

1.Which of the following motivations for colonizing is usually attributed to the settlements in New England?

a. exploration b. economic gain c. religious freedom

d. deportation of prisoners

2. Analyze the above description of an early colonist to the Americas: In which of the following colonies did Mr. Hainsborough most likely attempt to settle?

a. Massachusetts b. Connecticut c. Pennsylvania d. Virginia

3. Which of the following goods would have been transported from the American Colonies or the Caribbean Islands to Europe through the triangular Trade?

a. slaves b. pepper and spices c. gold d. molasses

Analyze the following chart (applicable question is on the following page):

“William Charles Hainsborough, the third son of Sir Robert Charles Hainsborough, Earl of Prestwich, arrived last week in port. Hys demeanor was gentile and hys manner

pronounced, but I found his general character lacking in vitality and ambition, and quickly surmised that his presence here would be short-lived. He will not last the winter, ..the

gold that he seeks will not keep him warm.”

4. Which of the following statements is best supported by the data from the table? a. not all Africans in the colonies came as slaves; many emigrated freely to the Northern Colonies b. the vast majority of colonists from England/Wales came from the poorest classes in England c. Germans were more wealthy than Russian colonists d. The largest number of convicts sent to the American colonies during the 1700s was from Ireland

5. Who was given credit for writing much of the Constitution, known also as the Virginia Plan?

a. James Madison b. Thomas Jefferson c. John Hancock d. Alexander Hamilton

6. Which of the following American documents was most influenced by the writings of John Locke?

a. the Bill of Rights b. the Declaration of Independence c. the Natural Rights of Man and of the Citizen d. the Gettysburg Address

7. The above quote is most connected to which of the following issues related to the formation of the American Government:

a. the inability of the Articles of Confederation to impose taxes on the several states b. the discussions concerning slavery in the southern colonies during the Philadelphia Convention c. the issue of states’ rights versus federal rights during the 1850s d. the debate about creating a strong central government versus sovereign state governments

“In the extent and proper structure of the Union, therefore, we behold a republican

remedy for the diseases most incident to republican government. And according to the degree of pleasure and pride we feel in being republicans, ought to be our zeal in cherishing the spirit and supporting the character of Federalists.” James Madison,

“Alas, we have been long led away by ancient prejudices and made large sacrifices to superstition. We have boasted the protection of Great Britain, without considering, that her motive was interest not attachment; that she did not protect us from our enemies on our account, but from her enemies on her own account, from those who had no quarrel with us on any other account, and who will always be our enemies on the same account. Let Britain wave her pretensions to the continent, or the continent throw off the dependence, and we should be at peace with France and Spain were they at war with Britain. The miseries of Hanover’s last war Ought to warn us against connections” Thomas Paine, Common Sense 1776

8. The author of the above statement would most likely agree with which of the following

positions? a. Great Britain should continue to utilize colonial resources for her economic benefit. b. Great Britain’s war with France and Spain is justified. c. Great Britain is taking advantage of the colonies therefore we should become

independent d. immigrants should be aware of the issues between the colonies and Britain before they

choose where to settle. 9. “Manifest Destiny” described which of the following beliefs in American society?

a. America has the God given duty to expand its borders from “sea to shining sea” b. we need to limit the number of immigrants entering the country c. Lincoln said that it was the Manifest Destiny of all slaves to be free “In all things both Negro and Gentile” d. America’s desire to control the area located east of the Appalachian Mountains

10. The Missouri crisis, which was settled by a compromise in 1820, was significant because:

a. it allowed the state of Kansas the ability to compromise on the issue of slavery b. it showed that slavery was a lost cause and was sure to spread throughout America. c. it resulted in a compromise between slave and free states at a time when these powers were locked ongoing conflict. d. it dealt with the international funding of the Traxoline Initiative.

11. The above document is most likely associated with which of the following events in American History?

a. the treaty gaining official French support for the colonists during the American Revolution. b. the end of the French-Indian War c. the Establishment of James Monroe and Robert Livingston as members of the Senate d. the arrangement with France covering the purchase by the United States of the Louisiana Territory

12. Read the speech above and choose the answer that best explains the Northern position held by Senator Stevens?

a. the Southern States hired John Wilkes Booth to assassinate Lincoln to stop implementation of these policies. b. the Northern States wanted reconciliation and “malice towards none”. c. the Southern States continued to plan a second succession. d. the Northern States wanted to punish the South with extreme taxes and harsh punishments for the Confederate soldiers.

Senator Thaddeus Stevens was a Radical Republican during the Civil War. He vehemently opposed slavery.

“The cause of the war was slavery. We have liberated the slaves. It is our duty to protect

them, and provide for them while they are unable to provide for themselves. Have we not a right, in the language of Vattel, "to do ourselves justice respecting the object which has caused the

war," by taking lands for homesteads [sic: for] these "objects" of the war? Have we not a right, if we chose to go to that extent, to indemnify ourselves for the

expenses and damages caused by the war? We might make the property of the enemy pay the $4,000,000,000 which we have expended, as well as the damages inflicted on loyal men by

confiscation and invasion, which might reach $1,000,000,000 more. This bill is merciful, asking less than one tenth of our just claims.”

--Senator Thaddeus Stevens, Speech to Congress, March 19, 1867

13. Why did Mark Twain describe late nineteenth century society as the “Gilded Age”?

a. it was a period of strong economic growth for American society b. he felt that the wealth and gain were limited to only the visible “surface” of society c. there was an increase in membership in guilds d. it was “made of pure gold”

14. Which of the following best accounts for the rapid expansion of the railroads between 1840 and 1890?

a. new amusement parks b. industrial expansion c. increased leisure time d. creation of the United States Postal Service

15. The building of the transcontinental railroad was good for America for all of the following reasons EXCEPT:

a. it linked the agricultural regions of the nation to the industrial regions. b. it provided transportation into the western regions of the U.S. c. it took land away from settlers. d. it created economic growth.

16. Which of the following technologies did NOT contribute to increased urbanization? a. The Elevator b. Steel

c. Improved Farm Equipment d. Telephone

17. After the Civil War, one way business leaders tried to eliminate competition was by a. forming monopolies or trusts b. developing overseas markets c. increasing the prices of their products d. paying high wages to their workers 18. Which term best describes United States economic policy during the era of the rise of big business (1865-1900)? a. laissez-faire capitalism b. mercantilism c. marxism d. welfare capitalism

19. What is the main idea of the cartoon above?

a. the Standard Oil Company was a harmful monopoly. b. the best way to develop major industries was to form proprietorships. c. government regulations were strangling the Standard Oil Company. d. foreign competition in the oil industry was hurting American companies.

CHANGE PICTURE 20. Which 19th-century business practice does this cartoon illustrate?

a. forming cooperatives b. establishing trade zones c. creating monopolies d. expanding global markets

Use these Speakers viewpoints to answer the next two questions: Speaker 1: “When demand ran high, and markets were scarce, he showed little mercy, broke his contracts for delivery and raised prices.” Speaker 2: “The man of wealth must hold his fortune ‘in trust’ for the community and use it for philanthropic and charitable purposes.” Speaker 3: “It is cruel to slander the rich because they have been successful. They have gone into great enterprises that have enriched the nation and the nation has enriched them.” Speaker 4: “The fruits of the toil of millions are boldly stolen to build up colossal fortunes for the few, unprecedented in the history of mankind.” 21. Which two speakers would most likely label late 19th-century industrialists as robber barons?

a. 1 and 2 b. 1 and 4 c. 2 and 3 d. 3 and 4

22. The most valid conclusion that can be drawn from the different viewpoints of these speakers is that industrialists of the late 19th century

a. benefitted and harmed society b. treated their workers fairly c. promoted unionization d. generally opposed the free-enterprise economic system

23. Which of the following most attracted many immigrants to the United States?

a. cheap affordable housing b. job opportunities and a better life c. strong labor unions d. free education

24. New immigrants to the United States generally found themselves forced to live in cheap housing known as

a. ghettos b. slums c. pogrom d. tenements

25. According to the graph, which was the first year in which more Americans lived in urban areas than in rural areas? Use this chart to answer the next two questions: a. 1860 b. 1890 c. 1920 d. 1930 26. What was a major cause of the trend shown in the chart? a. availability of cheap farmland b. increased industrialization c. end of restrictions on immigration

d. completion of the interstate highway system 27. The belief that only the fittest Americans will succeed in society is called:

a. evolution b. social security c. the Gospel of Wealth d. Social Darwinism

28. The movement which preached that Christian beliefs should be applied to the social problems of the Progressive Era was called:

a. the Gospel of Wealth b. the Great Society c. the Good News d. the Gospel of Glory

29. What challenge of urban working conditions is best depicted in the above picture? a. crowded living conditions b. child labor c. low wages d. low sanitation standards

Analyze the following selection to answer the following question:

30. With regards to working conditions during the late 1800s and early 1900s, how would you best summarize Upton Sinclair’s thoughts on the topic based on the quote above?

a. humor makes even the worst situations bearable. b. life is hard but worth it. c. American products are among the best in the world. d. working conditions were unsanitary and inhumane.

31. Which of the following leaders was not a Progressive Reformer in the U.S. in the early 1900s?

a. Mother Jones b. Boss Tweed c. Theodore Roosevelt d. Jane Addams

32. Which of the following was a direct result of the Progressive Reform Movement?

a. the end of slavery b. women’s Equal Pay Act c. 25th amendment that limited presidential terms d. universal women’s suffrage

33. The actions of Jane Addams, Ida Tarbell, and Booker T. Washington illustrate that social reform in the United States has a. utilized a variety of methods to achieve many goals b. depended on support from religious groups c. relied on programs initiated by the Federal Government d. failed to make any improvements in living conditions in urban areas 34. Jacob Riis, Jane Addams, and Margaret Sanger are most closely associated with efforts to a. educate and train formerly enslaved persons b. preserve the natural environment c. advance the interests of organized labor d. improve conditions for the poor

“There were the men in the pickle rooms, for instance, where old Antanas had gotten his death; scarce a one of these that had not some spot of horror on his person. Let a man so much as scrape his finger pushing a truck in the pickle rooms, and he might have a sore that would put him out of the world; all the joints in his fingers might be eaten by the acid, one by one. Of the butchers and floorsmen, the beef-boners and trimmers, and all those who used knives, you could scarcely find a person who had the use of his thumb; time and time again the base of it had been slashed, till it was a mere lump of flesh against which the man pressed the knife to hold it.” -- Upton Sinclair “The Jungle”

35. The pictures shown above were taken during the Progressive Movement by Jacob Riis. What do you think his goal was in taking these pictures:

a. to show the plight of women during the Progressive Age. b. to show the effect that working and poverty were having on children. c. to show how dangerous the working conditions were in the factories. d. to document the positive effects that children had on the economy.

36. All of the following strategies were used by Unions to try and organize labor EXCEPT

a. blacklists b. strikes c. collective bargaining d. boycotts

37. Which factor most limited the growth of labor unions during the late 1800’s?

a. most employers were very hostile toward workers’ efforts to organize b. most factory workers were satisfied with their wages and working conditions c. workers preferred to negotiate with factory owners as individuals rather than as a

group d. The impact of the draft on the available workforce

38. The main purpose of this 1886 poster was to

a. oppose immigrants who took jobs from American workers b. support nativist calls for limitations on labor unions c. organize a protest against acts of police brutality against workers d. show support for police actions against foreign revolutionaries

“Labor Leaders Executed for Causing Haymarket Riot” “State Militia Called In To End Homestead Strike” “1,000 Jailed as Silver Miners Protest Wage Cuts” 39. Which statement about labor unions in the late 1800s is illustrated by the headlines above?

a. strikes by labor unions usually gained public support b. the government frequently opposed labor union activities c. labor union demands were usually met d. arbitration was commonly used to end labor unrest

40. What is the main idea of the cartoon above from the 1800s?

a. labor is gaining power over big business b. most Americans support the labor movement c. business holds strong advantages over labor d. government should support the expansion of railroads

41. Read the following quote from the leader of the American Federation of Labor and answer the following question.

What is Gompers’ position on organized labor? a. that organized labor will lead to an improved society b. that organized labor will only benefit a few people c. that organized labor will encourage people to work more d. that organized labor will only benefit those in charge of the unions

“What does labor want? We want more schoolhouses and less jails; more books and less arsenals; more learning and less vice; more leisure and less greed; more justice and less revenge; in fact, more of the opportunities to cultivate our better natures, to make manhood more noble, womanhood more beautiful, and childhood more happy and bright.” ― Samuel Gompers