  • 1. Tellstroms Thoughts onEffectiveLeadershipThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 1

2. Welcome to the NGCOA IndianaChapter Annual Meeting On the behalf of all 9,000 COOK employees welcome to the French Lick Resort! I am looking forward to spending time with you today as I share the leadership principles, marketing, and communication ideas that I have learned over the past 40 years Theme for today is Surviving but I Like Shaping the Future much better!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 2 3. Heres.What I Know! If you call yourself a LEADERand no-one is following you You are NOT a LEADER.Thursday, November 3, 2011NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 3 4. 7 Values & Behaviors That Will Underlie Every Thing We Will Do In GolfAlways try to differentiate our Properties, our Service and our PeopleBranding the as a Golf Destination and Instruction DestinationLeadership through our Communication to both Guests and EmployeesContinuously Learning Seeking New Ideas Technologies TrendsMultiplication Developing Our People & Changing Lives!Tell Compelling Stories about the Past, Present & Future at the ResortSHARE - Ideas, Work Load, Creativity, Passion/ Enthusiasm, Friendship & Laughter!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 4 5. Did You Know?Prior to GPS navigation, most shipscrossing the ocean were OFF Course95% of their voyage.Therefore Leaders MUSTTake Action, MonitorResults & Adjust to Stayon Course.Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 5 6. Continuously Learning"In times of change, learners inherit the earth,while the learned find themselves beautifullyequipped to deal with a world that no longerexists. ~ Eric HofferOur NEW Habit Patterns Seeking New Ideas, Technologies, & TrendsThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 6 7. My Building Process for EVERYTHINGDreaming FUN!Vision ActionStory StepsTellingThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA7 8. Management/LeadershipManagement LeadershipDoing things right Doing the right thingsAdministration InnovationMaintenance DevelopmentSystems/Structure People/TrustShort-range Long-rangeHow? What/Why?Compliance CommitmentControl EmpowermentThursday, November 3, 2011NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 8 9. Connection beginswith authenticity You Have GOT TO BEYOURSELF As A LeaderThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 9 10. WikipediaLeadership styles of Outstanding Leaders In 1994 House and Podsakoff attempted tosummarize the behaviors and approaches of"outstanding leaders Vision. Passion and self-sacrifice Confidence, determination, and persistence Image-buildingThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 10 11. Leadership Continued Role-modeling Outstanding leaders act as spokespersonsfor their respective organizations High performance from their followers Selective motive-choices Inspirational communicationThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 11 12. Multiplication - Leadership The first method for estimating theintelligence of a ruler is to look at the men hehas around him. ~ Niccolo Machiavelle There are only three rules of soundadministration: pick good men, tell them notto cut corners, and back them to the limit; andpicking good men is the most important. ~ Adlai E. StevensonThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 12 13. Multiple ways to applyfor a job Google Forms,Facebook, Your Web Page,Thursday, November 3, 2011etc.NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA13 14. Building your BrandHeres What I KnowEverything You Do Builds yourBrand Up. or Tears it Down!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 14 15. Wikipedia Defines A brand is a collection of symbols, experiencesand associations connected with a product, aservice, a person or any other artifact orentity. We tend to base our buying choices on brandtrust Therefore work hard to develop TRUST! &DIFFERENTIATE YOUR BRANDThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 15 16. What Do You WantTo Be When YouGrow-UP?Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 16 17. BrandSegmentationThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 17 18. Differentiate Yourself inCommunicationThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 18 19. Stimulate STAFF Creativity Brain Storming with Staff Art or Theme for SpecialsThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 19 20. My Favorite new ORGANIZATIONAL toolThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 20 21. TESTIMONY for Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 21 22. Rule No. 1 OP-INThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 22 23. Our Next Steps& Why?Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 23 24. Web FunctionalityThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 24 25. Celebrating Obscure Holidays- The Calendar & ProgramingThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 25 26. Create a Problem & Then Solve it!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 26 27. Creativity is to SEE whateverybody else has SEENand to THINK whatnobody else hasTHOUGHT. ALWAYS Write Compelling Interesting Copy! We re-purpose This awesome Budweiser commercialReal American HeroesThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 27 28. Push vs. Pull MarketingUsing Both StrategiesPushPull In other words, push- On the other hand, pull-marketing involves the marketing largely involves the active development of a highlyactive engagement of a visible brand. This encouragestarget market throughcustomers to actively seek youmethods like advertising onout, because they believe yourelevant websites, email can fulfill their and the practice Methods commonly used include media interviews,of cold calling or emailing aconference speaking,prospect.syndication of your content and word of mouth.Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 28 29. Printed Collateral???Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 29 30. Co-Branding!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 30 31. AlwaysSell Value NOTPRICEThink PricingIntegrityThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 31 32. Save, Archive & Recycle IdeasOriginal Art (1) of the Way You Might Use itThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 32 33. Gift Cards The Gift That Keeps onGiving!Thursday, November 3, 2011NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 33 34. Personalize Every Piece of MarketingThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 34 35. FREE Vendor Art &Make Memory Keepsakes! DesignThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 35 36. Dont Do it All Yourself Partner!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 36 37. Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 37 38. CommunicationIf one had to name a single,all-purpose instrument ofleadership, it would becommunication. ~John W. GardnerThursday, November 3, 2011NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 38 39. Planning for Shared ExpectationsThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 39 40. PARENTS, Expectations & Telling Your Story!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 40 41. What is social media?Any online technology or practice that people use toshare(content, opinions, insights, experiences, perspectivesand media).Examples of social media applications:Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 41 42. The French Lick GOLF PageThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 42 43. Charities You& theCommunityThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 43 44. MY Key Relationship& Leader!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA44 45. Impacting Families &COMPLIMENTARY roundsThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 45 46. Learning, Sharing & 80/20 Rule Focusing on Families: PGA Village Best Practices: Reaching out to mom, dadand the kids is required By Bob Baldassari, PGAThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA46 47. If Mom Plays The Entire Family Plays Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 47 48. 6 to 10 Classes per SeasonThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 48 49. If I Can Do This Anybody Can!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 49 50. Think About OFF Season &OFF Site Corporate ClinicsThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 50 51. Dont Wait to Sign Them Up!Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 51 52. So.Whats NEXT?Phone / Notebook APPSThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA52 53. Educate Whenever Possible Our 1st Viral E-Mail Forwarded 12,000 TimesThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 53 54. Entertainment & EducationThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 54 55. Education, Entertainment & The GameThursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 55 56. Thursday, November 3, 2011 NGCOA Presentation - Jan Tellstrom, PGA 56