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The fag and the coat of arms of Terengganu are state symbols of Terengganu, a state in Malaysia. Like the majority of state symbols for states with Malay royalties, the fag and the arms of Terengganu centreon its royalty, as well as Islam, the state's traditional religion.Designirst unfurled in !"#$, the %resent fag of Terengganu encom%asses a black fag with a thick, white border and a white star and crescent in the centre that %oints towards the fy.The width of the crescent is &'e(si)ths the width of the black %anel, while the width of the star, which is tilting clockwise,is two(thirds that of the crescent.The white signi&es the *ultan of Terengganu, while the black signi&es the state's citi+ens, with the whiteborder surrounding the black %anel, the layout re%resents the *ultan's duty to %rotect his subjects.The star and crescent denote Islam as the o-cial religion of the state.In .ctober /001, then Menteri Besarof Terengganu, Idris 2usoh, 'oiced intentions by the state go'ernment to 34brighten5 u%3 the fag and incor%orate an emblem by &rst seeking o%inions from %rofessions, citing feedback of the fag being too 3sim%le and dull3.6s of /007, there ha'e been no re%orts of further action.
