied Mandarin? One year and five months. What are some of the benefits of learning a language other than English? It raises cultural awareness and provides a global perspective. How do you think your Mandarin language skills will help you in the future? Travelling overseas, working in a multicultural place, as China is quickly becoming an economic powerhouse.


Languages Celebration Evening

Monday, 7 June 2010


Languages Celebration

Evening Student

Comments Zahra, Marcus, Harri, Cassie, Erin and I did a French Bonbon Play at the Languages Evening. It was a good experience for all of us doing out first French play, especially when the audience loved it. We also loved doing it although we were a little nervous at the start of the play but it got alright afterwards. The play also helped us with our French speaking skills. THE PLAY WAS AWESOME. WE LOVED DOING AND REHEARSING IT!!! (Athira Emmanuel, Year 7)

I thought the Languages Evening was very funny. The actors in my role play, including me, liked the food and eating the leftover LOLLIES!!! I would definitely like to be a part of the Languages Evening next year. Au revoir! (Erin Schipp, Year 7)

The Languages Evening was a wonderful night for me. It was entertaining and I learned a lot about the different languages that are taught at this school. It was a very good experience when I performed my role play in the fashion parade. To become very fluent in learning a language, you must have fun and enjoy rehearsing in front of audiences. (Kelvin Mapendere, Year 9)

In the Language entry I had two great people doing it with me: Emma Briscoe and Sam Ellis. I liked working with Emma and Sam because we cooperated very well and they are nice people. I did this because with my role play group because I seem to have fun doing it, so what I thought was yeah this will be fun, let’s do this. At first I was not nervous but then once I got into the place it was a full house and I began to get nervous and get butterflies in my tummy. The people in front of us were doing great and they called all the other people in Year 7 that doing Indo and they weren’t here so it was our turn, and I was like now it is our turn. Once we did it, it felt like my tummy was going to explode. When it finish, I felt happy with myself. (Kelly Gahan, Year 7)

I participated in the Madame Bonbon and her French Class. We took creativity to a new level. Although we had limited actors – it meant we got more lollies. Tres Bien! (Zahra Crough-Heaton, Year 7)

The Languages Evening was great. We saw a lot of role plays, music, songs and dances in French, Spanish and Indonesian. Emma Briscoe, Kelly Gahan and I did an Indonesian role play about a tourist who comes to Indonesia (Sam Ellis, Year 7)

I enjoyed working together with my classmates to create a small play for us to perform in front of our parents and peers. The experience helped me build confidence in my own abilities. I hope to continue to learn French in the future (Rosanna Leitch, Year 9)

The Languages Evening was a very good experience. Over the lessons before the night we had to create a speech on what we were going to wear on the night. Me and another student Kelvin were chosen by our French teacher to perform our French Fashion parade assessment task again at the Languages Evening. On the night we waited patiently and nervously for our act to come. When our names had been called out we walked up and took the stage. I had music prepared but it would not work on the sound system. We said our speeches and were thoroughly enjoyed by the audience. Overall I thought it was an excellent experience and I will remember it for a long time. (Joel George, Year 9)

The Languages Evening was good and we all worked together and I think we created laughter in the air. When Marcus dressed up as a girl he was so funny! Everyone was good everyone is a top actor and I see good acting careers in the future. Tres bien – Well done everyone! (Cassie Wright, Year 7)

I enjoyed the role play that I performed with Rosanna Leitch, Violet Walle and Lily Reid on the Languages night on the 7th of June. I also enjoyed coming up with the role play, it was very different experience to do with learning French. I am glad that I was chosen to perform and participate in the role play. (Loren Watterson, Year 9)
